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TA-348: BuslNEss coMBlNATloNs & F.s. coNsoUDATtoN

Sources; PAS 27IPFRS 3/PFRS 1O/Applicable AICPA/Varlous test banks

1. A business combination is defined as

a. A transaction in which an acquirer obtains control of an acquiree
C b. A transaction in which one entity obtains control of one or more entities
c. A transaction in which an acquirer obtains control of one or more businesses
d. A transaction in which an acquiree obtains control of one or more businesses

-\\ 2. It is the power to govern the financial and operating policies of an entity or business so as to obtain
benefits from its activities.
a. Control c. Hostile takeover
b. Significantinfluence d. Corporate spin-off
I 3. In a business cornbination, the ACQUIRER is the party that
\/ a. Sells the acquired entity c. Receives the acquisition consideration
b. Obtains control of the other entities d. Concedes control over the acquired entities
\)'/ +. In combinarion, the ACeUIREE is the party that
Pays the acquisition consideration c. Obtains control of the net assets acquired
. b. Finances the business combination d. Gives up control over the net assets acquired
,'' 5. Which of these relationships would describe a STATUTORY MERGER?
lJ.r${ a. Fermy Company + Gorgy Company = Ferrny Company
t . ,..r -t _,/ b. Marcy Company + Bona Company = Insane Company
:- c. Connie Cornpany + Tonie Company = Zweet Couple Company
' ' r: .'.' '',d. Papa Company + Son Company = Papa Company and Son Company
(i 6. HORIZONTAL business cornbinations occur when an \pt-l'o/ A !,'
entity purchases which of the followinn,
a. A supplier c. A competito r
b. A customer d. A.of?ily,q?P-ryjXg to a different industry
7 . An entity shall account for each busrness combination by applying the
r . a. Equity method c. Proportionate consolidation
\ D.!.',',-,1:t b. Acquisition method d. Pooling of interest method
'.1' '

i\ B. The ACQUISITION METHOD used in business combinations involves all of the following stepsr
\t a. Identifying the acquirer
b. Determining the acqr-risition date (also known as'closing date')
c. Recognizing and measuring identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed
d. Recognizing and' measuring goodwill and€CIE+iziqgq upeful
i:r :'i
E rhe ACeurSrrroN DArE for a business combination
a. The business combination is announced to the public
*n"tl*" *tlnJn"l ..'

b. The acquirer e*ectively obtains control of the acquiree

c. The acquirer announces the acquisition to the acquiree
d. A substantive agreernent between the combining parties is reached
10. An acquirer might obtain control of an acquiree
D I) By transferring cash and other assets
II) By issuing equity secu,rities
III) By incurring liabilities
a. I only c. I or III
b. IorII d. I, II or III
t' 11' The consideratlon transferred in a business combination shall be measured at
a. Fair value
b. Carrying amount
c. Fair value or carryinE amount, whichever is lower
d. Fair value or carrying, whichever is higher

12. The acquirer shall measure the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed at their acquisition-
a. Faii: values c. Depreciable amounts
b. Carrying amounts d. Recoverable amounts


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