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1.6 litre engine in-car repair procedures

Auxiliary drivebelts - removal and refitting See Chapter 1 Engine oil and filter - renewal See Chapter 1
Auxiliary shaft - removal and refitting 8 Engine oil level - check See
Auxiliary shaft oil seal - renewal 9 Flywheel/driveplate - rem oval, inspection and refitting 12
Camshaft housings and camshafts - removal and refitting 6 General information 1
Camshaft oil seals - renewal 7 Location of TDC on No 1 cylinder 2
Crankshaft oil seals - renewal 10 Oil pressure switc h - removal and refitting 16
Cylinder compression test 3 Oil pump and pick-up tube - removal and refitting 15
Cylinder head - dismantling and overhaul See Chapter 2E Su mp - removal and refitting 14
Cylinder head - removal and refitting 11 Tim ing belt and covers - removal and refitting 4
Engine mountings - inspection and renewal 13 Tim ing belt sprock et s and tensioner - removal and refitting 5

suitabl e for suitable §^ |k suitable for | k

novic e with little ^ for beginner with ^ suitable for c ompetent experienced DIY suitable for expert DIY
expenence s o me experience DIY mechanic mec hanic or professional

Engine code* 1 82A4 .000

Bore 86.4 mm
Stroke 67.4 mm
Compression ratio 10.15:1
Firing order 1-3-4-2
No 1 cylinder location Timing (right-hand) end of engine

Oil pump type Gear type, driven from auxiliary shaft

Gear teeth-to-c ove r clearance 0.110 to 0.180 mm
Gear side-to-cover clearance 0.040 t o 0.106 m m
Gear side-to-side play 0.015 to 0.048 mm
Drive gear to driven gear clearance 0.30 mm
Oil pressure (at operating temperature) 15 psi at idle, to 54 psi at 4000 rpm

Drive Toothed belt

No of bearings 5
Camshaft bearing journal diameters:
No 1 bearing 29.944 to 29.960 mm
No 2 bearing 52.400 to 52.415 mm
No 3 bearing 52.800 to 52.815 mm
No 4 bearing 53.200 to 53.215 mm
No 5 bearing 53.600 to 53.615 mm
Camshaft bearing journal running clearance 0.030 to 0.070 m m
Camshaft endfloat (typical) 0.15 to 0.34 mm

Camshaft bearing diameters:

No 1 bearing 29.989 to 30.014 mm
N a 2 bearing 52.445 to 52.470 mm
No 3 bearing 52.845 to 52.870 mm
No 4 bearing 53.245 to 53.270 mm
No 5 bearing 53.645 to 53.670 mm
Hydraulic tappet diam eter 32.959 to 32.975 mm
Hydraulic t appet bore diam eter 33.000 t o 33.025 mm
Hydraulic tappet running clearance 0.025 to 0.066 mm
Alternator mounting bracket t o block 50 37
48 35
Auxiliary shaft sprock et bolt 80 59
Big-end (connecting rod) bearing c a p nuts 51 38
Camshaft housing bolts 15 11
Camshaft s procket 115 85
Coolant pipe t o block 25 18
Crankcase breather pipe:
M8 bolts 23 17
M10 bolts 48 35
220 162
Cylinder head:
Stage 1 20 15
Stage 2 40 30
Stage 3 Angle-tighten a further 90°
Stage 4 Angle-tighten a further 90°
Engine/transmission mountings :
Mounting brackets to transmission:
M10 bolts 50 37
M12 bolts 85 63
Mounting through-bolts :
M10 bolts 50 37
M12 bolts 80 59
Mountings t o bodys hell/subframe 32 24
Right-hand mounting bracket t o bloc k:
M8 bolts 25 18
M10 bolts 48 35
M12 bolts 80 59
Exhaust manifold nuts 30 22
Flywheel/driveplate** 83 61
Inlet manifold:
M7 bolts 15 11
M8 bolts 30 22
Main bearing c a p bolts 80 59
Oil pressure switc h 32 24
Oil p um p mounting bolts 25 18
Su mp bolts 9 7
Thermostat housing bolts 25 18
Timing belt covers:
M6 bolts 9 7
M8 bolts 25 18
M10 bolts . .. 50 37
Tim ing belt guide pulley bolt 87 64
Tim ing belt tensioner mounting plate:
M8 bolts 23 17
M10 bolts 48 35
Tim ing belt tensioner nut 23 17

all ancillaries c on n e c t e d. If t h e engine h as assemblie s, while t h e c ams h af ts r un in t w o

