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Journal of
Plant Research
Editor - in - Chief Editorial Board Hippokrates Verlag
E. Reinhard, Univ. Tiibingen H.P.T. Ammon. Tubingen Stuttgar?
Pharmazeutisches lnslitut W. Barz, Munsler
Auf der Morgenstelle E. Reinhard. Tubingen
7400 Tubingen 0. Sticher, Zurich Vol. 39
H. Wagner. Miinchen
M. H. Zenk, Bochum May 1980 NO. 1

Droplet Counter-Current Chromatography and

its Application to the Preparative Scale
Separation of Natural Products
Kurt Hostettmann

Pharmazeutisches lnstitut der ETH, ETH-Zentrum CH-8092 Ziirich, Switzerland

Key Word Index: Droplet Counter-Current Chromatography; Natural Products

Isolation; Saponins; Polyphenolics; lridoid Glycosides; Cardenolides; Alkaloids;
Peptides; Lipids; Monosaccharides; Cyclitols.

Abstract column o f surrounding stationary phase

[I].It is particularly indicated for the
D r o p l e t counter-current chromatogra- preparative scalc separation o f polar
p h y (DCCC) is a recently developed all- compounds and has been applied t o the
l i q u i d separation technique based o n the isolation o f various types of naturnl pro-
partitioning o f solutes between a steady ducts. In many cases, the separations we-
stream o f droplets o f mobile phase and a re achieved far m o r e readily than by con-

ventional chromatography and with a this method and have applied it to the
smaller solvent consumption. In the pre- isolation of pure compounds from crude

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sent paper, the principle of D C C C is medicinal plant extracts [4]. T h e separa-
described and a quick method based o n tion time was very short, the resolution
thin-layer chromatography (TLC) for high, but a preliminary purification of
the selection of the solvent system is pro- the sample prior t o injection was neccssa-
posed. A n u p t o date literature survey is ry in order to avoid column contamina-
given and the problems specific t o the tion.
different classes of compounds are dis- All the techniques mentioned above
cussed. Advantages and limits of D C C C , use a solid stationary ~ h a s eo r a liquid
as well as its position among the various stationary phase fixed o n an "inert"
available methods for the preparative sca- support. T h e presence of this solid pac-
le separation, are discussed. king material in a column may cause irre-
versible adsorption when dealing with
very polar compounds o r cause rnodifi-
Introduction cation of the solute a t the liquid solid in-
T h e purification and the separation of In order t o avoid complications arising
relatively large amounts of compounds is from solid supports, various supporr-
often a vely tedious and time-consuming free liquid-liquid partition techniques
operation, especially when dealing with have been developed. [5, 6, 71
complex mixtures such as plant extracts When t w o immiscible solvents contai-
and other biological material. ning solutes are shaken in a separatory
Various chromatography methods for funnel and then separated, the solutes are
separating compounds in a semi-prepara- partitioned between the two phases. The
tive and .preparative
scale have been de- ratio of solute concentration in the upper
veloped. Column chromatography using phase t o the lower phase is called the par-
various solid stationary phases (silica gel, tition coefficient. I f the partition coeffi-
alumina, polyamide, cellulose, Sephad- cients of t w o compounds differ greatly,
ex, etc.) is very popular and employed in the only process needed for separation is
most laboratories. This technique has a a one-step operation called extraction.
high capacity, but the separation time is As the nature of the substances becomes
long and the resolution power relatively more similar, the difference of their par-
low. In recent years, several preparative tition coefficient decreases, hence requi-
systems have evolved which reduce sepa- ring multistep extraction. CRAIC [S] desi-
ration times t o several hours. Among gned machines in which many distribu-
them, w e have t o mention shorr-column tion steps, u p t o hundreds in number,
chromatography [2] and flash chromato- could readily be achieved by liquid-phase
graphy [3] which give very rapid separa- transfers In all the stages simultaneously.
tions but with moderate resolution. Pre- This technique, called counter-current
parative liquid chromatography is a more distribution ( C C D ) , was used with out-
efficient method and is becoming very standing success for the purification of
popular. W e have been successful with natural polypeptide antibiotics. [9]
Droplet Counter-Current Chromatography

Its applications in various fields of or- Descriptionof theMethod and Choice

ganic chemistry and biochemistry have of the Solvent System
been reviewed by H I M K I - R [lo]. C C D has

