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Annotated Bibliography

Aquino-Segarra, Orlando. “Drones: The Need for More Regulations.” Revista de Derecho

Puertorriqueño, vol. 55, no. 2, Jan. 2016, pp. 335–353. Academic Search Complete,

h&AN=117942268&site=ehost-live. Accessed 9 Oct. 2018.

This article discusses the history of FAA regulation involvement in drones, how it came

into the courts and got passed as laws, and the privacy concerns of regulations. This

article was helpful in giving a brief history on drones and how the FAA regulations came

to be. It discusses how the first concerns arouse when drones started becoming popular,

and lots of them cluttered the skies. The fear was someone would fly into someone, or fly

into another aircraft. The regulations went through the courts, but were concerned about

privacy. It was decided that the regulations would have to be needed information only,

and to keep citizens privacy intact.

Cody, Nicholas. “Flight and Federalism: Federal Preemption of State and Local Drone Laws.”

Washington Law Review, vol. 93, no. 3, Oct. 2018, pp. 1495–1531. Academic Search


h&AN=132927955&site=ehost-live. Accessed 9 Oct. 2018.

This article discusses the problem with federal law preemption. The problem is that

federal laws take effect over state laws, even if the laws are conflicting, the federal law

will be the one on top. The main problem is with state regulations vs. federal regulations.

If states self-govern drone laws, that would be fine. However, if the federal government

gets involved as well, we might see conflicting laws.


“FAADroneZone.” FAADroneZone, Accessed 9 Oct. 2018.

This is the official website to register a drone. It’s less useful for my website but useful

for anyone joining the hobby and that need to register their drone.

“Fly under the Special Rule for Model Aircraft.” FAA, 1 Feb. 2018,

This website includes the special rules for flying under the rule for model aircraft. This is

an important law, as it outlines everything you have to follow as a pilot. This page is

useful for my website because it forms the basis of the rules and regulations of the hobby,

making them straight forward and easily understandable.

Hanson, Rick, et al. “AMA Roundtable Discussion on FAA Authorization Bill.” YouTube, 12

Oct. 2018.

This video interview is a discussion with three of AMA’s representatives on the new

FAA authorization bill that will be passed. They talked about some of the contents and

limitations the new bill had, problems they had with the bill, the reasons they believe the

bill should be refined and how they see the future of radio control. This will be helpful

for my website because I can include it to give new users and idea on what the future of

signing up for an RC club will be like and how the hobby is changing in general.

“Homepage | Academy of Model Aeronautics.” Homepage | Academy of Model Aeronautics, Accessed 9 Oct. 2018.

This will be my most useful resource of all when it comes to making my website. This

page is everything about RC, including a club finder, FAA regulations, news, and other

helpful links. The AMA is the best bet when it comes to finding out everything I will

need to know about RC and joining a club.


Matiteyahu, Taly. “Drone Regulations and Fourth Amendment Rights: The Interaction of

State Drone Statutes and the Reasonable Expectation of Privacy.” Columbia Journal of

Law & Social Problems, vol. 48, no. 2, Winter 2015, pp. 265–307. Academic Search


h&AN=101109410&site=ehost-live. Accessed 9 Oct. 2018.

Drones give not only people, but law enforcement and businesses to see into private

property without trespassing. The issue lies in privacy, and the fourth amendment

protecting citizen’s privacy in their own property. The discussion in this article is whether

or not the FAA should regulate drones to protect the fourth amendment and how they can

about doing that.

Olsen, Robert Glenn. “Paperweights: FAA Regulation and the Banishment of Commercial

Drones.” Berkeley Technology Law Journal, vol. 32, Jan. 2017, pp. 621–651. Academic

Search Complete, doi:10.15779/Z383N20D7H. Accessed 9 Oct. 2018.

When drones started becoming popular, the popular online store wanted to

use drones to do deliveries to consumers. The issue in this article is whether or not

commercial drone usage is allowed. It discusses how the 2012 Reform Act needs to be

amended to be less vague, and clearer for the FAA and what it should do about drones.

This source is useful for seeing the commercial impact of drones, whether than the

consumer side.

“Radio Control Planes, Drones, Cars, FPV, Quadcopters and More.” HobbyKing, Accessed 24 Nov. 2018.


HobbyKing is a great online website for buying radios, drones, planes, anything related to

radio control. I choose to include this website because it is an extremely useful site to

purchase new gear for newcomers and veterans alike. Since I plan on including some

equipment recommendations, this website needs to be included; this is where you will

most likely buy that equipment. This site is best for buying cheap and expensive

hardware, drones, planes, and a few helicopters.

“RC Airplanes, Multirotors, Cars, Trucks and Helicopters | HorizonHobby.” HorizonHobby, Accessed 24 Nov. 2018.

HorizonHobby is another great online store for all things RC. This store includes a

different selection of radios and planes, I may link some beginner’s equipment to this site

as well, so it is necessary to include it. This store is better for buying “high end”

equipment, planes, and micro models.

“Remote Control, Radio Control Planes, Drones, Cars, and Boats.” RCGroups, Accessed 9 Oct. 2018.

This forum page is extremely useful for newcomers and veterans when it comes to

finding advice, equipment, accessories, etc. The forums include topics of how to build

your own plane, reviews on pre-build planes, reviews on radio transmitters, advice for

newcomers; it is an extremely useful resource for those looking to start the hobby.

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