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Character Description

Yu Zhu (雨竹) – The princess who travels to the Demon Realms. She is highly intelligent and has a strong
morality streak, but emotionally distant to most people. Yu Zhu is fearless in most situations, even if she
knows the odds are against her. She and Lin Yu even started a gang of beggars to fight Ho Pa Lai and all
the rich bullies in the town. She grew up in the inner palaces as the only child of the Emperor, whom she
loves dearly. She is said to be as beautiful as her mother and does possess a great deal of martial arts

Hua Er (花儿 ) – the Princess’s chief handmaiden. A highly trained warrior whose specialty is daggers
tipped with poison. She takes her tasks very seriously and though is regarded and treated as a daughter to
the emperor, she is in charge of the Princess’s education. She is fearlessly loyal and would always put the
Princess’s needs above her own. She and Xu Long Hui share a special history.
Hong Yan Su (红淹速) – The youngest general and powerful heir of the Hong family. He is universally
admired for his leadership and battlefield prowess. Hong Yan Su has time and time again shown to the
Emperor that he is the most ideal candidate for Yu Zhu’s hand. The entire kingdom believes that they will
eventually get married. His father was once the guard of the decesased Queen Xi Yang Xu

Xu Long Hui (许龙回) – A mysterious character whose identity causes an uproar in Yu Zhu’s kingdom.
He is cold and ruthless, yet has a strong sense of obligation. Xu Long Hui’s past ties closely with his name
and while he is slow to anger, he is slower to forgive.
Shan Ying Lang (山鹰狼) – A fearless fighter who is both intelligent and slightly obnoxious. He grew up
in the mountains and have no real manners. When he first meets the Princess, she dislikes him but soon
comes to realize that he’s actually a very good man. Even though his past is hazy and painful, he’s came
out a strong and determined man. In terms of looks, he is ruggedly good looking the polar opposite of Hong
Yan Su’s calm good looks.

Lin Yu (鳞玉) – 900 year old snake demon. The daughter of the Green Snake and niece to the White
Snake. Magically gifted and very beautiful, Lin Yu is feared by most of the town boys for her aggressive
fighting style and even more potent bite. Lin Yu is mischievous to a fault and rarely holds her words back.
She and Yu Zhu are closer than sisters.
Wei Yun (围云)- A fallen god who was imprisoned to the Demon realms, just after he and his brother
helped the gods to defeat the demons after the great war. For the battle against demons Wei Yun was give
the Tai Shan sword, forged by the Jade Rabbit. Demons use Wei Yun’s name to scare their children, he is
said to be feared even by the Gods.
Chapter 1: Melody in the Night

(Photo Courtesy of Sina Weibo)


Thousands of flame red rose petals of the jade pool swirl in quiet contemplation, the air filled with incense and quiet
whispers of bustling royal serving women. They waited anxiously as they prepared the large jade bath, their shapes
slightly distorted by chiffon drapes.

“Let me go! Unhand me!” A child’s voice roared, seemingly able to shake the very foundations of the palace itself.

“Battle stations.” The Head Maid in charge of royal cleanliness ordered. The women bowed and grabbed their weapons of
choice, heading into their thankless and daily battle with the only child of the emperor.

“Princess.” Hua Er said sweetly as she frog marched the little girl in, “Please stop climbing onto the roofs. The captain of
the royal guard is threatening to have a heart attack and die rather than have to chase after you again..”

“He seems pretty healthy” The littler girl muttered, “You should see him run, he chased me across three gardens and five

“I can’t believe you hung his grandson by his underwear on a tree and left him there for a day. They said the boy is so
sunburned he’s the color of plum.” Hua Er gestured at some maids, they approached cautiously, hardly believing the child
covered in mud was their revered princess.

“He beats his servants.” The girl argued, “I was carrying out justice.”

Hua Er smiled and shook her head, she turned to the maids “What are you waiting for? If she escapes this time, we’ll
have to track her by smell.”

The maids’ eyes shone with the steely look and pounced. They’ve been stranded on rooftops, lost in garden mazes, or
tied to trees while trying to capture the princess for bathing nights. Tonight they would be merciless.

Two guards outside heard the screaming and splashing, their normally cheerful if not extremely mischievious princess had
lost. One guard tossed bronze coin to the other, “You said Hua Er would catch her within the hour.”

A few hours later, a clean figure emerged like a phoenix from the ashes, wearing creamy white robes adorned with a
silver imprint of the dragon. The little princess left a trail of muddy, exhausted maids in her wake.

She sighed to Hua Er, “I need to work harder if I want to be better at Kung Fu than you.” Hua Er laughed and bowed, “If
you, Princess Yu Zhu start studying harder, I’m sure it would be an easy feat.” They strode through the little Pavilion of a
Thousand Wishes, enjoying the warm summer air.
Yu Zhu shook her head dramatically, “It’ll take forever!” The gold and silver pins popped out of her shiny black coils like
raindrops. Purple robed maids flew around her to try and catch the precious ornaments.

A poignant melody drifts through the gardens. Yu Zhu tilted her head, listening intently. It was the sorrowful notes that she
had heard in her dreams, ever since she was a little girl.

It was the song about a forlorn brook deep in the verdant stone forest and the lonely boy who sits by it, waiting for the girl
who promised to come back.

Yu Zhu started toward the sound, running through the vast corridors and resplendant pavillions, searching for the
melancholy tune. Her wide sleeves billowed around her as she stepped into her own pavillion, her pale face turned
towards the starless sky

A retinue of maids in green and silver poured out of the magnificiant rooms, bowing and waiting her for their princess to go

“Leave me.” Yu Zhu said as she looked around, it felt as if the song was fading. Hua Er had followed with ease and
nodded to them. Here in under the fragrance of the Yu Lan tree, surrounded by the fiery bloom of the camellias, the faint
strain of music awaken the shadows of Yu Zhu’s past, reminding her that she had forgotten something very, very

“Princess,” Hua Er quietly walks up to my side, “What are you searching for?” The music was gone now, only echoes of
the melody reverberated in the silver crickets’ chirps.

“I thought I heard something…a song.” Yu Zhu hummed the little bit she could remember

Hua Er looks shocked and softly hum the rest of it. “This was a song your honored mother, the Empress used to lull you
and your brother to sleep. When I was a girl, I use to sneak into her pavilion just to listen for a few moments.”

Hua Er quickly wiped the tears from her eyes, “It’s a song the Emperor had forbidden in the palace, how do you know of

“Is it because of what happened ten years ago?” Yu Zhu whispered.

Hua Er nods and she too stare off into the distance, looking lost. After a long while, she asks hesitantly “Back then, Lord
Lu Jun and Lord Luo led the coup against your father. The King was out, leading the battle on the border when Lord Luo
led his army into the capital. He had burned half the palace, killing all of the King’s children and wives. The only ones he
couldn’t find were your mother, your brother the crown prince, and you.”

Yu Zhu closed her eyes, to her, those memories were half remembered, like looking at a painting through a silk screen. “I
only remember running a lot.”

Hua Er looks at her sadly, “Yes. Your mother had gotten word about the attack and she helped your brother flee the
palace with you on the backs of the strongest blood sweat horse captured in Xi Yu. Your brother was so handsome, even
at eight, a pale gold lion ridding a midnight steed. Everyone was screaming and dying, the fires were roaring like wild
tigers in the palace. He saw me, just a little palace maid in training no older than him, frozen by terror in the midst of
chaos. When he passed me, he crouched on his horse and scooped me up.”

This was more than anything Hua Er had ever said about the events of almost a decade ago.

“Hua Er, why won’t anyone tell me about what happened to my brother? Sometimes I catch my father staring at me like he
was looking at someone else.” Yu Zhu may asked carefully.

In that moment, Hua Er looked as if she was standing on the abyss that separated the living and the dead, looking for
specters long gone.

The twinkling light of her eyes diminished as they take on a look of profound sorrow. She held out a hand to the girl,
“Come inside, the night is growing cold.”

Chapter 2: Meeting Him in the Garden

of Serenity
Hua Er ushered the little princess into the rooms. She sighed and picked up a pearl encrusted brush, patiently untangling
the unruly curls. Yu Zhu’s eyes began to close as the soft rythemns and inscense calmed her down, she yawned.

Hua Er softly spoke, her voice like a calming lullubye. “Your brother was only twelve and you two when Lord Lu and Lord
Luo decided to rebel. They led an army of ten thousand men into the palace, leaving rivers of blood in their wake. You and
and your brother escaped on horseback, taking me with him. We headed deep into the stone forests. No man ever went
into it voluntarily, for the Stone Forest was the border between the demon and living world. Demons and evil spirits that
lived there are said to hunt and enslave any souls that dare encroach their territory….” Her voice got fainter and fainter as
I felt my eyes droop.

The hazy scent of the Mu Dan incense, mixed with the heady smell of the linden flowers was too much for the little girl
who had spent her day escaping the maids.

Hua Er smiled and picked up the child, depositing her on the bed. Her lovely figure bent over and blew out the candle. Yu
Zhu had fallen asleep so quickly that she didn’t even remeber when the older girl had left. She dreamt of the melody about
the sad boy waiting for the little girl….

“Princess Yu Zhu! Wake up! You’re late to your martial arts lesson. Teacher Ma Yu will make you swim the length lake of

Yu Zhu sat up with a jolt, teacher Ma once made her stand on one foot on the roof of the Kun Ming Palace for hours
because she had yawned in class. The teacher told her it was to build character, but Yu Zhu thought it was because she
was angry at Yu Zhu for drawing faces on her favorite robes in ink.

Yu Zhu leapt from the bed in alarm and tried to throw on the pink and purple robes Hua Er had left.

Yu Zhu flew down the white stone corridor from her royal residence to the hanging flowers entrance of the Garden of
Serenity. Maids and Eunuchs in blue and grey silks knelt along the bright red walls to murmur greetings. She skidded
around the corner and struggle to put on her soft fur boots, the maids behind her dangling scarves and other clothing,
calling out to the little princess.

When she finally arrive at the entrance of the garden, Teacher Ma watched her like a hungry hawk that knows it had a
good meal ahead. Yu Zhu gulped.

“The thousand jade lotus strike is to be done with grace and deftness befitting of a noble lady defending herself without
seeming to, not a drunk swimmer frantically trying to dog paddle to shore.” Teacher Ma Yu barked harshly.

Yu Zhu glared at the maids whose faces are turning red from hidden laughter. Her silk sleeves tangled with the dragons
well tea bushes, the sound of delicate silk ripping makes everyone wince in horror.

“Your movements should be as delicate as a dragonfly resting on a flower.” The teacher’s fluid motions were graceful and
deadly at the same time.

This time, loud, booming laughter erupts from behind. Yu Zhu turned around, furious, only to find her father clutching his
sides. The two young men on either side of him both looked as if they were trying to hide their smiles.

My maids and teacher kneel to greet my father while Yu Zhu stared at the youth beside him. He was much taller than she
remembered. Three years ago he still had the look of a pampered young lord.

Now he was a muscular, lithe young man with flashing eyes beneath elegantly arched brows. His face had been boyish
and round, but now his face was sharper and more elegant. Around his belted waist hung the gold and black scabbard
issued only the the commanders of the King’s armies. Even though he wore a simple black robe, he was radiating with
power and authority.

Yu Zhu laughed gleefully and ran to embrace him. It’s been three years since Hong Yan Su, the seventeen year old son of
General Hong Zhao appeared. He always played with her, no matter how busy he was.

“Hong! Hong! You’re back!” Yu Zhu ran towards him to jump into his arms when someone grabbed her by the waist.

“I beg your forgiveness, Your Majesty” Hua Er says to the Emperor calmly as Yu Zhu struggle against her iron hold, “The
Princess should know better than to attack a young man in the palace.”

Someone chuckled, “I’ve heard that the princess was skilled in various fighting skills, today my eyes have been opened.”

The young man beside Hong Yan Su grinned wickedly. He was dressed in the grey and blue outfit of the fabled and
deadly Qin Hu crack regiment. He was just as tall as Hong Yan Su, with broad shoulders and a handsome face. His hair
was swept back and tied carelessly with a silver band.
Where Hong Yan Su had the agile grace of a panther, this man had the air of a haughty young tiger, all muscles and
restless energy. His light brown eyes held the gleam of ambition and fire, but his stance was laid back and casual. There
was an slight smile on his lips, as if he found something funny in everything he saw and couldn’t be bother to share it with
anyone else.

While Hong Yan Su had the look of a refined courtier, this man looked as if he didn’t think much of wealth and opulence.
How could he be so different from Hong Yan Su, who exudes elegance even when he walks, and yet just as handsome?

His eyes found Yu Zhu’s, there was something so familiar about him, about the heat of his eyes. Yu Zhu and the young
man stared at each other until Hong Yan Su coughed and gave Ying Lang a gentle shove. Yu Zhu looked down and, and
to everyone’s surprise, blushed.

“Ying Lang, show respect for the princess.” Hong Gege admonishes his companion and bows respectfully to the Emperor.
“Please forgive my battle brother Ying Lang, he is only 16. And though he is a fearless warrior and the pride of your
highness’s foot soldiers, he is still clumsy in the ways behaving in front of ladies”

The Emperor smiled delightedly, “I’ve heard of Shan Ying Lang’s many accomplishments, he and Xu Long Hui saved Ran
Jian’s entire regiment from decimation by breaking the enemy’s Eagle formation. Where is the brave youth Long Hui? I
wanted to meet him and reward him richly”

Shan Ying Lang gives the Emperor a bow and says, “Long Hui hasn’t been feeling too well lately and asked me to beg
your majesty’s forgiveness. He says that when he is better, he will come pay his respects.”

Hong Yan Su smiled warmly at Yu Zhu, “My little Princess Yu Zhu, have you missed me?”

Yu Zhu’s father guffawed, “She’s been talking of your return since you left. She said that she was going to be a refined
princess when you came back. But, as we’ve seen today, anything with a tinge of femininity, even in martial arts, and
she’s clumsier than a bat in daylight.”

The emperor patted his daughter’s hair and said lovinginly, “How am I going to marry you off when you get older?”

Hong Gege bows, “The young princess is so beautiful and talented that anyone who marries her will have generations of
luck and favor”

Forgetting that strange current that passed between her and the strange Ying Lang, Yu Zhu beamed at her Hong Yan Su.
Hua Er makes the mistake of releasing her hold, Yu Zhu zoomed out and grabbed onto Hong’s sleeves happily, “I’ve been
very good. Look I’m even wearing shoes now!”

She stuck out her slipper shod foot as Hua Er blanched at the lack of propriety. She hurriedly yanks Yu Zhu’s skirts back
down again as the rest of the maids shake their head in shame. Yu Zhu blunder on unabashedly,”Father promised me
that if I’d be good, you would marry me when I turn seventeen! Will you? You have to!”

Hua Er sighs in exasperation and bows, “Your highness, please kill this useless servant. I have failed to teach the
princess proper manners befit a lady of her class.”

My Father laughs, “How can I punish you when it’s this little rascal that refuses to behave?” He flicked his daughter’s
forehead in warning, Hong Yan Su has just gotten back from the battle field, you shouldn’t start laying siege just yet.” He
turns to Hong Yan Su, “Come, we have much to discuss.” Yu Zhu watched Hong Yan Su leave, barely listening to Hua
Er’s stern lecture.

Chapter 3: Royal Incognito

Chapter 3 – Royal Incognito

“Princess Yu Zhu! Sit still, or else you will look like a beggar instead of a young master” Hua Er, her maid sighed as she
grabbed the hank of loose hair and tied it up into the elegant nobleman’s knot. She glared as Yu Zhu bounced excitedly in
her seat. “How can I?” Yu Zhu was breathless with giddy, “Father’s letting me go out of the palace to the festival with
Hong Gege and I don’t even have to be a princess!”

Hua Er shook her head as she adjusted the black topknot cover, “You’re only 12, I don’t think you should be going out of
the palace, even in a disguise. It’s not safe.”
Yu Zhu grinned impishly at her, “You’re going too. And you have to dress like a man as well. I can’t wait to see what we
look like!” Hua Er grimaced and continued to attack the princess’s hair with the brush.


“Hong Gege! I want to go see the dragon puppets!” The princess yelled in the din of the noisy crowd. She laughed as
firecrackers whizzed and cackled in the crisp night air. Yu Zhu, towing the much taller Hong Yan Su behind her, tried to
get closer to the acrobats in red and gold, whose nibble jumps made them look as if they were flying across crowds of

As Yu Zhu continued to pull Hong Yan Su along, Hua Er grabbed her mistress’s arm. “Young Master,” She warned and
came closer to hiss in Yu Zhu’s ear, “Princess, what is the point of dressing like men if you are going to act like a girl?” Yu
Zhu blushed and let go of Hong Yan Su’s sleeve.

As the dragon dancers and acrobats passed them, Hua Er whispered to Hong Yan Su, “Are your guards aware of where
we are?” Hong Yan Su’s eyes shuttled back and forth, looking for the hidden guards. He nodded silently, “My guards and
yours are all in position, the princess will be safe as long as we are all by her side.”

Hua Er did not say anything. She had objected to this trip but the king had insisted that Yu Zhu see life outside the palace.
The king had told her that he did not want his only child to be a useless flower.

“She needs to see the kingdom that she and her husband will one day rule. My daughter will be no weakling.” He had
decreed. Though he had meant well, the King did not realize keeping a energetic and excitable Yu Zhu in line at all times
on one of the busiest nights in the year was harder than balancing a drop of water on the tip of a needle.

As the crowd began to carry them down the street, Hong Yan Su grabbed Yu Zhu’s sleeve and pulled them into a nearby
steamed bun stall. They sat and ate soft white buns filled with tender meat and vegetables while Yu Zhu jabbered on
about the sights she saw today.

“…the market is so big, I’ve never seen so many people before. Can we come back when there is another festival? Maybe
New Years?” Yu Zhu asked as she contentedly sank her teeth into a steamed bun, pausing momentary in her stream of
chatter to chew.

Hong Yan Su hid a smile as he watched Yu Zhu try to eat and talk at the same time. Though he wore a simple cotton robe
the color of red wood with a brown belt, there was an unmistakable air of nobility in every movement he made. Although
he was only 16, fighting and war had made Hong Yan Su a man.

Hong Yan Su leaned in and wiped some crumbs off Yu Zhu’s sleeve with his handkerchief, “I’ve been order to go back
and defend the borders in a few days, but I promise that once I’ve defeated the enemy, I’ll come back and we’ll come here
to play again.”

Yu Zhu gulped and put down her steamed bun, having suddenly lost her appetite. She looked lost, “But you just came
back!” Hong Yan Su raised his hand as if he wanted to hold hers, but he stopped.

His shinning black eyes held her large almond ones, “Zhu Er, Your father wants me to prove that I am strong enough to
protect you and the kingdom. I too, want only to be worthy of that task.” Yu Zhu couldn’t look away from his compelling
stare, though she couldn’t quite understand why. Slowly, she nodded. And Hong Yan Su, a man who everyone always
called stone faced, broke into a gentle smile.

“Young Master,” Hua Er said in a warning tone to Yu Zhu, “It’s been three hours since the sun has set, we should go back
to the palace.” Yu Zhu nodded, still a little dazed by Hong Yan Su’s smile.
“Hey! Hong Yan Su!” A voice boomed near them, they all turned around. A well- built young man was striding towards
them confidently. Unlike Hong Yan Su, who moved with the litheness of a panther, the young man loped over with a fierce
energy that reminded Yu Zhu of a tiger. Yu Zhu immediately recognized him as Shan Ying Lang, the handsome young
man she had seen at the palace with her Hong Gege a few days ago.

“Ying Lang.” Hong Yan Su said as the young man came near them. Shan Ying Lang, clad in light grey cotton robes,
clapped Hong Yan Su’s back and grinned, “Enjoying your last night before we go back to battle soon? All these days of
bowing and scraping bore me. Especially to that old man you call King; I thought my back was going to break if I had to
make one more kotow.”

Hong Yan Su shook his head slightly, “Ying Lang, you have a talent of saying the most inappropriate thing in the least
appropriate situation.” Ying Lang ignored him and turned to his companions Yu Zhu and Hua Er.

“Are these your friends?” He nodded to them with polite disinterest before turning back to Hong Yan Su.

“Face it, old friend, you would rather be at the borders than grovel at the feet of the high and mighty. Remember when we
met that silly little princess who was attempting that martial arts move? What’s her name? Lei Zhu? Yu Zhu? Something
pointless like that”

He was smiling broadly without realizing that Hong Yan Su was shooting glares at him. Ying Lang continued, buoyed by
the air of celebration, “I was holding in my laughter so hard when I watched the silly little thing practice kung fu that I
thought I would fall into the pond.” Ying Lang chuckled at the thought, completely oblivious to the shocked expression on
Hua Er and Yu Zhu’s face. “If we in the army fought like that we should’ve just become dancing girls instead.” He

Hong Yan Su gripped Ying Lang’s arm and said through gritted teeth, “Enough, the young princess is not someone you
can make fun of.”

Ying Long shrugged, “Old friend, if I were you, I’d get away as fast as I can too. I don’t ever want to be married, especially
to a princess, it would be so boring.” Hua Er reached for one of her hidden knives, murder on her heart.

Yu Zhu’s face turned beet red with embarrassment. She grabbed Hua Er’s arm and shook her head. Ying Lang noticed
the movement and turned to look at Yu Zhu once again, still unable to recognize who she was, “Aren’t I right, little

Yu Zhu got up and walked to Ying Lang, she was near speechless with rage. Her face was hot and it felt as if her insides
were full of vipers. “You have the manners of a pig!” She yelled and kicked him swiftly in the shins.

He yelped and doubled over in surprised and pain. Yu Zhu turned and ran into the crowd. Hua Er wanted to turn him into
mince meat, instead she glared at him and ran after her mistress.

Ying Lang scowled as he massaged his leg, “What did I say that bothered him?

Hong Yan Su hit Ying Lang over the back of his head as he said, “You, old friend, may have the heart of a warrior but the
mind of a village idiot.” With that he too raced into the crowd to look for Yu Zhu.

Ying Lang stood and followed after Hong Yan Su, “I’d still be a good looking village idiot.” He muttered as he ran after

Chapter 4: A Sort of Reconcillation

Chapter 4 – A Sort Of Reconciliation
“Stupid Shan Ying Lang, I hope you trip and eat dog poop.” Yu Zhu muttered to herself as she angry stripped off the
leaves of a willow branch. She sat alone on a tiny dock in the little lake of the Sighing Moon surrounded by gentle green
hills. Lovers walked here arm in arm as they enjoyed the quiet choir of crickets serenading in their grassy enclaves.

Never had she been so embarrassed in her life. She couldn’t go back and face Hong Gege now that she’s kicked his best
friend in the shins.

“Everyone’s looking for you.” A male voice called out behind her. Yu Zhu whipped around and saw Shan Ying Lang
approaching her cautiously. He stood on the green grassy hill. Wind tugged at his robes and carelessly tied hair. He
shook his head to clear his bangs from his eyes.

“How did you find me? Yu Zhu asked gruffly.

“I followed your scent.” Was the calm reply.

Yu Zhu stared at him incredulously, “Are you a dog?”

He grinned, his handsome face lighting up like a candle in the night. “Wolf, actually.” Yu Zhu raised an eyebrow but did
not ask any more questions.

A few moments of awkward silence passed.

Ying Lang called out, “Have I offended you in some way? Why did you kick me?”

Yu Zhu rolled her eyes in disbelief; she called out “You don’t know who I am?”

“No, should I?” Was the casual reply.

“I’m the —“ Yu Zhu bit her lip, there still were people around the river banks, she didn’t want everyone in the city to know
that she was the princess of the kingdom, disguised as a boy to see the festival. “I’m just someone who really doesn’t like
you.” She finished and glared at him.

He shrugged; there was no trace of resentment on his face. “That’s okay, not a lot of people do. They say I don’t have

“That’s putting it mildly.” Yu Zhu muttered under her breathe. After a few more moments, he came over and sat down next
to her.

Yu Zhu considered shoving him into the pond. When he saw her eyeing him speculatively, he scooted away from her.

“I’m still learning about how to talk with people.” He admitted in the quiet night air. “But when I saw how fast Brother Hong
went after you, I knew I made a mistake.”

“Why don’t you know how to talk to people?” Yu Zhu asked curiously.

“When I was little, my mother left my father and me. I didn’t like my father so I decided to live on my own in the woods.
When I turned fourteen, I joined the army. I’m sixteen now, like Hong Yan Su.” He was so matter of fact about his lonely
life that Yu Zhu felt a twinge of pity for him.

Ying Lang continued, “But I’ve never been to court so I don’t understand why people lie more than they speak the truth.
When I asked Brother Hong why, he told me that was what manners are.”
Ying Lang shrugged as he tugged at the grass on the river bank, “I still don’t get it.” He turned to Yu Zhu and took her
hand, “Little Brother, I saw tonight that Hong Yan Su cares about you. I only have two people in this world I actually like,
Hong Yan Su and Xu Long Hui. In these last few days, I’ve pissed off both of them. So go back already, I don’t want him
to be mad when we go back to the battlefields.”

Yu Zhu felt his large, calloused ones wrap around her hands. Yu Zhu was stunned at the warmth and gentleness she felt
spread from his to hers. This was the first time any man had touch her. She blushed and looked down. Ying Lang didn’t
seem to notice as he grinned his careless grin “Little brother, if you go back with me, I’ll promise I’ll teach you how to
shoot a bow the next time I come back!”

Yu Zhu wanted to tell him that she already knew how to shoot but forgot what she wanted to saw when he looked into his
bright eyes. Wind gently blew his long bangs into his angular face. His eyes were open and honest, it seemed that he
could promise her the whole world with one glance.

“Young Master! Thank god your safe!” Hua Er flew down the stone steps to her mistress, she stopped when she saw Ying
Lang holding onto Yu Zhu’s hand. “Let. Go. Of that hand now.” Hua Er drew a dagger and threw it at Ying Lang. Ying
Lang laughed and caught the fast dagger with one hand.

Ying Lang smirked, “You act as if she’s a girl and I’m taking advantage of her.” Hua Er drew out another dagger, “My
young master is not someone you could touch so casually” Hua Er snarled and advanced. Ying Lang eyes lite up as if he
sensed a challenge, and gripped Yu Zhu’s hand tighter, “Make me.”

Yu Zhu’s eyes flashed angrily at Ying Lang’s tone, “You stupid boy. I’m not some prize you can hang onto!” And kicked
the surprised Ying Lang a second time in the shins. He jumped backwards to avoid her kick and forgot that he was
standing on the edge of the river. With a splash, he tumbled unceremoniously into the freezing cold water.

Yu Zhu had expected to fall in as well, since Ying Lang was holding onto her so tightly and she closed her eyes waiting to
hit the icy pool.

But no such fall came. She opened her eyes and looked up into Hong Yan Su’s face. He smiled as he gripped her tightly
in his arms, “Young Master, it is more than three hours past the time I promised your father you would return home. I have
sent a message to him that you will be late, but we should get you home” Hong Yan Su gently let go of her sleeves as
Hua Er ran to join them on the bank.

Hong Yan Su looked into the river, where Ying Lang was trudging out of, murder on his face. Hong Yan Su hid a smile as
he called to his sopping friend “Stop looking a half drowned puppy. It’s time we went back as well.”

Chapter 5 – Attack in the Bamboo Forests

(Tang yan as Hua Er)
They were walking back to the main streets, which were becoming quieter as people left for their homes.

Ying Lang trudge with the three, his boots squeaking with water as he went. He shivered and glared at Hua Er and
opened his mouth. Hong Yan Su slung an arm over Ying Lang’s shoulder. “You’re quite lucky.”

Ying Lang turned his fierce gaze at Hong Yan Su, “I looked like a wet fool, how am I lucky?”

Hong Yan Su sighed, “Better lucky than dead. This master who threw the dagger at you, threw only a warning shot. Had
he really wanted you dead, you would be at the bottom of the pool, instead of what you are now, a laughingstock for the
entire city to look at.”

Hua Er smiled at Hong Yan Su, it was true that she had not thrown the dagger to kill, but she had been surprised by how
fast Ying Lang had been able to catch it. Hua Er glanced at her mistress, they were still in their male disguises, but with
the deepening night, they need to get back to the palace as soon as possible. The only princess and royal child of the king
should not be wandering in the city at night.

The celebration was winding down as the moon shimmered in the cloudy sky. Lanterns still glowed brightly as stragglers
faded from the streets. Their small group was walking silently towards their mounts when they heard the hard gallop of
horses and a retinue of Imperial guards charging towards them. Hong Yan Su and Ying Lang both gripped their swords,
their eyes alert.

The captain jumped down and bowed as he reached Hong Yan Su. He took out his imperial badge to show them who he
was, “Commander Hong, Captain Shan. We’ve received urgent news from the border. The emperor has ordered that you
both see him immediately. You will take these horses and ride back into the palace. My guards and I will see to the safety
of your guests.” He gestured to Yu Zhu and Hua Er.

Hong Yan Su hesitated, he did not want to leave Yu Zhu. But Yu Zhu shook her head and told the young men, “Go, if the
King is calling you back in such a hurry, something bad must have happened. The royal guards will protect us.” Hong Yan
Su nodded. He and Ying Lang leapt onto the horses and galloped off into the night.

