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CLEMMONS • 323-455-8670
1241 Barry Ave #8 • Los Angeles, CA • 90025


With an academic background (BS) in cognitive psychology (a cross between psychology and computer
science) and Instructional Design and Technology (MA Edu), I am passionate about instructional design,
computational thinking and applied learning sciences. My skillset is diverse, ranging from the traditional
Instructional Design set such as needs assessment, content design and development (video, graphics, web
and tools such as Captivate and Storyline) and evaluation design, to the tech arena where I am proficient
in all aspects of web development (HTML5, CSS3, JS, etc.).

I have produced a wide array of instructional material including training and professional development for K-
12 and university instructors, learning based marketing aimed at enterprise investors (investors not
necessarily from the target sector) and detailed training packages for franchisees. For the past few years, I
have mainly created curriculum and content for web development and computer science instruction.
However, I feel comfortable creating content for any subject matter because overarching the technical skills,
methods and tools used in the instructional design profession, I excel in systematically breaking down complex
topics and explaining them in a manner that is understandable and appealing to a broad range of learners.

My philosophical approach to designing is grounded in effective communication skills – understanding the

needs of your stakeholders is key in leveraging intrinsic motivation and encouraging engagement.


▪ Three years Instructional Design experience with a proven ability to design, develop and implement
effective training programs and professional development
▪ Background in traditional research and survey design which structures and amplifies my ability to
perform on target needs assessments
▪ Broad experience base with eLearning development software (Articulate Storyline/Studio, Captivate,
Camtasia, etc.) and protocol (SCORM and Tin Can) including experience with many Learning Management
Systems and Content Management Software Platforms (including one I helped develop)
▪ Photoshop and Illustrator: I create storyboards, content outlines and training modules using a variety of
current software (e.g., Adobe CC suites including After Effects and Premiere Pro, Camtasia and A/V
▪ High proficiency with HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and web dev techniques (various CDNs, front-end
frameworks)– this also includes constant learning (on my part) then breaking it down and writing content
▪ Excellent at communicating and collaborating with subject matter experts (SME’s), stakeholders, trainers
and production teams- face to face or online (Slack, Google Hangouts, Zoom, etc.)
▪ Adherent but not limited to the ADDIE model of design as well as SAM (Agile) and Rapid Prototyping
▪ Able to update or incorporate existing learning materials and content (e.g. MS PowerPoint) into eLearning
modules, scenarios, job aids or course materials
▪ Demonstrated organizational and project management skills (Asana, Trello, various others) with an ability
to work well under a tight deadline-based environment
▪ Strong background in academic and non-academic writing and presentation
▪ Skilled in data analysis and visualization techniques (Excel, SPSS, MATLAB and other tools)
▪ Advocate for and excel at creating all content to meet “508 compliance”


C++, Java, JavaScript, React, HTML5, CSS3, PHP, MySQL, ASP.NET, C#, Adobe Suites (Photoshop, Illustrator, After
Effects) 3DMax, MS Office, Google Suites, experience with multiple storyboarding and eLearning authoring
tools (Storyline, Captivate, Elucidat, Camtasia, to name a few).

Quantitative, qualitative and mixed method design, grounded theory, participatory design, survey methodology,
advanced statistical analysis, academic writing, academic and non-academic presentation, information and
resource management, workflow and deadline management. Collaborative and independent work. SPSS,
MATLAB, NVivo, Dedoose and other analysis tools.

Instructional Design and Technology:

Strong background in educational theory and best practices, project management, analyze, design, develop,
implement and evaluate instructional systems, strong background in instructional frameworks and models. Job
aid development, Instructional App development, eLearning and online learning, flexibility in design and

Instructional Designer/Curriculum Design

UCode, Inc: July 2016 - Current
 Curriculum design and content development for a STEM-based school - K-12 software programming.
 Develop linear curriculum from the fundamentals of logic all the way to professional software
development: Web development, JavaScript, Elm, Swift, and Haskell.
 Curriculum Mapping/Outcomes and Objectives/Formative and Summative Assessment Development
 SME for HTML5/CSS3
 Storyboarding/Scriptwriting/Video and Graphics Production
 Student-centered outcome-oriented design and cognitive PBL
 LMS acquisition team and management. Consulting for LMS development.
 Project Management

California State University, Los Angeles (CSULA) Charter College of Education (CCOE): Aug. 2016 - Current
 Course development and Instruction
▪ Technology for Urban Education: Undergraduate Course with a focus on Technology and
accessibility standards
▪ Technology for Rehabilitative Counseling: Undergraduate course with a focus on software
related to this field and accessibility standards

Research Assistant, Graduate Student

CSULA College of Engineering, Computer Science and Technology (ECST) and Charter College of
Education (CCOE): April 2015 – April 2016
 Participation in the development of EE440, an experimental upper-division engineering course withthe
goal of improving minority student retention and success
 Ongoing collaboration with the engineering department, learning experts and statistical analysisexperts
 Literature review, qualitative summary
 Ethnographic class observation and documentation protocol development
 Iterative analysis of course content and structure quantifying the results
 Survey development and analysis
 Designed and developed participant and instructor interview/focus group protocol with qualitative
analysis of the data

Research Associate and UCLA Campus Project Manager

UCLA, Psychology Dept.: Sept. 2012 - Jan. 2013
Project: Does the Medium Matter
 Responsible for the functional ADDIE of the UCLA branch of the project which included literature review,
hypothesis development, research design, procedure and protocol development, project materials
 Responsible for the design and implementation of undergraduate assistant training and protocol for the
 Developed evaluation measures and procedures


California State University, Los Angeles: June 2016

Education, M.A.
• Option in Computer Education and Technology Leadership (Instructional Design & Technology)
• Focus on computational thinking and the role of self-efficacy and motivation in learning and

University of California, Los Angeles: July 2012

Cognitive Science, B.S.
• College of Letters and Science Honors Graduate
• Osher Scholar 2009-2011
• UCLA Undergraduate Research Scholar 2010 & 2011
• 2010-2011 Westwind/Aleph Conference– Vice Provost Recognition Award
• Psychology Undergraduate Research Conference 2011 – Recognition Award


Dong, J., Chen, P., Clemmons, C. C., Hernandez, A. (2016).

Addressing the Learning Needs of Minority Students in Engineering through Participatory Design. American
Society for Engineering Education, Journal of Engineering Education (ASEE JEE), July 2016.

Hernandez, A., Chen, P., Clemmons. C., & Dong, J. (2016).

Addressing the Learning Needs of Minority Students in Engineering through Participatory Design.
Proceeding of 2016 American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference& Exposition, New
Orleans, Louisiana. 10.18260/p.26526

Subrahmanyam, K., Michikyan, M., Clemmons, C. C., Carrillo, R., Uhls, Y. T., & Greenfield, P. M. (2014, 3/11).
Learning from Paper, Learning from Screens: Impact of Screen Reading and Multitasking Conditions on
Reading and Writing among College Students. International Journal of Cyber Behavior, Psychology and
Learning (IJCBPL), 3(4).

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