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PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW l Atty. Bretch Largo l For the exclusive use of EH – 407 A.Y.



Beginning 1907, states started to agree on certain rules governing the
MEANING AND NATURE OF INTERNATIONAL LAW conduct of war. They entered into treaties and conventions like the
Hague and Geneva Conventions around 1907. The Geneva Conventions
TRADITIONAL, MODERN & POST-MODERN DEFINITIONS were completed on 1949 (four Geneva conventions were completed).


This triggered the idea "why don't we create, other than the convention
Brierly: The body of rules and principles of action which are binding or a treaty, some sort of association of states to put an end to war?” So
upon civilized states in their relations with one another. they thought of the League of Nations.

DBL’s discussion However, the main weakness of the League of Nations was because it
Then, International law governed only states or International law was was simply perceived as an association, and not really as something that
viewed to govern states alone. When you speak of actors of international has an International legal personality. This is because of the lack of
law, they were only referring to state actors. So all others – international cooperation of some influential states like the US. That was the main
organizations, multinational companies, and even individuals are called failure of the League of Nations.
non-state actors.
The United Nations
MODERN DEFINITION The League of Nations fell following the World War II. Then, in the early
part of the 20th century in 1945, the United Nations was created. The
Hackworth: It is that branch of public law which regulates the relations UN Charter entered into force on October 25, 1845.
of states and other entities which have been granted an international
personality. So, when international organizations participated actively in the
international affairs of nations, the international community saw their
(E.g. Laws of the Sea, Rules on war or armed conflict) importance and their vital role and so the new concept of PIL also
developed, to include now even non-state actors such as international
Section 101, Restatement (Third), American Law Institute of Decolonization as the most significant contribution of the United Nations
the Foreign Relations Law of the United States
After 1945, UN charter, what important part of history contributed to
International law consists of rules and principles of general application another development of PIL? What was basically one of the important
dealing with the conduct of states and of international organizations and contributions or accomplishments of the UN?
with their relations inter se, as well as with some of their relations with
persons, whether natural or juridical. Then, use of force was accepted as a valid and legitimate means of
TN: This definition now includes not only states but international organizations and acquiring territories. The use of force was not yet considered a
even individuals. prohibition – not yet a CIL. It was only in the 1940s that the prohibition
on the use of force was recognized as a CIL (US v. Nicaragua case)
Decolonization was one of the significant contributions of the UN. The
HOW PIL DEVELOPED UN, through Gen Assembly's Resolution held upon powerful states which
colonized weaker states to let go of their colonies because at that time,
WHY PIL WAS PREVIOUSLY VIEWED TO GOVERN ONLY STATES the international community started to recognize that in the
relationships between nations, the individuals which compose the state
We started with a conception that Public International Law governed must also be considered along with the state itself as a juridical entity.
only states. Why did we view international law as regulating only the
conduct of states? This is because at that relevant time, during the Right to self-determination
classical period of international law, the states were mostly at war.
This was the time when the right to self-determination have emerged
Concept of sovereignty in the Treaty of Westphalia as a norm in PIL. Because of this conception of the right to self-
determination therefore, recognition that colonized states, by virtue of
Monopoly of power their peculiar culture, history, race, religion, are entitled to be left alone.
The concept of sovereignty in the treaty of Westphalia was perceived to
be that concept involving what John Jackson called the monopoly of The history of definitions of PIL, temporarily belonged to the traditional
power. Sovereignty was the basis for the commitment made by the thinkers of PIL like Brierly which defined International Law as “the body
parties to the treaty of Westphalia to not intervene with the affairs of of rules and principles of action which are binding upon civilized states
the neighboring European states precisely because to interfere is to in their relations with one another.”
violate the monopoly of power concept.
Because of utilitarianism prevailing at that time, our concerns were
By monopoly of power, we mean that if you are the authority in a simply that which affected the states. And so only states were
particular territory, no other authority should have a say on how that considered actors in international law.
particular territory should be managed or governed. So that’s the depth
of origin. Modern definition by Hackworth is that “it is that branch of public law
that regulates the relations of states and added entities which have been
So basically at that time, the international community was concerned granted an international personality. “
simply of states, being actors in international law relations.
So, he added the other actors - added entities in PIL with a requirement
that these actors should have been granted international personality.


PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW l Atty. Bretch Largo l For the exclusive use of EH – 407 A.Y. 2015-2016

In the case for example of the UN which tried to make a claim in the Yes. The United Nations, is at present, the supreme type of international
international level because of the death of one of its officials. What is organization, and it could not carry out the intention of the founders if
the relevance of this case? Unlike the Supreme Court, the ICJ can render it as devoid of international personality. It must be acknowledged that
advisory opinion upon the request of parties concerned. its Members, by entrusting certain functions to it, with the attendant
duties and responsibilities, have clothed it with the competence required
Problem: The Chief UN Truce Negotiator Count Bernadotte, a Swedish to enable those functions to be effectively discharged.
national, was killed on September 17, 1948 in Jerusalem. The assassins
were allegedly a gang of terrorists. Israel was not a member of the UN While it is conceded that original international legal personality belongs
at the time of the incident. to the main actors of international law, namely states, the United
Nations has an international legal personality through the fact that its
Issue: Whether the UN had legal personality to bring a claim with the member states, by the very fact of creating such an organization, must
view of obtaining reparations in respect to the damage caused to itself, have transferred some of their powers over the organization (derivative
to the victim or persons entitled through the victim. international legal personality)
Held: See Reparation for Injuries case (ICJ Advisory Opinion 1949) Important concepts to remember:
Reparations for Injuries case (ICJ Advisory Opinion 1949) International Legal Personality
DBL’s discussion. The ability to possess international rights and duties and the power to
The Chief UN Truce Negotiator, a Swedish national was killed by some sustain these rights by bringing international claims.
terrorist group in Jerusalem, Israel. Israel was not a member of UN at
that specific time. Derivative International Legal Personality
The UN has an international legal personality through the fact that its
The Just and Fair Treatment of Nationals Abroad member states, by the very fact of creating such an organization, must
It is part of CIL that the moment a state admits a foreigner in its have transferred some of their powers over the organization.
territory, that state must give that foreigner a certain level of treatment.
States admitting foreigners are required to treat aliens justly and fairly. BRIEF HISTORY OF PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW
We call this “The Just and Fair treatment of Nationals Abroad”. That's
the minimum standard required. So the moment a foreigner is admitted BRIEF HISTORY OF PIL
in a foreign soil, that state is required by CIL to afford the foreigner a
just and fair treatment. Hugo Grotius (Father of Public International Law)
1625 published “On The Law of War and Peace”. In 1609, he
also wrote “Mare Liberum” (The freedom of the seas)
State Responsibility
Why is that important? Because failure on the part of the concerned 1648 Treaty of Westphalia (Spain, Roman Empire, Etc.)
state to protect a foreigner may open up the possibility that the state
will be held responsible at the international level – that’s what you call
16th to 17th Were the “classical age of public international law”
state responsibility.
Responsibility will cover several areas – it could be in a form
compensation, reparation, restitution, cessation of ongoing acts and the 1789 Birth of the term “inter-national law” by J. Bentham
possibility that the guilty state will be a subject of a lawful
Lieber Code (Lincoln’s General Order No. 100 or the
countermeasure by other states. 1863 “Lieber Instructions”) – the first document that governs
conduct of war
The point being, that the moment there is failure to comply with at least
a CIL, not to mention conventional obligations, there is a possibility that 1899 Permanent Court of Arbitration
the state will be considered as having committed an internationally
wrongful act. This UN official was still in the territory of the Israel and
1907 Hague and Geneva Conventions (there were four (4)
therefore there was at least a prima facie evidence that somehow, Israel Geneva Conventions in 1949)
failed to afford the foreign national a fair and just treatment.

So the question now is this, who could assail or rather who could charge Permanent Court of International Justice (PCIJ) of the
1922 to League of Nations, then replaced the International Court
Israel with an internationally wrongful act and therefore consider it as 1946 of Justice (ICJ) of the United Nations.
responsible state? Is it the UN or Sweden?
On the issue of who between UN and Sweden can bring the claim Creation of International Law Commission (ILC) tasked to
1948 codify international law.
It is really only the United Nations which has the capacity to present a
claim in the circumstances referred to, inasmuch as at the basis of any The increase in global trade, armed conflict,
international claim there must be a breach by the defendant State of an environmental deterioration on a worldwide scale,
– 20th awareness of human rights violations, rapid and vast
obligation towards the UN. In the present case, the State of which the Centuries
victim is a national (Sweden) could not complain of a breach of an increases in international transportation and a boom in
obligation towards itself. Here the obligation is assumed in favour of the global communications saw the importance and
United Nations. The claim brought by UN is not based upon the usefulness of Public International Law, which at this time
began to establish new and modern areas in international
nationality of the victim but rather upon his status as an agent of the
law (trade & investment, technology, human rights,
environment, space, etc.)
On the issue of UN’s capacity to bring an international claim
This capacity certainly belongs to a State. Does it also belong to the
Organization? This is tantamount to asking whether the Organization
has international personality.


PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW l Atty. Bretch Largo l For the exclusive use of EH – 407 A.Y. 2015-2016

CHARACTERISTICS OF PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW course is bound to obey because it had already consented to the
terms and conditions.
Some forms of peaceful enforcement of PIL
A. Voluntary compliance
PIL IS A HORIZONTAL LEGAL SYSTEM B. Force of public opinion
Vertical legal system C. Self-help
First, what do we mean by vertical legal system? It means you have a D. Treaty-based enforcement
higher law, you have an inferior law. You have hierarchy of authority.
You also have hierarchy of institutions. You have a supreme institution, DOCTRINE OF SELF-HELP
which enacts laws and commands obedience. This is typical of a
domestic legal system. Thus, under our jurisdiction, if the statute DOCTRINE OF SELF-HELP
violates the constitution, the statute is null and void. Self-help, unlike in domestic sphere applying domestic law, is normally
the means by which states enforce their rights.
Horizontal legal system We don’t have international court and international police but we rely
But we don’t see this kind of system in public international law. Some on what aggrieved states may do in order to compel compliance.
authors even call it the “Billiard Ball Theory.” In billiards, you hit one ball Normally the means by which states enforce their rights are through the
with another ball without affecting the inside or the interior of the ball. following:
It only affects the outside of the ball.
A. Retorsion – A lawful act designed to injure the wrongdoing of
International Law therefore deals with States as a whole and not with another state.
what is inside that state. It does not deal with the domestic law of the B. Reprisal – Act that is normally illegal but rendered legal by a prior
state. illegal act committed by another state.
TN: This is not absolute however, since recent development shows that in some
instances, international law problems are solved by looking at domestic legal PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW AS A BINDING LAW
systems. In fact, one of the sources of Public International Law, are the General
Principles of Law which are usually found in the decisions of the local courts.
Q. Is PIL a true law?
The answer would depend on one’s understanding of what law is. PIL IS A SYSTEM OF CONSENSUS
PIL is a system of consensus rather than command. It is binding since
To those who embrace the positivist perspective, that law is imposed by the states agreed to be bound by it.
a higher authority and that there must be a hierarchy in the legal
systems – PIL is not a true law since PIL lacks a supreme authority.
Q. Is PIL a binding law?
There is no legislature, no executive branch and no system of courts, In so far as a particular international norm is observed and considered
except to the extent that states may have subjected themselves to
binding by states, then they may be considered as law. But to say that
certain “compulsory” processes and consequences under treaties and it is law is not to say that it is applicable and binding on all states. Not
necessarily. It depends on what kind of norm or PIL we are talking
To those who believe that law is capable of effective enforcement – PIL
is a true law. The existence of law is one and its violation is another. TN: This is especially true in light of the persistent objector principle.
Law is law, whether the subjects follow. But it is given that there is a
It is a law between states that are compelled to obey it by reason of
problem with the enforcement.
being a party to a treaty or convention, or because the norm or the PIL
partakes of the nature of a Jus Cogens norm that had been treated by
Q. Why do the States obey PIL if there is a problem with its
all civilized states as non-derogable.
A. Self-preservation Theory – International community perceives Q. Give an example of a PIL that may be binding on all states.
compliance of IL on the basis of natural law. If I attack your Jus Cogens – a norm treated by all civilized states as non-derogable.
territory, it is possible that you will retaliate so I will not do such. Examples are prohibitions against torture, slavery and genocide.

B. Self-interest Theory – It is of my best interest that if I obey the

terms and conditions of the treaty, by the time that I will have to
request, I can expect compliance from your end. It is of the best
interest of the state to comply IL. The state can have benefits in
trade, investment, or political in exchange.
C. Acculturation Theory - It is just part of the culture of states that
A. The Law of Peace – Law of Treaties (how are treaties formed,
they easily obey to certain norms. the rules governing formation, enforcement and ratification of
D. Legitimacy Theory – State obey a particular norm because it is just, treaties), Law of the Sea, Diplomatic Relations, etc.
right, reasonable, or pragmatic. Even if we talk about certain
B. The Laws of War – When there is war and whether valid or not.
policies in our company, there are rules that we easily obey. It is
not because we are compelled to obey it but sometimes, we obey  Jus ad Bellum (legality of engaging in war) the justifications
the law because we feel that it is a good law or that it is a sensible in entering into war; when is use of force permissible.
law.  Jus in Bello (legality of conduct of war)
E. Positivist Theory - At least in so far as conventions and treaties are C. The Law of Neutrality – Governs the conduct of states not
concerned, states obey them because of consent. This is otherwise engaged in war.
called the consent based theory. A contracting party to a treaty of
TN: Human rights law would be applicable both in times of peace and of war.


PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW l Atty. Bretch Largo l For the exclusive use of EH – 407 A.Y. 2015-2016

PUBLIC V. PRIVATE INTERNATIONAL LAW B. Reprisals – are acts which would normally be illegal but which are
rendered legal by a prior illegal act committed by the other state.
PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW For instance, if state A expropriates property belonging to state B’s
citizens without compensation, State B can retaliate by doing the
Public International Law same to the property of State A’s citizens. This must be
Governs the activities of states and other international persons/entities proportional though.
in relation to each other. It governs “relationships” of international TN: We call this in PIL as Self-Help measures. There is no international police or a
persons inter se. sheriff that implements or executes the judgment. There is no writ of execution
that will be issued by the international tribunal. So one problem in PIL is how to
Example: enforce the norms effectively. There is no problem if states obey them. The
X, a citizen of State A, is the Ambassador to State B. X’s official archives problem is if they don’t.
and documents were seized by the police of State B and X was
subsequently subjected to a state-sponsored torture in State B. State A Conventional modes
filed a suit for compensation before the ICJ. Is State B liable? Member states of the WTO are not supposed to distinguish between
foreign goods and local goods to the extent that it will restrict the trade
TN: What are the obligations of a receiving state towards members of the of these goods or hamper trade transactions between member states.
diplomatic missions of a sending state? That is a PIL controversy.
The very idea of WTO is trade liberalization.

PRIVATE INTERNATIONAL LAW Now, what happens if a member state of the WTO passes a law that
effectively prejudices or unfairly treats foreign products in favor of
Private International Law
locally produced products and in violation of the WTO?
Governs the activities of individuals, corporations, and other private
entities when they cross national borders and in controversies involving
It is possible that states have entered into a conventional way or mode
foreign element. It resolves “conflict of laws”.
of enforcing certain international norms. Under the WTO, there are
procedures by which a particular norm may be enforced as against a
It regulates the type of law applicable to a particular controversy. It is
member state. So in this case, the affected foreign state will be allowed
called private because it does not govern relationships between states
to also do the same to the product of the offending state. How is it
but rather it governs what type of law will be applied to a particular legal
done? It is allowed by the WTO itself.
controversy (when there is a foreign entity involved).
So aside from self-help, there are conventional modes or methods of
enforcing PIL as borne out by treaties, conventions, mostly multilateral
X, a citizen of State A, is the Ambassador to State B. X maintained funds
in various banks in State B and also acquired in State B certain
condominium units. X died in State C. It was learned that X also has
funds and properties in State C and State D. What law shall govern the
It is also a fact in international relations that some states are bound to
distribution of the estate of X?
obey PIL because of bar of the public opinion. Some states easily comply
with certain norms for fear that they may be the subject of international
FORMATION AND ENFORCEMENT OF IL criticism. Or, states of course may just voluntarily comply with a public
international norm.