The captain turned to Hua Er and Yu Zhu, “We’ve been ordered to take you back to the palace via the secret route, but
we can go at a slower pace. I know you have guards of your own; I’ve sent them to scout the route. All my men are the
best of the royal guards, you will be safe” Hua Er and Yu Zhu nodded.

They rode out of the town and into the dark bamboo forests, which led to the secret entrance of the palace. Soon, thick
clouds covered the luminous moon as their little group trotted down the secret path, accompanied by the sounds of
hooves and crickets.

Hua Er was nervous, she didn’t like the thought of having to return to the palace so late. If only Yu Zhu had not wandered
off on her own. Perhaps they should have stayed in town tonight. No, she decided, the sooner they get back to the safety
of the palace, the better.

Suddenly, a muffled cry and a heavy thud came from their right. An arrow had sprouted out of the captain’s shoulder. Hua
Er wasted no time and shoved Yu Zhu’s head lower so that she was crouching on her horse. More arrows flew around
them as Hua Er slapped Yu Zhu’s horse into a gallop. They were still too far from the palace. They would have to go back
to the city. Swords were drawn as assassin flew from the trees down like giant crows. Swords clanged and metal bit into
flesh, the tang of blood invaded the air.

Hua Er and Yu Zhu rode for their lives as screams from soldiers and assassins punctuated the hoof beats of their horses.
An arrow whizzed by her head and Hua Er withdrew her sword. Soon black arrows rained thick around their horses, but
none reached the girls. They want her alive, Hua Er realized. As they rode on, Hua Er saw the soft glow of light of the city
as they neared the exit of the bamboo forest. Her horse faltered and stumbled, it had been hit with an arrow. Yu Zhu
grabbed Hua Er, and Hua Er leapt onto Yu Zhu’s horse.

Hua Er glanced back and saw with relief that three of their own guards had followed them out of the forest.

Up ahead, a mile before the city gates, 13 assassins stood in wait for them, arrows trained on their horse. The ground was
littered with the bodies of the city guards. Yu Zhu calmly slowed her horse. Their royal guards caught up to Hua Er and Yu
Zhu, their faces as cold as ice, their swords flowing with the blood of the assassins.

A masked man on a midnight horse rode forward, his battle ax swinging menacingly by his side, “Princess, we would like
to have a word with you. If you come with us, we’ll even let you keep your pretty little servant. The guards, unfortunately,
we’ll have to kill.” The assassin gestured lazily to Hua Er. Behind them, seven assassins had followed them out of the

The dark assassin continued, “I have to give it to your guards, they are very well trained, they even killed the men I put in
the forest, but no matter. We’ll get what we came for.” He glared at Yu Zhu. “Come quietly, and no one will die.”

One of the three guards whispered to Yu Zhu, “Princess, we will fight to the death for you. When I give the signal, you and
your servant must ride for all your worth for the city.” Then in unison, the guards leapt of their horses and charged the

Hua Er spurred the horse into a gallop as she and Yu Zhu charged for the city gates. Hua Er deflected as many sword
blows as she could as they rode past the fighters. An assassin cut into their horse’s leg. Yu Zhu and Hua Er leapt off their
horse. Hua Er withdrew a dagger and thrust it into the chest of the assassin who blocked their way into the city. She felt
the sudden sharp pain and realized that the dying assassin had left a deep cut in her leg. The three royal guards were
blocking most of the assassins from approaching the pair, but they were weakening.

Hua Er felt within the pockets of her robes and found their last hope. She had prepared these in advance should she and
the princess meet any trouble.

Hua Er withdrew the smoke bombs from her robes and threw it on the ground. She and Yu Zhu headed into the city in the
ensuing confusion.

Chapter 6 – The Man in Cloud White Robes

(Hu Ge as Xu Long Hui of My Novel)

“Yu Zhu, do you hear that?” Hua Er panted and winced in pain, the gash on her leg bled sluggishly. They had abandoned
their horse and were on foot, running through the endless houses and corridors. The ghostly music of a xun wafted
though the damp night air. Hua Er grabbed Yu Zhu’s hands and they scrambled towards the sound, leaping silently over
rooftops and trees.
They flew down cobbled sided streets lined with wooden houses and closed shops, past creamy white walls and indistinct
windows. Hua Er listened; they were definitely close to it, whoever was playing it might be able to help them. Hua Er and
Yu Zhu bounded up a high wall separating them and the sound, landing on the soft green grass of a hilly embankment of
the river.

Hua Er spied a tall figure in cloud white robes playing the Xun, by the small gleaming river lined with whispering willow
trees. She ran with the princess in tow, listening for the silent footsteps of assassins. The rich notes of the xun faded as
Hua Er came nearer to the figure in white. The music stopped and the young man looked up. He wore the clothes of a rich
young noble, a soft white robe edged in silver cinched with a silver and jade embroidered belt.

“Young sir, I don’t know who you are but please, please help us. We’re being chased by men who want to harm my young
master.” Hua Er’s leg was bleeding profusely but she paid no heed. Her knees buckle in exhaustion and supplication.
Gentle but firm hands gripped her arms like iron, lifting her up before she could touch the ground. Hua Er looked up into
the most beautiful face she had ever seen. His jaws and cheekbones looked as if they had been carved out of the finest
white jade; his strong nose and full mouth were inches from hers. Coal black eyes framed by dark lashes and jet black
brows bore into hers as he asked her in a quiet and rich voice, “How many men?”

“Seven” she blurted as she tried to avoid those intense eyes. He was looking into her eyes unabashedly, his staggeringly
beautiful face unmoving in contemplation. She tried to swallow and calm her increasingly frantic heart, “the men are highly
trained assassins, they’ve killed all our guards.”

The young man smiled, “ I will assist you.” He gently scooped up Hua Er and before she could protest, placed her in-
between the roots of a nearby willow. He took an icy blue handkerchief from his pocket and began ripping it to bandage
her leg. Hua Er tried to protest but he ignored it. Then, with fluid grace, he picked up his reed-like long sword and turned
to the princess. He bowed, “Young master, for my services, should you choose to take them, you will owe me a debt. My
name is Xu Long Hui”

Yu Zhu looked at Hua Er, whose eyes were closed in pain, and replied without hesitation “Very well, Xu Long Hui. We
have a deal.”

A few moments later, the assassins came silently across the stream to find the unearthly handsome youth smiling
humorlessly at them, holding a silver edged black halberd.

“It’s too late in the night to be carousing in dark clothing; some might think you have dishonorable intentions.” Xu Long Hui
remarked casually to the assassins, his cold eyes measuring each man with careless distain.

“Our intentions are none of your business so move or die.” The chief assassin spat at the youth.

Nothing indicated fear on the youth’s sharp face. One of his brows rose slightly as he continues to smile derisively at the

“I was taught a thousand and one ways how to skin a man without shedding an ounce of blood” the youth coldly told the
men, “Shall I show you how? Or will you leave while I am still in a good mood?” The assassins hesitated, they were
seasoned killers, and they knew the stance of a formidable opponent when they saw one. The youth’s pale face and
delicate features only enhanced his cold and merciless eyes. Here was someone who can kill without getting any blood on
his snow white robes.

“We just want the boy.” The head assassin grunted, “Leave and we won’t harm you.”

Xu Long Hui sighed, “I tried to be nice. You will be dead before you lift your sword.”

Xu Long Hui shifted, and suddenly leapt towards them, unsheathing his sword in one wide arc and cutting two of the men
down before he lands in their midst. He swept down gracefully, the sword flashed like lightening, and he cut three men
through their knees before they knew they were hurt. He betrayed no emotion as he carried out his deadly dance, his
cloud white sleeves floating around him, hiding his true strength and fatal intentions.

And as he rises from the ground, his sword glides like bamboo leaves in the wind, slicing through the throats of those he
injured. There were no sounds as he weaved around each man, flowing like a ribbon of water, snaking around each man
as if he rode the winds. One unharmed man had managed to put his sword half way out of his sheath as his companions
dropped like flies. A silver and blue dagger appears in the white robed youth’s hands as if by magic. He flicks the knife
and it lands hilt deep in the chest of the man. With an incredulous look, the man fell, his half-sheathed sword hanging still
clutched in his lifeless hands.

Before the chief assassin could even count the dead among his men, he realized he was the only one left. The youth was
not even out of breath as he points his sword, which was as clean as if he had never used it, at the last assassin.
“Now, I’ve been very polite. So answer me if you do not want to die, who sent you?” The young man asked
conversationally, as if they are having a casual chat between friends.

The chief assassin realized that he could not outrun a man who had just killed six men in the time it took to drain a glass
of wine. He took a pellet from his sash and threw it in his mouth, crushing it in with his teeth as he backed away.

Xu Long Hui’s brow furrowed in sudden understanding but before he could react, the chief assassin was death.

The sword snapped back into the scabbard with a silent clink. The young man walked back to Hua Er, who, along with Yu
Zhu had been gaping at the youth.

Xue Long Hui knelt down by Hua Er, who tightly gripped her dagger in one hand and Yu Zhu’s hand in the other. He
smiled reassuringly, “I know a doctor who owes me, he lives near here. We need to get your leg looked at.” They still
looked at him, still too shocked to understand what he said.

The young man sighed and swooped down to picked up Hua Er, ignoring her weak protests, “I can walk, young master,
please put me down.” Hua er gulped as he held her tighter to his chest. His chest rumbled as he chuckled.

“Hush, you are injured. Are women always this noisy?” Hua Er shut up. She and Yu Zhu exchanged a look of

“How did you know?” Yu Zhu piped in. They were still dressed as men.

The young man smiled as he started walking alongside Yu Zhu. “Men are not as unobservant as they say we are. We
aren’t idiots”

“I know one who is” Yu Zhu grumbled to herself as she thought of Shan Ying Lang.

“Thank You,” Hua Er whispered, she was so tired, it seemed that she was slowly falling into a pool of linden flowers, her
limbs melting heavily into the warmth of the man carrying her. The sweet and spicy smell seemed to lull her deeper and
deeper into darkness. Long Hui glanced at Hua Er and quicken his pace, “She doesn’t have long. We have to hurry.”

Chapter 7 – The Doctor

(Ye Zu Xin aka 10th Prince of BBJX as Doctor Li Sun in my novel)

Yu Zhu could see that Hua Er’s face was ashen and her breath was becoming shallower. Yu Zhu felt an overwhelming
sense of blind panic as they ran through the silent city, past the shuttered windows. This was disastrous. How could a
incognito trip to the outside world go so horribly awry. She had just wanted to have fun with Hong Gege for a day, but now
Hua Er might die. Yu Zhu prayed to the gods that if Hua Er lived, Yu Zhu would go back to the palace and be the most
obedient princess in all of history.

Soon they had entered the poorest district, here the wealth and the opulence of the festival was a distant memory. They
arrived at a small brownish grey door lined with broken cobblestones and ragged weeds. Yu Zhu ran and began pounding
the fragile looking door with both fists, “Hurry! Someone is dying out here!” Candles flickered as footsteps were heard
shuffling to the door. Too slow, Yu Zhu thought as she pounded harded, they needed to get Hua Er inside now.
“Please move. Let me.” Yu Zhu turned around and moved away as Xu Long Hui spoke. Xu Long Hui, carrying Hua Er,
walked to the door and kicked it. The wood splintered and broke like chopsticks.

“Stop pounding that door! I can’t afford another one if you break it!” A voice roared just as the door crumpled inward.
Inside the court yard, A young man in pajamas stared at the three in sleepy annoyance. That annoyance soon turned into
astonishment as he saw the man carrying the injured girl. “Long Hui!” The man gasped.
“Doctor Li, my friend, she’s dying. Help me.” Xu Long Hui leapt through the door and blew past the incredulous doctor.

“Of course, put her down in here” Doctor Li caught up and threw open the door into his bedroom ushering Long Hui in.
There he and Long Hui gently laid Hua er on the straw cot. Doctor Li quickly unfastened the drenched handkerchief on
Hua Er’s leg. He cursed as he saw the cut. “Long Hui, you idiot. You should have gotten her here sooner. ” He looked to
Yu Zhu, “You, little one, go boil water. Long Hui, get over here and help me stop the bleeding.” Yu Zhu ran to do what the
doctor told, forgetting she’s never once boiled water in her life.

“Can you save her? You are the best doctor I know.” Long Hui stared intensely into Doctor Li’s face, “You have to save

The young doctor nodded but did not say anything. In the blink of an eye, he had transformed from a sleepy young man to
someone who was completely in control of the situation. He felt for her pulse and muttered, “She’s lost a lot of blood, I’m
going to give her a pill that slows down her body, it’ll slow her heart down to a crawl, keep the blood from getting out too
fast. Come here Long Hui , I need you to put pressure on her leg.”

Something like hesitation flickered on Long Hui’s face, but was quickly replaced with determination. “Very well.”

Yu Zhu ran back into the room with hot water. She placed it on the table and watched the doctor. He was
incredible. Every movement was made with rapid precision, his hand never quivered as he meticulously stopped Hua Er’s
bleeding. There was no hesitation has he sewed the cut on Hua Er’s leg, nor did he have to stop and think to pick the
herbs for his medicinal brew. Though he was young and baby faced, there was a look of ancient knowledge in his eyes as
he muttered under his breath of various treatments. Here was a man who had absolute confidence in his skills and
knowledge, whose long and arduous practice of medicine had elevated his skills to that of an artist.

Doctor Li sighed and straightened his back; “That cut was deep and made by an excellent swordsman. If she hadn’t been
a martial artist, she would have died before you had gotten to me” Long Hui nodded, he held onto the sleeping girl’s hand,
his eyes staring intently into her face.

Doctor Li took notice and asked Long Hui sharply, “You told me that you would never interfere with the affairs of other
people. What’s going on?”

It broke Long Hui out of his reverie, he gently let of of Hua Er’s hand and shook his head with a knowing smile.

Doctor Li sighed ruefully, “What was I thinking? The Empress of the Heaven would loose her immortality before tight
lipped and mysterious Long Hui revealed all his secrets. So much being friends with you for five years”

Yu Zhu, who had been holding herself back from where Hua Er slept, flew to the bed and gripped Hua Er’s hand. “She will
be fine, there won’t be anything wrong with her?” She asked the doctor, worry written in her face. Hua Er was like a sister
and mother to her, she would never forgive herself if something happened to Hua Er.

Doctor Li, stared at the little girl dressed in young noblemen’s clothing. Just who on earth were these people Long Hui has
brought to my home, he wondered. But he smiled good naturally, “Yes, she’ll be fine, but she’ll have to rest here tonight,
even the best healers can not undo the damage of a sword within a night.” Doctor Li scratched his head and wondered
aloud, “I’ve got a little storage room where Long Hui and I can sleep, you and ….” He looked at Yu Zhu quizzically, “I don’t
even know who you and this young lady are.”
Long Hui, who had been observing the scene, clasped the doctor on the shoulder “Perhaps I should introduce my friend,”
He gestured to the young doctor, “This is Doctor Li Sun, one of the most skilled doctors of his generation.”

Li Sun rolled his eyes, though he bowed in greeting to Yu Zhu, who leapt up from Hua Er’s bedside and exclaimed, “No
Doctor Li, I should be bowing to you.” She said as she bowed gracefully, “You and Xu Long Hui have saved our lives,
even though we are strangers to you.” She straightened in a fluid motion, “You can call me Zhu Er and the injured girl you
treated tonight, her name is Hua Er”

Li Sun straightened and stared at the young girl with surprise. A moment ago the young girl seemed to be frightened
child, but now she was the epitome of elegance. Undeniable power exuded from her every movement and speech. He
threw a questioning look at Xu Long Hui, but Long Hui once again gazing at the injured girl on the bed with an
unfathomable expression.

Li Sun shrugged inwardly at his friend’s odd behavior and smiled warmly at the little girl, saying, “Well, it’s very nice to
meet you Zhu Er, formally. Even if Xu Long Hui had to break down my….” Suddenly the doctor’s face was horrified as he
remembered how Long Hui had gotten in, “Oh God! I don’t have a door anymore, do I?” With that he sprinted outside. Yu
Zhu and Xu Long Hui stared at each other for a moment when they suddenly heard a wail cut through the night air,
“NOOO. My Door. My beautiful…. door…”

Long Hui shook his head, “Though he’s very smart and skilled, he tends to be a little bit dramatic.” Yu Zhu, though
exhausted after the long night, broke out in a what felt like the first smile in a long time.
Chapter 8: A Request
Chapter 8 – A Request

“Hua Er, Hua Er! Where are you? Come back to me, please…. please” Echoes of the long dead child was desperate,
even frantic. Hua Er tried to grab the outreached hand in the shadows but she just couldn’t reach. Darkness slammed like
ocean waves crashing against the haggard rocks drowning the helpless voice. She was falling away and the desolate
voice was leaving, still asking her not to go… asking her to find…to find what? Hua Er drifted farther and farther, the more
she tried to find the voice, the less she was able to grasp it. And it was gone

Hua Er gasped and opened her eyes. Sunlight streamed in fat golden beams through plain wooden windows with pasted
rice paper. She blinked and frowned, the ceiling looked like caked mud, it was so different from the usual opulence of the
palace. Where was she? Suddenly it hit her like a slap across the face. She bolted up right. The princess. Assassin
chasing them. A figure gleaming in white….

Hua Er jerked up right and tried to move her legs. The dull throb bursted into a searing sharp pain. She gritted her teeth,
she had to find the princess.

“Don’t move! You’ll break my stitchings!” A baby faced young man ran to push her back down onto the bed. Hua Er’s eyes
narrowed, she grabbed the man’s hand and twisted. Down he went, crumpling in pain under her firm grip. “Ah! That hurts
you crazy woman?” He howled, “I just saved your life, were you raised by wolves?”

Hua Er stared at him coldly, “I’m barely using my strength. Who are you? I was with my young master, where is he?
Speak quickly if you want to keep that hand.”

“I’m the idiot who saved you, you pig brained buffoon of a girl” Doctor Li huffed , “And as for your young master, Long Hui
has taken the her home.”

“What do you mean, taken the her home?” Hua Er gasped, she felt ice close around her heart. “Answer me or die.”

“Zhu Er, the little girl dressed as a boy, that came with you, said that her father would be worried, so Long Hui offered to
take her home .” The Doctor gasped as he tried to wrench himself from Hua Er’s iron clasp, “And she agreed.”

“Great heavens… That foolish girl.. how could she trust anyone… without me there to…” Hua Er snarled, her leg throbbed
and her world spun, everything was going out focus. She tried to glare at the doctor, but he had put some strange bottle
under her nose. “Get that bottle away….away…I’m going to kill you when I wake up” She muttered and fell back onto the

Doctor Li sighed in relief as his patient fell back asleep. He quickly closed the bottle of “Dreamless night” again, taking
care to not breathe in the fumes. But when he tried to get up, he realized that Hua Er was still gripping his wrist tightly. He
tugged and pulled, with the sinking realization that Hua Er was just as strong asleep as she is awake. He sat down in
morose desperation and moaned, “Xu Long Hui, why do I help you?”

“How long did you know that I was the princess?” Yu Zhu said through her hooded cloak as she held on to back of Long
Hui’s belt. They were galloping through the great road from the city to the palace.

“When i saw you.” Long Hui replied as he flicked the reins.

“How?” Yu Zhu was curious. That night after they made sure Hua Er was safe, Long Hui had taken Yu Zhu aside and
knelt before her, telling her that he was part of the Qin Hu Regiment under Hong Yan Su. He had show her the bronze tag
and she knew he was telling the truth. After that, she agreed to let him take her home, Hua Er was in no condition to
travel. Yu Zhu knew that if Hua Er woke up, she would and make the trip herself, maybe doing more harm to her injuries
the process. Yu Zhu was not going to let that happen.

“When you saw me?” Yu Zhu was confused, “But how did you recognize me, I’ve never been out of the palace in my life.”

“I recognized Hua Er.” Was the quiet reply. “I had seen her, once, a long long time ago and I remember her. And I knew
you from Hong Yan Su’s descriptions.”

Hua Er nodded, it made sense to her. Then she lit up, distracted “What’s Hong gege like in the army?”

Long Hui thought for a moment, “Hong Yan Su a good commander, one day he could lead this country to greatness. The
Hong family is powerful, and Hong Yan Su is the heir to an ambitious house.”

Hua Er smiled delightedly, “Hong Gege is my favorite, and papa likes him.”

“Ah, and what is the Emperor like”

Yu Zhu thought for a moment, ” Papa is always busy and serious, but visits me whenever he’s home from fighting wars.
Papa likes to laugh at me, he says that I remind him of my mother. She died a long time ago.”

“I’ve heard of the legendary story.” Long Hui replied as the palace loomed in sight, the gold rooftops gleaming in the
sunset sky. “It was said that the entire palace was in siege when a power hungry lord tried to usurp the throne during the
Emperor’s absence, but the Empress used her wits and strength to fight and defend it with only a few hundred men.”

“I was so small I don’t remember. All I know is my mama and brother died that day.” Yu Zhu sighed, “I would have liked to
met him, my brother.”

“Your brother?”

Yu Zhu nodded, “He was the royal heir to the throne, but he died, along with almost all of the royal children in the harem.
He was only ten.”

“I’m sorry if this makes you sad.” Long Hui said quietly.

Yu Zhu shook her head as if to clear the bad thoughts, “I wish I knew him. He would’ve played with me and taken me out
the palace to see the world.”

“Do you wish to see the world?”

Yu Zhu nodded eagerly, “All my life I’ve been told that I can not go out, that its too dangerous for someone like me.” Yu
Zhu was wistful, “But I will always live in a golden box.”

They rode in silence, as the palatial red gates studded with gold bolts came into view. “Princess, remember you promised
me a favor last night?” Long Hui said as he slowed the horse to a walk. They were at the many side gates of the palace,
Yu Zhu, not wanting to attract attention, had asked Long Hui to take her to the tradesmen entrance.

“I remember.” Yu Zhu whispered as their horse joined the crowd of palace cooks, maids, and eunuchs. She had a debt to
Long Hui for saving their lives. She wondered what he would ask for, he did not seem the type to care for gold or riches.

He slide off the horse and helped Yu Zhu down as well. They joined the line of people waiting to get into the palace. “I will
watch to make sure that the captain recognizes who you are. I’m sure your father has already stationed men at every gate
who know what you look like.”
“you aren’t going up with me?” Yu Zhu felt sad, as if she was losing a friend.

“Your guards might try and attack a stranger like me. A misunderstanding will delay me getting back to make sure Hua Er
is alright.”” He patted her shoulder, ” You and I both know that I can not go into the palace without a personal invitation
from the Emperor. Once you are safely home, I would like you to do something for me.”

“What would you like?” Yu Zhu asked.

“I would like a private audience with the King, your father.” Long Hui got out of the line as Yu Zhu approached the gate. ”
Once Hua Er is better, I will make sure she comes back safely as well. Until next time, Zhu Er.”He bowed to her and
melted into the crowd.

Chapter 9- The Melody in the Memories

The lonely moon sighed in the dark sky as Xu Long Hui took out his silver jade flute. The delicate instrument flashed as
faint and brilliant as the twinkling stars. After a moments, he held it to his lips and blew the first few notes, letting the
melancholy sound melt into brittle air. The honeyed notes warmed the night around him and dusty memories of long ago
stirred gently, gracefully rising out of the ground like ephemeral dancers in the wind.

Two ghostlike children, memories from a decade ago, ran past him, laughing and screaming, brought to life by the
bittersweet music. Xu Long Hui could see it all, the garden, the little smiling girl in lilac, the lake of serenity…

10 years ago

The silver blue hue of the Zi Xin Sword flashed and spun in arcs and jabs as a 10 year old boy with shiny black hair
weaved silently through the hanging orchard garden. Pale gold robes whisked through the blue and purple blooms of
primrose and azaleas. Fluttering tiny leaves followed the current created by his sword and body like tiny fireflies chasing
after a bright light. The young boy’s face was impassive but every curve and jab was made with deadly precision.

In the rough and dangerous time of the Waring states, the crown prince was raised from the cradle with a sword in his
hands, not only used to defend, but to conquer.

As the eldest son and the future king of Dian, Zhuan Han Qin had already fought in two wars by the side of his father. He
had seen good men die and bad ones live. He understood military tactics and the necessity of ruthlessness on the field.
His coldness and strength of mind was already impressive, ministers knew that as the future king he would help Dian to

Suddenly he stopped, his serious face turned towards the east side of the royal gardens. The soft sound of crying had
seeped into the air, disrupting the gentle calm with its distressed cadence. The boy quietly walked down the hanging
gardens to the majestic linden trees that guarded the Lake of Serenity. There underneath the green protection of its rough
leaves and golden bell flowers, he found a tiny pink and purple ball sitting between the trunk of a hundred year old tree. A
little girl in maids clothing, no older than 9, was crying in great big gasps.

“Why are you crying?” He asked. The girl gasped and scrambled to get up, tripping and falling over in her haste. She
looked up at him. Tears streaked a heart shaped face. Smudges of dirt and grass edged her forehead and nose. She
looked like a little doe, her lips quivering in alarm and fright. The young prince had the strange feeling in his chest, he
wanted to smile at the silly looking girl.

“Who are you?” The girl’s words tumbled out as she stood up, “Why are you spying at me?” The young prince blinked, “I
was practicing with my sword and I heard you crying.”

“Oh..I wasn’t crying or anything… I… I was singing.” The little girl frowned as she tried to wipe her nose, causing a dark
streak of dirt to appear on her lip. She looked at him angrily, a fierce look that no one in the palace would dare use with
him. The corner of his mouth twitched as he tried to look serious.

“Why were you singing then?” For some reason, he was humoring this little girl who watched him with big, anxious eyes.
Maids were supposed to wear their hair in the shape of an elegant dove, but hers looked more like a manic chicken, with
stray strands bobbing up and down frantically. Her pale rose pink skirt and lilac robe looked as if she spent the entire
afternoon rolling in the mud.

Suddenly she looked him up and down, her face draining of all color as she realized who she had been talking to.

She gave a little yelp and dove to the ground, “My..Y-your Greatness, I mean My Highness, I mean, Your Ladyship
Concubine… Cro.. Crown Prince!” She stuttered, her face an inch from the ground.

Zhuan Han Qin could not help himself and grinned as he helped the completely bewildered little girl up.


“I’m Xue Lan Hua, my Papa told me that means Orchid That Blooms In The Snow. My friends called me Hua Er. You can
too!” Hua Er chirped at him after she scrubbed the dirt away from her face. They sat side by side in the shade of the
weeping willow, on the tiny red and black deck built on the Serenity Lake.

“What are you called?”

He looked at her, his black brows knit into his usual frown, as he thought about how to answer her, “I’m called Your Royal

Hua Er laughed. it reminded him of the sound of twinkling chimes as she gave him a playful shove. “No, silly, what do your
parents call you?”

The frown became deeper. “I don’t see my mother or father a lot. Mother is busy ruling the country while Father is at war.
My full name is Zhuan Han Qin, Han meaning endurance, Qin meaning conquerer.”

She nods and says his name, rolling it in her mouth until she smiles, “I got it! You can call me Hua Er and I’ll call you Qin
Er! Papa told me that if you call someone like that, you can be good friends with them. You’re the only person in this
whole palace that’s been nice to me. Let’s be friends!”

Han Qin was not a person who could be surprised easily, but his eyes widened with shock at the familiarity this impudent
girl used his name. He demanded, “Why have you talked to me for so long? Everyone bows and scrapes when I pass.”

Hua Er pondered this and her heart-shaped face lit up, “I’ve only been in the palace for two months. All they told me was
that I had to bow to you if I see you. They didn’t say that I couldn’t speak to you.” Han Qin ‘s lips twitched at the innocence
and naivety of the little girl in front of him.

A thought came to him, he asked “Why were you crying?”

A moment of sadness extinguished the light from her eyes, “Auntie Yen said that if I was good and entered the palace
under her care, she would send the money they give me to help my sick papa and my brothers and sisters. I got some
money today but some of the older maids told me I had to give it to them. They were bigger and they kept hitting me.” Big
fat tears dripped out of her warm brown eyes and onto her pink and lilac lap as she showed him a bruised arm. “I want
papa to get well soon and I was suppose to meet Auntie Yen today to give the money to her.”

Han Qin reflected on it for a moment. He looked at the crying imp in front of him and before he knew what he was doing,
he reached onto the top of his Huang Zi Crown. On the small black jewel encrusted crown covering his top knot he
plucked off a teardrop shaped piece of amber the size of his palm. He placed the jewel into the speechless little girl’s dirt
streaked hands.
“This is a piece of amber found deep in the heart of the Stone Forest. It was cut by the renowned master Zhao Qiao An. It
should be enough save your father. Go and find your Auntie Yen.”

She smiled into his eyes, and Han Qin was stunned. The warmth and light of her smile sliced through his cold exterior
easier than his prized blade through a piece of stone. She grabbed his hand and jumped up excitedly, “I have to find
Auntie Yen! I’ll see you again Qin Er” And with that she smiled a smile that a lonely little boy had craved to see but could
never find in the cold palace. He watch as she galloped off, the ghost of a smile hovering on his lips.

Han Qin looked at the hand she had held. The snow white clean fingers had traces of rich dark earth. Though she was no
warrior, nor had she gripped him tightly and while it did not hurt… his hand felt.