been rem ov e d for ov erhau l, t h e prel imi nary s eparat e ho us in gs b olt ed o n t o p of t h e
dismantling information which precedes each engine. The camshafts are driven by a toothed
operation m ay be ignored. t im in g belt, a n d eac h on e runs in fi ve
beari ngs . T h e inlet a n d e xh aus t valv es a re
c los ed b y s ingle c oil s p ri ngs , a n d r un in
T he 1.6 litre engine is a w a t e r - c o o le d , guides pres s ed into t h e c yli nder hea d. T h e
Chapter 2 is divided into five Parts; A t o E. d ou bl e ov erh ea d c am sh af t, in-line fo ur- c am sh af ts ac t ua t e t h e valve s dir ec tly v ia
Repair operations that c an b e carried o ut with cylinder unit, wi th cast-i ron cylinder block a nd hydraul ic t a pp e t s mo un t ed in t h e c ams ha ft
t he engine in the vehicle are d e s c rib e d in aluminium-alloy cylinder head. The engine is a housings.
Parts A t o D. Part E covers t h e removal of th e 16-valve unit, wi th t w o inlet and t w o exhaust The c rankshaf t is s up p o rt e d b y five main
engine/trans mission as a unit, an d des cribes valves pe r cy linder . T he engine is mo u nt e d bearings, an d endfloat is controlled by thrust
the engine dis ma nt li n g a n d overhaul p ro - transversely at the fron t o f t h e vehicle, wit h washers fitted around No 5 main bearing.
cedures. the trans mission bolted to th e left-hand side Engine c oola nt is c ir c ulat ed b y a p u m p,
In Parts A t o D, t h e a s s u mp ti on is ma d e of t h e engine. driven b y an auxiliary drivebelt. For details of
that the engine is installed in the vehicle, with T he c yli nder head c o nt ain s t h e valve the cooling sy stem, refer t o Chapter 3.
. Lubricant is circulated under pressure by a Rem o ve t he s c re ws s ec uri ng t he inner
gear-type pu mp , driven via an auxiliary shaft panel under the right-hand wheelarc h, to gain
whic h itself is driven by the tim ing belt. Oil is ac c e s s t o th e crank s haft pulley. Rem o v ing
drawn from the s ump throug h a strainer, and thi s c ov er entails re mov ing t he s c r e ws
then fo rc ed t hr oug h an exte rna lly- mo unt ed, securing the wheelarch front liner to the end
replaceable s cr ew- on filter. From there , it is of th e bumper , an d removing t he front liner,
dis t ri bu te d t o t he c yli nder h ead , wher e it for acces s to th e inner panel' s front securi ng
lubricates the camshaf t journals and t appet s, screw
and also to the crankcase, where it lubr icates Rem ove the single screw securing the small
t he ma in beari ngs , c on ne c t ing r od big and ac c e s s c over in th e tim ing belt co ver
small-ends, gudgeon pins and cylinder bores. and remov e the access cover t o
Model s f rom 1999 on war d s may be fit ted view the camshaft sproc kets.
wi th the rev is ed 'St ep A' engine , wh ic h To make the engine easier to turn, remove
features a number of minor modifications. Th e all four spark plugs, as described in Chapter 1.
engine seen in our 1.6 litre project vehicle was If preferred, however, it is sufficient to remove
a Step A engine. just No 1 spark plug (nearest the timin g belt
end of the engine).
Insert a s uitabl e large s cr ewdr iv er (or, if
available, a dial gauge and probe) d ow n No 1
The following work can be carried out with spark plug hole, taking care to keep it vertical,
the engine in the car: s o t hat it d oe s not b ind as th e pis ton rises
Do not use any tool which
mi ght break off or fall d own inside the engine.
Have an ass is tant tu rn the engine slowly,
using a spanner or soc ket on the c ranks haft
pulley nut.
Once the screw driver (or dial gauge reading)
starts to rise, continue turning the engine until
the c rankshaft pulley t im ing mark is aligned
wi th the mark on the tim ing belt lower cover.
Note t hat there are actually two mar ks - the
With the car parked on a level surface, apply othe r mark aligns wi t h the c entre of th e
the h and brak e and c ho c k t he rear wheel s. crankshaft timing sensor
Loosen the right-hand front wheel bolts.
Raise t he f ront of t he v ehicle, rest it
securely on axle stands and remove the right-
hand front roadwheel.
204 1.6 litre engine in-car repair procedures

rough idle, a worn camshaf t lobe could be the

On completion of th e test, refit the spark
plug s a nd res tore the ignitio n and fuel

