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Special Focus Plant Safety and Environment

G. O. CORDERO, Techint Engineering & Construction,

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Built-up backpressure at the outlet flange

of a pressure relief valve
Even for pressure relief valves (PRVs) discharging directly to 4st
the atmosphere through short tailpipes, API 520 Part 11 warns
that choked flow may develop at the outlet flange, resulting in 4
high backpressure. API 520 Part 21 provides the formula for the
reaction force on the pipe supports as a function of the back-
pressure, both for gas flow and two-phase flow. No procedure
is given, however, to estimate this pressure at the outlet flange 3
when the valve opens.
The design engineer normally defines the size of the dis- 2
charge manifold leading to the knockout drum and the flare,
and calculates the pressure drop under the worst scenario of
simultaneous relieving streams to keep the pressure at the dis-
charge point of each PRV sufficiently low to allow the use of 1
conventional PRVs, whenever possible. It may come as a sur-
prise that the pressure developed at the outlet flange when the
valve opens is sometimes higher than the total backpressure
calculated from the discharge system, requiring the use of a
balanced or pilot-operated PRV. Why is this possible? For the
FIG. 1. A PRV that is either discharging to the atmosphere or to a
relieving flowrate w to pass through the outlet flange cross-sec-
manifold collecting other streams.
tion (A3 in FIG. 1), the product of the density multiplied by the
velocity must equal w/A3 . Since the velocity cannot exceed the
velocity of sound, a minimum density is required at the flange, subscript st stands for stagnation conditions, i.e., the conditions
so that a minimum pressure (not usually checked) will develop reached by a moving fluid brought to rest via an isentropic path.
when the valve opens, regardless of the configuration of the API assumes that the process from the vessel to the outlet
discharge manifold. pipe discharge is adiabatic (heat exchange with the atmosphere
When comparing bids from several PRV suppliers, wide dif- has a negligible impact on fluid temperature) and that the path
ferences are often observed for the estimated reaction force (due from the vessel to the nozzle throat can be considered friction-
to the lack of an accepted formula for the outlet flange pressure). less (the adjustment to real conditions is done through the effec-
To provide a sound basis for the outlet flange pressure esti- tive coefficient of discharge Kd = 0.975 for preliminary sizing).
mation, the following will be developed: Under these assumptions, only two simplified balances need
• An accurate formula following the same principles to be considered to predict PRV performance and outlet condi-
applied by API 520 Annex B 3.1 for real gases with an tions:
approximately constant isentropic expansion coefficient. • The total energy balance for adiabatic processes, applied
• A simplified, conservative formula for ideal gases, from an initial point with zero velocity to any other point,
intended for those who prefer a quick approach. is calculated using Eq. 1:
• A procedure for two-phase flow. v 2f
Knowing the outlet pressure, the use of a conventional PRV h f − hi + = 0 (1)
can be confirmed. The velocity associated to the outlet pressure 2
is then easy to obtain, and an accurate estimate of the initial reac- • The thermal energy balance for adiabatic and frictionless
tion forces on the PRV and on the first elbow becomes available. (i.e., isentropic) processes, applied from point 1 to 2, 3st
to 3 and 4st to 4 (Eq. 2):
Basic balances. FIG. 1 represents any PRV, either discharging f dp
to the atmosphere or to a manifold collecting other streams. h f − hi = ∫ (2)
The main points for the analysis are 1, 2, 3, 3st, 4 and 4st. The i ρ
Formulas for a real gas. For a real gas, the isentropic expan- For a real gas, such as methane (CH4), the adiabatic expan-
sion coefficient n (Eq. 3) is defined as: sion implies cooling ( Joule-Thomson effect)—from 1 MPa
ρ ⎛ ∂p ⎞ absolute to atmospheric pressure, the cooling is approximate-
n = ⎜ ⎟ (3) ly 2°C, but from 10 MPa the cooling would be approximately
p ⎝ ∂ρ ⎠ s 35°C and should not be neglected.
