Business Idea Competition PDF

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The new Ethio-European Business Innovation Centre at Addis Ababa University will be launching


on July 29, 2016
The Business Idea Competition provides a unique opportunity for aspiring entrepreneurs to put entrepreneurship
principles into practice with the support of experienced business experts.

For whom: Open to ALL. Undergraduates, recent graduates (3 years since graduation) and researchers from AAU
interested in starting an innovative business are particularly encouraged to apply.

Benefits of participation:

 Support to transform your idea in to a robust business concept

 Training on key aspects of Business Planning by international and Ethiopian experts
 Coaching/ mentoring on business plan writing
 Evaluation of your plan and valuable feedback by international and Ethiopian experts
 Awards for best Business Plans including individual scholarships to the new MBA program and support
from the Business Innovation Center to help you launch your business.

Key dates:

29th July: Launching Ceremony, open to all interested parties

7th August: Deadline for applications
17 August: Notification of successful applicants
nd th
22 -26 August: Training program
29th August-9th September: Coaching/ mentoring phase
11th September: Deadline for Business Plan Submission
30th September: Announcement of Finalists
3 October: Final (pitching) Competition, announcement of winners and Award Ceremony

Note: Full information and Guides for Applicants including Application Forms for preparation of Business
Concepts will be provided during the Launching Ceremony – July 29, at 10:00 am, Eshetu Chole Hall (College of
Business and Economics).

For expression of interest and additional information: call 011 869 9587, email:

Ethio-European Business Innovation Centre is a mixed real estate and consultancy type organisation established as
an autonomous unit within the framework of Addis Ababa University to provide specialised business and
innovation development support services to meet needs of Ethiopian companies in their business growth.

The development of the Ethio-European Business Innovation Centre is

funded by the European Unionin partnership with the Government of
Ethiopia under the Transformation Triggering Facility (TTF) Project

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