Star of The Day!

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Child/Hine: Fareeha. Teacher/ Kaiako: Naema.

Date: 18th, October/Whiringa-ō-nuku, 2018.

An-Nur childcare.
Asalam-o-Alaikum, kia Ora! Fareeha today you seemed very happy when
you came to school. You blew a kiss to your mum when she was leaving. I
praise you on the wonderful way you said goodbye to your mum. I
supported you to put your lunch-box and drink-bottle on the kitchen
shelf. When we were leaving outside to play you got your jacket and
asked me to help you to wear it. Then you stood in the line. When I was
getting sand-pit toys from the shed you came to me and held my hand. I
was very impressed when you independently used your manners and
said, “Please” and pointed to the swing. Later on while watering the
vegetable garden you picked the bucket and ask for water for few times.
You stood there and waited for your turn. This afternoon while tidy up
time, you helped to put the wooden blocks in the shelf. I noticed you were
trying to put blocks in the order as displayed on the storage box. You
were very happy when I asked Jummanah to give you a star sticker of the Commented [N & N1]:
day. Ka pai to mahi! Hard work keep it up!

What is happening?
Fareeha it is evident that now you have develop strong sense of belonging
and feeling comfortable with preschool routines. It is evident that you are
developing the understanding of the world around you. You have been
gaining the confidence to express your feelings. You used your manners
to make verbal request to get your turn and was very proud of yourself
when you received the sticker for tidy-up.

How can we extend this learning?

Staff will continue keeping active reciprocal relationship with you to

strengthen your sense of belonging and get familiar with preschool
routines, customs and regular events. Staff will reward you with praise
and sticker for your efforts.

Parent’s Contribution:
Today when I told your mum how happy you were in the preschool
during the daily routines. On top of that you gained a sticker for tidy-up!
Your mother was very happy to know that you received a sticker for your
good behaviour. Unfortunately you have missed school for two week due
to sickness. She had expressed her concerns, about you settling down and
feeling comfortable once again upon your return.

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