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Paragraph # Main Point of Paragraph How/Why It Supports My


1 (thesis The blurbs for The Fault in Our Stars, The This is my original "argument"
statement) Notebook, and Fifty Shades of Grey all share No changes made yet.
similar defining conventions through their setting,
textual features, and implied features that allow
them their own textual genre.

2 Book blurbs can be found in similar places. Where you find something is
a prime indicator of what
genre it falls in to since its
location is "repeated."

3 Different publishers and authors have similar These similarities clue us into
textual features in writing book blurbs. a specific genre through word
choice and tone

4 Book blurbs share some implied features. Shared "implied features" can
help us define genre.

5 Conclusion

Paragraph # Main Point of Paragraph How/Why It Supports My

1 (thesis The blurbs for The Fault in Our Stars, The There is a greater focus on
statement) Notebook, and Fifty Shades of Grey all share what makes a better, more
similar defining conventions through their setting, successful blurb now.
textual features, and implied features (features
assumed to be true) that allow them their own
textual genre; the best romance blurbs use
endorsements and diction that evokes emotion in
the reader.

2 Book blurbs can be found in similar places. Where you find something is
a prime indicator of what
genre it falls in to since its
location is "repeated." (No
major changes.)

3 Different publishers and authors have similar These similarities clue us into
textual features in writing book blurbs. a specific genre through word
choice and tone. (raised the
stakes with this paragraph
but no major changes.)

4 Book blurbs are formatted similarly. Formatting is a valid way of

analyzing something for
genre. (This is the new
paragraph I introduced)

5 Book blurbs share some implied features. Shared "implied features" can
help us define genre.

6 Conclusion

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