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1. Ask the students to read the summary question first (Question 31) before they read
the passage in Section C. The summary question normally allows them to get some
ideas of what the passage is all about. It is an advantage for weak students to know
the general idea of the passage before they read it. Teachers must remind the
students that they should not write the summary first but after reading the summary
question, they should read the passage and answer all the comprehension
2. Advise the students to read the passage paragraph by paragraph. After reading each
paragraph, they should read and try to answer the question that is based on that
paragraph. By doing so, the students will be more focused in finding the correct
3. Students should be able to identify the keywords in each question. The keywords will
be clues for them to find the correct answer in the passage.
4. Students should only copy out the sentence from the text once they have identified
the sentence containing the answer. Of course, they must also be reminded that
pronouns such as I, me, mine, my, our, us and ours must be changed accordingly.
5. Students must be taught to differentiate a word and a phrase. So, if there is a
question asking for a word, they must only write a word for their answer. On the other
hand, if they are supposed to write a phrase, they must only write down a group of
words which is not a complete sentence such as ‘uncomplicated delivery’ or
‘indispensable part of our lives’. Similarly, if the question requires students to write
words as the answer, teachers should guide students to copy a part of a sentence.
Make sure they do not lift the whole sentence. In short, teachers must ensure
students are aware of the differences of these terms: word, words, phrase and
6. Students must attempt to check the accuracy of all their answers.


1. Students must understand the requirement/s of the summary.

2. Students must mark the lines where the summary starts and ends.
3. Students should know that the first 3 lines normally contain the first point or at least a
content point.
4. Students must refer to the summary requirement/s before they finally copy out any
sentence as their content point. They must be encouraged to question themselves
accordingly such as by asking “Is this a danger he faced?” or “Is this how they solved
their problems?”. The questions they pose to themselves are their guide in selecting
the relevant and accurate content points.
5. When students have picked a sentence as their content point, they should copy the
sentence completely to avoid any distortion of meaning.
6. For weak or very weak students, they may copy the longest paragraph up to 130
words. By doing so, they should be able to score several marks for content points.
7. Students must also copy the punctuations accurately as they appear in the passage.

8. They should try as far as possible to keep to the word limit. Exceeding it will just be a
waste of time and effort as anything written beyond it will not be considered at all.
However, no marks will be penalised for the extra words included.
9. By simply copying out sentences correctly, students will be able to earn 2 marks for
Use of Language.

Marks for summary:

Paraphrasing (P) : 5 Content points 10

Use of Language (UE): 5 Language 5
10 /2 = 15
5 (Language) (Total marks )


Marks for language: 5 marks

(Add marks for paraphrase and use of English and divide by two)


• sustained rephrasing • language is accurate
• allow phrases from text • occasional slips or minor
• which are difficult to errors
• substitute • very well-organised and
• • expression is secure Coherent throughout
5 5 • marked ability to use original
Complex structures
• noticeable rephrasing • language is largely accurate
• free from stretches of • isolated serious errors
• concentrated lifting • well-organised and coherent
4 • expression is generally 4 in most parts
• sound • some ability to use original and
complex structures
• limited rephrasing • language is sufficiently
• intelligent and selective Accurate
lifting • some serious errors
3 • expression is not always 3 • fairly well-organised and
Secure coherent in some parts
• wholesale copying • meaning is not in doubt
• attempts to substitute with • frequent serious errors
own language limited to • poorly organized and lacks
2 single word expression 2 Coherence
• meaning is not in doubt
• frequent serious errors
• poorly organized 1and lacks
• more or less a complete • heavy frequency of serious
transcript of text errors
• originality barely noticeable • fractured syntax • incoherent
1 • mindless lifting 1
Section C

[25 marks]

Questions 26 – 31 are based on the following passage.

1 When doctors told Jane Wilson-Howarth her baby needed surgery, she feared his
life would not be worth living. So, she left behind the consultants, the needles, the
tests and took him far away to live among the ‘sane, baby-loving’ people of Nepal.
Here is her story.
2 David, my son was born by emergency caesarean section in a hospital in 5
Cambridge, England. I had returned from Nepal, where we had been living, for
what I had hoped would be quick, uncomplicated delivery. The first thing I noticed
when they pulled him into the world was a gaping black hole in the middle of his
face. Strangely, I wasn’t shocked by his appearance. I was infatuated by the tiny
life I held in my arms. We later told his brother Alexander that elves could do the 10
fine stitching to repair the harelip.
3 But things did not go well. David struggled to feed, he choked and slept a lot. I
could no longer hide my fear I knew that he was ill. We were back in hospital
before he was a month old. There we saw various specialists who meticulously
catalogued a long list of abnormalities. But they could not convince us that 15
something could be done to improve David’s quality of life.
4 He had blood test after blood test. Food supplements were squirted into a tube
that passed up his nose and into his stomach. These made him vomit. It tore me
apart watching the terror in his eyes. After days of tests and consultations, the
doctor told us among other things that David had holes in the heart, only one 20
kidney, spinal abnormalities and the fibres connecting the two hemispheres of the
brains were missing.
5 Before he left, and he seemed to be in a hurry to leave, he said, “The baby has
to have open-heart surgery – soon. We’ll prepare for it immediately.”
6 His words sank in, but I had already made the decision. David was all right. I 25
screwed up my courage and took a deep breath. “But he is so much more at ease
away from here. We don’t want any more investigations and long-winded reports.
No more needles or tests unless you can prove they will improve his quality of life.”
7 He began to explain, but I interrupted. “No. We fly to Nepal this Sunday.”
8 On the day of our flight back to Nepal we must have looked haggard. David 30
looked beautiful despite the feeding tube in his nose, his harelip and his ‘defects’.
The Nepalese saw his soft-unblemished complexion and blue eyes. On the plane,
we had already entered sane, baby-loving Asia.
9 Back in Nepal, we ventured out every weekend and some evenings. One stroll
took us into a squatter settlement by the river where young mothers, surrounded 35
us, giggling, wanting to compare babies. “How did you make such a beautiful
baby?” “Can he speak Nepali?” I took him out of his pram to show him off and they
said, “He is so handsome, so white, so clean!” Their admiration was a forgotten
delight of having a new baby. No one in England dared talk about him or ask about
him. 40
10 The peace and pace of Nepal was healing for all of us, and David’s tube stayed
in less and less. Sometimes I would slip it in when his appetite was poor, but I
wasn’t convinced that it was necessary any more. He took a great liking to buffalo
milk and yoghurt and by the time he was three months old he was chubby. By the
time he was three-and-a-half months old he smiled. That was a milestone that 45
severely handicapped children often never achieved.
11 Things got better and better after this. His weight increased and he seemed to
be doing so well that we decided to take a break and head into the mountains. We
flew to Pokhara and, with two guides carrying all our luggage we walked north
towards the grand Annapura, through the deepest gorge in the world. Whilst I 50
gasped for every breath, I could hear David amusingly chatting softly to himself. At
a height of 2807 m above sea level, we were short of breath but the holes in
David’s heart had stimulated him to produce more red blood cells to cope in the
thin mountain air.
12 When David was five months old, we took him back to the Cambridge hospital. 55
The clinical staffs were amazed at how well David had done. They were astonished
that his growing heart had repaired the holes. He no longer needed the medicines
– and he never had that open heart surgery.

Adapted from an article “Mountain Baby” in the Guardian by Dr. Jane Wilson Howarth

26 From paragraph 2,

(a) Before David was born, where were his parents living?


(1 mark)

(b) When David was born, what did the writer notice about the baby?

( 1 mark)

27 (a) From paragraph 3, how did the parents know that David was ill?


(1 mark)

(b) From paragraph 4, there were a lot of problems with David’s health.
Name 2 of them.

(1 mark)
28 From paragraph 5,
(a) what was the doctor’s decision after checking David’s condition?


(1 mark)

(b) what does it refer to?

29 From paragraph 10,
(a) what did David love to eat?

(1 mark)

(b) What had David done to be considered a milestone?



(1 mark)

30 Do you think it was wise for the family to take David up the mountains? Why?



(2 marks)

31. Based on the passage given, write a summary on:

• what happened at the time of David’s birth

• his development until he was five months old

Credit will be given for use of own words but care must be taken not to change the original
Your summary must be:

• in continuous writing (not in note form)

• use only the material from lines 12 to 56

• not longer than 130 words, including the 10 words given below

Begin your summary as follows:

Jane knew things did not go well for David when………………………………………….









































No. Suggested answers Lifting/source Notes for teachers

26(a) Nepal Line 6: She had returned from Pronouns ‘I’ and ‘we’
Nepal where they had been must be changed.

26(b) There was a gaping Lines 7-8: The first thing she Pronoun ‘I’ must be
black hole in the middle noticed when they pulled him changed.
of his face. into the world was a gaping
black hole in the middle of his

27(a) He struggled to feed, Line 12: David struggled to feed,

choked and slept a lot. he choked and slept a lot.

27(b) Holes in the heart and Lines 19-22: After days of tests Choose any two out
only one kidney and consultations, the doctor of the four.
told us among other things that
David had holes in the heart,
only one kidney, spinal
abnormalities and the fibres
connecting the two hemispheres
of the brain were missing,

28(a) He had to have open- Lines 23-24: The baby had to

heart surgery soon. have open-heart surgery soon.

28(b) Surgery/open-heart No lifting Teach the students to

surgery always refer to the
sentence just before.
(anaphoric reference)
Remind them too that
“it” refers to
something singular
and ‘they’ is for
something plural.

29(a) Buffalo milk and yoghurt Lines 42-43: He took a great If students include the
liking to buffalo milk and yoghurt. second half of the
sentence (and by the
time…chubby), it is
overlifting /irrelevant

29(b) He smiled By the time he was three and a

half months old, he smiled.