Chapter 10 – The Day of the Siege

(Hu Ge as Xu Long Hui )

(Betty Sun as Empress Xi Yang Yue)

“It seems that you have a lot on your mind tonight.” The Doctor leaned against the rough wooden door frame as the soft
melody faded into the silent night. “Old friend, even someone as tune deaf as I can tell that song isn’t a happy one.”
Doctor Li rubbed his wrist, Xu Long Hui had to help extract him from Hua Er’s grip.

Xu Long Hui’s icily handsome face was turned to the moon, “I was just reminiscing. How many years ago has it been?”

The doctor sighed and came to sit next to his friend. He had brought a pitcher of his home made plum blossom wine,
“When I freed you? ”

The doctor shrugged, “Five or six. You were barely human. It took all my teacher had to revive you.”

Xu Long Hui let out a sad chuckle, “I wasn’t human. But I do owe Master Tan and you my life.”

Doctor Li shook his head,”You are only a demon if you believe yourself to be. You have saved so many lives since then,
don’t live in the past.”

Xu Long Hui said nothing, for a moment, both men were quiet, lost in their own thoughts.

“When I met you again, three years ago, I thought you were just a lonely wander, roaming the world.” Doctor Li sighed, he
could remember the sight of the handsome Long Hui on his blue roan, traveling with the Emperor’s Army. For a brief while
Li Sun had thought Long Hui was fully cured, but seeing him today, he realized the ice in Long Hui’s heart had grown.

“And now? What do you think of me?” Xu Long Hui asked as he poured himself a glass of plum blossom wine and sipped.
The sweet spicy wine was perfect for the deepening night.

The doctor was silent for a moment, “I don’t think you came to this kingdom on a whim.”

Long Hui turned around with, the corner of his mouth twitched in a humorless smile, “Enough of your baseless guessing.
Shall I tell you a story from my past?”

Doctor Li’s curiosity was piqued, “A story. How rare. You’ve never spoken of your past before. ”

Xu long Hui turned to his friend, the bitter sadness enhanced the beauty of his face, “It is about the day I died.”

Siege of Palace – 10 years ago

Kun Ming Empress Pavilion
“Your Imperial Majesty, I have bought you only a little time. The enemy has broached the western side of the palace gate.
And while Lord Lu may spare you for the sake of your beauty, he and Lord Mou will kill and then scatter the ashes of the
Crown Prince into the wind once they find him.” A tall, broad shouldered man leaned on a bronze spear as he spoke to his
queen, calmly ignoring the rivers of blood that flowed from his arm to pool around his knees.

“We have a carriage waiting to take you and the prince out the hidden gate now.” Even if he had to tie the Empress and
her son to a carriage, he would do so, anything to get them out alive.

High on the dais, an impossibly beautiful woman in the regal silver robes sat on the Tiger Throne. Her grey black eyes
blinked once in surprise and again in calculated contemplation. Empress Xi Yang Yue was no weakling.

She calmly smiled the general kneeling in front of her, “Honored General Hong, you forget that I am the mother of this
nation and the mother of both Crown Prince Han Qin and Princess Yu Zhu. And unless I am a spineless worm, I will
defend my home until I die”

She thought quickly, “But it is important that we get the children and the Emperor’s seal out of the palace. To own the
Emperor’s Seal is akin to having the Emperor’s authority and I will died before those traitorous bastards lay a finger on it.”

Xi Yang Yue turns to face the open doors, the acrid smell of burning flesh, metal, and cloth was already invading the
spring winds, leaving the taste of bitterness in its wake. She turns around, “Prepare the fastest horse for the crown prince
and the little princess. Have any of the concubines and their children been able to escape?”

General Hong shook his head, “No, they are trapped in An Ning Pavilion. We don’t have enough men to protect you and
get them out.”

Xi Yang Yue glares at him, ” Those children as as royal and precious as the Crown prince. I want every single one of your
men to go and get them out! My eunuch will show your men the northern hidden tunnel, I refuse to let to die.”

General Hong refused to be commanded, “I must protect who I can. There are ten thousand enemy men marching
towards An Ning Pavilion, and I only have 500 left. This pavilion is the closest to the hidden palace exit. With luck and
speed, you have a better chance of surviving.”

Xi Yang Yue descended her dais like an avenging deity. She grabbed the front of his collar and make him look into her
fierce eyes. “Fool! I am your Empress and I command you to rescue the other wives and their children. Have your men
retreat to An Ning Pavilion, and ask them to protect it with their life.”

She continued, “You are the Commanding General, and you will lead your men to the An Ning paviilion. I will follow you
there. Both of us will be a diversion to the traitors, they will assume that the Seal and Crown prince is with me. He won’t
look for the crown prince here if he is busy fighting with you and I there. It will buy time for Crown Prince and Princess Yu
Zhu to escape through the hidden gate.”

General Hong’s stoic face does not betray the shock he felt at the words of this extraordinary woman. He rose from the
ground and strode out of the gilded palace pausing only to order his two most trusted guards to man the gates to the
Empress’s palace until they die.

Once he was gone Xi Yang Yue picked up her skirts and rushed into the antechamber.

“Where is Han Qin?” While her voice was still calm, there was a slight quiver of anxiety beneath the surface. The
antechamber was in turmoil as the Empress’s closets maids and guards grabbed spears and swords. They were prepared
to follow their mistress to war.

“Here, Mother.” Crown Prince Han Qin ran in, carrying the silk bag containing the heavy gold Emperor’s Seal as he
rushed to his mother’s side. He did not want to run, but he had read the Art of War and knew that retreat was the best

The Empress hid seal in the front of the young boy’s robes “Qin Er, protect this with your life, if the enemy gets their hands
on it, they will use it to prove they are legitimate heirs to the throne. You are the only heir. Never forget it.”

The two year old princess was carried into the room by a nervous looking servant girl. The Empress hugged the sleeping
little girl tightly before taking a sash and tying her securely around Han Qin’s chest.

A Qiao thrusted a bag of gold into the Crown Prince’s cloak and told the young boy, “Head for the Wu Qing forest, ask for
the Xi Yang tribe, they are your kinsmen from my side. Be safe my child, take care of your sister.” The Empress with a
look of anguished longing, kissed the heads of her children and whispered, “When you see the Xi Yang tribe, do not forget
to show your amulet, they will know who you are.”

The young boy nodded, his eyes gleamed with fierce anger as he rush out with his prized sword and shield into the court
yard. They could hear the roar of the fire and the din of clashing swords. An Ning Pavilion was on fire.

Xi Yang Yue sighed as she watched her child for the last time in her life. She swung her longsword and faced her loyal
maids. In that moment there were no servants and mistress, just people fighting for the same cause.

She smiled with regal grace and picked up her shield, “It’s time we showed these traitors why they should never anger an


Before he met his mother, Han Qin had looked for Hua Er all over the palace, screaming her name even as he had been
rushed into Kun Ming Pavilion. While his eyes burned for death of the maids, aunties, and siblings who were now being
slaughtered. His heart shattered at the thought of Hua Er’s huddled figure, crying for him to save her.

A young serving girl with a heart shaped face and bewildered eyes came into view as Long Er galloped towards the gate.
In that tiny moment, the world muted around him melted as he stared into Hua Er’s face, a face already etched onto his
heart. His horse thundered closer and with all his might he came down and scooped up the girl.

She was wrapped safely in his arms, her face looking over his shoulder at the burning palace and the thousand faceless
men who aimed their arrows at the two horses. She screamed a warning as a red arrows rained down on them.

Han Qin shifted his body and shield and managed to block most of them. Hua Er sighed in relief as they made it through
the gate of the palace, into the dark forest. Yet something was wrong. Han Qin made no sound of pain, but Hua Er could
see the damage. Three arrows protruded from Han Qin’s shoulder, their bloodied tips tearing apart his black robes. Han
Qin was gravely injured.

Chapter 11 – The Dragon Returns

(Zhang Guo Li as the Emperor)

(Tang Yan as Hua Er)

Present day
“Papa!” Yu Zhu was barely ushered into the inner palace when she heard the pounding hoofbeats and clinking of armor.
Her father the Emperor, Hong Yan Su, and a retinue of guards and eunuchs had ridden from his residence once he had
heard that Yu Zhu had come back safely.

“Yu Zhu!” The Emperor ran to his only child and crushed her in an enveloping hug. “We’ve searched everywhere.” He held
her up and made sure that she was fine. He couldn’t even bear the thought of losing his last child.

The Emperor looked around and frowned, “But where is Hua Er? Is She alright?”

Yu Zhu looked somber and for a moment the Emperor feared the worst. Yu Zhu’s eyes filled with tears as she sniffled,
“Hua Er is injured and she’s resting in Doctor Li’s house. This is all my fault because I ran off that night and that’s why we
were so late getting home.” Yu Zhu’s tears began to fall in earnest, ” But Long Hui gege said that he will return with Hua
Er once she can be moved. I’ms still worried.”

The Emperor knelt down and patted Yu Zhu’s cheek. “Child, calm down. Who is Long Hui?”

Yu Zhu swallowed and gave her father a watery smiled, “Oh I almost forgot, Xu Long Hui is the person who rescued us.
He says that he’s part of the army with Hong gege.” Yu Zhu reached into her sleeve and took out heavy bag that was a
little bigger than the size of her palm. She handed it to her father. “He said that to give you this when I see you, and that
you’ll want to meet him after you see this.”

The Emperor frowned and took the heavy gold silk back and opened it. Inside was a gold dragon seal with jade inlay,
encrusted by the rarest of emeralds, rubies and pearls. But it wasn’t the value of the seal that shocked the Emperor. His
chest constricted as he beckoned his oldest servant.

“Dan Yi, come here. I think my eyes are deceiving me.” The Emperor called his personal eunuch for the last 30 years.
Eunuch Dan Yi came forward and carefully examined the seal, checking its for the hidden flaws only the true Seal would
carry. He handed it back to the Emperor, as much in shock as his master, “Your imperial majesty, this is the true Dragon
Seal. The very same Emperor’s Seal that has been lost for the past ten years.”

A very small seed of ancient hope grew, a hope he didn’t dare dream of until now. The Emperor immediately ordered
Hong Yan Su, “Find this Xu Long Hui immediately. Have him brought to me if he presents himself to the palace.” Hong
Yan Su bowed, “As you wish.” and left with a retinue of guards. The emperor he knelt and gently held his daughter’s hand,
“Child, tell me everything.”

It was night when Hua Er woke again. she sat up gingerly and realized that her leg felt much better. She looked around
and saw the doctor asleep next to her bed. She shook him.

Doctor Li mumbled “five more minutes teacher and then I’ll go up the mountain for the herbs.” Hua Er frowned and shook
him harder. He cracked open an eyelid, and froze. He had dozed off after seeing to her wounds. Now he realized he was
staring into the face of the same beautiful girl that had threatened to tear off his hand. He jumped up, hit his head on the
bed frame and fell onto the floor.

Hua Er stared at the bumbling idiot and wondered just in the world how he had saved her life. The door opened and a
young man entered and Hua Er drew out her knives and held it to the doctor’s neck. “where is the youth I came with. Tell
me the truth or I will kill this idiot.”

Xu Long Hu froze and said carefully, “I’ve taken the princess back to the palace.” Hua Er’s eyes narrowed, “How did you
know she was the princess. We were dressed as noblemen.”

Xu Long Hui smiled, “It’s been a long time Hua Er, don’t you remember me?”

Hua Er frowned, “No, except for when you rescued us, I’ve never seen you in my life.”

Xu Long Hui gazed into her eyes, “Think about my name. Long Hui.”

Doctor Li, seeing that this was a conversation that Long Hui wanted to have privately, got up carefully, “I’ll give you two
some privacy” and left quietly.

While she thought Xu Long Hui came closer, “I use to catch butterflies for you in the Jade Garden. You taught me how to
climb trees and play tricks on the maids. And sometimes we snuck into banquets to watch the knife throwers that you
loved.” Xu Long Hui reached into for a string around his neck. On a red chain held the finest white jade pendant carved
with two dragons encircling a midnight pearl. “Remember how you use to say this was the prettiest thing you ever saw?”

Hua Er felt the blood drain out of her face, her hand trembled and the dagger clattered to the floor. She felt as if the world
was getting smaller and bigger at the same time.

“But. That’s impossible. Impossible.” Her ragged breathe caught in her throat. “That amulet, it’s Crown Prince’s– I don’t

Xue Long Hui approached the bed and held out the pendant, “But you do. You know in your heart of hearts, who I am.”
Hua Er shook uncontrollably as she felt tears course down her cheeks. Over the years she had wished for a miracle like
this, it felt so surreal it would happen.

“You were dead. I saw you die. In the forest after the siege when i couldn’t save you. ” Hua Er felt like she was standing
in a windstorm, everything was in turmoil.

“But I didn’t, and I thought of you every day since then.” Xu Long Hui held Hua Er’s hand and placed the pendant into it,
“Look at me and deny who I am.”

Hua Er gazed at the intricate pendant, she remembered it better than she had known her own name. She looked into that
beautiful face again, really looked for the first time. The shape of his eyes, the straight nose, the elegant smile. There was
the ghost of the empress’s features in that face. It might have been ten years, but she knew him.

Hua Er was transfixed, she couldn’t look away and stared hungrily into his face. She had thought about him almost every
day, and now he was here again. Alive.

Hua Er brought up a shaking hand and Long Hui’s face to make sure it was real. “Am I dreaming?”

Long Hui caught her hand and pressed it to his cool lips. He pulled her in and hugged her, “I’m here.”

Hua Er felt his arms closer around her, his cool skin against hers, and lived in that moment. “I don’t know why you didn’t
come back after all these years, and maybe you’ll tell me later. But I’m just glad you’re back.”

She didn’t see the small cold smile flash across the icily beautiful face as Xu Long Hui replied, “I am too.”

The Palace

The Emperor stared out onto his kingdom, waiting for Hong Yan Su to return. The commander had sent word that he had
not located Xu Long Hui, and the Emperor had recalled him to the palace.

“Your Imperial Majesty, Commander Hong Yan Su and Captain Shan Ying Lang begs audience with you.” Eunuch Dan Yi
bowed. The Emperor turned and nodded. Hong Yan Su walk in and knelt.

“Yan Su and Ying Lang, rise.” The Emperor said, “tell me all you now about this Xu Long Hui.”

Hong Yan Su stood, “He joined the army three years ago, saying that he was a traveler from the Jiang Su province.”

“And what is he like as a person?” the Emperor inquired. Hong Yan Su and Shan Ying Lang exchanged a look, it wasn’t
like the Emperor to care about a single solider in his army.

“He…” Hong Yan Su hesitated.

“Give me your full report, I need to know the good and bad.” the Emperor ordered

Hong Yan Su frowned slightly as the thought about Long Hui, “He is a brave man, and has saved my life before. We are
battle brothers but I can’t help but think that he is a ruthless man. Not cruel, perhaps. But when he kills, he doesn’t
hesitate or show any kind of remorse.”

“I see.” Was the cryptic reply.

Hong Yan Su bowed gracefully, “If there is nothing more Your Imperial Majesty, we shall go and look for him.”

“One more question.” The Emperor picked up his brush and wrote three characters. He showed it to the two young men.

“Is this how you write his name?”

Shan Ying Lang nodded, “Yes, how did you know?” Hong Yan Su stepped on his feet, “Don’t ask questions.”

The Emperor was no longer looking at them. He waved his arm and they left his presence.

“What was that all about. Did he call us back just to ask about Long Hui’s name?” Ying Lang grumbled as they saddled his

“Long. Hui.” Hong Yan Su whispered to himself. Impossible. He thought. But if it was true, the answer to this mystery
might’ve been in Long Hui’s name all along.
Back in the palace the Emperor wrote the characters Long Hui again.

“Long” The character for Dragon. Only Emperors and Crown princes could call themselves dragons.

“Hui” the character for return.

Long Hui. The Crown Prince Returns.

Chapter 12: The Demoness in

His Heart
Chapter 12 – The Demoness In His Heart
(Hu Ge as Xu Long Hui)

The thousand firecracker string roared into life, as did hundreds of firecracker strings flared in joyful exuberance. Dragon
dancers waved and weaved through the streets as people cheered. The palace was brighter than the sun as gold
embossed orange red lanterns floated into the sky, carrying well wishes for the newly returned heir. The gates were
thrown open as people, dignitaries, and ambassadors from every country came to celebrate the return of the Crown
Prince of Dian.

Yu Zhu giggled in delight as she watched everything in the golden palanquin drawn through the large palace road, filled
with nobles and rich merchants. People bowed and cried, “Long live the Crown Prince who has come back!” As her
brother, Crown Prince Han Qin also known as Xu Long Hui road led the procession in full armor.

“Princess! Sit still.” Hua Er said as she held onto the little girl’s arm, she was dressed in her finest blue silk gown to match
her mistress, her hair pined prettily with jade and silver flowers, “I will punish you if you fall out and get trampled by the

“I just want to see my brother! He’s receiving his royal title today. I haven’t gotten to see him at all since he came into the
palace 3 months ago.” Yu Zhu shouted excitedly over the roar of the crowd, “It’s not every day a dead brother comes back
to life. Hua Er, what should I call him now?”

Hua Er, to Yu Zhu’s surprise, blushed, “I don’t know either.” She mumbled, “He told me to call him Long Hui. But that.. that
seems so…”

“So what?” Yu Zhu asked, curious. Hua Er shook her head, embarrassed.

The procession halted at the steps leading to the main palace. The new Crown Prince jumped off his horse elegantly and
came to Yu Zhu’s golden palanquin. He smiled and gave his hand to Yu Zhu, “Little sister, you have a brother who’s going
to make sure you’re safe now.” Yu Zhu beamed and took his hand. Once outside of the palanquin, she transformed from
the hyper young girl to a regal princess. In her silver and blue finery, she held her head high and lightly began to climb the
steps to the palace.

Xu Long Hui gave his hand to Hua Er who protested, “no, it is not prop–”

“Nonsense.” He said as he held out his hand, “Unless you need me to carry you off the palanquin like I carried you, all
those months ago, when you were injured?”
Hua Er blushed and gave him her hand. Long Hui smiled and held it tightly. Hua Er’s blush deepened as she stepped out
of the palanquin and saw that maids and eunuchs were staring at pair. She stepped away from him and hurried after her

Xu Long Hui at long last entered the throne room. The Emperor sat on the white dragon throne in full ceremonial robes of
gold and black. He beckoned his son to join him on the dais.

With Xu Long Hui by his side, the Emperor stood and addressed his ministers, “At long last, I have found the son that I
thought lost a long time ago. Since the siege, everyone thought that Crown Prince Han Qin was dead. But he has come
back, carrying with him the Dragon Seal. He came to me knowing details of the dead Crown Prince’s life that only the
Crown Prince would know. He has the birthmark only the dead Crown Prince has. And most importantly,” The emperor
paused and put an arm around his son, “He resembles my beloved Empress Xi Yang Yue. He will be a Crown Prince
again. Is there anyone who objects?” No one in the room made a sound at the challenge. Everyone knew of the
Emperor’s infamous temper.

The ministers all bowed, “Long live the Emperor! Long Live the Crown Prince!” Outside, the Eunuchs announced the
expected news to everyone and there was a roar of approval heard for miles as people celebrated the return of their lost


After the banquet.

The moon shone brightly as Yu Zhu and Hua Er traveled back to the Princess’s Pavilion. Hua Er yawned, exhausted by
the preparations and the banquet, but Yu Zhu was wide awake. She wanted to see her brother.

She waited until Hua Er blew out the lights to her room and making sure that her maids were asleep before she got up
again. Yu Zhu quietly slipped into her clothes, grabbed her gift for her new brother, and snuck out the window. The
shortcuts within the inner palace were familiar to her as she evaded the watchmen and guards, heading to the Crown
Prince Pavilion.

Yu Zhu eagerly crept towards Xu Long Hui’s sleeping quarters and frowned. There were no guards or maids standing in
attendance. She looked around, the entire sleeping quarters were entirely empty. My brother is really nice Yu Zhu thought
as she knocked quietly on the gilded red doors, he gave all the maids and soldiers a night off.
“Long Hui Gege!” She knocked softly, “It’s Yu Zhu, I have a present for you.” She didn’t hear an answer. She turn around
and listened. There were people talking in the garden. Yu Zhu felt a little mad, was her brother having a party without her?

Yu Zhu quietly made her way to the little garden. There. She spied two people, but couldn’t see who they were. The rocks
were hiding them from her view. She scrambled onto a large rock, and was about to shout ‘surprise’ when she suddenly
saw a sight that made her stifle a gasp.

Xu Long Hui was talking to a woman. No. not a woman. Yu Zhu realized, it was some strange creature that barely looked
human. The creature was as pale as the moon with blood red lips, waist length silver hair, and red eyes. She was floating
off the ground and translucent, as fragile looking as glass. There was a bright, glowing red string floating from her chest
into Long Hui’s chest.

“You’ve done very well, Long Hui.” She purred as she stroked his face, “Aren’t you glad I allowed you to come back and
become the crown prince? You would be, of course, if you could feel it.” Yu Zhu frowned, she didn’t understand what the
demon said.

“I only want revenge against those who took my rightful place and made me a slave to your every whim, Demoness.”
Long Hui spat out, his voice laden with hatred.
“Yes, I’ll just be happy for you.” the Demoness smiled viciously, “But do try and feel some happiness, you’re going to be
Emperor soon and inherit the throne.”

“I can’t feel that” Long Hui said dully, “You made sure of it, didn’t you?”

“Well now, don’t be such as child,” the demon cooed, “the deal was that I live in your heart so you can be kept alive. There
is no room for happiness or love now that I live there, isn’t it? And besides isn’t living with me much, much better?”

The demoness smiled triumphantly, making her even more eerie in the night, “And remember, if I die, I’ll make sure you
follow me. So both of us will end up in that nothing void only demons go to when they die, and I’ll be torturing you.
Forever.” She brought up her claws and caressed the red string that connected her to Xu Long Hui’s Heart. She tugged
hard on the string and Xu Long Hui screamed in pain. “So don’t try cutting this string.” She laughed as he crumpled to the
ground, gasping in pain. He was shaking as sweat poured down his head. He stood, gasping and wiped the blood from
his lips and nose, “I understand.” He said as he glared at the demoness in cold distain.

Yu Zhu tried to climb down quietly and run away, but slipped on a pebble. The sound was deafening in the still night.

“Who’s here.” The Demoness Screeched, the tips of her talons grew long and sharp. “Show yourself or die!” Then, the
Demoness and Xu Long Hui caught sight of Yu Zhu.

“You.” The Demoness said as she realized, “I know you. Little princess. I lost you once 10 years ago. How fortunate that
you come so willingly now”

The Demoness turned to Xu Long Hui. “No One is here. Kill her. Bring me her flesh. Do it and I will free you from me.” She
tugged lightly on the string and Xu Long Hui gasped in pain. “Do it!” She screamed. Xu Long Hui stood up and pulled out
his sword. He turned to Yu Zhu, “I’m sorry. Little Sister.”

(Zhou Xun as the Demoness)

Chapter 13: The Choice

Chapter 13 – The Choice
(Hu Ge as Xu Long Hui)

(Liu Shi Shi as Yu Zhu)

Yu Zhu shuffled backwards, her legs shaking as her eyes widdened with disbelief. Her brother the Crown Prince Xu
Long Hui, was pointing a glistening sword directly at her neck.

“Long Hui Gege…I” Words failed her as Yu Zhu felt the sharp cold rocks at her back. She was trapped. Long Hui’s brows
furrowed in pain, sweat dripped from his beautiful features onto the black silk robes. Behind him, floating like a translucent
shadow, was the demoness. She was cackling delightfully, “Hurry, my dear little Long Hui. How much longer do you want
to be my slave. To carry me in your heart, always?”

“No.” Xu Long Hui gritted his teeth and tightened his hand on his sword until his knuckles cracked. He turned around in a
fluid motion and grabbed the glowing red string that connected his heart to the Demoness. “If you threaten Yu Zhu, I will
cut this string.”

She hissed in anger, her fangs seemed to grow longer and longer, “You fool. I will torture you day and night. I will cause
you pain unending. I will–”

“You will die, if I cut this string. Disintegrate into ash. If I die now, you’ll never gain your true form. Is that what you want?”
Long Hui was breathing heavily but he held his sword straight and true.

The demoness’s chest heaved in anger, but as Long Hui’s sword got closer to the thread and she screamed in frustration
and dove into Long Hui’s chest, returning with the red string straight into his heart.
The sword clattered to the ground as Long Hui fell, slamming his knees on the ground. His tortured gasping filled the ice
cold air. Yu Zhu hesitantly reached out a hand.

“No!” he cried, “Stay… stay away. She’s still awake.” He looked up at her. Yu Zhu backed away involuntarily, Long Hui’s
eyes glowed blood red. “Run. Zhu Er. Run.”

Yu Zhu flew like the wind down the winding palace roads, tore through the garden of serenity and dove into her bed. She
shut her eyes as she huddled under the thick comforters breathing in the scent of gardenias of her room, “it’s all a dream,”
She whispered, her breathe warming her frozen lips, “it’s all a dream. Please, let it be a nightmare.” She clutched the silk
covers like they were a shield between her and the nameless nightmares she saw tonight.

Sunlight filtered like living gold through the silken windows. Hua Er opened the elegant redwood panel doors and gently
parted the chiffon drapes. She gentle patted the little girl, “Princess, your brother is here to see you.” Yu Zhu jerked
awake. Hua Er was startled and sat down next to the young girl, “Yu Zhu, did you have a bad dream?” She asked as she
wiped away the tears on the girl’s face. “Tell me, what’s wrong?”

Yu Zhu frowned as she sat up, “I dreamt that Long Hui had a demoness living in his heart. And it’s hurting him for fun.” Yu
Zhu’s eyes filled with tears, “I felt so bad that I couldn’t help him. But I ran away because I was scared.”

Hua Er hugged Yu Zhu, “Silly girl, you had a bad dream that’s all.” She smoothed down the girl’s locks, “Now, get
dressed, you said that you wanted to give your gift to Long Hui, but you didn’t get a chance. He’s here now and he wants
to talk to you.”

Yu Zhu smiled, reassured, “Okay.” She twirled on her bed and frowned, “I thought I put his gift on the table, I don’t see it.”
She shifted and looked for the silk bag that was lying on her dresser last night.

Hua Er smiled, “Never you mind, let’s get you dressed. The Crown Prince has to address the royal assembly today, he’s
taken this time especially for you” Yu Zhu jumped up and smiled as Hua Er held out her favorite light rose pink robe.

“Royal Gege! Royal Gege!” Yu Zhu yelled as she ran into her main pavillion. She halted once she saw him and took a
step back in fear. He was holding the gift that she wanted to give him. The silk gift she had dropped last night in the

No, that’s not possible she realized with horrible sinking feeling.
Long Hui looked around and spoke to the maids, “Please, I would like to speak to my sister alone.”

“No..no..” Yu Zhu whispered as the maids bowed and backed out of the elegant room quietly. She clutched Hua Er’s
hand. Hua Er smiled, “Don’t be shy, Princess, you’ve been waiting to speak to him for a long time. Get to know your
brother a little.” She said as she too bowed and left the room.

Yu Zhu turned around to face her brother, shaking violently as she realized that she was alone with him. The bright
morning seemed to fade, and the beautiful room felt ominous, even the gardenia scent felt stifling. Xu Long Hui looked at
her without an ounce of emotion on his face. He paced around and examined the delicate chiffon curtains and intricate
paintings. He touched the subtle flower arrangements before he spoke.

“You have every right to fear me, Zhu Er.” Xu Long Hui sat down and poured himself tea into a light green tea cup. He
smiled without humor. “I am every bit the monster that you imagine me to be.”

He touched his heart, “And yet, the Demoness in here is harmless during the day time, for now. She can only come out at
night. She is still too weak to control me completely.”
Yu Zhu cautiously examined her brother, he looked exhausted. The palace maids had gossiped about how beautiful the
crown prince was, with his ancient coal black eyes and imposing figure. Yet Yu Zhu realized that his fight with the
demoness was costing him a great deal of strength.

“Are you here to kill me?” Yu Zhu asked in a very small voice. She clutched her skirts, feeling for the little dagger she
always carried with her.

“No.” The Crown Prince replied, “I’m here to give you a choice.”

“What do you mean?” Yu Zhu asked.

“The demoness in my heart will gain strength in the next few years. Once she is strong enough, she will kill me and you.
We are the only living royal descendants of the Xi Yang tribe. We have magic in our blood that attracts immortals and
demons alike, it gives them power, prolongs their lives.”

Long Hui looked at Yu Zhu, “The Demoness saw you last night and know that you exist. She will not stop until she eats
your flesh.”

Yu Zhu wouldn’t have believed this if she hadn’t seen it herself last night, “But she hasn’t killed you. Why?”

Long Hui smiled bitterly, “She uses me to survive. And in return, I live too. There are costs of this…life, but there are
benefits too” Long Hui stared hard at his sister, “I have lived long enough with her to have access to her magic.”

“Magic?” Yu Zhu’s eyes widened, “What magic?” Every breathe Yu Zhu took seemed to be deeper and deeper, she felt as
if the ground under her feet was falling away from her.