Eq. 4 calculates the velocity of sound and Mach number as: A software program allowing gas mixtures properties estima-
tion can be loaded with stream data that include gas composi-
⎛ ∂p ⎞ np nZRT v tion and vessel relieving conditions (Point 1). The enthalpy
vS = ⎜ ⎟ = = Ma = (4)
⎝ ∂ρ ⎠ S ρ M vS should be registered and conserved, the temperature is deleted
and the pressure is replaced by a first trial for Point 3 stagnation
If coefficient n remains constant, for any point along the is- pressure (e.g., 500 kPa). The program will give a good first value
entropic path, Eq. 5 provides: for Point 3 stagnation temperature (at low pressures, ideal be-
p p havior is approached and the stagnation temperature does not
= ni (5) vary significantly with pressure).
ρn ρi The coefficient n can now be estimated at Point 3st: if entro-
Integrating Eq. 6: py, pressure and density are registered, temperature is deleted,
−1/n ⎡ n−1
⎤ pressure is reduced by 10 kPa and entropy is conserved, then a
f dp pi 1⎛ p⎞ ⎛ p⎞ n pi ⎢ ⎛ p f ⎞ n ⎥ new density will be provided by the program. From Eq. 3, n can
−∫ = ∫2 ⎜⎝ pi ⎟⎠ d⎜ ⎟ = 1− (6)
i ρ ρi ⎝ pi ⎠ ( n −1) ρi ⎢ ⎜⎝ pi ⎟⎠ ⎥ then be approximated by Eq. 12:
⎢⎣ ⎥⎦
ρ ⎛ Δp ⎞
Eq. 7, replacing Eq. 2 and combining with Eq. 1: n ≅ (12)
p ⎜⎝ Δρ ⎟⎠ s
⎡ n−1
⎤ 2 2
n pi ⎢ ⎛ p f ⎞ n ⎥ v f n p f Ma f (7) Density at Point 3 can be obtained from the mass flowrate
1− = =
( n −1) ρi ⎢ ⎜⎝ pi ⎟⎠ ⎥ 2 2 ρf and from the equation of state in Eq. 13:
⎢⎣ ⎥⎦
w p3 M w Z3 R T3
Eqs. 8, 9 and 10 are derived from Eq. 5 and Eq. 7: ρ3 = = ⇒ p3 = (13)
A3 v 3 Z3 R T3 A3 M v 3
pi ⎡ ( n −1) 2 ⎤ ( n−1) If the flow is choked at Point 3, temperature and velocity can
= ⎢1 + Ma f ⎥ (8)
pf ⎣ 2 ⎦ be replaced from Eq. 11, where i = 3st and c = 3 (Eq. 14):
w 2 Z3st R T3st
n p3 = (14)
ρi ⎡ ( n −1) 2 ⎤ ( n−1) A3 n ( n +1) M
= ⎢1 + Ma f ⎥ (9)
ρf ⎣ 2 ⎦ The compressibility factor is obtained from the property
package, providing a good estimate of the outlet pressure. If
Ti ⎛ Z f pi ρ f ⎞ Z f ⎡ ( n −1) 2 ⎤ higher precision is required, the outlet stagnation pressure can
= ⎜ ⎟= 1+ Ma f ⎥ (10)
T f ⎝ Zi p f ρi ⎠ Zi ⎢⎣ 2 ⎦ be calculated from Eq. 11 and Eq. 14 and one iteration per-
formed, using Eq. 15:
If sonic conditions are attained at the end of the path, then n
n +1 ⎞ n−1
critical flow conditions are obtained replacing Maf = 1 and us- p3st = p3 ⎛ (15)
ing Eq. 11: ⎝ 2 ⎠
n 1 Coefficient n should remain approximately constant be-
pc ⎛ 2 ⎞ n−1 ρc ⎛ 2 ⎞ n−1 tween 3 and 3st (if not, an average can be used in the formulas).
= =
pi ⎝ n +1 ⎠ ρi ⎝ n +1 ⎠ If the final value of the pressure at Point 3 is higher than (or
(11) equal to) the total backpressure pbp resulting from the discharge
Tc 2 Zi 2 n Zi R Ti system, then sonic conditions prevail at the discharge section;
= vc = pressure results from Eq. 14 and sonic velocity from Eq. 11.
Ti ( n +1) Zc ( n +1) M
For a conventional PRV to be acceptable, calling psc the con-
All equations applied by API 520 Part I 5.6 for gas/vapor stant superimposed backpressure compensated at the spring
service result from the previous formulas applied to the nozzle test (usually zero), the condition is p3 – psc – pat ≤ allowable over-
between Point 1 and Point 2. Note that Point 1 represents inlet pressure. This condition should be checked for the rated capac-
stagnation conditions, since velocity at the vessel is negligible. ity, following the recommendation in Table 8.2 in API 521.2
API adopts n = cp /cv for ideal gases, but in Annex B advises that On the other hand, if sonic pressure at Point 3 is lower than
the real gas isentropic coefficient should be used. pbp, the flow remains subsonic and the pressure at the discharge
Consider the pressure at the outlet flange (Point 3). The to- section is pbp. If the reaction force is to be calculated, then the out-
tal energy balance (Eq. 1) applied from Point 1 to 3st shows that let temperature can be obtained from Eqs. 10 and 13 (Eq. 16):
the final enthalpy coincides with the initial enthalpy (since final
p3 M A3 Z T ( n −1) M v32
velocity is zero). For an ideal gas, the enthalpy depends only on T3 = v3 = 3st 3st − (16)
the temperature, so that the stagnation temperature remains Z3 R w Z3 2 n Z3 R
constant for adiabatic processes. Reordered as a second-degree equation (Eq. 17):

