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Building A Structure : Life Cycle of Butterflies

Teacher Name: Imma Firmin

Student Name: ________________________________________

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Data Collection Data taken several Data taken twice in a Data taken once in a Data not taken
times in a careful, careful, reliable careful, reliable carefully OR not
reliable manner. manner. manner. taken in a reliable

Information Accurate information Accurate information Accurate information Information taken

Gathering taken from several taken from a couple taken from a couple from only one source
sources in a of sources in a of sources but not and/or information
systematic manner. systematic manner. systematically. not accurate.

Function Structure functions Structure functions Structure functions Fatal flaws in function
extraordinarily well, well, holding up pretty well, but with complete failure
holding up under under typical deteriorates under under typical
atypical stresses. stresses. typical stresses. stresses.

Plan Plan is neat with Plan is neat with Plan provides clear Plan does not show
clear measurements clear measurements measurements and measurements
and labeling for all and labeling for most labeling for most clearly or is otherwise
components. components. components. inadequately labeled.

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