Long Hui smiled, ” Every time she comes out to the world, I get to share her power. When she goes to sleep back in my
body, I still have access to that power but only for a little while. I have enough magic to send you to a safe place. Where
she can never reach you. I can save your life. If you promise me that you will never return.”

Yu Zhu shook her head furiously, “No! I have to stay here, I don’t want to go away. What will happen to Papa and Hua

“The Demoness doesn’t want them.” Long Hui shrugged, ” If you leave, I can protect them from her.”

“I can’t leave my home.” Yu Zhu felt angry tears fall down her face, there was a breathless sense of panic, ” I can’t leave
Papa and Hua er, I don’t want to go.”

“They won’t be harmed, once with you gone.” Long Hui remarked coldy, he looked at the girl with something like distain
“The Demoness is cunning, and I am not always able to stand up to her. And when she is strong enough to leave my
body, you will die. And she’ll do anything to get to you, including having me kill those you love.”

He was emotionless, as emotionless as the day he killed those assassins. ” If you stay, the Emperor will die. Hua Er, she
will die protecting you, your friends, your maids. Hong Yan Su will most certainly die. Without you here, everything will be
easier. Everyone will be safer. By staying here, you are signing their death warrants.”

“But they will be sad if I leave. Everyone I love will be sad”

Long Hui smiled cruelly, “You’ve been nothing but a burden the last few years. The Emperor has me now, he has no need
of you. Hua Er has been chasing you for years, she’s tired of you. As for the others, they all laugh behind your back for
being a silly little thing. Even your precious Hong Yan Su, he’s just humoring you because you were the heir to the throne.
You no longer have a place here. You are not wanted. Now that I am back”
It was everything Yu Zhu had feared, but never said aloud. The ghost of Shan Ying Lang laughing about her the night of
the festival all those months ago ran through her mind. She shook her head, “You’re lying. I don’t believe you.”

Long Hui spoke mercilessly, “Go and ask Hua Er. She’ll tell you if I’m lying or not.”

Long Hui stood up and straightened his robes, “You can decide whether to stay or go. I will give you until sunset to
decide, my powers will fade if we wait any longer. But know this, if you stay, you will be nothing but a burden.”

Yu Zhu glared at her brother, “No, they’re not going to die because of me! They don’t hate me! You’re lying! You evil
beast, I hate you. I wish you never returned” She couldn’t breathe, she needed to run. With a look of deep hatred at her
brother, she pushed the heavy doors open and leapt out, nearly blinded by the hot tears coursing down her face.

As she ran she heard him call to her, “Choose by by sunset.” She covered her ears and ran through the thousand
columned corridor.

Xu Long Hui looked at the disappearing figure of his sister. He wondered what it would be like to feel sadness. But but try
as he might, he was empty. There was no remorse, no sorrow.

All he knew was that he had to protect his sister, it was a promise he had given to his mother long ago.

He closed his eyes and sighed, “I’m doing this to save your life.”

Chapter 14: The Winter Pavillion

Chapter 14 – The Winter Pavilion

(Winter Pavilion)
(Tang Yang as Hua er)
“You’re Majesty, the princess’s maid is here.” Eunuch Dan Yi swept into a bow as he faced the Emperor who sat alone in
the Winter Pavilion of the Jade garden and Lily Ponds. It was the highest and coldest point of the Jade gardens, hidden by
giant maple trees, built on massive boulders dredged from the Northern Sea. The Emperor looked up, the steaming cup
of fragrant chrysanthemum tea in his cold fingers. “Let her up. Keep all the servants back from the Winter Pagoda.” He
said as he gazed into the garden below.

Hua Er slowly climbed the stone steps to the Winter Pavilion the wind blowing her long hair and tugging at her silk gown,
her legs feeling heavier and heavier with each step. She jerked forward in an angry bow to the emperor, “Your majesty.
I’ve just left Yu Zhu with Xu Long Hui.”

The Emperor looked at her sadly, “Come and sit, Hua Er.”

“I would not.” Hua Er said, her head still lowered, anger was radiating off of her in waves.

“Why?” The Emperor asked, even though he knew the answer. He turned and looked at the wondrous beauty of the vast
garden before him as he patiently waited for her answer.

“I do not want to sit with a father that will allow his daughter to think the entire palace hates her, just to force her to leave.”
Beneath the anger, Hua Er felt a wave of despair. “I do not want to sit with a father who will order me to lie to Yu Zhu and
make her think I hate her.”

“You forget that I am also an Emperor.” His voice though soft, could be heard above the murmurings of the red gold maple
trees, “You forget that I have to protect the last heir of this house.”

Hua Er finally straightened, tears glistening in her doe brown eyes. She clenched her flingers and felt her nails bite into
flesh, “Is there truly no other way?”

“If Yu Zhu stays within the palace, she will become a chess piece in the game between the Crown Prince and the Hong
family. She will die, just like the Empress did. The Crown Prince’s plan…we have to rely on it.”

“But to use magic to transport her, to rely on the powers of a Demon that lives in his heart. And then to fake her death.”
Hua Er felt a chill up her spine that had nothing to do with the cold autumn day. “Can we trust Long Hui, what if this was
his plan to take over the palace, all along?”

She too looked at the pond that the Emperor gazed at. The month she and Long Hui had returned to the palace after her
wounds healed , Long Hui had asked her and the Emperor hide in the Jade Garden. They looked down at him from this
very pagoda. In the dead of the night, they saw the Demoness crawl out of his chest. The Emperor nearly died of shock
there and then.

“I never wanted to be a Crown Prince.” Long Hui said calmly as he too climbed the stone steps. “I never wanted to come
back here, even when the Demoness tortured me night and day.”
Hua Er avoided his gaze. After he revealed what had happened to him in the forest after the siege, she could barely be
near him. It was all her fault that it ended like this. It was all her fault.

Long Hui bowed to his father, “I came back because I made a promise to the late Empress Xi Yang Yue to always look
after my sister.”

“You came into the palace with a demon in your heart. How do you propose to keep her safe when you bring danger to
her.” The Emperor looked as son with sorrow, he blamed himself for Long Hui’s curse as well.

“Three years ago, when I went into the army under Hong Yan Su, it was a way to keep the bloodthirsty demon in my
satisfied. She fed on the flesh of the dead, she was happy and left me alone. But in the army I realized Hong Yan Su’s
true intentions. He wants to be emperor with absolute power. That’s why the he sent assassins to kidnap Yu Zhu the
night of the festival.”

“I know.” The emperor said as he gripped his tea cup, “My spies told me that Hong Yan Su was the culprit. I just don’t
have the proof.” The delicate cup, unable to withstand the emperor’s grip. Shattered into a million pieces. The Emperor
looked surprised at the blood mixed with the thousand lily white shards.

Hua Er hurried forward with her handkerchief. He continued as he gripped the delicate cloth to stop the bleeding, “10
years ago, when I came back to reclaim the palace, I met a dying palace maid hidden in the Empress’s Pavilion. She told
me that she saw General Hong, Hong Yan Su’s father cut my wife down.” There was ancient grief that made his eyes
darker than the deepest cave, “but I didn’t have enough power to punish him. Now his spawn tries to take my child by

“He wanted to kidnap Yu Zhu to force your hand in the marriage.” Long Hui spoke plainly, “If I hadn’t come forward, I
would guess he would’ve poisoned you and declared himself Emperor as Yu Zhu’s husband.”

“But you’re here now. You’re the Crown prince, surely he wouldn’t try anything.” Hua Er tried to think things through, “You
can protect her.”

But it was the Emperor who interjected, “For how long will Long Hui be able to deflect Hong Yan Su and his father? They
have most of the military power and the backing of most of the court. Next to Long Hui, the only legitimate way to the
throne is through Yu Zhu. Hua Er, 10 years ago the Hong family used others to storm this palace. General Hong
pretended to be on our side, so he could appear blameless if the siege failed.” The emperor sighed, “When I die and if
Long Hui falls, Yu Zhu will be alone with the monsters that killed her family, how long do you think they’ll let her live?”

“The danger in this palace is immense. We have to make sure she never wants to come back because she will certain die
if she does. We have to make sure that there is not an ounce of longing for this place in her” Long Hui was the only one
out of the three who did not appear bothered by their plan. “It’s better that we fake her death and keep her safe. But it has
to by sunset today.”

The Emperor leaned toward Hua Er, his commanding presence was tempered by his beseeching look, “What I’m about to
ask of you is very difficult. Hua Er, please. I need you to play the next part perfectly. Convince Yu Zhu to hate this place,
lie if you have to. To keep her safe”

Hua Er gazed down at the pond covered with verdant lily pads and pink blossoming flowers bending perilously close to
the water with the wind. The pond was known as the drowning pond. So many hadn’t realized that beneath the vibrant
colors was immeasurable depth and danger.

She had been Yu Zhu’s sister and companion for ten years. She had been like a mother to the lost little girl. Never seeing
the smile on that bright face with incinerate her heart and leave her more broken than the shattered cup on the granite
But to keep Yu Zhu alive, healthy, happy and most important of all, safe. Hua Er would walk on coals.

Hua Er didn’t speak a word, as burning tears left trails of ice on her numb skin. She only nodded and silently walked away
from the windswept pavilion .

Chapter 15: The Princess in the Winds

(Hu Ge as Xu Long Hui) (Yuan

Hong as Hong Yan Su)
The footsteps echoed in the sparse and cold room. Sunlight barely filtered through the black curtained windows. Hong
Yan Su walked slowly and bowed in front a slumped figure sitting in an onyx chair carved with rolling black clouds. The
man in heavy black silk glared at Hong Yan Su while wheezing heavily. Hong Yan Su only bowed elegantly, “Father. I
hope you are well.”

The man said nothing but gasped for air as he gathered the strength to talk. Though the old General Hong was still a
powerfully built man, the dead Empress Xi Yan Yue had left a hole in his lungs and crippled him before he killed her. Now
he sat all day in the magnificent Ducal house the Emperor had gifted him for defending the palace during the siege,
directing his anger and bitterness at his oldest son.

“you..fool.” He gasped. “You were the one who stopped me from kidnapping…the little chit. Because of you…we have to
deal with a Crown Prince.”

Hong Yan Su straightened and looked at his father’s eyes without flinching. Most men would have cowered at the
thunderous rage, “I did not want to make the same mistakes as you.” The elegant Hong Yan Su barely raised his straight
black brows as looked down at the once great man.

General Hong’s face went pale with anger, there was derision in his eyes as he spat out, “you…dare….”

Hong Yan Su’s lip curled into a cruel smile, the derisiveness matching that of his fathers.” 10 years ago you tried to take
the throne and failed. I let your little plan go as far as to get to the Princess. But I wasn’t going to let you ruin my plans”

“You trusted…. the wrong person.” The rough voice was getting weaker as General Hong grasped the chair for support.

Hong Yan Su shrugged carelessly, “I miscalculated. I leaked the news to Long Hui because I knew he would defeat your
men.” Hong Yan Su did not looked bothered by the new complication, his eyes were alight with the challenge. Every thing
has become more interesting.
“What…were you planning?” The older man gasped, “If you had followed my plan, you would’ve been Emperor in a year.”

Hong Yan Su said nothing, his mouth a thin line with a hint of a mocking smile. The silent message hung over father and
son, both of them knew why he stopped his father from kidnapping Yu Zhu. If Hong Yan Su became Yu Zhu’s fiance now
and soon the Emperor, General Hong would be the true power. Hong Yan Su was waiting for his father to die.

Suddenly the old man began to laugh, it was more hoarse than the cawing of black crows and more feral than the
screams of dying wildebeests. Hong Yan Su waited patiently as the horrible sound died down, there was nothing but
boredom on his graceful features.

Finally the man asked him, “Perhaps…you…care for that little idiot. Don’t forget…when you become Emperor… that’s
when she dies too. I… I won’t let the daughter of the Empress Bitch Xi Yang Yue live long.”

For the first time, there was something other than condescension in Hong Yan Su’s eyes, his clenched hands hidden in
the wide sleeves of his grey robes. “She is of no consequence. Just a pawn, we need not pay attention to her.” Hong Yan
Su bowed, “I have to attend to the army, since you are not fit for duty. At least one man in this family should be
honorable.” There was ice in his eyes as he bowed and strode out of the room. It was only after he had walked out did he
unclench his fist. Drops of blood spattered on the cold stone path after his tall figure.


The Emperor sat, his head held in his hand as he read reports from the borders, for now at . He stopped and coughed.
Once it started it was impossible to stop. He covered his mouth with his hand, trying to stifle the relentless sound.
Wetness trickled down his fingers. He stared at the blood inching down his numb fingers and smiled bitterly.

A silk blue handkerchief floated in front of him. He turned and saw his son looking at him, there was no emotion on his
face. “You asked to see me.”

The Emperor wiped his hands, “I’ve fought decades on the battlefield. How sad it is that I would not die with my troops but
in this golden cage.” He looked at the smudges of red that remained on his fingers, “The doctors say I have a year left.”

Long Hui nodded, he had thought the Emperor had agreed too quickly to send Yu Zhu away. Now it became clear. The
Emperor grabbed his hand, “When you defeat the Hong family, will you bring her back. And tell her that I always have
cared for her?”

Long Hui felt nothing, but knelt. “Yes. Your Majesty.”

“No matter how long it takes. Bring her back. Ask her to forgive her useless father.” The Emperor’s eyes seemed to betray
the depth of feeling, even though his voice was calm.

Long Hui nodded, he avoided at his father’s eyes. He didn’t know how love felt since the Demoness lived in his heart, but
he understood what it looked like.

The Emperor let go and patted his son’s shoulder. “Has Hua Er gone to…”


The Emperor sighed, “Hua Er has gone through a lot for our family. Now we ask to complete a task akin to cutting into her
own heart.”

Yu Zhu slowly returned to her pavilion as the sun began its descent. She had cried her eyes out by the Serenity lake, but
now she wanted to talk to Hua Er. Her heart was in turmoil, a million tiny doubts like worms were crawling in her stomach.
She shuffled into the courtyard and heard peels of laughter. She didn’t know why, but she ran behind the giant peach tree,
her fingers dug into the ancient bark, her slim figure hidden behind the giant trunk.

Hua er walked into the yard with a few new maids who had just entered the palace a few weeks ago. They were new and
were eager to please the Head Maid who was also the Princess’ closest friend and caretaker. Hua Er smiled indulgently
as she instructed them, “Whatever you do, don’t anger the little Princess. She’s a spoiled little thing, it happens when
there is no one to compete for the Emperor’s love.”

One of the little maids nodded eagerly, “Of course, Big Sister. We’ll listen to you.”

Another one, more ambitious than the others, seeing her chance, “It must be so tiring, running after the little brat.”

Hua Er laughed maliciously, “I’ve been so tired of her, there were so many times I wanted to abandon her the night we
went out of the palace.”

The little maids eyes went huge as they nodded, one of them said in a hushed whisper, “That’s the night where you met
the Crown Prince?”

“He’s so dreamy,” Another one grinned conspiratorially, “Those eyes, those cheekbones that seemed to be made of jade.
His tall yet graceful figure.” The silly little maid asked Hua Er, “Big Sister is so pretty, you are sure to attract his attentions”

Hua Er sighed wistfully and shrugged , “I would, but I’m always running after the little brat. I wish she would disappear.
The Emperor and I would both be happier if the little Princess just went away.” She leaned closer to the maids and said in
a half whisper, ” He only wanted a son, and I just want to be free. But what can I do? I need the money” The little maids
giggled. One of them dared to ask, “Does that handsome Hong Yan Su really like the little princess?” She pranced
around, “I thought his taste would run a little more mature.”

Hua Er’s eyes were mocking, “Of course not! Hong Yan Su’s like everyone else who is nice to Yu Zhu. They just want to
court favor and power. No one really likes her.”

Yu Zhu’s heart broke into a million pieces as her blood froze. Never in her life had she experienced such pain. Every
doubt she had since Long Hui had returned to the palace, everything he had told her roared in her mind. It was as if her
emotions were stretched into taunt strings and Hua Er’s words were like knives that hacked away at her, one by one.

Hua Er, Hua Er. Yu Zhu wailed silently in the empty space that once was her heart. You promised to take care of me. You
made me pretty things and held my hand when I had to drink medicine. You brought me toys from outside the palace and
gave me pretty things. You said you would always love me. Was it all a lie? Yu Zhu felt a heavy stone drop from the sky
and into her stomach. She doubled over in pain as she gasped silently, there’s no one who wants me here. Not Hua Er.
Not Papa. Not anyone.

She felt a surge of anger. If no one wants me then I don’t want them either! She thought. No. I don’t want to feel these
things any more. I can’t. I….

Hua Er and the girls moved away. Yu Zhu stood by the peach tree, every muscle of her body quivering. Hua Er’s words
rang in her mind rang like temple bells in her head, cruelly, without ceasing.

Slowly she let go of the rough peach tree bark, turned and walked towards the Crown Prince’s pavilion.


The sun was just dipping into the horizon as Yu Zhu arrived. She turned and looked at the majestic beauty of the palace
before hardening her heart. She didn’t want to be here anymore. She didn’t want to feel hurt anymore.
When Long Hui saw his sister enter his pavilion, he briefly remembered the men he led into battle. Afterwards, they had
the same empty look in their eyes. As if someone had gone and scooped out their insides until nothing was left.

He stood and beckoned her. “Have you decided?”

Yu Zhu stood mutely, gazing into space as if the only thing she saw was darkness. She nodded once.

From the Prince’s hands rose blue ball of wind, it was hard to look at it for too long and left an inky shadow wherever it

“This will send you to a village. Once there, you are to give an old man named Gan Bei this. He will take care of you.”
Long Hui took off a jade pendant with dragons encircling a midnight pearl. Long Hui gazed into Yu Zhu’s eyes,
“Remember. You are to never return.”

Yu Zhu nodded. She took the pendant with shaking hands and fastened it around her neck.

“Goodbye.” The word was spoken coldly and without feeling, Long Hui barely looked at her. Yu Zhu opened her mouth, as
if about to say something but closed it as she closed her heart. Her eyes were dry. There were no more tears. She would
never let any more people hurt her like this again.

Long Hui lobbed the ball at her. It turned into a little whirlwind no bigger than Yu Zhu. It swallowed her whole and
disappeared. Long Hui turned and heard a muffled russle. He gently lifted a silk curtain and found Hua Er. One of her
hands were gripping the column for support while the other was stuffed into her mouth. Tears ran down her face like two
rivers. Her knees buckled and she toppled forward. She still made no sound, as if even the slightest cry would bring Yu
Zhu back and catch her in the act.

Long Hui caught her slender figure before she could fall. She gripped his cloud white robe and sobbed uncontrollably into
his chest. For a few moments, Long Hui remembered the when he last held a crying Hua Er. 10 years ago when they
were just children.

She was shaking. Long Hui did not know what to do. But all he had felt these years was the Demonesss’s only anger and
bitterness, the Demoness had swallowed all his feelings and only allowed him to feel hers terrible ones. He didn’t know,
didn’t remember what it was to feel sadness, love, or the warmth of human touch.

After a few moments. Hua Er gently left his embrace. But she gripped his hand, “Thank you. For letting me see her this
one last time.” She let go of his hand and stumbled away.

Long Hui frowned. Just like he did all those years ago, when he was a little boy and the little servant girl had left a smudge
on his hand. Just like back then, Long Hui looked down at his hand. Hua Er’s warmth had lingered on his skin. It was
impossible. His hand…felt.

Chapter 16: Battle Brothers

Chapter 16 – Battle Brothers
(Yuan Hong as Hong Yan Su)
The Princess’s Pavilion

By the time the news had gotten out of the princess’s death, the palace was covered in millions of white paper ghost
money. If anyone saw it, they would think a snowstorm had only engulfed the palace in the middle of october. The
plaintive wailing could be heard even in the city. The bone aching sounds piercing even the most hardened hearts. People
wept for the bright little princess who had been the jewel of their beloved Emperor’s eyes.

Inside the palace. The Emperor and Long Hui knelt on the cold wood floor in the crown princess pavilion, the body of Yu
Zhu lay in repose, shrouded by silk curtains and heavy incense smoke. Around them, Yu Zhu’s attendants silently wept for
their young princess who had gotten sick for a month and now lay dead. Hua Er sat beside the bed, the Emperor had
given her the honor to dress Yu Zhu for the funeral.

There was a shout outside. The Emperor and Long Hui turned around as the clash of metal on metal drowned out the
maid’s sobs. Long Hui quickly walked outside and closed the door.”

In the setting sun, Hong Yan Su alone fought twenty guards, a shimmering sword in his hand. His normal tidy hair had
loosened and flowed like black silk strands down his grey robes. His handsome face, normally as calm as a lake now had
a look of savage despair. There was fiery waves of denial in his eyes. Long Hui flew at him, a silver sword in his pale
hands. The two warriors circled each other. They often sparred together, fought side by side in battle, neither of them took
the first attack.

The Emperor did not want blood shed on the day of his daughter’s funeral, he walked to the doors and yanked so hard
that the delicate doors came off the hinges. He roared,”Who dares disturbs my time with my daughter? I will slice you into
a thousand pieces and scatter you to the wind!” Since Yu Zhu’s death, the Emperor felt he had aged twenty years.
Though in his heart he knew Yu Zhu wasn’t dead, there was nothing fake about the wild rage in his eyes or the grief in the
lines of his face.

Hong Yan Su, seeing the Emperor, threw down his sword and sank woodenly to the stone cold ground, “I heard that the
princess is…” He couldn’t bring himself to say the words, and tried again, “I have come to see the princess.”

The Emperor glared at the son of the man who had killed his empress. But there was nothing he could do. The world
knew that Hong Yan Su was Yu Zhu’s future husband, even if there had been no betrothal. It was why Long Hui could not
attack him just now. Hong Yan Su was the grieving husband to be, he couldn’t be touched.

“Yu Zhu has left us. You’ve accomplished nothing by coming here.” Hong Yan Su raised his head, “Your Imperial majesty,
I wish to only say my goodbyes.” and looked at the Emperor’s haggard face. The Emperor’s eyes glinted, his hand
twitched to his sword.Hong Yan Su’s eyes dared the emperor to make a wrong move, one wrong step and war would
break out. The Emperor sighed and chuckled bitterly. There was nothing to do but laugh into the cruel winds of fortune.

“Let him in, father.” Long Hui had silently approached the emperor, “Let him see that there is nothing left to be done.” The
Emperor said nothing, he waved a hand and strode out of the pavilion. “Do not overstay your welcome.” And with heavy
steps, he walked to the garden of serenity where he could remember Yu Zhu in peace.

The two young men stood in Yu Zhu’s garden. Paper money said to smooth the way for the dead swirled like falling
pedals around them. Hong Yan Su’s lips curled into a smile that was not a smile, “Battle brother, was it only a few weeks
ago that we drank to celebrate our victories?”

Long Hui said nothing, but gazed at Hong Yuan Su. Death came and went in the army as a part of life. Today’s drunken
wine could turn to tomorrow’s blood splattered on the battlefield, and the only thing a soldier knew was that even if the
world forgot him, his battle brothers would mourn his passing. Every soldier felt closer to battle brothers than their own
kin. Long Hui, Hong Yan Su, and Shan Ying Lang had been the closest of battle brothers.

Hong Yan Su stood up and walked the steps. His hands shook and he clenched his fists. Inside the room he gazed the
tiny figure enshrouded by the warm fire glow of the candles. Hua Er stood and move aside. She was shaking slightly and
looked at Long Hui. He nodded in assurance.

To make Yu Zhu’s death look natural. He had used magic to transform a peach branch into Yu Zhu’s likeness and had
copied Yu Zhu’s form perfectly. Upon breaking off from the tree, the peach branch Yu Zhu slowly died, and so they had a
body that looked at Yu Zhu.

Hua Er moved to Long Hui’s side. In the silence, Long Hui gently brushed his hand against hers. Hua Er looked up,
stunned. Long Hui said nothing. Ever since the demoness took over his heart he had been unable to feel other people’s
warmth. Hua Er was different. For just a brief eternity, Long Hui felt like a man who had been given a drop of water after
years in the desert.

“Yu Zhu” Hong Yan Su silently whispered, “I came to see you.” He gazed at her with indescribable emotions. He wanted
to take the delicate hand and hold it in his battle worn ones, but even now he dared not. Yu Zhu was the only person in
the world who had never expected anything, wanted anything from him. She had shined on him like a strand of sunlight in
the midst of a thunderstorm.

He stood suddenly, unable to bear the scent of gardenias in the room any longer. It was her flower, she wore it often in
her hair. He half walked, half ran through the door. Long Hui followed him out.

Hong Yan Su turned around and curtly nodded, “Thank you. Your imperial highness.” But his eyes spoke the truth. Before
his path to the throne had been fueled by ambition. Now there were other feelings that raged inside him. He would make
them all pay.

Long Hui looked after Hong Yan Su’s retreating shadow, and knew that they would never call each other battle brothers

Chapter 17: The Nowhere Town

Chapter 17 – The Nowhere Town
(Yang Rong as Lin Yu)
A jade green snake glid quietly along the banks of a sleepy creek, silently targeting a brown little rabbit that was too busy
eating grass to notice. The little jade snake coiled and sprang only to to have the rabbit turn around and aim a kick at it.
The little snake narrowly avoided the rabbit’s powerful kick, turned around and glared at it balefully before trying to slither
away. The rabbit shook its head.

“Lin Yu, you 900 year old little snake demon. Stop playing your tricks.” The snake puffed angrily and stuck it tongue out at
the rabbit. The rabbit barely concealed a glimmer of amusement in his eyes as he called after her, “As a thousand year
old rabbit spirit, I taste as good as the bark on a tree. ” The rabbit spoke like an older brother. Lin Yu’s snake eyes
narrowed in annoyance as she tried to slither farther away from the snake.

“Lin Yu, stay close, Grandfather said we have to wait here.” The snake turned around and before she could speak, a
whirlwind appeared on the bank, a girl in lilac silk floated gently to the ground.

The two stared at each other. The rabbit approached the sleeping girl and sniffed. His ears perked up and he said
seriously. “Be on guard here. I have to get grandfather.” With that he sprinted towards the direction of the town. The jade
snake slowly inched towards the girl. Lin Yu was curious, she had never seen a human before, she had grown up with
demons and spirits who taught her how to take human form. But here she was, a real live human. A human girl. Lin Yu felt
anxious excitement grow in her, she transformed into her human form and knelt beside the sleeping figure. She grabbed a
stem of a dandelion and started poking the girl.

Yu Zhu felt a gentle prick on her arm and opened her eyes. She stared at the star filled sky and stared at in wonder.
Having lived in the palace her whole life she’d never seen such blackness, nor such beauty. There was a soft jab on her
arm. Yu Zhu turned around and saw a stunning girl, about sixteen years old in light green robes studiously poking Yu
Zhu’s arm, her beauty reminded of Yu Zhu of a wild flower, unrestrained and carefree.

The girl’s eyes met Yu Zhus and Yu Zhu gasped. Instead of round black pupils, the girl’s eyes were slits, with bright yellow
pupils. Yu Zhu blinked and the girl’s eyes became normal, large almond eyes. This is a dream, Yu Zhu decided tiredly,
she couldn’t put enough effort to feel anything any more.

The beautiful girl smiled. Yu Zhu kept on staring. The girl put propped her head on one hand and said, “Are humans

Yu Zhu swallowed hard, “I don’t know, never tried it.” She answered honestly.

The girl leaned in, “My name is Lin Yu and I haven’t tried it either.”
“I don’t think you should start with me.” Yu Zhu muttered, her head spun and she leaned back onto the soft grass.


Yu Zhu’s lips curled into a sad smile, “I would probably taste very bitter.”

Lin Yu had been holding in her excitement and didn’t notice Yu Zhu’s melancholy, “Grandfather said that someone was
coming to live with us. I’ve never had a friend before. Elder Brother Tu Suo just nags at me all day and he doesn’t count.
So don’t worry, I would never eat you. I just wanted to make you laugh”

Yu Zhu didn’t answer. She was too exhausted and was asleep on the sweet grassy banks. She didn’t notice when two
figures , an elderly man and rabbit who transformed into a young man came up to Lin Yu. She didn’t wake up when the
young man gently lifted her up and carried her into the small thatched roof cottage on the edge of town.

Yu Zhu woke up on a bamboo leaves mat, something prickled her nose. A light green leaf danced above her nose. Yu
Zhu stared at it and realized that someone was tickling her. A pair of large almond eyes stared at her. The girl was very
pretty, with flowing black hair and a small pale face. Lin Yu smiled at her excitedly, “Oh good. you’re awake.” She hopped
up and down on the small bed and called out, “Grandfather. The guest woke up!”

An old man slowly walked in, leaning heavily on a walking stick, “You probably helped her” He sat beside Yu Zhu and felt
her pulse. Yu Zhu looked at him curiously, “Where am I?”

The old man smiled warmly at her, his round cheeks moved up on his white bearded face, “This is called Bu Hui Town.”

Yu Zhu looked around at the clean but sparse room, “I’ve never heard of it before.”

“You wouldn’t. It’s not really in the human realms.” Lin Yu piped up helpfully. “Only demons and animal spirits whose lived
long enough or are powerful enough to transform themselves into humans can live here.”