v32 n p3 A 3 2 n Z3st R T3st The outlet temperature results from Eq. 16 iterating on Z3
+ v3 − = 0 (17) (1 as first trial).
2 ( n −1) w ( n −1) M
Outlet Mach is obtained from Eq. 4 using Eq. 20:
Use Eq. 18 to solve for v3:
2 Ma3 = v3 (20)
np A ⎛ n p3 A3 ⎞ 2 n Z3st R T3st n Z3 R T3
v3 = 3 3 + ⎜⎝ ( n −1) w ⎟⎠ + ( n −1) M (18)
( n −1) w
Calculating p3st from Eq. 8 allows a new iteration of the above
⎡np A ⎤ ⎡ 2 ( n −1) Z3st R T3st w 2 ⎤ procedure to improve the estimation of the outlet stagnation
v3 = ⎢ 3 3 ⎥ ⎢ 1 + −1 ⎥ (19) temperature, but a much simpler method is proposed starting
⎣ ( n −1) w ⎦ ⎢⎣ n M p32 A32 ⎥⎦ with the formula for ideal gas.

TABLE 1. Example 1, gas outlet pressure (red for software input, orange for program output)
Data Formulas Results
Set pressure, pset kPag 6,800 6,800
Constant superimp, psc kPag 0 0
Atmospheric pressure, pat kPa abs 101.325 101325
Overpressure, ovp 0.1 0.1
Relieving temperature, T1_ K = 50 + 273.15 323.15
Molecular weight, M kg/kmol 16.04 16.04
Gas universal constant, R_ J/kmol K 8,314.4 8,314.4
Rated capacity, w kg/sec 52 52
ID outlet m = (6.625 – 2 × 0.109) × 0.0254 0.1627378
Outlet area, A3_ m2 = PI() × ID^2/4 0.0208001641626271
Total bp allowable (conv. PRV) kPag = ovp × pset + psc 680
Ideal gas
k 1.31 1.31
p3_ (for sonic flow) Pa abs = w/A3_ × (2 × R_ × T1_/k/(k + 1)/M)^0.5 831,812.220347591
kPag =p3_/1000 – pat 730.487220347591 Conventional rejected
p3st (for sonic flow) kPa abs =p3_ × ((k + 1)/2)^(k/(k – 1))/1000 1,529.27169068645
Real gas
p1 gage kPag = pset × (1 + ovp) 7,480
p1 absolute kPa abs = pset × (1 + ovp) + pat 7,581.325 Property package input
T1 °C = T1_ – 273.15 50 Lee-Kesler-Plocker
Molar enthalpy, H kJ/kmol –75,002.9395121254 –75,002.9395121254 Property package output
First trial Second trial
Molar enthalpy kJ/kmol =H –75,002.9395121254 –75002.9395121254
p3st kPa abs 1,461.5 1,500 1461.5
T3stC °C 28.2570557837489 28.4135124798397 28.2570557837489
M_ kg/kmol 16.0429000854492 16.0429000854492 16.0429000854492
Z3st 0.976650291744841 0.976089191120009 0.976650291744841
Density d3st kg/m3 9.57993283075327 9.83284301506127 9.57993283075327
Molar entropy S3st kJ/kmol K 199.58264281267 199.371560889931 199.58264281267
Molar entropy kJ/kmol K = S3st 199.371560889931 199.58264281267
p3st – 10 kPa abs = p3st – 10 1490 1,451.5
Density d3st_ kg/m3 9.5296882611872 9.78260309745198 9.5296882611872
n = d3st/p3st × 10/(d3st – d3st_) 1.30478491777929 1.30459140902479
T3st K = 273.15 + T3stC 301.56351247984 301.407055783749
p3__ (for sonic flow) Pa abs = w/A3_ × (2 × Z3st × R_ × T3st/n/ 796296.999639104 796,411.678077829