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a high capacity, but the resolution power DCCC grew out of the observation
is limited. In addition, the apparatus is that a light phase with low wall surface
complex, thc volumes of solvents used affinity formed discrete droplets that ro-
large and the separation time relatively se through the heavy phase with visible
long. evidence of very active interfacial mo-
tion. Under ideal conditions each droplet
A simplc and very efficient all-liquid
could become a "plate" if kept moreof less
separation technique called droplet coun-
discrete throughout the system [ 5 ] . The
ter-current chromatography ( D C C C )
method developed by TANIMUHA et al. [ I ]
has been developed by T A ~ I A et al.
H AI [
exploits these ideas and consists basically of
[I]. 200'to 600 long vertical columns (20 to 60
It is less cumbersome than C C D and cm) of narrow bore glass silanized tubing
has a higher resolution power. D C C C is (1.5 to 2 mni, i.d.) interconnected in se-
carried out by passing droplets of a mo- ries by capillary Teflon tubcs. A first step
bile phase through a column of surroun- consists t o fill the whole system with sta-
ding stationary liquid phase. Recently, tionary phase followed by the injection
this technique became commercially of the sample (dissolved either in light
available and we are using it extensively phase or in heavy. phase
o r in a mixture of
in o u r laboratories for the isolation and both phases) in a sample chamber. The
purification of various natural products. mobile ~ h a s ise than pumped through the
Most of the separations could be achie- sample chamber and inserted with the ca-
ved far more readily than by conventio- pillary tube into the bottom of the first
nal chromatographic methods. Sample glass column of wider bore. A steady
amvunts from several milligrams up to stream of ascending droplets is formed.
grams can easily be handled and the sol- When a droplet reaches the top of the co-
vent consumption is very small. At the lumn, it is delivered to the bottom of the
present time, numerous laboratories are next column through the Teflon tubing,
introducing this technique and applica- thus regenerating new droplets. Under
tions of D C C C to various separation suitable conditions, the capillary tubing
problems in natural products chemistry allows only the mobile phase to flow. A
and in biochemisty have already been pu- small amount of stationary phase may al-
blished. Some authors employed D C C as so enter the Teflon tubing initially, but
abbreviation for droplet counter-current the effect is insignificant. As the mobile
chromatography. In order to avoid con- phase moves through the column, turbu-
fusion, it is desirable to use D C C C , since lence within the droplet promotes effi-
DCC is the official abbreviation of dicy- cient partitioning of the solute between
c l ~ h e x ~ l c a r b o d i i m i d eFurthermore,
. we the two phases.
noticed recently that dry column chro- Depending on the separation problem,
matography was also designated by the mobile ~ h a s may
e be either heavier o r
DCC. lighter than the stationary phase. When
4 Hostettmann

ca 300 tubes

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collector collector
ascending mode descending mode
l i ~ .I . Schcniatic illu5rrarion ol rhc principle ol DCCC

lighter, the mobile phase is delivered at CRAIG counter-current distribution pro-

the bottom of the column (ascending duces flow plugs which result in the dis-
mode) and, when heavier, through the placement of the stationary phase by the
top (descending mode) (Fig. 1). mobile phase. Another unsuitable sol-
Solvent systems that form two immis- vent system was n-butanol-pyridine-wa-
cible layers are usually suitable for ter which gave no droplets due to its high
D C C C , however there are some limita- viscosity. We obtained good results by
tions. T h e generation of droplets having using CHCI,/MeOH/H,O, CH,CI,/
suitable sizes and mobility are governed M e O H / H I O o r CHCI,/MeOH/PrOH/
by factors such as the difference in speci- HzO mixtures in different proportions.
fic gravities of the two liquid phases, the Modification of the amount of M e O H in
viscosity of solvents, the surface tension, a given mixture leads to a large change in
the flow rate of the mobile phase, the the polarity of the system. The solvent
diameter of the inlet tip and the internal systems used s o far to give a suitable size
diameter of the column. In general, of droplets for efficient separation are gi-
small-bore columns (less than 1.0 mm) ven in Table I. Most of them are tertiary
produce flow plugs in which the entire o r quaternary systems, one of the com-
contents of the tube are displaced. O n ponents being water.
the other hand, it should be noted that a A quick way to select a solvent system
large diameter of the tubes decreases the consists in checking the sample by thin-
efficiency of separation. An internal co- layer chromatography (TLC) o n silica
lumn diameter of about 2 mm seems to gel with the water-saturated organic lay-
be ideal. W e have used numerous solvent er [l 1, 121. Empirically, we found that if
systems, among them, some were not in- the R, values of the compounds t o be se-
dicated [l I]. T h e system methanol-hex- parated are higher than about 0.50 (less
ane-water which is frequently used in the polar solutes), the less polar layer is sui-
Droplet Counter-Current Chromatography 5

Table I
Solvent systems employed in DCCC

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Separated compounds Solvent systems References

saponins (triterpenoid glycosides) CHCI3-MeOH-Hz0 (7:13:8) 11, 19,20

CHC1,-MeOH-Hz0 (5:6:4) 19
CHC13-MeOH-n-PrOH-Hz0 (9:12:1:8) 20
CHC13-C6H6-EtOAc-MeOH-Hz0(45:2:3:60:40) 25
saponins (spirostanol glycosides) CHCI3-MeOH-Hz0 (7:13:8) 18
saponins (ginsenosides) CHCI3-MeOH-n-PrOH-Hz0 (45:60:6:40) 24
CHC13-MeOH-iso-PrOH-Hz0 (5:6:1:4) 22
CHCI,-MeOH-n-PrOH-Hz0 (4:6: 1 :4) 21, 23
cardiac glycosides CHCI3-MeOH-Hz0 (5:6:4) 19
CHC13-MeOH-Hz0 (5: 10:6) 29
CHCI3-MeOH-Hz0 (5:9:7) 29
iridoid and secoiridoid glycosides CHCI3-MeOH-Hz0 (433720) 12
CHCI,-MeOH-n-PrOH-Hz0 (9: 12: 1 :8) 12
direrpenoids CHCI3-MeOH-Hz0 (7:13:8) 31
xanthones (glycosides) CHCI,-MeOH-n-PrOH-Hz0 (9: 12:1 :8) I2
xanthones (aglycones) CHC13-MeOH-Hz0 (13:7:4) I2
flavonoid glycosides n-BuOH-AcOH-H20 (4:1:5) II
CHCI,-MeOH-Hz0 (7: 13:8) 19
CHCI3-MeOH-Hz0 (5:6:4) 32
CHCIj-MeOH-Hz0 (4:4:3) 35,41
CHC1,-MeOH-n-PrOH-Hz0 (5:6:1:4) 33
CHCIj-MeOH-n-BuOH-H:O (10: 10: I :6) 34
anthraquinone glycosides CHCI3-MeOH-n-PrOH-Hz0(9:12:1:8) 19, 20
chromenes, lignans CHCI3-MeOH-Hz0 (5:6:4) 32, 40
CHCL-MeOH-HD (4:4:3) 41
sugars (monosaccharides) CHCI,-MeOH-Hz0 (7:13:8) 20
cyclitols CHCIj-MeOH-H2O (50:57:30) 34
alkaloids CHCI,-MeOH-Hz0 (13:7:8) 43
CHCI3-MeOH-Hz0 (5:5:3) 44, 45, 46
CHCIj-MeOH-5 % HCI ( 5 5 3 ) 46
C6H6-CHCIJ-MeOH-Hz0 (5:5:7:2) 42
CHC13-MeOH-n-PrOH-HzO(45:60:2:40) 47