“All in due time.” The old man admonished to Lin Yu and spoke to Yu Zhu”Your brother asked us to take care of you. You
can live with us.”

Yu Zhu suddenly remembered why she was here and curled up into a ball. She mumbled thanks and tightly closed her
eyes. Lin Yu reached out a hand to prod Yu Zhu, she wanted Yu Zhu to play with her and tell her how humans lived. But
Grandfather stopped her with a shake of his head. “Let her be.”

Days passed on end and Yu Zhu did not seem to want to get up from bed. Lin Yu slowly realized that Yu Zhu was eating
less and less. Lin Yu was mad. All the good food that she had prepared for Yu Zhu was going to waste. Grandfather only
shook his head at her and told her to leave Yu Zhu be. Lin Yu couldn’t get mad at Yu Zhu, so she vented her anger on her
brother Tu Suo by trying to catch him and bit him a couple of times.

One still night, a sleepless Yu Zhu saw the bright moon outside and slowly walked to the courtyard. Was father and Hua
Er looking at the moon with her? She wondered. Her heart suddenly ached with pain she had buried deep inside of her.
But the tears would not come. In the span of a few days Yu Zhu had learned that tears could not rbing back the things that
she lost.

“When you are ready, find a place, child. A place you trust and let it go.” Grandfather had walked outside quietly, “You’ve
been hurt. It would not do to let the wound fester.” Yu Zhu stared at him mutely. Grandfather sighed as he looked at the
frail little girl in front of him. “There are groves of peach trees where people rarely visit, on the edge of the forests here.
Tell them what you can not share with us. Let the thing that is killing you go.” With that he walked back into the house. Yu
Zhu looked back at the moon and drank in the soft light. She too, walked back into the house.

“Yu Zhu! Yu Zhu!” Lin Yu called happily as she pulled the younger, silent girl along in the busy market, “I’m going to make
you spicy green beans tonight. So you have to eat it!” Yu Zhu felt like Lin Yu was going to pull her arm off but followed
silently. Lin Yu had enough of Yu Zhu’s moping and had dragged her out today. Lin Yu pushed and shoved demons in
people form away from them.

“This is a relatively small town compared to some of the other ones.” She called back to Yu Zhu carelessly. “It takes spirits
hundreds of years practice in magic to become demons and then hundreds of years of practice in magic for demons to
gather enough power to make a human form. And if you work hard for tens of thousands of years, you can become a god.
Unless you come from a powerful demonic lineage, it might shave off a couple hundred years.”

“Why become human?” Yu Zhu was curious. Lin Yu shrugged as she examined a big cabbages from a motherly woman,
“I think it’s because you’re closer to gods and yet still have so much freedom.” Lin Yu turned to the vegetable seller,
“Mother Hedgehog, how much for this cabbage?”

Yu Zhu looked around at the crowd. Though the people looked human, some were still a bit off. A tail waved lazily there,
bat ears on someone’s head there. Suddenly Yu Zhu spied a group of boys kicking something viciously in the ally. She
walked towards the sound of wails.

“You stupid little piece of filth!” The biggest boy aimed a kick at the a beggar boy’s stomach. “You touched my robe. My
mom just bought it for me today. I’m going to kill you.” He laughed viciously with the other well dressed little boys and
beckoned them to join him. He kicked the curled figure repeatedly with each word, “No. One. Will. Help. Yell. Louder. If.
You. Want!” The laughter reminded Yu Zhu of Hua Er and the maids in the garden so many months ago. Yu Zhu clapped
her hands over her ears but couldn’t drown out the sound.

Before she knew what she was doing, Yu Zhu had grabbed the the biggest boy’s topknot, whipped him around and
punched him in the face. He was unprepared for attack was knocked onto the ground, stunned.

Yu Zhu had trained with the best martial artists her father could find. A boy threw himself at her, she used her knuckles
and hit the boys pressure points. He went down gasping. Two boys came at her and grabbed her hair. She stomped on
one of the boys feet while punching the other one underneath the ribs. Both of them let go and she looked at the beggar
boy, “get out of here.” The boy scrambled away.

“Yu Zhu!” Lin Yu dropped her basket and grinned excitedly, “You know how to fight? Let’s play together!” And rushed into
the fray. She stuck fast and hard with punches that were barely visible to the eyes. The biggest boy stood up and roared
at them, “How dare you hit me. Don’t you know who I am?”

Yu Zhu didn’t know and didn’t care. Lin Yu rolled her eyes at the huffing boy, “this slob called Ho Lai Pa is the precious
son of the richest merchant in town.” She grinned at Yu Zhu, “Can you guess what kind of demon he is?” Yu Zhu looked
at him, “He looks like a pig.” The boys all glared at her, even the ones on the ground. Ho Lai Pai was breathless with rage
as Lin Yu’s laugher rang in the alley, “Exactly! He’s a pig demon’s son.” She stopped laughing and an evil glint appeared
in her eyes.

“I change my mind. Let’s have pork for dinner tonight.” Lin Yu sang happily as Ho Lai Pa and his boys charged at them.

Chapter 18 – The Lone Oak


Yu Zhu looked up to see an angry bunch of adults charging at them. She grabbed Lin Yu’s sleeve and pointed. Ho Pa
Lai’s grimy face lit up as he lifted his head, two large black eyes were starting to form. The rest of the boys lay in the alley,
moaning and sniffling. Ho Pa Lai gloated, “My family servants are coming, when they catch you they’re gonna sell to the
pleasure houses.”

Lin Yu glared at him before giving him a punch in the mouth, “They would have to dig your body out of the ground first.”
She grabbed Yu Zhu’s hand and said, “Run!” The two girls ran for their lives out the ally, a bunch of massive men chased
after them yelling for them to stop. Lin Yu laughed and mocked, “You must be as stupid as your master if you think we’re
going to stop running because you told us to!” Yu Zhu didn’t bother with talking, she was human and couldn’t run as fast
as Lin Yu, who, though looked like sixteen, was a jade snake demon with 900 years of magical power. They flew through
winding roads and ducked through markets. Yu Zhu felt her hand slip away from Lin Yu.

She was alone again, no one wanted her. The pit of hot fear licked her belly as she looked around the strange town. She
heard the angry men behind her and ran for the nearest gate she could find, she needed to get back to the little cottage.
They chased her outside of the town and into the peach groves. Yu Zhu twisted and slipped through the groves as men
blundered behind her. She kept running and saw the edge of a vast and dark forest. She ran until she couldn’t breathe
and felt her heart beat against her chest angrily.

The men halted as soon as they saw the little girl dive into the demon forests. One of the younger men tried to follow. The
leader grabbed him by the collar, “Leave the brat, she’s heading towards hallowed ground. No man, demon, or god has
ever walked out of there. Let’s go.”

Yu Zhu struggled in the loamy earth and fought against the gnarled branches, there was fear, excitement, addrenaline
rushing through her veins. For a brief moment the sadness that occupied her dissipated, as if expelled through her
labored breathing.

She ran until she could run no more. Just then, the trees thinned and she found herself at the edge of a little hill in the
middle of a grassy clearing. On top of the gentle hill was the most magnificent oak she had ever seen. The elegant
branches reached towards the heavens as with unabashed pride. Yu Zhu looked at the tree with silent admiration, the oak
was the king of the vast forest.

The sky was turning dark as the first stars winked into existence. Yu Zhu knew it was not wise to try and go back to the
town now. I’ll just rest under the tree for the night, Yu Zhu thought as she parted the long brown grass and trudged
towards the little hill. She sat down and leaned her head against the tree. A smile tugged at her lips and she started to
chuckle. Once the laughter started it was hard to stop. With the laughter came tears, Yu Zhu had been holding everything
in since she had arrived at the town.
She cried and cried, as if all the tears bottled up in her the last few months finally came out. Bitter droplets splashed on
the ground, on the tree, on her plain cotton cloths. When it stopped, Yu Zhu took a deep breath and tasted sweetness in
the air, she felt as if her mouth was no longer covered by a heavy cloth.

The tree waved, annoyed by her antics. Yu Zhu glared, her eyes still sparkling at the tree, “I’m only borrowing you for a
night, don’t be so stingy.” She said as if she was berating a naughty child. She sat up straighter and wiped her nose,
putting on her most royal air, “Besides, you should be grateful for my august presence.” An acorn dropped on her head
and Yu Zhu yelped in surprise. She glared at the tree, “Do that again, and I’ll make you into chopsticks!”

She smiled, even though she knew a tree was just a tree, she hadn’t talked like this for a long time. She settled down and
started talking in earnest. Yu Zhu may not trust another person in the world, but now she wanted to talk.

“When I was little I use to ask my father if trees were good listeners, he sighed and told me he wished his ministers were
half as good. You’ll have to listen because you can’t run away.” Yu Zhu cackled to her self. She began talking like she did
to Hua Er and Papa, rambling away in the clear darkeness. She felt as if someone had stopped stepping on her chest.
With an exhausted smile, she fell asleep against the great trunk of the tree.

As she slept, leaves began to gently flutter down until they covered the girl, keeping her warm throughout the night.

Yu Zhu was deep asleep when, from the depths of the tree, a young man who shone with the muted brightness of the
moon seemed to step out of the trunk. He was strangely handsome, with sharp grey eyes, straight nose, and a visage that
seemed to be bored of the world. There was an ethereal quality to him, as if his beauty came from the strength of his spirit
and his iron will rather than his looks. The glowing youth floated gently above the ground to the edge of the clearing. His
grey blue robes fluttered even in the breezeless night. Two night demons, guards of the clearing separated themselves
from the trees and knelt before the youth.

“Master, My Lord Wei Yun. We allowed her in because you said women and children were not to be harmed if they
entered this forest. We never thought she would be able to wake you from your slumber” Though the night creature had a
face the stuff of nightmares and one of the strongest demons in the world, in front of this careless youth, he was shaking
with fear.

The man waved a hand without saying anything, his stormy grey eyes seemed to say that nothing in this would could truly
perturb him. The two demons retreated quickly, glad to have been spared. The man floated down to the tall grass and
walked next to the sleeping girl. He waved his hand and more leaves covered her. In his long lifetime few shared secrets
with him, only the brave or the foolish. There was glimmer of curiosity in his eyes as he disappeared back into the oak.

Chapter 19: The God of Demons

(Wallace Huo as Wei Yun)
Yu Zhu woke up with with the fiery light of the sun peeking over the edge of the trees. She smiled, she hadn’t slept so
soundly for so long. She looked at the forest around her and realized that she couldn’t see past the vast wilderness and
find the village. Just then, an acorn flew up and hovered between her eyes. It pointed to the trees and floated towards the
woods again, it would lead her home She smiled and patted the tree, after all she was in the land of demons, it wasn’t so
strange if a tree had a little bit of magic. With that, she rose and followed the floating acorn. The leaves behind her shook

“Yu Zhu!” Lin Yu saw the diminutive girl walking on the path to the little cottage. “Where have you been? Grandfather,
brother and I have been searching! Yu Zhu palmed the little acorn and hid it in her sleeve, it seemed to grow warm in her

“I got lost.” She smiled and Lin Yu stopped running. She had never seen the girl smile so openly, it was a stunning smile
of someone who had stopped bearing the burden of the world on their shoulders. Grandfather saw Yu Zhu at the same
time and covered a smile with his hand. He told the two girls sternly, “Come to the courtyard.”

Thought Lin Yu looked like a sixteen year old girl, she quickly hid behind Yu Zhu’s back. “You go first.” She whispered.

Grandfather sat down and put his heavy cane on the bleached stone table. The two girls stood silently in the dusty
courtyard. A chicken clucked at them as if criticizing their behavior.

The old man looked at them and Yu Zhu looked down, she didn’t act befitting of her station as a princess. With a jolt, she
realized that she wasn’t a princess anymore. And she gave a boy a black eye and a broken nose. Not to mention a
hundred bruises. Maybe a broken hand.

“Why did you beat up the pig boy?” Grandfather’s tone was stern as he looked at Yu Zhu. Lin Yu opened her mouth but
Grandfather held up a hand to silence her.

Yu Zhu swallowed, “He was punching and kicking a beggar boy.”

Grandfather gazed at her, “The world is full of beggars, no one will miss one if they died. People look at them like bugs,
the rich and powerful see them as dust.”

Yu Zhu raised her head and glared at the old man, “I care.”

Her eyes lit with defiance. But no words came out. How could she tell them that the cruel laughter sounded like what she
heard in the garden where Hua Er said Yu Zhu was a burden no one would miss. She wanted to beat that sound away, to
protect others it as well? She clenched her fists. Tears sprang up and there was bitterness on the tip of her tongue.

Grandfather sighed sadly, “A kind heart is often the way to an early grave.”

Lin Yu grinned, “I just wanted to punch Ho Pai Lai.” She grabbed Yu Zhu’s hand, “But if you are going to punish Yu Zhu,
then you’ll have to punish me too.”

Grandfather looked at Yu Zhu for a long moment. “I can not, in all good conscience, let you run wild in a town full of
powerful demons without protection. You will start calling me Teacher tomorrow.”

Yu Zhu thought that she knew the basics of martial arts but soon learned that the old man’s knowledge was
incomprehensibly vast. After the old man dumped her on her butt six times, she bowed to him and called him Master.

She learned how to mediate and put her heart at peace. She relearned Qing Gong, of manipulating her qi to allow her to
jump great distances almost as if she was flying effortlessly. He taught her things that she thought she knew, but his
movements made her realize that martial art’s complexity relies on its seemingly simplistic movements.

Since her first time in the forest, Yu Zhu secretly went back often to her tree. She told the oak. “The first meeting is for
strangers, the second meeting means we are friends.” Though Yu Zhu liked Lin Yu, but she couldn’t bring herself to be
carefree as she once was. But the oak was a tree, it could not hurt her.

She cleaned leaves from the ground by the roots and pulled away the weeds, all the while talking to her silent listener.
“Today I learned how to pick pockets. Lin Yu and I are both getting so good at it that Grandfather thinks we’ll never get
married, because no one wants a thief for a wife.” Yu Zhu said as she drew shapes in the soft black soil. “I don’t ever want
to get married.” There was a hard glint in her eyes.

But then she smiled, “But Lin Yu does. She says that she wants to have a romance Niu Lang and Zhi Nu, passionate
enough to be remembered for the rest of history. Grandpa gave her only vegetables for dinner in punishment. He says
that story was a lesson for demons to heed, not an example to be followed.”

Yu Zhu shook her head, “Sometimes I think Lin Yu is dying to get out of this town and explore the human world. I just
don’t think she’s going to like it there. ” She was silent for a minute but then smiled brightly, “I feel like swimming.” With
that she took off her outer robes and ran into the crystal blue water. The tree rustled, as if standing guard over the girl.

During her town outings with Lin Yu she sometimes saw the bully Ho Pa Lai. Whenever they fought him, Yu Zhu often
came back to grandfather with a few bruises of her own. Once she came back, her arm was dangling in a strange
position, Ho Pa Lai’s family servants had broken it. That was when Grandfather began to teach her how care for her
wounds. As the months turned to years, Yu Zhu’s endurance grew and she learned to fight with swords and hand to hand
combat. With Lin Yu by her side, protecting her magically from any supernatural attacks the two girls became adept at
defeating Ho Pa Lai. Soon Yu Lin and Yu Zhu fought him and the town boys with ease, but they still could not defeat the

Once, Lin Yu saw the pretty piece of hanging off of Ho Pa Lai’s belt once and she grabbed it, wanting to keep it as a
trophy. Yu Zhu shook her head, “We shouldn’t steal.”

Lin Yu glanced back at the moaning Ho Pa Lai, his rich clothes now a nasty wad of wet silk in the muddy street and
pouted, “But Liu Li crystals are so pretty… just this piece? You know I wouldn’t steal it if it was on anyone else.” Lin Yu
begged with her large brown eyes at her closest friend. Yu Zhu shook her head, “No.” Lin Yu want sighed as was about to
drop it when Yu Zhu said, “Instead, Let’s pawn it and give the money to the poor.” Though Lin Yu really wanted the
crystal, she was happy as long as Ho Pa Lai suffered.

Form then on, Ho Pa Lai seemed to wear more and more Liu Li as if daring Lin Yu to take them, and once Lin Yu happily
took one piece, another seemed to take it’s place. Yu Zhu and Lin Yu often went to the pawn shop time after time. The
pawnshop keeper’s face kept turning paler and paler every time they came in.

Finally, on their seventh time to the pawn shop the storekeeper came out and dropped to his knees, wailing “Please, little
goddesses…little ancestors… I must owe some kind of previous debt to in my last life…please stop bring Master Ho’s
things to us. All we can do is to give it back to Master Ho’s family, we dare not sell it.”

Lin Yu’s face darkened, “Is Ho Pa Lai giving you trouble?” The shopkeepers’s face seemed to go from pale to snow white,
“No…no! we just don’t want to involve ourselves in this war you are waging against the richest merchant’s son.”

Lin Yu turned to Yu Zhu, confusion and laughter in her eyes, “I didn’t know we were in a war.”

“There they are! Stop them!” Yu ZHu and Lin Yu rolled their eyes, “it’s been four years, and they’re still yapping.”

“West gate?”

Yu Zhu smiled, “meet you there.”

Yu Zhu tossed the piece of precious crystal at the shocked pawn keeper and ran towards the opposite direction of Lin Yu.
She rushed through the market and tried to lose them. She looked back and saw the men screaming after her and cursed
underneath her breath. Yu Zhu headed for the forest.

The men slowed, unsure of what to do. “Follow her!” The leader roare, “She went in last time and she’s still alive. Go after
her you idiots!”. The tales are tens of thousands of years old, cursed grounds were probably tales to scare little demons.

Twenty men went after the sixteen year old girl. They ran after her with gusto and were soon catching up. But branches
seemed to get thicker, thorns seemed to get sharper until on off men uttered muffled cry. The leader turned around and
saw to his horror, that trees were grabbing his men left and right, quickly devouring them bite by bite. The wooden jagged
teeth torn into flesh as if tearing through paper, the soft slurping made his bones turn to jelly.

“Run.” The trees turned on him with their soulless stares and whispered. “Tell all the little demons to come only if they
want to be our food.” The leader’s felt cold panic trickle into his heart, he lost control and peed his pants. He ran for all he
was worth and stumbled out of the forest, too scared to make a sound.

A glowing man in grey blue robes watched impassively as the trees devoured the demons. He turned and strode back to
the clearing.

Yu Zhu didn’t see anything or hear anything. As soon as she had ran into the forest, the acorn around her neck broke
from the red chain she had held it with and flew in front of her, glowing sliver to light the way. She found herself in familiar
territory as she strode up the little hill. She took a step back. A glowing man seemed to be walking on air to her tree. She
frowned and blinked, the man disappeared. Curious, she looked around for the youth. After a moment, she cautiously
approached the tree and walked around. There was nobody. She shook her head, she must’ve just imagined it.

In the morning Yu Zhu opened her eyes and saw the sun peeking over the ridge. She sat up and drank in the quiet
brilliance of the little clearing. There was more beauty in this tiny place than the whole palace, she could be happy
here. She got up, the acorn floated above her. Yu Zhu smiled at her oak, “Grandfather made some wine last night, I’ll
bring it to you next time I come in thanks.”
Yu Zhu left the forest the with the help of her acorn and went back to the cottage at dawn. Lin Yu saw her walking the
dusty road and waved. Yu Zhu smiled and hid the acorn as Lin Yu ran up to her. “Where did you go? Grandpa said that
you could protect yourself now, so I don’t have to worry.” Yu Zhu shook her head.

Grandfather came to meet them. His smile slowly disappeared as he saw an oak leaf stuck in Yu Zhu’s hair. With a wave
of his hand, the leaf flew to his palm. He looked at it closely and his hand shook. Yu Zhu and Lin Yu looked at the old man
quizzically. He asked, “Did you go into the forest?” Lin Yu gasped and grabbed Yu Zhu’s elbow before checking her up
and down. She turned to grandfather, “Is she dead? Is she a ghost?”

The grandfather’s eyes grew ancient, he sighed as if under a great burden. “No, she is not.” Yu Zhu frowned, “Teacher,
What’s wrong?” Grandfather shook his head and sighed, “I can not stop you from going again. But do not think for a
minute that a beast can have a heart.”

Yu Zhu turned to Lin Yu, “I don’t understand.” Lin Yu scratched her head, “You’ve been here for four years, but we’ve
never told you the story about the forest have we?”

Yu Zhu shook her head, “No. No one mentions the forest.

Lin Yu hooked her arm with Yu Zhu’s as they strode through the weeping willows by the babbling creek, “When the world
began, the mother goddess Nu Wa created men out of yellow mud. Demons and beasts came from the belly of the earth,
intent on swallowing the new creations whole. The goddess was angered and a war began between the gods and demons
for earth. For thousands of years the rivers ran with blood, god, human, demon alike. Finally Nu Wa asked the Old God,
who creates the elixir of everlasting life for the gods in his eternal furnace, to find her the rarest coals of the earth.” Lin
Yu’s fingers moved and she drew water from the stream to form figures in the air, she used these to illustrate her story as
she went on, “the Old God complied and gave her a piece of coal mined from the ice caverns and a coal of the volcanic

“Nu Wa took the coals and placed into each, a piece of Pan Gu’s heart. Pan Gu was the one who separated the heavens
and hearth, the first creature who was not quite God nor Demon. From the coals she created two Gods more powerful
than even the Emperor of Heaven. The two brothers, Wei Yun and Wei Tian were created to end the war. Nu Wa gave
Wei Yun the Tai Shan sword, said to be forged with the metal of the cold moon . And Wei Tian received Hou Yi’s Bow, the
weapon used to shoot down 9 suns. They were princes among gods. It took them a hundred years, but they vanquished
the demons and brought peace to the realms.”

Lin Yu sat down and took of her socks, plunging her feet in the icy river. She motioned for Yu Zhu to sit. Yu Zhu frowned
as she followed suit, “I’ve heard the story of Nu Wa, but I’ve never heard about princes of gods.”

Lin Yu’s figures danced in the air as she explained to Yu Zhu, “That’s because humans were made to forget the history.
Wei Yun, wanting his brother’s bow, plotted to kill his brother and take it so he can be the sole ruler of heaven and earth.
They say that he came to this realm and freed the demons to lead them into battle against Wei Tian. But they were quickly
defeated and Wei Tian, being merciful, spared his brother. Wei Tian, used Pan Gu’s blood to bind him to the battlefield
where millions of soldiers died. Wei Tian turned the dead spirits into trees, forever trapping Wei Yun in the forest.” The
story finished Lin Yu let the water figures fall back into the small stream.

Lin Yu eyed Yu Zhu excitedly and whispered, “They say that Wei Tian is as handsome as the sun and Wei Yun is as
beautiful as the moon. Have you ever seen him, the God of Demon?”

In Yu Zhu’s mind, she saw a softly glowing man who strode into the giant oak.

She shook her head, “No.”

Chapter 20 – The Crow Man

(Zhu Zi Xiao as the Crow Man)

Yu Zhu couldn’t bring herself to go back to the oak tree after listening to Lin Yu’s story. For days she spoke little and ate
even less. Lin Yu was worried, but Grandfather only shook his head and told her to leave Yu Zhu alone. she looked as
lost as she did when she came to the cottage four years ago.

Slowly, Yu Zhu seemed to get better. Yet sometimes, Lin Yu caught Yu Zhu staring at the direction of the forrest. One
day, Yu Zhu looked out the window and realized that she hadn’t been back in the forest for half a year. On some nights
the acorn floated like an ethreal dragonfly around her room, trying to lead her to the forest. Yu Zhu threw it away in
annoyance, determined to forget about the glowing god in the forest.

Yu Zhu pushed herself into her martial arts studies, learned medicine, and fought against Ho Pa Lai whenever he tried to
bully the weak. On a lazy summer day, Lin Yu spied that Yu Zhu was staring at the forest again and decided to distract

Lin Yu hugged Yu Zhu’s arm, and realized that Yu Zhu had grown so much taller in the last four years and a half
years.”Yu Zhu, let’s go to the market. We can go see Wan Tu today.” Yu Zhu looked so lost for a moment, not
comprehending what the snake demon girl said.

But then it was as if a mask came back on and she smiled, “Yes. Let’s go. We can bring him some fresh buns” The two
girls chatted happily, Yu Zhu seemed to be back to normal in Lin Yu’s eyes. They walked into out of the cottage, through
the willows and into the the the busy market.

“Get your fresh vegetables here!” A ruddy young boy of thirteen or fourteen hollered at the top of his lungs, his monkey tail
waving happily over the crowd of demons, “Nightshade, watercress, and fresh demonsgrass from the sea!” He shook
flaming purple plants above his head as he smiled cheerily.

Lin Yu waved to Wan Tu and summersaulted across a sea of people and into his sparse little stall. “Wan Tu! we brought
you buns.” The young boy smiled as he saw the two girls. His smile widened as Yu Zhu held out two gigantic white buns
filled with savory meat. “We thought you’d be hungry.”

He eagerly grabbed them, “Yu Zhu, how is it you can read my mind like that. What kind of demon are you?”

Yu Zhu and Lin Yu exchanged a worried glance. Wan Tu was too busy to notice as he happily chomped on a bun.
Lin Yu took over and began yelling at people to come buy fresh lily buds and cattail roots. Yu Zhu sat with Wan Tu and
asked, “Has Ho Pa Lai given you any trouble?” Wan Tu picked at a piece of meat stuck in his teeth as he answered, “Not
since you gave him a black eye and wrote “dead pig” on his head with that near-permanent ink. With that trick, you
basically protected all of us poor folk from him. Of course, it also helped that after you and Lin Yu hung his lackies by their
feet over the town walls.”

Yu Zhu nodded, “Good.”

Wan Tu wiped his mouth on his sleeve, “You know, the first time you rescued me, I thought Ho Pa Lai would’ve killed you.
But it’s been four years and you’ve managed to make him suffer for every beating that he’s given to all of us beggar kids.
Half the town admire you, the other half think you’ll be spinsters the rest of your lives.”

Lin Yu turned around and corrected him, “You aren’t a beggar kid anymore, you’re a respectable young businessmen.”

Wan Tu snorted and nearly choked on his bun, “I’m a six hundred year old monkey demon who use to be a beggar and
now own a small vegetable stall that I practically live in on the open market. The only respectable thing about me is that I
don’t steal anymore.” He thought about it, “Well, less than you two troublemakers anyways.”

A commotion erupted in the market. Ho Pa Lai and ten of his lackeys walked by, pushing people out of Ho Pa Lai’s way.
They stopped by the plain little stall. Lin Yu’s eyes narrowed and Yu Zhu stood up.

“How much for these dirty vegetables that I wouldn’t even feed to donkeys?” Ho Pa Lai sneered as he tossed a cabbage
up and down with one hand. In the other, he was swinging a piece of gold and red liuli crystal, as if daring Lin Yu to take it.
Lin Yu’s hands itched but Yu Zhu put an arm around her shoulders.

Ho Pa Lai, like Lin Yu remained the same age as they were the day Yu Zhu had met him. Though he looked seventeen
on the outside, Yu Zhu knew he was a thousand year old pig demon with a temper. Yu Zhu’s eyes flashed angrily, “We
would rather give these vegetables to donkeys than sell to you.” Ho Pa Lai’s face seemed to go two shades darker as Lin
Yu laughed. Lin Yu added insult to the injury by holding her nose and said, “If you don’t want to get beaten. Go away.”

Ho Pa Lai said nothing as Lin Yu caught the vegetable from his grasp. His lackeys pulled him away, carefully avoiding the
two girls’s glares. Yu Zhu shook her head, “He’s getting annoying again.”

Wan Tu glanced at Yu Zhu, though her face showed no emotion, she seemed uncharacteristically angry. He didn’t want to
ask why. Yu Zhu and Lin Yu were not people you asked questions you don’t want to know the answers to. They were girls
like no other, they never did what people though girls should normally do nor did they care much what other people

Wan Tu thought of something else, “You know, with all the power he has in this town, I’ve never seen him go to his
parents about you two.”

Lin Yu was clueless, “huh?”

Wan Tu chucked, “He’s the son of the richest merchant, if he wanted, he could’ve burned down your hut and no one
would object.”

Lin Yu shrugged, “That’s because Grandpa is some sort of town elder or something. The Ho family wouldn’t dare.”

Wan Tu nodded, “Ho Pa Lai could’ve made your lives miserable in a million different ways but he’s never done it. Perhaps
he is afraid of your ancient grandfather.

Yu Zhu’s curiosity was piqued, “Lin Yu, how old is grandfather?”

Lin Yu smiled mischievously, “As old as the moon! I’m 900 years old or so and I think he’s ten times as old as that!”
Yu Zhu shook her head and smiled, “Have you always lived with him?”

The light in Lin Yu’s eyes seemed to dim, she shook her head slowly. “No…I once lived with my mother. But she asked
grandfather to take care me, because she had to go somewhere.”

Though Yu Zhu wanted to ask more, she could tell that Lin Yu didn’t want to talk about it.

Wan Tu broke the silence by asking, “Yu Zhu, what kind of demon are you?” Lin Yu and Yu Zhu looked at each other as
Wan Tu continued, “I only ask because, well four years ago when i was still a beggar, you seemed so little. But now
you’ve grown as tall as Lin Yu and you look older. I’ve never seen anyone age that quickly. And you don’t really smell like
any kind of demon I know. Usually I can tell, but with you, I’ve always been curious.”