Q. How is international law formed?
A. By agreement of the States – Public International Law may be SUBJECTS
enacted by agreement of a group of states. It may be considered Those that enjoy international legal personality and being capable of
a positive law by the contracting parties. possessing international rights and duties, including the right to bring
international claims.
B. State Practice – PIL may come into existence as a result of
practice of states coupled with the belief that it is practiced A. Primary subjects – States
because the norm or conduct is binding upon states. B. Secondary subjects –
 International Organizations (e.g. UN, WTO)
TN: So it may be by convention, by treaties or by practice.  Individuals (protected persons of IHL, insurgents and the
national liberation movements, minorities)
ENFORCEMENT OF INTERNATIONAL LAW  Juridical persons (e.g. multinational companies)
 NGOs (e.g. ICRC, Greenpeace, Amnesty International)
International laws are enforced through: Q. How would you know that the states are the subjects while
its individuals are the objects?
A. Self-help measures
B. Conventional modes of enforcing as borne out by treaties, A. Subject – bearer of rights with the power to maintain and pursue
conventions such rights
C. Others (fear of international criticism, voluntary compliance, etc.) B. Object – not a bearer of rights nor can pursue claims

Self-help measures Q. Why are States still the primary subjects?

A. Retorsion – is a lawful act which is designed to injure the  International law is still predominantly made and implemented by
wrongdoing state—for example cutting off economic aid (this is states
lawful because there is no legal obligation to provide economic aid,  International Organizations are still dependent to a large extent
apart from under special treaty provisions). on the willingness of states to support them
PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW l Atty. Bretch Largo l For the exclusive use of EH – 407 A.Y. 2015-2016

 Only states can be members of the UN an object of PIL. So in this case, we talked about espousal of claim and
 Only states are entitled to call upon the UN Security Council in case state responsibility, the individual is indeed an object. For the claim to
of threat to peace and security be appropriately brought before at the International level, it must be
 Only states may appear in contentious proceeding before the ICJ done by a subject of IL.
 Only states can present a claim on behalf of a national who has
been injured by another state, if there is no treaty to the contrary So of course, the Supreme Court denied the claim of the comfort
 An individual has no “individual rights” under customary women. Do you know why? It’s because the crime was not yet
international law and is dependent on the political discretion of the considered a jus cogens norm, so the Philippines was not bound to make
home state. a claim on the basis of jus cogens, that why it refused.
TN: Some authors contend that individuals are not parties to international
law although they can be bearer of rights recognized by international law. Reparation for Injuries case
In this case, the ICJ said that this is not to say that its opinion bars
Sweden from also exercising Diplomatic Protection. That’s why the ICJ
mentions two kinds of protection, one is diplomatic that pertains to
INTERNATIONAL LEGAL PERSONALITY Sweden because the UN official was a Swedish national, at the same
time there is what the ICJ called functional protection because
Q. What is meant by International Legal Personality? murdering, killing, disrespecting the human dignity of the official also
Reparation for Injuries Case (ICJ Advisory Opinion, 1949) offends the organization as a whole.
ICJ: “The ability to possess international rights and duties and the power Two kinds of protection:
to sustain these rights by bringing international claims”.
1. Diplomatic protection – Exercised by the State where the official is a national.
The individual subject to diplomatic protection must be a national of the state
While it is conceded that original international legal personality belongs seeking diplomatic protection.
to the main actors of international law, namely states, the UN had
2. Functional protection – Exercised by the Organization where the person is an
international legal personality through the fact that its member states,
official or agent. This is because murdering, killing, disrespecting the human
by the very fact of creating such an organization, must have transferred dignity of the official also offends the organization as a whole.
some of their powers over the organization. (“Derivative International
legal personality”) In that regard, the UN can have an international legal personality
because the claim brought by UN is not based upon the nationality of
ICJ: “UN is at present the supreme type of international organization, the victim but rather upon his status as an agent of the Organization.
and it could not carry out the intention of the founders if it as devoid of
international personality. It must be acknowledged that its Members, by
entrusting certain functions to it, with the attendant duties and WHEN OBJECTS MAY BE CONSIDERED AS SUBJECTS
responsibilities, have clothed it with the competence required to enable WHEN OBJECTS MAY BE CONSIDERED SUBJECTS
those functions to be effectively discharged”
Q: In what instance may individuals be considered as subjects
DBL’s discussion: of Public International Law?
Bringing the claim is just one component of having a personality. We When they exercise their right to self-determination. It is a right which
can go back to the advisory opinion of the ICJ in the Reparation for has already ripened into a customary norm and can be exercised against
Injuries case. Is it not that the ICJ confronted a dilemma of whether it states.
would rule that the UN can bring the claim for and in behalf of the
murdered officer of UN. Was it together with Sweden or was it to the Self-determination
Exclusion of Sweden? How was it resolved by ICJ? Groups of people, who share the same history, the same origin, culture
may find themselves the minority in a particular community. It may
When a state charges another state for violation of IL therefore invoking happen that the State where the minority belongs tends to disregard the
regime of State responsibility, in regard to treatment of aliens, what unique culture. As a result, this particular state or government will only
process in IL should the state avail of? What right for example? pass one set of laws, one set of legal system, one set of policy and
disregarding the unique culture of these minority groups.
If you are to charge a foreign state that it failed to afford our citizen just
and fair treatment therefore it is responsible, and now you are bringing If that happens, after attempts by this group to be recognized by the
a claim at the international court, how do you call it? majority, it may happen that in PIL, they want to secede. And this is the
usual problem in state or territorial secession. They cannot continue to
The process or the right exercised by the state is called the right to live along with the majority with just one set of laws because they have
Diplomatic Protection. The right to Diplomatic Protection is sometimes their own culture and practices, traditions. They want that the national
used interchangeably with espousal of claim. government will also address that. So that failure by their State to do so
would be a violation of their right to self-determination.
Comfort women case
The comfort women from Philippines asked for compensation from Armed conflict and application of the Laws of War
Japan. However, since they cannot ask through the UN as they have no Assuming that this conflict between the right of the state to its territorial
legal personality, they have to put up their claim first to the government. integrity and the right of the minority to self-determination escalates
into an armed conflict – a new set of law will apply between the
This is how International Law views individuals. At least with regard to participants in the armed conflict (Laws of War)
reparation, individual are considered as objects of IL while the states
are viewed as subjects. If you are a subject of IL, first you must be a These armed groups are not states. They are not even organizations.
bearer of right, and then you have the right also and power to maintain They are just individuals. But why ask them to observe the laws of war?
to pursue such rights (not only possessor but also the ability to pursue
that right or to make a claim). We have rules in the conduct of war. For example, when you capture a
combatants, they are to be treated as Prisoners of War. There are rules
If you don't have an International legal personality (you are not a bearer under the Geneva Convention on the treatment of Prisoners of War.
of right nor cannot pursue a claim), then in that context, you are simply
PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW l Atty. Bretch Largo l For the exclusive use of EH – 407 A.Y. 2015-2016

Civilians also enjoy rights during an armed conflict. There are various CUSTOMARY INTERNATIONAL LAW
principles governing the conduct of war. For example, the principle of
proportionality, the principle of military necessity. These principles are CIL as a formal source
PIL principles but we are making them applicable to individuals. How was it formed to make it binding? It was formed because of having
To that extent, individuals become Subjects of PIL because they too are been practiced with the belief that the norm is a legally binding norm.
compelled to observe the Laws of War. So it’s the process of practicing the norm in a uniform and consistent
way, not necessarily generally practiced but practiced in a uniform and
To summarize – consistent way with the belief that the norm is binding.
 You have to distinguish Subject from Object.
 The Object does not possess international legal personality and CIL as a material source
therefore it cannot bring international claims. It cannot be a document or any convention, although it may be codified
 States are the primary subjects while individuals normally are mere into conventions, but you see this CIL in the practices of the states.
objects of PIL.
 But in some instances, individuals may be regarded as subjects, that PRIMARY AND SUBSIDIARY SOURCES
is when they exercise their right to self-determination. They may be
treated as subjects when there is already an armed conflict. But in PRIMARY V. SUBSIDIARY SOURCES
this instance, they may be treated only as secondary subjects.
Sources of International Law
II – SOURCES OF INTERNATIONAL LAW Art. 38 (1), Statute of ICJ – The Court, whose function is to decide in
accordance with international law such disputes as are submitted to it,


A. International conventions
A. Formal source – It is how international law is created, formed or B. International custom
established. It is the method by which the law comes into being. C. General principles of law

B. Material source – Where international law can be found or SUBSIDIARY SOURCES

located. Apply only if the primary sources are not available or if there is no source at all.

D. Judicial decisions and teachings of most highly qualified publicists

TN: When you say sources of International Law – material source or
of the various nations
formal, you are not classifying such that when you are classifying, you
have to make a choice. It may be viewed as a formal source or a material TN: Judicial decisions need not always be ICJ decisions
source. It is not a choice.
TN: ICJ lists the sources of International Law but how did it come up with such
list? UN commissioned experts forming part of the International Law Commission.
TREATY They did not just decide, they studied PIL and observed state practice and agreed
Treaty as a formal source that on the basis of state practice and of belief of group of states, sources of IL
Viewed from the conception of treaty as formal source of International should be in this list.
Law, treaty is formal source in the sense that it is binding because of
the way it has been created. It's not about the process, it is about how Q. Is there hierarchy in the sources of International law?
it was created to make it binding. In the travaux preparatoires (preparatory work) of Art. 38, it was
suggested that the sources as listed should indicate hierarchy of sources
If State A and B entered into a treaty, then the binding effect of the but it was not carried out. There was only the agreement to categorize
treaty is in the fact that the parties consented to enter into such treaty. these sources as either primary or subsidiary. The sources of
So how was it formed? By agreement. What made it binding? The fact international law are not therefore arranged in a strict hierarchical order.
that they agreed to such convention or treaty. So that’s viewing source However, while there is no hierarchy among sources, there is a
as formal source. consensus among states, that of these sources, jus cogens should be
considered as always superior to the others.
Doctrine of auto-limitation
States consented to be bound by the terms and conditions of the treaty, Jus Cogens – Article 53, VCLT
therefore, in relation to the sovereign character of the state, they limit, A treaty is void if, at the time of its conclusion, it conflicts with a
on their own, their exercise of sovereignty. It is the voluntariness of the peremptory norm of general international law. For the purposes of the
act of entering into a treaty that make the provisions of the treaty present Convention, a peremptory norm of general international law is
binding upon the parties. a norm accepted and recognized by the international community of
States as a whole as a norm from which no derogation is permitted and
Treaty as a material source which can be modified only by a subsequent norm of general
But it can also be viewed as a material source, where the body of law international law having the same character.
can be found. Why is state A bound to perform a particular act under
the treaty? Because the treaty says perform this particular act. You're Examples: Prohibition on the use of force, genocide, slavery, gross
looking at the source of IL that compels the party to perform a particular violation of the right of the people to self-determination, racial
act. We refer to the provisions now of the treaty – the substantive discrimination, torture.
content as basis for saying that one is really bound by the provisions
thereof. Q Can CIL be subject to change?
Yes. CIL may be changed by contradictory practice in a way that it is
established as CIL. So you will be complying with both the objective
element of state practice and subjective element of opinio iuris. In other
words, CIL can be replaced by a new CIL.


PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW l Atty. Bretch Largo l For the exclusive use of EH – 407 A.Y. 2015-2016

The Paquete Habana Case Held: A CIL which happened to be codified in a treaty or convention will
Facts: Fishing vessels of Spain were captured by US Armed Forces as not lose its character as CIL because CIL can co-exist independently with
prizes of war. The vessels were sold, including the fishes captured and treaty law. Both can exist alongside each other.
the proceeds went to the US. It was established that the vessels, which
were not armed, were not aware of the existing war between Spain and
the U.S. and the blockade ordered by the US government against Cuba.
As a rule, a fishing vessel cannot be captured. To be exempted from
capture, it should not engage in activities constituting or participating in “International Conventions whether general or particular and
the war. It has to be a fishing boat used for commercial and private establishing rules expressly recognized by the contesting States”
purposes. According to IL, in jus en bello, it is exempt from capture. But  The term “convention” includes and actually means “treaty”
at that relevant time, was that doctrine accepted as CIL?  Other terms: agreement, pact, understanding, protocol, charter,
statute, act, covenant, declaration, engagement, arrangement,
It was through the domestic court of US. So the court was asked to accord, regulation and provision.
declare whether or not the vessels were illegally captured. One relevant
information was that there was no national law in the US that governed Law-making treaties v. Contract treaties
the issue on whether or not fishing vessels engaged in commercial and
private purposes in good faith, not participating in the war, can be Law-making treaties Contract treaties
captured as prize of war.
Operate as binding rules, similar Not sources of international law,
to statutes but merely legal transactions
Why is it important to point out that there was no national legislation?
This is because the US adopts the incorporation clause. So when there Imposes the same obligations on
is no national legislation, we can apply CIL by way of incorporation. all the parties to the treaty and Treaties which resemble contracts
Otherwise, that becomes irrelevant if there is or was a national seek to regulate the parties’ (reciprocal)
legislation governing the issue. There was none, and so for the court to behaviour over a long period of
be able to apply such principle, because of the absence of national law, time
that principle must be of CIL status for the US to be able to recognize Purpose is to conclude an Observance of the contract
and apply it to its own court. Was it declared as CIL? agreement on universal depends on both contracting
substantive legal principles; to parties (performance of one
Held: Yes. It is customary international law that coast fishing vessels regulate conduct depends on the other’s) and their
pursuing their vocation of catching and bringing in fresh fish, are willingness to observe
exempt, with their cargoes and crews, from capture as prize of war.
This, the U.S. has also recognized as law as shown in the various treaties TN: Treaty as a source of IL only refers to law-making treaties and not
it had entered into in the past. contract treaties.

Q. What is the normative value of a treaty in relation to CIL?

Treaty may be a codification of already existing CIL or is an evidence of INTERNATIONAL CUSTOMS
a progressive development of CIL. It could either be just a codification
of what already existed in the past or that itself is the beginning of a
new or emerging CIL.
Art. 38(1), ICJ Statute –
“International custom as evidence of a general practice accepted as law”
Q. Can a treaty contravene a CIL? What is the normative value
of a treaty in regard to the determination of whether a
Sec. 102, Restatement (Third) –
particular norm has become a CIL?
“Customary international law results from general and consistent
Treaties can also serve as evidence of state practice. There may come practice of states followed by them from sense of legal obligation.”
a time that CIL can actually be changed through treaties. When such
entrance into treaties, especially in a form of convention where Two elements:
membership occurs, membership would be big enough as to comply the A. Objective Element (general practice)
requirement of at least uniformity - and we add a good lapse of time to B. Subjective Element (opinio juris sive necessitates)
determine also consistency of the practice. Then, CIL can actually be
replaced by treaties. In the same manner, treaties can also establish Generally, only states make customary international law. Customary
new CIL. international law evolves if enough states adopt a new practice which is
in violation of customary international law, the new practice becomes
Nicaragua v. USA the new customary international law.
US made a reservation that it will not submit in advance to the
jurisdiction of the ICJ if the treaty involved is a multilateral treaty. UN Highest form of customary international law
Charter being a multilateral treaty therefore, US claims that Nicaragua Jus Cogens – “A peremptory norm of general international law which is
cannot invoke Art 2 (4) on the prohibition against the threat or use of accepted by the international community of states as a whole as a norm
force. from which no derogation is permitted” (VCLT, Article 53). Includes
genocide, torture, slavery.
Nicaragua argued that assuming that the provision it invoked is found
on a multi-lateral treaty, the nature of the provision however is just a Difference between Jus Cogens and CIL
codification of a CIL. The prohibition against the use of force is already  Jus cogens norm can be changed by another norm of the same
a CIL. character. CIL can also be modified by time and state practice - it
US argued that since the prohibition against the use of force, a CIL, has  CIL is the broader concept. Jus cogens is more specific.
been codified in the UN charter, it has therefore lost its character of  Jus cogens norm is actually a CIL, but of the highest form. All
being a CIL. norms in PIL can change, even jus cogens. When we say "non-
PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW l Atty. Bretch Largo l For the exclusive use of EH – 407 A.Y. 2015-2016

derogable", it simply means that it cannot be violated under all or The US entered/laid mines in the territorial and internal waters of Nicaragua
any circumstances. 3. Prohibition against use of force against another State (Art 2 (4) UN
 Generally, one situation can only be governed by one regime. The Charter)
occurrence of another event may open up the application of The US attacked ground and naval forces of Nicaragua
another regime and set aside the existing regime. Jus cogens will
never be affected by that. Jus cogens will apply whichever regime 4. Right to self-defense (Art. 51 UN Charter) requires armed attack
is governing – under any circumstance. against the invoking State.
That Nicaragua armed the rebels in El Salvador did not necessarily constitute
Basic Characteristics of CIL
armed attack against El Salvador
A. Repeated state practice
B. Practiced out of a sense of legal obligation Key Principles:
C. Usually developed over time and
A. General customary international law must be determined by the
D. Recognized as law (opinio juris sive necessitatis)
general practice of the states and not just by the states party to
the dispute before the ICJ.
Relevant state practice rule
State practice need not be universal/unanimous – it can be general, but B. Opinio juris may be deduced from the attitude of the Parties
it must have wide acceptance of states involved in the activity. concerned and that of states to certain General Assembly
Guide Questions in understanding CIL:
1. What constitutes state practice? C. The prohibition on the use of force is jus cogens. The principle of
“non-intervention” is customary international law and, therefore,
2. How much practice is required? (duration, consistency, repetition,
and generality requirements) not affected by treaty stipulation. Customary international law can
exist alongside treaties.
3. Are dissenting and non-participating States bound by custom?
4. What evidence is required for opinio juris?
Customary International Law in Treaties
5. May treaties be invoked as evidence of customary law? May they
create customary law? ICJ in Nicaragua vs. US:
6. Is there a normative hierarchy in customary law? Even if the customary norm and the treaty norm were to have exactly
7. Would declarations of law adopted by the UN G.A. constitute the same content, this would not be a reason for the Court to hold that
presumptive evidence of accepted international law, irrespective of the incorporation of the customary norm into treaty-law must deprive
actual state practice? the customary norm of its applicability as distinct from that of the treaty
norm. More generally, there are no grounds for holding that when
Paquete Habana case customary international law is comprised of rules identical to those of
Letters, orders, official acts of the government, apart from treaties, can treaty law, the latter “supervenes” the former, so that the customary
also be evidences of state practice. law has not further existence of its own.”