30 Yes, because his heart Answer can be lifted from ‘The Answer must begin
had improved. clinical staffs….(line 49) until the with a ‘Yes’ or ‘No’
end of the paragraph. then followed by the


1. he struggled to feed
2. he choked (and)
3. slept a lot
4. had a list of abnormalities
5. had to have open-heart surgery
6. David’s tube stayed in less and less
7. by the time he was three months old he was chubby
8. by the time he was three and half months old he smiled
9. his weight increased
10. he seemed to be doing so well that his parents took him up the mountains
11. David amusingly chatted softly to himself
12. When he was five months old his growing heart had repaired the holes
13. he no longer needed the medicines and the surgery


Section C

[25 marks]

Questions 26 – 31 are based on the following passage.

1 Just like any other modern devices, the mobile phone has become an
indispensable part of our lives. These days, we trade our phones for newer
units, with sharper colour screens, digicams, as well as more polyphonic
ringtones. We seem to be getting new phones faster than we get new clothes.
However, not all old mobile phones go back to the market to be resold when 5
the owner decides to get a new unit. Some are left at home to rot in the
drawer while others are sent to the garbage bin, a practice which, at the end of
the day, adds to the growing volume of toxic waste in our country’s landfills.
The fear by environmentalists is that as millions of mobile phones are disposed
of with other trash, the possibility exists for their toxins to be released into the 10
air and even ground water.

2 Mobile phones are full of pollutants such as lead (primarily from soldering),
arsenic, antimony, beryllium, copper, nickel, mercury and brominated flame
retardants. Older phone models use nickel-cadmium batteries which contain
cadmium, a toxin and suspected carcinogen. Therefore, the fear of the 15
environmentalists is genuine.

3 Even if Malaysians want to do the ‘right thing’, most are just too engrossed
to figure out the right way to get rid of their phones. A private college student,
who likes to follow the latest trends when it comes to mobile phones, disclosed
that when she buys a new one, the old one goes to her favourite charity. 20

The managing director of the Petaling Jaya Community Centre’s

4 Environment Centre, said that unfortunately it is not often that his office gets
unused or old mobile phones from the public. The few times that it does
receive mobile phones, the units are totally unusable and irreparable and
there’s nothing that can be done apart from tossing them into the centre’s 25
‘scrap metal’ bin to be sold for their weight. If there are any that can be used,
they are sent to the shop to be repaired.

5 Nokia Malaysia offers a wide range of electronic waste management

services including recycling, processing and refining. According to Nokia, a
typical mobile phone recycling process involves the material being shredded 30
into scrap. Metal and plastic parts are then separated. The metals are sold to
metal refineries, where they are melted and purified for reuse. However, the
recycling rate of plastics is low, partly because recovered plastics often contain
impurities. Fortunately, most recycled plastics are suitable as a fuel
replacement for oil. In addition, the plastic scraps can also be turned into 35
plastic benches and fences.

6 Nokia encourages its mobile phone users to send mobile phones which
are beyond repair to them for proper disposal. If not stored in the correct
conditions, old and unused phone batteries may leak and toxic chemicals will
be released into homes. Even if stored in the best conditions, what happens to 40
these phones eventually? One day, they will probably be discarded with the
trash and end up in landfills.

7 Mobile phone sales continue to climb, making it unlikely that the number of
used phones will decline. All too often the one you used to love and take
everywhere with you, is now left at home, in a drawer, unwanted and 45
abandoned. However, attitudes are beginning to change as awareness and
education grow. Ongoing campaigns by various governments as well as by
companies and organizations within the telecommunications industry can and
will help prevent old mobile phones from making their way to landfills. Hence,

it is our social responsibility as users to help protect the environment for future 50
generations. Remember: reclaim, reuse and recycle for a greener earth.

(Adapted from The Star, 8 July 2004)

Questions 26 – 30

Answer all questions. You are advised to answer them in the order set.

26 (a) In paragraph 1, why do people trade in their mobile phones for newer

…………………………………….……………………………………………… [1 mark]

(b) Not all mobile phones are traded for newer units. What happens to most
of them when owners get a new one?

…………………………………….……………………………………………… [1 mark]

27 (a) From paragraph 2, give two reasons why mobile phones are considered

(i) …………......................……………………………..……………………… [1 mark]

(ii) …….......................…………………………………..…………..………….. [1 mark]

(b) From paragraph 3, find a word which has the same meaning as

………………………………………………………………….……………….… [1 mark]

28 In paragraph 4, what happens when people donate their handphones to the Petaling
Jaya Community Centre’s Environment Centre?

(i) ………………………………………………………..……………………… [1 mark]

(ii) ………………………………………………………..…………..…….…….. [1 mark]

29 From paragraph 5, state one use of recycled plastics.

…………………………………………………….……………………………….. [1 mark]

30 In your own words, state how we can educate the public to recycle their mobile



………………………….………………………………..…………..…………… [2 marks]

Question 31

This article describes the threats posed by mobile phones to the environment and the
solutions to the problems.

Based on the text, write a summary of:

 the dangers posed by improper disposal of mobile phones

 how they are recycled

Your summary must

• be in continuous writing (not in note form)

• not be longer than 130 words, including the 10 words given below
• draw material from lines 8 to 42

Begin your summary as follows:

Unused mobile phones pose a threat to the environment by ………………………………….




























[15 marks]



No. Suggested answers Lifting/source Examination tips

26 (a) They want sharper colour Lines 2 – 4
screens, digicams, and more These days, we trade our 1 mark
polyphonic ringtones. phones for newer units,
with sharper colour
screens, digicams as
well as more polyphonic
26 (b) They are left in drawers or Lines 6 -7
sent to garbage bins. Some are left at home to 1 mark
rot in the drawer…….
27 (a) - full of pollutants. Lines 12 – 14
Mobile phones……flame
- old phones use nickel- Lines 14-15
cadmium batteries which Older phone models
contain a toxin and a …………….suspected
suspected carcinogen. carcinogen.
27 (b) engrossed No lifting of sentence Only one word must
be given.
28 (i) tossed into the centre’s scrap Lines 23 – 26
metal bin. The few times …….for
their weight
28 (ii) sent to a shop to be repaired Lines 26 – 27
if they can be used. If there are …….. to be
29 fuel replacement for oil / Lines 34 – 35 Any ONE answer (1
plastic benches / plastic Fortunately, …….for oil. mark)
fences Lines 35 – 36
In addition, …….. and
30 By running campaigns / Any acceptable
advertisements / locate answer.
collection centres at Malls or Marks awarded will
public places / Rewards for be only 2 or 0.
sending in old mobile phones,


Dangers posed by improper disposal of mobile phones
1. growing volume of toxic waste (in our country’s landfills)

2. possibility exists for toxins to be released into the air

3. and ground water

4. full of pollutants

5. nickel-cadmium batteries contain cadmium, a toxin (and a suspected

6. if not stored in correct conditions, (old and unused phone) batteries may leak

7. and toxic chemicals will be released into homes

How they are recycled

8. the old one goes to charity

9. the material is shredded into scrap

10. metal and plastic parts are then separated

11. the metals are sold to metal refineries

12. where they are melted

13. and purified for reuse

14. recycled plastics are suitable as fuel replacement for oil

15. plastic scraps can be turned into plastic benches and fences

Section C
[25 marks]

Questions 26 – 31 are based on the following passage.

1 Work-related stress is a common problem among employees. It can result in

feelings of depression, frustration and demotivation. Stress management therapist,
Mahes Karuppiah recommends laughter therapy to deal with this problem. Mahes
says that laughter helps to reduce levels of cortisol, a stress hormone that
weakens the immune system. 5

2 Studies have found that a good laugh session can lead to a sense of well-
being and optimism. It can also reduce blood pressure, increase circulation and
relax the muscles. Mahes, who began using laughter as therapy four years ago
says laughter is the easiest and most practical way to manage stress. It is also
inexpensive as everyone possesses the natural ability to laugh. “You don’t have to 10
learn how to do it or buy equipment to help you laugh; it is in you. If you look at
children, they laugh at the simplest things while adults are finding it difficult even to
3 Mahes says employees who are facing pressure and stress usually cannot
cope with their work. This drags down their productivity and may even compel 15
them to come up with excuses not to come to work. “If you start work at the age of
25 and retire at 55, you would be spending 30 years of your life at the office. And
you work about nine hours or more there every day. So, if you are unhealthy and
unhappy during this period which is the prime time of your life, you have wasted
the bulk of your life with these emotions.” 20

4 To make the office a fun place, she suggests the establishment of a laughter
club at each company. “Get a few people together every morning and have a
laughter therapy session for about 15 minutes. All the laughter club members
should try to identify and remove negative feelings such as guilt, anger, fear,
jealousy and ego,” she says. 25

5 According to Mahes, there are a few types of laughter therapy. Among them
are putting a pen between your teeth to simulate a smile and the “Ho, Ho, Ha, Ha,”
which involves laughing while clapping your hands. You don’t need to listen to a
joke or look at something funny. You can do it as a form of exercise just like
aerobics. It is said that laughter is like internal jogging. It keeps the mind and body 30
6 “There should also be a laughter room in every office,” she says. “You’ve
heard of people screaming to release their tension. Why not have a laughter room
where instead of screaming, they can laugh?” Employees can use the room to
practise laughter exercises, watch a funny video or sit there and just laugh their 35
frustrations away. The cost of having this room is small. And in return it will help
boost morale among the workers, reduce absenteeism and increase productivity.

