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EDUC 2220- Educational Technology

Infant-Pre-K Curriculum Plan: Technology-Based Lesson/Activity

Your Name Julianna Kickbusch Activity Title Animal Cards

Number of children participating at one time 1-25 (individual or class size) Ages 3-5

Ohio Early Domain: Physical Well-Being and Motor Development

Learning &
Strand: Motor Development
Standards: Topic: Large Muscles: Balance and Coordination

List at least 1 Standard Statement: Demonstrate locomotor skills with control, coordination and balance
standard that
during active play (e.g., running, hopping, skipping).
is addressed
by this activity.
Write out each
and exactly,
as published in

The lesson plan entails motor development for pre-kindergarten students, ages 3-5. The activity helps
students control strength and stability in their active movements. Gaining the confidence they need to
run around on a playground.

Estimated This lesson plan will take a total of 200-240 minutes. It will be broken down into eight 10-30 minute
segments throughout the weeks with the students. The segments are short because they are so young,
I don’t them to get bored. I like this lesson plan to be long so that I can really notice a difference in the
development. The first segment I can go over terms and show examples, having them do the actions or
say the words back.

Preparation What preparation is needed?

of materials Students will need to learn the vocabulary of the movements. And know what the actions look
and like.
What materials will be used?
We will need cards with animals and there most common movements ex- bunny that hops

How will the learning environment be set up?

We will need a lot of space to move around, it can be done inside or outside.

Instructional Procedures:
Day 1:
First 20 minutes: Introductory activity- Students will learn terms and be shown the actions. I can do this with a
powerpoint, doing the movements given on the cards with them and having them repeat the motions. By doing the
motions with them, they can gain the confidence of understanding the topic before preforming it.
Last 10 minutes: I will be doing a practice round to see where my students are before we practice. I can see if they
already know the terminology or if they don’t know any of the words

Day 2:
For day 2 and on: We will practice with many cards for the whole 30 minutes, as we work on the cards, they might get
harder or the students will be able to move just by hearing the word. (hear jump, so they jump)


This website has Ohio’s topics of education for infants to pre-kindergarten. This website will benefit students by showing
them the topics they will have to do good in to move onto early education. Students at this age will most likely not know
how to read, so parents will have to explain them.

Differentiated Instructional Support: Describe how instruction can be differentiated (changed or altered) to meet the
needs of gifted or accelerated students:
Students who excel can work on cards with more advanced vocabulary or a harder action to show.

Discuss additional activities you could do to meet the needs of students who might be struggling with the material:
For students who struggle, I can have easier vocabulary, make sure I explain everything and show great examples that
they can relate back to. For kids who struggle with large muscles or have a physical disability, I will make sure they work
on things that will help them the most. Such as sensory-motor, like caring cups or work on zipping jackets.

Vocabulary: Jump, run, crawl, slither, gallop, leap, growl, wag, crow and pinch. Many more active verbs

For teachers Teachers will need a smartboard or projector, so that all students can see the cards
at large. Instead of just holding up a small card. Teachers can also design their own
cards using word doc, they can also post them online for parents to work with at
home along with their preschooler.
For students Students will need a smartboard or projector in the classroom to see the cards larger
than normal. They can also use iPads or computers at home to enhance the cards,
to appear bigger.

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