Some evidence of “state practice” in Paquete Habana case: North Sea Continental Shelf Case:
Re: Instant customary law
 In 1403 and 1406, Henry IV of England issued orders protecting
fishermen of foreign states; Facts: This case involves the application of the equidistant principle of
 1521 Treaty between Emperor Charles V and Francis I of France; the delimitation of continental shelf and the equitable delimitation rule.
 1536 Dutch edicts which permitted herring fishing in time of war; Equidistant rule is provided in 1958 Geneva Convention on Continental
 During the American war, Louis XVI of France addressed a letter to Shelf. Germany argued they are not bound by it since the provision was
his admiral exempting fishermen from capture; not yet effective at that relevant time. Relevant states were not yet
 1785 Treaty between the US and Prussia calling for the protection parties of the 1958 Vienna Convention and did not yet enter into force.
of fishermen in time of war; Netherlands and Denmark contended that the principle of equidistance
 1848 Treaty between the US and Mexico incorporating the terms is a CIL. Germany argued back that such principle cannot be a CIL in
in the 1785 US-Prussia Treaty such a short period of time (1958-1964)
Nicaragua vs. USA, ICJ Report (1986) Issue: Is “long period of practice” relevant and important in determining
Re: Customary International Law can exist alongside with Treaty Law the formation of customary international law? May CIL be formed in a
short period of time? Is there such a norm as “instant customary law”?
Facts: Following the overthrow of the right wing government in
Nicaragua in 1979, the US in 1981 ceased economic aid on the ground Held: Yes. Short passage of time is not necessarily a bar to the formation
that the left wing Sandinista government in Nicaragua had aided the of customary international law. What is controlling is that the state
guerrillas fighting against the El Salvador government with which the US practice, including that of states whose interests are specially affected,
enjoyed good relations. must be extensive and virtually uniform with regard to the provision in
such a way as to show a general recognition that it is a binding law.
Nicaragua complained of violations of customary international law when
the US used armed force against it and when it provided assistance to
Nicaraguan guerrillas (the Contras) who had been fighting to overthrow Instant customary International Law (Terrorism)
the Sandinista government. The US denied ICJ jurisdiction on the basis Evolution of erga omnes norm in relation to Terrorism after the 9/11
of a reservation it made to the jurisdiction of the ICJ in matter that attack. It was hard to exercise universal criminal jurisdiction against
involve multilateral treaty. Nicaragua argued that customary terrorists. The remaining criminal jurisdiction theory applied before 9/11
international law had not been suspended by the UN Charter. (except US since it is very dynamic), was territoriality principle. Now the
legal landscape on terrorism has changed because of the 9/11 attack.
Customary International Law norms involved: Universal jurisdiction is now applicable in terrorist attacks, though still it
has not been affirmed by tribunal courts.
1. Principle of Non-intervention.
The US trained, armed, equipped, and financed the Contras

2. Prohibition against violation of Sovereignty of another State.

PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW l Atty. Bretch Largo l For the exclusive use of EH – 407 A.Y. 2015-2016

Asylum Case (Columbia vs. Peru, ICJ Report, 1950) If it is regional customary international law, a higher threshold of
uniformity is required in order to convince a tribunal that there exists
Facts: Following an unsuccessful rebellion in Peru in 1948, an arrest
warrant was issued for one of the leaders of the rebellion (Haya de La such customary international law. There is no formula on how much
greater the threshold is required. It cannot be quantified. It all depends
Torre), a Peruvian national. He sought and was granted asylum by
Columbia in its Peruvian Embassy. Columbia sought, but Peru refused, on the circumstances of the case.
to provide a “safe conduct” for Haya de La Torre from the country.
Significance of refusal of some states to observe a norm
Since we are dealing with uniformity, what then is the significance of
Columbia requested the ICJ to rule that it (Columbia) as the state
granting asylum was the country competent to characterize the offense refusal on the part of some states to observe a particular norm, will it
bar the formation of the norm? The other questions that should be asked
as political for purposes of asylum. Columbia based its submission on
treaty and “American international law in general” or regional or local here are:
custom peculiar to Latin American states.
(1) How much of these states refuse to practice the norm?
Key Principle: (2) Who are these states not practicing the norm?
The burden of proof lies with the party alleging the existence of the (3) Regardless of who are these states, are they relevant state
custom. It must demonstrate that the custom relied upon was practice?
established in such a manner so as to become binding on the other
party. An alleged regional custom demands greater uniformity in Otherwise, if this does not achieve a threshold that will bar a customary
international law, then the customary international law will exist
practice than a general custom.
regardless of the non-practice of some states and it may be a case of
violation on the part of the non-observing states but not necessarily.
Nature of Right to Asylum
Right to asylum is a CIL Anglo Norwegian Fisheries Case (UK vs. Norway, ICJ Report)
One of the leaders of rebellion in Peru, a Peruvian national, Dela Torre,
fled and sought asylum at the Embassy of Peru belonging to Columbia. Q. Should the baseline follow the natural configuration of the
Note that there is this rule in public international law that the right to bay meaning it should also indent?
asylum has ripened into a character of customary international law, and If the two points of the mouth of the bay is 10 nautical miles or less, it
therefore one who seeks asylum from another state, the moment asylum is acceptable and considered a practice to just draw a straight line
is granted, all other states are bound by the international norm to connecting the two points of the mouth and no need to indent.
respect the asylum. Otherwise if it is more than 10 nautical miles following the low water
mark, then drawing a straight line between the two points is not allowed.
The right to asylum developed because of the evolution of civil and In which case, the baseline should be indented.
political rights. Some leaders have been persecuted politically and so the
only way to put teeth to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Q. Is this 10 nautical mile rule binding on Norway? How much
Rights is to give victims of political persecutions opportunity to be in a of these states practice the contrary rule? Did the ICJ quantify?
way immune from further political persecution by asking for asylum from
Under the UNCLOS, it is not anymore 10 nautical miles, it is now 12
another state.
nautical miles and there is variance on how to do it depending on how
deep or shallow the indention is. ICJ’s level of analysis was to test
Right to safe conduct
whether the 10 nautical mile rule has ripened into customary
As a result of the nature of the right to asylum, being part of the
international law and as applied to Norway.
customary international law, states are also bound to observe or grant
that person a safe conduct. And so that person may leave his own
As said, the ICJ noted contrary practice by other relevant states, not all
country without the interference or intervention of the authorities of that
states but only those with baselines and maritime zones. The ICJ also
territory. He should not be subjected to arrest or detention precisely
said that even assuming that this rule ripened into customary
because of safe conduct.
international law, Norway has been consistently objecting to the 10 mile
rule even before this rule assuming has ripened to a customary
So basically from the Embassy of Columbia to Columbia, no Peruvian
international law. This is the doctrine known as persistent
authority may intervene in that process. The problem is this, Columbia
granted asylum because according to them the offense that Dela Torre
committed was political and therefore the grant of asylum was
Persistent Objector/Dissenter Doctrine
appropriate. It was contested by Peru saying that it was not political and
According to ICJ the important elements to consider in this case are:
the crimes committed by Dela Torre were common crimes.
(1) The objection by the state objector/dissenter must have been
Columbia argued that it is the state granting the asylum which is done before the norm has ripened to customary international law
competent to characterize the offense. To support its claim, it submitted or at the outset.
some American international law principles in general and some alleged TN: Otherwise the objection can be treated as a violation of the customary
regional or local customs peculiar to Latin American states on that grant international law and in that regard there is a breach, and so the state
of asylum. dissenting may still be bound by the customary international law.

(2) The objection must be consistent.

There were about 3 or 4 conventions mentioned but apparently even 1
TN: It cannot be that you objected 50 years ago and the next time you
convention proves non uniformity and so ICJ wasn’t that convinced that express your dissent to the norm will be 50 years after, then it is hard to
there was really such customary international law in the Latin American comply with the requirement of consistency. The objection must be
countries on the matter of which state can competently characterize the consistent in the same manner as the practice must also be consistent.
offense as political or not.
(3) The objection must be categorical, clear and equivocal dissent
Level of Uniformity Required Establishing the Norm of CIL must be shown.
There is no requirement of universality but there is such a requirement
of uniformity. The level of uniformity will vary depending on the nature ICJ held that although the 10 nautical mile rule has ripened into
of international law whether it is universal or regional. customary international law, the same is not applicable to Norway which


PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW l Atty. Bretch Largo l For the exclusive use of EH – 407 A.Y. 2015-2016

has been an objector/dissenter from the outset, the practice was lawful or unlawful in an extreme circumstance of self-defense in
consistent, and the objection was categorical clear and equivocal. which the very survival of the State would be at stake”
 Unanimous, on the principle that there exists an obligation to
Q. May a State validly exempt itself from the application of a pursue in good faith efforts towards nuclear disarmament.
customary international law? Are all states, therefore, bound
by all norms of customary international law? DBL’s discussion:
A state, which from the outset consistently objects to a particular However, if you factor in the improved technology today, will the
practice, is not bound by any rule of alleged customary international law advisory opinion of the ICJ in 1996 still hold true at present? Would the
which may arise from the practice. (“Persistent Objector Doctrine”) survival of the state justify the use of nuclear weapons?

Fisheries Jurisdiction Case (UK vs. Iceland, ICJ Report, 1973) Lotus Case (France vs. Turkey, PCIJ Series A No. 101, 1927)
Key Principle: Facts: Lotus, a French steamer, and a Turkish steamer, collided on the
Article 62 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, relating to high seas. The Turkish steamer sank and eight Turkish sailors died. The
termination of a treaty because of a fundamental change in French officer on watch of the Lotus was prosecuted in Turkey. French
circumstance (rebus sic stantibus), represented a codification of existing government argued that the flag state has jurisdiction. Turkey counter-
customary international law. argued that the “flag state rule” is not exclusive and that there has been
no rule of customary international law which gave exclusive jurisdiction
In the case there was, however, no evidence of such “fundamental of the flag state.
change” in the fishing techniques that resulted to what Iceland called
“overfishing in the Icelandic coast.” In any case, such fundamental The ICJ said that there was neither customary international law nor
change doctrine may only affect the merits of the case, but not as to conventional international law that prohibited the exercise of territorial
the issue of whether the ICJ will have jurisdiction over the subject criminal jurisdiction and so restriction to state’s sovereignty cannot be
matter. presumed.
Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons Case (ICJ TN: The idea since the Lotus case is that restriction to sovereign states is not
Advisory Opinion, 1996) presumed and therefore the threshold in limiting the exercise of sovereignty should
be higher and there should be clear evidence of existence of convention or
Key Principles: customary international law.
A. The ICJ said that the General Assembly resolutions may show the
formation of opinio juris. Although not legally binding, they may Key Principles:
have normative value. A. Restrictions upon the independence or sovereignty of states cannot
B. Lotus Doctrine (customary international law and how to relate it to be presumed.
sovereignty) A state is barred to do an act only when it is so
B. Jurisdiction is territorial but international law does not prohibit a
prohibited under a treaty or customary international law because
state from exercising jurisdiction in its own territory over a case
restriction to state sovereignty is not presumed
relating to acts which have taken place abroad.
Q. What is the relevance of the ICJ Advisory in the study of CIL? C. No definite rule of customary international law regarding collision
Is the threat or use of nuclear weapons prohibited under public cases in the high seas
international law?
TN: There are some rules now on collision cases in the high seas under
The question should be contextualized, not just a straightforward
UNCLOS III of 1982. The specific rule now governing collision cases on
answer of yes or no. It must be contextualized under humanitarian law,
high seas is the flag state rule or the nationality rule.
conventional warfare and on the concept of self-defense.
Q. Does “abstention” by some states to exercise criminal
We are dealing here with use of nuclear weapons as an exercise of
jurisdiction for crimes committed abroad, offer evidence that
power by a state. ICJ contextualized it because if one has to make a
such practice of abstention is obligatory?
rule, necessarily the rule will affect one’s sovereignty and how do you Because this was the argument of France. According to it, one cannot exercise
relate limitation to one’s sovereignty and the establishment of certain criminal jurisdiction over offenses committed abroad because the flag state rule
norm under international law? should prevail. The States do not practice criminal jurisdiction where crimes were
committed outside their territorial jurisdiction. Does it offer evidence that such
ICJ Opinion and Voting practice of abstention is obligatory?

 Unanimous, on the principle that “there is neither customary nor

No. It is not a sufficient evidence to show that nations favor the flag
conventional international law on any specific authorization of the
state rule just because they abstain from practicing criminal jurisdiction
threat or use of nuclear weapons”
over offenses committed outside their territory.
 11-3, on the principle that “there is neither customary nor
conventional international law on any comprehensive and universal
prohibition of the threat or use of nuclear weapons as such” GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF LAW

 Unanimous, on the principle that “a threat or use of force by means GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF LAW
of nuclear weapons that is contrary to Art. 2, par. 4 of the UN Recognized by civilized (peace-loving) nations. Aimed at providing
Charter and that fails to meet all the requirements of Art. 51, is solutions to controversies where treaty law or customary law provides
unlawful” no guidance.
 Unanimous, on the principles that “a threat or use of nuclear “Law” can refer to both “international law” and “municipal law elevated
weapons should also be compatible with the requirements of the as international law” (common municipal law)
international law applicable to armed conflict and IHL as well as
Examples: estoppel, good faith, exhaustion of local remedies,
specific obligations under treaties dealing with nuclear weapons”
prescription, etc.
 7-7, on the principle that “while the threat or use of nuclear
weapons would generally be contrary to the rules of IHL in armed
conflict, the Court cannot conclude definitively whether it would be
PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW l Atty. Bretch Largo l For the exclusive use of EH – 407 A.Y. 2015-2016

South West Africa Case

Key Principle: Actio popularis (the action to obtain remedy by a person
or a group in the name of the general public without being, or directly Subsidiary sources
representing, the victim) is not recognized as a general principle of law. Judicial decisions and teachings of most highly qualified publicists are
In international law, it refers to the action taken by a State in the name only subsidiary sources. Thus, they can only be applied when there are
of the international community even if it is not directly the victim. no clear primary sources of international law.