7 Another suggestion is to have a Public Announcement or P.A. system in the

office so that someone can tell a joke of the day or just begin laughing. Laughter is
contagious. Once you get someone to laugh, soon everyone in the room will be 40
laughing or smiling as well. Post funny jokes or cartoons on a bulletin board, as
long as they are not lewd or offensive. Employees can rotate the postings every
week. The best joke or cartoon should be declared the “Humour of the week”. This
is the cheapest way to bring fun into the office.

8 According to a study by David Abrams of California State University in the 45

United States, people who have fun on the job are more creative and productive,
are better decision-makers and get along better with co-workers. So, start the day
with a laugh and you’ll find the saying “Laughter is the best medicine” is really true.

(Adapted from The New Straits Times, July 2003)

26 (a) From paragraph 1, what problem do most employees face?

………………...………………………...……………………………………….…... [1 mark]

From paragraph 2,

27 (a) find a word that means hopefulness.

…………………………………...…………………………………………………..[1 mark]

(b) why is laughter therapy a cheap way to manage stress?

………………………………..………………...……………………………………[1 mark]

28 (a) From paragraph 3, which period is considered as the prime time of

one’s life?

…………………………………………………………………………………………[1 mark]

(b) From paragraph 5, why is laughter referred to as ‘internal jogging’?

…………………………………………...…………………………………………….[1 mark]

29 (a) From paragraph 6, how can a laughter room benefit a company?

State two ways.

(i) ……..………………………………...……………………..………………………[1 mark]

(ii) ……………………………………...………………………………..…...……… [1 mark]

(b) From paragraph 7, what is laughter contagious?

………………..…………………..……………………………………………………[1 mark]

30 Do you think “Laughter is the best medicine” for students who are under

stress? Give a reason for your answer.



…………..……………………………………………………………………………[2 marks]

Question 31

Based on the passage, write a summary on:

• the suggestions given by Mahes to promote laughter therapy at the office.

Credit will be given for use of own words but care must be taken not to change
the original meaning.

Your summary must:

• be in continuous writing form (not in note form)
• use material from lines 21 to 49
• not be longer than 130 words, including the 10 words given below

Begin your summary as follows:

Mahes suggests that laughter clubs be set up to make …………….……………………






















No Suggested answers Lifting / Source Examination tips

26 Work-related stress Line 1: Work-related The phrase ‘work-related’
stress is a common is mandatory.
problem among
27(a) Optimism No lifting Only I word must be given.
27(b) Everyone possesses Lines 9 – 1: It is also If students are lifting, make
the natural ability to inexpensive as sure that they copy exactly
laugh everyone possesses the the whole sentence as
ability to laugh. leaving out something may
Lines 10 – 11: You don’t cause them to lose the
have to learn how to do answer.
it or buy equipment to (This tip refers to all
help you laugh : it is in answers that can be lifted)
28(a) The period between the Lines 16 – 17: If you
ages of 25-55 start work at the age of
25 and retire at 55, you
would be spending 30
years of your life at the
28(b) It keeps the mind and Line 30: It keeps the
body fit mind and body fit.
29(ai) Help boost morale Lines 36-37; And in Choose any 2 out of the 3
among the workers return it will help boost answers. Students can lift
29(aii) Reduce absenteeism / morale among the this whole sentence, fill up
increase productivity workers, reduce the first blank 29a(i) and
absenteeism and get the 2 marks for both
increase productivity. blanks.
29 (b) Laughter spreads or is Lines 40-41: Once you
passed on easily get someone to laugh,
soon everyone in the
room will be laughing or
smiling as well
30 (Any acceptable Answer must start with a
answer) ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ followed by
the reason.

1. the office a fun place

2. (get a few people) and have a laughter therapy session for 15 minutes
3. members should try to identify and remove negative feelings
4. putting a pen between your teeth to simulate a smile
5. (the “Ho, Ho, Ha, Ha,” which involves) laughing while clapping your hands
6. you can laugh as a form of exercise (the word ‘laugh’ is mandatory)
7. a laughter room in every office
8. employees can use the room to practise laughter exercises/ watch a funny
video/ sit there / just laugh their frustrations away
9. have a P.A. system so that someone can tell a joke of the day
10. just begin laughing as laughter is contagious) / (‘ P.A. system’ must be
mentioned before this point is accepted)
11. post funny jokes or cartoons on bulletin board
12. rotate postings
13. best joke declared “Humour of the Week”


Section C

[25 marks]

Questions 26 – 31 are based on the following passage.

1 When will I be released? I have another three months to serve until I am

freed. I have messed up my life and true enough, my mother’s curse really
worked. That must have been because I have hurt her feelings a lot.
2 My father had left my mother when she was pregnant with me. She played
the role of a single parent very well until I started mixing with some notorious 5
boys in school. She warned me to keep away from them but I insisted that they
were part of my life. I idolized them because they always had the money to
spend and used expensive handsets.
3 My mother worked as an operator in a small industry and earned very little.
We lived from hand to mouth. I was never given any luxury and I always blamed 10
her for it. I felt that she did not work hard enough to give me the luxury. At that
time, I despised her so much that I even told her that I hated the sight of her.
Then, she found a second job as a washerwoman in the neighbourhood.
4 I started stealing money from her savings and once I even pawned her only
wedding ring to get extra pocket money to impress my rich friends. I spent it at 15
expensive ‘Nasi Kandar’ restaurants. At school, I became famous among friends
and started missing classes to join my friends at shopping complexes. Slowly, I
stopped going to school and when mother found out, she scolded and even
begged me to go back to school. I told her to get lost and packed my bags to
leave home. She cried and promised to provide me with all the luxuries I 20
needed. I went near her and slapped her on the face. That was when she
cursed me that I would regret one day when the whole world would turn its back
on me.
5 I left home and found myself a job as a foreman. The boss sacked me
when I started laying hands on his earnings. Then I became a contract worker 25
and stayed with the other contract workers. The workload was too heavy for me
and I started playing truant from work. I got myself fired again and had no home
to stay. I went back to my so-called friends for money and shelter but they
turned me down and some did not even acknowledge me. They stared at me as
if I was a filthy thing. I was hungry and became desperate. I needed food, 30
money and shelter but I didn’t want to return to my mother because I was
ashamed of myself.
6 I had to do something. I walked up to the wet market in town, hoping to get
myself a job there. I saw an Indian lady with things in both hands walking alone
towards her car. An evil idea striked my mind. She had her purse under her 35
armpit. I walked slowly towards her, snatched her purse and fled on foot. I could
hear her shouting for help and some even chased after me but I managed to
escape. I hid myself at a construction site and I rummaged through the contents
of the purse. She had almost RM200.00 and that kept me alive for another
twelve days. 40
7 I became excited because that was easy money and I felt like doing it
again. This time I went to the Mega Mall and tried my luck. I snatched a Chinese
lady’s handbag and tried to flee but this time I was unlucky. Some passersby
and the security guard managed to get me. I got myself behind bars, sentenced
for a year. 45
8 I truly regret now. Once I am out, I want to go back to my mother. I have
been really cruel to her. I need to take care of her. I will go back to school and at
the same time I will work to cope with our expenditure. I will do well in school
and further my education. I want to be an engineer and make my mother proud.
I will get her everything, everything that she needs. I need to get out of this 50
place. Mother, please forgive me.

26 (a) From paragraph 1, what has the writer done to himself?

(1 mark)
(b) From paragraph 2, what did the mother do when the writer started mixing with some
notorious boys?
(1 mark)
27 From paragraph 3, give ONE reason why the writer despised his mother so much.

(1 mark)
28 From paragraph 4, which word has the same meaning as the word ‘pleaded’?

29 From paragraph 5,

(a) Why did the writer lose his job as a foreman?

(1 mark)

(b) How did the writer’s friends treat him when he went back to them to get some help?
State two ways.


(1 mark)

(1 mark)

30 (a) From paragraph 7, why is the writer behind bars?

(1 mark)

(b) From paragraph 8, the writer says that he wants to go back to his mother. Do you
agree with him? Give a reason using your own words.


(2 marks)

31 Based on the passage given, write a summary on:

• how the writer has messed up his life

• what he is planning to do for his mother when he is out of prison

Credit will be given for use of own words but care must be taken not to change the original

Your summary must

• be in continuous writing(not in note form)

• use materials from lines 14 – 46

• not be longer than 130 words including the 10 words given below

Begin your summary as follows:

The writer has messed up his life when he started _________________________________





No. Suggested answers Lifting/source Notes for teachers

26(a) He has messed up his life. Line 2 Pronouns ‘I ‘and ‘my’ must be
changed to ‘he’ and ‘his’

26(b) She warned him to keep Line 6 Pronoun ‘me’ must be changed to
away from them. ‘him’

27 His mother earned very Lines 9-11 Pronouns ‘I’ and ‘me’ are changed.
little/ They lived from hand
to mouth/ He felt that she If more than one Accept any one
did not work hard enough reason is lifted,
to give him the luxury. award 0 for

28 begged Write only one word as the answer

29(a) The boss sacked him Line 20 The pronoun ‘me’ and ‘I’ are
when he started laying changed .
hands on his income.

29(b) (i) They turned him down. Lines 28-30 Choose any two only preferably (i)
and (ii) as they can be found in one
(ii)They did not sentence in the passage.
acknowledge him.
(iii) )They stared at him as
if he was a filthy thing.