removal and refitting ^

The function of the timi ng belt is t o drive the

c am s ha ft s a nd auxiliary shaft (which dri ves
the oil pump). Should the belt slip or break in
The engine will be at TDC on compress ion Have the ass is tant hold the t hrot tl e wi d e
service, the valve timing will be disturbed and
only when the painted marks on the camshaft op en, and crank th e engin e on the starter
piston-to-valve contact will occur, resulting in
sproc kets are visible in t he t iming belt cover mot or; after on e or t wo rev oluti ons , the
serious engine damage.
ac c es s hole The paint ed c o mp re s s io n pres sur e s hou ld buil d up to a
For this reason, it is impor tant that a new
marks on the sprock et s should align with the ma x im um figure, and t hen stabilise . Record
timin g belt is fitted at or before the s pecified
s te epl y-a ng led lines at eithe r side of the the highest reading obtained.
mileage (see Chapter 1). If the car has been
ac c es s hole - ju dg in g th e alig nment is not Repeat the test on the remaining cylinders,
pu rc ha se d s e c on d - h a n d, and its hist ory is
easy, however. recording the pressure in each.
unknown, renewing the timing belt should be
A furt her T DC mark is pro vi de d on the All cylinders sh ould p ro duc e very similar
treated as a priority.
flywheel, and this can be viewed through the pressures; any excessive difference indicates
FIAT garages use various special to ols to
apert ure in the t ran sm iss io n be llh ousin g the ex is ten ce of a fault. Note t hat the
set and kee p th e ca ms haf t and c rank sha ft
(remove th e a pertu re c ove r first). When the c o mpr es s io n s h ou ld buil d up quic k ly in a
s p roc k e t s at th e TDC p os it io n, since it is
flywheel mark aligns with the 0 notch on the healthy engine; low co mp re ss io n on th e first
poss ible that th e s pr oc ke ts may turn as th e
be ll hou s ing, t he engin e is set to T DC . In s tro k e, f o ll o we d by gradually increas ing
old belt is removed and the new one fitted. If
pra ct ic e, howev er, v iew ing th e mar k s is pressure on s uc c es s iv e st rok es , indi ca tes
impossi ble without first removing the ignition wor n piston rings. A low compression reading they turn independently, the valve timing will
coil a ss emb ly a nd th erm o st a t hous ing on th e firs t st rok e, wh ic h d oes not build up be lost, and t he engine will not run properly
during suc cess iv e s trokes, indicates leaking wh en rest arted - w or s e, p is t on -t o- va lv e
valves or a b lo wn head gas ket (a c ra c k ed contac t may occur.
As a further confirmation, the screwdriver will
head c ould also be the cause). A s pecial to ol is also ne eded t o set th e
s top rising (or th e reading o n the dial gauge
tim ing belt tensioner pulley - it is not possible
will s top increasing) when TDC is reached. If th e pressure in any c ylinder is very low,
t o set t he ten sio n us ing ordi nary wo r k s h o p
T he en gine is now set at T DC on No carr y out t he f oll o wi ng test to isolate t he
tools . A s imple alternative tool can be mad e
cylinder. c au s e. I nt roduc e a t e as po on fu l of clean oil
easily, however, from a strip of metal plate.
into that cylinder through its spark plug hole
and repeat the test. In the abs ence of the special locking tools,
great care must be tak en when removing and
If the addition of oil temporarily im proves
§t*> the compress ion pressure, this indicates that
refitt ing t he belt tha t t he s pro c k e t s do not
bore or pis ton wear is re sp ons ibl e for the move. Marks may be found on the sprock et s,
pressure loss. No im provement s uggests that wh ic h align wi t h ma rki ngs on t he c yli nder
leak ing or burn t v alves, or a b lo wn head head or block. If none are present, take care
W he n engine pe rf orm a nc e is d o wn , or if gasket, may be to blame. t o mak e yo ur o w n , using t y pis t s c orr e c tion
misfiring oc curs which cannot be attri buted to A low reading from t w o adjacent cylinders fluid or similar, removing the belt.
t he ignit ion or fuel s y st ems , a c o mp re s s ion is alm os t certainly due to t he head gas k et If the special locking tools are not used, the
test c an prov ide d iagn os t ic clue s as t o the having blow n between them; the presence of procedure given below will suffice to chang e
en gine 's c on di t ion . If the test is p er fo rm e d coolant in the engine oil will c onfirm this. the belt successfully, but if care is not tak en
regularly, it can give warning of trouble before an d th e c ams h af t t im ing is sli ghtly out, th e
If one cylinder is about 20 perc ent lower
any other sy mpto ms become apparent. engine may not run very well on completion. It
than the others and the engine has a slightly
The engine must be fully war me d -u p to is advisable to have a FIAT dealer confirm the
normal operating temperature, the battery must camshaft timi ng after a new belt is fit ted, if the
be fully c h a rg e d , a nd all t he s p ark plu g s special tools are not used.
mu st be remov ed (C hapter The aid of an
assistant will also be required.
Disable the igni tion s ys t em by 7 Rem ov e the auxiliary drivebelt(s) f rom the
d is c on ne c ti ng t he LT wi ri ng plug t o th e c ra nks haf t pulley, then rem ove t he s pa rk
ignition coil assembly plugs (refer to Chapter 1).
To prevent possible damage to the catalytic W ork ing benea th t h e engine , un bolt an d
converter, depres surise and disable the fuel re mov e the fly wheel lower c ov er
injection sy st em by rem oving the fuel p um p then hold the flywheel stationary,
fuse or relay (see Chapter 4B , Section 7). preferabl y using a t oo l wh ich e ngages t h e
Fit a c o mp re s s io n t ester t o t he No 1 fly wh eel s tarter ring gear (see S ect ion 12).
cy linder s park plug hole - the t ype of tester Alternatively, have an ass is tant en gag e a
wh ich s c rew s into t he plug thr ead is t o be wi de-bl aded screwdriver with the starter ring
preferred. gear.
1.6 litre engine in-car repair procedures 205