DNP amino acids CHC13-AcOH-0. IN HCI (22: 1)

peptides C6H6-CHCIj-MeOH-Hz0 (15:15:23:7)
C6H6-CHCI3-MeOH-0. IN HC1 (1 1 :5:10:4)
CHC13-MeOH-O.IN HCI (19:19:12)
sec-BuOH-TFA-Hz0 (120: 1 :160)
n-BuOH-AcOH-Hz0 (4:1:5)
lipids heptane-n-BuOH-CHC1,-MeOH-60% AcOH
(3 :2 :2:3 :5)
sulf~nogl~colipids CHC13-MeOH-H20(IO:12:7)
6 Hostettmann

table for use as the mobile phase. With fied as 1,3,5-trihydroxyxanthone-8-0-

more polar substrates (Ri< 0.50), the 0-D-glucoside and as 1,s-dihydroxy-3-

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more polar layer should be used as the methoxyxanthone- 8 - 0 -0-D-glucoside
mobile phase. If the Ri values are in the by comparison with authentic samples
range 0140-0.60, the separatkon can be [I31 ( ~ i g 2,
. t o p elution curve). Both gly-
achieved by using either the more polar cosides were separated with a total volu-
layer o r the less polar layer as the mobile me of about 350 ml of mobile phase. As
phase. This is illustrated in the following expected, the use of the more polar layer
by the separation of a fraction (60 mg) of as the mobile phase resulted in earlier
a crude extract of a Rocky Mountains elution of the more polar compound 1 .
Gentiana species (Gentiana strictiflora For comparison, the same mixture of 1
(R)I)I~.)A . N I I ~obtained
) after column and 2 was submitted to D C C C and elu-
chromatography o n Sephadex LH-20. ted with the less polar lower layer. T h e
O n silica gel T L C , with CHC1,-MeOH- total volume of mobile phase used for
P r O H - H L O (9:12:1:8), lower layer, this eluting both compounds was 800 ml
fraction showed t w o UV active spots at (Fig. 2, bottom elution curve); however,
R, = 0.35 and 0.4 1 . D C C C separation the resolution was better than in the pre-
by using the more polar upper layer as vious run. As expected, the less polar
mobile phase yielded two pure com- glycoside 2 was eluted first.
pounds 1 (32 mg) and 2 (26 mg), identi- These comparative experiments sug-

Fig. 2. D C C C separation of xanthone-0-glycosi- (Reprinted Ironi: HOSI.I.TI.MAN~., K . , M . Ho-

des with C H C I 3 - M e O H - n - P r O H - H , O (9:12:1:8). ~ T ~ : : T ~ I A N N - K A I . I0~ A
. S.I.I(.HI.H:
\~~~ Helv. Chim.
Top elution curve: thc niobilc phabc was the more Acta 62, 2079 (1979)).
polar upper layer. Bottom elution curve: thc mobi-
le phase was the less polar lower laycr.
Droplet Counter-Current Chromatography

gest that in the case of difficult separa- form one of the most important group of
tions, it could be better to use t h h lcss naturally occurring glycosides. They ex-
polar layer as mobile phase for eluting ihibit various biological- and pharmacolo-

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compounds with relatively low Ri values, gical activities and the interest in these
and the more polar layer for eluting com- compounds is still growing. Thc me-
pounds with relatively high R, values. A thods for the separation of saponins have
better resolution will be obtained, but been reviewed by HI[I I R et al. [14, 151
the separation time will be much longer. and consist mainly in column chromato-
If the Ri values of the compounds to be g a p h y o n silica gel, cellulose o r Sephad-
separated are either too low (< 0.3-0.2), ex. Frequently, the column chromato-
o r too high (> 0.8-0.7), no elution will graphic separation requires solvent gra-
take place in a reasonable time, although dients which are very time consuming.
the compounds can be recovered quanti- Counter-current distribution is not indi-
tatively from the remaining stationary cated as the shaking device causes forma-
phase. tion of foams. This is avoided in D C C C
Solvent system selection based o n and thus this technique is ideal for the
T L C is very simple and rapid and gives isolation of saponins. During the course
generally satisfactory results. T h e ad- of o u r systematic isolation and structural
sorption effect is small by using the wa- studies o n biologically active compounds
ter-saturated organic layer as eluent and from medicinal plants, we found several
can partially be eliminated by conditio- species possessing strong molluscicidal
ning the plate prior to development. But properties. Plants showing this activity
since D C C C depcnds solely o n the parti- are currently receiving considerable att-
tion coefficient, separation cannot al- ention as potential agents for the control
ways be predicted from the T L C beha- of bilharzia. W e used D C C C for the iso-
vior. lation of the active principles of common
ivy berries, Hedera helix (Araliaceae)
[ I ' l l . T h e fresh berries were extracted
Application in Natural Products with 70 % ethanol. After concentration,
Isolation this extract was partitioned berween n-
DCCC has been applied u p to now to butanol and water. The n-butanol layer
the purification and separation of various ( I .2 g) exhibiting the biological activity
classes of natural products from plant was submitted to D C C C using CHCI,-
sources. Since there is no solid support M e O H - H , O (7:13:8) as solvent (mobile

