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The Dark Maiden, Lady of the Dance, Lady Silverhair, The Masked Lady

Lesser Drow Goddess

Chaotic Good

Holy Symbol: A silvery long sword outlined against a silver moon with silvery filaments of hair around all
in a nimbus or a nude long haired female drow dancing with a silver bastard sword in front of a full

Worshippers: Good-aligned Drow, Dark Elves, Hunters, Surface Dwelling Elves.

Cleric Alignments: LG, CG, NG, CN

Portfolio: Art, Beauty, Dance, Hunting, Moonlight, Song, and Sword-work.

Domains: Chaos, Charm, Good, Healing, Moon, Portal, and Protection.

Home Plane: The Dancing Hills (Arvandor)

Favored Weapon: Bastard Swords (“The Moonswords” +5 Singing Keen Bastard Sword of Dancing and
+5 Singing Spell turning Bastard Sword of Dancing)

Eilistraee Special Spells

Spell Level Spell Name
1st Magic Missile
2nd Moonfire
3rd Lesser Spellsong
4th Bladedance
5th Moon Missiles
6 Spellsong
7th Moon Path
8th Moon Sword
9th Greater Spellsong

Eilistraee Channel Divinity Power: Moon Song

As a action you can begin the Moon Song, make either a General Skill Singing or Core Skill Singing check.
For 1 minute per caster level as you sing, friendly creatures within 30 feet of you are healed by a number
of hit points depending on your check results and you are healed by the maximum possible value for
your results. You can sing continuously for the duration if you wish (within the limitations of the singing
skill), all creatures within the Moon Songs range receiving healing only at the start of each of your turns
(rolling for the amount healed each time).
General Skill Core Skill Hit Points
Results Results Healed
10 or less Higher than base % 1d4 + Cha Modifier
11 - 15 Base % - 10% lower than base 2d4 + Cha Modifier
16 - 20 11% - 20% lower than base 3d4 + Cha Modifier
21 - 25 21% - 30% lower than base 4d4 + Cha Modifier
26 -30 31% - 40% lower than base 5d4 + Cha Modifier
30+ 41% - 50% lower than base 6d4 + Cha Modifier

Eilistraee Cleric Special Spells



Level: 4th Level Sword Dancer/ Eilistraee Special Spell

Component: V, S, DF

Casting Time: an action

Range: Touch

Target: 1 bladed weapon

Area of Effect: 1 bladed weapon that you touch.

Duration: 1 round per caster level

Save Throw: None

Reversible: No

This spell enables a single bladed melee weapon touched by the caster to animate and attack a
chosen creature. The spell confers only the ability to move and fight; it does not confer any other
magical abilities or properties. If at any time the caster and the weapon are separated by more than 60
feet, the spell ends and the weapon falls to the ground.

Any time after the spell is casted; the bladed weapon can be cast into the air by the caster and
commanded to attack. The weapon flies toward the target creature by the most direct route. It attacks
any creature that tries to block its way. If left to itself, it will fight its way to the intended target through
all opposition; however, the caster can, at will, take direct control of its flight, its positioning, and its
attack. Doing so requires to fully concentration on the weapon for the entire round; otherwise, the
blade attacks on its own.

The weapon attacks once per round, as if wielded by the caster. If bladedance is cast on a
magical weapon that has powers activated by a wielder (such as the radiance effect of a sun blade), the
caster must concentrate on the blade in order to use them. The dancing weapon does not take normal
melee damage, but any attack that might destroy the weapon under normal circumstances can affect it,
and of course the bladedance is subject to dispelling. If the weapon is engaged in non-lethal combat, it
defends as if it was the caster (using their armor class). While the blade is acting on its own, the caster
can take any other actions: resting, discharging missiles, spellcasting, melee, and so on.

At 5th level, the caster can cast bladedance on any small bladed melee weapon (dagger, short
sword, kukris, etc.). At 7th level, she or he can cast the spell on any small or medium bladed melee
weapon (rapiers, falchions, scimitars, long swords, bastard swords, etc.) , and at 9th, a small, medium, or
large bladed melee weapon (great swords, nodachi, orc double axe, etc.) can be affected.

