Robert Kendel Arrest Report

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1128/2018 6:17 AM FILED IN OFFICE OF TIFFANY M. RUSSELL CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT ORANGE COUNTY FL. ‘Orange County ICJIS Arrest Affidavit Cw) Division Areested @ Atlan Q JRA O Document #: 833527 4 Document Dater_ 1272018 Comrcwet [BEF | [pS Say fscrionor [puTine [Rewer Cue 5, pene’ 12772018 14:53 Kemer 15-108349 Eee Ofreees _272018 1150 [DEFENDANT tee Ne rao3sei2 [48 ENGLISH Rave a . EIR lcsran, KENDEL» ROBERT BRUCE J w |" w_brnsno70 hi Wan i le ro For oF si0 310 BRO Ko fog: ORLANDO ate: FL _fCounts US Leese, 8701 GRANADABV us J oacanno Parr PR camefiome Par aay wenn "NON HISPANIC Jossarstiene! sync are Rear Tr riers saa762700590| a pe to Pho: locas os tee 7 ee Freon Fe fertor Kin im ae ar ree [NGGRAVATORS: Fivare —_—JWeopon_ [teak Ves —JOomvated Irae Pisce ame CORAVATORS: o Peo Bo Po ie [ieee 0 fie a aang |OFFENSES: a oO oO eg [eat CIRCUTT eCasny: = poor cen] Bond TLE] DrugName | Smee coe Deerpn acivaam [F880R0] 9 | drearane [Ser vi ri par ToT fous T| __SEXOFENDER VIOLATIONFATTO Tanamioage oa HoBOND RESPOND TO AV LETTER W13 WKS "i ace for Prato? fmouce ssteee Lay ¥ Peas YATSKOIOSHIIA cores ant ee ayof November year 2018, Ta oF ABO RENTS COT Te Gory aE4 7000 soayrane @ tawexicenmerconnowomee Q [swam “P —_varsxo. 108A (Toot | o resent Kaown rouce dei haan [eee ad rey a nt sn Re ea sae hee pe Mf rane or a Se is oS weaned i ty et SN Tacs mt md or wen Gown. Dram sattor | "ANDINO,JANNETTEA Gaoney jagraD 41/28/2018 6:17 AM FILED IN OFFICE OF TIFFANY M. RUSSELL CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT ORANGE COUNTY FL [Orange County ICUIS Arrest Affidavit (continues) Anes @ Atlas Oma Docament#: 833527 Division: TIA Court Case [Defendant's [agency Case fe KENDEL, ROBERT BRUCE JR gene CE 18.108349 IARRATIVE: The undersigned hus probable ceuse to believe the above-named defendant on the 27_ of November 2018 __ at 10:14 at $200 OLD WINTER GARDEN RD (Zone: _—32_) in Orange County dié On July 6 1993, Rotert Bruce Kendel was convicted of Sexual Battery by Adult with Victim Under 12 Years Old, Florida State Siete 794.011(2), in Orange County, Florida. This does in fact qualify Rober’ Bruce Kerdel as a sexual offender as described in Florida law. October 23, 2018, was the lest time Robert Bruce Kendel registered as a sexual offender at the Orange County Sneriffs Office. Robert Bruce Kendel signed and dated is Florida Department of Law Enforcement Sexual Predaior/Oflender Registration form. As part of this process, he was given a copy of his form which contained his obligations to maintain registrtion and the penaty for failing to do so. This was witnessed by Orange Couny Sheriffs Office Empioyee, Earl Moore. This information confirms Robert Bruce Kendel is aware of his obligaiors 10 Include: failure to register employment, Internet identifiers, emails, ets. At the top of the registration form which was signed by Robert Bruce Kengel it sates his neat re-egisration month would be January of 2019, Robert Bruce Kendel was bom in the month of July. Rober Bruce Kengel revegistaion months are July, October, January, and April of each year. On November 21, 2018, a criminal investigation was initiated to determine if Robert Bruce Kendel was in compliance with his sexual offender regisration requitements. On November 26, 2018 1 conducted ‘check of Robert Bruce Kende's Ste of Florida Drivers Identification Card/Drive’s License, through the DAVID ‘Criminal Justice Network, Which revealed Robert Bruce Kendet’s Florida Driver's License/Idensfication Card was up to date aS required under FSS: 943.0835, Rober Bruce Kende!s Floiida Driver's Lizense/identifcaion Card shows the address of 8701 Granada Boulevard, Orlando, Florida 32835. | Robert Bruce Kendel registered the address of 8701 Granada Boulevard, Orlando, Florida 3283641 the last regisration on October 25, 2018. This database is maintained by the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles and is currert. On November 26, 2018, 1 conducted a check of the Florids Department of Law Exforcemen's secure database to check the most recent registration for Robert Bruce Kendel. This check confirmed his last cegisration was with the Orange County Sheriffs OfMize on October 25, 2018 A diligent search was conducted by analyst Toni Taylor which showed no other registrations within the Site of Florida sinee October 25, 2018 On November 27, 2018, | conducted a nationwide database scarch which revealed that Robert Bruce Kendel was not registered in any other state, On November 21, 2018, an anonymous tip was reccived about a sex offender by the name of Robert Bruce Kendel cressing up as Sana and attending Christmas Parties and events. Robert Bruce Kendel advertises