(n + 1)/M_)^0.5
kPag = p3__/1000 – pat 694.971999639104 695.086678077829
p3st kPa abs = p3__ × ((n + 1)/2)^(n/(n – 1))/1000 1461.45875368071 1,461.57573421946
Conventional rejected
TABLE 2. Example 2, gas force (red for software input, orange for program output)
Data Formulas Results
Set pressure, pset kPag 6,800 6,800
Constant superimp, psc kPag 100 100
Variable superimp, psv kPag 0 0
Atmospheric pressure, pat kPa abs 101.325 101.325
Overpressure, ovp 0.1 0.1
Relieving temperature, T1_ K = 50 + 273.15 323.15
k 1.31 1.31
Molecular weight, M kg/kmol 16.04 16.04
Gas universal constant, R J/kmol K 8,314.4 8314.4
Rated disch. coeff., KDR 0.864 0.864
Orifice actual area, Aact m2 0.00462 0.00462
ID outlet m = (6.625 – 2 × 0.109) × 0.0254 0.1627378
Outlet area, A3 m2 = PI() × ID^2/4 0.0208001641626271
PRV type (C, B or P) C C
Maximum initial flowrate
Max pop pressure PRV = C kPag = pset + MAX(0.03 × (pset – psc),15) + psv 7,001
Max pop pressure PRV = B or P kPag = pset + MAX(0.03 × pset,15) 7,004
Popmax Pa abs = (IF(PRV = "C",popC,popBP) + pat) × 1000 7,102,325
Initial compressibilty factor, Z1_ 0.922382705860801 0.922382705860801
Initial backpressure Pa abs = (psc + psv + pat) × 1,000 201,325
Backpressure ratio, rB = ibp/popmax 0.0283463513708539
Critical ratio, rC_ = (2/(k + 1))^(k/(k – 1)) 0.543927037565322
Subcritical Kbsc = rB^(1/k) × (((k + 1)/2)^((k + 1)/(k – 1)) × 2/ 0.216030984293433
(k – 1) × (1 – rB^((k – 1)/k)))^0.5
Backpressure factor, Kb = IF(rB< = rC_,1,Kbsc) 1
C_ = (k/R_ × (2/(k + 1))^((k + 1)/(k – 1)))^0.5 0.00733756278021416
wmax kg/sec = Kb × C_ × MIN(1.1/0.9 × KDR,1) × Aact × 55.8520185115318
popmax × (M/Z1_/T1_)^0.5
Ideal gas
p3_ (for sonic flow) Pa abs = wmax/A3_ × (2 × R_ × T1_/k/(k + 1)/M)^0.5 893,430.606326385
p3g (for sonic flow) kPag = p3_/1000 – pat 792.105606326385
Counter force, cF N = 1000 × (psc + psv + pat) × A3_ 4,187.5930500409
F sonic N = wmax × (2 × (k + 1) × R_ × T1_/k/M)^0.5 – cF 38,740.299525614
F subsonic N = k × cF/(k – 1) × ((1 + 2 × (k – 1) × R_ × T1_ × 51,074.2394355506
wmax^2/k/M/cF^2)^0.5 – 1)
Force, F_ N = IF(p3g < psc + psv,Fsub,Fson) 38,740.299525614
Outlet velocity m/sec = IF(F_= Fson,(2 × k × R_ × T1_/(k + 435.873043534214
p3st (for sonic flow) kPa abs = p3_ × ((k + 1)/2)^(k/(k – 1))/1,000 1,642.5559764881

The same formulas apply to Point 4. The calculation should Eq. 23 is used for subsonic flow at the outlet flange:
be repeated only if the pipe diameter is expanded downstream p3 = pbp + pat (23)
of the PRV. In that case, flow might be sonic at Point 3 and sub-
sonic at Point 4. From Eq. 19, Eq. 24 calculates:

