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GRASP (Guided Reading and Summarizing Procedure)

Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin

First Recollection - Details Additions/Corrections

Wife is told her husband dies

Comforted by friends

Goes to her room alone-would not be


Feelings of joy

Color of sky-time stands still in joy, not


She dies
Take the details you compiled, divide them into groups based on their similarities or connections
between them to create conceptual categories.
Category #1: Ideas:

Topic Sentence: When the wife is told that her husband dies, she is
comforted by her friends and she goes to her room to be alone.

Category #2: Ideas:

Topic Sentence: While sitting alone in her room, she explores her
feelings of joy, not sorrow.
Category #3: Ideas:

Topic Sentence: When she finds out her husband is alive, she dies
by a heart attack.


When the wife is told that her husband dies, she is comforted by her friends and she goes to her
room to be alone. While sitting alone in her room, she explores her feelings of joy, not sorrow.
When she finds out her husband is alive, she dies by a heart attack.

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