Loosen the crankshaft pulley retaining nut - which is secured by a total of eight bolts (one Release t h e nut on the t im ing belt
this is tightened to a particularly high torque, additional bolt is used to secure the camshaft tensioner, mov e the pulley away f rom the belt,
so ens ure that t he car is ade qua te ly s procket ac ces s panel - see Section 2) and retighten the nut t o hold the pulley in the
s u p p o rt e d . Use only go o d- qu a lit y, clo s e - Note the loc at io n of each bol t ret rac te d p os iti on If t he
fit ting t oo ls , a nd ta k e pr ec au tio ns against (and any was hers) as it is re mo v ed , as they locking tools are not fit ted, the tension of the
pers onal injury, es pecial ly wh e n t he nut are of different sizes. Where ap plicable, also valv e sp ri ng s will mo v e t he c am s ha f t s very
ev entuall y loos ens (wear glov es t o p rot ec t recover the rubber gasket fitted between the slightly as the belt tension is released - w atc h
your hands). Loosen the nut only at this stage outer and inner covers. ho w the sprockets move, and c ompensate for
- do not remove it. If th e s pec ia l ho ld ing t o ols are not this when fitting the new belt.
Us e t he mar ks o n th e cr ank s haft pulley available, make your own sprocket alignment Slide the dri veb elt f ro m t he s pr o c k e ts,
and tim ing belt cov er t o reset th e engine to marks as necessary before removing the belt ta kin g great care not to turn th e m if lock ing
TDC, as d esc rib ed in Sec tion 2. Engage t op (see paragraph 5). to ols have not been used
gear; if th e h andbra k e is firm ly app li ed, this In particular, mark the relative positions of Note that the crankshaft sprocket is a sliding
should prevent the crankshaft f ro m moving. the cams haft s pro ck et s. The best way to do fit only over the end of the crankshaft - try not
To further aid refitting, paint an alignment th is is to place a s traight ed ge ac ros s t he to remov e the sproc ket wi th the belt.
mark between the timing sensor (below and in centres of the t w o s pro ck et s , and to dra w a
front of the pulley) and one of the teeth on the line (or s ev eral sho rt lines) ac ro ss t he
sensor pic kup wheel. s p ro c k et s using an indelible mar ke r W he n refitting th e ne w belt, first m ak e
Uns c re w the c ra nk sh aft pulley nut, and sure that the sprock et tim ing mar ks are still in
remove the pulley T he crank sh aft s pr oc k e t sh ould also be ali gn men t (the c a ms ha ft s pro c k et mark s
Unbolt and remove the timi ng belt cover, ma rk ed for po s it io n, if no ti mi n g mar k s are should be as close as possible).
ev id ent. T he s p ro c k et is k ey ed to the If the special locking tools are being us ed,
c rank s haf t, so can only be fit ted in on e th e c am sh af t s pro c k et b olt s sh ou ld be
position, but a tim ing mark would be useful as loo se ne d t o allow the s p ro c k e ts t o mo v e
confirm ation. slightly as t he tim ing belt is ref itte d and
The FIAT too ls (1860874000) for holding te nsione d. To hold eac h spro ck e t stationary
t he c a ms h af t s s tation ary are m od ifi ed whil e the retaining bolt is loosened, make up a
camshaft housing end covers, with a keyway tool as des cribed in Section 5.
set into t h e inner f a c e, wh ic h w he n fit ted If the s pecial lock ing to ols are not being
engage with slots in the end of the camshafts, us ed, it is not adv isa ble to loose n the
pre ve ntin g rotat ion an d ma in tainin g th e c am sh af t s p ro c k et bolts unles s abs olut ely
camshaft timing. To gain ac cess to the c a m- nec ess ary . If the ti mi ng belt tee th will not
shaft housing end covers, disc onnect the coil engage the camshaft sprocket s satisfactorily,
LT w ir i ng , re mov e the bo lt s se c uri ng th e it is permissible to loosen the bolts and turn
igni tion c o i l, and lift t he c oil a way f ro m the the s prockets both in the s ame
engine c omplete with HT leads. direction.
2 0 6 1.6 litre engine in-car repair procedures