Barcelona Traction Case TN: There are authors who suggest that these are not law creating sources but
merely law determining. Meaning, it is where we determine whether the law exists.
Key Principle: In the absence of applicable international law, They don’t create the norm, because international law must be created by state
cognizance must be given to the relevant institutions of domestic law, practice and not just by the belief of courts or publicicts. Nonetheless, the court
otherwise, the ICJ would lose touch with reality, particularly as there are decisions and teaching can help locate and affirm whether such international law
not corresponding institutions of international law to which the Court is indeed practiced by States.
could make reference.
Facts: Barcelona Traction is corporation doing business in Spain but was Article 59, Statute of the ICJ
registered in Canada. It got bankrupt because it issued some bonds The decision of the court has no binding force, except between the
when under its finances it shouldn’t have done so. It was forced to pay parties and in respect of that particular case.
off some bonds which resulted to alleged bankruptcy.
No stare decisis
There was a cause of action against Spain because it was an act of the There is no stare decisis on ICJ decisions because Art 59 provides that
government of Spain but the problem is when it comes to corporation decisions of ICJ shall apply only between the parties and only in a
when we apply nationality principle as one way to exercise diplomatic particular case. So even if two cases have practically the same issue,
protection, the state applying for diplomatic protection or the supposed the ICJ is not bound.
victim which breached the international law must be a national of the
state which will exercise diplomatic protection. ICJ decisions are independent
ICJ decisions are independent of judicial decisions of other newly
Nationality therefore of this corporation is the place of registration which created tribunals such as the ICC, etc. for lack of formal relationship
is Canada. Canada is unwilling to initiate the claim and so the company between these tribunals.
theorized that majority of the stockholders are Belgian nationals. The
issue is whether or not Belgium can exercise diplomatic protection for TEACHING OF MOST HIGHLY QUALIFIED PUBLICISTS
and behalf of the injured stockholders.
Not all publicists will qualify as subsidiary source. It should be the “most
highly qualified publicists” and they should have been quoted with
The ICJ ruled that in the absence of applicable international law, this is
regard to a particular norm in International Law.
cognizance must be given to the relevant institution of domestic law.
Otherwise the ICJ would lose touch with reality particularly that there
are no corresponding institutions of international law to be its stepping OTHER POSSIBLE SOURCES
board as reference.
Other possible sources of international law
Q: What general principle of law was applied in this case? A. Acts of International Organizations
The principle of derivative suit in corporations, applies in situations B. Soft law
where for example, funds of the company have been misused by some C. Ex aequo et bono
officials. Since these are company assets, the proper party is the ACTS OF INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS
corporation and it has a distinct and separate personality from its Examples: UN and its organs like the General Assembly
shareholders. But someone should act for and behalf of the corporation
and so this is where the shareholders may institute a suit called SOFT LAW
derivative suit for and behalf of the company. Guidelines of conduct which are neither strictly binding norms of law nor
completely irrelevant political maxims. Laws which have no binding
Therefore, it is not the nationality of the stockholders that is effect to the parties. Thus, non-observance by states do not give rise to
determinative of which state can exercise diplomatic protection but the liability.
nationality of the company because in this case, apparently although
they were Belgian nationals they were simply representing the interests Examples: UN Declaration and most of the conferences found in
of the corporation because what they want to initiate is a derivative suit International Environmental Law.
as we know it here in our jurisdiction.
TN: A good example of a soft law are UN Declarations. While these declarations
According to ICJ, the same principle can be applied at the international are indeed principles of law, yet states are not bound. They are there as guides
for states in designing and creating their own domestic laws.
level. In the field of diplomatic protection, international law was a
continuous evolution and was called upon to recognize institutions of Non-observance by States cannot be a basis for liability. Thus if it provides that
municipal law. In municipal law the concept of the company was you should not discriminate by reason of gender, if the Philippines fails to pass
founded on a firm distinction between rights of the company and those legislation that prevents discrimination on the basis of gender, or failing to legalize
same-sex marriage, there is no liability there. What you can do perhaps, is to
of the shareholders, only the company which was endowed with legal
lobby. That is soft law.
personality to take action in respect of matters that were of corporate

A wrong done to the company frequently caused prejudice to its

shareholders but this did not imply that corporation was entitled to claim
compensation. Whenever shareholders’ interests were harmed by an act
done to the company, it was the company who has to look for
appropriate action.
PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW l Atty. Bretch Largo l For the exclusive use of EH – 407 A.Y. 2015-2016

Soft law Hard law Erga Omnes Jus Cogens

Guidelines of conduct which are Norms, the non-observance of Obligation or duty of the state to Non-derogable norm
neither strictly binding norms of which will result to State all other states
law nor completely irrelevant responsibility
political maxims Ex. Don’t commit genocide;
Prosecute those who commit Ex. Prohibition against genocide
Law as it should be in the future Law as it currently stands

Example: UN declarations Example: Treaty, CIL, Jus cogens PHILIPPINE PRACTICE

Sec 2, Art II, 1987 Constitution
“According to what is right or good”
The Philippines renounces war as an instrument of national policy,
Art 38 (2) ICJ Statute – adopts the generally accepted principles of international law as part of
This provision shall not prejudice the power of the Court to decide a the law of the land and adheres to the policy of peace, equality, justice,
case ex aequo et bono, if the parties agree thereto. freedom, cooperation and amity with all nations.
TN: If possible, the ICJ will apply the general concept of fairness, if the parties
agree. Hence, it may be possible where equity may be allowed to override other Generally accepted principles of international law in the
rules, provided that the parties agree. Philippines:

Q: If “equity” is a “general principle of law” and therefore a A. Through incorporation – front door; international law becomes
source of international law that the ICJ can apply, why require automatically part of the law of the land without any action by
“agreement” by the parties before “equity” in Art. 38 (2) may the government.
be applied by the ICJ? B. Through transformation – back door; via a positive or
Because equity under Art. 38 (2) is not applied as a general principle of affirmative act by the government transforming the
law. The consent of the parties are needed because in reality, the international law into domestic law.
controversy can be solved by applying treaty law of CIL, but the parties  By executive action – official pronouncements by the
decides to apply equitable principles instead. It is in such a case that Executive departments, i.e. issuance by the President,
equity overrides all other laws. DFA, etc.
 By legislative action – When Congress pass laws in
conformity with international laws
The River Meuse Case
 By judicial action – judicial decisions as when the
General principle applied: Equity; Estoppel. Supreme Court will apply the international law
A man-made river (canal) was created by Belgium, in violation of the
Treaty. But earlier, Netherlands had also done something similar. The Kuroda v. Jalandoni
ICJ ruled that both are equally guilty for violating the Treaty. He who In accordance with the generally accepted principles of international law
comes to court must come with clean hands. This is a principle from of the present day, including the Hague Convention, the Geneva
municipal courts. But for lack of principle in international law, this was Convention and significant precedents of international jurisprudence
applied as a general principle of law. established by the United Nations, all those persons, military or civilian,
who have been guilty of planning, preparing or waging a war of
Custom v. Usage/Comity aggression and of the commission of crimes and offenses consequential
A. Custom – is a practice that states believe themselves to be under and incidental thereto, in violation of the laws and customs of war, of
a legal obligation to follow. (e.g. state immunity). In other words, humanity and civilization, are held accountable therefor.
practice with opinio juris.
In the promulgation and enforcement of Executive Order No. 68, the
B. Usage – is a practice that states generally follow without believing
President of the Philippines has acted in conformity with the generally
themselves legally bound to do so. There is only observance of the
accepted principles and policies and international law which are part of
conduct out of convenience and not because they believe it is a
our constitution.
legal obligation. (e.g. alternat – system observed by UN members
in the signing of treaties in the observance of co-equality) In other
USA v. Guinto
words, practice without opinio juris.
The rule that a state may not be sued without its consent, now
expressed in Article XVI, Section 3, of the 1987 Constitution, is one of
Obligations Erga Omnes
the generally accepted principles of international law that we have
Obligations of a state to the international community (e.g. not to
adopted as part of the law of our land under Article II, Section 2.
commit/ fail to punish international crimes; not to violate people’s right
to self-determination)
Even without such affirmation, we would still be bound by the generally
accepted principles of international law under the doctrine of
Obligations for which all states have a legal interest in the fulfillment by
incorporation. Under this doctrine, as accepted by the majority of states,
reason of the importance of their subject matter to the international
such principles are deemed incorporated in the law of every civilized
community. It is the duty to refrain from doing, irrespective of any treaty
state as a condition and consequence of its membership in the society
because the obligatory duty of compliance is understood or being owed
of nations. Upon its admission to such society, the state is automatically
to the international community as a whole.
obligated to comply with these principles in its relations with other
TN: To determine if there exists such a duty towards the international
community and therefore erga omnes norm is to know whether such
In the case of the foreign state sought to be impleaded in the local
duty addresses a jus cogens norm.
jurisdiction, the added inhibition is expressed in the maxim par in parem,
non habet imperium. All states are sovereign equals and cannot assert
PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW l Atty. Bretch Largo l For the exclusive use of EH – 407 A.Y. 2015-2016

jurisdiction over one another. A contrary disposition would, in the VCLT was drafted and entered into force, were not yet considered CIL but were
language of a celebrated case, “unduly vex the peace of nations.” hoped by International Law Commission to develop into CIL.

Holy See v. Rosario Q. What is the best source of interpretation of the VCLT?
The right of a foreign sovereign to acquire property, real or personal, in The travaux preparatoires was carried out by the International Law
a receiving state, necessary for the creation and maintenance of its Commission (ILC), so its commentary is one of the best sources of
diplomatic mission, is recognized in the 1961 Vienna Convention on interpretation of the VCLT.
Diplomatic Relations (Arts. 20-22). This treaty was concurred in by the
Philippine Senate and entered into force in the Philippines on November Codification of CIL
15, 1965. The VCLT is a codification of Customary International Laws. An example
of CIL found in VCLT is Art 26 Pacta Sunt Servanda – “Every treaty in
In Article 31(a) of the Convention, a diplomatic envoy is granted force is binding upon the parties to it and must be performed by them
immunity from the civil and administrative jurisdiction of the receiving in good faith.”
state over any real action relating to private immovable property
situated in the territory of the receiving state which the envoy holds on Evidence of progressive development of CIL
behalf of the sending state for the purposes of the mission. If this is The VCLT is also an evidence of the progressive development of CIL.
applicable to the envoy, all the more that this rule is applicable to the Example of a progressive development of CIL is Article 9: Adoption of
sovereign itself, the Holy See. the Text.
1. The adoption of the text of a treaty takes place by the consent of
Reyes v. Bagatsing
all the States participating in its drawing up except as provided in
The Philippines is a signatory of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic
paragraph 2.
Relations adopted in 1961… The second paragraph of its Article 22
reads: “The receiving State is under a special duty to take appropriate 2. The adoption of the text of a treaty at an international conference
steps to protect the premises of the mission against any intrusion or takes place by the vote of two thirds of the States present and
damage and to prevent any disturbance of the peace of the mission or voting, unless by the same majority they shall decide to apply a
impairment of its dignity.” different rule.

The Constitution “adopts the generally accepted principles of 2 ways to adopt a treaty:
international law as part of the law of the land…” To the extent that the
A. Unanimity rule – If there are 5 states adopting the treaty not in
Vienna Convention is a restatement of the generally accepted principles
an international conference, then that should be the consent of
of international law, it should be a part of the law of the land.
the states. If States A, B, C and D decided to enter into a treaty
among themselves, and they are parties to VCLT, the required
Q. Which between CIL and treaty law prevails?
vote for adoption would be unanimous.
In terms of clarity of intent the treaty provides a clearer intent because
for one it is a product of a process or deliberation so what comes out B. 2/3 rule – In an international conference, asking for a unanimous
after the negotiation and ratification should clearly represent the intent vote would not be feasible. As a matter of practice, 2/3 of states
of the parties. And so in terms of clarity in intent the treaty may prevail present and voting, unless they would agree to adopt another
over customary international law. voting requirement.

In terms of whether it is more binding, customary international law has Non-retroactivity of the present convention
been a product of a long practice and so it may prevail over treaties. Article 4, VCLT – Without prejudice to the application of any rules set
Treaties are binding only in so far as to the parties concerned, however forth in the present Convention to which treaties would be subject under
customary international law are also applicable even those states who international law independently of the Convention, the Convention
don’t practice or objected to the law except if such state is a persistent applies only to treaties which are concluded by States after the entry
objector/dissentor. into force of the present Convention with regard to such States.
Entry into force: January 27, 1980.
TN: But really, CIL and Treaty can exist alongside each other as was ruled in
Nicaragua v. USA case. And as previously discussed, there is really no hierarchy of
sources, except insofar as jus cogens is concerned. APPLICATION OF VCLT


Q. May the rules found in the Vienna Convention on the Law of
THE VIENNA CONVENTION ON THE LAW OF TREATIES Treaties (VCLT) be applied in the following?
A. A dispute involving a “treaty” between State A and the IMF-World
B. A dispute involving a 1960 treaty between State A and State B
VIENNA CONVENTION C. A dispute involving a 1995 treaty between State A and State B
The Vienna Convention entered into force on January 27, 1980. VCLT which are not parties to the VCLT
applies only to treaties after entry into force (Article 4)
TN: the entry into force of 1969 VCLT should not be interpreted in any way that Situation A: A dispute involving a “treaty” between State A and
all other treaties not in accordance with the definition of a treaty under VCLT, will the IMF – World Bank
not be binding between the parties concerned. The ILC made a caveat in Article 3 Brief answer: Yes. The rules, not really the VCLT provisions themselves
that this definition should not in any way be interpreted as invalidating all other that are already CIL can apply. VCLT is just a codification of CIL, so
some CIL were already existing or recognized even before the VCLT
entered into force.
Before the VCLT, the “law of treaties” had been CIL. The VCLT is both a
codification work of CIL and a progressive development of IL. DBL’s discussion:
Articles of VCLT are not impositions or enactment of a higher authority. VCLT is a This should be treated carefully because the question states “may the rules found
codification of CIL but, at the same time, also a codification of a progressive in the VCLT be applied” and not “may VCLT be applied”. If you say “rules”, you
development of international law because there are provisions which, at the time have to first examine what particular rule are you going to apply to the “treaty”


PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW l Atty. Bretch Largo l For the exclusive use of EH – 407 A.Y. 2015-2016

between State A and the IMF-World Bank. If you look at VCLT, it is a codification Elements:
of customary international law on the law of treaties. A. An international agreement
B. Concluded between States
But, for example, under Article 65 on fundamental change, the term fundamental
change has its roots in the customary international law on the law of treaties called
C. In written form
“rebus sic stantibus”. The convention does not mention that it is rebus sic stantibus D. Governed by International law
but that is how it is mentioned in the VCLT. The principle of rebus sic stantibus, TN: VCLT’s definition of a treaty is not all-inclusive. It is just a definition of the
while it is CIL on the law of treaties, is also a principle that will apply even in kind of treaty that will be governed by the VCLT. As established in the case of
domestic jurisdiction. Qatar v. Bahrain, even agreements that are not in conformity with the definition
of a treaty in the VCLT, may actually be binding, especially so that the VCLT
In our civil law, for example, we know that a party to a contract may be exempt provided for an important provision in Article 3, in relation to the definition of a
from complying with the provisions or obligations of a contract, if there is treaty. It states that:
fundamental change of circumstance where it becomes burdensome on the part
of the party. This can be applicable to the “treaty” between State A and IMF-World The fact that the present Convention does not apply to international
Bank to the extent that the “treaty” could be considered, at the very least, an agreements concluded between States and other subjects of international
agreement, contract, stipulation between two entities. It may not deem proper law or between such other subjects of international law, or to international
right away to call it a treaty, but there is already a convention on treaties governing agreements not in written form, shall not affect the legal force of such
states and even non-states such as international organizations. agreements.

We’ll be studying treaties that will be governed by VCLT. The word treaty can When confronted with a question of “what is a treaty”, you may
actually exist in other agreements not involving states. It is a misnomer to say that answer in the following manner:
when you say treaty, it is something agreed upon by states. That it should be A treaty, for purposes of the application of the provisions of VCLT, is
agreed upon by states is only a requirement for the VCLT to be applicable. It is (definition of treaty in VCLT). There are international agreements which
not really the characteristic of a treaty. That is only an element found in the
definition of treaty in the VCLT for purposes of whether applying VCLT or not.
can still be called treaties between non-state actors but governed by a
different convention. Example is Convention of 1986 on Treaties entered
Situation B: A dispute involving a 1960 treaty between State A into by states and international organizations and as between
and State B international organizations. They are also called treaties but beyond the
Brief answer: Yes. A rule embodied in the VCLT may already be a CIL provisions of VCLT.
even before the VCLT codified it, notwithstanding the fact that the VCLT
provides for non-retroactivity (covers only from 1980 onwards). Hence, Treaties come in various names
if a rule had already been universally practiced and accepted even Agreement, pact, understanding, protocol, charter, statute, act,
before 1980, and is already existing at the time of the dispute, then such covenant, declaration, engagement, arrangement, accord, regulation
could be applied. and provision.

DBL’s discussion: Convention The output treaty that is a result of an initiation by an

The date is relevant because VCLT entered into force on January 27, 1980 (it is a International Commission
product of a long process which started in 1969). If we talk about the “rule” being Protocol Amendment to a treaty
made applicable to this kind of treaty, it will matter if the rule is of CIL character Charter If the treaty operates to create an international
or not. organization (e.g. WTO Charter, UN Charter)
Statute If the nature of a treaty is to create a court (e.g.
If the rule is of customary international law character, it may actually be applied Statute of the ICJ, ICC – Rome Statute)
not because VCLT is given retroactive application, but because as ruled in
Declarations General principles subject to specification later on
Nicaragua v. US, a customary international law will not lose its character of being
and Accords
CIL even if it had been codified in a treaty or convention. If rule found in VCLT has
not attained CIL status, it cannot be applied to the 1960 treaty between State A TN: Treaties may be codifications of already existing CIL or are themselves
and State B. evidence of the practice of an emerging customary international law especially in
the case of multilateral treaties.
Situation C: A dispute involving a 1995 treaty between State A
and State B which are not parties to the VCLT TREATY LAW V. LAW OF TREATIES
Brief answer: Yes, the basis may not be the VCLT, but the CIL embodied
in it. CIL applies to all States whether VCLT party or not. Treaty Law Law of Treaties

DBL’s discussion: Talks about body of rules applicable

This is another situation where even if they are not parties and even if VCLT Pertains to internal substantive to treaties in general without
entered into force as between the parties, both states can still be governed by CIL. content of treaties looking at the substance or
Even if we talk about pacta sunt servanda, which is CIL and, therefore, even if substantive content of a treaty
they are not parties to VCLT, these states are still bound by it.