“It’s magic.” Lin Yu blurted out, “She’s practicing aging magic because we’re preparing to go to the human realms soon.”
Yu Zhu said nothing, if anyone know that there was a human hiding amongst the demons, she would be dead.

Wan Tu’s eyes widened, “Really? the human realms? I heard they eat demons there. Why are you going there?”

Yu Zhu turned to Lin Yu and whispered, “Yes. Why are we going there?”

Lin Yu smiled, “Yu Zhu and I are tired of living here. Besides, all I’ve seen of the world is this small town. We want to see
the world.” Yu Zhu said nothing, after all that she now knew about the forest, she didn’t feel like staying here anymore.

The day was winding down, Yu Zhu and Lin Yu helped Wan Tu pack up. Lin Yu wanted to go see the new dancers
perform at the town square, so she told Wan Tu and Yu Zhu to leave without her, she would meet Yu Zhu back at the

Yu Zhu and Wan Tu went to the little house where the other beggar boys lived. They jumped up when they saw Yu Zhu,
bowing and hugging her. Trying to show her that they still remembered the manners she taught them last time.

“Auntie Yu Zhu!” The littlest one, Si Min who was a little half dog half fox demon grabbed Yu Zhu’s dress with his sooty
hands, Yu Zhu smiled and hugged him back. “how you’ve grown! Do you still remember the characters I taught you?” Si
Min nodded, his cherubic cheeks wobbling with eagerness to show off, “I can write my name!” Yu Zhu took out steamed
buns and there were howls and yips of ecstasy as Yu Zhu handed them out.

It was night when Wan Tu, piggybacking Si Min, walked Yu Zhu home. Si Min insisted on coming, even though his eyelids
started drooping the moment they walked out of their house. Yu Zhu smoothed the little boy’s hair as they walked slowly
by the stream, enjoying the night air.

“Steamed bun… steamed..” Si Min drooled as he. Wan Tu grimaced he held onto the little pup demon. “If he drools on this
robe, I’m going to make him into slippers.” He muttered quietly as he made sure the boy was comfortably sleeping on his

Yu Zhu smiled and patted Wan Tu’s shoulder, “You take good care of them, even if they aren’t family.”

Wan Tu cleared his throat and said gruffly, “You did the same. If it wasn’t for Lin Yu and you all those year ago, rescuing
me from Ho Pa Lai, these little kids wouldn’t have lived to see today.” Wan Tu blushed as he mumbled, “We all—-”

Yu Zhu grabbed the front of his robe and put one her finger to her lips. “Hush.” She whispered. The crickets had stopped
singing, in fact, every animal was dead silent. Yu Zhu looked around, there was nothing but the rush of wind and the
strange feeling that something bad was coming.

Wan Tu could feel it too, he felt a terrible pressure that seemed like someone was pressing their hands into his brain. Si
Min woke up with a howl, his eyes filling with tears, his hands on his ears.
“Hurts!” He whimpered. Yu Zhu looked at two demons, “What’s wrong?”

Wan Tu’s and Si Min’s eyes rolled into the back of their heads as Wan Tu’s knees buckled. Yu Zhu lunged to catch the
two when, without warning, the two demons were dragged into the air caught in the claws of a giant black crow that
materialized out of nowhere. Yu Zhu drew her sword and leapt, using her Qing Gong to reach the crow. She aimed for its
heart. The crow dodged and Yu Zhu recoiled quickly, careful not to harm Wan Tu and Si Min. The crow grinned and
turned into a man with gold eyes. His black clothes seemed like giant black wings, a stark contrast with his angular face.
Wan Tu and Simi floated behind him like two rag dolls.

Yu Zhu glared at him, “I don’t know why you are here, but those two have done you no harm, give them back to me.” She
gripped her sword, “Unless you want to become feathers in my pillow.”

The crow man laughed, and grabbed a handful of black feathers. He threw them and they transformed into darts in midair.
Yu Zhu deflected it easily but it caused her to drop several feet.

“Not bad.” The crow man observed, his voice taunting her, “But if you want to see them alive, you’ll have to do better.”

Yu Zhu’s eyes narrowed, “What quarrel do go have with you? The crow clan is one of the highest ruling families in the
demon realms, surely you have nothing to do with the poor and plain people like me.”

The crow demon said nothing. He took out a small dark object, tossed it into the air, and disappeared with the two
demons as suddenly as he had come.

Yu Zhu flew and caught the object before stepping back onto the ground again. She looked around frantically, but there
was nothing she could chase after.

She looked down and opened her hand. On her palm was a small, glowing acorn.

Chapter 21- Snake Bite

Yu Zhu ran back to the cottage, using qi to speed along her travel. She ran into the courtyard without acknowledging Lin
Yu. Yu Zhu ran into her room and grabbed her bow and arrow. She tucked three daggers into her belt and hung her
quiver full of arrows around her pale purple robe.
“Yu Zhu, what’s wrong?” Lin Yu asked as she ran up and grabbed Yu Zhu’s arm, her warm brown eyes filled with worry.
Yu Zhu shook her head, “I’ve lost something, I need to go into the forest.”

Lin Yu grabbed Yu Zhu, “You’re not serious.”

Yu Zhu looked at Lin Yu. “He has our friends. Or at least he sent someone to kidnap them.”

Lin Yu was more confused than ever, “Who? What are you talking about.”

Yu Zhu adjusted the sword on her belt, ” When we were coming back, a black crow demon attacked us. The crows the the
ruling demons of the Xin Meng kingdom, the kidnapper was powerful and he gave me something that’s Wei Yun’s. I’m
going to get them back.”

Lin Yu let go of her arm and sprinted into her room. Yu Zhu blinked as Lin Yu ran back outside, her sword in her hands.
“I’m going with you. Hurry, before grandfather and elder brother come back, they’ll try and stop us.” She threw on a jade
green robe with her favorite daggers hidden on the inside.

Yu Zhu opened her mouth to protest, but Lin Yu shook her head, “You are merely mortal. He is a god. I’m trying to
balance the scales. Trust me, when you go to war with a god, at least bring a demon.”

“I don’t want to get you killed.”

Lin Yu shrugged, “I don’t want to die either. But where you go, I go. We are sisters.”

There was a funny feeling of warmth in Yu Zhu’s chest as Lin Yu said that. Her eyes stung but she forced herself to calm
down as they leapt into the night.

If wandering demons looked up at the moon this night, they would see two slender figures flying though the air. One girl’s
shining black hair spread out around her unforgettable face like crows’ wings and glide like unspun black silk on her
purple robes. The other moved through the air like a green snake moved through water, graceful yet deadly. They
disappeared towards the forest as quickly as they appeared.

Yu Zhu and Lin Yu landed outside the forest, Lin Yu looked at Yu Zhu, “where do we go?”

Yu Zhu dug for the small acorn and threw the seed into the air, “Find your master.”

The seed glowed sliver and zoomed towards the clearing. Yu Zhu and Lin Yu chased after it.

The dark trees thinned as they got closer and closer, Yu Zhu could see the little clearing in the distance.

Suddenly, a black shadow zoomed and rammed into Lin Yu. She was thrown violently towards a giant ash tree. Lin Yu
flipped in the air and kicked off the bark, drawing her sword as she rushed at the shadow.

The shadow laughed and turned into a young man. His black robes contrasted with his pale face, his eyes flashing in the
moonlight. The handsome man drew his sword and metal clanged as they exchanged blows. Yu Zhu recognized him as
the kidnapper.

“You!” She yelled, “Where did you take them?” Yu Zhu grabbed a dagger and flicked at the crow man, he held up a hand
and it turned into a white feather.

“Pretty.” He laughed as he fought Lin Yu with one hand and waved his arm in the general direction of clearing, “I’ll keep
your friend occupied, you go and get those two kids.” Yu Zhu jumped into the air and unsheathed her sword, she couldn’t
just leave Lin Yu with a powerful crow demon. The Crow threw out an arm, Yu Zhu tried to bring up her shield but against
a full fledge demon, the magic a human could learn was laughable. Yu Zhu was thrown into soft earth, her breath knocked
from her lungs. Above her the two demons battled.
Lin Yu nearly screamed with anger as he chuckled, “I’ll give you this much, little snake, you’re even better than most
generals at my father’s court.”

Lin Yu’s eyes glinted with rage and recklessness as she grabbed the Crow Man’s sword. The jagged sword cut into her
flesh instantaneously as she pulled the surprised youth to her. She opened her mouth and unsheathed her fangs. Lin Yu
chomped down on his hand as he yelled in surprise. He brought down his hand to push her away, but she was already far
from him, his blood on her lips.

The man sank down to the ground, his eyes began to un-focus as he stared at the snake girl with disbelief. “You….little…”
He tried to talk but fell face first into a puddle of mud. Lin Yu laughed as she leapt down from the tree. She flew down to
Yu Zhu, “are you hurt?” She helped Yu Zhu to sit up, blood still dripping from her hand. Yu Zhu shook her head as she
cut bandages from her skirt for Lin Yu’s hand, “I realize that this is a fool’s errand. You should go home.”

Lin Yu was a hard person to anger, but now she glared at Yu Zhu and plopped down to face her. “Yes. You are fool if you
think I would leave you now.”

She winced as Yu Zhu poured medicine on the deep cuts, she continued to talk as Yu Zhu worked, “For the five hundred
years I’ve wished and wished to have a sister, someone I could trust with my secrets. No matter how hard you’ve pushed
me away all these years, do you know how happy I was just being near you? You never hurt me, never hated me, or
found me disgusting. All the other kids called my mother a human loving whore, they laughed at my family, their parents
used my mother and my aunt as examples of what happens to demons when…” Lin Yu stopped talking, there was a
horrified look in her eyes as she realized she had said too much.

Lin Yu stood up and walked towards the clearing, “You always ignored the talk, and for that I’ll follow you where ever you
go. Let’s find that god.”

Yu Zhu felt a little stunned, she got up and walked with Lin Yu into the clearing. Beneath the oak tree was Wan Tu and Si
Min, they waved to the girls. No one else was in sight. Lin Yu looked as Yu Zhu approached the boys. Si Min ran towards
her, his eyes full of happiness. He hugged her legs and yelled, “Yu Zhu! I like…tree!” Wan Tu ran up next to her, “The
crow..thing dropped us here and told us to stay put.”

Yu Zhu was confused, “Did you see anyone else?” The two of them shook their heads.

Si Min smiled, “The tree gave me acorns!” he opened his hand and in it were acorns that shone like the moon.

Lin Yu ran to them. “My poison won’t keep a crow demon asleep for long. Let’s leave.”

A glowing acorn flew to the little group. Yu Zhu frown as she looked at the oak. It rustled gently in the wind. She hardened
her heart and turned away, “Let’s go.”


Huang Wu sat up in the forest and found himself half blind. He touched his face and his pristine fingers sank into thick
black mud. He growled and spat out, “Stupid little snake. I’m going to make you into a belt.” He nearly died with anger as
mud dripped into his mouth as he spoke.

Huang Wu got up and winced as he moved his right hand. As a prince of the ruling family, he’s never suffered such
indignity. He trudged into the clearing.

“You know, you are some some kind of idiot!” He yelled at the giant oak as he wiped the dirt from his black robes, wincing
as it smudged on his hand. “I practically bring the girl to your door and you don’t even have the decency to acknowledge
my troubles and talk to her. You know you want to.”
The tree said nothing. Lu Huang Wu’s scowl turned into a smirk. “You’re angry that I went behind your back, aren’t you?
That I did all of this without telling you?”

Still, nothing.

Huang Wu barked a laugh and continued, “I even tried separating her friend so you can have some alone time. And I got
this” He held up his hand with a swollen bite mark, “I’m the prince of one of the most powerful demon kingdoms on earth.
A little snake marked me. Marked me!”

Huang Wu sighed and tried to wipe the last remaining bit of mud from his face, “Wei Yun, I did this for your own good. The
last time you left that tree was ten thousand years ago. And that was to save my father’s kingdom. We owe you, that’s
why I’m the guardian of this grove. And as your closest friend, I say that you need to meet that girl. In your actual form”

An echoing voice came from the tree, there was a hint of annoyance in its voice, “Don’t help me, little prince.”

Huang Wu smiled, “God, when it comes to women, you can hardly blame me for trying to help. You are a bit…how do I
say…out of touch. Granted at least you talk to me sometimes, but I’m hardly what you call practice material. And I only
come every five hundred years.”

There was no reply. Lu Huang Wu felt a little foolish.

Huang Wu waited until he became impatient, he jumped into the air as he called back. “Fine, this isn’t over.” With that he
flew away.

Chapter 22 – A Proposal

(Liu Shi Shi as Yu Zhu)

(Yang Rong as Lin Yu)
Yu Zhu and Lin Yu knelt in the garden, holding their swords above their heads. Though their arms were sore, neither of
them complained. They had held their swords since the sun was high in the sky and now the sun was sinking into the
green valley. Grandfather hobbled into the dusty yard, and elder brother Tu Suo came in as well. Grandfather sat down
and looked at the two girls, their faces were red with perspiration, both of them stubbornly remained silent. Lin Yu’s hand
bled down her arm sluggishly, she bit her lips to stop from crying. Even though grandfather said if they apologized and
promised to never go back to the forest, they could put down the swords, Lin Yu and Yu Zhu refused.

Grandfather sighed, “Put down the swords.”

For a moment the girls looked at him, slowly, they arms lowered. The swords clattered to the ground as their numb arms
fell to their sides. Tu Suo ran to Lin Yu’s side and began to dress her wound.

Grandfather’s hands curled around his gnarled stick, “What you did was dangerous. Even if you do not acknowledge you
were wrong, I would like you to promise me that you will never go back.”

Lin Yu looked at Yu Zhu, who swallowed, “Our friends were kidnapped. I would go again without thinking twice.”

Silence hung between the girl and the old man. He sighed and said, “No, next time this happens, you come to me. I will

Lin Yu’s eyebrows shot up in surprise, “But grandfather… you’re so old. The crow demon we met was really powerful,
what if he tears you to pieces?”

The old man decided not to take offense to the girl’s words, he looked into Yu Zhu’s eyes. “Promise me that you come to
me before you do something so foolish again.” There was iron and ancient strength in his eyes. Yu Zhu finally nodded.

“Good. Now, go get some rest. Tomorrow you both are to go into town and get some mugwort for Lin Yu’s wounds” The
girls got up slowly, wincing and hobbled off their rooms.

“You punished them severely.” Tu Suo said as he helped grandfather up. The old man leaned heavily on the young rabbit
demon as he replied, “I wanted them to be more cautious. Soon their journey will begin and I will not be able to protect
them. Their lives will be hard and they need to be strong.”

Tu Suo looked at the old man curiously, “If you can know the future, why not change it?”

The old man smiled sadly, “You can not change the course of the winds no matter how hard you try. The more I keep
them from their destinies, the more harm I will bring them. I would rather teach them how to survive, than to shelter them
from every challenge.”

Tu Suo shook his head, “Lin Yu has already had a very hard life. I hope whatever the future holds for her, she will have
some happiness.”
Grandfather motioned Tu Suo to help him to his room, ” A long, long, time ago, I wished the same thing for Lin Yu’s
mother, but fate is cruel.” Master and disciple went inside as the night sank into silent reverie.


“Stop running!” Ho Pa Lai hollered after two girls in green and purple robes. The girls zoomed down the grey cobblestones
and wooden houses, Ho Pa Lai and his friends chasing after them.

“Why do you and your men keep saying that? Can you be even more stupid than you look?” Lin Yu yelled back as she
jumped onto the roof of a stall. “I didn’t think that was so possible since you’re already an ugly pig demon!”

Yu Zhu made a motion with her hands as they headed into a dark alley. Five of Ho Pa Lai’s lackeys ran into it without
thinking. A gaggle of little beggars held ropes one either side of the alleyway pulled a long thin string. The boys tripped
and went down with a sickening crunch. Yu Zhu smiled and motioned for the little beggar boys to disappear, she would
give them steamed buns after.

“You would think that they would stop and see this as a trap, we’ve been running circles around them for five years.” Lin
Yu murmured as Ho Pa Lai and his five remaining lackeys hopped over their fallen comrades to get to the girls.

“You overestimate their intelligence.” Yu Zhu muttered back. She looked up and saw beggar kids smile at them on
rooftops, in their hands were pails filled with dung. At Yu Zhu’s command, they would drop it on Ho Pa Lai.

“I…said…stop…” Ho Pa Lai huffed and puffed as he got closer, “I.. need to tell Lin Yu something.”

The girls looked at each other as Ho Pa Lai’s lackeys looked at their big boss in surprise. Usually when he talked to the
Lin Yu or Yu Zhu it was “I’m going to kill you!” or “I’ll sell you to the pleasure houses if I catch you”, occasionally it was to
beg the girls to “don’t punch me in the face I can’t lose any more teeth, just punch the gut!” He’s never asked to talk to

Ho Pa Lai’s face seemed to go from red to purple to white as he brought his hands together. He looked at Lin Yu and took
the piece of Liu Li jade on his belt off. He raised it in his hand as if offering it to her. “Do you like it? I had the master
craftsman in town make it, I hoped that when you beat me up next time you would like it enough to take it.” He paused
and swallowed, “You seemed to only take Liu li and none of the other decorations I wear. So I made this one especially
for you. But I couldn’t wait.”

Lin Yu was speechless. She looked at Yu Zhu as if saying, what the hell is he doing right now. Yu Zhu shook her head.
She didn’t know either.
Ho Pa Lai scuffed a silk shod foot on the pavement and took a deep breath, “If you accept it, then think of it as a
gift…from your future husband.” He continued before the stunned audience, “I don’t even care that you’re the daughter of
the Green Snake. And when you’re married to me, no one will dare talk about you mother or your aunt in the whole town. I
can erase all of the shame your mother brought to your name.”

No one spoke at the moment. The lackeys looked at their leader as if he had gone insane. Yu Zhu’s mouth dropped open.
Lin Yu went cold, her eyes seemed to be glaring daggers at Ho Pa Lai as she said quietly, “Shame?”

Ho Pa Lai had never really learned how to read women, he didn’t understand that he was on dangerously thin ice, he
nodded, “Well, it’s common knowledge that your aunt was imprisoned by the gods for drowning an entire city for her
human lover. Your mother’s no better. That’s why the gods punished them isn’t it?”

He smiled at her indulgently, as if he was some savior coming to rescue her from her sordid family history, “Of course,
you’ll have to be a my main concubine, since your family can’t match mine.” He looked at Yu Zhu and said, “Yu Zhu,
you’re quite pretty, you can be a side concubine and serve me too.” He scratched his head, as if he thought of a problem,
“I wish you could be a wife. But I can’t imagine my family agreeing for someone like to you to such an important position.
What do you say?”

Lin Yu couldn’t take any more and ran at him.

Ho Pa Lai’s eyes brightened, he thought this was Lin Yu was coming to kiss him. He smiled and opened his arms as if in
welcome. He didn’t even see her fast punch to his nose until he felt the bone crack. Blood spurted from his nose in two
thick streams.

Lin Yu had put all her rage into that punch and Ho Pa Lai went flying.Yu Zhu followed with a kick to his gut. Ho Pa Lai
tried to grab something for support. His hand fell on Yu Zhu’s belt sash. Yu Zhu didn’t feel her pendant falling out, it was
the dragon jade with the midnight pearl that Xu Long Hui had given to Yu Zhu long ago.

No one seemed to notice, they were too focused on the two girls beating the life out of the pig demon boy.

A young lackey was about to run and help his leader when someone grabbed his collar. Another lackey shook his head,
“Let the young master suffer a bit. If they can’t teach him the stupidity of his ways, then no one will. This marriage idea
needs to be nipped in the bud one way or another. Do you think Ho Pai Lai’s mother would ever let snake scum into the
house?” With that Ho Pa Lai’s lackeys melted into the background, simply making sure that the two girls didn’t kill their
idiot master.

Finally, the beating stopped and Lin Yu pressed a boot on the side of Ho Pa Lai’s face. She said it quietly, but everyone
could hear her, “Ho Pa Lai, listen to me well. Because this is only time I talk to you. The next time I see you, I will kill you
and make pork porridge out of you.” Her voice was clear and cold. “I will never marry someone like you, even if the gods
ordain it. I would rather burn in the pits of hell” She pressed down with her boot, he squirmed as she continued, “My
mother and my aunt were good people and if the gods punished them for their sins, I am not the bearer of that burden.
You ever mention my mother’s name again, and I will end you.”

She took her boot off and walked away. Yu Zhu walked out of the alley and signaled the beggar boys. As the lackeys ran
towards their leader, pails of manure and excrement fell on them, covering them with days old filth. Yu Zhu smiled as the
howls of rage followed after them.


In the dark forest.

Wei Yun awoke, his heart pounded and there was dread in his mind. He spread his power to the town and frowned.
Something was not right. When he realized what it was, there was fear in his heart. For the first time in two hundred
thousand years, he felt an emotion that he had long since thought he’d forgotten.The girl who had come to tell him stories
and made him forget his isolated existence was going to be in danger. He needed to leave the forest and find her.

For the second time in ten thousand years, a silver figure more majestic than the moon stepped out of the ancient oak.
Wei Yun leapt into the air, heading towards the little cottage where she lived.

Chapter 23 – Wei Yun

(Wallace Huo as Wei Yun)
Yu Zhu didn’t know what to say as she followed Lin Yu out of the city. Lin Yu was too furious to notice that people turned
their heads to follow them as they walked out of the town. Claws and fangs slide out of the human disguises as the
demons sensed that something, someone human was in their midst.

Yu Zhu put a hand on Lin Yu’s shoulder as they walked on the fine dirt path to their cottage. Lin Yu turned around and
hugged Yu Zhu. She howled in great gasps as Yu Zhu patted her back. Lin Yu usually brushed insults about her mother
as like flies, but it was Ho Pa Lai’s insults that was the feather that broke the camel’s back. Yu Zhu resolved to go back
and punch him more when she got the chance.

Suddenly, Lin Yu sniffed Yu Zhu and yanked her back her eyes troubles, she sniffed Yu Zhu again and frowned.

“What wrong?” Yu Zhu asked as Lin Yu.

“You.” Lin Yu frowned, “you smell…” her eyes widened and her face lost its color. “Human. And if I smell it. Everyone will
smell it.” Lin Yu grabbed Yu Zhu’s hand. “We have to get to the cottage. Grandfather will know what to do”

Yu Zhu felt around her sash and her heart dropped into her stomach, “The pendant. I must’ve dropped it when we were
fighting.” She tried to go back, but Lin Yu was much stronger, “There’s not much time. Demons will be after you!”

She halted. Three figures in grey stood between them and road to the cottage. Two of them were faceless while the other,
a woman, spoke for the three.

“How is it, brothers dear, that we find someone who smells like a feast in this wayward town.” One of them hissed. “She
smells of gods and humans, we will gain thousands of years of power if we eat her flesh and suck her marrow.”

Lin Yu and Yu Zhu drew their swords, but one of the grey figures shot out a hand. Grey silk webs flew through the sky and
tore the girls’ swords out of their hands.

The demons laughed, “A human and a demon snake barely 900 years old wants to fight us? We are ten thousand years
older than you” Yu Zhu wanted to cover her ears from that sound but she forced herself to remain calm.

“What? No words? Are you little girls too scared to look frightened?” Spier legs grew out of the demons’ bodies as they
dropped the ground and began crawling towards their prey. “We will make this quick, I will tear you apart for my brothers
and me.”
Lin Yu gathered her magic threw it at them, but the grey things blew it away like clouds.

Lin Yu shielded Yu Zhu with her body and muttered, “I can hold them off. Run.” Yu Zhu shook her head, “No, I’m not
leaving without you.”

One of the grey things sprang, only to be bitten in half mid jump by the pincers of a six foot centipede. “Mine…” the shiny
red centipede hissed, one of the grey spiders came to bite off a chunk of the centipede’s body.

Yu Zhu and Lin Yu backed away quickly as more beasts roared and circled them. Yu Zhu and Lin Yu were surrounded by
demons of all shapes and sizes their red eyes gleaming as they calculated their chances of eating the human girl. Wolf
demons howled, boar demons grunted, giant spiders, centipedes, cockroaches salivated over the two girls in the circle.
There was nowhere to run.

Yu Zhu and Lin Yu drew their daggers and threw them at their closest targets. The daggers were useless against metal
claws and ivory fangs. Yu Zhu took out her last dagger and threw it at the demon running at Lin Yu. It rolled sides ways to
avoid it.

Yu Zhu barely had time to smile before being thrown onto the ground by a giant black wolf demon, its claws had ripped
into her clothes and tore the flesh on her shoulder. Yu Zhu bit her lip from crying from the pain out as she quickly rolled
away from the claws. Lin Yu tried to help but a spider had grabbed her with silk webs, she struggled helplessly.

The wolf leapt again. And all Yu Zhu could think of was to try and grab its jaws to keep it from snapping her neck. But
there was no impact.

She opened her eyes and to her greatest surprise, the wolf demon had disappeared in mid-air, the only thing left was
smoldering ash. Silence followed, as other demons looked at the spot where the wolf demon had been.

A breeze blew through the air. To Yu Zhu it reminded her of the gentle breeze that kept her cool as she slept under the
oak tree, full of green scents and softness. Lin Yu felt the binds loosen and she freed herself, she ran and held Yu Zhu’s
hand, she looked around, as confused as Yu Zhu

To the circling demons, the breeze felt like a thousand blades tore into their flesh, skinning away each layer of their bodies
as relentless as a fiery sandstorm in the desert. There was barely enough time to howl in pain until each demon was
stripped away, not even a drop of blood left to mark where they stood. It happened in a blink of an eye, Yu Zhu and Lin Yu
were the only ones left in the road.

A figure walked to them, in the daylight he was as pale as a moon in sunlight. Everything about him seemed to suggest
that he wasn’t of this era, from his midnight hair and storm grey eyes, to his ink black brows and elegantly carved face. Lin
Yu forgot to breathe, she had never seem a man so beautiful that it hurt to look at him.

The man knelt down by Yu Zhu and Lin Yu, “Let me help her.” Lin Yu wanted to say no, but one look at Yu Zhu and it was
clear that if the wound was not seen immediately, Yu Zhu would die.

The man did not wait for Lin Yu’s answer, and instead gently held Yu Zhu in his arms. Yu Zhu felt was if she was leaning
on her oak tree, breathing in the green scent. She closed her eyes. The man took a silver grass from his pocket and
chewed it, he took the grass and gently applied it to Yu Zhu’s wounds.

To Lin Yu’s amazement, the bleeding stopped and the flesh closed. There was barely scars where the claw marks were.
After a moment, Yu Zhu opened her eyes, the pain in her shoulder was gone. She looked at her clothes and at the man
had her in her arms. She felt his cool palm holding her hands, her heart thundered like a heard of galloping deer. She
realized that her bare skin was exposed and quickly got up. Her face felt hot.

The man smiled, he unfastened his silvery cloak with his elegant fingers and handed it to Yu Zhu. She took it silently.
“I will take you home.” He inclined his head to the girls in graceful acknowledgement, “The demons will not come after
you, with me to see to your safety.”

Yu Zhu frowned, there was something familiar about him, the way he held himself, the way he walked, her eyes widened
as she realized where she had seen him before.

“You, you’re Wei Yun”. She asked before she could stop herself. He looked at her, though his face was expressionless,
there was a hint of surprised pleasure in his eyes. He nodded.

Lin Yu gasped and threw herself between her and Yu Zhu, “Follow the most evil thing around? You’re probably trying to
take us to a quiet spot so you can snack on us.”

Wei Yun looked at Yu Zhu, “I would never harm you.” Yu Zhu didn’t know why, but she knew that he would never lie to
her, it was as implicit as knowing how to breathe. She squeezed Lin Yu’s hand, “I trust him. If he wanted to do me harm,
he would have done so all those times I went to visit his tree.”

Wei Yun said nothing, but his body relaxed just a little bit, as if he had been holding some sort of worry in his heart, but
after hearing those words, that worry lessened. He inclined his head and walked in front of the girls.

Yu Zhu and Lin Yu followed, “I need that pendant. Grandfather told me long ago, it’s what masks my human-ness, and
confuses the demons. I must’ve lost it during our alley fight.”

Lin Yu nodded, “Once night falls, Elder Brother and I will sneak into the city. I’ll find it.”

They arrived at the cottage. Wei Yu stopped at the edge of the bamboo gates. Suddenly, he raised his arm, Lin Yu and
Yu Zhu felt Wei Yun’s magical shield raised in front of them.

Grandfather had come out of the cottage his face a thunderous expression. He struck his staff into the ground and giant
blocks of granite flew at Wei Yun. Wei Yu waved his arm and the boulders broke into fine dust. Grandfather motioned the
river and water came like iron ribbons aiming to spear Wei Yun through the heart.

Wei Yun jumped into the air twisted so that the water followed his body. He clapped and the water ribbons collected into a
ball in the palm of his hand.

“Old General,” Wei Yun called, “Perhaps this is not the time to revisit our battles”

“Lord Wei Yun, you belong in the forest.” Grandfather was pale from exhaustion but his voice was clear, “You should not
have left.”