Formulas for an ideal gas. Eqs. 21 and 22 are used for ⎡kp A ⎤ ⎡ 2 ( k −1) R T1 w 2 ⎤
v3 = ⎢ 3 3 ⎥ ⎢ 1+ −1⎥ (24)
choked flow at the outlet flange, from Eqs. 11 and 14: ⎣ ( k −1) w ⎦ ⎢⎣ k M p32 A32 ⎥⎦
2 k R T1
v3 = (21) For a real gas, a first estimate of enthalpy at Point 3, is ob-
( k +1) M
tained from Eq. 1, using v3 from Eq. 21 and enthalpy at Point 1.
w 2 R T1 The property package provides density at Point 3, using p3 for
p3 = (22)
A3 k ( k +1) M the ideal gas and h3. From Eq. 13, a new estimate of the veloc-

TABLE 2. Example 2, gas force (red for software input, orange for program output) (cont.)
Data Formulas Results
Real gas
Max pop pressure kPa abs = popmax/1,000 7,102.325 Property package input
T1 °C = T1_–273.15 50 Lee-Kesler-Plocker
Molar enthalpy, H kJ/kmol –74,938.7111855898 –74,938.7111855898 Property package output
Sonic velocity First trial Second trial
Molar enthalpy kJ/kmol =H –74,938.7111855898 –74,938.7111855898
p3st kPa abs 1,574.7 1,650 1,574.7
T3stC °C 30.4219473189698 30.7224938983222 30.4219473189698
M_ kg/kmol 16.0429000854492 16.0429000854492 16.0429000854492
Z3st 0.975542132281251 0.974485487283266 0.975542132281251
Density d3st kg/m3 10.2599750222015 10.75160551981 10.2599750222015
Molar entropy, S kJ/kmol K 199.189528785028 198.810860137638 199.189528785028

Molar entropy kJ/kmol K =S 198.810860137638 199.189528785028

p3st – 10 kPa abs = p3st – 10 1,640 1,564.7
Density, d3st_ kg/m3 10.2100037994703 10.701644318267 10.2100037994703
n = d3st/p3st × 10/(d3st – d3st_) 1.30423695912368 1.3038526073516
T3st K = 273.15 + T3stC 303.872493898322 303.57194731897
p3__ Pa abs = wmax/A3_ × (2 × Z3st × R_ × T3st/n/ 858,129.216627469 858,367.69518583
(n + 1)/M_)^0.5
kPag = (p3__–pat)/1,000 858.027891627469 858.26637018583
p3st kPa abs = p3__ × ((n + 1)/2)^(n/(n – 1))/1,000 1,574.65531933745 1,574.89277716453
Outlet velocity, v3S m/sec = (2 × n × Z3st × R_ × T3st/(n + 1)/M)^0.5 416.846671725755 416.83963891673
Force (sonic flow) N = wmax × v3S + p3__ × A3_–cF 36,943.3635542543 36,947.9311508376

ity results as a function of density, flowrate and area, providing imposed backpressure with zero flow. The resulting initial force
quick convergence for all variables at Point 3. in the direction opposite to flow is then calculated with Eq. 25:
F = w v3 + (p3 – psbp – pat ) A3 (25)
A conventional PRV set at 6,800 kPag must relieve 49 kg/sec For a real gas, replacing pressure and velocity for sonic dis-
of methane at 50°C (122°F) into a discharge header with total charge at the outlet flange uses Eq. 26:
backpressure estimated at 200 kPag. For 10% overpressure, the
( )
supplier has quoted orifice P as a 4-in. 600# inlet, a 6-in. 150# 2 n Z3sf R T3st ⎛ 1
outlet and an informed 52 kg/sec rated capacity. Total backpres- F =w 1 + ⎞ − psbp + pat A3 =
( n +1) M ⎝ n⎠
sure at the outlet flange should not exceed 680 kPag to comply (26)
with ASME/API recommendations. TABLE 1 provides 730 kPag 2 ( n +1) Z3st R T3st
using the ideal gas formula (conservative) and 695 kPag (4.8% w
− psbp + pat A3 )
lower) using the procedure for real gases, so that a conventional
PRV should not be applied (to ensure against chattering). This For a real gas, replacing pressure and velocity for subsonic
case occurs frequently with orifice T, less frequently with P and discharge at the outlet flange uses Eq. 27:
rarely with L, Q and R (because of the area ratio between nozzle
and outlet flange and API 526 pressure limits).
F = w v3 = ⎢
⎡ n psbp + pat A3 ⎤