SUMMARY: Between State A and State B, if Whether or not a fundamental

Rules found in VCLT which have achieved customary international law character State A wants to withdraw from change will entitle a state from
may be applied in treaties concluded before the VCLT entered into force and even the treaty and there are agreed asking that the provisions of a
between states and non-states, parties or not to the VCLT. procedure on how to do it as treaty be suspended for a time
contained in the treaty between being and there are conditions
TREATY DEFINED State A and State B, the resolution before a state be allowed to do
of that issue would be the that, is a question governed by the
VCLT DEFINITION OF TREATY province of treaty law law of treaties

A treaty per VCLT is “an international agreement concluded between
States in written form and governed by international law, whether
embodied in a single instrument or in two or more related instruments,
and whatever its particular designation.”


PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW l Atty. Bretch Largo l For the exclusive use of EH – 407 A.Y. 2015-2016

Q: Is an agreement which has the nature of a treaty but is not one of the grounds precluding state responsibility, like a valid
reduced to writing a “treaty”? Is it binding on state parties to countermeasure.
the agreement? Example: State would say that it will not perform its obligations because the other
party breached the obligation. But the non-performance was not simply because
Qatar v. Bahrain of the breach but because it is the countermeasure. When you invoke
Facts: This involves a dispute between Qatar and Bahrain on the countermeasure, you’re treating the treaty as a law-making treaty because
sovereignty over certain islands and shoals, and the delimitation of invoking it involves invoking the provisions of the VCLT.
maritime areas of the two states. Saudi Arabia tried to mediate in the
settlement of the dispute and gave proposal to refer the disputed Contract treaty
matters to ICJ. A. Has a consideration
B. Has an element of reciprocity
The matter was brought up during the annual meeting of Cooperation C. Short-lived or temporary
Council of Arab States of the Gulf in 1990. Following that meeting, D. Could be governed by another regime, not necessarily public
Foreign Ministers of Bahrain, Qatar and Saudi Arabia signed Minutes international law, but it could be domestic law, depending on
wherein it said that the parties may submit the matter to ICJ. The 1990 what’s found in the treaty.
Minutes has been Qatar’s basis for finding jurisdiction of ICJ over the E. Performance of an obligation is based upon the performance of the
matter which was contested by Bahrain saying that the 1990 Minutes do obligation of the other. It is similar to a contract
not constitute a legally binding instrument. It maintains that the Minutes
Example: State would say that it is not bound to perform its oath because the
were no more than a simple record of negotiations. other party did not perform its oath. Since that state is invoking reciprocity,
chances are it may be characterized as contract treaty.
Held: The 1990 Minutes constitute an international agreement, hence,
a legally binding instrument. It includes reaffirmation of obligations Q. Are contract treaties still covered by VCLT?
previously entered into. It is not a simple record. On the contrary, it The term law-making treaties or contract treaties are used by authors
enumerates the commitments to which the parties have presented. They to distinguish between treaties that cannot be the source of international
thus create rights and obligations in international law for the parties. law or cannot be a law that will generate international law. However,
the ILC is not definite on whether the definition should apply to both
Four elements of a Treaty:
law-making treaties and contract treaties. Nevertheless, it would be best
1. It is an international agreement
2. Entered into by states to assume that the definition of a treaty in the VCLT should be a treaty
3. Written form that refers to law-making treaties since it requires the element that it
4. To be governed by international law should be governed by international law.

It is not a treaty for purposes of applying the VCLT. But it may be a Q. Australia entered into an “agreement” with the Philippines
treaty, nevertheless. There are conventions on treaties also not entered stipulating that the Australian Naval Forces leased a Philippine
into between states. But whether it is binding or not, in Qatar v. Bahrain, Government’s patrimonial property in Subic for its naval and
even if it is not in writing or reduced to writing in the form of a treaty, military exercises in the Philippines for 5 years in the amount
it may still be binding. In Bahrain v. Qatar, the Minutes was in writing of P10M. Is this a “treaty”? Why or why not?
but not in the form of treaty and was duly signed by the parties. It may For purposes of applying the VCLT, the agreement is not a treaty
not be governed by law of treaties because it is not reduced into writing because it does not satisfy the 4th element that it has to be governed by
in the form of a treaty under VCLT, but it is still binding. international laws. Although it can be called a bilateral treaty, the rules
that should apply in this case are municipal laws of the Philippines,
In the Nuclear test case, even unilateral declaration of an official as to unless this agreement specifically provides that it will be governed by
a particular conduct of a state may bind the state even if it is not in international law.
writing. This is the unilateral conduct principle of international law.
In this case, Civil Code may apply.
LAW-MAKING TREATY V. CONTRACT TREATY Reasons why it is not governed by international law:
A. The term is five years – which means it is temporary
Law-making treaties Contract treaties B. 10 million is received in exchange of allowing the use of patrimonial
property – this means it is reciprocal obligation which means a
Operate as binding rules, similar Not sources of international law, particular obligation is to be performed and therefore the treaty
to statutes but merely legal transactions will generate a conduct only on the basis of reciprocity
Imposes the same obligations on
all the parties to the treaty and That is what we call contract treaty. This is not the kind of treaty to be
Treaties which resemble contracts
seek to regulate the parties’ (reciprocal) governed by international law because by the nature of the contract, it
behaviour over a long period of is to be governed by municipal law, not unless parties provide that it will
time be governed by international law since it is a contract treaty anyway.
Purpose is to conclude an Observance of the contract
depends on both contracting FORMATION OF TREATIES
agreement on universal
substantive legal principles; to parties (performance of one
depends on the other’s) and their FORMATION OF TREATIES
regulate conduct
willingness to observe
A. Proposal to draft a treaty
Lawmaking treaty B. Negotiation and drafting of the terms
A. Governed, intended to be governed by international law. C. Adoption and Authentication of the text of the treaty by the
B. Regardless of whether the other party performs the obligations negotiating states
incumbent upon that party, the other party is still duty bound. The D. Signature/expression of consent to be bound by the treaty by the
only situation where it will not be duty bound is when it invokes individual states
E. Ratification of the treaty by the individual states
PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW l Atty. Bretch Largo l For the exclusive use of EH – 407 A.Y. 2015-2016

F. Exchange of Instruments of Ratification and Entry into force of the Q. What is the difference between treaty interpretation and
treaty constitutional interpretation?
G. Accession to the treaty by states wishing to join after its entry into In constitutional interpretation, the first step to interpret a treaty is going
force, if any. through the text, within the words, their plain and ordinary meaning
because of the assumption that when the framers used the words or
PROPOSAL TO DRAFT A TREATY phrase, they are already mindful that these words and phrases will be
analysed, read by ordinary people and not just lawyers and judges that’s
PROPOSAL TO DRAFT A TREATY why we give words its plain and ordinary meaning.
Formation of a treaty can be initiated in various ways. A treaty can be
proposed in the following manner: It is different in international law. The Textualist approach is a different
textualist approach. It is text + context (circumstances under which the
1. It can be initiated by one state asking another state that they will treaty has been negotiated). Text and context cannot be separated.
enter into a treaty. There are two possibilities: General rule of interpretation can be found in Article 31:
A. They will meet and try to negotiate the specific provisions A treaty shall be interpreted in good faith in accordance with the ordinary
of the treaty, or meaning to be given to the terms of the treaty in their context and in the
B. The other state may simply be asked to sign a ready-made light of its object and purpose.
treaty by the other state
2. A treaty may be formed because of an international conference
like international conferences of the members of ASEAN states EXCHANGE OF INSTRUMENTS OF RATIFICATION
(10 members), Conference or a Summit of Southeast Asian Ratification is to be understood in two contexts: Domestic level and
nations, conference by members of NATO (North Atlantic Treaty International level.
Organization) for mutual military action. In these conferences,
there are three possibilities: Domestic level
It may be ratification by the President alone or it may be ratification by
A. One state may propose that a treaty may be drafted and the concurrence of Congress, if bicameral, by the House of Reps,
they will agree on the voting later on; or depending on the domestic law of the state concerned.

B. A member of UN, in a plenary, will propose for a drafting International level

of multilateral treaty or convention and if General Assembly It can be done in two ways:
will approve the motion, normally, the name of the treaty 1. Exchange of instruments of ratification
will carry the word convention. Treaties that carry the name 2. Deposit the instruments of ratification to a designated depository
conventions are UN-initiated. – Usually done in multilateral treaties because it will be hard to
exchange instruments if there are many parties
C. A non-governmental organization may draft a convention TN: Designated depository is usually the Secretary of UN
or treaty and submit it either to a conference or to a state
and offer it to other member states for signature and It is important to determine whether it is ratification in the domestic or
discussion. Examples are the 1949 Vienna conventions and international level for the purpose of knowing the exact and precise
its three Protocols in 1977 and in 2005, which have been a moment when the treaty has entered into force. If the treaty provides
product of the work of ICRC (International Committee on that it will enter into force upon ratification by the 61st signatory and
the Red Cross). It was initiated/drafted by ICRC (a NGO), that ratification that referred to is ratification at the domestic level, upon
submitted to the plenary and then UN agreed to make it a proof of ratification at the domestic level, then it has entered into force
treaty/convention and it was approved. among all of them.

Q. Is there legal significance as to how it was initiated? Example 1:

Yes. For example, in the interpretation of the treaty, it is important to 100 signatories and the treaty says that it will enter into force as
know how it was initiated. If it was initiated by one state and the other between all signatories when the 61st signatory ratifies it. Upon 61st
state was simply asked to agree, there’s a possibility to argue that it ratification, treaty entered into force as among the 100 even if others
should be interpreted as against the initiating state because it was have not yet ratified the treaty. That is from the perspective of
drafted unilaterally. If the treaty was initiated in an international international law.
conference, the adoption of the text of the treaty would require 2/3
vote, unless there is a different voting required. If not in an international Example 2:
conference, vote required is unanimity. Treaty says that it will enter into force upon the deposit of the
instruments of ratification, meaning, it will really have to wait for all to
NEGOTIATION AND DRAFTING OF THE TERMS deposit their ratification instrument with the designated depository. But
that is seldom adopted, otherwise the treaty will hardly enter into force.

Q. What is the importance of knowing what happened during ACCESSION TO THE TREATY
the negotiation?
It is important to know what happened during the negotiation for the
purpose of knowing the intent. The process of negotiation will reveal the
There are states which did not participate in the negotiation but would
object and purpose of the treaty for purposes of arguing along
want to become party and there might be provisions on accession. The
teleological approach. It may also reveal the intent of the parties and
form of accession (as to how the new state will become a party to the
the context under which the treaty had been negotiated because you
treaty) will also be provided for.
want to use the context in interpreting the letter/text of the treaty.


PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW l Atty. Bretch Largo l For the exclusive use of EH – 407 A.Y. 2015-2016

for the purpose of adopting the text of a treaty in that conference,

CAPACITY TO ENTER INTO TREATIES organization or organ.
TN: For B and C, full powers is still needed in order to represent the state
CAPACITY OF THE STATE TO ENTER INTO TREATIES for all other stages other than adoption of the text of the treaty.

CAPACITY TO ENTER INTO TREATIES TN: This becomes implied authority because there is some sort of representation
Article 6, VCLT – States have the inherent capacity to enter into treaties. that one had been duly authorized. It may be the case of one appearing before an
TN: This is a customary international law international conference for several stages of the formation process and so even
in other conventions or treaties, he had represented the state. It can be impliedly
DBL’s discussion: assumed that he has the authority. Article 7 (2) enumerates three groups that are
According to ILC, it is not even necessary to put in Article 6 that states have deemed to have been authorized but there is a group authorized for all stages and
inherent capacity to enter into treaties. Other than 1933 Montevideo Convention there are groups that are authorized only for particular stages.
on the rights and duties of states, the moment a group of individuals will qualify
as a state, one of the inherent rights of a state is the right to enter into diplomatic Q. What is the effect of acts done by unauthorized persons?
legation/diplomatic relation. This includes the right to establish embassies. There An act relating to the conclusion of a treaty performed by a person who
are different conventions on the matter, also codification of international law. cannot be considered under article 7 as authorized to represent a State
There is Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations and Vienna Convention on for that purpose is without legal effect unless afterwards confirmed by
Consular Relations.
that State.
Q. What is the difference between diplomatic relations and CONCLUSION AND ENTRY INTO FORCE OF TREATIES
consular relations?
A. Diplomatic relations – established for purposes of regulating the ADOPTION OF A TEXT OF TREATY
political/governmental relationship between the two states.
Ambassadors and members of the diplomatic mission are in foreign ADOPTION OF A TEXT OF TREATY
territories to protect the political and governmental interests of the
sending state. Article 9, VCLT.
1. The adoption of the text of a treaty takes place by the consent of
B. Consular relations – established for non-governmental functions of all the States participating in its drawing up
the state, i.e. commercial and private functions. Example, for
marriage abroad, one is required to get a certificate showing that 2. In case of treaty at an international conference, it takes place by
you have the capacity to enter into such a relation. Because the the vote of 2/3 of the States present and voting, unless by the
right to contract marriage is usually governed by national law. same majority they shall decide to apply a different rule.

DIPLOMATIC LEGATION Q. What is the legal significance of adoption of the text of

Since states are juridical entities, the formation of treaties will have to treaty?
be done by their agents who are individuals. After adoption of the text, the treaty will be prepared in final form, at
which point it is usually “authenticated”. (See Art 10, VCLT)
Q. Who are authorized to represent the state?
The adoption of the text of the treaty governs the subsequent stages in
General rule: the treaty formation. In other words, the moment the treaty is adopted,
One who has “Full Powers” then the conditions of that treaty will govern the subsequent stages.
For example, after adoption, states will express their consent to be
"Full powers" means a document emanating from the competent bound. And so we ask the question, how do they do this? We now look
authority of a State designating a person or persons to represent the at the text of the treaty as adopted. The text of the treaty will provide
State for negotiating, adopting or authenticating the text of a treaty, for the manner of expressing the consent to be bound.
expressing the consent of the State to be bound by a treaty, or for
accomplishing any other act with respect to a treaty. When will it enter into force? We need to look at the text and provisions
TN: When you say full powers, it must refer to all stages that’s why it’s called full.
adopted and that is how we can tell when it enters into force in a
The powers in pleins pouvoirs must be stated expressly as to cover authority to particular way or time. In the absence of an agreement, for period of
negotiate, adopt, authenticate, expressing the consent and accomplishing any entering into force, it is assumed that it is the time when all the parties
other act, if any. So, it must be specific on what power because it is possible that give their unanimous consent.
one bringing the pleins pouvoirs is only limited to a particular stage. That’s why
it’s important to know the different stages. The provisions for the consent to be bound could be through signature,
exchange of instruments constituting a treaty, ratification, acceptance,
Exceptions: the process for accession for third parties.
Article 7 (1) (b), VCLT –
If it appears from the practice of the States concerned or from other CONSENT TO BE BOUND BY A TREATY
circumstances that their intention was to consider that person as
representing the State for such purposes and to dispense with full CONSENT TO BE BOUND BY A TREATY
Article 11, VCLT. Consent of a State to be bound by a treaty may be
Article 7 (2), VCLT – expressed by:
A. Signature
A. Heads of State, Heads of Government and Ministers for Foreign B. Exchange of Instruments
Affairs, for the purpose of performing all acts relating to the C. Ratification
conclusion of a treaty D. Acceptance
B. Heads of diplomatic missions, for the purpose of adopting the text E. Approval
of a treaty between the accrediting State and the State to which F. Accession
they are accredited G. Other means if so agreed
C. Representatives accredited by States to an international
conference or to an international organization or one of its organs,
PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW l Atty. Bretch Largo l For the exclusive use of EH – 407 A.Y. 2015-2016

TN: Ratification occurs only when instruments of ratification are exchanged C. Treaties do not prima facie operate retrospectively, unless a
between the contracting states and are deposited with the depositary. (Art 2 (1) different intention appears (Art 28)
(b) and 16)
D. A treaty cannot prejudice third states without the latter’s express
By accession, a third state which did not take part in the negotiation consents to
be bound by the treaty and ratified. Accession is possible only if it is provided for
consent. (Arts 34, 35)
in the treaty.
Q. The moment they express their consent to be bound, are
they already bound by the substantive provisions of the treaty? RESERVATION
Not yet, but because of their consent, they are obliged not to defeat the Q. What is meant by reservation?
purpose of the treaty unless the text provides that the expression of Article 2 (1)d of the VCLT – A unilateral statement, however phrased or
consent to be bound signifies the entry into force. In which case, they named, made by a State, when signing, ratifying, accepting, approving
are bound by the provisions. Otherwise, we look at the text of the treaty. or acceding to a treaty, whereby it purports to exclude or to modify the
In the meantime, they are required to observe the mandate in Article legal effect of certain provisions of the treaty in their application to that
18 to refrain from acts which would defeat the purpose of the treaty. State.