Greater Spellsong


Level: 9th level Eilistraee Special Spell

Component: V, S

Casting Time: 1 round + 1 additional round per 100 gp of material component value in the spell created.

Range: Special

Target: Special

Area of Effect: Special

Duration: Special

Save Throw: None

Reversible: No

This spell enables the caster, by song and supplication to Eilistraee, to cause one of several
effects. If other Clerics or Sword Dancers of Eilistraee are present, the options for the possible effects
this spell can produce increase. The caster and any additional choral participants must have enough
room to be able to move about freely to dance and sing free of magical silencing. Clerics and Sword
Dancers of Eilistraee are trained to sing when in pain and may sing while dodging about in combat.
Choral work by multiple Clerics or Sword Dancers involves a circular dance around the person to be
aided, a fire, or other focal point. Failing anything else, a long sword driven point-down into the ground
or a tripod of sticks surmounted by the holy symbol of the caster can be used. This last for at least one
round, or for as long as one additional round per 100 gp of value of the spells effects material
component, or for as long as the chore wish to hold the songs effect.

With a single singer, the fallowing effects can be produced by the greater spellsong:

It can cause an effect equivalent to any desired cleric spell of 4th level or lower, the effect
doesn’t require any of the usual somatic components or most material component. The effect has the
normal range, duration, and so on, if an effect depends on caster level it uses the singers who leads the
chore. However, spells that require material components in excess of 100 gp in value require an
additional round of singing to be added to the casting time for each 100 gp of value or fraction thereof
of the material component. Spells that specify that the material component cannot be eliminated or
substituted for cannot be created with greater spellsong.

It can restore to memory one spell of 4th level or lower that the singer has casted within 24
hours and they can cast it immediately, provided it was not casted from a scroll.

With 2 or more singers, the fallowing effects can be produced:

It can be used to produce a spell immunity effect, either targeting one of the participates or one
person within the normal range of a spell immunity spell. Unlike normal spell immunity spells, the target
can be immune to a single selected spell of 5th level or one level higher for every three additional
participates. Also, if ten or more are participating all participates also gain the protection of the spell
immunity effect (with the same spell selected).

Another use of the spellsong allows a singer to heal 1d4+1 points of damage to themselves or
one creature touched. Each other singer can touch the injured creature to heal an additional 1d4+1
points of damage per singer. This effect cannot be used in the same way as normal healing to deal
damage to undead.

If seven or more are singing together, they can cure blindness, slow poison, or cure disease
instead of healing damage.

If nine or more are participating, a dispel magic, remove curse, neutralize poison can be casted.
Dispel magic and remove curse uses the highest level participate to determine the effect.

If twelve or more participate, regeneration, resurrection can be made instead or one level of lost
experience that was lost in the last day can be restored.

If twenty or more participate, a true resurrection spell can be work, but uses the total level of all
participates to determine how long dead of the target can be revived.

Only one of the above effects can be created per casting of Greater Spellsong.

Lesser Spellsong


Level: 3rd level Sword Dancer/ Eilistraee Special Spell

Component: V, S

Casting Time: 1 round + 1 additional round per 100 gp of material component value in the spell created.

Range: As spell created

Target: As spell created

Area of Effect: As spell created

Duration: As spell created

Save Throw: None

Reversible: No

This spell enables the caster, by song and supplication to Eilistraee, to cause an effect equivalent
to almost any desired Cleric spell of 3rd level or less, in effect casting the spell with normal effects, range,
duration, saving throws, and so on, but without the usual gestures or (most often) material components.
However, spells that require material components in excess of 100 gp in value require an additional
round of singing to be added to the casting time for each 100 gp of value or fraction thereof of the
material component. Spells that specify that the material component cannot be eliminated or
substituted for cannot be created with lesser spellsong. The caster must be able to move (hands and
shoulders at least) and sing free of magical silencing. Clerics and Sword Dancers of Eilistraee are trained
to sing when in pain and can sing while dodging about in combat.

