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2. Where to look.

The Gym
Shows and Plays.
Meet and Greet parties.
Night clubs.
Go to places that are similar to your own personal interests. A lot of times we
just can t find someone because we look in the wrong places. If you know you want
to attract a mate that has class and style, then hanging out at the local bar wi
th the neighborhood drunks may not be the best place. Take a class or find a hob
by if you don t already have one. Most times you will find it easier to talk to so
meone you have som,ething in common with.
3. Be Realistic.
Being realistic in your relationship expectations should be in the top priority
of your dating plan. Having the essential social skills to meet people is one th
ing but knowing what you want and being honest about it is another.
Realistic expectations in any relationships can be very important towards your p
ersonal happiness in your love life. It is also an important step in attracting
the right person for a relationship.
Know what you're after before you go out to try and get it. Love doesn't "just c
ome," it can but then you'd be a person of circumstance - not someone sophistica
ted enough to know that you are responsible for getting what you want out of lif
e, love, and everything else for that matter.
Ask yourself these questions and think about them.
What do you want with your love life in the future?
If you have that special someone in your life, what do you expect from him or he
How quickly do you want things to progress to get to where you want to go in you
r relationships?
What values do you have and expect from your significant other?
Ask yourself these questions and answer them honestly. Then use your imagination
or in other words - "realistically" daydream your way to it. This will help you
to focus on what's really important and how you will find what you are looking
for in a relationship.
People that are most happy in their relationships are those that are patient. Th
ey wait for the right time and for the right person as well as have realistic ex
pectations of what is within their reach and control.
People who are unrealistic fall into situations that they cannot have control ov
er and feel helpless and miserable.
Remember that each situation, person, and experience is unique in itself. You've
got to accommodate to each relationship and the partner with whom you're involv
ed with just as uniquely. There's no one size fits all for any one person or rel
ationship because we are all complex creatures with our highly complex personali
Daydreaming in a realistic manner will not only reduce stress but will help you
to analyze your priorities.

4. Finding the right approach.- simple approach .com

At one time or another, everyone has wondered about finding that right approach.
That perfect opener that melts that special someone's heart and sends them head
over heals for you. Sorry, but there is no way to break this gently... It doesn
't exist! There is no one way to approach someone because there are so many diff
erent factors and variables in every meeting.
Creating just one approach and sticking to it would be a monumental waste of tim
e and energy. As they say... "You can please some of the people all of the time,
you can please all the people some of the time, but you can never please all of
the people all of the time". Setting, timing and mood have so much to do with h
ow individuals respond to one another. If your really looking for the right appr
oach, you need to focus on the following elements when making you move.
Setting the Scene
Romance is a strange phenomenon. Sometimes just the right setting, will bring
ultimate success on any romantic endeavor. It almost goes without saying that s
ome places are just perfect for finding the date and love of your dreams, but ke
ep in mind that some place are also the worst inopportune time as well. A friend
's wedding is a wonderful place to meet that someone special, but if you spot th
at same individual having a business lunch meeting, it's safe to say it's not th
e best time to have the waiter send over a bottle of their best wine. You need t
o be somewhat selective about where you look for potential dates.
Perfect Timing
When people say that timing is everything, they're most likely exaggerating b
ut they do have a valid point. Unfortunately, timing is only half of the 'right
place at the right time' equation. Still, it can be the difference in getting a
valid phone number and getting a fake one. You can be in the most romantic scene
in the world, but if the timing is off, you'll definitely have a problem findin
g your true love. Luckily, you do not have to pick up on every subtle cue before
asking someone out. It usually only takes a couple of seconds to assess a given
situation before moving in or retreating.
Take this situation for example... While a local grocery store may be an idea
l place to meet your perfect love, approaching someone engaged in a heated discu
ssion over the last half gallon of fat-free ice cream is probably not a good ide
a. Wait for the check out line before making your move. This will give that pers
on time to cool down and give you time to access what's in their basket. Once th
ey calmed down, they'll be a lot more receptive to your advances.
Understanding Moods
If the new subject of your perfected lustful glances is wearing an angry or d
epressed expression, you definitely need to keep your distance. Don't even think
about interfering using the 'Bozo Technique'. What is this technique you ask? P
icture yourself minding you own business, when some bozo clown looks you straigh
t in the eyes and tells you to "smile." Absolutely never try this unless your ai
m is to practice random acts of viciousness and annoy as many people as possible
of a given day. No good whatsoever can come from this technique.
You must watch for facial clues to correctly gauge moods. Understanding facia
l expression is easier than it sounds. Just ask yourself, "Would I make that fac
e is I was feeling calm, happy, agreeable or satisfied?" If the answer is "No",
try to catch that individual when they are in a better mood.
Working the Crowd
If you believe that 'three is a crowd', then you definitely want to avoid app
roaching large groups. While more is usually merrier, a tightly knit group of si
ngles can put a damper on your romance plans. Unless you're interested in a seri
ous challenge, the best way to navigate through crowded rooms is to divide and c
onquer. You can either try to capture that future love's attention from a distan
ce and motion to another part of the room, ask them to dance in a secluded part
of the dance floor, or wait until they set off for the bathroom. Anyway you choo
se, it's best if you can separate that person from their clique. Certain things
like accepting a date or stealing a kiss should not be up for a group decision.
5. Be honest.( Relationships 501: Deep Discourse on Relating @ realtionships501@
Women usually seek for honesty in relationships and it's probably one of the bui
lding blocks of a strong relationship. What's honesty to you? Is it a very impor
tant or the most important trait to you? Has being honest to yourself served as
a guiding principle in your life? Is being honest to others a part of your life
principles too?
I once heard that if someone is being honest to others at all times, then that p
erson will have no worries about forgetting what was mentioned to others.
And in the words of Mark Twain, "If you tell the truth you don't have to remembe
r anything."
If you're wondering about what dishonesty can bring to one, consider this advice
by Tad Williams, "We tell lies when we are afraid... afraid of what we don't kn
ow, afraid of what others will think, afraid of what will be found out about us.
But every time we tell a lie, the thing that we fear grows stronger."
Found at
Step 1
Earn people's trust. As much as you lie, as good as you think you are at it. Lie
s have a way of exposing themselves. It becomes difficult to remember which lie
you told, and people catch on to this. Earning someone's trust will benefit you
in a lot of ways. Much more than lying will ever generate. Trust has a lot of pe
rks in like. From work, relationships, and friends. You start earning real trust
, good things start happening. Going around and lying is not going to earn trust
. People aren't dumb. You maybe be able to trick them a few times with a lie, bu
t they catch on quick.
Step 2
Gain self-esteem . Everyone lies to themselves at one point in their life. You l
ie to convince yourself certain situations, or things are better than what they
are. Being honest isn't just about not telling lies to others around you. It's a
bout seeing yourself as well, for who you really are. It's like lifting a heavy
burden that you're carrying when you can start seeing yourself and situations fo
r what they really are. You can always lie to yourself, but never to your subcon
scious. Your subconscious picks up things. Learn to be honest with yourself, you
'll develop more confidence and a higher self-esteem about who you are. If you d
on't like something, change it, just don't try to lie to yourself and hide it. B
ecause it's not going to help you.
Step 3
Less stress in your life. Lying has very, very dangerous results that come with
it. When you lie, you're risking a lot. It's time to be honest in your life. Yo
u are risking relationships with people you care about, possibly a job, if you'r
e lying to get ahead in it. You are risking a lot, and you will carry that burde
n with you. Because you WILL get exposed of lies eventually. Everything catches
up to you eventually. Do you really want to live with the stress of being a fake
? Of hurting others, and most of all, just hurting yourself with lies? Lying doe
sn't make you feel truly good, even if even you're benefiting from it. You still
worry about getting caught and it all going bad. Which it always happens.
Step 4
Using better judgment. When you're caught up in lies, your natural instincts and
judgment goes to waste as well. You don't see things with clarity, and you star
t to make mistakes in general. Your mind becomes clogged up. When you start bein
g honest, you start trusting your judgment more. Your instincts are sharper and
you seem to have a much better understanding of situations and things.
Step 5
Increase the number of relationships. When you're honest, something people do pi
ck up. You become much more likable and you attract more friends in your life. Y
ou develop much closer relationships with the loved ones around you. Being hones
t is a positive vibe that others pick up. When you're honest you seem content, a
nd not so insecure. People who are extremely insecure, and sensitive are ones wh
o probably lie a lot.
Step 6
Your confidence will increase Since everything it out in the open, you're honest
to others and yourself everything is okay. You don't have to constantly worry,
or hide who you are anyone. That burden is gone, you're more relaxed, and enjoyi
ng life. Everything feels better. It's true, you'll feel more confident and happ
y by being completely honest. You can just feel comfortable in your own skin, an
d feel good knowing the real you is better than the lying person