Fit the belt so that the arrow s on the belt

(where appli cable) point in th e d irec tion of
engin e rot at ion. Als o wh ere ap pli c able, the
lines painted on the belt should coincide wit h
marks on the spr ock ets.
Engage the timing belt with the crankshaft
s pr oc k et firs t, then pla ce it aroun d th e
aux iliary shaft sp roc k et , fix ed gu ide pulley,
and inlet (front) camshaft sprocket.
If the special locking tools are not used,
turn the ex haus t c amsh af t s proc k et slightly
(against the valve spring tension) to bring the
timi ng mar ks made into ali gnment, and slip
th e belt o nto t he s pro c ke t tee th

Finally, slip the belt around the tensioner

pulley. Ensure that any slack in the belt is on
the tensi oner s ide of t he belt run

To tension the timing belt, a special FIAT

tool (no 1860876000) is used t o turn the t e n -
sioner, and to set the tensioner spring tension,
in one mo v eme nt . T he t oo l is b olt ed into
position as s hown
Release the tensioner nut and use the tool
to push the pulley anti-cloc kwi se against the
Initially, the belt sh ould be set t o th e
max imum tension possible using reasonable
force, indicated by the mark on the tensioner
mov ing past the pointer. Tighten the tensioner
nut securely.
If t he c ams haf t s p roc k et bol ts wer e
loo se ned, t ighten t he m to the s pec ifi ed
t or qu e, holdi ng each s p ro ck e t in th e s ame
way as when they were loosened.
Rem ov e any loc kin g t ools us ed , and /or
select neutral. Temporarily fit the crankshaft
pulley nut, and t urn the engine thro ugh t wo
c o mpl et e turn s in the norm al dir ec tion of
rotation. Ch ec k (as far as possible ) that the
s pr oc k et t im ing mar k s c o me back into
alignm ent.
Loosen t he tensio ner nut, and align t he
tensioner pointer with the punc hed marking.
Hold the tensioner in this position, and tighten
the tensioner nut to the specified torque.

Make up a thin strip of thick metal (to be

levered against), with t wo holes drilled 125 mm
apart. Remove two of th e tensioner backplate
bolts, and bolt t he metal strip into position

Loosen the te nsioner nut, but leave it

Locate the end of a suitable screwdri ver
or large pin punch in the slot in the tensioner
bac kp la te, then lever against t he metal strip
Do not lever against the
plastic surface of the tensioner pulley, or it will
be da ma ged.
Initially, take up the slack in the belt, but
then pull on the belt while levering against the
strip so that the mark on the tensioner moves
1.6 litre engine in-car repair procedures 2 0 7

b ey o nd th e point er, t o t h e full ex tent of i t s pointer T ight en t h e t e n -