30(a) He snatched a Chinese Line 42

lady’s handbag and was

30(b) Yes, he should go back to Any acceptable answer starting with

her and apologise. ‘Yes’ or ‘No’


1 stealing money from his mother

2 started missing classes
3 stopped going to school
4 when his mother scolded him, he slapped her on the face
5 left home
6 found himself a job as foreman but was sacked when he started stealing money
7 became contract worker but played truant and was fired
8 went back to his friends but they turned him down
9 needed food, money and shelter
10 snatched a Chinese lady’s handbag but was caught
11 got himself behind bars
12 when he is out, he wants to go back to his mother
13 wants to be an engineer and make his mother proud
14 will get her everything that she needs


1. This novel section consists of 10 practices.

2. Drill students on how to identify the keywords in the questions.
3. Students should present their answers in three parts – introduction, content and


1. Ask students to identify keywords in the question.

2. For introduction
- students should state the novel and the (author)

3. For content
- state ideas / opinions with examples / evidences from the text/ novel.
- For weak students, state at least one or two ideas.
- For average students, use as many ideas as possible.

4. For closing
- conclude by stating personal responses / opinions.

5. Students may answer the question using present or past tense. But, bear in mind
they have to be consistent in using one form of tense throughout their response.


show bravery/courage/ be courageous


“One has to be brave in trying to achieve one’s dream.”

How is this shown in the novel you have studied .Support your answer with close reference
to the text.


• State the novel and the author

• State the character who was brave in trying to achieve his/her dream.
• Describe the character’s actions.
• Give your views with examples from the text.


Introduction In the novel the Pearl by John Steinbeck, Kino was brave to face
his enemies in trying to achieve his dreams.
Kino’s troubles began with his finding of the pearl. First, evil men
tried to take away his pearl from him. The first attempt to steal Kino’s
pearl came after the doctor’s visit. Kino fought the attacker bravely, but
Content he received a painful blow on his head. In the second attempt to steal
-ideas the pearl, Kino was injured even more badly. When the third attempt
was made, Kino fought bravely and killed the attacker. The killing of the
man forced Kino and his family to flee from his village. When he was
running away, three evil trackers followed him to take the pearl away
from him. Once again Kino fought the three men bravely and killed them
Because of his bravery, Kino was able to save his pearl. But
Closing unfortunately, his son, Coyotito got killed. Kino and Juana returned to La
Paz and flung the pearl back into the sea. In my opinion, Kino was
brave in trying to achieve his dreams but sadly, his dreams were not


hardships / obstacles

“Life is full of challenges”. Explain how this is shown in the novel that you have studied.
Support your answer with close reference to the text.


• State the novel and the author

• State the character who faced many challenges.
• Give your views with examples from the text.


Introduction In The Pearl by John Steinbeck, Kino’s life was full of

challenges. He faced many challenges, one after another.
First, when his son, Coyotito was stung by a scorpion, he went
to the doctor to ask for help. But the doctor refused to treat Coyotito
because Kino had no money. So, he had to dive for pearls in the hope
to get some money.
Later, Kino faced more challenges when the enemies were
-ideas trying to steal the pearl that he had found. His life was in danger. Kino
also faced challenges when the pearl buyers were trying to cheat him.

Then, his canoe and home were destroyed. When Kino took
his family to flee from the village, he was followed by three trackers.
Once again, Kino had to face challenges in protecting his family from
being killed by the trackers.

Closing Therefore, it is true that life is full of challenges.



“The weak and the poor will always remain weak and poor”
Using the evidence from the novel, explain how this is true. Support your answer with close
reference to the text.


• State the novel and the author

• Identify the weak and the poor.
• Give your views with examples from the text.


Introduction In The Pearl by John Steinbeck, the weak and poor in the story
were the Mexican Indians.
They would always remain weak and poor because they were
oppressed and treated unfairly by the Mexican Spanish. For example,
the doctor would not treat Coyotito because Kino had no money to pay
him. However, he was willing to treat Coyotito when he found out that
Kino had found the Pearl of the World.
-ideas Besides, the priest who was supposed to defend and help the
poor took advantage and kept them in ignorance instead.
Another example is the pearl buyers. In Kino’s case, they
conspired to keep the price as low as possible. When Kino refused to
sell the pearl, they sent attackers and trackers after Kino. This led to
the accidental shooting of Coyotito. So, Kino gave up his dreams of a
better life for him and his family when he threw the pearl back to the
Closing As Thus, with the pearl gone, Kino and Juana remained weak and
poor just like the other Mexican Indians.



Choose a character in the story who has made sacrifices for his or her family.

Describe in detail the sacrifices that have been made. Support your answer with close
reference to the text.

• State the novel and the author
• State the character that has made sacrifices for his/her family.
• Describe the character’s actions.
• Give your view with examples from the text.


Introduction In ‘The Pearl’ by John Steinbeck, the character that has made
sacrifices for her family is Juana. Juana is Kino’s wife and Coyotito’s
She does everything for her family. She always wakes up early
in the morning and prepares corncakes for breakfast. She also cleans
and feeds Coyotito.

When a scorpion bites Coyotito, Juana sucks the poison out. To

me, Juana sacrifices herself because she puts herself in danger by
sucking the poison. Then, she insists to get a doctor but is told that the
doctor will not come. So, she takes Coyotito to the doctor. The doctor
refuses to treat him because they do not have money. This clearly
Content shows that Juana will do anything to save the baby’s life.
Juana also makes her sacrifice when she is willing to flee
with Kino after he kills a man who tries to steal his pearl. She stays with
Kino in good and bad times. Juana also refuses to leave Kino alone in the
mountain. She says the trackers would never let them stay alive. She
hides with Coyotito in the cave and later Coyotito is killed by a stray
bullet. Kino and Juana return to La Paz and throw the pearl back into the
Closing I think Juana has made sacrifices in trying to keep her family



Do you enjoy reading the novel? Would you suggest the novel to other people to read?
Give reasons for your answer.


Task 1

• State the novel and the author

• Explain why you enjoy reading the novel
• Support your answer with evidence from the text

Task 2

• Explain why you recommend the novel

• Give reasons with examples from the text


Introduction I would choose ‘The Pearl’ by John Steinbeck. I enjoy reading the pearl
as it has an interesting story and I learn valuable lessons from it.
I also like the storyline, which is about how Kino finds the pearl
which changes his character. The Pearl seems to possess Kino and when
his baby is killed, he comes to his senses and sees that the pearl has brought
no good to his life. Kino throws the pearl back to the sea.

I also learn that love is important in a family. The first is the fatherly
love. Kino kills the scorpion by catching and smashing it angrily. He also
smashes his fist at the doctor’s gate after the doctor refuses to treat Coyotito
because he is poor and does not have money. Here we can see that Kino is
protective and willing to do anything for his son.
It also shows that family support and loyalty are important during
difficult times. When Kino is in trouble, Juan Tomas and his wife provide
support and help. He allows Kino and his family to stay in his house although
they know the attackers are looking for them. They also help Kino and his
family to escape early in the morning. Juana also refuses to leave Kino in the
mountains to face the trackers. She is determined to stand by him. These two
instances make me realise that that family support and loyalty are very

Clos To me, I would suggest/ recommend to other people because there

ing are many valuable lessons that we can learn from the novel. In the end, it
has saved Kino’s life and this gives him a chance to begin a new life.



Write about the theme of hope and give evidence from the novel to support your answer.


• State the novel and the author

• Describe the hopes
• Give examples from the novel


Introduction In ‘The Pearl’ by John Steinbeck, there is the theme of hope.

First, the pearl in this story is a symbol of hope for many people.
To me, it is seen as a valuable object that guarantees comfort and security for
a better future.
When Coyotito is stung by a scorpion, they go to the doctor’s house to
-ideas get treatment. But the doctor refuses to treat Coyotito because Kino is unable
to pay. Later Kino dives into the sea and hoping to get pearls to pay for
Coyotito’s treatment.
After Kino finds the pearl, he places all his hopes on it. For Kino it
means a new life for his family. He wants to send Coyotito to school and learn
to read and write. He hopes through Coyotito’s education, they can break free
from the system that has trapped Kino and his family in poverty.
Kino also hopes to marry Juana in church and get Coyotito baptized.
He sees his family dressed in new clothes and shoes. In addition, he also
wants to have a new harpoon and even dreams of owning a rifle. When
everyone in town finds out about Kino’s ‘Pearl of the World’, they also start
making their own plans and having high hopes. For example, the beggars
hope to get more donations from a poor man, Kino who has suddenly become
rich. The doctor hopes to return to Paris where he once had a good life
through the payment for curing Coyotito. All the pearl buyers hope to make a
profit from the sale of the pearl so that they can start their own business. The
shopkeeper wants to sell all his unsold men’s clothes. The priest also wants
money to repair the church. The neighbours also hope to achieve their own
dreams through the possession of the pearl. However, all their dreams are
shattered when Coyotito is killed.
Closing At the end, Kino and Juana return to La Paz and throw the pearl back into
the sea. Hence, Kino’s and other people’s hopes are not fulfilled.



Describe how the novel you have studied can help someone be a better person. Support
your answer with close reference to the text.


• State the novel and the author

• Describe the novel can help someone be a better person.
• Give your views with examples from the text.


Introduction The novel I have read is “The Pearl” by John Steinbeck. In

my opinion, reading “The Pearl” can help someone to be a
better person. It actually helps me to be a better person.
Reading through the novel, I learn to be a better person
through the character of Juan Tomas. From Juan Tomas, I learn
the importance of helping people in trouble or in need. For example,
Juan Tomas does not hesitate to help his brother, Kino to flee from
the village even though he puts himself in danger. He hides Kino in
his house after Kino kills the man in self-defense.
I also learn to be a person of strong principles through
the character of Juana. For example, Juana has strong principles
and is brave to stand by them. She does not like Kino keeping the
Content pearl because she believes the pearl brings bad luck. She makes the
- ideas decision to throw the pearl herself when Kino refuses to listen to her.
Reading the novel also teaches me to be brave.
Throughout the novel, it can be seen that Kino and Juana are brave
because they dare to fight back and not give up. For example when
Coyotito is stung by the scorpion, Juana is determined to get
treatment for Coyotito. She knows the doctor would not come to the
brush house. So, she makes the decision to take the baby to the
doctor. Kino is also brave to fight the attackers and trackers. He
believes that the pearl will be able to give him a better life. From Kino,
I learn that I need to be brave when I face difficulties or problems.
Reading the novel also teaches me not to be selfish and
greedy. Throughout the novel, the writer wrote about many selfish
and greedy people for example the doctor, the priest and the pearl
buyers. They are all greedy for the pearl. The attackers and trackers
even try to hurt and kill Kino and his family just because they want
the pearl. I learn that being greedy will not benefit anyone. They do
not get what they want most that is the pearl.