6. Don t settle for less. - ( Maureen dowd.)

it is so so important that you and your partner be equals. on so many levels.
you don t want to be in a relationship where one of you likes the other more or le
say, for instance, that you like your partner more than he (or she) likes you. y
ou will constantly be fighting for his time, his attention, his love. he will be
annoyed at best and will inevitably start pushing you away. this is an incredib
ly painful situation, and incredibly dangerous for your self worth.
please listen to me when i tell you that there is no better feeling in the world
than knowing that your partner loves you and appreciates you just as much (no m
ore, no less) than you love and appreciate him.
i m talking about real respect. i promise you it comes naturally when you truly lo
ve each other equally. you don t have to work at it, you just do it. you put each
other first, you communicate about the important stuff, you don t hurt each other.
ever. you would never want to.
trust is what happens when you know that you are respected and loved as an equal
in your relationship. you cannot be in a successful relationship unless you kno
w, deep down in your heart and soul and bones and gross inside parts, that you c
an trust your partner with your heart. it s a scary thing, i know, to give someone
that kind of power. but be sure that it is an amazing gift to be able to do suc
h a thing.
everyone says it because it s true: communication is key to any relationship.
talk to your partner and make sure that you re on the same page about the importan
t stuff. (first, you might need to take some time to figure out what it is that
is really important to you.)
always discuss big decisions. be willing to compromise. articulate your thoughts
, your opinions, your emotions. talk about your day, too. and don t forget to list
okay. this is common sense. you and your partner are in a relationship. you need
to be on the same team. if you re not on the same team, one of you will always be
losing. help each other through the hard stuff, and celebrate each other s victor
ies. work together. you are in this together. act that way.
don t take yourself or each other too seriously. please. be silly. be goofy. be yo
u. life is fun. enjoy it. nothing in life is worth getting all worked up over.
i m not trying to say that life is all sunshine and roses. bad things happen. time
s get hard. but that s when you need to remember that you re on the same team. there s
nothing you can t get through together.
these things are priceless. do not underestimate their value.
but this is important too: know who you are and what you deserve, and do not set
tle for anything ANYTHING less.
be able to recognize when a relationship is not right and then get out of it. wh
y would you stay? your partner should lift you up, hold your hand, be your frien
d, and make you smile. not cry unless you are crying happy tears. and you should
return the favor. i m telling you that the fairy tale is real. it exists. don t be
afraid to go out and get it.
7. Use a clean slate.

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