“Your ward in in danger, she has lost her protection.” Wei Yun explain, still floating in the air.

“She is not of your concern.” The old man said coldly, “She is not Mei Yan. Do not mistake her from someone else.”

Wei Yun came down onto the ground, “But she is a human in the realm of demons. If you want to keep her safe, you need
my help. Your power has weakened at great deal over the last century, and I am strong.”

The old man said nothing, he glared at the youthful god. “Until we find her protection, you may stay here.” He waved to
the girls to get them inside. Wei Yu walked to the girls and took down the shield.

Lin Yun pulled Yu Zhu into the house. Yu Zhu gazed at Wei Yun, and he looked at her until she disappeared inside.

Grandfather glared at Wei Yu, “You can stay as near as you like. But, you may not take one step into this house.” And
slammed the door.
Chapter 24 – The Snow and the Rabbit

(Wallace Huo as Wei Yun) ( Liu Shi Shi as Yu Zhu)

“You’re staring out the window again”

Yu Zhu jumped and looked around, Lin Yu cradled her head in her hands looked at Yu Zhu, her eyes were golden slits.
Whenever Lin Yu was at home, she preferred to have her true eyes and sometime went by her true form.

Yu Zhu turned away, “Was not.”

“Was too. You’ve been staring since that Wei Yun came yesterday. You’re a terrible liar.”

Yu Zhu blinked rapidly, “I was staring because it looked like rain”

Lin Yu’s snake tongue flicked out, she rolled her eyes as Yu Zhu busied herself with cooking watercress and tofu.
Grandfather walked in, his face was pale as Lin Yu jumped up to help him to the table. Yu Zhu poured him a daffodil tea
into a brown ceramic mug. He took a deep sip, his hand shaking. The magic had worn him out.

“Is he still outside?”

Grandfather looked at her sternly, “That is not of your concern. You care too much for someone you should forget” Yu Zhu
opened her mouth to argue but Lin Yu threw her a warning look.

Lin Yu distracted Grandfather, “Did elder brother Tu Suo come home yet? Has he found Yu Zhu’s pendant?”

“No, he’s searching carefully. We’ll find it soon enough”

Lin Yu frowned, “I should go help him.”

Grandfather patted her hand, “You were seen with Yu Zhu, half the town knows that you’re with a human, it is too
dangerous now.”
Yu Zhu felt a shiver, “If half the town knows, I can’t stay here anymore.”

Grandfather looked out the window, where Wei Yun stood, “We will cross that river when we get there.”


It was midday when Grandfather took his nap. Lin Yu silently motioned Yu Zhu, “He’s asleep. Go.”

Yu Zhu sneaked over the roof. Though Grandfather had put protection spells on the doors to make sure nothing gets in or
out without him knowing, Lin Yu saw that he had forgot a side of the wall. Yu Zhu landed on the green grassy bank
silently. A hand shot out and steadied her. She looked into Wei Yun’s face. Her face darkened and she yanked her arm
out of his hold. He looked worried. Yu Zhu brought out her sword, “You have a lot to answer for” Wei Yun’s stormy eyes
showed no signs of fear as she brought down her sword. He didn’t duck or parry her blow. Instead the sword bit into his
shoulder, blood welled from the deep cut.

Yu Zhu yanked her sword away, stunned at his refusal to move. “You idiot.” She fumed as she ran to him, her hands on
the cut trying to stop the bleeding. To her amazement, the cut was already healed, the blood on her hands disappeared.

Stupid, she cursed inwardly, he was a god, it would take an immortal’s sword to truly wound him. As she was about to
take her hand away, he gently covered it with his, not believing that she could care about him. Yu Zhu looked up into his
eyes, as he murmured, “I’m sorry.”

Yu Zhu didn’t know what to do now. She wanted to ask him so many questions, but they all felt like they were stuck in her
chest. She gently moved out of his grasp and stomped downt to the small stream. He followed silently behind her.

Both of them said nothing, she didn’t know what to ask and he wasn’t quite sure how to began.

Yu Zhu remembered something and dug into her pocket, “I wanted to give this back to you.” She took out the faintly
glowing acorn. Wei Yun shook his head, “Keep it. It helps me to know that you are safe.”

Yu Zhu remembered that she had the acorn on her when she lost her pendant, “Is that how you knew I was in danger?”

He nodded, she turned to look at him. He was a vision of majestic perfection, and yet he there he sat, his crisp grey
clothes crumpled into the dirt. She wanted to laugh and ask if he had ever been so undignified before. Instead, she blurted
out, “I talked to you for four years. Why did you never say anything back?” She blushed, she hadn’t come to fight but she
needed to know.

“I…didn’t want to add to your pain. You were already so wary of people, you would only run away if you knew I was the
oak.” He said haltingly as if he didn’t know if his words would anger her or not. Yu Zhu wanted to smile, it was so strange
to see a God look so unsure. He was encouraged by the light in her eyes, “Originally I let you into the clearing to keep you
safe for the spirits in the forest, it was safer by the tree than anywhere else. Though i command all the spirits, I can not
see what they do all the time.”

“So why did you let me back all these years?” She asked. He told her as if he was remember something, “When I was
very very young, a few good friends of mine use to talk to me incessantly, their talk was was so much sometimes
that I had to stuff my ears with fabric. But it was so very long ago. You reminded me of them.”

Yu Zhu felt heat creep into her cheeks and looked away. For a moment, she tried to use her magic to raise a drop of
water from the stream. The water wobbled but did not rise. Wei Yun hid a smile as he saw Yu Zhu frown, her eyes
sharpened in concentration. A pale hand with slim fingers caught a hold of hers. Wei Yun held her hand, his eyes
seemed to glow with contentment as Yu Zhu did not pull her hand from his. His cool fingers gently guided hers, “Water
magic is by far the most advanced form of magic, even for demons. I am surprised that the old general has taught you
She felt the gently fabric of his arm touch her thin purple robe, she tried to concentrate on the magic he was showing her.

The magic of a God compared to that of a human was like comparing the sun to a torch. He raised her hand, and
thousands of droplets rose into the air stretching above the stream as far as the eye could see. Wei Yun closed hand over
hers and the droplets froze into ice and started to circle above their heads. Yu Zhu looked at him as his fingers uncurled
around hers. The ice droplets started dancing in the air, smashing into each other. Snow fell onto the ground above the
two. Yu Zhu laughed in delight, Wei Yun silently shared in her joy.

She opened her mouth, there were so many questions she wanted to ask. But a bell run inside the cottage. Yu Zhu hastily
got up, “You have to teach me how to do that tomorrow. Wait for me!” She waved happily and ran back to the cottage.

Wei Yun rose slowly, he looked at her disappearing back and remembered the girl who asked him to do the same eons
ago, and whispered, “Always.”


Tu Suo walked down the path, he sighed, after promising grandfather he’d find the pendant, he returned empty handed. A
black shape cawed at him from the sky and turned into a man in black robes. He landed in front of Tu Suo.

“Little rabbit demon, do you live in the cottage down the road?” the arrogant man demanded, his face full of contempt for
Tu Suo. Hwang Wu looked at Tu Suo, who seemed to be the same age and height as he, though dressed in much
plainer, peasant’s clothing. Tu Suo raised an eye brow. The young man tried to grab Tu Suo by the shirt front. Tu Suo
easily parried the blow with his hand and instead flipped out of Huang Wu’s grasp.

“Learn some manners, Little Crow.” Tu Suo taunted. Huang Wu was enraged, it seemed that everyone who lived in that
cottage went out of their way to kick him around. He unsheathed his claws.

“Huang Wu”, A voice called out, Wei Yun stood in the middle of the road.”Don’t be rude.”

Huang Wu’s eye brows shot up and for a moment stared dumbly at silvery man in front of him. Wei Yun ignored the
gaping youth and went to Tu Suo. He inclined his head, “I am sorry for the disrespect this young prince has showed you.
He does not know who you are.”

Wei Yun looked at the young Crow prince sternly, “Go home, Huang Wu. You have no business here.” Huang Wu glared
at Wei Yun, but he did not dare disobey a god. He jumped into the air and vanished.

Tu Suo watched the powerful crow demon depart and remarked, “I didn’t think anyone would care about who I am, not
that it’s anything important. ”

Wei Yun had a half smile on his face, “I would hardly call the last living descendant of the Jade Rabbit unimportant. You
are a prince in your own right”

Tu Suo shrugged, “I am just a tiny seed of a once great family. Our dynasty fell thousands of years ago, my family tree
has long disintegrated to ash. Now the Crows are the kings of the bird demons, the Tigers and Ox families have split the
Jade Rabbit’s kingdom into two, they have hunted my family into extinction. I am all that is left.”

“Not everyone is happy with the rule of the Ox or Tiger demons. Your dynasty may be over, but there are plenty of
powerful demons who would like to see the Jade Rabbit’s descendants rule again.” Wei Yun looked at Tu Suo carefully,
“Isn’t that why you’ve hid yourself so well for the past ten thousand years? Isn’t that why you and the old general live on
the edge of the forest I reside? I have something you want.”

Tu Suo said nothing, he wasn’t surprised that Wei Yun knew his intentions. After all, the last time the demon world broke
into chaos, Wei Yun had been the center of it. Tu Suo was surprised that Wei Yun knew Tu Suo’s age. To the normal
demon, Tu Suo seemed like a thousand years old little rabbit, but his true age and strength was far greater.
Wei Yu looked into the sky, the pale moon shone faintly in the day. It was a rare sight. He told Tu Suo, “I met your
ancestress once, before she was banished with Lady Chang’e to the glacial palace of the moon.” Wei Yun said as he
gestured Tu Suo to walk with him to the cottage. Wei Yu raised his hand, a sword, as white as the moon appeared in his
grasp, “The Jade Rabbit forged the Tai Shan sword so I may fight against the greatest powers of this earth. It holds the
strength of a hundred thousand warriors” He handed the sword to Tu Suo.

In Tu Suo’s hand, the Tai Shan sword sang like wind chimes and glowed with increasing intensity. Wei Yun smiled “You
could do great things with this sword, if you wished. Perhaps even reclaim the kingdom your family lost, ten thousand
years ago.”

“I thought I would have to pry this from your cold, dead, hands, once I became powerful enough to enter the forest” Tu
Suo remarked, his dark eyes on the god as he mused, “My ancestress once asked you to protect her family, and yet you
were the one who helped to destroy her kingdom.” Wei Yun smiled bitterly, “I made a deal with the gods, and your family
paid the price.”

Tu Suo swung the sword to Wei Yun’s neck, “This is an immortal’s swords, it will kill gods and demons alike. Tell me why I
shouldn’t kill you, God of Demons?”

Wei Yun had no fear, even as the blade pressed into his neck, ” The people who forced my hand in destroying your
family’s kingdom, those are the same people who would hurt the people I care about, if they knew I had such people in my
life. I plan to make the first move. We have common enemies” Tu Suo didn’t know if he could believe him, much less trust
him, but Wei Yun was a powerful god, he was more useful alive than dead. Tu Suo lowered the sword, there was deep
hatred in his heart, but he needed Wei Yun.

They came to the gate of the cottage, Tu Suo smiled crookedly, “This could very well throw this realm into
turmoil, perhaps other realms as well.”

Wei Yun didn’t seem bothered by the thought, “I am merely returning a possession to it’s rightful owner.”

“And will you help that owner, if he choses to shake the earth? The gods won’t be happy if the demon realms fall into
chaos again.”

“I will keep my promise to the Jade Rabbit.” Wei Yun’s eyes turned into ice, “The gods once used me to their ends and I
lost everything. This time, should anyone choose to interfere in my affairs, they will bleed. ”

Chapter 25 – The Royal Crow

*(Zhu Zhi Xiao as Huang Wu) *(Luo Jin as Tu Suo) *(Yang Rong as Lin Yu)

*These are the people who I would like to play the character of the novel.
Tu Suo walked in and Lin Yu attacked him. She ran into him headlong, he caught her and swung her around, just like he
always did whenever she did this, even when they were children.

Lin Yu laughed, “I’m 900 hundred years old now, a full grown demon, stop!” Tu Suo smiled, his eyes twinkling, “when you
stop trying to attack me, i’ll stop throwing you into the air.”

Lin Yu grinned, “Ge ge, did you find the pendant?” Tu Suo shook his head, “No. I’ll keep looking tomorrow.” Lin Yu’s grin
dropped, she looked at Yu Zhu, her eyes worried, “I’ll go with you.”

Tu Suo tweaked her nose, “There you go, thinking of others before you worry about yourself.” He kept his arm around her
shoulder, “Lin Yu, it’s too dangerous right now for you to go outside now. You have to stay in, be good and listen to me.”
She looked like she wanted to argue.

Grandfather hobbled out of the room, “Tu Suo, come in here.”

Tuo Suo walked into the sparse little room. The old man leaned on his cane, he could sense the power coursing in Tu
Suo, “what do you plan now, your majesty?”

Tu Suo showed him his arm. the silver outline of the sword stretched from his shoulder to hand. “We have what we came
for. I planned to build alliances with other Zodiac houses. Some of them are still loyal to the Jade Rabbit. With Wei Yun by
my side, the other half of the Zodiac will think twice before going against me.”

Grandfather looked to where Yu Zhu and Lin Yu sat, “What about the two girls.”

Tu Suo looked surprised, “They stay here. I will not risk Lin Yu in my wars.”

Grandfather did not look convinced, “you and I both know that Yu Zhu and Lin Yu were meant for great things. Keeping
them here, while You and I go cavorting off to unite the demon kingdom. Does this seem wise?”

Tu Suo didn’t know the answer. He had known Lin Yu since she was just six hundred years old, grew up with her,
guarded her and protected her. He cared for her more than anything in the world. “I can’t involve her in this war. Half the
demon realm hates her Aunt and the other half hates her mother, if I take her, imagine the danger we put her through.”
He looked at the old man, “You should stay here with them, this might be a fatal journey.”

Grandfather glared at the young man, “I fought besides the Jade Rabbit in the wars between Gods and Demons. I
watched and protected more than ten emperors of our kingdom, before your birth. It is I who took you from your cradle to
escape the fall of our kingdom. I will be by your side until I become ash.”

Tu Suo bent his head his eyes bright as he contemplated the old man’s sacrafice to keep the Jade Rabbit’s last hope
alive. He thought of something, “Did you know Wei Yun before he was banished to the demon realms?”

The old man took a long sigh, “Yes. A long time ago, I was young. Just a soldier in the Jade Rabbit’s guard.”

“you blame him, for what happened to the Jade Rabbit and the 7th Princess ?” Tu Suo asked The old man looked at Yu
Zhu out in the courtyard and answered softly, “In a way, we are all to blame for their fates.”

Tu Suo wanted to ask for the truth of what had happened all those hundreds of thousands years ago, but he could tell that
Grandfather was never going to tell it. Time could not heal all wounds.

Suddenly, outside the cottage, someone hollered, “LIN YU IF YOU WANT THIS PENDANT, GET OUT HERE. TODAY IS

Tu Suo’s strode outside to see Lin Yu’s face was entirely red she looked as if she was about to charge outside. He
grabbed her arm, “Stay here with Yu Zhu. I’ll go first.” He walked out. Ho Pa Lai had Yu Zhu’s jade dragon pendant
dangling in his hands, there was a smirk on his face. Behind him, thirty of his cronies carrying swords, knives and clubs
jeered at Tu Suo.

Tu Suo bowed courteously to Ho Pa Lai, “Young Master Ho seems to be in a good mood this morning.”

Ho Pa Lai looked at Tu Suo as if he was filth on earth, “I’m talking to Lin Yu. Get out of my way.”

Ho Pa Lai grinned, there was a gleeful glint in his eyes, as he called to Yu Zhu, “I know you dropped this, if you want it
back, get Lin Yu to marry me. If you’re good, you can be my bride too. I promise I won’t eat you” He thought about how Yu
Zhu smelled as a human, “Unless of course, Lin Yu allows it.”

Tu Suo was still coldy polite, “Lin Yu is busy at the moment, however, if you wish, you can leave the pendant with me.”
The tone of his voice made the request seem more of a demand.

Ho Pa Lai sneered at Tu Suo, “Get out of my way. I’m taking Lin Yu from this place. My men outnumber you thirty to one.”

“I’m going to kill him.” Lin Yu spat out through gritted teeth, she was embarrassed to the point of tears. Now the entire
town will know Ho Pa Lai’s intentions, she’ll have to dig a hole in the ground and live there for a thousand years to escape
the shame.

Three of Ho Pa Lai’s cronies ran at Tu Suo, swords in hand. Tu Suo rammed his fist into one man’s belly and he
flew, eighty feet in the air. Tu Suo flipped into the air and kicked the two in the head. All three stayed down. Ho Pa Lai and
his men took a step back. This wasn’t the normal back alley brawl they were accustomed to. Demons were by nature fast
and strong creatures, to do such injury to the men, Tu Suo was powerful indeed.

A black shape swooped from the air. Two cronies rose up, screaming as they flew higher and higher with the black shape,
until they became tiny black dots. Suddenly they fell, slamming into the ground, they lost control of their human form
reverted back to their original salamander form, dying in the grass.

Huang Wu landed beside Tu Suo, “What are these cretins doing in front of the cottage. They’re going to disturb Lord Wei
Yun’s rest.”

Ho Pa Lai wanted to run away, he was practically peeing in his pants from the arrival of this new stranger. But his men,
they’ll laugh at him if he retreated. He gathered the remaining bit of his courage and yelled out haltingly, “Who the hell are
you. Get out of here before I make you into stew!”

Huang Wu slowly turned to see who dared to yell at him. His black eyes seemed to pierce through the frightened pig
demon and his cronies, who all wished they had listened to their mothers more and followed Ho Pa Lai less.

“You are not fit to speak to me.” Huang Wu said, his head held high, there was danger in his voice, “I am the son of Hei
Tian Crow king and prince of the western skies.” Some of the cronies lost control of their human form after learning who
the regal man was, turning into spiders, dogs, and cats. The others sank to their knees, praying that this was not the day
they lost their lives.

Ho Pa Lai sat on the ground, his legs barely supporting him. He quickly knelt, touching his head into the earth repeatedly,
“Forgive me your highness, this worthless one did not know.” He felt blood trickle from his forehead. He offered the
pendant with his shaking hand, “Please spare me! It’s all my men’s fault they put me up to this.” The cronies just shivered
in their spots, too scared to move, one of them starting crying silently.

Huang Wu’s lip curled in a self satisfied smile. He looked at the two girls standing in the doorway, they stared at Ho Pa
Lai. Huang Wu waved at Ho Pa Lai and the pendant flew lazily to his hands. He pointed Ho Pa Lai, who was still begging
for his life while banging his head into the earth.

“Look carefully.” He called to Lin Yu, “That. Is how you should be treating me from now on.”
Huang Wu gave a look of utter distain at Ho Pa Lai, “If you ever bother Lin Yu again, I will slow roast you over a volcano.”
Ho Pa Lai took the hint, he and his men bowed, got up, and sprinted down the road, half of them still in their animal and
insect forms.

Huang Wu looked at the jade pendant in his hand, he frowned, it looked familiar for some reason.

Tu Suo looked at Huang Wu, “I was handling it, young prince.”

“You are nothing but a rabbit demon. They were never going to listen to you.” Huang Wu said carelessly. Tu Suo’s eyes
narrowed, he clenched his fists but said nothing.

“Give it here, stupid crow.” Lin Yu called, glaring at him for his rudeness to Tu Suo. She took a step at Huang Wu.

He raised the pendant above his head, “From now on, call me by my proper title.” He teased, “I am Your royal highness,
the great Prince Huang Wu. Also, kneel and pay me proper respects.”

Lin Yu walked up to Huang Wu. She kept walking until her nose nearly touched his. He backed away, startled at the
impudence and nearly tripped on a rock. She grabbed his hand before he could fall and plucked the pendant from his
fingers. She grinned and bit down on his hand with her fangs, exactly where she had bitten him before.

“You…again…” There was rage and helplessness as Huang Wu sank to his knees, he tried to threaten, “I’m going to skin
you alive.” Only garbled noises came out as he felt on the grass.

“Too bad there’s no mud this time.” Lin Yu said as she walked away, Tu Suo followed, a grin on his face as they left the
royal prince on the grass outside of the cottage.

“Royal prince indeed.” Lin Yu muttered darkly as she threw a backwards glance at poisoned man, “More like royal pain in
the ass.”

Chapter 26 – The Pact

“Wei Yun” Yu Zhu called out softly as she stood softly on the wall, she tried not to make too much noise as she squinted
in the dark spring night. A silvery figure appeared beneath the willows, a handsome young man in looked up at the purple
robed girl. She grinned impishly. “You promised to show me how to make snow.”
Wei Yun raised a hand and instantly the sky began to fill with snow. Yu Zhu’s eyes sparkled with pleasure as she twirled
down to the ground. Wei Yun drank in the sight as if there was nothing else in the world.

She turned, a beauty in the snow, a pale rose flush graced her cheeks. Yu Zhu was more stunning than a purple
blossom against the icy background. Wei Yun felt the years melt and time flow backwards as he remembered, in the
peach tree gardens, another girl danced joyously through the falling pedals as he and the Jade Rabbit played the Gu Qin
and the flute. His brother, Wei Tian was there too, laughing and teasing the girl, but silently wishing to be closer to her
graceful figure. How long has it been since Mei Yan floated under the peach blossoms? How long has it been since he
thought of those people?

Yu Zhu came closer, the magical snow clinging to her hair like tiny butterflies, reluctant to let go of their resting place. He
gently brushed the snow from her hair, marveling at the midnight black strands loosened by her movements.

Yu Zhu tried to smooth down her ahir, “It seems I’m always showing you my wild side.”

Wei Yun smiled, “You are showing me your best side.”

He gestured to the stream, “Come, I’ll show you how to make snow.”

Silvery light appeared at the tip of his fingers, “As a human, magic does not come to you naturally. But since you have
lived in the demon realms for so long, you’ve become better at it than most.” His voice appeared inside her head as he
laid his hand on hers, a spark of power flowed from him to her. Concentrate.
She closed her eyes, envisioning the water rising from the stream. She looked. A single droplet rose from the stream, it
slowly came closer and closer to her. She grinned, delighted. She raised her hand, the water droplet froze and exploded
into snow. Wei Yun quietly stepped away, reveling in her delight yet keeping his distance from her. All he could do was
protect her and make her happy, he did not dare ask for her heart.

When Yu Zhu had appeared on the little hill, telling him her secrets, joys, and fears, he silently allowed her to release her
pain. Slowly, as the years went by, he found himself listening to her, smiling inwardly with her when she was happy,
wanting to hold her when she was sad. His heart thundered when she appeared and he wanted to freeze time before she

He found himself counting the days, waiting for her to come back and at the same time hoping she wouldn’t be back, it
would only intensify the silence when she left. He knew he wasn’t worthy of her, and he did not want to scare her away by
revealing his true form. But when he knew she was in danger, he violated all the rules to make sure she was safe.

Yu Zhu looked up at his handsome face, a corner of her mouth lifted in a small but shy smile. In many ways she still was a
properly bred noble woman, she did not always know how to express it when she liked someone. Wei Yun clapped, and
the willow leaves glowed softly, it looked like a thousand fireflies lit the way to the quiet stream. They sat down to watch
the stream flow lazily past them.

“Why were you living in the oak tree?” Yu Zhu asked hesitantly, she wanted to hear the answer from his lips.

Wei Yun looked at the moon, “It was punishment from the Emperor of Heaven.”


“I have something he wants.” Wei Yun answered, “Something I’m not willing to give.” Yu Zhu wanted to ask more but the
tone of his voice suggested that this was not something he wanted to talk about.

“How long did you live as an oak?” Yu Zhu asked instead.

“A few hundred thousand years. I’ve been here since the trees were saplings.”
Yu Zhu’s eyes widened, the trees of the forest were so large that ten men could not wrap their arms around a single one.

“What was it like, living all those years by yourself?” There were so many questions, but Yu Zhu didn’t want to push Wei

“Silent.” He glanced at her, there was a gentle teasing smile on his face, “until you came along.”

Yu Zhu stretched her legs on the soft grass, “I like to think I made your life better.”

Wei Yun threw his head back and laughed, Yu Zhu liked the full throated sound. She had never heard Wei Yun laugh.

After a few moments he said, “You made me remember how it felt to worry about someone. After all these years, I’d
forgotten how sweet relief felt like. I’d forgotten so many things.”

Yu Zhu looked at the sky, “Even if you didn’t talk to me, sitting underneath the oak tree made me happy. It made feel like
me again.” Her voice caught in her throat as he hands knotted in her skirt, there were so many bitter memories that bit into
her heart.

Wei Yun wanted to take her hand and kiss away the sadness in her eyes. He wanted envelop those slim shoulders and
keep her safe. But there was a line he could not cross. If he touched her now, he would be more than just her protector.
He had a promise to keep, he could never be anything more to her than just an oak tree. He would always be there to
protect her, but he couldn’t be her equal.

The wind shift, and Wei Yun sensed something was not right, a god was coming. He smiled at Yu Zhu, “Yu Zhu, it’s late.
Go back inside and rest.”

Yu Zhu looked at him worriedly, “Now that I have my pendant back. Will you go back to the forest?”

Wei Yun smiled sadly, “Now that you have your protection, do you really need me by your side?”

“Yes.” She blurted without thinking, and blushed.

Wei Yun helped her up, “I will be here, as long as you need me.” He watched her go inside. He raised the protections
around the house and made sure the inhabitants could not hear what happened outside.

Wei Yun’s face hardened as he called out, “If you are here to tell me to heel, you should leave before I rip your head off.”

“It’s been a while, Wei Yun.” A man sat on a branch of willow, he leaned back casually as he said, “How long has it since
we last met? Since Mei Yan died?”

Wei Yun turned around and threw fire at the man, it consumed the tree. The man leapt off, “Nice warning shot. Strange
though, it was always your brother Wei Tian that was the hot headed one. You were always so cold and calm.”

The man looked at the cottage, “And now look at you, falling in love with some little demon or whatever that thing was.”
He sighed, “I don’t see the appeal of demons, they’re nothing but filthy spirits, not worth licking our boots” He grinned, “But
I didn’t really even see that one’s face, she must be pretty to ensnare you.”

“Do you have business here, Yi Nong?” Wei Yun said his voice colder than ice.

Yi Nong took an involuntary step back, despite his jokes, there were very, very few gods that could stand up to Wei Yun,
and he wasn’t one of them. Yi Nong cleared his throat, “Very Well.” A sword appeared in his hand, he pointed it at Wei
Yun, “Wei Yun, fallen God, You have stepped out of the confines of the Demon Forest without the Emperor of Heaven’s
permission. Return to the Oak in three days time or the Pact between you and the Emperor will be broken.” The gold
gleam faded, Yi Nong smirked, “Looks like the Emperor still has a soft spot for you, he even gave three days before you
have to crawl back to you hidey hole.” Yi Nong continued, “How is life without Wei Tian? I can’t imagine how boring it must
be, not being near your brother, you were so close.”

Wei Yun smiled and Yi Nong’s cockiness faltered. Wei Yun’s expression was almost inhuman, “At least I am not the
emperor’s dog.”

For a moment Yi Nong remembered the Wei Yun who stood covered in blood on the battlefield, fire in one hand, sword in
the other. Beneath him was the countless bodies of Gods who dared to oppose him after Mei Yan’s death. There was
nothing but rage and hatred on Wei Yun’s face, it was an image that burned into everyone who saw it. Yi Nong stepped
farther away.

Wei Yun opened his palm, white fire appeared, “I’m not killing you for old times sake. Scamper, pup, before I burn your
eyes out.” Yi Nong wasn’t a brave god to began with, he swallowed nervously. “3 days. If you disobey, the Emperor of
Heaven will destroy the last thing you care about.” With that Yi Nong disappeared into the clouds. The door to the cottage
creaked open. The old grandfather stood watching Wei Yun speculatively.

“So. God of Demons.” Grandfather hobbled out. “Will you go back to your prison?”

Wei Yun put a hand on the barrier and it melted into the ground. The old man stood beside the young god, both of them
remembered the times they had been through, though neither could admit that they once had been friends.

The old man spoke, his raspy voice was rougher than sand stone, “I am perhaps one of the last people in this world who
know what you hid from the Emperor and the heavy price you paid for that secret. If you chose, you could give the Old
Emperor in Heaven what he wants. Then you can rejoin the ranks of Gods, live a life of eternal happiness and enjoy all
the pleasures of the world in the kingdom of gods. Why do you torture yourself here?”

Wei Yun looked at the spot Yi Nong had stood, “I am here because the sacrifices of those I love, what they endured, was
far greater than the punishment I serve now. I can still see Mei Yan’s dying eyes as she begged me with her last breath. I
remember watching their bodies disintegrate into a thousand floating leaves.” Wei Yun’s voice was far away, “I watched
them all die and I can never forget.”

The old man sighed, “I now understand why Jade Rabbit and you were such good friends. Still so loyal to those who are
long dead.”

Wei Yun smiled, “You are the same. You watched your family die so as to keep the last heir of the Jade Rabbit alive. Tu
Suo would not be here without you.”

Grandfather smiled, “He wouldn’t be here without you either. In a way, you saved him too, ten thousand years ago.”