Closing In my opinion, reading “The Pearl” can help someone to be a

better person.



Using the details from the novel that you have studied,

• describe the significance of the title of the novel

• explain why you find the title suitable or unsuitable

Support your answer with close reference to the text.


• State the novel and the author

• Describe the significance of the title of the novel
• Explain and give reasons why the title is suitable or unsuitable.
• Give your views with examples from the text


Introduction The novel I have read is “The Pearl” by John Steinbeck. In my

opinion, I think the title of this novel is significant and related to
the story because everything centres around the pearl.
Throughout the novel, the writer keeps referring to the pearl. At
the beginning of the story, after the discovery of the pearl, the writer
describes the pearl as a symbol of hope. It gives hope to Kino. With
the discovery of the pearl, Kino dreams of getting married in church,
buying clothes, a new harpoon and a rifle. But the most important
dream is to give education to Coyotito.
Content Other than that, everyone hopes to benefit from Kino’s Pearl of
- ideas the World. They begin to plan how to get the pearl from Kino. Slowly,
the pearl which was at first described as giving hope, is now seen
as a symbol of destruction. Attackers start to attack Kino and his
family. The trackers hunt them down. They have to flee in order to save
themselves. Kino also becomes obsessed with the pearl. He does not
want to throw away the pearl. He even beats Juana when she tries to
throw away the pearl. Kino becomes a changed man because of the
pearl. His family is no more his top priority. Keeping the pearl becomes
his top priority.
In the end, when Coyotito gets killed by the stray bullet. Kino
finally realises his mistake of keeping the pearl.

Closing I think the title is suitable because the writer keeps on

referring to the pearl throughout the novel.



1. Students must know the various formats of a directed writing essay such as informal
letter, speech, report and formal letter.
2. When reading the question, students must know exactly what they are supposed to
3. Rewrite all the points given in complete sentences.
4. Provide two further details for each point. Weak students should also attempt to give
one elaboration for each point.
5. Asking wh-questions will help students to give elaboration.
6. Students must also be aware of other requirements of the question such as providing
a title and adding two new suggestions.
7. Students are strongly not encouraged to change the words given. Changing them
may distort meaning and eventually affect their content mark.


Your father wants to buy a computer but he is not sure whether it is better to buy a laptop or
a desktop computer. He asks for your opinion. After doing some research, you come up with
some information on both computers.

Using the notes given below, write an informal letter to your father stating your choice and
supporting it with reasons.


• Portable • Cheaper
• Slim and light • Easier to upgrade
• Can function on battery • Harder to steal
• More expensive • Bulkier- difficult to carry around
• More fragile • Require more space
• Easier to steal • Rely on direct supply of electricity

When writing out your letter, you should remember to include the following:

• To state your choice

• To make comparisons
• To state the purpose of the letter
• To give appropriate greeting and closing
• Use all the points given


122,Taman Pearlview Avenue,

High Tech Park,
09000 Kulim,
Kedah Darul Aman.
Dear father,

How are you over there? I hope you are fine. I am doing okay here. I am writing this
letter to let you know about my opinion on whether to buy a laptop or a desktop computer. I
think you should buy a desktop computer.

Firstly, desktop computers are cheaper. They are also easier to be upgraded. It is
harder to steal desktop computers because they are heavy.

However they have some weaknesses too. They are bulkier and difficult to be
carried around. They also require more space and rely on direct supply of electricity.

On the other hand, laptops are portable, slim and light and can function on
battery. However I do not recommend it to you because laptops are more expensive and
fragile. Besides, they are easier for people to steal.

I hope that I have been helpful. I know that you will make a right choice. If you still
have doubts, feel free to contact me again. Till then. Goodbye .

Your loving son / daughter,




1. Informal letter is written to pen pals, friends, relatives and family members.
2. The format of an informal letter has the following features.
a) Sender’s address
b) Date – any form – but avoid writing in the formal form – 30 August 2010
Both a) and b) must be written on the top right-hand corner of the letter
c) Salutation – on the left hand side of the letter – Dear mum, Dear sister,
d) Start your letter asking about the receiver’s well-being – How are you?
e) If you are replying a letter you may start like this – I received your letter…
f) State the purpose of your letter – I am writing this letter because……….
g) Closing – Yours sincerely (for friends, pen-pals, etc.), Your loving daughter, etc.
Do not use Yours faithfully as it is used for formal letter.

3. 3 marks are usually awarded for format although there are more than 3 features.
4. Write your letter in 3 - 4 paragraphs.
5. Informal language can be used in an informal letter – I’ve, dad, mum, sis, be happy,
6. Do not use “sms language” such as “u” for “you” and “b4” for “before”


1. Refer to other model letters to see how the given content points are constructed into
meaningful sentences.
2. Sentences need not be long.
3. Just add phrases like “They are” or “Desktop computers” to the given content points.
4. Remember there would be 12 content points and it is easy to get marks for all the
content points.
5. End your letter in a friendly, informal manner – Well, till we meet again, Goodbye.


There are a few matters in your school which could be improved. You and your classmates
have had a meeting and decided to write a formal letter of complaint to the principal. As
the class monitor, you have been asked to write the letter.

In your letter, include the following:

Classroom: Toilets: Canteen

• Unsafe wooden • Broken doors • Limited choices of
chairs foods
• Unhygienic
• Fans not working • High price of foods

When writing the letter, you should remember to:

• Set out the letter correctly

• Use all the notes given

• Elaborate each note appropriately


Abdul Halim bin Hamzah,

Class 5 Indah,
Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Seri Bayu,
08000 Sungai Petani,
Kedah Darul Aman.

Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Seri Bayu,
08000 Sungai Petani,
Kedah Darul Aman. 26 JULY 2010

Dear Sir,


I, the monitor of 5 Indah, on behalf of my classmates, would like to complain about a few
matters that my friends and I are not happy with. We would like to highlight several issues
about classrooms, toilets and canteen.

2. First of all, it is about the unsafe wooden chairs in our classroom. We have no
problems sitting on wooden chairs but the chairs must be safe. The chairs are easily broken.
[What happened? When?] Six of my classmates accidentally fell down from the unstable
chairs last month. Besides, all the fans are not working. [How is the situation?] The fans
were repaired a few times but they only functioned well for a few days. [What is the effect?]
We really feel uncomfortable especially during hot days.

3. Our next complaint is about the school toilets. [Which toilets?] The boys’ and
girls’ toilets at Block A are in a very bad condition. The doors are broken. [How were the
doors broken?] Last week, my friends and I saw some bad-tempered students kick and
damage the toilet doors. Moreover, all the students’ toilets are unhygienic [When?] most of
the time. [Why unhygienic?] We rarely see workers cleaning the toilets. [What is the effect?]
We cannot stand the smell anymore.

4. Finally, we are unhappy about the school canteen. There are limited choices
of foods. [What are the examples of foods served?] For your information, the canteen only
sells fried rice and fried noodle. [Since when?] We have been eating the same foods since
last year. In addition, you must also know about the high prices of foods. [How much do
the foods cost?] One small plate of fried rice is RM2.50 and a plate of plain noodle is

5. We really hope you will look into our complaints and take actions immediately.
Thank you for your attention and support.

Yours faithfully,

Abdul Halim


Monitor of 5 Indah


1. Make a simple introduction. Use the information in the question to write your
2. Rewrite the points given in complete sentences. Elaborate each of the points given
by giving simple details. Ask wh-questions to help you to elaborate.
3. Organise the letter into several paragraphs.
4. You should be able to differentiate between ‘complain’ and ‘complaint’ and use them
5. Make sure the correct format is used in writing the formal letter.


The Parent-Teacher Association of your school is organising a food fair to raise funds for
various projects. As the Secretary of the Interact Club, you are in charge of writing a letter to
a fast-food restaurant asking them to sponsor the food.

In your letter, include the following:

• date, day, time and venue of the food fair
• 2 objectives of the food fair – learn to share, experience the importance of
• further details about the food fair
- involve all clubs and societies
- expected crowd: 1,000 people
- amount of money to be raised: RM10,000
• request for sponsorship of food
• request for lucky draw hampers

When writing the letter, you should remember to:

• Address the letter to the manager

• Use appropriate opening and closing
• Include other relevant details


Interact Club,
Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Cempaka,
11900 Bayan Lepas,
Pulau Pinang.

The Manager,
KKC Fast Food Sdn. Bhd.,
28, BL Free Trade Zone,
11900 Bayan Lepas,
Pulau Pinang. 12 JULY 2010

Dear Sir,


Our school is organising a food fair to raise funds for various projects. Here are the details of
the food fair:

Date : 5 August 2010

Day : Thursday
Time : 9.00 am – 2.00 pm
Venue : School Hall

2. The food fair has two objectives. First of all, the club aims to encourage the
students to learn to share with others. [How can they share with others?] They must learn
not to be selfish and help others in any way they can. Another objective is to allow students
to experience the importance of cooperation. [With whom will they cooperate?] Through
this food fair we are sure the students will learn how to work with other students of different
clubs and societies.

