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Local news, local teens

Election 2010

youths in
town hall
Party division, economy
on minds of young voters
WASHINGTON — Challenged sternly
on his economic and social agenda, Pres-
ident Barack Obama Thursday defended
his commitment to ending the ban on
gays serving openly in the U.S. military,
telling an audience of young adults that AP PHOTOS
the policy will “end on my watch.” Alison Korty, 17, a senior at Normal Community High School in Normal, Ill., enters the senior class dollhouse that is
Obama’s stance came on the same day being built to be auctioned for the Murphy Martin Memorial Fund Oct. 6. As part of homecoming activities, NCHS stu-
the Justice Department asked a federal
judge in California to allow the “don’t ask, dents are building dollhouses instead of floats and using the proceeds from the auctions to support charities.
don’t tell policy” on gays to continue

Helpful homecoming
while department lawyers appeal the
judge’s ruling that the policy must cease
immediately. Obama’s administration says
such a sudden change could irreparably
harm the government.
Against that backdrop, Obama sought to
assure at a town hall meeting Thursday
that he still strongly opposes the policy,
but that it must be ended in an orderly Schools use event to give back to their communities
way in a time of war. He was challenged
by a Howard University faculty member BY PHYLLIS COULTER
who questioned his “alleged commitment THE (BLOOMINGTON) PANTAGRAPH
to equality for all Americans — gay and
straight.” NORMAL, Ill. — Two Twin City
Obama said he has been clear and con- high schools have replaced the
sistent in his opposition. “That’s point No. crepe paper and cardboard left-
1,” he responded sharply. He said his ad- overs of homecoming parade floats
ministration has moved much closer to with acts of charity.
ending the policy but his powers are lim- For the second year, Central
ited by existing law. Catholic High School students are
“This is not a question of whether the collecting canned food to build
policy will end,” he said. “This policy will artistic displays for their home-
end. It will end on my watch. ... I can’t coming theme. The cans will be
simply ignore laws that are out there. I donated to food pantries.
have to work to make sure they are This is the third year Normal
changed.” Community High School students
The moderated conversation with the have built children’s playhouses
young adults was stern and sober. His that are auctioned for charity.
questioners pressed him on unemploy- Until last year, Central Catholic
ment, illegal drugs and immigration, students collected about $200 per
racism, Social Security, discrimination class to build floats, which were
and bullying, and the partisan atmosphere
in Washington. One man asked him: later thrown away, said assistant
“Why should we still support you?” principal Tony Fabrizio. Now they
The event was sponsored by MTV, BET donate about $1,000 worth of
and CMT, and the three entertainment canned goods and have a lot of fun
networks sought to make sure the topics doing it, he said.
and their audience was diverse. On Oct. 7, Central Catholic stu-
dents stacked cans with a theme of
“Hollywood.” The creations were
judged the next day as part of
homecoming festivities.
Students used hundreds of red,
white and blue cans for a “New Kaitlyn Harrison, 16, a junior at Central Catholic High School in
York” theme last year, and the food Bloomington, Ill., finishes arranging jars of baby food into a star
was donated to Clare House. This as part of the school’s Hollywood homecoming theme Oct. 7.
year the gifts will be shared with Each class made a sculpture of food items that will be donated
other local pantries in need, Fab- to local food banks.
rizio said.
Normal Community High stu- 19-year- old Normal woman who “Students sent him homemade
dents have a friendly competition died after a motorcycle accident. cards and well wishes. I know that
building playhouses for the parade. The student council playhouse meant a lot to him ... to know that
Each grade level and the student will support Grant Johnson, an he hasn’t been forgotten,” said his
council picks a charity, trying to NCHS sophomore. The council mother, Sue Johnson.
create the best-looking playhouse to will donate its money, in his honor, The playhouses are sold by on-
get the most money for its charity. to St. Jude Children’s Hospital in line auction at
Last year, students raised almost Memphis, where he underwent nchs. Bidding began Tuesday and
$1,500 for five charities. cancer treatment this fall, said Jen- ends at 8 a.m. Oct. 15.
AP PHOTO nifer Coppersmith, student coun- The parade, featuring the play-
This year, charities benefiting
President Barack Obama is greeted will be Home Sweet Home Min- cil sponsor. houses, begins at 2:15 p.m. today at
by MTV’s Sway Calloway as he par- istries, Unity Community Center, Grant, 15, had surgery to remove East Raab Road near the high
ticipates in a youth town hall event Humane Society of Central Illi- tumors on his spine and radiation school. The playhouses are deliv-
broadcast live on BET, CMT and MTV nois, and the Murphy Martin Me- for tumors on this brain. His sister, ered to the successful bidders im-
networks in Washington Thursday. morial Fund in memory of a Grace, is a senior at the school. mediately after the parade.