travel Tighten the tensioner sioner n u t t o t h e specified torque. 5
nut t o hold t h e tensioner spring in pos ition.
If t h e c a ms ha ft s pr oc k e t b olts wer e r e m o v a l a n d re f i t t in g
loo se ne d, tig ht en t h e m t o t h e sp ec if ied
t o rq ue , hold ing eac h s p ro c k et in t h e sa me Refit t h e ti mi n g belt cover a n d r ubb er
way as when they were loosened. ga sk e t, a n d se cu re wit h t h e eight bolts,
Rem ov e a n y lo c kin g to ols us e d, and /o r correctly refitted t o their original locations.
select neutral. Temporari ly f it t h e crank shaft Refit t h e c rank s haf t pulley, loc ating t h e
pulley n ut , a n d tur n t h e engine th ro ugh t w o pulley ov er t h e c r a nk s haft s pr o c k e t a n d Rem ov e t he auxili ary drivebelt(s) f ro m t h e
c o m p l e t e t urns in t h e norm al dir e c tio n o f ens uri ng tha t t h e mark s ma d e b et wee n t h e c rank sh aft pulley , th en rem o ve t h e spa rk
rotat ion. Che c k (as far as possible) t hat t h e timing sensor a nd p ic k up wheel are aligned. plugs (refer t o Chapter
s p ro c k et t im ing mar k s c o m e bac k int o Holding t h e flywheel stationary as desc ribed Un bol t a n d rem ov e t he timi ng belt cover,
alignment in paragr aph 8, fi t a n d tight en t h e (new) n ut which is secured by a total of eight bolts. Note
Using a screwdriv er (or pin punch) again securely the location of each bolt (and any washers) a s
as d es c rib e d in p aragr aph 35, lever agains t If t h e c ra nk sh af t has n o t t u rn e d, c he c k it is r emo v ed , as they are of different sizes.
the metal strip t o tak e u p t h e spring pressure that t h e mark o n t h e cranks haft pulley aligns Also recover t h e rubber gasket fitted between
in t h e tensioner. with t h e mark o n th e belt cover. the outer an d inner covers.
Carefully loosen t he tensioner nut, a nd let Further refitting is a reversal of rem oval.
the tensioner spring relax gradually until the Refit a n d t ens io n t h e auxiliary dri veb elt as
mark o n t h e t ens ioner is align ed with t h e described in Chapter

Loosen the nut on the timi ng belt tensioner

and mov e t h e pulley a way fr o m t h e belt. If
nec ess ary, ke ep t h e belt en g ag ed wi th t h e
s pro c k ets using cab le-ties, elastic b an ds o r
pulley on its hub by hand. Stiff mov ement or Check the sprocket teeth for damage.
excessive freeplay is an indication of severe Wip e clean th e sp ro c k e t a nd c ams ha ft
wear ; the t ens io ner is not a s ervic eable mating surfaces.
c o m po n e n t , and sh ou ld be rene wed if its
condition is suspec t, or as a precaution at the
tim e of a major engine overhaul. Loc ate the sp roc k et on t he end of t he
c ams haf t, not ing that it is (loosely) k ey ed.
Refit the bolt and washer, and tighten to the
Hol d th e tim ing belt aside , th en slide th e spec if ied t orq ue while holding the cams haft
tensioner over the mountin g stud an d secure st ationary us ing t he me t h od de s c ri b ed
loosely wi th the nut. Ensuring that all slack is previously.
taken out of th e belt, engage the t imin g belt Align t he ma rk s made bet ween t he
wi th tensioner sprocket. camshaft s proc ket s an d c ylinder head, then
Set the belt tensi on wi t h ref erenc e t o refit the timing belt as des cribed in Section 4.
Section 4, paragraphs 21 to 24.
Refit t h e t im in g belt cov er an d rubbe r