3. The followings are further details of the food fair. This project will involve all
clubs and societies. [How many?] So far 12 clubs and 9 societies have confirmed their
participations. They will sell different kinds of foods to the expected crowd which is about
1,000 people. [Who are they?] The fair is open to all the students and their parents. Our
target amount of money to be raised is RM10,000. [Why RM10,000?] We need that
amount of money to organise various projects that will benefit the students.

4. We would like to make two humble requests here. The first is to request
for your sponsorship of food. [How much? What kind of food?] We really appreciate if you
could sponsor 100 pieces of fried chickens and 100 pieces of fish burgers. There is also a
request for your company to sponsor lucky draw hampers. [How many? What is the
cost?] It would be good if you can sponsor 3 hampers. Each hamper may cost RM20.00

5. Every member of the Interact Club prays hard that your company would be
able to sponsor the food and hampers. We put a very high hope that you will be part of our
fund-raising activity. Your generosity is truly appreciated.

Yours faithfully,




Interact Club,

Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Cempaka.


1. Make a simple introduction. Refer to the question for the key ideas to be written in the
2. Rewrite the points given in complete sentences. Elaborate each of the points given by
giving simple details. Ask wh-questions when giving elaboration. Certain wh-questions
are much easier for you to answer such as when, who, how many and where. Answering
why is normally more challenging.
3. Plan the organisation of each point.


There has been a plan to build a mega shopping complex near the public beach in your
neighbourhood. As a concerned citizen, write a letter to the editor of a local newspaper
protesting against the plan. Write the letter based on the notes below:

• A shopping complex already exists • Project may drive tourists away

• Spoil the beauty of the beach • Local businesses affected
• Increase traffic flow in the area • Social ills will increase

When writing the letter, you should remember to:

• Address the letter to the editor of a local newspaper
• Use all the notes given
• Elaborate all the notes


Jason James,
5 Kampung Pantai Merdeka,
08100 Pantai Merdeka,
Kedah Darul Aman.

The Star,
08000 Sungai Petani,
Kedah Darul Aman. 26 MAY 2010

Dear Sir,


I am writing this letter on behalf of the residents of Kampung Pantai Merdeka. It has come to
our knowledge that the local authority has already given the green light to build a mega
shopping complex near the public beach of Pantai Merdeka. We are totally against the mega
project. These are our reasons.

2. Firstly, we do not need a mega shopping complex as a shopping complex already

exists in our area. [Where?] The existing shopping complex is only 1 kilometre from the
proposed site. Secondly, the new shopping complex will spoil the beauty of the beach.
[What will happen?] The swaying coconut and casuarina trees will be cut down. Besides,
there will be more rubbish on the white sandy beach.

3. Next, the project may drive tourists away. [How?] The beach area will be reduced
and the shady areas will be demolished. With the mega project, there will also be an
increase of traffic flow in the area. [How?] [When?] More heavy vehicles such as lorries
and trailers will use the village road throughout the construction period. [What effect?] This
will increase the number of road accidents.

4. Furthermore, local business will also be affected. [Who are involved?] Ten hawkers
who sell foods and drinks along the beach will be affected. [What are the effects?] They will
lose their income and will be unable to support their families. Finally, we believe social ills
will increase. [How?] The mega shopping complex will have a big cinema and a bowling
arena. These kinds of places may attract more teenagers to loiter and play truant. These
may lead to an increase in social ills.

5. We appeal to the authorities to shelve their plans without any further delay as it would
mar the beauty of the beach.

Yours faithfully,
Jason James

1. Make a simple introduction. Explain more about the location of the neighbourhood.
2. Rewrite the points given in complete sentences. Elaborate each of the points given by
giving simple details. Ask wh-questions to help you to elaborate.
3. Plan the organisation of each point.
4. If you do not have any personal experience regarding the issue, try to be imaginative.
Your imagination may help you to provide some relevant details.


As the President of the Environment Club, you have been asked by your teacher to give a
speech to all students in your school on how they can help to reduce environmental
problems. In your speech, include the following notes:


Reduce energy Reduce air pollution Reduce waste


• Do not waste
• Avoid open burning • Use environmental
• Use unleaded petrol friendly products
• Use products that
have timers • Practise car pooling • Use recycled
• Use energy saving
appliances • Use washable items
When writing your speech text, you should remember to:

• use the appropriate greeting and closing

• state the purpose of the speech
• use all the notes given
• write in paragraphs


Good morning to the Principal, teachers and friends. My name is Labu bin Labi from
class 5 Science. As the President of the Environment Club, I have been asked by my
teacher to give a speech to all students in my school on how they can help to reduce
environmental problems.

Firstly, we have to reduce energy usage. Do not waste electricity. For example
we must switch off the lights and fans before we leave the classroom. We should use
products that have timers so they will switch off automatically when the time is up. We
should also use energy saving appliances like light bulbs and many others.

Secondly, we have to reduce air pollution. For example, we should avoid open
burning. It is better to bury than to burn rubbish in the open. We should also use unleaded
petrol for our cars. It is also good to practise car pooling to work. Fewer cars on the road
means less traffic and less pollution.

Thirdly, we have to reduce waste. We must use environmental friendly products

that do not harm the environment. We should also use recycled materials like paper bags
instead of plastic bags. We should also use washable items to reduce waste.

That is all for now. Thank you everyone for listening.


1. Remind students to write an appropriate greeting according to the question requirement.

2. All points should be written in complete sentences in order to be awarded marks for
content points.
3. Remind students to write simple sentences instead of lengthy ones to avoid grammar
4. Giving examples is considered as an elaboration.


Many students feel that they have too many things to do in one day. Many of them really do
not manage their time wisely and end up not completing their homework or school projects
on time. You want to make a few suggestions on how they can manage their time in a better
and more effective way.

Write an article for your school magazine giving your suggestions on how to manage time.
Include the following points.

• Change attitude
• Pay attention in class
• Try to complete as much homework as possible during school hours
• Make a ‘To do list’
• Set priorities right
• Set a realistic target for examination
• Plan a personal timetable
• Make time for rest and relaxation
• Join study groups
• Seek help from parents, teachers or friends
• Speak to school counsellor
• Stay happy and healthy

When writing the article, you should remember to:

- Include the title

- Include the writer’s name
- Include all the points given
- Write in the format of an article


How to Manage Time

By Albert Moss

Today many students feel that they have too many things to do in one day. Many of
them really do not manage their time wisely and end up not completing their homework or
school projects on time. So, here I would like to give some suggestions to students on how
to manage time.

Firstly, students must change their attitude. Next, students should pay attention in
class. Thirdly, students must try to complete as much homework as possible during
school hours. Furthermore students can make a ‘To do list’.

Students ought to set their priorities right. Students should set a realistic target
for their coming examination. Furthermore, students can plan a personal time table.
Students must also make time for rest and relaxation.

Students can join study groups. All students should seek help from parents,
teachers or friends if needed. Students should speak to the school counsellor if
necessary. Finally students should be happy and healthy when they spend their time


1. Articles are pieces of writing giving information, advice or suggestions to the readers.
2. They are usually written for the school magazine or school newsletter.
3. The tone and style are formal.
4. An article’s format consists of two items:
a) Title – can be taken from the rubric
b) Writer’s name – Just write ‘By,’ and then followed by your name just below the

5. Introduction of the article can be taken from the rubric as shown in the sample.
6. All students need to do is to add the phrase students followed by a modal, in front
of the given content points to create meaningful sentences.
e.g – Students should, Students must etc.

7. Use conjunctions and sequence connectors


You are the Secretary of the Environment Club in your school. Your club has successfully
organized Environment Week in your school. Write a report to the principal about the event.

Include the following information in your report:


• 3rd – 7th March 2010


• raise awareness
• beautify school compound


• paint murals
• plant trees
• recycle old newspapers
• poster drawing competition
• speech by invited guest


• create conducive environment

• instil love for nature
• foster closer relationship
• develop co-operation

When writing the report, you should remember to:

• give the report a title
• address the report accordingly
• provide an appropriate ending
• use all the information given
• write in paragraphs


To: Principal
SMK Gemilang

From: Secretary
The Environment Club

Environment Week In My School

The Environment Club in my school has successfully organized an Environment

Week. The duration of the Environment Week was from 3rd - 7th March 2010.

The first objective of the programme was to raise awareness about the
environment among the students. The second objective was to beautify the school
compound with as many plants as possible.

There were many activities organized by the Environment Club during the week.
Students painted colourful murals on the wall about environment. They also planted trees
around the school with the help of the school gardeners. They brought old newspapers
from home to be sent for recycling. They took part in poster drawing competition on
environment and they also listened to a speech by an invited guest during the closing

The advantages of the Environment Week are as follows. Firstly. it creates

conducive environment to the students. Secondly, it instils love for nature in everyone.
Thirdly, it fosters closer relationship between students and teachers in the school.
Fourthly, it develops co-operation among students.

The Environment Week was successful and hopefully the programme will be held
every year as an annual event.

Reported by, 15 March 2010

Labu bin Labi

Labu bin Labi


1. Remind students that they should use the words in the rubric to help them with their
introductory paragraph.
2. All points should be written in complete sentences in order to be awarded marks for
content points.
3. Remind students to write simple sentences instead of lengthy ones to avoid grammar



Weak students are encouraged to write narratives essays

Useful Guide For Students When Writing NARRATIVE ESSAYS


• Brainstorm by asking all the WH-questions.

• Encourage students to use adjectives and adverbs.
• Students are encouraged to use some direct speeches.
• Remember to write in paragraphs.
• Use simple active sentences.
• Avoid too many conjunctive sentences (sentences tied together with
“and”.) -- Break any long sentences into two or three sentences.
Avoid starting sentences with But or And.