Magic Missile


Level: 1st Level Bard/Sword Dancer/Eilistraee Special Spell/ Magic-user/ Sorcerer/ Warlock

Component: V, S

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 100 feet

Target: one or more creature

Area of Effect: one or more creature no more than 10 feet apart.

Duration: Instantaneous

Save Throw: None

Reversible: No

This spell creates one or more magical missile of force in the shape of an arrow that darts
unerringly from the caster’s finger tips to one creature within 100 feet of you that you can see. If you
have more than one missile you can have each missile strike either the same creature or another
creature within 10 feet of the other targets. Each magic missile does 1d6 +1 points of force damage. At
1st level you only fire one magic missile, but for every two caster levels you fire 1 additional missile.

At Higher Levels: When casted in a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, this spell does 1 additional point of
force damage per spell level.


Level: 1st Level Sword dancer, 2nd level Eilistraee Special Spell

Component: V, S

Casting Time: 1 Action

Range: Special or Touch

Target: Special or Creature Touched

Area of Effect: Special

Duration: 1 minute per caster level or until discharged. (Dismissible)

Save Throw: None

Reversible: No

By means of this spell, the caster can conjure controlled moonfire. Moonfire can range from a faint glow
to a clear, bright (but not blinding) light, varying in hue as desired: blue-white, soft green, white, and
silver. It serves as a source of light for reading, finding one's way, and attracting others to a desired
location. Moonfire is the same as the strongest moonlight for all purposes.

Eilistraee's moonfire lasts for one minute per caster level. Concentration is not required to maintain it,
but it can be ended at will by the caster, by a successful dispel magic spell, or by any darkness spell cast
against it for this purpose (which the moonfire negates during its own destruction).

You can also touch a single creature to use the moonfire as a attack, make a melee touch attack roll
against the creatures touch armor class on a successful hit the creature take 2d6 +1 point of cold
damage per caster level (to a maximum of +10). Whether or not you succeed on the attack the
moonfire’s energy is discharged in the attempt.

Moonfire always appears to emanate from some part of the body of the Cleric or Sword Dancer casting
the spell, but it can move about as the user wills. Casters of 4th level or higher can cause moonfire to
move away from their bodies altogether, drifting about in the manner akin to the dancing lights spell.
Moonfire moves about the caster's body as rapidly as desired, but when no longer in contact with the
caster it can drift in any direction (and through the tiniest openings) at a rate of up to 40 feet per round.
Moonfire can fill as large or small an area as the caster desires, up to the volume limits of one cubic foot
per caster level. Once the moonfire leaves your body you can no longer use it to make a touch attack.

At Higher Levels: When casted in a spell slot higher than 1st level (or 2nd level for Clerics) for each spell
level this spell is casted in a higher level spell slot, it deal 1d6 additional points of cold damage when
used as a touch attack.

Moon Missiles


Level: 5th level Sword Dancer/Eilistraee Special Spell

Component: V, S, DF

Casting Time: 1 round

Range: 200 feet

Target: One or more creatures

Area of Effect: One or more creatures no more than 10 feet apart.

Duration: Instantaneous

Save Throw: None; Special.

Reversible: No

This spell creates one or more magical missiles of moonfire in the shape of a sword that strikes
unerringly from the casters finger tips to one creature within 100 feet that you can see. If you have
more than one missile you can have each missile strike either the same creature or another creature
within 10 feet of the other targets. Each moon missile deal 6d6 +5 points of cold damage. For every 2
caster levels you have this spell creates one additional moon missile. When a moon missile hits a
creature it has the fallowing additional affect depending on the phase of the moon.

New Moon: Moon missiles deal double damage against undead creatures.

Waxing Crescent Moon: Creatures hit by a moon missile shed moonlight up to 10 feet from
them; other creatures that make an attack against one of these creatures gain a +1 on their attack rolls.

Waxing Half-Moon: Moon missiles deal double damage against demons.

Full Moon: Moon missiles deal double damage against lycanthropes and lycanthropes hit by a
moon missile must make a save vs. polymorph against your spell save DC or be cure of their lycanthropy.

Waning Half-Moon: When a non-evil creature is hit by one of your moon missiles, you may
choose to have the moon missile heal them instead of dealing damage.