which might cause irreversible adsorp- phase: the less polar lower layer) and the
tion, DCCC has been used especially for fractions were monitored by T L C . This
the isolation of polar plant constituents gave five fractions as shown in Fig. 3.
such as glycosides which are often very Fractions 1 which was eluted with the
difficult to separate. solvent front was still a mixture of the le-
ast polar components (i.e., fatty acids,
Saponins chlorophylls, etc.) of the crude extract,
Triterpene glycosides and spirostanol whereas four pure compounds 2-5 were
glycosides are widely distributed and obtained (shaded area in Fig. 3). N o
8 Hostettmann

Dieses Dokument wurde zum persönlichen Gebrauch heruntergeladen. Vervielfältigung nur mit Zustimmung des Verlages.
2 : R= arob.
3: R- g1uc.
4: R= rham.-arab.
5: R = cj1uc.-oluc.
115 -0

Fig. 3. DCCC o l a crude rxrracr of Hedera helir \ T ~ I T M A ~ XK..M . H ( ~ \ TI~XI,\NN-KAI

I I)AI and
berries (1.2 g) with CHC1,-McOH-H20 (7:13:8); K . N A K A S I ~J .HChrornatogr.
I: 170. 355 (1979)).
mobile phase. lon,cr layer (Reprinted from: HO-

base line separation could be achieved for the molluscicidal principle from the me-
compounds 3 and 4 with the conditions thanolic bark extract of dogwood, Cor-
employed in the present experiment. Af- nus florida (Cornaceae) [ I 81.
ter elution of c'ompound 5 , about 670 mg A very active fraction, obtained after
of the most polar components (free su- gel filtration of the crude extract, was
gars, polysaccharides, etc.) were recover- submitted to D C C C (same conditions as
ed from the stationary phase of the appa- above) and afforded three base-line sepa-
ratus. T h e pure compounds were identi- rated spirostanol glycosides identified as
fied by means of spectroscopic studies sarsapogenin - fi -1)-galactopyranoside,
(FD-MS, 'H-NMR and "C-NMR) as sarsapogenin - 0 -0-1)-xylopyranosyl- ( I
glycosides of hederagenin [16]. T h e -, 2)-fi-1)-galactop~ranosideand sarsa-
structure determination of these triterpe- pogenin-0-(3-1)-glucopy ranosyl-(I + 2)-
noid saponins will be published shortly (3-I)-galactopyranoside. The entire sepa-
along with the results of the biological ration was achieved in less than 8h and
tests [I 71. the total volume of mobile phase used for
As expected by usage of the less polar the elution was 100 ml, whereas n o effi-
layer as mobile phase, the glycosides 2-5 cient preparative scale separation could
were eluted in order of increasing polari- be made either by open column chronia-
ty. In the present case, major plant con- tography o r T L C .
stituents were obtained directly in pure T h e saponins of the seeds of Zizyphus
form from a crude extract with a very jujuba and the bark of Hovenia dulcis
small solvent consumption. were successfully separated by T.WI>ICK,\
However, when the active principle of et al. [19, 201 w h o used CHCI,-MeOH-
a plant is a minor constituent, it is prefe- H 2 0 (7:13:8) and CHCI,-MeOH-n-
rable to inject an enriched fraction into P r O H - H , O (9:12:1:8) as solvent sy-
D C C C . We illustrated this by isolating stems in the ascending mode (mobile
1 Droplet Counter-Current Chromatography 9

phase: upper layer). In the course of the of saikosaponins in the roots of Bupleur-
chemical investigation of the well-known urn falcatum (Umbelliferae) and its con-
Chinese longevity drug ginseng (the root geners [25]. By using CHC1,-C,H,-EtO-

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of Patiax ginseng), TANAKA et al. [21,22, Ac-MeOH-H,O (45:2:3:60:40) as sol-
231 used D C C C in combination with ot- vent in the ascending mode, a base-line
her chromatographic techniques for the separation of saikosaponins a, b and c
isolation of closely related dammarane- was obtained. (Fig. 4)
type saponins. A quantitative determina- As expected by usage of the more po-
tion of ginsenosides in several ginseng lar layer as mobile phase, saikosaponin c
species has been reported by O~SIJKA et was eluted before saikosaponins a and d .
al. [24]. These authors fractionated the T h e separation of saikosaponin c with a
crude butanol extracts by DCCC and trisaccharide sugar moiety from saikosa-
treated each fraction with phenol/ ponins a and d possessing two sugars can
H2S0,. T h e characteristic orange- colour readily. be .performed by column chroma-
obtained was determined photometrical- tography, but the separation of the latter
ly at 490 nm. T h e same procedure was two saponins which differ only in the
applied t o the quantitative determination configurations at C-16-OH is very diffi-

R: POH Saikosaponin a 1
R: aOH Saikosaponin d ~ x a
Saikosaponin c

Saikosaponin c

Saikosaponin a
Saikosaponin d

100 200 300

Fraction Number
FIR. 4 . DCCC of an exrracr of wild-growing Bu- (Reprinted from: O T S ~ K AH, . , S. KOBAYASHI
pleurum longirudiarum with CHC1,-C6H6-ErO S. S ~ l 8 m . A Planta
: med. 33, 152 (1978)).
A c - M e O H - H 2 0 (45:2:3:60:40) by the ascending

cult to achieve by the usual method (i.e. T h e crude leaf extract was first fractio-
one single spot on TLC). Recently, a nated by silica gel column chromatogra-