• Check your spelling

- Pay extra attention to unfamiliar words and complicated words.
- Pay extra attention to the words that you always misspelled.
• Check your tenses.
- It is better to use past tense (simple past, past continuous and past perfect)
for this type of essay. (not mentioned earlier)
- Check the use of modals and infinitives too
• Make sure each sentence has a subject and a verb.
• See if the subjects and verbs agree with each other.
- Pay attention to the singular and plural nouns
• Make sure that each sentence makes sense.
• Check the pronouns you use)
- Make sure you use them correctly. For example: a mother MUST be a ‘she’
and other pronouns that can be used are ‘her’, ‘hers’, ‘herself’.

Possible topics

• Your proudest, happiest, or saddest moment

• A triumph or failure
• A "first" -- date, dance, job interview, day at work, etc.
• Your funniest or most embarrassing mistake
• A disaster: fire, accident, flood, storm
• An argument with a relative or friend
• A difficult decision

Techniques of writing

• The teacher writes a target topic on the blackboard for example ‘ A Bank Robbery”
• The teacher has a brainstorming session for verbs, nouns, adjectives and adverbs.
Suggested verbs, nouns, adjectives and adverbs are written on the board.

Nouns Verbs

robbers grabbed
gunman panicked
cashier screamed
customers fell
counter hit
gun ran
knife held
money shouted
phone shot
security guard rushed
bag entered
car saw

Adjectives Adverbs

afraid suddenly
big quickly
quiet quietly
fierce carefully
sharp loudly
frightened fiercely

• The teacher goes over the items and adds some of hers which she/he wishes
students to use in the composition.
• Students are asked to brainstorm some simple sentences using any of the words on
the board. (Students are encouraged to form simple sentences of the subject + verb
+ object pattern.)
• Students are encouraged to form simple sentences of the subject + verb + object


1. Three robbers suddenly rushed into the bank.

2. One robber had a gun.
3. There was a car waiting outside.
4. They shouted at the customers.
5. The customers were afraid.
6. One robber slashed the cashier.
7. He had a sharp knife.
8. One gunman guarded the door.
9. They shot the security guard.
10. They demanded cash.
11. He put all the money in a bag.
12. They ran quickly out of the bank.
13.They drove off in their car.
14. The manager phoned the police.
15. The police rushed to the bank.

• The teacher goes through each sentence to correct any errors.

• Students read through all the sentences and rearrange the jumbled up sentences.

NOTE: This is for students who are very weak in writing. The key to good narrative is to
bring the incident to life for your reader.


Emotions: Various sentences can be used to describe the same emotions. Avoid repeating
words or expressions.

I was happy. I was sad. I was surprised. I was angry.

I felt glad. I felt depressed. I felt alarmed. I felt irritated.

She felt pleased. He was disappointed. He was shocked. He was annoyed.

We were delighted. We were dejected. We were stunned. We were furious.

They were overjoyed. They were miserable. They were taken aback They were mad at me

More Helpful Sentences

It was a special occasion. It is/was easy to do the work. That made us overjoyed.

The occasion was special to The work is easy. We were overjoyed because of
us. that

It was a joyful occasion. It was easy for me to It made us angry.

understand what the teacher
The occasion was a joyful one. was teaching. We were angry because of it.

I could understand the teacher


It was an extraordinary event. It was difficult to learn how to That made it easy for us to
survive. understand.
The event was extraordinary.
Learning how to survive was

It was a memorable incident. It was difficult to eat the horrible The noise made it difficult for us
tasteless food. to focus on our studies.
The incident was memorable.

It was a terrific event. It is difficult to prevent that from His explanation made it easy for
happening. us to know what he wanted.
The event was terrific.

It was an unforgettable It was hard to prevent him from To recycle is to make the world a
moment. going. better place to live in.

The moment was


It was a superb night. It is difficult to avoid accidents. They made it difficult for us to
complete our work.
The night was superb.



A Dream/ An Unexpected Visitor/Home Alone

The doorbell rang loudly. It rang again almost immediately. The sound was asking for
attention, but little Ramya hardly heard it. She was watching a funny cartoon. Reluctantly
Ramya dragged herself to the door. Her right hand touched the knob and she found herself
opening the door.

Suddenly she remembered her mother’s strict instructions. Never open the door
before you see who is outside through the keyhole. It was too late. The door was pushed
open and a strange man rushed into the room. She stepped away. The man looked weird as
he had very big ears like those of an elephant. On his head he had only one eye instead of
two. His neck was very long. He was only a little taller than Ramya. Ramya realised he was
an alien. She also suddenly remembered she was alone at home. What was she to do now?
She wished she had been more careful and looked through the key-hole before opening the

The bell was ringing again, more insistently. Someone was also banging on the door.
The person outside was losing her patience. Ramya woke up with a start at the ringing of the
bell. She had been sleeping on the couch watching television. She hobbled to the door. She
saw through the keyhole. It was her mother. Ramya opened the door. What a relief. It had all
been a dream


An Interesting Person I Once Met / Never give up / Perseverance/A person who has
influenced/changed me/ Write a story ending with ‘He made a difference in my life’

During the last school holidays, I often went out for walks at the beach. It was there
that I met an interesting person.

He was sitting under a coconut tree. His gaze was fixed on something far away. He
was hardly aware of my approach. But, when I was about two metres away from him, he
turned and greeted me with a toothless smile. I guessed he must be in his early 70’s. He
was cheerful and friendly as I talked to him.

During our conversation, he told me certain parts of his personal history. He had
been a fisherman all his life. In fact, he started learning the trade ever since he was a young
boy of thirteen when he helped his father to earn a living. It had been a very tough life at
sea, getting up as early as two or three in the morning to go out fishing.

Then with a twinkle in his eyes, he began to relate to me some of his adventures at
sea. Once, during a storm, his boat was smashed up. He managed to cling onto a piece of
plank for one day and one night. Then he was finally rescued by a passing boat. Another
time, he came face to face with a hungry shark in the rough sea. He had fallen into the water
from his boat but he managed to escape death when a friend in another fishing boat helped
him out of the water in time.

Here was a humble man who had come through life with a smile in spite of its many
dangers and hardships. Since then I decide to face life bravely.


A Frightful Experience / A Scary Day

One day, as I was returning home late from school at about 7.30pm, I was shocked
to discover a group of rough-looking boys following me.

As I quickened my steps, one of them, apparently the leader stopped me. He ordered
me to surrender my watch and my wallet. At first I resisted. When he threatened to cause
me harm, I quickly handed over the items. I felt frightened and, at the same time, mad
because I had to part with my possessions. They laughed and made their way to a coffee
shop nearby while I was left by the road feeling angry.

At first I wanted to report the incident to the police but later, I decided against it and
went straight home. I told my parents about it and they concluded that it was unsafe for me
to walk alone. They then arranged for me to go in my neighbour’s car and that solved the


An Idea/ A dream / Ambition / Motivation/ Never give up / Success / Future plan

Everyone has a dream but Ben’s dream made him successful.

When Ben was in his final year in school, he had an idea to sell something. He
wanted to sell toys but he had no money. He talked to his parents and they agreed to lend
him RM5000 to start his business. His mother said, “When you see someone who has a
dream and a great idea, you don’t want to stop him. “

His business in toys turned out to be a success. Ben started by selling a few types of
toys he bought from a factory in China. His sales were good. He made a lot of trips to China
to learn how toys were made. He learnt very quickly.

Later, he designed and manufactured his own toys. The sales of his products
increased very fast. Two things motivated him: a lot of money and no money. He knew that
without money he could not run his business well so he worked very hard.He had the
confidence and was not afraid of failing.

To make his sales even better, he kept on coming up with new ideas and products.
People liked his new products.

Ben now has three factories operating in the country. When interviewed, he said he
wanted to start another factory in the south. He said, “There are so many people and I have
so many ideas”.

Hint for teachers: Essays can be modified to suit the title ‘Future Plan” by changing
the past tense to future tense.


A Dishonest Friend/ My Friend Cheated Me/ Dishonesty

Would your friend cheat you? Nobody would believe me when I told them that my
best friend had cheated me. I could not believe it myself at first. How could someone who
had been so close to me for so many years just turned around and cheated me of my life

I should not have believed him in the first place – he and his get-rich-quick scheme,
which promised a guaranteed return of 100% of the sum invested. How could any company
afford to give out so much money in so short a time?

Well, he was very persuasive and not only that – he came up with an attractive story
and managed to get me to lend him almost RM25 000. He said he would repay within three
months. I was a fool to believe him.

Later I heard that he had migrated to Brunei to find his fortune there. It seemed he
had swindled money from other people and the company that he worked in. Once I saw him
unexpectedly inside a supermarket. He actually pretended not to know me. I tried to chase
him but he disappeared into the crowd. I was very disappointed.

Many of my other friends have told me to forget about the whole thing. But I still
believe that one day he would be caught. This is a lesson I learnt, that is, do not trust people
too easily.


An Unfortunate Day / An Unlucky Day / An Unforgettable Experience / A Bad Day

It was the first day of examination for the Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia. It was the Bahasa
Melayu paper so Norma took her revision notes and left for school earlier than usual. As she
was cycling, she remembered her parents’ advice to read the questions carefully before
answering. The examination was going to start at eight in the morning and it was already
7.15am. She felt nervous at the thought of the examination so she started to hum her
favourite songs.

After about five minutes, she heard a loud gushing sound out of the tyre. She quickly
stopped cycling and looked at the tyres. The back tyre was flat. Norma panicked. She
looked around but there was nobody. The mechanic shop which was about 100 metres
away was still close. Immediately she locked the bicycle under a tree and started to run
home. She was hoping her parents would still be at home to take her to school.