⎢ ( n −1) ⎥
Reaction forces. In FIG. 1, an envelope including the valve, ⎣ ⎦ (27)
the horizontal pipe and the first elbow allows the analysis of the ⎡ ⎤
⎢ 1 + 2 ( n −1) Z3st R T3st w −1⎥
horizontal reaction force of the fluid on the solid walls owing

( ⎥
to pressure, friction and momentum. When steady-state condi- n M psbp + pat A32
tions are established, these forces are balanced. For flexibility ⎢⎣ ⎥⎦
analysis and support design, the initial unbalanced force that For an ideal gas, with sonic discharge at the outlet flange
is suddenly applied when the valve pops is required. The usual (Eq. 28):
simplifying assumption is to consider that, at the outlet flange,
2 ( k +1) R T1
the built-up backpressure and the momentum react on the valve
walls, while the horizontal pipe and elbow remain at the super-
F= w
− psbp + pat A3 ) (28)
TABLE 3. Example 3, gas force (red for software input, orange for program output)
Data Formulas Results
Set pressure, pset kPag 517 517
Constant superimp, psc kPag 379 379
Variable superimp, psv kPag 40 40
Atmospheric pressure, pat kPa abs 101.325 101.325
Overpressure, ovp 0.1 0.1
Relieving temperature, T1_ K 348 348
k 1.1068 1.1068
Molecular weight, M kg/kmol 51.105 51.105
Gas universal constant, R J/kmol K 8,314.4 8,314.4
Rated disch. coeff., KDR 0.878 0.878
Orifice actual area, Aact m2 = 1.1/0.9 × 11.05 × 0.0254^2 0.00871324422222222
ID outlet m = (8.625 – 2 × 0.109) × 0.0254 0.2135378
Outlet area, A3 m2 = PI() × ID^2/4 0.0358128933533278
PRV type (C, B or P) C C
Maximum initial flowrate
Max pop pressure PRV = C kPag = pset + MAX(0.03 × (pset – psc),15) + psv 572
Max pop pressure PRV = B or P kPag = pset + MAX(0.03 × pset,15) 532.51
Popmax Pa abs = (IF(PRV = "C",popC,popBP) + pat) × 1000 673,325
Initial compressibilty factor, Z1_ 0.9023552248901 0.9023552248901
Initial backpressure, ibp Pa abs = (psc + psv + pat) × 1000 520,325
Backpressure ratio, rB = ibp/popmax 0.772769464968626
Critical ratio, rC_ = (2/(k + 1))^(k/(k – 1)) 0.583255445037076
Subcritical Kbsc = rB^(1/k) × (((k + 1)/2)^((k + 1)/(k – 1)) × 2/ 0.897640446831387
(k – 1) × (1-rB^((k – 1)/gtk)))^0.5
Back pressure factor, Kb = IF(rB< = rC_,1,Kbsc) 0.897640446831387
C_ = (k/R_ × (2/(k + 1))^((k + 1)/(k – 1)))^0.5 0.00690676336882351
wmax kg/sec = Kb × C_ × MIN(1.1/0.9 × KDR,1) × Aact × 14.673540755509
popmax × (M/Z1_/T1_)^0.5
Ideal gas
p3_ (for sonic flow) Pa abs = wmax/A3_ × (2 × R_ × T1_/k/(k + 90,289.5864311037
p3g (for sonic flow) kPag = p3_/1000 – pat –11.0354135688963
Counter force, cF N = 1000 × (psc + psv + pat) × A3_ 18.634.3437340703
F sonic N = wmax × (2 × (k + 1) × R_ × T1_/k/M)^0.5 –11,821.9399285041
– cF
F subsonic N = k × cF/(k–1) × ((1 + 2 × (k – 1) × R_ × T1_ × 653.083580713917
wmax^2/k/M/cF^2)^0.5 – 1)
Force, F_ N = IF(p3g < psc + psv,Fsub,Fson) 653.083580713917
Outlet velocity m/sec = IF(F_= Fson,(2 × k × R_ × T1_/ 44.5075658013028
(k + 1)/M)^0.5,Fsub/wmax)
p3st (for sonic flow) kPa abs =p3_ × ((k + 1)/2)^(k/(k – 1))/1,000 154.802817872303

For an ideal gas with subsonic discharge at the outlet flange valid both for atmospheric discharge and for the vertical pipe
(Eq. 29): connecting to another elbow or tee.
Note that API 520 Part 2 covers only the case of sonic flow at