Dieses Dokument wurde zum persönlichen Gebrauch heruntergeladen. Vervielfältigung nur mit Zustimmung des Verlages.
high performance liquid chromatography phy into biosides and triosides. The frac-
( H P L C ) study of Bupleuri Radix (Bu- tion containing the biosides was subjec-
pleurum falcatum) has been reported ted to D C C C using CHCI,-MeOH-
[26]. The genuine saikosaponins contai- H , O (5:10:6) by the ascending method
ning the unstable ally loxide linkage were and afforded compounds I and 2. The
converted into artificial diene-saponins more polar triosides 3 and 4 were separa-
by mild acid treatment and separated ted with CHCI,-MeOH-H,O (5:9:7, as-
by reverse-phase chromatography on a cending).
column of octadecylsilylated silica gel
with M e O H - H , O - A c O H - (Et),K
(75:25:0.2:0.2). T h e separation of the
stereoisomers obtained by D C C C was
comparable, even better, than the one
obtained by H P L C . But for quantitative
analysis, H P L C is, of course, a much
more rapid method.
By repeated column chromatography
and D C C C , ICHII et al. [27], isolated ten
closely related oleanene-type saponins
from the roots of Platycodon grhdij7or-
urn. Solvent systems formed of CHC1,-
M e O H - H , O are well indicated for the
separation of various types of saponins
and can be used either in the ascending
mode (very polar saponins) o r in the des-
cending mode (saponins possessing one A purification of digironin was achie-
o r t w o sugars and few free hydroxyl ved by T.AXI\ICHAet al. [I91 with CHCI,-
groups). We used the relatively weakly 1MeOH-H,O (5:6:4) in the ascending
polar system CHCI,-MeOH-H,O mode.
(65:35:20) in the descending mode for
the isolation of rriterpenes such as ole- lridoid a n d secoiridoid glycosides
anolic acid from Gentiana species [28]. W e applied D C C C t o the isolation of
iridoid glycosides from Ajnga pyramida-
Cardiac glycosides lis (Labiatae) [I2]. T h e crude butanol ex-
Cardenolides being structurally related tract (1.4 g) was fractionated with
t o saponins, the above mentioned solvent CHCI,-MeOH-H,O (43:37:20) by the
systems can be used. During the course ascending method. This resulted in three
of re-investigation of the cardiac glycosi- major fractions (Fig. 5). The fraction elu-
des of Nerium oleander (Apocynaceae), ted with the solvent front (680 mg) was a
AUI and YAMAUI H I [29] isolated new gly- mixture of the most polar constituents,
cosides with an unusual framework. whereas fractions 1 (1 14 mg) and 2 (508
Droolet Counter-Current Chromatography 11

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/-is I LX:CC oi ;I cruclr cxtr2c.t oi .,l;rrga pymmi- (Rcprinred troni: HO\TI.I-I.\I.\\XK . . M . HO\II TI'
rLlis (1.4 g) with CH<:I,.McOH-H?O(43:37:20) \IA\S K A I ~)~\.s.intl
0.S I I ~ '4I: IHeh.
I Chirn. A c . 1 ~
by thc aaccnding 111e1Iiotl(~nobilrphase: upper lay 62. 2079 (1979)).

mg) showed single spots on T L C . The ned after column chromatography on Se-
pure compounds were identified by me- phadex LH-20 a fraction containing mi-
ans of spectroscopic studies as harpagidc nor iridoid constituents. This fraction,
and 8-0-acety Iharpagide, respectively. when submitted to D C C C , gave four ne-
The entire isolation process required on- arly pure glycosides. Final purification
ly about Sh and the total amount o f sol- was achieved by semipreparative H P L C
vent used for the elution was less than on a C,, chemically bonded silica gel
150 ml. From the remaining stationary with M e O H - H , O . Sptctroscopic studies
phase, 94 mg of a mixture of minor con- on the pure compounds indicate that
stituents could be recovercd. they are closely rclated to loganin and di-
Gentiopicrin, one of the bitter princip- hydrocornin. The structure determina-
le of Gentlanu, and related secoiridoid tion is currently under investigation and
glycosides have also been isolated by nlill be published shortly.
D C C C [12]. T h e solvent consumption C H C I , - M e O H - H , O mixtures were
for separation by preparative H P L C o n found to be ideal for the separation of
the same scale was much higher. H P L C this class of glycosides. For iridoid gly-
is very fast, but requires tedious purifica- coside esters, it is desirable to use the less
tions of the sample prior to injection in polar lower layer as mobile phase.
order t o avoid column contamination
[301. Dit erpenoids
From a Casrilleja species (Scrophula- Only one example of separation of we-
riaceae) collected in Colorado, we obtai- akly polar compounds by D C C C has be-

