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Child Violence In The World Education

Son is deposited and hope for a nation, why is that? This is because the child
is a successor to the nation that will bring what direction the future of a nation, how
the development and progress of a nation in the future is determined by the "child" as
the next generation. Based on these items is important for parents and educators to
keep the development of the child and educate children optimally so that children can
grow well as expected. Speaking about the development of the child, there are several
important factors that influence it, one of them is a school environment, educators or
teachers as second parents for the child must be able to guide and ensure children
grow well and help develop the potential of children in order to be a potential child
and character.

But in the present, parties or institutions that are supposed to protect children
actually commit acts of violence against children, even the violence carried out by
teachers who should educate children. As this new violence that afflicts some
children in kindergarten by two teachers of their own, this is the case on July 30,
2018 and recorded by CCTV cameras (
October 7, 2018), and the other case occurred in kuantan, two teachers who spank
children his protégé who 8 years using rattan as well as giving the threat to the land
( /accessed 7 October 2018). Both these cases show that,
violence against children by the teacher still going even against children under which
is supposed to give protection, it gives its own threats and fear for parents and
children, that is not always the environment education became a safe environment for
the child. With still large number of cases of violence against children raises a sense
of concern for the education of the world thus happen in the global era, where it was
already more advanced and should be also more advanced thinking pattern.
We know that the school environment is a place or environment preservation
and protection of the child after a family environment, similar to that disclosed by
(Priatini, et al., 2008), that the ultimate environment to build the intelligence of
children emotionally is the family environment through direct interaction between
parents and children, and the environment is a school environment that also helps
develop children's emotional intelligence as well as other existing potentials in
children, but the practice of violence is often also occur in the school environment is
done by individual teachers. According to Setiani (2016) the violence that often
occur, especially in children is an act that violates human rights and contrary to the
norms of the state and religion.

Teachers as second parents to children in the school environment, in addition

to be able to educate children by providing science and knowledge which will be
useful for children in the future, teachers must also maintain and protect children in
the school environment, but we are seeing now is precisely the teacher himself who
commit violence against their students. According to Nasution in his article Teacher
versus the protection of children (2009), quoted by Idawati (2014) that there are four
types of violence against children is the first, violent form of physical action that
direct physical harm or the child's body, causing pain and injury, the second is the use
of sexual violence of children for adult sexual needs as well as commercial
exploitation for personal gain,

Then what is the actual factors that make violence against children occurs this
school surroundings, many factors make violent surroundings of the school occurred,
one of which is a factor in terms of educators or teachers, according to Syafrida
(2013) violence perpetrated by teachers is occurring because of a few things, namely,
(1) don't yet understand fully that teachers do acts of violence is not effective to build
motivation protege or changing the attitudes and behaviour of children, in real life
everyday is indeed still a lot we saw teachers using violence as a stance to give
lessons, the children to the deterrent effect of doing wrong or not behaving according
to what teachers want, sure it is is an inappropriate action. (2) assessment of the
teacher against a student partially, the meaning is when children or students breaking
and do that should not be, teachers not only handle but also find out what base the
child or students doing the action so the violence happend. (3) teachers have the
pressure and psychological barriers that cannot be in control by the teacher so that
manage or solve a problem, teachers tend to be more sensitive and reactive, then also
from the case when children or students doing acts that are sometimes not too fatal
direct teacher acted with violence due to the condition of the psychology that tend to
evoke emotional and reactive so it's easy to do violence. (4) teachers experiencing
pressure from the school environment itself, i.e. working pressure such as teachers
should meet the target given by the school, such as the need to reach the target
achievement of curriculum, children or students where to meet target the many
obstacles that must be faced by teachers, so this causes pressure against psychic
teacher, making teachers more emotional. (5) in the process of learning much more
emphasis and teachers emphasize learning patterns based on factors of compliance
and obedience of the children or students, so if a child or a student breaking the
second factor, the teacher will tend to do pressure even violence against children or
students. (6) teachers experiencing the economic pressures which sometimes teachers
felt effort he has done are not comparable with what he got, so this is likely to change
and shape the personality becomes more emotional, unstable, and thought short in
dealing with the issue and take a decision.

