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Performance management module assignments

Analytical evaluation about the current performance

management is snake system in MAZZON LLC in and
future recommendations to enhance their performance

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Introduction about Perfomance managment

Performance management is very critical in any organization since it empowers the HR office
to deliberately survey and assess the current dimension of departmental profitability,
productivity and adequacy it through various estimations of performance as far as amount,
quality and adaptability. Through performance management it the human asset management
office can recognize why the performance quality is to be created, performance shortcomings
to be decreased and additionally performance chances to be elevated and performance
dangers to be dispensed with. Performance management is the essential base for fitting and
appropriate performance examination that distinguishes the departmental, administrative and
individual performance in a particular arrangement of organization with the end goal to
design deliberately towards building up the performance of the in general authoritative
framework later on through aggregate usage and execution like performance preparing and
improvement, performance assessment and evaluation, performance inspiration through
occupation fulfilment and worker maintenance and in addition performance adjustment,
enhancement and progression. Performance management it tends to be perceived and
recognized as the group administrative and managerial tasks and capacities actualized and
executed by the human asset management office for arranging, sorting out, controlling,
administering, observing, supporting, stuffing, directing, inspiring and leaving the
performance level and standard of the organization to be particular, modern, raised and lined
up with the accomplishment of the authoritative objectives and destinations to be
accomplished and achieved in fruitful viable and proficient way and approach.

1.The significance of performance management system in the development of

performance culture in organisation with reference to MAZOON LLC:

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Performance management is quite important in any company because it enables the HR
department to strategically assess and evaluate the current level of departmental productivity,
efficiency and effectiveness it through different measurements of performance in terms of
quantity, quality and flexibility. Steven (2018).Through performance management it the
human resource management department can identify why the performance strength is to be
developed, performance weaknesses to be reduced as well as performance opportunities to be
promoted and performance threats to be eliminated. Performance management is the
fundamental base for appropriate and suitable performance appraisal that identifies the
departmental, managerial and personal performance in a specific system of company in order
to plan in a strategic way towards developing the performance of the overall organisational
system in the future through collective implementation and execution like performance
training and development, performance evaluation and assessment, performance motivation
through job satisfaction and employee retention as well as performance modification,
improvement and advancement. Amar and Stevenson (2014).Performance management it
can be recognised and identified as the collective managerial and administrative operations
and functions implemented and executed by the human resource management department for
the sake of planning, organising, controlling, supervising, monitoring, supporting, stuffing,
guiding, motivating and leaving the performance level and standard of the company to be
distinctive, sophisticated, elevated and aligned with the achievement of the organisational
goals and objectives to be achieved and accomplished in successful effective and efficient
manner and methodology. Alexander (2016).

Page 3
Performance management system is strategic wait for the sake of assessing and evaluating the
performance level and Standards of the company manager and employees to understand
whether it is aligned and connected with the performance criteria, specifications,
Expectations, then there and requirements of the company or not. Performance management
is a strategic way to rectify, fine tune, adjust, correct and improve the performance accurate
fitness, preciseness, conciseness as well as the performance flexibility, simplicity and
productivity amount the manager and employees within the departments of the company.
Effective and efficient performance management the human resource management
department can develop and establish successful training and development courses and
programs that will relevantly build and Foster the managerial and personal knowledge,
expertise speciality, professionalism, disciplinary, responsibility, productivity, Innovation and
creativity as well as effectiveness and efficiency in handling the work related function and
operation with stability and sustainability in achieving the work related goals and objectives
successfully. Performance management it will allow the HR department managers to
understand different features of their workers and employees in terms of their psychology,
mentality, feelings, emotions and behaviour. Knowlton and McGee (2015). This will make
it very successful for the managers to motivate, inspire and lead the company manager and
employees to positively participate and contribute in maximizing the work effectiveness and
efficiency in order to enhance the positive chances and opportunities of fulfilling and
accomplishing the work goals and objectives in a successful way. Is performance
management the HR managers can develop successful reward management system that is
Boss financial reward light incentives, bonuses, Commission and non financial motivation
like reward certificate, managerial encouragement, appreciation, praise and recognition. The
performance management enable the HR department to discover the talented, eligible, calibre
and productive workers and employees whom are deserving to be promoted and upgraded in
the organisational hierarchy in order to handle you, duties as well as functions, operations and
applications in successful way. Andrew (2013).

