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Test Bank for Multinational Business Finance 13th

Edition by Eiteman
Test Bank for Multinational Business Finance 13th
Edition by Eiteman
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Ronald Wilson Reagan (/ˈreɪɡən/; February 6, 1911 – June 5, 2004) was
an American politician and actor who served as the 40th President of the
United States from 1981 to 1989. Prior to the presidency, he was a
Hollywood actor and trade union leader before serving as the 33rd
Governor of California from 1967 to 1975.

Reagan was raised in a poor family in small towns of northern Illinois.

He graduated from Eureka College in 1932 and worked as a sports
announcer on several regional radio stations. After moving to California
in 1937, he became an actor and starred in a few major productions.
Reagan was twice elected President of the Screen Actors Guild—the
labor union for actors—where he worked to root out Communist
influence. In the 1950s, he moved into television and was a motivational
speaker at General Electric factories. Reagan had been a Democrat until
1962, when he became a conservative and switched to the Republican
Party. In 1964, Reagan's speech, "A Time for Choosing", supported
Barry Goldwater's foundering presidential campaign and earned him
national attention as a new conservative spokesman. Building a network
of supporters, he was elected Governor of California in 1966. As
governor, Reagan raised taxes, turned a state budget deficit to a surplus,
challenged the protesters at the University of California, ordered in
National Guard troops during a period of protest movements in 1969,
and was re-elected in 1970. He twice ran unsuccessfully for the
Republican presidential nomination, in 1968 and 1976. Four years later
in 1980, he won the nomination, and then defeated incumbent president
Jimmy Carter. At 69 years, 349 days of age at the time of his
inauguration, he became the oldest president-elect to take the oath of
office (a distinction now held by Donald Trump, since 2017). Reagan
faced former vice president Walter Mondale when he ran for re-election
in 1984, and defeated him in a landslide with the largest electoral college
victory in American history.

Soon after taking office, Reagan began implementing sweeping new

political and economic initiatives. His supply-side economic policies,
dubbed "Reaganomics", advocated tax rate reduction to spur economic
growth, economic deregulation, and reduction in government spending.
In his first term he survived an assassination attempt, spurred the War on
Drugs, and fought public sector labor. Over his two terms, the economy
saw a reduction of inflation from 12.5% to 4.4%, and an average annual
growth of real GDP of 3.4%. Reagan enacted cuts in domestic
discretionary spending, cut taxes, and increased military spending which
contributed to increased federal outlays overall, even after adjustment
for inflation. Foreign affairs dominated his second term, including
ending the Cold War, the bombing of Libya, the Iran–Iraq War, and the
Iran–Contra affair. In June 1987, four years after he publicly described
the Soviet Union as an "evil empire", Reagan challenged Soviet General
Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev to "tear down this wall!", during a speech
at the Brandenburg Gate. He transitioned Cold War policy from détente
to rollback by escalating an arms race with the USSR while engaging in
talks with Gorbachev. The talks culminated in the INF Treaty, which
shrank both countries' nuclear arsenals. Reagan began his presidency
during the decline of the Soviet Union, and the Berlin Wall fell just ten
months after the end of his term. Germany reunified the following year,
and on December 26, 1991 (nearly three years after he left office), the
Soviet Union collapsed.

When Reagan left office in 1989, he held an approval rating of 68

percent, matching those of Franklin D. Roosevelt, and later Bill Clinton,
as the highest ratings for departing presidents in the modern era.[1] He
was the first president since Dwight D. Eisenhower to serve two full
terms, after a succession of five prior presidents did not. Although he
had planned an active post-presidency, Reagan disclosed in November
1994 that he had been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease earlier that
year. Afterward, his informal public appearances became more
infrequent as the disease progressed. He died at home on June 5, 2004.
Revered by American conservatives and disliked by progressives, he is
viewed favorably in historical rankings of U.S. presidents, and his tenure
constituted a realignment toward conservative policies in the United

1 Early life
1.1 Religion
1.2 Formal education
2 Entertainment career
2.1 Radio and film
2.2 Military service
2.3 Screen Actors Guild presidency
2.3.1 Secret FBI informant in Hollywood
2.4 Television
3 Marriages and children
4 Early political career
5 Governor of California (1967–1975)
6 1976 presidential campaign
7 1980 presidential campaign
8 Presidency (1981–1989)
8.1 First term
8.1.1 Prayer in schools and a moment of silence
8.1.2 Assassination attempt
8.1.3 Assistant Secretary of State nomination
8.1.4 Air traffic controllers' strike
8.1.5 "Reaganomics" and the economy
8.1.6 Civil rights
8.1.7 Escalation of the Cold War
8.1.8 Lebanese Civil War
8.1.9 Operation Urgent Fury (Grenada)
8.1.10 1984 presidential campaign
8.2 Second term
8.2.1 1985 placing of wreath at cemetery in Bitburg, Germany
8.2.2 War on Drugs
8.2.3 Response to AIDS epidemic
8.2.4 Libya bombing
8.2.5 Immigration
8.2.6 Iran–Contra affair
8.2.7 End of the Cold War
8.3 Health
8.4 Judiciary
9 Post-presidency (1989–2004)
9.1 Public speaking
9.2 Assault
9.3 Alzheimer's disease
9.3.1 Announcement and reaction: 1994
9.3.2 Progression: 1994–2004
10 Death and funeral
11 Legacy
11.1 Cold War
11.2 Domestic and political legacy
11.3 Cultural and political image
11.4 Honors
12 Portraits
13 See also
14 References
15 Sources
16 Further reading
16.1 Primary sources
16.2 Historiography
17 External links
17.1 Official sites
17.2 Media
17.3 News coverage
17.4 Essays and historiographies
17.5 Other
Early life

Ronald Reagan's boyhood home in Dixon, Illinois

Ronald Wilson Reagan was born on February 6, 1911, in an apartment
on the second floor of a commercial building in Tampico, Illinois. He
was the younger son of Nelle Clyde (née Wilson; 1883–1962) and Jack
Reagan (1883–1941).[2] Jack was a salesman and storyteller whose
grandparents were Irish Catholic emigrants from County Tipperary,[3]
while Nelle was of half English and half Scottish descent (her mother
was born in Surrey).[4] Reagan's older brother, Neil Reagan (1908–
1996), became an advertising executive.[5]

Reagan's father nicknamed his son "Dutch", due to his "fat little
Dutchman"-like appearance and "Dutchboy" haircut;[6] the nickname
stuck with him throughout his youth.[6] Reagan's family briefly lived in
several towns and cities in Illinois, including Monmouth, Galesburg, and
Chicago.[7] In 1919, they returned to Tampico and lived above the H. C.
Pitney Variety Store until finally settling in Dixon.[2] After his election
as president, Reagan resided in the upstairs White House private
quarters, and he would quip that he was "living above the store again

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