Victim Statements - Calkins, Jarod - Sentencing Memorandum With Exhibits

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EXHIBIT 1 VICTIM 1 Dear Judge Brown: In 2015 1 meta man online on OKCupid when | was 21 years old. His profile was all University of Michigan themed and his photos never included his face. | also know his profile was on Tinder and At the time I was told | looked 15 or 16 and I think he enjoyed the idea of a younger women who looked underaged. He enjoyed calling me “litle girl” and liked for me to call him “daddy”. | think he liked that I looked younger but was of age. | know Victim 2 was also involved with him and she was similar that she looked a lot younger, | would say at the time she looked about 17 years old. She was really petite and had a really young looking face. At the time | had graduated High School, I did go to college fora bit but | dropped out. | was living at home with my parents at the time and searching for a Job. did not have a car at the time so | would rely on my parents. We had spoke about going shopping together, ike going to the mall but he also said he didn’t want to be seen in public together. His profile advertised as saying “Are you looking fora sugar daddy?” “Searching for younger women to be a sugar baby”. I was looking for friends or a boyfriend who | could click with or having a relationship with, He contacted me first sending a generic message that | think he sends to probably all of his girls he reaches out to. It had a fot of information in it and | think he sends it to young women who he is interested in. He promised fun, travel, adventure, and exciting new experiences. | wondered why he was wearing suites and he explained he was an Attorney who owned a law firm when I met him in person. My understanding of a Sugar Daddy was someone who is kind, nurturing, a support person, someone to help take care of me and look out for me who might provide me with a way to support myself and take cate of myself. | felt like it was a caring person who would make sure I'm okay. In the past | had boyfriends who were abusive, so | was hoping to find someone who would treat me well. I think he may have taken my youth as naivety and used it in a manipulative way to make me into a weak minded, ‘weak person who he could prey on. He thought | would do whatever he said and | wouldn’t tell anyone, someotie who wouldn't stand up for themselves. During our first meeting he asked me how | could benefit him, he would forward me photos with a bed and bondage restraints on it or other BDSM toys and devices on a table, He asked me how I could benefit him and | said that I had experience sexually. The message he sent me was that it was supposed to be fun just to experiment. When | saw this | thought it would be some introduction, experimentation just for fun. I didn’t think id be painful or leave welts. | never thought he was going to electrocute me, | didn’t think it was going to be torture. He asked me to mect him for lunch at a parking lot in some city but | couldn't make it so he just came over to my parents house instead. The first meeting was 2 very very big shocker but my mind was weak because of prior abuse and sexual abuse so it was easy for me to fall into this bad situation. The first time we met he was meeting me at my parents house because he had said he wanted to meet me in person and my parents were not home, When he came inside he had a bag with him that day. At first we just sat on the couch and relaxed and he took out bondage toys and started using them on me without asking, I'm 5'0, 120 pounds and he’s 674 | was not expecting him to look the way he did, he looked much older than | expected. He had told me he was 38 years old before |we met, Every time we met he was wearing a suit, He was aggressive and used power and control with me with demeaning looks and manipulating me. He would demand me to do things. He had a glass dildo and a vibrator wand and was aggressively using the glass dildo in my vagina and using the vibrator at the same time. [was laying on his lap like | was just there he didn’t show any emotion at this time. He took outa toy, a crop, that he could whip me with, he told me to stay still and he used it to whip my vagina. He tied restraints from his bag to my parents balcony and he tied my hands so | couldn't get out of the chair | was in, | was suspended on the chair with my hands tied so I couldn't move very well at all. He used toys on me and when | expressed this was painful he would say things like “I know you can take it” as he hit me with a crop, | told him this hurt me a lot but he tried two different types of whipping toys to experiment with e levels of pain. It was like a beating, it wouldn't stop. I borderline cried at this point. He quickly had vaginal intercourse with me before it ended. | thought he would bring me a gift because he had mentioned he was going to but he just left $100 on the table when he was leaving so | was confused by this. thought he would wrap a gift for me, something nice that a boyfriend would give, something wrapped in a box for me to open. He sald It was so I could buy myself something and then he left. At one point he sent me a gift box to my parents house with a jeweled butt plug, he told me he wanted me to use it to expand so it would be easier for him to have anal sex with me. it had a pink jewel on it and it was silver, I was surprised by this. We spoke often, probably everyday | don’t know exactly what | was thinking about him. At some point | gained interest in him and wanted to be in a relationship with him because | didn't know he was married, leven spoke with my friend about it. lwas okay doing these sexual things because | hoped it would develop into a relationship. He came over to my parents house again and we went into the spare bedroom where my sister stays, he ‘was there for about a half hour. He mentally manipulated me, he got into my head while having intercourse with me. We started in missionary position and he then started saying things during that began to manipulate me he was trying to control me and dominate me to do things for his pleasure, oF at least be submissive enough to not stop it. thought if did this it would develop into a relationship, now | know that’s not what he wanted because he was just using me. Prior to meting he wanted me to have the butt plug in for 3 days so, we could have anal sex. He inserted a jshaped hook into my anus that was connected to a rope that was connected to a collar around my neck and further connected to leather restraints around my wrists that hooked together while my wrists were restrained. He told me to bend over and he took a photo of this on his phone, They were inescapable restraints and If complained he tightened the restraints, {never had a say in when the restraints would come off. | ‘complained about it hurting and he would respond by saying “I know you can handle it.” He left me $50 before he left. ‘The next time we met he sent an Uber to my house to pick me up and drop me off at a grocery store where he met me. It took a while, the Uber urive waited for me for a while and I didn’t think he was going to show up. When he arrived he then he drove me to his house. He pulled into his garage, so no ‘one would see me. Then we went into the house and down to the basement he was being nicer than the last time. There was a couch with a TV in front of it, he had me perform oral sex on him before he had vaginal intercourse with me. | was at his house for a half hour or less. Because he didn’t assault me | thought things were different, that we were possibly heading towards a relationship. He acted like he felt bad about giving me money last time and now he was being a nicer guy. He gave me $150 this time tomake up for the last time for not giving me so much, I had asked again about a gift he might have for me before he gave me the money. | noticed the photos of his children and a photo of him with a women but | didn’t mention them to him. | then took an Uber home. | enjoyed this visit because | saw a different side of him.

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