F= ⎢
( )
⎡ k psbp + pat A3 ⎤ ⎡
⎥ ⎢ 1 + 2 ( k −1) R T1 w

the outlet flange when discharging to the atmosphere (for outlet
sonic flow, zero superimposed backpressure gives the maximum
⎥ (29)
( k −1) ⎥⎢ ( )
2 2
⎢ k M p + p A initial force).
⎣ ⎦ ⎢⎣ sbp at 3 ⎥⎦
Note also that for n = 1, starting from Eq. 3 new formulas
When the pressure wave reaches the first elbow, the vertical can easily be derived (pressure and density are related through a
downwards force can be estimated from the same formulas, re- logarithm), but a practical tip is to use the same formulas with n
placing the area if the pipe diameter is expanded. This tactic is = 1.00001 to avoid division by zero and obtain an accurate result.

TABLE 3. Example 3, gas force (red for software input, orange for program output) (cont.)
Data Formulas Results
Real gas
Max pop pressure kPa abs = popmax 673,325 Property package input
T1 °C = T1_ – 273.15 74.85 Lee-Kesler-Plocker
Molar enthalpy, H kJ/kmol –111,382.824428819 –111,382.824428819 Property package output
Subsonic velocity Second trial
Outlet velocity, v3_ m/sec 40.87 44 40.87
Molar enthalpy kJ/kmol = H – M × v3_^2/2000 –111,432.294068819 –111,425.506223506
p3_ kPa abs = psc + psv + pat 520.325 520.325
Density, d3_ kg/m3 10.0236362011761 10.0235826833183 10.0236362011761
Outlet velocity, v3__ m/sec = wmax/A3_/d3_ 40.8763901829124 40.8761719370789
Force (subsonic flow) N = wmax × v3__ 599.801377287055 599.798174847923

Peng3 provides a useful remark to reduce the maximum Kmax =1,1(KDR ÷ 0,9)=1,22 KDR or Kmax = 1
force estimated. The pop action is not instantaneous: the force (the lesser value)
increases linearly during a time, to, in the order of 0.01 sec
(check with the supplier). The wave travels at sonic velocity For balanced and pilot-operated valves, the maximum pres-
and requires a time, Δt, to cover the distance, L, to the next el- sure when the valve pops depends only on the set pressure tol-
bow. If the force at the origin has not reached its maximum, any erance per UG-126(d)—i.e., 3% or 15 kPa, whichever is greater
further increase is compensated by the increase at the elbow so (Eq. 34):
that the maximum force on the pipe segment is (Eq. 30): ppop = pset + MAX [0,03 pset ; 15,000] (34)
Δt L L For conventional PRVs, the tolerance applies to the spring
Fmax = F =F if Δt = < to (30)
to v st o vs differential, but opening may further be delayed because of vari-
able superimposed backpressure, so that the maximum pressure
This is valid for the pipe segment between the PRV and the when the valve pops is calculated by Eq. 35:
first elbow and for the subsequent pipe segments, if discharg- ppop = (pset – psc ) + MAX [0,03 (pset – psc ); 15,000]
ing to a header. (35)
+ psc + psv + pat
Which initial flowrate should be used to calculate the reac-
tion force? It is known that, initially, the rated capacity is usu- The maximum initial flowrate should then be obtained by
ally exceeded, but an agreed criterion is unavailable. Using applying API 520 formulas with Kmax Aact and ppop. If data from
ASME UG-131 to certify a specific design requires the man- the supplier are not yet available, use 1.22 Kd A. If the flow is
ufacturer to submit three devices to testing for each of three subcritical, the influence of the Kb factor from Figure 36 of API
different sizes.4 The coefficient of discharge KD for each test is 520 must also be included.
obtained using Eq. 31: The calculated value is greater than the process flowrate
Actual flow (the only possible exception could be for fire requirements), so
KD = (31) the pressure immediately starts decreasing after popping.
Theoretical flow Analyzing the derivative of the above formulas, maximum
All nine individual coefficients must fall within a range of force corresponds to minimum superimposed backpressure
± 5% of the average. The average coefficient of the nine tests (usually zero or close to zero), except for conventional PRVs
is then multiplied by 0.9 to obtain the rated coefficient of dis- with the spring compensated for constant superimposed back-
charge KDR (which shall not be greater than 0.878) for any PRV pressure—the force increases with the variable superimposed
of that design. A 10% safety margin below the average is, there- backpressure for subcritical flow at the orifice (see Example
fore, adopted. 3)—and also for critical flow at the orifice, if the ratio of ab-
The usual procedure is to find the required area by applying solute superimposed to pop pressure is above a limit that falls
API 520 with the recommended discharge coefficient for gases slightly below 0.5, depending on the specific data.
Kd = 0.975. From API 526,5 a standard orifice is selected with
an effective area, A, immediately greater than the required one. EXAMPLE 2
Each supplier will provide an actual orifice area (greater than For the same case of Example 1, if the constant superimposed
the effective area), such that (Eq. 32): backpressure is 100 kPag, then the spring force may be compen-
K DR Aact ≅ K d A sated and a conventional PRV applied. Find the maximum initial
(32) force if the supplier has informed KDR = 0.864 and Aact = 0.00462
If ASME requires a coefficient 10% below the average to m2. TABLE 2 shows critical flow and a force of 38,740 N. For the
estimate the relieving capacity, then to estimate the force, the real gas, the outlet stagnation pressure is obtained by rounding
maximum actual coefficient should be 10% above the average down the ideal value for the first trial and adopting the resulting
(but not greater than 1), as determined by Eq. 33: value for the second trial. The force is 4.6% lower: 36,948 N.
An operational upset requires relieving 24,270 kg/hr of a
50/50 (by mole) mixture of n-butane and propane at 348 K.
The set pressure is 517 kPag, the constant superimposed back-
pressure is 379 kPag and the overpressure is 10%. By applying
API 520 formulas (see, orifice Q is adopted. Estimate
the maximum initial reaction force if maximum variable super-
imposed backpressure is 40 kPa. Before receiving suppliers’ in-
formation, the discharge coefficient is adopted as 0.878 and the
effective area (11.05 in.2) is increased by 1.1/0.9. The maximum
estimated initial flowrate is 14.674 kg/sec, the ideal force is 653
N and the outlet velocity is 44.5 m/sec. For the real gas, adopting
the ideal rounded velocity for the first trial, 40.87 m/sec is cal-
culated for the second trial, giving a 7.7% lower force of 600 N.