Dieses Dokument wurde zum persönlichen Gebrauch heruntergeladen. Vervielfältigung nur mit Zustimmung des Verlages.
en reported up to now, namely the isola- nolic glycosides by D C C C . For flavono-
tion of cytotoxic nor-diterpenoid dilac- ids and related compounds bearing few
tones from Podocarpus nagi [31]. Com- hydroxyl groups and one sugar o r agly-
pounds I and 2 both showed very similar cones possessing several free hydroxyl
chromatographic behaviors and could groups, the separation can be achieved
not be separated by T L C nor by H P L C . by using the less polar lower layer as mo-
O n l y a combined technique of adsorp- bile phase (descending mode), whereas
tion chromatagraphy with D C C C gave a the more polar layer is suited for more
satisfactory separation of 1 and 2. The polar monosaccharides o r disaccharides.
solvent system used was CHC1,-MeOH- For example, from a crude fraction of
H , O (7:13:8) in the descending mode. Tecoma stuns (Bignoniaceae), we werc
able to isolate within 6h a pure glycoside
Polyphenols (flavonoids, xanthones, ca- identified as quercetin-3-0-glucosidr
techins, anthraquinones, using the upper layer of CHCI,-MeOH-
chromenes, lignans) H , O (7:13:8) as mobile phase [ I I]. [:or
T h e acidic hydroxyl groups in poly- the separation of very polar flavone gl!.-
phenols often cause irreversible adsorp- cosides, w e used n-BuOH-AcOH-H1O
tion on the solid sationary phase during (4:1:5), but the separation time was long.
the column chromatographic procedure. due to the high viscosity of this solvent
This can be parrially avoided by adding system [ I I]. D C C C has also been app-
an acid t o the mobile phase and is useful lied to the isolation of flavone-c-glycosi-
for analytical work. However when de- des from various plant sources (Table 11).
veloping a preparative scale separation, A remarkable separation has been re-
the use o f acid as o n e of the components cently reported by T . \ > , \ ~etA al. [35].
of the mobile phase is not always indica- They isolated 3 "-0-aceryl-quercitrin ( I )
ted. T h e risk of sample deterioration, i.e. and 4"-0-acetyl-quercitrin (2) from the
hydrolysis of glycosides, is increased du- aerial parts of Pteris grandifolia (Pterida-
ring the long operation and the recovery ceae) using CHC1,-MeOH-HIO (4:4:3)
of the sample from the relatively large in the ascending mode (mobile phase:
volume of eluent. upper layer).
CHC1,-MeOH-H,O mixtures in dif- A base-line separation of I and 2 was ob-
ferent proportions have been used for the tained.
separation of various classes of polyphe- Separations of isonleric acylnted flwono-
Droplet Counter-Current Chromatography 13

Table I I
C-gIycosides isolated by DCCC.

Dieses Dokument wurde zum persönlichen Gebrauch heruntergeladen. Vervielfältigung nur mit Zustimmung des Verlages.

C-glycoside plant source solvent Ref.

swenisin Zizyphus juiuba CHCI3-MeOH-Hz0 (7:13:8) 19

vitexin Lindsaea ensifolia CHCI3-MeOH-Hz0 (5:6:4) 32
isoorienrin Gentiana srrictiflora CHCI,-MeOH-nPrOH-Hz0 (5:6:1 :4) 33
6,s-di-C-pentosy l Lespedeza cuneata CHCIj-MeOH-n-BuOH-Hz0 34
apigenin (10:10:1:6)

strictiflora was submitted to D C C C with

CHCI,-MeOH-H,O (65:35:20, descen-
ding mode) [12]. Three fractions were
obtained (Fig. 6). T h e less polar constitu-
ents (colour pigments, fatty acids, triter-
penes) were not separated under the cho-
sen conditions and were eluted with the
solvent front, whereas fraction 1 (29 mg)
and 2 (10 mg) showed single spots on
T1.C. Spectroscopic studies of the pure
compounds led to the structure of belli-
RO OH difolin and desmethyl-bellidifolin, re-
I : R = Ac, R, = H spectively. These xanthone aglycones
2: R = H , R , = Ac were separated far more readily than by
column chromatography and with a
id glycosides are usually very difficult to smaller solvent consumption (the total
achieve, even by H P L C . Thus, D C C C amount of mobile phase used being 160
opens new possibilities and will be of ml).
great help in the future for all chemists T h e above mentioned solvent system is
interested in flavonoids. indicated for the separation o f other
T h e structures of xanthones are related kinds of non glycosidic phenolics. We
to that of flavonoids and their chromato- employed it for the isolation of the red
graphic behaviour is similar. There is at colour pigments of a crude extract of Hy-
present great interest in these compounds pericum perforaturn (common St. John's
since SLZLRI et al. [36] demonstrated that wort) [37]. Both, the ascending and the
xanthones isolated from GI:~TIANA inhibit descending modes, furnished hypericin
rat brain mitochondria1 monoamine oxi- and pseudohypericin [38] in a pure form.
dase ( M A O ) in vitro. In connection with Among other polyphenolics successfully
our systematic investigation on xantho- separated by DCCC, we have to men-
nes from G I : > ~ . I , I ~we
A , studied several tion the isolation of an unstable catechin
Norrh-American species. T h e crude glycoside from Dalbergiu nitidula (Legu-
chloroform extract (200 rng) of Gentiana minosae) [I I], the separation of sennosi-
14 Hostettmann


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Solwent front

Trg. 6 . DCCC of a crudr chloroforn~extract oC (Reprinred from: Hon-t~rrlhsx.K.. M. HQI

G'rnrhna strrctrf7ora with CHCI,-MeOH-H20 (;.rl:'l-rhlr\~s-KAl
I ) A \ and 0.STICHI.I(:
Hcl\.. Chini.
(13:7:4) in the dcsccnding mode (mobile phasc: lo- Acta 61. 2079 (1979)).
wcr layer).

des (bisanthrone glycosides) from rhu- works t o isolate biologically active sub-
barb [19, 201, the purification of lucidin stances to insects from plants, Nc\I.\I.+et
primeveroside from ccll cultures of Ga- al. [34] studied the feeding stimulants for
lium mollugo [38] and the isolation of li- larvae of the yellow butterfly Eurema he-
gnans [40] and chromenes [32, 411 from cabe mandarins. They isolated from the
various Pteridaceae species. All these se- leaves of Lespedeza cuneata two active
parations could be achieved by using compounds identified as myo-inositol
CHCI,-MeOH-H20 or CHCIl-MeOH- and D-pinitol.
n-PrOH-H:O as solvent systems.

