DM Pamphlet 2

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Blood glucose (blood sugar) is an essential measure of
your health. If you're struggling to manage your blood
Benefits glucose levels, we can help! With the latest tools and
strategies, you can take steps today to monitor your
Regular physical activity: condition, prevent serious complications and feel better
lowers blood pressure and cholesterol while living with diabetes.
lowers your risk for heart disease and stroke Normal Blood Sugars
burns calories to help you lose or maintain weight
increases your energy for daily activities A normal fasting (no food for eight hours) blood sugar level
helps you sleep better is between 70 and 99 mg/dL
A normal blood sugar level two hours after eating is less
relieves stress
strengthens your heart and improves your blood circulation Procedure of Capillary Blood Glucose Test
strengthens your muscles and bones Resident Blood Glucose Testing Procedure
keeps your joints flexible Explain the procedure to the resident.
improves your balance to prevent falls
Check the expiration date on the test strips.
reduces symptoms of depression and improves quality of life
Calibrate the monitor (if necessary) according to the manu-
Before performing passive exercises, some of the
technical principles should be remembered
facturer’s instructions.
Ensure the displayed calibration code matches the code on
Place the patient in proper comfortable position
with proper body alignment and stabilization to
the calibration bar and the code on the test strip package
insert. mANAGEMENT
The calibration bar is stored in the carrying case until all of
perform the exercise. the test strips in that box have been used DIET, EXERCISE, AND SELF MONITORING
The therapist should be in a proper position and ef-
Ensure that the monitor and test strips are at room tempera-
fective stance
ture. If there is a temperature change, the monitor and
Free the region from restrictive closes, linen, test strips should sit at room temperature for 10 to 12
splints, and dressings minutes.
Drape and cover the patient as necessary.
Insert a test strip in the monitor according to the manufactur-
Utilize the proper hand holds or grasps by the thera-
er’s instructions.
Perform the exercise slowly, smoothly with rhythm Lance the resident’s finger, obtain a sample of blood.
within the available pain free range of motion Apply the blood sample to the test strip when prompted by the
without any force behind the range. monitor.
Do all ROM exercises smoothly and gently. Never If your monitor allows for the addition of a second drop of
force, jerk, or over-stretch a muscle. This can blood, please refer to the user’s manual for detailed in-
hurt the muscle or joint instead of helping. structions.
Stop ROM exercises if the person feels pain. The Dispose of the used lancets and test strips immediately accord-
exercises should never cause pain or go beyond ing to the facility’s policies or the state mandates.
the normal movement of that joint. Record the result in the resident’s record and follow physician
Repeat the exercise 5 to 10 repetitions according to orders for notification and providing care.
the patient condition and response Document all interventions in the resident’s medical record.
DASH is an acronym for “Dietary Approaches to Stop Hyper- Tips for Healthy Eating, Diabetes Prevention and Management
DIABETES MELLITUS tension” and was designed to help lower blood pressure in peo-
ple with hypertension (high blood pressure). This eating pattern
Tips Reasons
Eat three meals per day at
promotes eating more vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts, regular times and space
seeds, and lower fat or fat-free dairy products, poultry and fish. Eating at regular times helps your
meals no more than six
Diabetes is a problem with your body that causes blood glu- This eating pattern also limits foods high in sodium (salt) satu- body control blood sugar levels.
rated fat, red meat, sweets, added sugars and sugar sweetened
hours apart. You may bene-
cose (sugar) levels to rise higher than normal. This is also fit from a healthy snack.
drinks. The DASH diet is also higher in fiber and is rich in nu-
called hyperglycemia. Type 2 diabetes is the most common trients, such as potassium, calcium, and magnesium, which may Limit sugars and sweets The more sugar you eat, the high-
form of diabetes. help to lower blood pressure. such as regular pop, des- er your blood sugar will
serts, candies, jam and hon- be. Artificial sweeteners can be
If you have type 2 diabetes your body does not use insulin Vegetarian or Vegan ey. useful.
properly. This is called insulin resistance. At first, your pancreas A vegetarian eating pattern is based on plant foods, such as veg- High-fat foods may cause you to
makes extra insulin to make up for it. But, over time it isn't able etables, fruit, whole grains, nuts, seeds, beans and meat substi- Limit the amount of high-fat
gain weight. A healthy weight
tutes with little or no animal products. The vegetarian diet is rich food you eat such as fried
to keep up and can't make enough insulin to keep your helps with blood sugar control and
in vitamins, minerals and fiber, and lower in saturated fat foods, chips and pastries.
blood glucose at normal levels. is healthier for your heart.
and cholesterol. There are several types of vegetarian eating pat-
DIET terns, and they vary in terms of what is included: Eat more high-fibre
foods such as whole grain Foods high in fibre may help you
Vegan: This eating pattern includes many plant-based foods
such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts, seeds and beans. breads and cereals, lentils, feel full and may lower blood sug-
People following a vegan eating pattern avoid all meat, poultry, dried beans and peas, brown ar and cholesterollevels.
fish and seafood, eggs, and dairy products. rice, vegetables and fruits.
The Mediterranean style eating pattern focuses on mostly plant- Lacto-vegetarian: This eating pattern includes vegetables, fruits, If you are thirsty, drink wa- Drinking regular pop and fruit
based foods like vegetables, fruit, whole grains, cereals, nuts, seeds, whole grains, nuts, seeds and beans, milk, cheese and yogurt. ter. juice will raise your blood sugar.
and beans, seasonally fresh, and locally grown foods. Olive oil is People following lacto-vegetarian eating pattern avoid all meat,
poultry, eggs, fish and seafood. However, dairy products are in- Add physical activity to Regular physical activity will im-
the main source of fat. This eating pattern also includes a small your life. prove your blood sugar control.
amount of dairy products, such as cheese and yogurt, fish, and poul- Lacto-ovo vegetarian: This eating pattern includes vegetables,
try. Red meat is limited. Wine can be consumed in small amounts Alcohol can affect blood sugar
fruits, whole grains, nuts, seeds and beans, milk, cheese, yogurt,
(1-2 glasses of wine per day) with meals. Limit alcohol consumption. levels and cause you to gain
and eggs. People following a lacto-ovo vegetarian eating pattern
The Mediterranean style eating pattern has been shown to protect avoid all meat, poultry, fish and seafood, but include dairy prod-
against heart disease, stroke, and some cancers. Research shows it ucts and eggs.
may also help you improve blood sugar and lose weight.
Low Carbohydrate
Low Fat
A low carbohydrate eating pattern focuses on non-starchy vege-
A low-fat eating pattern includes vegetables, fruits, starches, lean tables such as broccoli, green beans, kale, salad greens
protein, such as chicken and turkey without the skin, fish, and low- and protein foods like meat, poultry, fish, shellfish, eggs, cheese,
fat dairy products. This eating pattern has been shown to improve nuts and seeds, fats (oils, butter, olives and avocado). Highly
heart health when overall calorie intake is reduced and weight loss processed carbohydrate foods and grains are limited or avoided
occurs. However, according to some studies, following a low fat in this eating pattern. There is no standard at this time for the
diet did not always improve blood glucose or heart disease risk fac- grams of carbohydrate in a low-carb

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