his employment of being 2 professional Santa by using 4 Craigslist td. 1 was able to view Robert Bruce Kende's Craigslist ad which contained three photographs of him dressed as Senta One of the pictures stows @ child siting on Semte’s lap. The phone number assoviated with the Craigslist ad was (321) 746-4842, This same phone number i listed on Robert Bruce Kendel's sex offender registration as a mobile contact. Robert Bruce Kenéel charges fees for his business of dressing as Santa and atending events to take pictures. Copies of the Craigslist ad were submitted into evidence, On November 26, 2018, Sergeant Mankewich responded 0 Robet Broce Kendels Craigslist ad via text from an undercover phone, Robert Bruce Kendel did not respond back via text and called Sergeant Mankewich back from phone number (321) 746-4842. At this time @ controlled phone call was recoided tetween Sergeant Mankewich ard Robert Bruce Kendel which set up @ meet for an "office party." Rober Bruce Kendel agreed to meet at $200 01d Wintct Garden Road (Orlando Rose Place Park) at 1200 hours on November 27, 2018, Robert Bruce Kendel egived to meet as "Senta" for $80.00cash ‘with a provided receipt. Robert Bruce Kendel said he would be driving up in a dark green Town and Country mini van, Robert Bruce Kendel hhas 2 2005 Green Chrysler Town and Country bearing Florida Tag: 123MGS registered in DAVID and on his sex offender registration. Prior 1 the meeting, four $20.00 bills were photo copied in erder to record what bills were used as payment. A copy of the bills was submited ints evidence. On November 27, 2018, at approximately 113Shours, I observed a Green Town and Country mini van being driven by @ white male ater identified ss Robert Bruce Kendel) in a Santa outfit, The vehicle was being diven from 8701 Granads Boulevard and out of the subdivision, At approximately 11SOhours, Robert Bruse Kesdel arrived at 8200 Old Winter Garden Road (Orlando Rose Place atk) end was appreached by Sergeant Markewich at his mini van. At thie time, Sergeant Mankewich handed Robert Bruce Kendel $89.00 cash and in return, Sergeant Mankewich received 2 hand written receipt signed by "Senta Bob.” Robert Bruce Kendsl was walked over 10 the middle of the park by Sergeant Mankewich to take aroup photos. Robert Bruce Kendel wat wearing a full Sania outfit with black shoes, red pasts wit white tim, a red coat with white trim. a red and white Santa het, and fake white beard, At thi time, I walked over towards Robert Bruce Kendel and proceeded to hand cuff Robert Bruce Kendel ftom behind. The money used as payment wee recovered from Robert Bruce Kendel's driver side door panel along with his cell phone. Robert Bruce Kendel was transported to the Orange County Sheriffs Office Central Operaions inerview rooms. While trinsporing Robert Bruce Kendel to Central Operations, he spostareously uttered, "I was just trying to make extra money for my family.” Upon ariving at Certral Opemtions, Robert Bruce Kendel was escorted to Interview #1. A video recording was started eee re (CES lois 27 eave November vor 2 ‘Wiiers Bis Pane NO Nowy Pubic Law Enbreement or Contos Of Pesonaly Known Prducedienvicabon [re ortdeniton Sonn rae stare oF | ANDINO JANETTE A Toner Tasezare 11/28/2018 6:17 AM FILED IN OFFICE OF TIFFANY M, RUSSELL CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT ORANGE COUNTY FL ‘Orange County ICJIS Arrest Affidavit (continued) Arrested Avtage Oars 0. Document a: $33527 Division [Document Dates 11272018 Court Case #: ‘shortly afer entering the interview room Myself and Detestive Graves (2649) then entered the interview room with Rober Bruce Kendal | Rober: Bruce Kendel continued taking about how he was looking to make some extta money for his family until his wife gets paid on Friday. 1 then read Robert Bruse Kerdel his Constitutional Rights from my agency Miranda Cari. Robert Bruce Kendel said that he understood his rights and is willing to speak with me at this ime Rober Bruce Kendel was asked how long he has been dressing up as Santa and attending events Robert Bruce Kendel was 2 litle hesitant but said he would do about two events per year. Robert Bruce Kendel said when he was dressing up as Santa for about 30years. Rober Bruce Kendel said he as not been charging for private events until 2009 when he was off probation, I asked Robert Bruce Kenéel how he advertised for his Santa events and he seid thar he used word of mouth and Craigslist. 