Page 4
2.Thorough and detailed review about performance management it system implemented
in MAZOON LLC, while identifying the components of performance management

Performance management is essential and fundamental to build the organisational culture

since it will enable the human resource management department in coordination with other
departments to assess, determine and recognise the features and characteristics of the
company workers and employees in relation to their psychology's, mentalities, emotions,

Page 5
feelings, attitudes as well as their beliefs, morals, norms, ethics, heritages, authenticity and
cultures. Bass (2014). This will help to faster healthy culture in the organisation and system
which is developed on basis of culture sensitivity towards the cultural diversity and versatility
among the company manager and employees. Ashforth & Mael (2016). Therefore the
human resource management department will be able to develop and improve appositive
culture in the company which is based on harmony, energy, Unity, commitment,
collaboration, contribution, communication as well as coordination and healthy connection
among all the departments and managers and employees of the company. Jacob (2017).

The company have implemented new system of performance management that is called the
top up to down approach. In this approach the top executive managers with the senior
managers will be setting the strategic goals and objectives to be achieved and align the
performance needs, requirements and Expectations accordingly. O'Brien (2017). The senior
managers in the company are having a strategic connection among the project directions of
the company in linked with the corporate objectives as well as the behaviour and the results
of achieving goals and objectives. Jacob (2017). The senior managers have implemented
specific precise and concise competency model that is being executed among three levels of

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the organisation. Those three levels are the performance than that, the performance criteria as
well as competency development of professional specialised jobs, administrative managerial
jobs and personal jobs the senior managers of the company are having accurate performance
rating documents and forms in order together and collect the relevant information about the
managerial and personal performance effectiveness, efficiency, productivity as well as
performance quantity and quality. Andrew (2013). This will enable the senior managers to
develop and improve the performance of post manager and employees in the company. Also
show the rating documents will enable the managers to understand the managerial and
personal behaviour, attitude, discipline, emotional intelligence and the overall organisational
behaviour and work psychology in order to develop healthy and positive organisational
culture, structure, behaviour, work psychology and positive work emotions, communications
and interactions. Salancik and Pfeffer (2016). The rating and documentation forms the
senior managers are using will also identify the work related difficulties, limitations and
complexities and the appropriate rectification plan of actions and execution to be
implemented in order to adjust and fine tune performance and improve it in the Future.
Nanus (2018). Also managers of the company are evaluating the manager and employees in
terms of performance to identify and recognise if their calibre and eligible in fulfilling the
performance Expectations and Standards of the company or no. Larson (2018).This will help
to promote and revert productive manager and employees and provide appropriate managerial
support to improve and develop the performance level and standard of unproductive manager
and employees. Also rating documentations enabled the senior managers of the company we
develop effective and efficient reward and compensation management system as well as
having effective and efficient career growth and promotion system in relation with the
payment instruments as well as the stock option guarantees and assurance. Salancik and
Pfeffer (2016). The issue of the senior manager that they were focusing more on the end
results in state of how the managers & employees we are following different processes and
procedures to get the work done. O'Reilly (2018).The majority of manager and employees of
the company were not interested in the participation of performance management system and
discussing their development needs and requirements because they were very anxious and
worried that this can create additional burden on them beside managing and handling their
work functions and past and might have negative impact and influence on their careers the
ability and sustainability. Argyris (2016).Also lack of motivation and leadership followed by
the senior managers and the company have resulted in the Limited involvement and
participation of the company manager and employees in the process of performance

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management and performance appraisal as well as performance development. Jefferies

The components of performance management includes the performance planning which is