Completely unscrew the nut, and slide the t e n - gas k et , an d s ec ure wit h the eight bo lts ,
sioner off the mounting stud If correctly refitted t o their original locations.
Rem ove the t im in g belt as de s cr ibe d in
required, the tensioner mounting plate can be Refit and tension the auxiliary drivebelt as
Section 4.
unbolted from the engine, noting the location of des cribed in Chapter
Slide t he s p ro c k et off the e nd of t he
each bolt, as they are of different sizes.
c ra nks haf t If it is tight ,
remov e it using a puller or a pair of suitable
W ipe the tensi oner clean , but d o not use s c rew dri v e rs . T he s pro c k et has a s eparate
excessive amoun ts of solvent, as these may Rem ov e t he tim ing belt as d es c ri b ed in key wh ic h locat es in a gro ov e in the
contaminate the bearings. Spin the tensioner Section 4. In addition to the alignment marks crankshaft nose - recover the key if it is loose.
sugges ted in Section 4, it is useful to have a
mark between eac h s prock et and the cylinder
head - mak e y our o wn if none are present, Wit h the s proc ket remov ed, examin e the
partic ularly if the c ams h af t hol ding to ols c rank s ha f t oil seal for signs of leaking. If
des cri bed in Section 4 are not available. necessary, refer to Section and renew it.
Wi pe clean the s pro ck et an d c rankshaft
The camshaft s procket mus t now be held
mating surfaces. Check the sprocket teeth for
stationary whi le the retaining bolt is loosened;
damage .
if the s p roc k et t urns very far, there is a risk
that the valves will hit the pistons. Make up a
tool as foll ows and engage it wit h the holes in Slide the spr oc k et fully o nto t he
the sproc ket crankshaft, making sure it engages the key.
Alternatively, pas s a ro d th roug h one of Refit t he t im ing belt as de s c ri be d in
the holes in the camshaft sprocket to prevent Section 4.
it rotating. Position a pad of rag or a piece of
w o o d under t he ro d t o av oid da ma g in g th e
cylinder head.
Uns c rew t h e bolt (recover t he was her) ,
and slide t he sp roc k et f r o m the end of the Rem ov e t he ti mi n g belt as d es c r ib ed in
c ams h af t. Note the integral locat io n key on Se ct io n 4. There is no need to mak e any
the inner fac e of the sprocket, and the notch alignment mar ks t o sh ow the auxiliary shaft
on the end of th e c ams haft into whi c h it fits sprocket fitted position.
The sprocket must now be held stationary
whi le th e bol t is loo se ne d. Loc k ing u p t he
fly whe el will not help in this c as e, as t he
With the sproc kets removed, examine the s prock et t urn s the oil p u mp driv es haft. One
c ams ha ft oil seals for signs of leak ing. If solution woul d be t o hold the sprocket using a
necessary, refer to Section and renew the m. st rap wr e n c h , as us ed for oil filter remov al;
alt ernatively, a m ean s mus t be de vis ed for Refit th e t im i ng belt as d es c ri b ed in Refit t h e t imin g belt as de s c ri be d in
jamming the sprocket teeth. If a chain wrenc h Section 4. Section 4.
mus t be us e d, wr ap a c loth aro und t he
s p ro c k et f irst, t o prevent da m ag e t o t he
sprocket teeth
Once the bolt has been loosened, remove
it and its was her, an d take off t he s p ro c k et Rem o ve the ti mi ng belt as de s c ri b ed in removal and refitting 05
Recover the locating dowel Section 4.
fitted between the sprock et and shaft. Loosen and remove the pulley bolt and its
was her, and t ak e off th e pulley