Two-phase flow. Recently, Chen6 has proposed a simple pro-

cedure for sizing PRVs for two-phase flow, which is also valid
for supercritical gases or gases having wide variations of the
isentropic coefficient. The conditions at Point 3 can then be
obtained considering that the outlet velocity must comply with
Eq. 1 and the first term of Eq. 13.
For subsonic outlet flow, the backpressure is known. Outlet
temperature is iterated to obtain outlet enthalpy and density to
match both calculated velocities. Sonic velocity is then obtained
from Eq. 4 using a pressure variation of 10 kPa and by reading
the isentropic variation of density to confirm subsonic flow.
If outlet flow is sonic, then the outlet pressure must be deter-
mined: sonic velocity, enthalpy and temperature present only
small variations. Pressure is the main variable to be increased to
obtain a density, such that the velocity calculated from Eq. 13
matches sound velocity (only minor temperature adjustments
are required). The reaction force is given by Eq. 25.

A Area in m2
cp Specific heat at constant pressure in J/kg K
cv Specific heat at constant volume in J/kg K
F Reaction force in N
h Enthalpy in J/kg
We oil and gas. k
Ideal gas cp/cv
Backpressure coefficient
Kd Effective discharge coefficient
KD Individual test discharge coefficient
Boldrocchi is a worldwide engineering KDR Rated discharge coefficient
& manufacturing company with over a L Pipe length between outlet flange and next elbow
M Molecular weight in kg/kmol
century of experience and hundreds of oil Ma Mach number
& gas projects around the globe. n Coefficient of isentropic expansion
p Absolute pressure in Pa
pbp Total backpressure (gauge)
ppop Pop pressure (absolute)
psbp Superimposed backpressure (gauge): psbp = psc + psv
Fans, Blowers & Compressors
Complete nomenclature available online at
Heat Exchangers & Coolers
Heavy-Duty Process Dampers Complete literature cited available online at

GUILLERMO CORDERO has been with Techint Engineering

& Construction for 49 yr at its Buenos Aires, Argentina
headquarters. He has been leading the process department
for 38 yr and presently works as a Process Consultant. His work
covers basic and detailed engineering for pipelines, refineries
Learn more at
and petrochemical units. He earned his degree in chemical
engineering from the University of Buenos Aires, where he
has been a Professor of unit operations.
Select 159 at www HydrocarbonProcessing com/RS

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