1 asked Rotert Bruce Kendel how long ago he posted his Sante a¢ and te told me a little over a week, Rotert Bruce Kendel stid he renewed the fad a few times. I told Robert Bruce Kendel that the ad that I had printed says it was perted 27 days ago. Robert Broce Kende! then said that ‘must have been when he posted it betause you have to renew it every week. | then asked Rober: Bruce Kendel how he would communicate for the ads and he jold me he used his email (* ) to receive nctifcations, Robet Bruce Kendel also said he would call his clients back on the phone. Robert Bruce Kendel was shown the prinied Craigslist ad and he told me that was his ad. | asked Robert Bruce Kenéel what phone number he had associated with his Sante ad and he told me (321) 746-4842. Robert Bruce Kendel told me his nickname for his ad is "Santa Bob." Robet Bruce Kendel was shown his latest senual offender registration paperwork. 1 showed Robert Bruce Kendel the blank space about where he has no email ot Internet identifiers listed and he told me he did net know he hed to register them Rober Bruce Kendel said he used to have Facebook and deactivated his acsount a few weeks ago, Robert Bruce Kendel was shown his cell phone and I asked him if he would provide the passcode. At this time, Robet Bruce Kerdel provided me with the code 0220. Robert Bruce Kendel said he may have the Facebook application and Yahoo mail application on his phone. Robert Bruce Kendel denies using any other Incernet applications. Robert Bruce Kendel stid that he would log into the web browser for his Craigslist ads. it was also explained to Rovert Bruce Kendel that his private Sania event tusiness needed 10 be on his registration, | showed Rober. Bruce Kenéel the registration space on his paperwork and it was blank. Robert Bruce Kendel said that he did not have @ business. It was explained that he just creaied a business transaction with taking payment for an office Chrismas party. Robert Bruce Kendel tole me he understands what he has to do for registering his email aad parttime or full time employment. The following items were entered into evidence: Robert Bruce Kendel's cell phone, copy of the Craigslist ad, the receipt writen for the transaction, and a copy of the $20.00bills used to complete the transaction. It was determined that Robert Bruce Kendel hes not complied with Florida State Statute 943,0435(14)c)(1), which sites; FSS, 943,0835(14)(0) (1): A sexual offender shall report in person each year during the month of the sexual offender's birthéay and during the sixth month following the sexual offenders birth mont to the sheriff's office in the county in which he or she resides oF is otherwise located to retegiste. The sheriffs office may determine the eppropriate times and cays for reponing by the sexval offender, which shell be consistent with the reporting requirements of this paragraph. (c)The sherifTs office may determine the appropriate times and days for reporting by the sexual offender, which must be consistent with the reporting requirements of this subsection Re-regisration must include any changes to the following information: Name; social security number; age; race; sex; date of bith; height weight; tatoos or ether identifying marks; hair and eye color; address of any permanent residence and address of any current temporary residence, within the state or out of state, including « rural route adéress and a post oilice box; if no permanent or temporary address, any transient residence within the state; address, location or description, and dies of any current or known future temporary residence within the state or out of state; all electronic mail sddresses oF Internet identifiers and each Intemet identifer’s corresponding website homepage or application software name; all home telephone numbers and celular telephone numbers: employment information: the make, model, color, vehicle identification mumber (VIN), and license tag number of all vehicles owned, fingerprints; palm prints; and photograph. A posi offic: tox may not be provided in lieu of a physical residential ‘adéress. The sexual offender shall also produce his or her passport, if he or she has a passport, and, if he or ste is an alien, shall produce of provide infomation about documen’s establishing his or her immigration staus. The sexual offender shall also provide information about any Professional licenses he or she has. Based on the above information I believes there is probable cause for the arrest of Robert Bruce Kendel, for Sexual Offender, Failure to Report and Revregister, Florida State Statute 943.0135(14\(c)1). In conclusion, Robert Bruce Kendel does not hhave any form of employment for his private business or email/Intemet identifiers registered on his sex offender registration, Rober Bruce Kende! was transporeed io the Orarge County Booking and Receiving Center without further incident. ra a ATRIA Tr BCT AERTS CT (CORSET fs 27 cot Novemter___sew _2018 a Law Enforcement or Coneetions Offer (| Sizsature — MOG Pobdettenon STATE OF ANDINO, JANNETTE A. nowy nape

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