Waning Crescent Moon: Evil Drow hit by a moon missile, experience overwhelming guilt for their
actions against other sentient beings and must make a save vs. compulsion against your spell save DC or
spend 2d4+1 rounds violently professing (at least partially) honest apologies to every creature that
comes to mind that they have ever hurt or wronged regardless of the creatures actually presence in the
area and cannot take any other actions.

At Higher Levels: When casted in a spell slot of 6th level or higher, each moon missile deal 1d6 additional
points of cold damage per spell level higher.

Moon Path


Level: 7th level Sword Dancer/Eilistraee Special Spell

Component: V, S, M (A white Handkerchief)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 100 feet

Target: Up to 10 friendly creatures.

Area of Effect: Two points in a straight line one of which must be within 100 feet of the caster.

Duration: Concentration up to 10 minute per caster level.

Save Throw: None

Reversible: No

This spell creates a ribbon of glowing silvery, translucent force that connects two points in a
straight path of your choice (provided there is no obstructions between the two points), but the first
point must be within 100 feet of the caster. The ribbon can be up to 150 feet long and 10 additional
feet per caster level (350 feet maximum length), it has a width from anywhere between 3 feet to 20 feet
as you desire (including having parts of the path being at different widths if you desire), and has a
thickness of 1/4th of an inch. The selected points of the path can be anywhere the caster desires within
range of the first point or the maximum length of the path even in midair provided it is a straight line
between both points, however the caster can choose the orientation (anywhere within a 360 degree
angle) of the ribbon making it possible to use it as a bridge or even a wall if desired.

When casted you can choose up to ten creatures within 100 feet of you, while standing on the
ribbon they benefit from both the Sanctuary and Spider Climb spell using your caster level. These effects
last until the duration of this spell expires, you fail to continue concentrating, or the creature leaves the
ribbon. The ribbon cannot be physically crossed without magical means (I.E. the spider climb spell) and
blocks spells as well as effects that require line of sight (including gaze attacks from creatures like a
medusa) though the caster and the ten selected creatures can still make use of line of sight spells
provided the effect wouldn’t directly come into contact with the wall (I.E. spells like charm person could
target a creature on the other side of the wall, but a fireball would simple detonate on the wall possible
harming the caster it they are close enough.) Breath weapons of any kind, ethereal travel or objects
(including creature), as well as physical objects such as weapons cannot pass through or cause harm to
the moon path.

The ribbon can be dispelled by a successful dispel magic (unlike a wall of force). If a disintegrate
spell is casted at the moon path, it saves as if it was you, using all of your save throw modifiers. A
disintegrate spell can destroy up to a 10-foot diameter of the ribbon on a failed save or half the size on a
successful save. If the any part of the moon path comes into contact with a sphere of annihilation it is
completely destroyed immediately, no save.

At Higher Levels: When casted in a spell slot of 8th level or higher, the caster can choose to have
themselves and any number of the ten selected creatures to teleport once up to 30 feet per caster level
anywhere along the moon path (provided the spot is still within 5 feet of the ribbon) after the
completion of the casting. If casted in a 9th level spell slot, the caster can choose up to twice the number
of creatures to be affected by the moon path.
Moon Sword


Level: 8th level Eilistraee Special Spell

Component: V, S, F (A 1-inch miniature bastard sword made of silver worth 500 gold pieces)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 60 feet

Target: one miniature silver bastard sword of 1-inch long worth 500 gold pieces.

Area of Effect: One miniature bastard sword within 10 feet.

Duration: 1 minute per caster level

Save Throw: None

Reversible: No

When casted on the miniature bastard sword, it becomes filled with moonlight and turns into a
full-size bastard sword made out of moonfire perfectly fitted for your use. This silver glowing sword of
moonfire is treated as a +5 Singing Keen bastard sword of Dancing and also deals 10 additional points of
damage against lycanthropes, undead, and demons on a successful attack roll. The sword only functions
in the hands of the caster and burns the hands of any evil creature trying to wield the weapon with
moonfire as if they were successfully touched by the touch attack of an 8th level cleric moonfire spell.
The caster can choose to discharge the moonfire from the sword (thus ending the spells effect) in a
single slash. This creates a beam of moonfire aimed as a ranged touch attack at one creature you can see
within 60 feet; on a successful hit they take 10d6 +5 points of cold damage and an additional 10 points
of damage if the target is a lycanthrope, undead, or demon.

