Sample Activities

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Inventors Showcase Presentations

Directions: ​Each of you will be assigned an inventor who lived during the Industrial Revolution.
Then, you will need to conduct research on your inventor as well as their most famous

Next, you will prepare first person accounts of your assigned inventor’s most famous invention
to present in class.

You will need to give background on why the inventor created the device as well as demonstrate
how the device works. This demonstration can be done by showing pictures of the device on
Google Slides or another presentation software/website (Prezi, etc.) ​Note: You are not allowed
to use videos to demonstrate how the device works.

We will then present during our Inventors Showcase where you will present the invention as if
you are the inventor from that time in history.

Jethro Tull - seed drill

Eli Whitney - cotton gin

James Hargreaves - spinning jenny

Richard Arkwright - spinning frame

John Kay - flying shuttle

Edmund Cartwright - power loom

Richard Arkwright - water frame

James Watt - steam engine

Richard Trevithick - steam engine to power first locomotive

Robert Fulton - steamship

Thomas Newcomen - steam engine for pumping water

Henry Cort - puddling

Grading Rubric

3 2 1 Score

Presentation The student has The student has created The student has created
created a presentation a presentation that a presentation that
that includes pictures includes pictures with includes some pictures
with captions and some captions and some with no captions and no
bulleted information bulleted information bulleted information
that aid the student in and/or complete and/or complete
their presentation, but sentences. The sentences. The
do not tell the presentation does the presentation does all the
presentation for them. majority of the work work instead of the
instead of the student. student.

Invention The invention is The invention is The invention has little

explained thoroughly somewhat explained in to no explanation in
in how it works and how it works and what how it works and what
what it is used for. The it is used for. The it is used for. The
invention is shown invention is barely invention is not shown
through visuals (not shown through visuals through visuals (not
videos) with captions. (not videos) with some videos) with no
captions. captions.

Reason Why The student The student somewhat The student barely
thoroughly explains explains the reason why explains the reason why
the reason why their their inventor chose to their inventor chose to
inventor chose to create their invention. create their invention.
create their invention. The student barely The student does not
The student explains explains what problem explain what problem
what problem the the inventor saw and the inventor saw and
inventor saw and what what they did to fix it. what they did to fix it.
they did to fix it.

First Person The student presents The student presents the The student presents the
the presentation presentation mostly in presentation barely in
entirely in the first the first person, acting the first person, acting
person, acting as as though they are their as though they are their
though they are their inventor. inventor.

Total:​​ ​_________________​/36
Nationalism and Unification Letter Writing Project

Directions:​​ Write a letter from the perspective of someone within the movement of nationalism
and/or unification in a particular country. You may choose any country we talked about in the
notes (for South America, write from the perspective of someone following either Jose de San
Martin or Simon Bolivar).

This letter needs to talk about the following points:

● What is the purpose of this movement
● Who are the leaders/important people in this movement
● Where is this movement taking place
● What is the result of the movement (what changes, if any, occurred)

This letter must be written from a first person perspective, meaning that you need to write it as
though you are there participating in the movements.

This letter needs five paragraphs (an intro, three body, and conclusion) that EACH have 3-5
complete sentences.
Grading Rubric

3 2 1 Score

People/Places The student clearly The student identifies The student does not
identifies where the is where the movement identify where the
taking place and who is taking place but movement is taking
the main leaders are in does not identify who place as well as does
the movement. the main leaders are in not identify who the
the movement. main leaders are in the

Purpose/Result The student clearly The student states the The student does not
states the purpose purpose behind the state the purpose
behind the movement movement but does behind the movement
as well as the results not state the results and does not state the
that came from the that came from the results that came from
movement. movement. the movement.

Organization The student organizes The student somewhat The student does not
their letter in the organizes their letter in organize their letter in
correct format of five the correct format of the correct format of
paragraphs: intro five paragraphs: intro five paragraphs: intro
paragraph, three body paragraph, three body paragraph, three body
paragraphs, and paragraphs, and paragraphs, and
conclusion paragraph. conclusion paragraph. conclusion paragraph.

First Person The student writes the The student writes the The student writes the
letter entirely in the letter mostly in the letter barely in the first
first person, acting as first person, acting as person, acting as
though they are their though they are their though they are their
inventor. inventor. inventor.


Follow the instructions in the left-hand column examining the similarities and differences
between the countries of the United States, North Korea, Russia, and Great Britain.
After you complete the questions in your groups, you will be moved into another group to
compare other answers and discuss any differences.

United States North Korea Russia Great Britain

Rate on a
scale of
1-10 how
c the
country is.
1 - not
10 - very

why you
gave them
the rating
you did.