School Briefs Band Note

Training dates Nov. 22 : New Windsor and certificate of recogni-
Middle, 9 a.m. tion are awarded to the
ration of Independence or
the framing of the United
Knights succeed judges for their outstanding
performances were soloists
out for November winner of the national con- States Constitution. at Invitational Christina “CJ” Antolick,
Training dates for No- Essay contest test. In addition, the win- The essays will be judged The Century High School dance; Kendell Caracciolo,
vember are as follows:
ning essay will be for historical accuracy, Marching Knights partici- rifle; Samantha Laulis, trum-
Nov. 3 : Oklahoma Road open for students submitted to the SAR Mag- clarity of thought, organi- pated at the USSBA Marine pet; and Karyn Pieciak, flag.
azine for publication. The zation, proven topic, gram- Corp Invitational at Navy-
Middle, 9 a.m. High school students in local prize is $100 and the mar, spelling and docum- Band Notes includes in-
Nov. 8: William Win- their sophomore, junior or state prize is $200. Marine Corp Stadium in An- formation on the competi-
entation. napolis Oct. 2. Featuring 36 tions and upcoming events
chester Elementary, 6 p.m. senior year of study during The contest is for an The contest deadline is
Nov. 9: Cranberry Station musicians and color guard, of Carroll County high
the 2010-2011 school year original essay written in Dec. 31. Entries postmarked
Elementary, 6:30 p.m. the Knights placed second school bands. To have your
are invited to enter the Na- English and must have a after that date will not be out of 14 bands, besting all information included, send
Nov. 10: Sandymount El- tional Society of the Sons minimum of 800 words accepted. Rules and other but one group. your typed, double-spaced
ementary, 6:30 p.m. of the American Revolu- with a maximum of 1,200 information about the con- The Knights were press release to Band Notes,
Nov. 16: Eldersburg Ele- tion George S. and Stella words, excluding title page test can be obtained by awarded a score of 76.588, Carroll County Times, P.O.
mentary, 9:30 a.m. and 7 M. Knight Essay Contest. and bibliography. It should sending a No. 10 (business which earned them the title Box 346, Westminster, MD
p.m.; Sykesville Middle, 7 The contest is sponsored be double- spaced, using a size) self- addressed of mid-Atlantic Group IO 21158; fax 410-857-8749 or e-
p.m. by the Westminster Chap- computer, typewriter or stamped envelope with Champions. mail shiela.johnson@carroll
Nov. 17: Winfield Ele- ter and is open to students word processor. The topic your questions to William The Knights claimed top Informa-
mentary, 7 p.m. attending public, parochial, should deal with an event, G. Hiatt, 429 Myers Road, awards for best percussion, tion must reach the office
Nov. 18: Winters Mill private or accredited home person, philosophy or ideal Westminster, MD 21157. For visual effect, music and within two weeks after the
High, 9 a.m.; Liberty High, schools in Carroll County. associated with the Ameri- additional information, call color guard. Achieving spe- event, and the release must
5 p.m. A $2,000 prize, medal can Revolution, the Decla- 410- 876- 8023. cial recognition from the include the date of event.

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