At Higher Levels: When casted in a spell slot of 9th level, you can discharge the moonfire from the sword
twice before it ends the spells effect.



Level: 6th level Sword Dancer/Eilistraee Special Spell

Component: V, S

Casting Time: 1 round + 1 additional round per 100 gp of material component value in the spell created.
Range: As spell created

Target: As spell created

Area of Effect: As spell created

Duration: As spell created

Save Throw: None

Reversible: No

This spell enables the caster, by song and supplication to Eilistraee, to cause an effect equivalent to
almost any desired Cleric spell of 4th level or less, in effect casting the spell with normal effects, range,
duration, saving throws, and so on, but without the usual gestures or (most often) material components.
However, spells that require material components in excess of 100 gp in value require an additional
round of singing to be added to the casting time for each 100 gp of value or fraction thereof of the
material component. Spells that specify that the material component cannot be eliminated or
substituted for cannot be created with spellsong. The caster must be able to move (hands and shoulders
at least) and sing free of magical silencing. Clerics and Sword Dancers of Eilistraee are trained to sing
when in pain and can sing while dodging about in combat.

Other Spells



Level: 1st level Bard, 2nd level Magic-user/Sorcerer/Warlock

Component: V, S, M, F (A pinch of fertilizer to sprinkle on the target and a lock of hair from a succubus
to use as a focus)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Touch

Target: One female humanoid

Area of Effect: One female Humanoid touched.

Duration: Permanent

Save Throw: Yes, save vs. Polymorph negates.

Reversible: Yes, Rebust-tion.

This spell causes one female humanoid that you touch to experience a sudden growth in their
breast increasing their bust size. The caster must sprinkle a pinch of fertilizer on the target before (they
must be holding onto the lock of succubus hair when they make the touch, though it needs not be in
their hands) touching them (bards have been known to be very sneaky with their deployment of this
spell, usually sprinkling their targets well in advance to cast this spell on them at the best opportunity),
after which the target must make a save vs. polymorph negating the spells effect on a successful save.
On a failed save, the target female creature has their bust grow by 1 inch per caster level. For every 5
inches a female creatures breast grow they suffer a -1 penalty on range attacks, dexterity base general
skills, save vs. breath weapons and area of effects, and a -5% on all thief core skills except read written
languages for each week after the growth the penalty the female creature suffers is reduced by -1 until
all the penalties are gone. A female humanoid creature can be affected by this spell multiple times, each
time increasing their breasts by another 1 inch per caster level.

The reverse of this spell is called rebust-tion and is identical to bustify except it causes the
female humanoid that you touch to experience a sudden shrinking in their breast decreasing their bust
size. The target must make a save vs. polymorph negating the spells effect on a successful save. On a
failed save, the target female creature has their bust shrink by 1 inch per caster level tell they become
flat-chested (general a female creatures bust would be the same measurement as their hips if they are
flat-chested as the diameter of their chest should line up with their hips without the extra mass). For
every 5 inches a female creatures breast shrink they suffer a -1 penalty on range attacks, dexterity base
general skills, save vs. breath weapons and area of effects, and a -5% on all thief core skills except read
written languages for each week after the shrinking the penalty the female creature suffers is reduced
by -1 until all the penalties are gone. If the female creatures bust was 38 inches or more before the spell
after the creature no longer suffers the penalties from the removal of their bust, they instead gain a +1
bonus on range attack, dexterity base general skills, save vs. breathe weapons and area of effects, and a
+5% on all thief core skills except read written languages for every 5 inches of bust they lost.

At higher Levels: When casted in a 2nd level or higher (or 3rd level or higher for magic-users, sorcerers,
and warlocks) this causes the female humanoids breast to grow/shrink by 1 additional inch per caster
level for each spell level higher than 1st (or 2nd).

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