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Modul 1.
Pentingnya Publikasi
Internasional bagi Peneliti
Prof. Bondan Tiara Sofyan

Workshop Penulisan
Jurnal Internasional
Universitas Hasanuddin
Makassar, 1 Oktober 2016

What is exactly research?

• “Scientific research is systematic, controlled,

empirical, and critical investigation of natural
phenomena guided by theory and hypotheses
about the presumed relations among such
– Kerlinger, 1986

• Research is an organized and systematic way of

finding answers to questions


Research Process and Milestone


(Information from Existing knowledge)
Identification “THE GAP” and
What is your contribution to knowledge?
Definition of the

Establish Identification of
Objectives and Hypothesis the research population
Identification of data Quantitative
to be collected qualitative
Develop Identification of means
Research Plan Questionnaires,
of data collection experiments
Identification of means
of data analyses
Development of model/
frame work / and Contribution to
Evaluation existing knowledge
Source: Professor Ghassan
Write up Contribution to Aouad, Pro Vice Chancellor for
Research, Innovation and
Conclusion existing knowledge Internationalisation, University
of Salford, Keynote Lecture at
FBE University of Malaya, 2007

Research Process and Milestone


Methods Data

• Research questions ”dominate” the design.

• Data and methods are to be selected so that the
purpose/objectives/research questions can be

The greatest challenge to any thinker is

stating the problem in a way that will allow
a solution (Bertrand Russell)


Pentingnya Publikasi bagi Peneliti

“The object of research is to extend human

knowledge beyond what is already known.

But an individual’s knowledge enters the

domain of science only after it is presented to
others in such a fashion that they can
independently judge its validity.”

(NAP, “On Being a Scientist” 1995)

Pentingnya Publikasi bagi Peneliti

Why publish?
• “A paper is an organized description of
hypotheses, data and conclusions, intended to
instruct the reader. If your research does not
generate papers, it might just as well not have been
done” (G. Whitesides, Adv. Mater., 2004, 16, 1375)
• “if it wasn’t published, it wasn’t done” - in E.H.
Miller 1993


Pentingnya Publikasi bagi Peneliti

• What are other reasons that make you MUST
• Making yourself matter
• Career building
• Funding and formal requirements
• Improving your skills

Pentingnya Publikasi bagi Peneliti

• In a PhD the dictum is
“Don’t get it right, get it written”

• In an article you are about to send off to a good

journal, the dictum is
“Don’t get it written, get it right”

• Publishing is to share with the science

COMMUNITY something that advances, not
repeats, knowledge and understanding in a
certain field.
“In determining the suitability of submitted articles for
publication, particular scrutiny will be placed on the
degree of novelty and significance of the research and
the extent to which it adds to existing knowledge in
separation science.”
– Aims and Scope, Journal of Chromatography A


Pentingnya Publikasi bagi Peneliti

“There are three
necessary steps in
useful research: the
first to begin it, the
second to end it and
the third to publish it.”
– M. Faraday

Being published

– Thomas H. Adair, Professor, University of

Publication and Being Cited

• Your paper is worthless if no one reads, uses, or
cites it.

“A research study is meaningful only if someone else

uses it in his/her studies. For this to happen a paper
has to be written in a way that arouses other
scientists’ interest and allows others to reproduce
the results. Only an understandable study can be
reproduced. Only a reproducible work enables others
to follow the lead. The number of scientists following
the lead is a measure of the impact of a research study.
Thus, in a way, a research study has to make a ‘sale’
to other scientists.”

– ZHOU Yaoqi, Professor.

Indiana University School of Informatics, IUPUI


Publication and Being Cited

• Even high impact factor journals have articles that
get no citation or very low downloads

Articles with low downloads

Selection from the Full-text usage report:
Cell, articles published in 2005 (2007.6)

Publication and Being Cited

Non-cited papers in high IF journals
Citations of the Articles published in Cell
at the year of 2005. (2007.6)


Publication in a Journal
A journal is the gateway to a COMMUNITY of
researchers with a common interest.
• Journals are the prime carrier of scholarly

• New research relies on relevant information.

• Journal Editors + Reviewers + Authors + Readers

 A community of scientists.

You paper is your

passport to your

Publication in a Journal
When you submit a paper, many people invest in
• Editors and reviewers invest time in
considering, revising, and editing your
• Researchers invest time in exploring your
ideas and findings;
• Publishers invest time and resources
organizing the review process, and
building reviewing systems


Publication in a Journal
Is your paper worth people’s time?

• QUALITY and VALUE is at the heart of the scholarly

communication system. Journals do not want:
– Reports of no scientific interest
– Work out of date
– Duplications of previously published work
– Incorrect/unacceptable conclusions
– “Salami” papers: datasets too small to be

“Just because it has not been done before is no

justification for doing it now. ”
– Peter Attiwill, Editor-in-Chief, Forest Ecology
and Management

So….. Let’s publish!

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