Talking about violence, then what's the harm of such violence against
children. Violence against children is certainly going to make children experienced
physical or psychic trauma, in detail according to Syafrida (2013), there are some bad
impact of violence against children, namely (1) in terms of the physical parts of the
body, the child will were injured, damaged organs even to physical disability, and
when it comes to physical disability, this would make the child the more depressed
and experiencing profound trauma, (2) impact on the psychological consequences of
violence hers, make the kids will feel the pain, feel unsafe to the environment around
her, mental distress to raises a sense of revenge against the son, making zeal declined
result of fear experienced by the child, destructive power concentrations of children,
children's creativity, as well as the loss of the initiative on children, because in all we
do violence to the child it will ruin millions of brain cells, the impact of other child is
dropping the sense of the confidence of the child, experience stress and depression,
even if not immediately in doing the Act of handling in long-term accomplishment
will decrease and make changes in his behavior. (3) further impact socially, a result
of the violence that accepted by the child, the child will make a withdraw from the
environment or his intercourse because the child feels scared, felt himself threatened
and not happy to be among his friends, the child became increasingly quiet and shut
themselves from the guidelines, it is difficult to communicate with those all around
child included on the teachers and his friends and becomes harder to trust other
people. Violence against children give the adverse effect of the long term, children
who have experienced violence maturity can allow children to become perpetrators of
violence as well as others he considered weak as a form of Revenge of the child
because of the past psychological, many experts also said that children who
experience violence both physically and verbally, tended to be mimicked the
behavior, therefore children who have experienced violence should immediately done
handling over the psychological trauma in children naturally.

Then what should be done by parents when children experience violence.

Parents as someone who is closest and most understanding children is one of the best
handling against the trauma of children. In conducting prevention and handling of
violence against children, parents should play an active role in each of the problems
that children face, parents also need to be good communicators to children is always
sensitive to the child's condition and what the natural child, always asked about the
activities of children in schools and what he has done, build a comfortable
communication to children so as to encourage children to be more open to what he
experienced, discuss, provide a sense of comfort and safety to children as well as
regain your confidence with a support so that it can reduce psychological distress that
children naturally and parents should also understand and recognize the
environmental condition of the child, either the environment or the environment of
school children playing to minimize the occurrence of violence against children.

To prevent and overcome violence in children particularly in the school

environment, in addition to requiring the active role of older people, also takes on the
role of the school. For parents and families, should be careful in choosing a school for
a child and learn about their surroundings as a form of prevention of violence against
children, then parents should also establish an intense and effective communication
with schools and teachers to monitor how the condition and development of the child,
emphasizing education or parenting which gives support to the child and not in the
form of punishment, immediate solution for children when encountering problems in
order for the trauma in the child's natural does not ongoing, consultation with expert
psychological counseling to help the recovery against the trauma of children. Then
from the school of child violence prevention of things that can be done is the school
should be able to apply the system of education by not using violence against his
protege, understand psychic teacher conditions to avoid actions that are not in want of
the students (pupils), the school or the teacher can give you a punishment on the child
but not with violence but rather the Act of punishment that can provide and give rise
to a sense of responsibility towards children errors done, provide understanding for
teachers with the aim that teachers have more insight, knowledge, and experience
new, then provide counselling towards children and also teachers (teachers) because
the teachers sometimes also experienced tough times in his life, so hopefully with
guidance counseling can provide strength and support to teachers and reduce the
pressures experienced so that the violence can be avoided. Based on this the
Government should more resolutely Act in handling cases of violence against
children as well as the prioritization of legislation against child protection due to
children as a determinant of the future and direction of the nation.

Idawati. (2014). Tinjaun Hukum Terhadap Perlindungan Profesi Guru Dan Anak
Didik. Jurnal Justitia, Vol.2, No.1.
Priatini, W., Latifah, M., & Guhardja, S. (2008). Pengaruh Tipe Pengasuhan,
Lingkungan Sekolah, Dan Peran Teman Sebaya Terhadap Kecerdasan
Emosional Remaja. Jurnal Ilmu Keluarga Dan Konsumen, 1(1), 43–53.
Setiani, R. E. (2017). Pendidikan Anti Kekerasan Untuk Anak Usia Dini: Konsepsi
Dan Implementasinya. Golden Age: Jurnal Ilmiah Tumbuh Kembang Anak
Usia Dini, 1(2), 39–56.
Siregar, L. Y. (2013). Kekerasan Dalam Pendidikan. Jurnal Logaritma, Vol.I, No.01 (accessed October 7, 2018) (accessed 7 October 2018)

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