Carbohydrates and Cyclitols

A satisfactory separation of naturally
occurring monosaccharides (arabinose,
xylose, galactose, glucose, fucose and
rhamnose) was obtained by O C . I I I , \ et
a]. [20] with C H C I , - M e O H - H , O
(7:13:8) in the ascending mode. The
number of theoretical plates obtained in A crude fraction (1.549 g) was submit-
this separation was 1200. As a part of ted to D C C C with CHC13-MeOH-HjO
Droplet Counter-Current Chromatography

(50:57:30; descending mode) and affor- quick and good separation of numerous
ded first D-pinitol (1.287 g) and then alkaloids .
myo-inositol (0.212 g). In the course of a biosynthctic study of

Dieses Dokument wurde zum persönlichen Gebrauch heruntergeladen. Vervielfältigung nur mit Zustimmung des Verlages.
the alkaloids of Cephaelis ipecacuanha
Alkaloids (Rubiaceae), N A ( ; A K L R
etAal. [47] used
T h e benzylisoquinoline alkaloid co- DCCC for the purification of ipecosidc
claurin was isolated from the root bark of with CHCI,-MeOH-n-PrOH-Ha
Zizyphus jujuba with a CHCI,-MeOH- (45:60:2:40) in the ascending nlodc.
H , O system [42]. We used this solvent
system for the separation of the main
opium (Papaver somniferum) alkaloids Application in Biochemistry
[43]. As the extract consisted of compo-
nents with a wide range of polarity, the T h e first separation reported by the in-
separation had to be achieved in two ventors of D C C C , TALIMLKA et al. [I],
steps. A first run with the more polar up- was a high rcsvlution of dinitrophenyl
per layer as the mobile phase afforded ( D N P ) amino acids. T h e solvent system
crude morphine, a mixture of narceine was CHCI,-AcOH-O.1N H C I (2:2:1)
and codeine and pure thebaine. After used in the ascending mode. D C C C is al-
elution of thebaine, the remaining statio- s o indicated for the purification of pepti-
nary phase, consisting of the less polar des. Otin>~c)~o et al. [48] fractionated cru-
benzylisoquinoline alkaloids was reco- d e gramicidin into pure gramicidins A , B
vered. A second run with the less polar and C and a partially purified tyrocidine
lower layer resulted in the separation of into pure tyrocidines A , B a n d C with C,,
narcotine and pnpaverine. The two-step HI, - C H C I , - MeOH-O.IN HCI
separation has been avoided by TAXI et (1 1 :5:10:4), C , H , - C H C I , - M e O H - H , O
al. [44, 45, 461 who modified the p H of (15:15:23:7) o r CHC1,-MeOH-0. I N
the mobile phase during the elution. HCI (19:19:12). T h e lower layer was
With this method they obtained a good used as mobile phase (descending mode)
resolution of highly complex alkaloid with a flow rateof 12-15 ml/h. N A ~ ~ \ . \ \ I \
mixtures from Papaveraceous plants. For et al. [49] obtained pure fowl angiotensin
example, from Corydalis ophiocarpa, from a partially purified peptide. Kalli-
two new protoberberine alkaloids were din, bradykinin and angiotensin were se-
isolated together with known alkaloids parated with sec-BuOH-trifluoroacetic
[46]. U p . t o 5 g of sample was submitted acid-H,O (120:1 :160), mobile phase: lo-
to DCCC with C H C I , - M e O H - H , O wer layer [19]. A mixture of three similar
(50:55:30; McIlvain buffer solution, peptides was separated by Takahashi et
pH7) by the ascending method. In the al. [50] with n - B u O H - A c O H - H , O
course of the elution, the aqueous mobile (4:1:5). I t appears from their work that
phase was replaced first by the upper lay- DCCC could be a suitable method for
er of C H C I , - M e O H - H , O (50:55:30; the separation of synthetic oligopeptides.
McIlbain buffer solution, pH3) and fi- A fractionation of human serum lipids
nally by the upper layer of CHCI,-Me- has been reported by Konobu et al. [51].
O H - 5 % HCI (50:55:30), resulting in a With heptane-n-BuOH-CHCII-MeOH-

A c O H 60 % (3:2:2:3:5), a base-line se- not comparable with HPLC, however

paration of triolein, palmitic acid, capric 1000-1500 theoretical plates can easily be

