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Type of Endocrine Stimulus Hormone Effect (Target Result Positive or

Regulation Gland Released cell) Negative

Involved Feedback?
Glucose Pancreas High Glucose Insulin Target Cell: ALL Lowers the Negative
blood cells. It directs all glucose in
cells to pick up blood. This
glucose by opening decreases the
their channels to release of
allow glucose to leave insulin.
from the
bloodstream and into
the cell.
Pancreas Low Glucose in Glucagon Target cell: Liver High blood Negative
the Blood (Insulin’s cells. Tells them to glucose levels.
Antagonist) break down glycogen Decreases the
(stored sugar), stimulus for
amino acids, glucagon
proteins, and release.
glycerol and convert
them into sugar. The
sugar subsequently
enters the blood

Calcium Thyroid Gland Hypercalcemia Calcitonin Target cells: Bone, Decreases blood Negative
(High blood (Peptide kidneys, and calcium levels
calcium) hormone that intestines. Bones:
binds via Stimulates the
receptors on the uptake of calcium
cell) into the bones,
inhibits osteoclasts,
leads to less bone
tissue removal.
Kidneys: Inhibits Ca
and promotes
increases the rate of
Ca loss by urinating,
higher concentration
of Ca in the urine.
Intestine: Inhibits Ca

Parathyroid Decrease in blood Parathyroid Bone: Induces Increases blood Negative

Gland calcium levels Hormone (PTH). osteoclast, calcium levels.
(Hypocalcemia) Also a peptide decomposes bone to
hormone. release stored Ca
into the blood.
Kidneys: Stimulates
reabsorption of Ca
and converts Ca.
Converts Vitamin D
precursors into
active Vitamin D.
Growth Pituitary Stimulated by the Growth Hormone GH binds directly to Increases Negative.
Regulation Glands need for growth (GH) its target cells, which growth in the
(triggered by and by another includes bone and individual.
the hormone. New muscle cells. Helps the body
hypothalamus) cells, puberty, Stimulates growth by regulate cell
and other. inducing reproduction
hypertrophy: which and cell
is the increase in metabolism.
size/volume of cells.
For example, the
increase in bone
thickness. Stimulates
cell reproduction by
increasing the rate of
mitosis. Induces
hyperplasia by
increasing the
number of cells and
proliferation rate.
Example: An
increase in bone
length. Also
stimulates cell
metabolism by
increasing glycogen
and fat breakdown
for energy. Increase
protein synthesis.
Stress Adrenal Gland Stress Glucocorticoid Target cells: Liver Increases
Regulation (Adrenal cortex (cortisol) cells. Affects glucose glucose
is the involved metabolism by production and
with long-term raising the blood overall,
stress glucose levels increases the
response) through synthesizing rate of cellular
glucose from non- respiration by
carbohydrate stimulating
sources: Breakdown glycogenesis.
of fat to glucose, liver
breaks down muscle
protein in skeletal
muscles to glucose,
and occurs when the
body needs more
glucose than what
the liver can produce
from its storage of
glycogen. It also
suppresses the
immune system and
acts a natural anti-
Mineralocorticoid Targets: Kidney cells. Stimulates
(aldosterone) Promotes the reabsorption of
Hormone that retention and salt and water
affects the body’s reabsorption of by kidneys.
osmotic balance. sodium ions into the Causes an
blood. Water follows increase in
the salt and this blood volume
helps to maintain and pressure as
normal blood well as oxygen
pressure. Acts on the delivery.
sweat glands to
reduce the loss of
sodium in
Adrenal Gland Stress excites Catecholamines Target: ALL CELLS. Stimulates the
(Adrenal nerve cells to (Epinephrine and Stimulates the fight fight or flight
medulla) is release a Norepinephrine) or flight response response and
involved with neurotransmitter: and increases increases
short-term acetylcholine, metabolism — metabolism.
stress response. which stimulates cellular respiration Increases blood
gland to release produces ATP, which glucose levels.
hormones needs glucose and Increases blood
oxygen. Increases pressure and
blood glucose levels blood flow so
by converting that oxygen is
glycogen to glucose distributed to
so that ATP becomes cells faster.
readily available. Increasing
Stimulates the breathing rate
release of fatty acids and alertness.
from fats cells to
supply the body with
more energy.
Decreased kidney
and digestive
activity. Increases
blood pressure and
blood flow so that
oxygen is distributed
to cells faster.
Increasing breathing
rate and
certain blood vessels.
Overall, it redirects
blood from non-vital
areas and increases
blood flow to the
heart, brain, and
skeletal muscles.
Increases alertness.

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