Article 18, VCLT- Legal obligations before treaty enters into force If you want to study further, I suggest you read the 2011 International
Law Commission Guide on the Practice of Reservations to Treaties which
A State is obliged to refrain from acts which would defeat the object and
contain specific provisions on how to interpret reservations.
purpose of a treaty when:
DBL’s discussion on state succession
A. It has signed the treaty or has exchanged instruments constituting Expect in VLCT that the treaties here are entered into by states, in ILC, non-state
the treaty subject to ratification, acceptance or approval, until it actors such as international organizations which enter into treaties are considered.
shall have made its intention clear not to become a party to the In VLCT, the definition only covers signing, ratifying, accepting, approving or
treaty, or acceding but the 2011 ILC guide expanded it to situations where reservations are
B. It has expressed its consent to be bound by the treaty, pending made. This is when a successor state notifies the other party that it is continuing
the entry into force of the treaty and provided that such entry into and makes a particular reservation.
force is not unduly delayed.
When we study state succession, one privilege of a successor state is not to accept
treaties entered into by predecessor state. When US succeeded Spain in relation
Q. What is meant by “acts which defeat the object and purpose to Philippines, US announced that it will not honor the treaties entered into by
of the treaty”? Spain affecting Philippines prior to its succession. This is the principle of tabula
A good threshold to follow is that put forward by Anthony Oust. The act rasa or the clean slate doctrine. That is only applicable to state succession.
must render the State incapable in performing the object and purpose
of the treaty when it enters into force. There is a different meaning to government and state succession which we will
discuss later on. It may be that there is only a government succession and not a
A good example is a treaty which mandates reduction of carbon state succession. There is succession when there is change in sovereignty. There
will be different rules because we will distinguish peaceful and violent transition of
emissions by 20%. While the treaty is not yet in force, State A who has
government. We will talk about this later.
a current carbon emission of 100% cannot increase its emissions to
150%. Otherwise, the same will defeat the object and purpose of the So this is a good development in studying reservation because a successor state
treaty. When the treaty enters into force, State A would have to just can make a reservation. Even before 2011, there is already a mention of successor
reduce its emissions to 130%, instead of the 80% originally state to make a reservation. It is not any more take it or leave it on the part of
contemplated. successor state.

Q. Is the mere non-conformity already considered defeating Problem:

the object and purpose of the treaty? States A, B, C, D and E entered into a treaty. State E made a reservation
as regards one particular article while all the rest agreed to the treaty
No. Mere non-conformity with the mandate of the treaty may not without reservations.
necessarily be a violation of Article 18. The act must render the State
incapable in performing the object and purpose when the treaty enters Is State E considered a party? If one opposes the reservation but the
into force. others accepted it, will it matter? Does it require unanimity?
The nature and the date of the treaty are relevant.
ENTRY INTO FORCE There are treaties which do not allow reservations. When the treaty itself
Art 24 (2), VCLT – As a rule, a treaty enters into force as soon as all provides and for those kinds of treaties dealing with human rights as in
negotiating states have expressed their consent to be bound by it, the case of the Genocide Convention.
unless otherwise stipulated in the treaty.
TN: Look at the text of the treaty first. If there is no stipulation as to the The date is also equally relevant to determine whether the rule in the
date when it enters into force, the default rule applies – when all states Genocide Convention Advisory Opinion in 1951 will apply. Because
have expressed their consent to be bound. before 1951, the rule was unanimity. All must accept, otherwise the
reserving state will not become a party to the treaty.
Effects of a treaty after entry into force
A. Pacta sunt servanda (Art 2, UN Charter) – Every treaty in force is The Genocide Convention opened a new paradigm as far as reservation
binding upon the parties to it and must be performed by them in is concerned. The circumstances when the Genocide Convention was
good faith. (exceptions: Rebus sic stantibus and jus cogens) negotiated and then ratified were vital in a change from the rigid
TN: See discussion on relationship between pacta, rebus and jus – p19 of unanimity rule to a more liberal rule on reservation.
this reviewer
B. A party cannot invoke a provision of its domestic law to evade
compliance (Art 27)
PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW l Atty. Bretch Largo l For the exclusive use of EH – 407 A.Y. 2015-2016

Genocide Convention Two questions are posed in the reservation of the genocide
Facts: There were acts of genocide prevalent at that time. The convention:
convention was initiated by the United Nations and it involved a ius
1. Can a reserving state be considered a party to the convention
cogens norm and this propelled a more liberal approach. The Convention
while still making the reservation when such was objected to one
did not permit any reservation and so states questioned this saying that
or more parties to the convention but not by others?
there should be reservations.
2. Assuming the answer is affirmative, what is the effect of the
One of the issues here is the relation of the state which made a reservation as between the reserving state as between parties
reservation to other states and its legal effects. accepting and those objecting it?

The Genocide Convention prohibited genocide and provided that it The voting was not conclusive, it was 7-5.
would be declared a crime. Not allowing reservation will promote the
purpose and objective of the treaty. Between the unanimity and the Answer to the first question:
liberal approach in the advisory opinion, which will promote the purpose The reserving state may be regarded as a party to the convention if the
of the treaty? reservation was compatible with the object and purpose of the
The problem with the unanimity rule is that if one of the negotiating
states objects to the reservation of a state, the reserving state does not DBL’s discussion: Let’s go back to our problem. Assume that A and B accepted the
become a party to the treaty. The moment the reserving state commits reservation of State E, C and D objected, what is the answer to the question? Can
genocide, the state cannot be charged with state responsibility under a State E become a party to the treaty? Yes. State E can become a party to the
treaty despite lack of unanimity provided that the reservation is not incompatible
treaty but only under customary international law regime. with the object and purpose of the convention.

So it is important to take note of the date, whether it happened before Answer to the second question:
or after the advisory opinion on the genocide convention. The VCLT now Each state objecting to the reservation will or will not, on the basis of
concurs with the advisory opinion. In VLCT, you do not need to the individual appraisal with the limits of the criterion of the object and
distinguish if it involved genocide or jus cogens norm. purpose of the convention, consider the reserving state to be a party to
the convention. If the objector deems the reservation as incompatible
In studying reservations, you should be able to answer these questions: with the object and purpose, it can consider the reserving state as not
1. What is “reservation”? a party to the convention.
2. How is this distinguished from “declaration” or “understanding”?
3. When is reservation allowed? Not allowed? DBL’s discussion: Therefore, that reserving state may not as well demand from the
4. Can a reserving State be regarded as being a party to the treaty objecting state compliance of the article subject of the reservation. Treaties here
while still maintaining its reservation, if the reservation is objected dealt on the threshold that it should depend largely on the evaluation of the
to by one or more of the parties to the treaty but not by others? objector whether or not the reservation is compatible with the object and purpose
5. If the answer to the above question is yes, what is the effect of the of the convention and this is another area where it becomes more subjective rather
that objective. This suggests that we cannot objectively determine the object and
reservation as between the reserving State and: purpose of the convention. Apparently that is the case here.
a. The parties which object to the reservation?
b. Those which accept it? Regardless of the basis for the objection, whether anchored on other grounds
aside from judging if such reservation is incompatible to the object and purpose
Q. When is reservation not allowed? of the treaty, still the reserving state shall not be considered a party to that
Article 19, VCLT – A state may, when signing, ratifying, accepting, objecting state. This is on the basis of the need to uphold sovereignty of states.
approving or acceding to a treaty, formulate a reservation unless: What governs treaty is consent precisely because we are dealing with sovereign
states. That is the approach even to objections to reservations not based on
A. The reservation is prohibited by the treaty compatibility or incompatibility.
B. The treaty provides that only specified reservations, which do not
include the reservation in question, may be made
C. The reservation is incompatible with the object and purpose of

DBL’s discussion: Article 102, United Nations Charter –

It is not allowed if the reservation is prohibited by the treaty. The ICCPR 1. Every treaty and every international agreement entered into by any
is a classic example of a treaty not allowing reservation. The Rome Member of the United Nations after the present Charter comes into
Statue for example does not allow reservations. force shall as soon as possible be registered with the Secretariat
and published by it.
What happened with the US was that after it signed, it withdrew its signature
because it cannot make a reservation. US entered into an exchange of instruments
between the US and other states where they agree that Americans accused of 2. No party to any such treaty or international agreement which has
committing acts in violation of the Rome Statute such as genocide, crimes against not been registered in accordance with the provisions of paragraph
humanity, war crimes and acts of aggression, may not be surrendered by the state 1 of this Article may invoke that treaty or agreement before any
where the American is found without the express consent of the US and they organ of the United Nations.
signed that executive agreement.
Q. What happens if this is not complied with?
The objection in the US of the Rome Statute was the mandatory characteristic of
The treaty is still valid, only that it cannot be invoked in any of the organs
the turnover of an accused of a crime found in the territory of another state, there
is the duty to surrender. The US is concerned because of the many Americans of the UN. Thus, if you charge the state of committing an internationally
found all over the globe. The US was bold enough to enter into non-surrender wrongful act and you charge it with state responsibility, you go to ICJ
agreements with states. After all, it withdrew its signature and expressed not to but because the treaty is not registered, you cannot do that.
be bound.
However, never think that non-registration renders a treaty
unenforceable. If the treaty has compulsory arbitration laws, one party
may compel the other to submit it for arbitration but you do not need to


PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW l Atty. Bretch Largo l For the exclusive use of EH – 407 A.Y. 2015-2016

go to the UN. It is still enforceable. It is only unenforceable with respect While a signatory to the treaty may not be bound yet by the substantive
to UN organs. content of a treaty, it is, however, mandated by CIL in Article 18 of VCLT
which mandates that any state which has signed the treaty is also duty
bound to refrain from performing any acts that will defeat the object and
Relationship between pacta sun servanda, rebus sic stantibus purpose of the treaty until it expresses its intention not to be bound or
and jus cogens: decided to withdraw or not become a party to the treaty.
When a treaty enters into force, Art 26 of the VCLT comes into play:
pacta sunt servanda, compliance in good faith. We have to relate this There is a period from signing to becoming a party, during which time, there
principle to rebus sic stantibus now known as fundamental change of is CIL governing all signatories. What is not clear though is the threshold as
circumstance under VCLT and the principle of Jus cogens. to when a particular act defeats the object and purpose of the treaty and
there should be no fixed rule on the matter because:
Pacta sunt servanda is the general rule the moment the treaty enters a. It varies from one treaty to the other. It depends on the nature of the
into force. For a state not to be bound, as exception to pacta sunt treaty, the difficulty of locating the object and purpose of the treaty.
servanda, you may invoke rebus sic stantibus. The relationship between b. There is a need to analyse the degree of the act performed by the
pacta sunt servanda and jus cogens is regardless of level of consent signatory state.
given by parties, if the provision of the treaty contravenes jus cogens, No specific rule but the threshold is it should not defeat the object and
the provision in treaty is invalid despite pacta sunt servanda. purpose of the treaty until it has expressed its intention not to be bound.

SIGNATORY V. PARTY B. Party – pacta sunt servanda applies. Party is obliged to comply with
the substantive obligations found in the treaty.
As to manner of withdrawal from the treaty
Q: What is the difference between a “signatory” from a “party”
to a treaty? A. Signatory – can withdraw anytime. There no required procedure
Where parties to the treaty agreed that the method of expressing nor grounds.
consent to be bound is mere signature, there is no distinction between TN: There is no required procedure as to how a signatory to a treaty
a signatory and a party. expresses its intention not to be bound. Example is when US withdrew from
the Rome Statute in 2002. There was no required form for as long as intent
Where, however, the parties to the treaty agreed that signing is one and not to be bound by the treaty is expressed.
expressing consent to be bound may be done in other forms other than
B. Party – pacta sunt servanda applies therefore, withdrawal must be
signing, which could be in the form of ratification, approval or accession,
in accordance with the treaty exit rules. Otherwise, it can invoke
exchange of instruments of ratification, and any other means that the
CIL such as impossibility of performance, rebus sic stantibus,
party could agree – In this case, signatory is different from a party in
material breach.
the following manner:
A. As to the meaning In the law of treaties, it is what we call Exit Provisions and there are grounds
B. As to the legal obligations which would allow withdrawal from a treaty.
C. As to manner of withdrawal from the treaty
When a state, party to a treaty, wants to get out of the treaty, it can be done
in at least two ways:
Signatory Party
 Without a ground – there are exit provisions in the treaty which allow a
A state signed the treaty party to get out without necessarily invoking a ground if the parties
A state which has
but the signature is not a agree that there is such a way. This would usually require some
As to meaning consented to be bound and
form of expressing minimum period of notification. If there is no stipulation to the contrary,
for which the treaty is in
consent to be bound. normally, a state is required to notify at least 12 months before
withdrawing, renouncing, or getting out of the treaty.
As to legal Obligation not to defeat
the purpose and object of Pacta sunt servanda applies  With a ground – another way of getting out of the treaty without
the treaty. (Art 18 VCLT) invoking the exit rules is to get out of the treaty on the basis of certain
grounds already recognized by the VCLT and CIL. It is VCLT and CIL
As to manner Can withdraw anytime. Withdrawal must be in because VCLT is not just a codification of CIL, but also an evidence of a
of withdrawal There is no required accordance with the treaty progressive development of CIL.
from the treaty procedure nor grounds. exit rules or CIL rules.
DBL’s discussion:


A. Signatory – signatory pertains to a state where its representative, TERRITORIAL SCOPE OF TREATIES
duly authorized to do so, has signed the treaty and the signature Problem: The US and the Philippines entered into a treaty. US was
is not a form of expressing consent to be bound. granted authority to establish military bases in the Philippines. In like
manner, the Philippines was allowed to establish military bases in Guam
B. Party – party signifies more than signing. A state becomes a party
which is a territory of the US. The US protested saying that while Guam
when it has expressed its consent to be bound through forms
is a territory of the US, it is not however a State of US. How will the
agreed upon other than signature, and where the treaty already
Philippines respond to such protest?
enters into force insofar as state party is concerned.
Article 29, VCLT – Unless a different intention appears from the treaty
As to the legal obligations or is otherwise established, a treaty is binding upon each party in respect
A. Signatory – a State which signed but is not yet a party to a treaty of its entire territory.
which has not yet entered into force has the obligation not to
defeat the purpose and object of the treaty. It is important to look at the treaty whether it excludes Guam, otherwise,
the application of the treaty is deemed to include the entire territory.


PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW l Atty. Bretch Largo l For the exclusive use of EH – 407 A.Y. 2015-2016

Guam may not be one of the states of the US but it is considered an Q. Are there treaties preferred over all other treaties or do we
incorporated territory. go by incompatibility test?
Yes. The UN Charter, by virtue of Article 103.
DBL’s discussion: Article 29 of the VCLT is relevant at the height of pre-
decolonization stage where the states entering into agreement determines the Article 103, UN Charter: In the event of a conflict between the
territorial scope and extent of the application of treaties – including its colonized obligations of the Members of the United Nations under the present
states. Now it may be applied to states as part of their territory. Guam is not of Charter and their obligations under any other international agreement,
the states of US but is considered a territory under a special regime. They don’t their obligations under the present Charter shall prevail.
participate in the elections but its inhabitants are granted American citizenship.
DBL’s discussion:
TREATIES AND THIRD STATES The members of the UN have already agreed and committed among themselves
that in case their obligations under different treaties conflict with their obligations
TREATIES AND THIRD STATES under the UN Charter – the UN Charter shall prevail.
Article 34, VCLT – A treaty does not create either obligations or rights
for a third state without its consent. However, Art 2 (6) of the UN Charter That may be problematic for those who are not parties to UN Charter, but even
(which is a treaty) announces a policy which the UN must follow in then the UN Charter provides that those who are non-members are bound to
relations with non-members. behave to maintain peace and order and security of all member states.

In many cases, unilateral actions on the part of NATO, without the sanction of the
Art 2 (6), UN Charter – The Organization shall ensure that States which UN Security Council has been subject of criticism in the past. Parties to the NATO
are not Members of the United Nations act in accordance with these of course have their own obligation in the NATO charter, the moment there is a
Principles so far as may be necessary for the maintenance of need to participate in military actions in order to secure a NATO member for
international peace and security. example is an obligation under the NATO charter. Since it involves the use of force,
it will trigger the application of article 2(4) of UN Charter. Use of force can only be
done by self defense, and by collective action of the UN like in 1999, when NATO
APPLICATION OF SUCCESSIVE TREATIES attacks Yugoslavia over questions of acts of atrocities over Kosovo.