When she reached home, she was disappointed because her parents had already
left for work. She was frustrated and sad. It was already 7.40am. She started to run to the
nearest bus stop for the public bus. As she was running, she heard someone honking at her.
When she turned around, she saw her parents in their car. She was relieved to see them.
She jumped into the car and told her parents about her bicycle and that she was late for the
examination. Her parents advised her to be calm and relaxed and that she would make it on
time. Norma was grateful to her parents because she was able to attend the examination on


My Baby-Sitting Experience / An Unforgettable Experience

One day, my parents had to go off for some hours to visit a sick relative. So I was left
in charge of my baby sister. She is four years old and very mischievous.

When lunch time came, I seated her at the dining table. She spilt the food all over her
and did not want me to feed her. I had to clear up the mess and clean her up. Taking care of
her was a difficult task as she was reluctant to have her dress changed. She was also crying
all the time.

Next, she wanted to sleep. So I put her in her cot but she was restless and wanted a
drink. When she finished her drink, I thought my job was over and I could have some peace.
But, no, she wanted to listen to a story and I had to read her one until she finally fell asleep. I
then took the opportunity to watch a TV programme. Unfortunately, the noise woke her up
and she let out a cry. So I switched off the TV and carried her.

Soon, it was time for her bath. She played in the water and splashed it all over me.
Then the soap got into her eyes and she cried so much that I could not handle her. Finally, I
picked her up and wrapped a towel around her. By then, she had stopped crying. I powdered
her and dressed her in her favourite frock. It was 3.00pm, so I put her to sleep while I lay on
the sofa with a story book and dozed off after a while. It was at that very moment that my
baby sister woke up and came down the stairs. She lost her balance, tumbled down, yelled
and screamed.

I rushed to her, picked her up and checked for any injuries. Just then, my parents
returned, much to my relief. I hope I shall not have to baby-sit as it is a tiresome and difficult


A wedding/ A memorable event/ An unexpected event

Recently, I attended my aunt’s wedding in my hometown in Sungai Petani, Kedah.

My aunt’s wedding came as a surprise to every one of us. All our relatives, including my
family could not believe our ears and eyes when we heard the news and read the wedding
invitation card. The reason was we all thought she would not want to marry after all these
years of being single since she was nearly fifty years old. Anyway we were all happy for her.
At least she would not have to spend the rest of her life alone.

It was a simple wedding at my grandparents’ house. The wedding started at nine in

the morning. She was dressed in her pure white wedding gown and she looked radiant. The
bridegroom too looked smart and charming. He was actually my aunt’s former schoolmate.
They met at a reunion dinner a year ago.

My grandparents were overjoyed to see their daughter finally getting married. They
had waited for such a long time. After refreshments, it was time for the bridegroom to leave
with his newly-wedded wife to their new home. Everyone said their goodbyes and well
wishes. Tears of joy were flowing down my grandmother’s cheeks. It was a touching scene
and indeed, a memorable one too. I wished the couple a blissful marriage together.

The day I cannot forget / The ending of a story …………..never to speak another lie

The incident that I am telling here occurred on a hot Monday morning in February. I
was a Standard One student in Miss Leela’s class. The problem was over in a few minutes,
but the memory of it is imprinted forever in my mind.

Miss Leela was a very strict teacher. She was infamous for her stern discipline. We were
then little children and we were kept busy all the time. If we were to lose our focus and play
with our friends, we were hit with a sharp rap on the head or knuckles with the long pointed
stick she carried. You can imagine the horror I felt when I accidentally whistled. I was only
drawing in a deep breath of air. Miss Leela turned around from the blackboard, and seeing
my expression, demanded, “Jo, did you do that?”

I managed to find my voice and pointed to a boy next to me and said, “No. He did it.”
The boy next to me, Han, immediately stood up and said, “No! I didn’t” But that did not help.
In a moment the stick came down and Han was sobbing pitifully. All went silent. No one
dared to speak another word.

That incident made me really guilty. Han, how I wish I could ask for your forgiveness.
I don’t remember your last name, but I’ll never forget your face. My sin of telling a lie stays
with me till today. That has taught me never to speak another lie again.


How I helped to catch a thief / Story with the ending ‘…What a day it had been.’ / An
Exciting Day / A Day at a shopping complex

It was a Friday afternoon. I was sitting at home feeling bored. Then I remembered
there was a book sale at a shopping complex close by. I decided to make a trip there.

The shopping complex was crowded when I arrived. I was making my way to the
escalator when I saw a young boy running down the escalator.. Behind him was a security
guard, chasing him and shouting, “Stop! Thief!’

People were pushing each other to avoid him and some ladies were screaming. Others
were staring helplessly when I decided to do something. I quickly picked up a rubbish bin
and blocked the boy. The boy knocked into the bin. The bin rolled and both the boy and the
bin crashed into me. I was knocked out. Fortunately, two men managed to catch him. I lay
on the floor numb with shock. A lady then took hold of my hand and helped me up.

The boy had tried to steal an expensive book from a bookshop. As he was walking out,
the owner tried to stop him. The boy panicked and ran out of the shop. The security guard
who saw what happened gave chase.

I learned later that the boy was handed over to the police. As for me, the shop owner
decided to reward me with a cash voucher of RM100. What a day it had been!


Honesty / A Good Deed / Mobile Phone

It was a sunny day and John was cycling home after school. As he was passing a
hawker stall, he saw a red bag on the bonnet of a car. Seeing no one around, he stopped to
look at the bag.

When John unzipped the bag, he was surprised to see an expensive mobile phone.
He had always wanted one but was unable to afford it. Without hesitation, John took the bag
and rode off in a hurry. He was glad no one had seen him.

John tried not to feel guilty as he cycled away. Upon reaching home, he rushed into
his room and looked through the bag again. He discovered the bag belonged to a foreigner.

However, John began to feel bad about taking the bag. It was not his. He should have
handed it over to the police instead of taking it. His conscience told him to go to the police
station immediately.

The police were very helpful and soon found the man who had lost his bag. Mr Louis,
a French national had left his bag on the car while buying a drink from the hawker stall. He
was overjoyed when he heard that John had found his bag. Both the police and Mr Louis
praised John for his honesty.


An Unforgettable day / The day I got lost

I remember this unforgettable day which took place when I was about 5 years old. My
grandmother wanted to take my sister and me to town after we had shopped at the sundry
shop near home. I did not want to join them so I suggested that I would walk home on my
own. I was so convincing I could get home easily that my grandmother agreed to my

So my grandmother and my sister left on a trishaw for town while I walked home.
After walking for about 10 minutes, I began to feel that the way home seemed rather long
and endless. I looked out for a familiar sign or spot but there was none. It was then I realised
I was lost.

I continued walking for hours and it was way past noon when I decided to rest under
a tree. A passing trishaw man stopped to talk to me. When I told him my story, he offered to
send me home. We soon reached the residential area where I lived but I was horrified to find
that I could not recognize my own house. All the houses looked the same!

Just when the trishaw man was beginning to regret he had helped me, I heard
someone call out my name. It was my father. He was on his way out to make a report at the
police station. My family discovered that I was missing when my grandmother and sister
came back from town. My parents thought I was with them all the while!

On that day, I was lost for 7 1/2 hours. It is a day I will never forget because I dared
not imagine what would have happened to me if I had not got home.


What happened at grandfather’s birthday party / My Most Embarrassing Experience

Last week was my grandfather’s eightieth birthday. My family and I attended his
dinner party at a newly-opened hotel named Modern Hotel. I decided to wear my sister’s
high-heeled shoes with my new dress. I wanted to look elegant. My parents advised me
against wearing the shoes as they felt that I might not be able to manage walking on the
high heels. I assured them that it would be all right.

When we reached there, I realised that it was not easy to walk on high heels. After a
short walk from the parking lot to the hotel reception, I twisted my ankle. I pretended that
nothing had happened and tried my best to walk normally. However, I had to limp to the
dinner table while holding onto my mother. Many guests looked at me with curiosity. My
cheeks burned with shame.

Finally, I was able to sit down. I was relieved and thankful. Later, I needed to go to
the washroom. I had no choice but to drag my mother along. I needed her for support as I
limped to the washroom. All eyes were on me again.

It was my most embarrassing experience. I vowed not to wear high-heeled shoes

anymore unless with much practice beforehand.


Lost in the Jungle / Carelessness

The school holidays started two weeks ago. Hamid and Samad were getting bored.
They had nothing to do at home. They called each other and made plans to catch some
butterflies in the jungle nearby.

They started off to the jungle after lunch. When they were in the jungle they saw
some butterflies. One of them was a rare one. They were very excited and wanted to catch
it. They ran after the butterfly and were not aware of which way they took. After a while, they
realised they were lost. They could not figure the way out of the jungle.

Soon it was getting dark. They started to feel frightened. They were both hungry and
tired too. They regretted their playful actions. They knew they must be brave. Night fell. They
were so exhausted they found a tree and rested under it. As they were about to fall asleep,
they heard voices calling out their names. They immediately shouted back. Their parents
and some villagers had come to their rescue. They were so relieved and promised to be
more careful the next time.

Flash Flood / Natural Disaster

Last week, there was a flash flood in my town. It was the first time my town had
turned into a sea of muddy water. There was great chaos and confusion. Many people were

Before the flash flood, there was a heavy downpour for five hours. By 4 p.m., most
parts of the town were under half metre of water. The roads were flooded and there was a
massive traffic jam. Cars could not move. Drivers who were stranded had to stay in their
cars and wait for the water to subside. People from their work places could not go home.
Many of them were wading in the water trying to get to higher ground. They were wet and
cold. Fortunately, the flash floods gradually subsided by 8 p.m. It was dark then. Traffic
began to move slowly and the police had a busy time controlling the traffic. People were able
to go home.

I will never forget the chaotic scene during those few hours.




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