Dieses Dokument wurde zum persönlichen Gebrauch heruntergeladen. Vervielfältigung nur mit Zustimmung des Verlages.
acid and lecithin was achieved by the as- obtained, depending on the number of
cending method. In the course of the stu- columns used.
dy of the metabolites of Anthoc~daris Since a given solvent system.can be
crassispina (sea urchin), K I T A L Aet
~ Aal. employed either in the ascending or in
[52] isolated a sulfonoglycolipid from the the descending mode, compounds with a
shell by usage of D C C C in combination large range of polarity can be separated.
with column chromatography on silica With buffer solution, modification of the
gel. p H during the elution is possible [45,
461. Water being a component of the sol-
vent systems employed up to now,
D C C C has been applied mainly to gly-
Advantages and Limits of the Method
cosides and other polar compounds. An
example of separation of weakly polar di-
D C C C has proved to be an efficient terpene dilactones has been reported
and reproducible technique for the puri- [31]. We are currently attempting to find
fication and separation of natural pro- solvent systems without water which
ducts. Quantities ranging from about 1 form suitable droplets. So far, a solvent
mg up to 4 g can easily be handled. Since system which is suited for various kinds
there is no solid support which might of separations is formed of CHCI,-Me-
cause irreversible adsorption, the sample O H - H , O in different proportions (Table
is recovered quantitatively. This is of I). A list of some other solvents for
particular interest when isolating biologi- D C C C has been published by OCIHARA et
cally active compounds because the acti- al. [20]. Systems containing butanol are
vity is frequently lost during the time- working, but the separation time is in-
consuming column chromatography creased due to the high viscosity of this
process. In contrast to the conventional solvent.
counter-current distribution (CCD) me- The operation of a D C C C instrument
thod, no shaking is involved and hence, is simple and requires little training.
there is no formation of foams; further- When a separation is completed, cleaning
more, as there is no space for atmosphe- is made by flushing all the tubings with
ric oxygen in the apparatus, aerial oxida- the stationary phase for the next analysis.
tion of sensitive compounds can be avo- However, we observed that after several
ided. Crude plant extracts can be injected months, by using similar solvent sy-
without preliminary purification. This stems, the droplet formation became
would cause column contamination if the poor. It was necessary to flush the tu-
separation is achieved by preparative bings with an appropriate detergent. The
HPLC. It is noteworthy that the solvent operating pressure and the flow rate de-
consumption is much smaller than with pend on the solvent system and are about
other chromatographic techniques such 5-15 kg/cm' and 8-25 ml/h, respectively.
as C C D , preparacive HPLC o r open co- Thus, the separation time is relatively
lumn chromatography. The resolution is long. An operation, including the filling
Droplet Counter-Current Chromatography

of the instrument with stationary phase, and HPLC, it is of great help for the pre-
q u i r e s at least 12-18 h depending on parative scale separation of polar natural
the number of columns employed. It can products.

Dieses Dokument wurde zum persönlichen Gebrauch heruntergeladen. Vervielfältigung nur mit Zustimmung des Verlages.
last for several days, but should not ex-
ceed one week. Solvent systems which
give relatively rapid separations should References
be selected in order to minimize the risk I . Tanimura, T., J. J . I'isano. Y . Ito and R. L.
of sample deterioration. When the samp- Bowman: Science 169. 54 (1970).
le contains UV active compounds, conti- 2. Hunt, B. J . and 1'. Rigby: Chem. Ind. (Lon-
don) 1868, (1 967).
nuous-flow detection can easily be made
3. Still, W. C., M. Kahn and A. Mitra: J. Org.
by an appropriate detector. The use of a Chem. 43, 2923 (1978).
refractive-index detector is not indicated 4. Hostettmann. K . , M. J. Pcttci. I.Kubo and K.
as sometimes small amounts of stationary Nakanishi: Helv. Chim. Acta 60, 670 (1977).
phase are also eluted, resulting in an un- 5. Ito, Y . and R. I..Bowman: J. Chrornamgr.
stable base-line. In the course of our sa- Sci. 8, 315 (1970).
6. Ito, Y . and R. L. Bowman: Anal. Chem. 43,
ponins and iridoids separations, the ob- 69A (1971).
tained fractions were monitored by 7. Ito. Y . . R. F. Hurst. R. L. Bowman and F,. K .
TLC, a commonly used procedure for Achter: Separatton and methods 3 .
column chromatography analysis. 133 (1974). .
Although D C C C is simple and separa- 8. Craig. L. C.. in: R. Alexander and R. J. Block.
(eds.), Analytical Methods of Protein Chcmi-
tes various rypes of compounds in a pre- stry, Vol. I , pp. 121- 160, Oxford 1960, Pcrga-
parative scale with a good resolution, it mon Press.
possesses limitations arising from the fact 9. Craig, L. C. and J. Sogn: Methods of Enzy-
that the efficiency of the method depends mology. Vol. 43. pp. 32G346, N e w York
entirely upon droplet formation. T o 1975, Academic Press.
10. Hecker, E . : VerreilungsverTahren irn Labora-
challenge these problems Fro et al. [5, 6, torium, WeinheimlBergctraRe 1955. [Verlag
7,531 devised new systems based only on Chemie].
liquid-liquid partition. The emerging 11. Hostettmann. K., M. Hostrttmann-Knldas
technique seems to be the coil planet cen- and K. Nakanishi: J. Chrornatogr. 170, 355
trifuge [53, 541 which is a method of ( 1979).
12. Hostettrnann, K.. M. Hostettnlann-Kaldas
counter-current chromatography em- and 0. Sticher: Helv. Chim. Acra 6 2 , 2079
ploying a long column of vertical helical (1979).
tubings in a centrifugal field. The separa- 13. Kaldas, M., K. Hostcttmann and A. Jacot-Gu-
tion time is thus reduced to several illarmod: Hclv. Chirn. Actd 57. 2557 (1974).
hours, the resolution is high, but the in- 14. .Hiller. K-., M . Keiprrr and B. Linzer: Pharma-
zie 21, 713 (1966).
strumentation is more complicated. 15. Hiller, K , and G. Voist: Pharnlazie 3 2 , 365
D C C C seduces by its simplicity and ( 1977).
its economical operation (no expensive 16. Cheung, H . T. 2nd M. C. Fens: J . Cllem. Soc.
column packing material and very small C 1047, (1968).
solvent consumption). It will not replace 17. Hostettmann, K.: Helv. Chirn. Acra, 63, 606
( 1980).
the usual chromatographic methods, but 18. Hostettmann, K.. M. Hostcttmann-Kalclas
is complementary. Used alone o r in com- and K. Nakanishi: Hrlv. Chin>. Acta 61. 1990
bination with column chromatography (1978).
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