Almas Perdidas - Anna Todd

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1. Complete these sentences using the correct future form of the verbs given in brackets:
1. Yes, I promise won’t donot do) it again, mother.
2. What time will return_____________(return) tonight?
3. I am going to buy_______________(buy) a present for my father´s birthday.
I will start______________(start) a diet and I______________(give up) smoking, but I don´t know if
I________________(can) go to the gym twice a week.
4. She´s pregnant, she____________(have) a baby, I think it__________(be) a boy.
5. My daughter___________(be) 20 years next Tuesday.
6. ______________(someone answer) the phone? Sure, I__________(do) it.
7. What time______________(take) the train tomorrow?
8. Be careful! You______________(hit) that wall!
9. Have you decided what to wear tonight? Yes, I________________(wear) my new pullover.
10. By 7,00 pm they_______________(play) for six hours.
11. I____________(finish) painting your room by the time you get home.
12. Phone me tomorrow morning, I_____________(not do) anything then.
13. What do you want to have? I____________(have) a glass of wine.
14. She____________(phone) me as soon as she gets home.
15. By five o´clock, they______________(finish)their exam.
16. By the year 2010, scientists_____________(find) a cure for AIDS.
17. What______________(your son/be) after he passes his exams?
18. He says he______________(be) a teacher, though perhaps he__________(change) his mind.


Exercise 1 - key

1. Won’t do 10. I am going to wear

2. Are you returning / are you going to return 11. Will have been playing
3. I am going to buy 12. Will have finished painting
4. I am going to start; I am going to give up; I will 13. Will not be doing
be able to go 14. I will have
5. She is going to have; it will be 15. Will phone me
6. Will be 16. They will have finished
7. Will someone answer; I will 17. Will have found
8. Are you taking 18. Will your son be
9. You will hit 19. Is going to be; he will change

2. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate tense. In some cases there may be more than one correct answer.

1. This bus is very slow. I think we ……………………………………………… (miss) the train.

2. You have failed four subjects. What ………………………………………………………… (you/tell) your parents
3. I’m not sure whether he ……………………………………………. (manage) to be here before dinner.
4. Look at the sun! It ………………………………………………….. hot today. (be)
5. What ………………………………………………….. (you/do) on Saturday evening?
6. We ……………………………………………………….. (meet) Sarah and David after the concert at Sacks.
7. A: I have no money left. B: Don’t worry, I ………………………………….. (buy) your drink.
8. When Sally ………………………………………. (finish) school she will be 18.
9. At this time next week, we ………………………………………………………. (fly) to London.
10. I expect by the year 2020 they ……………………………………………………….. (find) a cure for cancer.
11. Look at Tom. He’s really angry. He ………………………………………………. (talk) to the manager.
12. A: They’ve packed because they ………………………………………….. (drive) to Manchester tomorrow.
B: …………………………………………………………. (they/leave) in the early morning?
13. I promise I ………………………………………………….. (not speak) to you like that again.
14. What time ……………………………………………….. (your train /leave)?
15. …………………………………………………… (Tina/probably/help) us with the organization of the event.
16. Look out! The dog ……………………………………………………………. (bite) you!
17. I’ll phone you as soon as we …………………………………….. (have) some news.
18. We ………………………………………………… (have) a party on Friday. It will start at 8 pm.
19. I must do the shopping before the children …………………………………………………… (come) from school.
20. There …………………………………………………….. (not be) any newspapers tomorrow.
21. Watch the baby! She ……………………………………………… (fall off) the bed.

22. I’ve got three exams next week, so this weekend, while everybody is out having fun I
………………………………………… (study).
23. My parents ……………………………………………….. (stay) with us at the weekend. We’ve got tickets for the
opera on Saturday.
24. Put the fish in the fridge. The cat ………………………………………………….. (eat ) it.
25. We ……………………………………………… (go) to the seaside next weekend.
26. Richard will visit his parents before he …………………………………………. (leave) for Brussels.
27. I suppose ………………………………………………………… (there/be) a lot of people at the meeting.
28. What time ………………………………………………………. (the lessons/start) in your school?
29. Can I use your computer tomorrow morning or ……………………………………………….. (you/use) it?
30. How can we go to the airport? I know! I………………………………………………. (borrow) Sue’s car!
31. A: There’s someone at the door. B: OK, I ……………………………………………….. (answer) it.
32. I think the exam ………………………………………… (be) quite easy.
33. He has eaten too many cakes. He …………………………………………… (be) sick.
34. A: I’ve lost my keys! B: I …………………………………………….. (help) you look for them.
35. Unless medicine develops a lot, by the year 2150 we ………………………………………………… (die).
36. What do you think ………………………………………………………… (your mum/do) right now?
37. By the month of July our summer holidays ………………………………………………… (start) and we
………………………………………………………………… (relax) in the swimming pool or the beach.
38. I wonder what I ……………………………………………………… (do) this time next year.
39. I promise I ………………………………………………. (phone) you every day.
40. A: Oh dear, we have run out of milk. B: I ……………………………………… go to the shop and buy some.
41. If she continues with that diet, she ……………………………………………….. (lose) 10 kilos by the end of the
month and she ……………………………………………. (be) really weak.
42. A: There’s a very good film on TV this evening. B: I know, I ………………………………………. (watch) it.
43. Peter and Astrid ………………………………………… (get married) in June. They have already sent out the
invitations and booked a holiday in Barbados for their honeymoon.
44. George says that he will never forget Anne as long as he ……………………………………………… (live).
45. What …………………………………………….. (you/do) when you have finished school?
46. If the train is late I …………………………………………………… (miss) my appointment.
47. I’ve made up my mind, I ……………………………………………. (give up) smoking.
48. We …………………………………………… (have) some friends for lunch tomorrow evening. I have already
made the starter and the dessert .
49. Don’t call me until after 12.00. I …………………...…………. (attend) a meeting between 10.00 and 11.45.
50. Don’t touch that! You …………………………………………….. (hurt) yourself!

Exercise 2 - Key

1. will miss 2. are you going to tell 3. will manage

4. is going to be 5. Are you doing/are you going to do 6. are meeting
7. ‘ll buy 8. finishes 9. will be flying
10. will have found 11. is going to talk 12. A: are driving B: are they leaving
13. won’t speak 14. does your train leave? 15. Tina will probably help
16. is going to bite 17. have 18. are having
19. come 20. won’t be 21. is going to fall off
22. will be studying 23. are staying 24. is going to eat it
25. are going 26. leaves 27. there will be
28. do the lessons start 29. will you be using/are you going to use/are you using
30. ‘ll borrow 31. ‘ll answer 32. will be
33. is going to be 34. ‘ll help 35. will have died
36. your mum will be doing 37. will have started – will be relaxing 38. will be doing
39. will phone 40. ‘ll go 41. will have lost – will be
42. am going to watch 43. are getting 44. lives
45. are you going to do 46. will miss 47. am going to give up
48. are having 49. will be attending 50. are going to hurt

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