known as the process of setting the performance purposes, reasons as well as the performance
goals and objectives to be achieved. Amar and Stevenson (2014). Also performance
management components includes the ongoing performance communication with the
company manager and employees that takes place through continuous performance
monitoring and supervision in order to provide managerial support, advice and guidance to
the company manager and employee and health the workers of the company he to overcome
their performance challenges, complexities and difficulties difference strategies of problem
solving Change management, risk management and total quality management. Hambrick
(2016).Also one of performance management components include the that the gathering as
well as observation and documentation of the managerial and personal performance in the
organisation and system of the company Broadbent (2018).. Also includes the performance
appraisal meetings and interviews with manager and employees to discuss their current level
of performance and requirement better Strategies and methodologies that can develop and
improve the performance standard, level and productivity in the Future. Alexander (2016).
Performance management is having also the components of performance analysis, diagnosis,
investigation and interpretations for the sake of having details background about the current
performance process, operations, functions, culture and performance results in order to
provide appropriate and suitable performance coaching, training, orienting, leading and
motivating. Zaccaro(2014). Also successful system of performance management will be
having the continuous development and improvements of managerial and personal
performance as well as the planning for the exceptional level of higher than that performance
and productivity. Katz & Kahn (2018). Effective and efficient performance management
includes planning for managerial and personal work, effective and efficient monitoring and
supervision of current performance, the development of current performance by provision of
appropriate training and development, motivation and leadership as well as rating
performance, rewarding manager and employees according to level of performance and
implementing better strategies of performance management in the Future. Steven (2018). The
performance management is the system that has the ability to engage, involved and indulge
the manager and employees to successfully participate in achieving the goals and objectives
of performance management. David (2017).

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3.Future recommendations to enhance the performance management system at

 Simplifying the process of performance management and performance appraisal for

making it fairy specific measurable achievable, realistic, precise and concise and focused
in IT strategic goals and objectives.
 Motivating and leading the company manager and employees to effectively and
efficiently participate in the practices and efforts of performance management by

Page 9
enhancing their involvement, intelligence, contribution and positive participation in
 Utilising computerized technical software, applications and program that will support the
positive efforts of performance management and performance appraisal to be more
organised, systematic, flexible and simple to achieve and accomplish without any
mistake, defects or shortages.
 Identifying the training and development needs and requirements of the company
manager and employees according to their current performance than that strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities and threats.
 Identifying the performance standard, criteria, expectations,, requirements it,
specifications and details in connection with the strategic vision, mission as well as
corporate, business and overall organisational goals and objectives to be achieved.
 Communicating in continuous wave the importance of performance management to all
the managers and employees of the company and indicating to them the benefits of
performance management in the development of their career, improvement of their
performance and enhancement of their work productivity and improvement of their work
related effectiveness and efficiency.
 Training the human resource management department and other departments and
managers on handling the functions and operations of performance management in
systematic, organised and accurate process and methodology.
 Evaluating the efficiency and effectiveness of performance management in terms of its
results, achieve goals and objectives in connection with the identified Expectations of
performance management planning requirements in order to take appropriate change and
development actions to improve the performance management effectiveness and
efficiency in the present and future.

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Performance management framework is vital sit tight for surveying and assessing the
performance level and Standards of the organization administrator and representatives to
comprehend whether it is adjusted and associated with the performance criteria, details,
Expectations, at that point there and prerequisites of the organization or not. Performance
management is a vital method to amend, tweak, change, revise and enhance the performance
exact wellness, accuracy, compactness and in addition the performance adaptability,
effortlessness and profitability sum the director and representatives inside the divisions of the
organization. Viable and proficient performance management the human asset management
office can create and set up fruitful preparing and advancement courses and projects that will
appropriately assemble and Foster the administrative and individual information, ability
claim to fame, polished skill, disciplinary, duty, profitability, Innovation and inventiveness
and in addition viability and productivity in dealing with the business related capacity and
activity with security and maintainability in accomplishing the business related objectives
and targets effectively. Performance management it will permit the HR office supervisors to
comprehend diverse highlights of their specialists and workers as far as their brain research,
attitude, sentiments, feelings and conduct. This will make it extremely fruitful for the
directors to spur, rouse and lead the organization supervisor and representatives to
emphatically take an interest and contribute in expanding the work viability and productivity
with the end goal to improve the positive possibilities and chances of satisfying and achieving
the work objectives and targets effectively. Is performance management the HR directors can
create fruitful reward management framework that is Boss money related reward light
motivators, rewards, Commission and non monetary inspiration like reward authentication,
administrative support, gratefulness, acclaim and acknowledgment. The performance
management empower the HR office to find the gifted, qualified, bore and profitable
specialists and representatives whom are having the right to be advanced and updated in the
hierarchical chain of command with the end goal to deal with you, obligations and also
capacities, activities and applications in effective way.

Page 11

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