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(800) 964-9226

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord
“Plans to prosper you and not to harm you,
Plans to give you hope
and a future”

The primary goal of MCH Family

Outreach is to strengthen fami-
lies to help them provide a safe,
MCH Family Outreach in Waco stable and healthy family environ-
offers foster care and family pres- ment. We believe families are the
ervation services through its com- strength of our communities and
munity services program. Services the natural place to help children
are designed to help meet the develop to their fullest potential.
needs of families with one or more We want to partner with families
children between the ages of 0 to to build safe and healthy children
17. Whether it is illness, conflict,
school difficulties, or parenting
challenges, families facing these
situations can turn to the profes- We will be moving to our new Waco
sional caring staff at MCH Family Dr location later this year
Outreach in Waco.

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