Creating A Wellness Lifestyle

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Creating a Wellness Lifestyle

physical activity
moving around

what is the recommended level of physical activity?
-30 min/day, 5 days/week
-150 min/week

reduce risk of chronic disease

what are the benefits of physical activity?

becoming emphasized nationally by agencies like the USDHHS and surgeon

what is the importance of physical activity?

physical, mental, social, emotional, spiritual

list the 5 types/kinds of health

not sick, disease free (type we're focusing on)
"sufficient energy & vitality to accomplish daily tasks & active recreational pursuits without
undue fatigue"

increase activity
increase health

too much activity

decrease health

you must maintain activity in order to maintain your level of ______.
-this means be active on a regular basis
-doesn't mean you're exhausted every day

life span in 1900

<48 years old
-due to infection (pneumonia, flu, TB)
life span in 1996
75-80 years old
-more chronic diseases, many lifestyle related

lack of activity
linked to:
-coronary heart disease (as seen in children as young as 7)
-some cancer types

has different types and is related to stamina

skilled related (affects specific activities)


health related (affects activities/tasks of daily living)

-body composition
-musculoskeletal (strength, endurance, flexibility)

fueling body for activity

cardiorespiratory fitness
related to heart & lungs
includes aerobic and anaerobic activity

aerobic activity
-with oxygen
-improves cardiorespiratory
-endurance work (low intensity, long duration)
anaerobic activity
-without oxygen
-doesn't really affect cardiorespiratory
intense, short duration work

ATP (adenosine triphosphate)

-usable energy
-oxygen produces this
-an increase in oxygen will increase this also

cardiac output
-blood carries oxygen
-blood/heart beat combined with beats/minute gives us ______.
-increases cardiorespiratory fitness will also increase this

steady state
steady level of oxygen consumption

overload, specificity, individuality, reversibility

what are the principles to improve our cardiorespiratory fitness? (4)

-stress the system
-do more work than normal
-challenge yourself

-target a system
-activity should be related to an objective/goal

-everyone is different
-evaluate fitness & goals on a personal level

-improvements can be lost
-stop overloading = fitness returns to preexisting levels

frequency, intensity, time, type

what does FITT stand for?
how often

how hard

how long

-what kind
-most important factor, determines other 3

gauging intensity
includes maximal heart rate and perceived exertion

maximal heart rate

-indication of oxygen consumption
220-age = HR max
-activity at 55-90% of HR is recommended

perceived exertion
-how hard you think you're working (most people are pretty good gauging their effort)
-borg scale, 6-20

what is the recommended score on the borg scale?

exercise program
includes warm-up, main workout, cool down

warm up
10-15 minutes
-low intensity
-same type of activity as main workout
-stretch after

main workout
-choose an activity you like
-you're more likely to keep doing it

cool down
5-10 minutes
-low intensity
-same type of activity as main workout
-strech after

heat, cold, altitude, air pollution

list the 4 environmental considerations

3 x 10 minute workouts
1 x 30 minute workouts = ?

lifestyle activities are _______, if you:
-park farther away
-take the stairs
-do housework
-mow your yard

-body temperature is too high
-symptoms: dizziness, headache, nausea, confusion, muscle impairment
-children & elderly are more susceptible to heat illness
-2nd heat illness more likely

heat index
-more important than actual temperature
-factors: radiant heat, humidity, heat conduction, heat convection

radiant heat
direct sunlight

moisture in the air

heat conduction
contact with warm object
heat convection
air movement across the body

exercise early or late, exercise indoors, wear proper clothing that doesn't hold heat or
what are 3 tips to prevent heat illness?

-body temp. is too low
-mild: 97-95 degrees F
-moderate: 95-90 degrees F
-severe: <90 degrees F
-symptoms: shivering, disorientation

avoid wind and moisture, exercise indoors, layer clothing

what are 3 tips to prevent cold illness?

-low oxygen: hypoxia
-symptoms: reach exhaustion quicker, headache, difficulty sleeping & breathing, rapid heart
beat, dizziness
-tips: short, less intense activity

air pollution
-irritates airway & lungs

exercise indoors, exercise in the morning, exercise somewhere with less traffic
what are 3 tips to avoid air pollution while exercising?

strength, muscular endurance, power

what are 3 types of muscular fitness?

ability to produce force

muscular endurance
ability to repeat a force

ability to produce force quickly
muscular fitness
the benefits to ______ are:
-improve performance
-protect from injury
-improve metabolic rate
-slow the rate of bone density loss
-feel good
-look good

overload, specificity, individuality, reversibility, FITT

what are the principles for improving muscular fitness? (5)

overload in muscular fitness will result in an increase in muscle fiber size also known as:

reversibility in muscular fitness will result in muscle shrivel up and become ineffective also
known as:

isometric, isotonic, isokinetic

what are 3 muscle actions?

muscle length stays the same during a contraction

-muscle changes length during a contraction
-concentric: muscle shortens
-eccentric: muscles lengthens

assisted muscle contraction

repetition, set, repetition maximum

list the 3 ways to measure fitness

one complete movement
a series of repetitions

repetition maximum
number of reps able to perform at a given weight
1-RM: can be dangerous, measures strength
12-RM: better for measuring endurance

DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness)

-inflammatory response
-excessive or lingering pain may be a sign of overtraining

techniques for lifting

-vary the order of lifts
-isolate muscles
-split routines
-periodization: planned progression

cross training
use training from one sport to improve performance in another

joint specific
flexibility in one area that doesn't equal flexibility everywhere

passive, active
in flexibility, ROM is achieved. List the 2 types

achieving ROM with assistance

achieving ROM on your own

increasing activity level will increase ____.

increasing activity level will decrease the risk of ____.

static, dynamic, proprioceptive (proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation PNF)

list the 3 different types of stretching

-isolates muscles
-stretch, hold, repeat
-performed during cool down

dynamic (ballistic)
-isolate joints
-stretch through constant movement
-performed during warm-up

proprioceptive (PNF)
takes advantage of natural reflexes

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