Wit h the s procket rem ov ed, ex amine the

auxiliary shaft oil seal for s igns of leaking. If
necessary, refer to Section 9 and renew it. Check the pulley for any sign of damage,
Wi pe clean the sprocket and shaft mating and check that it spins freely, wi th no sign of
s urfac es . Ch eck th e s p ro c k et t eeth f or ro ugh ne s s . Wi p e th e pulley clean be fore
damage. fitting. M ak ing s ure t hat t hey are labelled for
po si tio n, d is c o nn e ct t he HT leads f ro m the
spark plugs .
Fit t he lo ca ting d o w e l, then slide the Offer t he pulley up to t he engine, an d
sprocket fully onto the shaft, making sure the s ec ure wi t h th e ret aining bolt a nd was her. Referring t o Ch ap te r 5B , re mo v e the
dowel engages correctly. Tighten the bolt to the specified torque. ignition coil ass embly, and place it to one side
without disc onnecting the HT leads from it.
To improve work ing ro om, remove the t wo
bolts securing the air intake at the front of the
engine c ompar tment, and lift the intake out of
po si tio n, d et a chin g it f r o m th e int ake du c t

Remove both sections of the inlet manifold

as described in Chapter 4B .
Set the engine to T DC , as de s c r ibe d in
Remove the four nuts securing the ignition
coil mo un ti ng bra ck et ; note that t hes e nuts
V als o s erv e to se c ure t he ca ms ha ft hou sing
e nd c ov ers t he ms elv es . Lift away t h e coil
mo un t in g bra c ke t , an d remov e it fr o m the
No ting their resp ec tive f itt ed p os iti on s , wh ic h may be fit ted to t he rear c over Loosen the ten Ribe bolts s ecuring each
remove the hose and wiring harness brackets camshaft housing by a quarter-turn at a time,
f rom th e hous ing end c ov ers (one nut Prise off and remove the en d c overs from in a diagonal sequence As
rem ain in g per c over) - note t he earth lead the camshaft housings t he b olts are lo os e ne d, s om e of t h e valv e
If the c amshaft lock ing to ols des c ri bed in springs will be released.
Sect ion 4 are available, fit t hem no w. If not, When all the bolts are loose, carefully tilt
make accurate alignment marks between the t he hous ings t o w ar d s the front of t he car,
ends of the camshafts and their housings, for noting that the housings are each located on
use when refitting. t w o small do wel s . So me of th e h ydraul ic
Remove the camshaft s prockets and t he t ap p et s may try an d fall out; it is im po rtant
fixed guide pulley as des cri bed in Section 5. that the tappets are not interchanged, so turn
On early mod els , rem ove t he t w o bolts the ho us in gs u p s i de - d ow n as s oo n as t hey
s ec uri ng th e inlet ca ms haf t ti mi ng s ens or. are r emo v ed . Recover t he gask ets f rom t he
Wi t hd ra w the sens or f ro m t he engine, and top of the cylinder head
disconnect the wiring plug. Lift the hydraulic tappets from their bores
Unbolt and remove the upper half of the and store them with the valve contact surface
inner t im in g belt cov er, uncli p the fuel line f ac ing d o w n wa r d s , to prevent the oil f rom
plastic guide channel, a nd remove the inner draining out. Alternatively, place the tappets in
cover and channel from the t op of the engine a tray full of oil, suffic iently deep to prevent
the t appet s draining
Make a note of the position of each tappet, corresponding lobe on the camshaft for wear,
as they must be fitted to the same valves on as it is likely that bo th will be wo rn . Renew
reassembly - accelerated wear leading to early worn components as necessary.
failure may result if they are interchanged.
Caref ully wit h d ra w th e c a ms ha f ts f ro m
their resp ect iv e h ou sin gs , tu rni ng t h e m as
necessary so that the camshaft lobes do not Liberally lubricate the camshaft lobes , and
hang up on the bearings inside t he hous ing as far as p os sib le, the bearin g s urfac es in
Keep the c ams haf t each camshaft housing
horizontal as it is withdrawn ; forc e should not Carefully insert the c ams ha ft s bac k into
be us ed, or required, otherwise the camshaft their respe ct iv e hou sin gs, ta kin g t he s am e
and bearings c ould be da ma ged. precautions described in paragraph
Suitably mark the camshafts (and housings) At this stage, it is advisable to check the
to avoid confusion wh en refitting. The c am - camshaft endfloat using a dial gauge mounted
shafts may be f oun d t o be mark ed A and S, on the c am sh af t ho us ing , wi t h its pr ob e in
which stands for Aspirazione (Inlet) and Scario c on t ac t wi t h t he ca ms haf t being c h e c k e d . Chec k that the engine is still set to TDC as
(Exhaust). Note that the inlet camshaft is Move the camshaft one way, zero the gauge, described in Sections 2 and 4.
nearest to the front facing side of the engine. On then mov e the camshaf t as far as it will go the Offer the housings into position over the
the car seen in the workshop, the inlet camshaft other way . Record t he re ading on t he dial t wo dowels, ensuring that the tappet s engage
had a blue paint mark, while th e exhaust gauge, and repeat on the other camshaft and correctly with the valves. Take care that none
camshaft was marked with green paint. ho us ing . FIAT do not qu ot e a f ig ure f or of the t ap p e t s fall ou t as the ho us in gs are
camshaft endfloat, but the figure given in the refitted - offer t he hous ing into place on its
Sp ec ifi c at ions can be us ed as a g uid e. If s id e i nitially, an d us e a ruler t o h old t he
Exami ne th e c ams haf t bearing s urfac e s either of the readings exc eeds the tolerance tappet s in place
and c a m lobes for s igns of wear ridges and giv en, a pair of new c ams ha ft hous in gs will Insert the housing bolts. Note that as the
scoring. Renew the camshaft s if any of these probably be required. hous ings are t igh te ned d o wn , s o me of th e
c ondit ions are apparent. As far as poss ible, Clean all traces of gasket f rom the m ating valve springs will be compress ed - it is import-
check the condition of the bearing surfaces in faces on the housings and cylinder head, then ant that tightening is done progressively.
the camshaft hous ings. If suitable measuring plac e ne w ga s k ets in pos iti o n over the W ork in g in a diag onal s e qu en c e an d
e qu ipm ent is av ailable, c am sh af t bearin g locating dowel s k eepin g t he h ous in g as level as po ss ibl e ,
jour nal we ar can be c h ec k ed by dir ect Fit t he hydraul ic t a p pe t s ba ck in their tighten each housing bolt by a quarter-turn at
measurement. original positions a time until the housing just seats on the head.
Examine the tappet bearing surfaces which If the FIAT spec ial t oo ls for h oldi ng t he A gain wo rk i n g in a d iago nal s eq uen c e,
contact the camshaft lobes for wear ridges and c ams haft s were not available, turn the c a m - tighten all bolts to the s pec ified t orq ue
sc orin g. Renew any ta ppet on whi c h these shafts (if necessary) so that the marks made
c ondit ions are a pparent. If a tap pet bearing on removal are aligned, and try not to let the Refit all component s removed for access,
surface is badly s c o red , also exa mine the camshafts turn as the housings are refitted. using a reversal of the removal procedure.


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