APPLICATION OF SUCCESSIVE TREATIES RELATING TO THE The most acceptable use of force if it is through the NATO paradigm is for NATO
SAME SUBJECT MATTER to get the authorization of UN Security Council. This is because the UN Security
It sometimes happens that a party to a treaty subsequently enters into Council can use its own force or it may authorize a state or a regional organization
another treaty relating to the same subject matter, and that the to use force to maintain peace and security. But without UN authorization, that
provisions of the two treaties are mutually inconsistent. will be till questionable even pursuant to a treaty because of Article 103 of the UN
The position is complicated by the fact that the other party or parties to
the second treaty may or may not also be parties to the first treaty. INTERPRETATION OF TREATIES
Article 30 of the Vienna Convention lays down detailed rules to deal with


Article 31, VCLT – General Rule of Interpretation
1. Subject to Article 103 of the Charter of the United Nations, the A treaty shall be interpreted in good faith in accordance with the
rights and obligations of States parties to successive treaties ordinary meaning to be given to the terms of the treaty in their context
relating to the same subject-matter shall be determined in and in the light of its object and purpose.
accordance with the following paragraphs.
A. Text (ordinary meaning)
Article 103, UN Charter: In the event of a conflict between the B. Context
obligations of the Members of the United Nations under the present C. Object and purpose
Charter and their obligations under any other international
agreement, their obligations under the present Charter shall prevail. TN: Art 31 gives three methods of interpretation and be aware that CIL requires
the application of all three methods in one setting. It is not the same statutory
2. When a treaty specifies that it is subject to, or that it is not to be construction we apply in local laws. In international setting, we combine all three
considered as incompatible with, an earlier or later treaty, the – text, context, object and purpose.
provisions of that other treaty prevail.
3. When all the parties to the earlier treaty are parties also to the later
treaty but the earlier treaty is not terminated or suspended in SUPPLEMENTAL MEANS OF INTERPRETATION
operation under article 59, the earlier treaty applies only to the If there is still ambiguity or unreasonableness, resort to the
extent that its provisions are compatible with those of the later supplementary means of interpretation (Art 32):
treaty. A. Preparatory works (Travaux perpetoire)
B. Circumstances of its conclusion (contemporaneity)
4. When the parties to the later treaty do not include all the parties
to the earlier one: (a) As between States parties to both treaties Q. Is one approach preferred over the other?
the same rule applies as in paragraph 3; (b) As between a State There is no definitive answer but we can be guided by some
party to both treaties and a State party to only one of the treaties, pronouncements of authors and cases. In some cases, object and
the treaty to which both States are parties governs their mutual purpose is applied or the context. If application of these approaches will
rights and obligations. yield to ambiguity or unreasonableness, and then we can resort to
supplementary methods of interpretation.
5. Paragraph 4 is without prejudice to article 41, or to any question
of the termination or suspension of the operation of a treaty under
article 60 or to any question of responsibility which may arise for a
State from the conclusion or application of a treaty the provisions
of which are incompatible with its obligations towards another
State under another treaty.


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Q. What happens if he disregards such a restriction?

Article 47, VCLT –
WAYS BY WHICH A PARTY MAY NO LONGER BE BOUND If the authority of a representative to express the consent of a State to
be bound by a particular treaty has been made subject to a specific
Ways by which a state party to a treaty may no longer be bound
restriction, his omission to observe that restriction may not be invoked
by the treaty:
as invalidating the consent expressed by him unless the restriction was
1. Withdrawal or renunciation
notified to the other negotiating States prior to his expressing such
2. Invalidity of treaty – this presupposes that the treaty is defective
3. Termination of treaty – treaty is valid but may be terminated
based on valid grounds
To summarize –
GR: Omission to observe the restriction cannot invalidate the treaty.
Article 42, VCLT –
1. The validity of a treaty or of the consent of a State to be bound XPN: If other negotiating States have been notified of the restriction
by a treaty may be impeached only through the application of the prior to his expressing such consent
present Convention.
2. The termination of a treaty, its denunciation or the withdrawal of The right to legation is a CIL – the right to send diplomatic
a party, may take place only as a result of the application of the representatives abroad. Since states are legal persons, they are
provisions of the treaty or of the present Convention. The same represented by their agents.
rule applies to suspension of the operation of a treaty.
Q. Who are considered authorized representatives?
A person is considered as representing a State for the purpose of
adopting or authenticating the text of a treaty or for the purpose of
expressing the consent of the State to be bound by a treaty if:
Articles 46-53, VCLT A. He produces appropriate full powers, or
B. It appears from the practice of the States concerned or from other
A. Provisions of municipal law regarding competence to conclude circumstances that their intention was to consider that person as
treaties representing the State for such purposes and to dispense with full
B. Specific restrictions on authority to express the consent of a powers.
C. Error Q. Are there persons who are considered authorized
D. Fraud representatives even without having to produce full powers?
E. Corruption of a representative of a State Yes. By virtue of their functions and without having to produce full
F. Coercion of a representative of a State powers, the following are considered as representing their State:
G. Coercion of a state by the threat or use of force
H. Treaties conflicting with jus cogens norm D. Heads of State, Heads of Government and Ministers for Foreign
Affairs, for the purpose of performing all acts relating to the

PROVISIONS OF MUNICIPAL LAW REGARDING COMPETENCE E. Heads of diplomatic missions, for the purpose of adopting the text
TO CONCLUDE TREATIES of a treaty between the accrediting State and the State to which
they are accredited
A State may not invoke the fact that its consent to be bound by a treaty
has been expressed in violation of a provision of its internal law F. Representatives accredited by States to an international
regarding competence to conclude treaties as invalidating its consent conference or to an international organization or one of its organs,
unless that violation was manifest and concerned a rule of its internal for the purpose of adopting the text of a treaty in that conference,
law of fundamental importance. organization or organ

Q. When is a violation said to be manifest? FULL POWERS

A violation is manifest if it would be objectively evident to any State "Full powers" means a document emanating from the competent
conducting itself in the matter in accordance with normal practice and authority of a State designating a person or persons to represent the
in good faith. State for negotiating, adopting or authenticating the text of a treaty, for
DBL’s discussion: If the government disregards constitutional requirement that our expressing the consent of the State to be bound by a treaty, or for
treaty be ratified by President and concurred with Senate – this is rule of accomplishing any other act with respect to a treaty
fundamental importance. Thus, if not complied with, the treaty may be invalidated
on the ground because of improper consent. Two kinds of full powers

ART 47 SPECIFIC RESTRICTIONS ON AUTHORITY A. General – covers adoption of the text of the treaty, signature,
and ratification and all other stages needed in the process
Although a person may be authorized to enter into a treaty on behalf of B. Specific – specifies authority of representative to a particular
a state, in accordance with Article 7, it sometimes happens that a stage of proceeding, example if it is only to adopt the text of the
specific restriction is imposed on his authority; for example, he may be treaty but it is not authorized to sign or submit instruments of
instructed not to enter into a treaty unless it contains a particular ratification
provision to which his state attaches importance.


PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW l Atty. Bretch Largo l For the exclusive use of EH – 407 A.Y. 2015-2016


Article 8, VCLT
General rule: An act relating to the conclusion of a treaty performed COERCION OF A STATE BY THE THREAT OR USE OF FORCE
by a person who cannot be considered under article 7 as authorized to A treaty is void if its conclusion has been procured by the threat or use
represent a State for that purpose is without legal effect. of force in violation of the principles of international law embodied in the
Charter of the United Nations.
DBL’s discussion: The performance of functions by a representative outside of
authority (ultra vires), like he was authorized only to adopt but he went on to sign
the treaty, would lead to the act not binding the state as if it has never been
Exception: If subsequently confirmed by the State GENERAL INTERNATIONAL LAW ("JUS COGENS")
A treaty is void if, at the time of its conclusion, it conflicts with a
ART 48 MISTAKE OR ERROR peremptory norm of general international law. For the purposes of the
present Convention, a peremptory norm of general international law is
ERROR a norm accepted and recognized by the international community of
States as a whole as a norm from which no derogation is permitted and
A. A State may invoke an error in a treaty as invalidating its consent
which can be modified only by a subsequent norm of general
to be bound by the treaty if the error relates to a fact or situation
international law having the same character.
which was assumed by that State to exist at the time when the
treaty was concluded and formed an essential basis of its consent
to be bound by the treaty. TERMINATION OF TREATIES
B. Paragraph 1 shall not apply if the State in question contributed by
its own conduct to the error or if the circumstances were such as GROUNDS FOR TERMINATION
to put that State on notice of a possible error.
C. An error relating only to the wording of the text of a treaty does The moment states become parties to a treaty, it triggers the application
not affect its validity; article 79 then applies. of customary international law of pacta sunt servanda, and therefore the
obligations and commitments in the treaty should be performed in good
Preah Vihear Temple case faith. But for a State to free itself from the obligations of a treaty, it
should be based on well-established ground/s.
Requisites of error:
1. Error is about a fact or situation which was assumed to exist at the General Rule: Pacta Sunt Servanda
time of conclusion
2. That fact or situation forma an essential basis of the consent to be TN: It is only in exceptional and well established grounds that pacta sunt
bound of the treaty servanda may be dispensed with
3. Subject matter of the temple case the state invoking the error must
not have contributed to the error. (Doctrine of Clean Hands) Grounds for Termination, Denunciation, withdrawal, or
4. The state had known of the error or would have known of the error. Suspension:
1. Application of the treaty (Art. 42)
ART 49 FRAUD 2. Application of the VCLT (Art. 42)
3. Consent of all parties e.g Desuetude (Art. 54)
FRAUD 4. Discharge through Material Breach (Art. 60)
If a State has been induced to conclude a treaty by the fraudulent 5. Impossibility of Performance (Art. 60)
conduct of another negotiating State, the State may invoke the fraud as 6. Rebus Sic Stantibus (Art. 62)
invalidating its consent to be bound by the treaty. 7. Emergence of new Jus Cogens (Art. 64)
8. Outbreak of War (bilateral treaties)
TN: One pending case is on the alleged fraud done by Australia through
surveillance during its treaty negotiations with East Timor.
If the expression of a State's consent to be bound by a treaty has been Article 42, VCLT –
procured through the corruption of its representative directly or
1. The validity of a treaty or of the consent of a State to be bound
indirectly by another negotiating State, the State may invoke such
by a treaty may be impeached only through the application of the
corruption as invalidating its consent to be bound by the treaty.
present Convention.
ART 51 COERCION OF A REPRESENTATIVE OF A STATE 2. The termination of a treaty, its denunciation or the withdrawal of
a party, may take place only as a result of the application of the
COERCION OF A REPRESENTATIVE OF A STATE provisions of the treaty or of the present Convention. The same
The expression of a State's consent to be bound by a treaty which has rule applies to suspension of the operation of a treaty.
been procured by the coercion of its representative through acts or
threats directed against him shall be without any legal effect. BY CONSENT OF ALL THE PARTIES

Q. What if the coercion is on the state and not on the TERMINATION BY CONSENT OF THE PARTIES
representative? Will it invalidate the treaty? The termination of a treaty or the withdrawal of a party may take place:
Yes, as provided by Article 52 and it is tantamount to violation of the (a) In conformity with the provisions of the treaty, or
principle of non-intervention. (b) At any time by consent of all the parties after consultation with
the other contracting States.
PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW l Atty. Bretch Largo l For the exclusive use of EH – 407 A.Y. 2015-2016

IMPLIED RIGHT OF DENUNCIATION OR WITHDRAWAL But because most colonies were incapable of self-governance, the UN
placed them under trusteeship mandate. Meaning they were temporarily
IMPLIED RIGHT OF DENUNCIATION OR WITHDRAWAL placed under the administration of another state.
Denunciation of or withdrawal from a treaty containing no provision
regarding termination, denunciation or withdrawal – South Africa was the one entrusted with Namibia. There was a mandate
(treaty) between South Africa and the League of Nations and South
1. A treaty which contains no provision regarding its termination and Africa was mandated to promote the well-being, safety and protection
which does not provide for denunciation or withdrawal is not of the people of Namibia.
subject to denunciation or withdrawal unless:
(a) It is established that the parties intended to admit the But instead, South Africa discriminated the people of Namibia and
possibility of denunciation or withdrawal; or imposed upon them apartheid. Such discrimination was considered as a
(b) A right of denunciation or withdrawal may be implied by the material breach of the mandate (treaty)
nature of the treaty.
The violation of a provision essential to the accomplishment of the object
2. A party shall give not less than twelve months’ notice of its or purpose of the treaty.
intention to denounce or withdraw from a treaty under par 1.
Gabcikovo-Nagymaros Project
Facts: Hungary and Czechoslovakia both entered into an agreement in
MATERIAL BREACH creating a project. The project entered into by the two states created a
TERMINATION OR SUSPENSION OF THE OPERATION OF A systems of locks, hydroelectric power plant, and flood control.
The Treaty was signed in 1977. Thereafter, both parties slowly
Not all breach may be considered as a ground to terminate a treaty.
performed their works. But there were changes in the administration,
Such breach must be material.
from one regime in another. In Hungary for example, its government
Material breach of a bilateral treaty had a change in administration and a lot of its citizens, most especially
A material breach of a bilateral treaty by one of the parties entitles the the environmentalists in Hungary opposed the project due to its
other to invoke the breach as a ground for terminating the treaty or environmental effects like the system of blocks which will pollute the
suspending its operation in whole or in part. waters.

Material breach of a multilateral treaty It was relevant to Hungary because if they pursue the project, they will
A material breach of a multilateral treaty by one of the parties entitles: be violating another International Law, specifically the International
Environmental Law, which is the preservation of the environment. But
a. The other parties by unanimous agreement to suspend the
the norm on International Environmental Law was not yet a norm when
operation of the treaty in whole or in part or to terminate it either:
both states entered into a treaty.
(i) In relations between themselves and the defaulting State
(ii) As between all the parties Hungary, however did not abandon the treaty right away. It first
suspended the operations of the project and then eventually it
b. A party specially affected by the breach to invoke it as a ground abandoned the project leading to Czechoslovakia implementing the
for suspending the operation of the treaty in whole or in part in Variant C.
the relations between itself and the defaulting State.
Major issue was whether or not Czechoslovakia was mandated to
c. Any party other than the defaulting State to invoke the breach as implement the Variant C?
a ground for suspending the operation of the treaty in whole or
in part with respect to itself if the treaty is of such a character Hungary alleged that Czechoslovakia’s act of implementing the “Variant
that a material breach of its provisions by one party radically C” would divert 80% the flow of the Dalupe River (which is a shared
changes the position of every party with respect to the further resource of both states) to Czechoslovakia. Hungary said that it was a
performance of its obligations under the treaty. material breach because it violated the object and purpose of the treaty
because the object of the treaty is to share the Danube River.
Q. What constitutes material breach?
A material breach of a treaty consists in: Czechoslovakia argued that it was not a material breach, but only in
A. A repudiation of the treaty not sanctioned by the present response to the earlier breach committed by Hungary (considered it as
Convention, or a counter-measure)
B. The violation of a provision essential to the accomplishment of
the object or purpose of the treaty. The moment there is a material breach, an aggrieved state has three
A repudiation of the treaty not sanctioned by the present Convention 1. May terminate the treaty
2. May claim for compensation or any form of reparation as a result
Advisory Opinion on Namibia of an internationally wrongful act
TN: Falls under the first kind of breach (repudiation) 3. May make use of counter-measure in response to a material breach
Facts: Namibia or SW Africa was a former colony of Germany. The UN Requirements for a valid counter-measure:
brought upon all colonizing states to grant all of their colonies
independence through the 1960 convention. Through this, the right to 1. Must be taken in response to a previous international wrongful act
self-determination developed. of another.
In this case, Hungary committed a wrongful act when it suspended then
abandoned the project. Hungary, on the other hand, invoked fundamental
This gave colonies the option either to remain with their colonizing state change of circumstance as a defense due to the development of a new
or to become independent. In this case, Namibia chose the latter option. environmental norm. In addressing the issue, ICJ said that the development
SW Africa asked that it be given its own independence, so Germany left. of a new norm cannot be considered as a fundamental change in


PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW l Atty. Bretch Largo l For the exclusive use of EH – 407 A.Y. 2015-2016

A. The injured state must have called upon the state committing the When the case was brought to the ICJ, Iceland claimed that ICJ has no
wrongful act to discontinue its wrongful conduct or make jurisdiction because such treaty has been terminated or at the very least
reparation for it (also known as the notification-summation suspended. It was the technique in fishing that was considered a
requirement of counter measure) fundamental change, which resulted to the over fishing.

