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Daily Promises of God

for educators PROVERBS 16:3

NIV - Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.

RSV - Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established.


KJV - Commit thy works unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall be established.

LB - Commit your work to the Lord, then it will succeed..

Note to the educator

Have you dedicated your classroom to the Lord? Have you dedicated your campus to the Lord?
He owns it all. He owns the ca;le on a thousand hills. He owns your school. If you have not
commi;ed your classroom to Him, consider it. When I took the Crown Ministries course for

finances, they had us write out a deed and sign over all our money back to the Lord. Let’s do
the same for our schools. Create a deed that proclaims God as the owner of the school.
Relinquish all rights of ownership to Him. Accept all responsibiliKes of being a good steward of
His properKes, His children and His giLs. Create the deed on paper, sign it and then hang it in
your personal spot within your classroom or office as a daily reminder. Commit it all to Him and

He will establish your success. It’s a promise.

1:16 PM prayer


Please pray that our students honor their parents.

Quote for the day

The consequences arising from the con?nual accumula?on of public debts in other countries
ought to admonish us to be careful to prevent their growth in our own. John Adams



Where we read the Bible with our brother and sisters in the public schools

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