Is the
a good
form of
or a bad

why it is
either a
good form
or a bad
Summative Assessment for Chapters 10/11

For this assignment, you will be given two projects to choose from and you must pick ​one​​ to

Choice 1:​​ You are designing a social studies textbook for a textbook company. Create a timeline
of the top twenty events that occurred during both Industrial Revolutions. The timeline needs to
span the entire time period that is covered in this section. Timelines can either be hand-drawn or
created on your Chromebooks. Each event on the timeline needs an image or symbol attached to
it (this does not have to be a detailed image or symbol, just something small to help show where
it is on the timeline). For each of the twenty events on the timeline, there needs to be a 2-3
sentence written explanation on a separate sheet of paper. This explanation needs to give a
summary of the event and explain ​why​ you chose this event and why it is important. Below is a
rubric detailing what I am looking for in this project.

Choice 2:​​ You are a cartoonist working for a newspaper. Design three political cartoons
discussing major events that happened during the times of the Industrial Revolutions. There
needs to be three political cartoons, one from the First Industrial Revolution and one from the
Second Industrial Revolution (the third one you can choose either one). The cartoons can be
hand-drawn or created on your Chromebooks (note: I am not grading you on your artistic ability,
but rather your ability to show your knowledge of this time period through your cartoon). With
each of the three cartoon, there needs to be a 5-7 sentence paragraph detailing what the cartoon is
depicting and what topics or events are being referenced. Below is a rubric detailing what I am
looking for in this project.

This assignment needs to be handed in with ​either ​a physical copy OR emailed to

This assignment is due ​October 8, 2018 at ​the beginning of class​​.

Rubric for Timeline

Timeline 50-41 40-31 30-21 20-11 10-1 Score

Every event on Timeline is Timeline Timeline is Timeline is

the timeline has missing ten is missing missing missing forty
an image AND or more twenty or thirty or or more
has its date near images more more images
it. 1 point is and/or images images and/or dates.
taken off for dates. and/or and/or Timeline is
each image Timeline is dates. dates. not laid out
and/or date that laid out Timeline Timeline is correctly so
is missing. correctly so is laid out laid out that the
Timeline is laid that the correctly correctly so begin and
out correctly so begin and so that the that the end dates are
that the begin end dates begin and begin and before and
and end dates are before end dates end dates after all the
are before and and after all are before are before events.
after all the the events. and after and after all
events. all the the events.

Write 25-21 20-16 15-11 10-6 5-1 Score


Content Every event is Some Many Most Few or no

summarized events are events are events are events are
correctly AND not not not summarized
is given a reason summarized summariz summarize correctly OR
why it was correctly ed d correctly given a
chosen. Points OR given a correctly OR given a reason why
will be taken off reason why OR given reason why it was
if EACH event it was a reason it was chosen.
is not chosen. why it chosen.
summarized was
correctly or does chosen.
not have a
reason why it
was chosen.

Organiza Each event has Some Many Most Few or no

tion 2-3 complete events do events do events do events have
sentences and not have 2-3 not have not have 2-3 complete
grammar is complete 2-3 2-3 sentences
correct. Points sentences complete complete and/or little
will be taken off and/or some sentences sentences to no
if there are not of the and/or and/or most grammar is
the right number grammar is much of of the correct.
of sentences, inaccurate. the grammar is
sentences are grammar inaccurate.
incomplete is
and/or grammar inaccurate
is inaccurate. .

Total: ________/100
Rubric for Political Cartoons

Cartoons 50-41 40-31 30-21 20-11 10-1 Score

Each cartoon is One Two Three Three

fully finished cartoon is cartoons cartoons are cartoons
being created and not fully are not not fully are not
accurately depicts finished fully finished fully
a topic/event and/or it finished and/or they finished
during this time does not and/or they do not and they do
period. Points will accurately do not accurately not
be taken off if depict a accurately depict a accurately
cartoons are not topic/even depict a topic/event depict a
complete and/or t during topic/event during this topic/event
they do not this time during this time period. during this
accurately depict a period. time time
topic/event during period. period.
this time period.

Write 25-21 20-16 15-11 10-6 5-1 Score


Content Each cartoon has a One Two Three Three

paragraph that cartoon cartoons cartoons cartoons
accurately has a have a have a have a
explains what the paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph
cartoon is showing that does that do not that do not that do not
AND states which not accurately accurately accurately
topics or events accurately explain explain explain
are being explain what the what the what the
referenced. Points what the cartoons cartoons are cartoons
will be taken off if cartoon is are showing are
the paragraph does showing showing and/or do showing
not explain the and/or and/or do not state and do not
cartoon OR state does not not state which state which
which topics or state which topics or topics or
events are being which topics or events are events are
referenced. topics or events are being being
events are being referenced. referenced.
being referenced.

Organiza Each cartoon has a One Two Three Three

tion paragraph that is cartoon cartoons cartoons do cartoons do
5-7 complete does not do not not have a not have a
sentences long have a have a paragraph paragraph
AND all grammar paragraph paragraph that is 5-7 that is 5-7
is accurate. Points that is 5-7 that is 5-7 complete complete
will be taken off if complete complete sentences sentences
there are not the sentences sentences long and/or long and
right number of long long grammar is grammar is
sentences, and/or and/or inaccurate. inaccurate.
sentences are not grammar grammar is
complete, or is inaccurate.
grammar is inaccurate.

Total: ________/100

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