B. The act must be proportional to the wrongful act. Issue: Can ICJ claim jurisdiction over such case considering that the
In this case, the act of Czechoslovakia was not proportional to the breach treaty has already been suspended?
caused by Hungary because the damage caused by the implementation of
the Variant C is greater. The implementation of the Variant C would result to Held: Fundamental change in circumstance must refer to the obligations
the diversion of 80-90% of the flow of the river. Therefore, Czechoslovakia in the treaty. In this case, the obligation to be undertaken in the treaty
was not justified in implementing the Variant C.
is to submit to the jurisdiction of the ICJ cases where there is a dispute
in connection to treaty.
In the case at bar, Iceland contended that it was the technique in fishing
which resulted to overfishing which was considered a fundamental
Not implied. Otherwise known as rebus sic stantibus. Applicable only in
change in circumstance.
the most exceptional circumstances.
TN: Rebus sic stantibus is an exception to pacta sunt servanda. ICJ said that the change in the technique in fishing cannot be considered
a fundamental change of circumstance because it had nothing to do with
Q. Is rebus sic stantibus applicable only to indefinite treaties? the obligation of the treaty, which is to submit to the jurisdiction of the
Supposedly. However, since such principle has not been carried out in ICJ. Thus, any change in the technique of fishing did not affect the
the VCLT, the ILC made a clarification that rebus sic stantibus is jurisdiction of the ICJ.
applicable to any treaty (both indefinite and those with an expiration
period. Gabcikovo-Nagymaros Project
Issue: Was the change in the environmental norm considered a a
Elements of Fundamental Change of Circumstances: fundamental change in circumstance thus allowing Hungary to
A. The change of circumstances must have been of a “fundamental” discontinue with the project?
Assuming that there was a fundamental change of circumstance in the
When can change be considered fundamental?
change of the environmental norm, it did not however prohibit them
1. It should radically transform the extent of the obligation that will be
from performing their obligations of the project. The parties could have
2. The party, due to the change in circumstance, would now be obliged adjusted or changed their means in implementing the project.
to perform something which is different from that which was originally
agreed upon The justices of the ICJ did not believe that the development of the
3. By radically transform – it means that the change must have increased environmental norm radically altered the obligation of the parties. More
the burden of the obligation to be executed to the extent of rendering so, it was not considered by the ICJ as something which cannot be
the performance of something essentially different
B. The change must have resulted in a radical transformation of the
extent of the obligations still to be performed. The change must ICJ said that any development in international law is not something that
have increased the burden of the obligations to be executed to the is unforeseeable because it is a fact that law develops. Therefore,
extent of rendering the performance something essentially changes in legal, social, economic, cultural system will not constitute
different from that originally undertaken. fundamental change of circumstance.

C. The circumstances that changed must refer to those that Q. When may change of circumstances not be invoked as a
determined the parties to accept the treaty. ground for termination?
A. If the treaty establishes a boundary
D. The change in circumstance must have been unforeseen by the
B. If the fundamental change is the result of a breach by the party
invoking it either of an obligation under the treaty or of any other
E. The existence of the circumstances at the time of the treaty’s international obligation owed to any other party to the treaty.
conclusion must have constituted an essential basis of the consent
Facts: Iceland and UK had agreed in a treaty that they will submit to the
jurisdiction of the ICJ because of consent (either by submitting to the Q. When may supervening impossibility be invoked as a ground
jurisdiction or when there is an advanced consent – when stipulated in for termination?
the treaty) If the impossibility results from the permanent disappearance or
destruction of an object indispensable for the execution of the treaty. If
The treaty provided for the extent of fishing within the fishing zone of the impossibility is temporary, it may be invoked only as a ground for
Iceland. In such treaty, UK recognizes the extent of the fishing zone of suspending the operation of the treaty.
Iceland, which is 12 nautical miles and Iceland wants to extend the
fishing zone to 15 nautical miles. Q. When may it not be invoked?
If the impossibility is the result of a breach by that party either of an
The reason for the adjustment is the development of new fishing obligation under the treaty or of any other international obligation owed
techniques that allowed fishermen to fish more than what was expected. to any other party to the treaty.
Iceland contends that this is something that cannot be foreseen and
hoped that the treaty could be suspended or abandoned.


PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW l Atty. Bretch Largo l For the exclusive use of EH – 407 A.Y. 2015-2016

Notification-summation process
This is also called the notification-summation process. Notification refers
EMERGENCE OF A NEW PEREMPTORY NORM to the party notifying the other party of the breach and summation
If a new peremptory norm of general international law emerges, any referring to the proposed measures – either to suspend or terminate the
existing treaty which is in conflict with that norm becomes void and treaty.
TN: The notification requirement is a CIL, but whether it should be in
PROCEDURE IN INVALIDATION, TERMINATION, ETC. writing or not, that has not yet become a customary international law.
But if the parties to the treaty are parties to the VCLT, then such
EXCLUSIVE GROUNDS notification must be in writing, as stated in Article 67.

Exclusive Grounds: under VCLT only (Art. 42) The notification must contain the proposed measure. By proposed
Art. 42 suggests the exclusivity of the grounds for the suspension, measure, it means whether the injured the party would want to suspend
termination and invalidation of a treaty. If there will be any ground or terminate the treaty. It must likewise include the reason for such
outside the VCLT, it must either be a new CIL or stipulated specifically proposed measure
in a treaty, otherwise an aggrieved party cannot invalidate, suspend or
terminate the treaty. To summarize, the notification must be in writing, in an appropriate
instrument and signed by the head of state.
GR: Should affect the whole treaty (Art. 44)
XPN: If the treaty provides for a separability clause. In which case, EFFECT IF NO OBJECTION WITHIN 3 MONTHS
provisions not affected by the invalidation of the treaty will still stand or
If there no objection within three (3) months from receipt of the
remain binding between the parties.
notification, the claiming State may carry out the measure proposed,
through a duly signed instrument.
Lex Specialis and Lex Generalis
Although the VCLT provides for grounds of the suspension, termination
Within the 3 month period, the other party may either:
or the invalidation of a treaty, a special law, in the guise of the treaty,
may also be passed consisting of other grounds to terminate or suspend A. Object to the ground or proposed measure
the treaty. Meaning, such other grounds must be provided for in the If there is an objection, it will preclude the other party from implementing
treaty the proposed measure. Instead, it is required to first seek pacific or
peaceful means of dispute settlement. (i.e. arbitration, conciliation,
mediation, good office, judicial settlement, etc.)
LEX SPECIALIS: When the parties provide for specific grounds in the
termination, suspension or the invalidation of a treaty. Without such B. Will not object
specific provision, then the LEX GENERALIS (general law, as provided
for in ART. 42 of the VCLT) shall apply.
Sec 2, Art II, 1987 Constitution
Instances where the state claiming ground for invalidation,
The Philippines renounces war as an instrument of national policy,
termination or suspension of a treaty may be precluded from
adopts the generally accepted principles of international law as part of
advancing the claim:
the law of the land and adheres to the policy of peace, equality, justice,
A. When a state has also contributed to the material breach of the freedom, cooperation, and amity with all nations.
treaty (Doctrine of clean hands)
Sec 21, Art VII, 1987 Constitution
B. A State may no longer invoke a ground for invalidating,
No treaty or international agreement shall be valid and effective unless
terminating, withdrawing from or suspending the operation of a concurred in by at least two-thirds of all the Members of the Senate.
treaty under articles 46 to 50 or articles 60 and 62 if, after
becoming aware of the facts: Sec 5(2) (a), Art VIII, 1987 Constitution
The Supreme Court shall have the following powers:
1. It shall have expressly agreed that the treaty is valid or
remains in force or continues in operation, as the case may a. Review, revise, reverse, modify, or affirm on appeal or certiorari,
be, or as the law or the Rules of Court may provide, final judgments and
orders of lower courts in:
2. It must by reason of its conduct be considered as having
acquiesced in the validity of the treaty or in its maintenance b. All cases in which the constitutionality or validity of any treaty,
in force or in operation, as the case may be. international or executive agreement, law, presidential decree,
proclamation, order, instruction, ordinance, or regulation is in
PROCEDURE question.

A party which, under the provisions of the present Convention, invokes The Commission on Human Rights shall have the following powers and
either a defect in its consent to be bound by a treaty or a ground for functions: Monitor the Philippine Government's compliance with
impeaching the validity of a treaty, terminating it, withdrawing from it international treaty obligations on human rights.
or suspending its operation, must notify (in writing) the other parties of
its claim. The notification shall indicate the measure proposed to be Sec 25, Art XVIII, 1987 Constitution
taken with respect to the treaty and the reasons therefor. After the expiration in 1991 of the Agreement between the Republic of
the Philippines and the United States of America concerning military
TN: The parties cannot just unilaterally terminate a treaty. They should be given
bases, foreign military bases, troops, or facilities shall not be allowed in
the chance to resolve their differences in a peaceful manner.
the Philippines except under a treaty duly concurred in by the Senate


PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW l Atty. Bretch Largo l For the exclusive use of EH – 407 A.Y. 2015-2016

and, when the Congress so requires, ratified by a majority of the votes 2. The DFA pursuant to the endorsement by the concerned agency,
cast by the people in a national referendum held for that purpose, and shall transmit the agreements to the President of the Philippines
recognized as a treaty by the other contracting State. for his ratification.
3. The DFA shall submit the treaties to the Senate for concurrence in
EXECUTVE ORDER NO. 459 the ratification by the President.
4. Upon receipt of the concurrence by the Senate, the DFA shall
EO 459 – PROVIDING FOR GUIDEINES IN THE NEGOTIATION comply with the provision of the treaties in effecting their entry into

Q. Distinguish International Agreement, Treaty and Executive Q. May the President refuse to submit a treaty to the Senate for
Agreement. its concurrence?
There is no distinction in international law, for as long as they are Yes. The President may refuse to do so because treaty-making is a
entered into between both states and is in writing, then it is considered foreign affairs function and is executive in character. Thus, the President
an international agreement. cannot be compelled to ratify the treaty and submit the same to the
Senate for concurrence.
However, in our domestic jurisdiction, all three are considered as
international agreements but differ procedurally. Tanada v. Angara (1997)
Re: Concurrence by the Senate is a political question.
A. Treaty – international agreements entered into by the
Philippines which require legislative concurrence after executive Facts: There was a petition to prevent the Senate from concurring from
ratification. the President’s ratification of the WTO Charter. The grounds invoked
B. Executive agreement – similar to treaties, except that they do were provisions of the Constitution which were not considered as self-
not require legislative concurrence. executing. The Supreme Court said that no compulsion can be made
because the question of whether to concur or not is a political question.
Q. Who decides if it is an Executive Agreement, Treaty or an The Constitution does not provide for conditions on concurring, thus full
International Agreement? discretionary powers fully belongs to Congress.
The Secretary of the Department of Foreign Affairs.
One of the oldest and most fundamental rules in international law is
Q. Who shall represent the Philippines in the different states of pacta sunt servanda – international agreements must be performed in
treaty formation? good faith. “A treaty engagement is not a mere moral obligation but
Any person armed with Full Powers. creates a legally binding obligation on the parties. A state which has
The following persons, however, shall not require Full Powers prior to contracted valid international obligations is bound to make in its
negotiating or signing a treaty or an executive agreement, or any legislations such modifications as may be necessary to ensure the
amendment thereto, by virtue of the nature of their functions: fulfillment of the obligations undertaken.

a. Secretary of Foreign Affairs When the Philippines joined the UN as one of its 51 charter members, it
b. Heads of Philippine diplomatic missions, for the purpose of consented to restrict its sovereign rights under the “concept of
adopting the text of a treaty or an agreement between the sovereignty as auto-limitation.”
Philippines and the State to which they are accredited.
Pimentel v. Romulo (2006)
c. Representatives accredited by the Philippines to an international Re: The power to ratify a treaty is vested with the President.
conference or to an international organization or one of its organs,
for the purpose of adopting the text of a treaty in that conference, The signing of the treaty and the ratification are two separate and
organization or organ. distinct steps in the treaty-making process. The signature is primarily
intended as a means of authenticating the instrument and as a symbol
Q. Who may issue Full Powers? of the good faith of the parties. It is usually performed by the state’s
The President of the President. However, he may delegate this function authorized representative in the diplomatic mission. Ratification, on the
to the Secretary of Foreign Affairs. other hand, is the formal act by which a state confirms and accepts the
provisions of a treaty concluded by its representative. It is generally held
ENTRY INTO FORCE to be an executive act, undertaken by the head of the state or of the
Q. When shall treaties enter into force in the Philippines?
A treaty or an executive agreement enters into force upon compliance The power to ratify is vested in the President, subject to the concurrence
with the domestic requirements stated in this Order. of the Senate. The role of the Senate, however, is limited only to giving
or withholding its consent, or concurrence, to the ratification. Hence, it
A. Executive Agreements is within the authority of the President to Refuse to submit a treaty to
1. All executive agreements shall be transmitted to the Department the Senate or, having secured its consent for its ratification, refuse to
of Foreign Affairs after their signing for the preparation of the ratify it.
ratification papers.
2. The DFA, pursuant to the endorsement by the concerned agency, Bayan v. Executive Secretary (2000)
shall transmit the agreements to the President of the Philippines With regard to the ratification by the President of the VFA and the
for his ratification. exercise by the Senate of its constitutional power to concur with the
3. The original signed instrument of ratification shall then be returned VFA, the Court, absent clear showing of grave abuse of discretion on the
to the DFA for appropriate action. part of respondents, is without power to meddle with such affairs purely
executive and legislative in character and nature.
B. Treaties
With the ratification of the VFA, which is equivalent to final acceptance
1. All executive agreements shall be transmitted to the DFA after their and with the exchange of notes between the Philippines and the USA, it
signing for the preparation of the ratification papers.
PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW l Atty. Bretch Largo l For the exclusive use of EH – 407 A.Y. 2015-2016

now becomes obligatory, under the principles of international law, to be Basically, there is no difference between International Law and CIL,
bound by the terms of the agreement. except for jus cogens. In the Philippines, we apply the monist approach
in incorporation with a caveat that general principles of international law
The only limitation is grave abuse of discretion. is equivalent to CIL.

Bayan Muna v. Romulo (2011) What are deemed incorporated are the general accepted principles of
Re: Concurrence by the Senate is not required in executive agreements. international law as part of law of the land. But again since we follow
supremacy of the Constitution, then we expect courts to apply the
The terms “exchange of notes” and “executive agreements” have been Constitution.
used interchangeably, exchange of notes being considered a form of
executive agreement that becomes binding through executive action. To summarize:
On the other hand, executive agreements concluded but the President
A. Determine the legal system of the state
“sometimes take the form of exchange of notes and at other times that
A. If supremacy of the Constitution is recognized – Municipal
of more formal documents denominated ‘agreements’ or ‘protocols’.
law prevails (except if it violates jus cogens)
Concurrence of the Senate is not required in executive agreements.
B. If supremacy of the Constitution is not recognized –
International law prevails
B. Determine the forum where the case is filed
A. If international court – International law prevails
Q: When there is a conflict between international law and B. If domestic court – determine whether monist or dualist
municipal law, which should prevail?  If monist – International law prevails (except if the
municipal law involved is the Constitution)
The question requires levels of qualifications.  If dualist – Municipal law prevails
Legal System of the state

It must be characterized what International Law is involved, the same

goes with Municipal law. States differ in legal systems especially in the
hierarchy of laws.

In some States with written constitution, they adhere to supremacy of

the Constitution. As a consequence, national and local legislations will
only be valid if they conform to the Constitution.

In States without written constitution like UK, actually Britain, there is

no supremacy of the Constitution being followed.

So, that makes it a little bit complicated because in the case of the
Philippines, we treat general principles of International Law as
equivalent to statutes. That means that the general principles of
International law are equivalent to national laws or ordinary statutes
NOT municipal laws.

Therefore, even general accepted principles of International must yield

to the Constitution which is HIGHER than our national legislation. That
is the reason why you mention about Ichiong v. Hernandez where our
treaty obligations may be superseded by a more paramount police
power of the State. Besides of course, in that case the Civilization Act
comes later after the treaty of comity between the Philippines and China.
So following the Statutory Construction, the later law superseded the
earlier law.

However, in Planas v. Gil, the SC said that while the Constitution can
even be supreme than the general accepted principles of international
law, the Constitution’s validity however may be limited by the jus cogens
norm because it is non-derogable so the Constitution of all States must
yield to non-derogable jus cogens norm.

Forum where case is filed

If it has to be decided by an international court, then we can expect that

international law will be applied rather than municipal law. That is
expected of an international tribunal. But it is not right to conclude that
if the case is to be decided by a municipal forum, it will always apply
municipal laws.

If the domestic forum follows monism, then it may apply International

Law over Municipal Law assuming the Municipal Law involved is not the
Constitution but only national legislation. But if the forum follows a
dualist approach, then the domestic forum will apply Municipal Law over
International Law.

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