“I only kept my promise to the Jade Rabbit.” Wei Yun was ambivalent, “It worked in my favor, now I need Tu Suo for my
plans as well, he will help me keep it hidden from the Emperor of Heaven.”

“Keep what hidden?” Tu Suo had come out too, his eyes glinting in the moonlight. Neither Wei Yun nor Grandfather
spoke. Tu Suo frowned, his arms folded across his chest, “If you want my help, then you need to tell me the truth. No
more lies, no more hints. I need you to tell me everything.”

Grandfather sighed and patted the young man’s shoulder, Wei Yun knew that Tu Suo had been listening. Perhaps this
was Wei Yun’s way of trusting the young man. Besides, Tu Suo needed to understand the past in order to fight for his
future. “We have hidden many, many things away to keep you safe. But you are a grown man now,it is time that you
decide your own fate.” Grandfather looked at Wei Yun, “This is your story to tell.”
Chapter 27 – A Day In Heaven, A Year
On Earth

(Yang Mi as Mei Yan)* (Ariel Lin as the Jade Rabbit)*

*Actresses that I would like to be the characters

Celestial Palace – Home of the Emperor of Heaven and Gods – 300,000 years ago.
Four people sat under falling peach blossoms of the Eternal Gardens. A beautiful woman carefully unwrapped hair thin
red-orange silk from a young man’s arms. He smiled at her, his lovestruck eyes seemed to never leave her face. Mei Yan
was careful to avoid Wei Tian’s eyes as she sat and worked. Wei Tian’s arms felt sore, but he never even twitched as he
held the silk for Mei Yan.

“How is it, brother.” Wei Yun drawled, as he lazily waved the clouds to form little shadows that amused him, “That when
you are on a battlefield they say your face alone can scare away ten thousand demon warriors. And now that the war’s
over, you look like a puppy.”

Wei Tian grinned, a striking young man in pale gold cloth, his was always the good natured and boisterous one of the two.
Mei Yan smiled as well, “you both are so young compared to the rest of us gods.”

Wei Yun shrugged, “We are still stronger than everyone in this palace.”

The Jade Rabbit smacked Wei Yun on the back of his head, “What older sister means to say is, show us more respect.”

Wei Tian laughed, “She’s right. Mei Yan is almost two hundred thousand years older than us, and the Jade Rabbit’s one
of the first creatures Nu Wa created.” Wei Yun studied both women carefully. Mei Yan was one of the most beautiful
women in heaven, the 7th daughter of Duke of the 7 stars constellation. Even if she looked as if she was in her mid
twenties, she was a powerful goddess in her own right. Mei Yan was the weaving goddess, she was in charge of creating
and maintaining all the colors of heaven and earth.

Wei Yun looked at Wei Tian and sighed, “Well, brother. If only you were born two hundred thousand years earlier, maybe
you would have a chance.” Wei Tian’s smile dropped a little, he grew flustered as he muttered, “I…I have no idea what
you’re talking about.” Wei Yun laughed as the Jade Rabbit shoved him, her eyes warning him merrily to be quiet.

Mei Yan finished unraveling the last of the silk from Wei Tian’s arms, she smiled. Wei Tian could not help but admire the
curve of her lips or light in her eyes. Mei Yan stood up and offered Wei Tian a hand, Wei Tian nervously muttered a
thanks before trying to grab her hand, instead he slipped and fell down again.
Wei Yun shook his head as Wei Tian turned to the color of a tomato. On the battlefield, Wei Tian moved with the litheness
of a lion, but when it came to Mei Yan, Wei Tian was clumsier and slower than a turtle on land.

“Do you have to go to earth now?” Wei Tian asked once he had regained his balance. Mei Yan nodded, “I’ve finished
making all the different colors for the next five years’ season. Once I’m there, I have to sew on the new colors.”

The Jade Rabbit sighed, “And when Mei Yan says that, she means everything, from every leaf of every tree to every
stream and creek, it takes a whole human year for her to finish.” The Jade Rabbit groaned as she looked at the ten
cartloads of silk that sat underneath the peach groves, “At least it’s once every ten human years. I wish time didn’t move
differently between the heaven and human realms.”

“I’ll go with you.” Wei Tian volunteered eagerly. “I’ve only seen you make the colors, I want to see you sew it in.”

Mei Yan smiled, “I’ll only be gone a day. You’ll hardly miss me.”

Wei Tian sighed, “But a day in heaven is equivalent to one year on earth. I will still miss you.” Behind him, Wei Yun rolled
his eyes, he could never bring himself to say something as sappy as that. Wei Yun stood up and dusted his robes,
“Brother, you promised me that we would race the blood sweat horses today. Besides, we just returned from the human
realms. After the Demon Wars, do you really want to go back so quickly?”

The Jade Rabbit made a face as she said, “If Wei Tian goes down now, imagine the panic he’ll cause. People will
probably think that he’s come again to destroy their lives again.”

“We also saved a lot of lives.” Wei Tian pointed out.

“There is a giant crater on earth, where there use to be a mountain. Do you remember doing that?”

Wei Tian was silent for a moment, “Point taken.” He finally admitted it.

Wei Yun smiled at his brother, there was a competitive edge to his smile, “Brother, if you lose to me in the races, I get to
wear the Jade Pendant the Goddess Nu Wa gave you.”

Wei Tian’s eyes lit up as well, “And if I win?” Wei Yun grinned, “You get to use my Tai Shan sword whenever you want.”
Wei Yun turned and walked away, sure his brother would follow.

Wei Tian looked at the two girls and looked back at Wei Yun, his eyes indecisive. Mei Yan laughed, “Go.” He grinned, “I’ll
wait for your safe return tonight.”

“Wei Yun, wait for me!” Wei Tian called running after him. Wei Yun turned around, there was laughter and resignation in
his eyes as he said, “Always.”

Mei Yan watched them go, she grinned as they jumped into the clouds, two young and powerful warriors delighting in the
peaceful moments after a war.

The Jade Rabbit frowned at her, “He is the best choice for you. Wei Tian is the one you should fall for, not the human
you’re secretly meeting on earth.”

Mei Yan’s grin faltered, she walked to the carriages to check on her weavings. The Jade Rabbit followed her, “Mei Yan.”
The other girl pretended to be busy. The Jade Rabbit couldn’t take any more and grabbed her friend by the shoulders,
“How long do you want me to lie for you? You’ve broken the most serious of Celestial laws, it’s punishable by death.” The
Jade Rabbit accused her friend, “You’ve fallen in love with a human.”

Mei Yan’s eyes filled with tears, “This is the last time I see Wu Kang. I promise.”
The Jade Rabbit wanted to shake Mei Yan from her folly, “Gods and Demons are forbidden to love humans. Do you know
what happens to Gods when they give their heart to a human? They lose their Godhood permanently, you won’t be the
Weaver Goddess anymore. And when you die, your spirit disintegrates.” She felt dread at the pit of her stomach,”You
have risked your life and your magic, time and time again to go see that human. Is he worth dying for?”

Mei Yan gently took the Jade Rabbit’s hand from her shoulders as she said, “Every ten years, we get to see each other
for a few months… For twenty of his years, Wu Kang has faithfully waited for me.” Mei Yan’s hands tightened around a
ball of silk, ” Sometimes I can see him in the World Mirror. Even if his tribe pressures him to marry someone, he does not
bow to their demands. He refuses to forget me.” Mei Yan’s eye brows furrowed, “If this keeps going, he will die alone. If I
go and wipe myself from his memories…” Mei Yan felt as if she couldn’t breathe. “He has right to be happy.”

The possibility that Wu Kang would never look at her again made her feel as if she was drowning in an abyss of darkness,
but the possibility of him waiting for her for decades and dying alone… She would rather he forgot.

The Jade Rabbit’s eyes widened, the depth of love in Mei Yan’s eyes alarmed her.

“I won’t be caught.” Mei Yan’s mouth was set in a determined line, “I will do my duty, and I only need a few moments with
him.” Her eyes were begging, “You are a blessed being, you were allowed to marry the demon of your choice. Please
understand how I feel.”

Mei Yan knelt before the Jade Rabbit and grabbed her hand, “Please, you are like a sister to me. Let me do this for him.”

The Jade Rabbit could not harden her heart at the kneeling girl. Mei Yan had never expressed interest in any God. But
now she was willing to risk her life for a human. The Jade Rabbit sighed, “I will keep your secret. But, Mei Yan, promise
me that you will never see this human again.”

Mei Yan stood, she wiped her eyes and smiled sadly, “I promise. As long as we both shall live.”

Chapter 28 – Wu Kang

(Yang Mi as Mei Yan) (Hauwick Lau as Wu Kang)

A beautiful woman stood on the edge of a light green lake, surrounded by tall mountains and windblown pines. She
tossed silk threads into the air, her green robes whipping around her by the strong winds. The green threads writhed and
turned, splitting into millions of strands, each attaching to a blade of grass, renewing the color of the entire field and
beyond. Blue-green threads colored the lake while thousands of different color strands sank into the air and ground.
Mei Yan smiled as the last of the silk was sewn into the sky. The Jade Rabbit appeared, “Is this the last of it? We’ve been
here for nearly a year” The other girl nodded, and the the Jade Rabbit sighed, “Go be with your human, cherish the last
day you have with him. And keep your promise.” Mei Yan came over and hugged the other girl. With a flash she was

On the grassy plains of Zhong Yuan, a rugged man ridding a dirt red horse turned to face the east. He grinned and
spurred his horse.

“Warlord. Where are you going?” his friend called after him, Wu Kang seemed to be ridding for all he was worth. The man
said nothing, he had always seemed to disappear for a few days around this time of year. His men sighed, their leader
was peculiar, but he was a good man.

Mei Yan arrived at the oasis before the sun dropped into the earth, the tall grass blew furiously around her as she walked
to the little resting spot. The sky was like liquid gold mixed within the river blue, stretch as far as the eye could see. Wu
Kang waited for her underneath a little pagoda made of rough clay and straw, staring at her as if he couldn’t bare look
away. His eyes seemed to grow brighter as the girl in green walked closer, her robes blew like dancing leaves. To him
there was nothing more magnificently heart-wrenching than the sight before him.

“You’re beautiful.” He breathed as approached her. Mei Yan came close and touched the light crows’ feet at the corner of
his piercing eyes, the few silver strands that had began to grow at his temples. He caught her hand and kissed the heart
of her palm, breathing in her fragrant scent. They stood there, enjoying the unspoken familiarity between them. Ten years
had passed and yet as they stood, it was as if they had never parted.

“You’re as young as the day I met you.” Wu Kang touched her porcelain cheek, “Here I am, an old man.” An arrow went
through Mei Yan’s heart, she wanted to grow old with him, to hold hands with him like this for the rest of their lives.

“Nonsense, you still have a long life a head of you.”

Wu Kang threw his head back and laughed, “Remember the first day we met?” Mei Yan’s lips curved into a brilliant smile,
“Yes. You stole my clothes.”

“I was drying them for you.” He teased

“After you dumped them into the river.” Mei Yan pointed out, “I had to weave robes out of grass.”

Wu Kang took her hands, “That was the day i fell for you.”

Wu Kang gently cupped Mei Yan’s face and kissed her forehead, “All these years of waiting, I thought you would forget
me.” He held her hand in his, thoroughly content with the moment. Mei Yan felt the heat of his skin against her cheeks, “I
wish you would forget me.” There were tears in her eyes, she pressed her face into his chest. Wu Kang felt bewildered,
“What is it, love?” He had never seen Mei Yan cry, not even when he had accidentally seen her bathing in the forest, the
first time they met. He tilted her chin and gently wiped the tears with his sleeve.

“You keep waiting for me.” She cried, “You’re forty now and yet I keep you waiting. Wu Kang, please, I can’t do this to you

Wu Kang smiled, relieved, “Is that all?” for a painful moment he had thought she was going to tell him that she had fallen
for someone else. He held her, his lips in her hair and murmured, “Even if I only get to see you once in fifty years, I would
still do it in a heartbeat.”

She pushed him away, “I know you come here every year, even when I’m not here. I know you refuse to take a wife, even
though you are the chief of your tribe.” She took a breathe, “I want you to stop suffering for me. I want you to be happy.”
Wu Kang’s eyes flashed, he wasn’t a man to be pushed around, even if it was by a deity, “I have never suffered because
of you.” He walked closer to her, “If I take a wife, that woman would be you.” His eyes saddened as he gestured to the
field, “This is where we first kissed. I come here to remember.”

“You age and die, I don’t” Mei Yan said bitterly, hating herself for admitting it, “Your life is like a flash of lightening. If you
continue loving me, you won’t have sons to remember you, daughters to sing your praises. You should marry a powerful
woman who could bring you glory and honor. You could be a great king if you chose. I only hinder your legacy.”

“I never wanted to leave a mark on this earth, Mei Yan.”He was adamant, “I don’t need people to know who I am. All I
need is for you to remember me.”

“I can make you forget I ever existed” Mei Yan said, it was as if some one was squeezing her heart.

Wu Kang looked into her eyes. “I would be powerless to stop you.”

She covered his eyes with her hand, about to use magic to erase even the shadow of her existence from his mind. Wu
Kang gripped her wrists, “Mei Yan, you will kill me in the process.”

Mei Yan took her hands away from his face, “What do you mean?” Wu Kang wrapped his arms around her tighter, “How
can you erase the way I feel for you?” Mei Yan didn’t understand, Wu Kang grinned and gently cupped her face, “When
you erase your face from my mind, can you erase the emotions I feel when i kiss you?” He gently kissed her eyelids, her
nose, and gently, lightly, her lips.

“Even with the best magic, you can’t take everything away.” Wu Kang continued, “If you take yourself from me, it would be
like taking my heart away. All you leave is a hole. The pain alone will remind me that I’ve lost someone important”

“Someone can come take take my place,” Mei Yan said, the words that came out of her mouth tasted so sour.

Wu Kang shook his head, “If another woman smiled at me, I’ll always get the feeling someone else had smiled more
beautifully and more sweetly before, even if I didn’t know who that person was.” Mei Yan felt her heart melt, as more tears
came rushing out of her eyes.

“If another woman kisses me, all I will think of was that I had kissed someone more passionately long ago.” He said as he
kissed her again, “And no matter what beautiful woman say or do, I was will feel that someone had come before them,
saying things and doing things that was a thousand times better.” He looked at her, “No matter what woman comes into
my life, I will always feel as if there was someone who came before her, they will live in your shadow .”

He looked at the plain little area, “I will come back to this place, again and again, even if i didn’t know why.” He was very
calm, “I’ll be driven mad by the idea that I’ve lost something so very, very important, and I won’t stop until I find it, even
when I become a ghost.”

The picture he painted was grim, the seed of fear was planted in her heart as she covered his mouth, “Please, I just want
you to be happy.”

He grinned, “Seeing you is the greatest happiness a man can have. As each year I stand here, I grow more scared,
scared that you would decide to not show up.”

“I only have one day.”

Wu Kang held her as if he never wanted to let her go, “I know that the world needs you, I won’t force you to stay. One day
is more than enough. ”

“How can you say that?” Mei Yan’s eyes flashed with anger, “How can you not want more. A woman who can stay your
side, someone to be with you forever?”
Wu Kang shrugged, “I am a warlord, my life could end tomorrow. Forever could mean ten days or ten years.” He grinned
at her, “But when I die, I’ll know that I was loved by the woman that I adored, and that’s more than anything I want in the

The Jade Rabbit wiped a tear from her eyes, her sword in one hand, her shield in another.

Mei Yan sensed her near by, she shielded Wu Kang, “Jade Rabbit. No. I promised you I would go back.”

“I know.” the Jade Rabbit knew the heartache Mei Yan felt, “Too bad the heavens and earths forbid your union. Mei Yan, I
am sorry.”

“Did you come here to kill me?” Wu Kang asked as he stepped out from behind Mei Yan, ” I won’t give up Mei Yan without
a fight.”

The Jade Rabbit twirled her blade expertly, “I came to make sure Mei Yan went back to the heavens with me.” With that,
she threw a silver net on Mei Yan, instantly trapping her, immobilizing her. The Jade Rabbit leapt at Wu Kang.

Wu Kang drew his sword and blocked the blow. He had trained hard since he was young, but he had never fought a deity
before. The blow brought him to his knees. The Jade Rabbit felt nothing but sorrow as she struck blow after blow.

Wu Kang fought as best as he could, and for a while he held his own. But no human could match the strength of a god. A
cut appeared on his arm, then leg. Soon tiny rivers of blood ran everywhere. An hour went by, then two. Wu Kang’s arm
went numb and the Jade Rabbit saw her chance.

Mei Yan screamed as the Jade Rabbit’s sword was aimed for Wu Kang’s heart. Mei Yan used all her magic and
blasted her bonds apart, she threw silk around the Jade Rabbit’s arm, the sword flew out of the Jade Rabbit’s hand. Wu
Kang swayed, he was heavily injured, but he refused to fall.

“Do you know if he lives, both of you will die? You’ll use every excuse to come back here. And for what? He’ll die in a few
earth decades and all you’ll be in pain for god knows how long.” The Jade Rabbit asked, she glared at the man as Mei
Yan ran to his side. He smiled at her wearily, “It’s only a few scratches.”

Mei Yan felt weak, she had spent all her magic on breaking the web. The Jade Rabbit cursed, “Mei Yan, you fool, is he
worth all of your magic?”

Mei Yan looked into Wu Kang’s eyes and realized, “Yes. He’s worth everything.” She turned to the Jade Rabbit, “I’m not
going back.” The silence roared like fire between the three people. Wu Kang shook his head, “No, Mei Yan…”

Mei Yan had made up her mind, “Jade Rabbit, you are right. It will be a few decades but that’s more time I will have with
him than if I went home with you.”

“No. that’s not what I said.” The Jade Rabbit cried, bewildered.

Mei Yan put Wu Kang’s arm around her, and supported his weight, “i know. But that’s what I mean. Even if it means the
Emperor find out, even if things do not work on earth, I will still be here.” Wu Kang hadn’t dare hope this would ever be the
outcome, he scared that he was dreaming.

Mei Yan looked at the Jade Rabbit, “I want to be the one who grows old with him. I want to be the one that get’s to walk by
his side the rest of his life.”

“I’ll drag you back to heaven.” The Jade rabbit threatened

“You can.” Mei Yan admitted, “but I’ll come back, time and time again. Then the Emperor will really know what I’m doing
on earth.”
Mei Yan helped Wu Kang to sit, she told Wu Kang, “the Jade Rabbit and I need to speak alone.” Wu Kang didn’t want Mei
Yan to walk away but he understood.

Mei Yan led the Jade Rabbit far from Wu Kang’s earshot, “I only need two months time from heaven, at most.” The Jade
Rabbit barked a laugh, “What about your work?”

“My apprentices will do it.”

“If you are found out, you would be put to death or worse imprisoned in some pit for the rest of your life. Does this man
know what you’ll sacrifice to be with him? You’ll lose your godhood for good if you live with him. ”

Mei Yan shook her head, “As long as I don’t bear him a child, I will still retain my powers. The gods sometimes forget how
times passes in heaven, I’m sure I can get away with it.”

There was still doubt and refusal in the Jade Rabbit’s eyes, so Mei Yan tried another tactic, “Jade Rabbit, you grew up
with me. I once saved you and begged for you in the Emperor’s court so that you may marry the demon you love. How is
this different.”

The Jade Rabbit did not answer, she knew that once Mei Yan had decided, there was no going back. This was what she
had feared all along, that Mei Yan would do something this foolish. This was why she wanted to kill Wu Kang. The Jade
Rabbit laughed bitterly at the irony, “two months in heaven, sixty years on earth. I won’t tell anyone.” With that, the Jade
Rabbit disappeared, she did not have the heart to remain anymore.

Mei Yan’s eyes filled with tears, she wasn’t quite sure if she had meant what she told the Jade Rabbit. She was not quite
sure if she would ever return to heaven.

Chapter 29 – I Will Wait

(Yang Mi as Mei Yan) (Hauwick Lau as Wu Kang)

Heaven- 300,000 years ago

“Wei Tian. Stop pacing.” Wei Yun was calmly fishing in the milky way, his creamy white robes floated calmly in the coulds,
“She’s only been gone for a few days.”
“Seven. She’s been gone seven days. That’s seven years on earth. She’s never been this late” Wei Tian gripped his jade
pendant, “I’m going down there.”

“Brother.” Wei Yun threw his rod aside and stood up, he ran after his brother, “Stop. If you think there’s a problem, go to
the world mirror and look for her, stop running headlong into things.” Wei Tian brightened, he grinned at his brother and
sped off.

Wei Tian landed lightly and bowed to the Stone Goddes who guarded the mirror. She bowed in return, “what do you wish
to see, brave one?”

Before Wei Tian could answer, someone behind him said, “Wei Tian, come with me.” It was the Emperor of Heaven, his
gold robes floated around him as he strode to the young man. “I know where Mei Yan is, she’s in danger.” Wei Tian had
never felt fear, even as he faced demon hordes on the battle field. Yet at those words, even inch of skin on his body
seemed to grow cold, his heart felt was if it was being sucked right out of his body.

The Emperor of Heaven frowned at the younger man, he gripped the boys’ shoulder, “I have found Mei Yan and she is in
grave danger, I will let you down to earth, her survival affects the whole of heaven.”

“What?” Wei Tian asked through numb lips. The words rang in his head. The Emperor sighed, “Mei Yan is the daughter of
the Duke of the 7 stars, a man whose realm and powers rival my own. If he knows that Mei Yan is in danger, he will
unleash warriors upon my realm. War will begin again, and the sky will be stained with blood.”

Wei Tian closed his eyes and gathered himself, “What must I do?”


On the Great Plains of Zhong Yuan, Earth

“Auntie mama!” A young boy in leopard’s skin ran through the field to the group of women who had returned from hunting.
The most beautiful woman held three rabbits in her hands. She knelt down and hug the boy, wincing as her swollen
ankles complained, the little boy ran into her arms.

“Mei Yan, you’ll spoil the child” one of the other women warriors chided gently. Mei Yan kissed the top of the little boy’s
head, “Nonsense, I’m only greeting Wu Yin.” The little boy grinned and grabbed Mei Yan’s hand.

“Wu Yin’s lucky that you treat him as if he’s your own child, ” Another woman said, “His mother and father in heaven must
be so grateful that you and Wu Kang took Wu Yin as your own when they died.”

Wu Yin was oblivious to the talk. Instead he patted Mei Yan’s burgeoning belly, “Auntie Mama, when is the little baby

Mei Yan smiled, but her eyes seemed to fill with tears, “A month, maybe less.”

The women entered the camp to the cheers of men, they bowed to their warlord’s wife and some even threw flowers on
her path, to show that they prayed for the safe delivery of the warlords’s heir.

Wu Kang had just gotten back to camp as well. He ran and picked up his wife, everyone hide a smile behind their hands,
some of the cheeky ones cheered and whistled. Wu Kang kissed his very pregnant wife to the entire camp’s delight.
Some women nudged their man as if the say, see, that’s how you should treat me.

Wu Kang carried Mei Yan into their tent and set her gently on a chair. He took off her shoes and brought a pitcher of hot
water for her to soak her feet. Mei Yan touched his greying hair, “Was your visit to the Khan fruitful?”

Wu Kang gently massaged her feet as he said, “He sees the grow of our tribe and is worried that I might be the next
Khan. I told him I was not interested.” He gently dried her feet, he looked at his wife with the same love that he had shown
every day of his life since he met her. “I see you’ve been ruling quite while since my absence, maybe I should leave more
often.” He grinned as Mei Yan shook her head, ” Wu Kang, don’t you dare leave me anytime. I won’t give birth to this child
if you’re not around to see her.” He laughed at the stubbornness of his woman.

“Her?” He said as he gently put hands on his wife’s belly, “so we’re having a beautiful little lioness?”

“Did you want a son?” She teased, “I thought you didn’t care either way.”

Wu Kang smiled, “You could give birth to a hyena and I would still love it.” She raised her eyebrows, and for a moment
Wu Kang remembered the tempestuous beauty he fell in love with, floating out of a pool and shooting silk at his men and

“I want a daughter more than anything in the world, Mei Yan.” He said, and meant it, “She would be the greatest gift I
could ever receive. Besides, Wu Yin would adore his new cousin and protect her from all the boys.” Wu Kang’s eyes grew
a little bit troubled, “I better start making sure that all the future suitors know what a tough man her father is now, in case
they try anything.” Mei Yan giggled, “She’s not born yet, Wu Kang.”

Wu Kang kissed her belly, “It’s never too early to start worrying. That’s what good fathers do.”

Mei Yan laughed at her silly man, but stopped abruptly. She felt the air change, the hair on her skin stood on end. She
stood slowly, “I have something for you. Stay here.” Wu Kang smiled, but there was confusion in his eyes.

Mei Yan walked out of her tent and asked for her horse. She rode into a small clearing, a rabbit bounded down from the
sky, it’s jade white body emanating fiery light. The rabbit changes into a woman, “You have to leave Wu Kang. Now.”

“What happened?” Mei Yan gripped the Jade Rabbit’s arm, “who found out?”

“A roumor has spreadthat a demon has you captive on earth. The Emperor has ordered for Wu Kang’s head on a platter.
He wants to bring you back to heaven. He doesn’t know about your child yet.”

The Jade Rabbit looked at Mei Yan’s stomach, “You’ve given up your godhood, but what about your child? Once the child
turns twenty, it will inherit your divine power. The same power that it’s currently sucking out of you right now. You child will
be a god, I can feel the power.”

Mei Yan looked at the rumbling clouds, Jade Rabbit pulled her robes, “We need to get you out of here. Once the emperor
finds out about this child, he will kill you to spite your father”

Mei Yan saw the fire in the sky, “Does my father know what I have done?”

The Jade Rabbit didn’t answer.

“Jade?” Mei Yan’s eyes filled with tears, “Does he know the truth.”

“I told him.” The Jade Rabbit couldn’t meet Mei Yan’s eyes. “You father has told me to bring you to him.”

Mei Yan barked a bitter laugh, “My father would kill me even faster than the Emperor. He sent me to the Emperor’s court
with to be a political hostage. He sacrificed me and my sisters so he can save the throne. He would kill me out of pure
shame once he knows I married a human.”

“He is the only one we can turn to!” The Jade Rabbit looked up, “We have to run, Someone is coming.”

Mei Yan shook her head, ” I will never leave Wu Kang to fend this by himself. I’m going to protect my husband and my
home. Thank you for the warning.”
The Jade Rabbited wanted to argue, but she had her own family to worry about. “Be safe, Mei Yan.” She said as she
disappeared. Mei Yan quickly got up on her horse and thundered back to her tribe.


A flash of lightening roared onto earth as a silver clad warrior strode into the tribal camp. He raised his sword at the
screaming people. “WHERE IS THE DEMON WU KANG?!” He slashed with his sword, men, women and children fell onto
the ground, cleaved in half. Wu Kang strode out of his tent in full battle armor.

Wei Tian looked at the man with rage filled eyes, “Did you eat Mei Yan? Does her blood course through your veins? I slice
you into a thousand piece while you beg for mercy.” He raised his sword and slashed. Sword cut through Wu kang’s
sword like butter, breaking his armor, but his clothes held as if they were made of metal.

Wei Tian was enraged, “You forced her to make clothes for you? Take that off your filthy body, you are not fit to wear
clothes made by the Weaver Goddess. Where is she?!” Wei Tian ran at Wu Kang and struck with all of his might. The
Demons Wei Tian fought were powerful beings, so he had expected no less from Wu Kang, Wei Tian aimed the blow to
be a killing blow.

Mei Yan had used the last of her fading magic to make the clothes for Wu Kang, it could stand the blows of a thousand
human warriors, but it could not protect Wu Kang from the second blow of the powerful warrior god. The sword tore
through the clothes and sank straight into Wu Kang’s stomach.

A scream filled the air, chilling those who heard it. It was the hoarse cry of bone aching dispair. Wei Tian turned and saw
Mei Yan running for all she was worth, screaming Wu Kang, Wu Kang in a voice so raw it sounded half human.
Mei Yan tripped, her knees weakened by grief and the difficult pregnancy. She crawled and clawed to get to her dying
husband, tearing her nails in the rough grass, cutting her hands on jagged rocks, tears streaming down as she called Wu
Kang’s name, over and over again. Wu Kang saw his wife’s suffering and pulled the last of his strength, he slowly began
to crawl towards her.

There was nothing else in the world but the two lovers on the ground, fingers barely entwined, facing each other, reaching
for each other. They only had the strength to touch fingers, but that was enough. Everyone looked at them, too stunned to

“You promised you would see the face of your child” Mei Yan whispered and sobbed, “I can’t have our child if you aren’t
here, please don’t leave me.”

Wu Kang’s breathing was growing fainter, he gazed at her face, “I will wait for you, no matter where I go, I will always wait
for you, even if it seems I am leaving now. Be it another thirty years or thirty thousand years, I will wait until I see you

The tears in his eyes dripped down his nose and onto the dusty ground, “I wish I could hold your hand for the rest of our
lives, that I would grow old with you, that we would raise half a dozen children together.” Blood began to drip from his lips
as he smiled at her, “I will wait…” The light faded from his eyes as his fingers fell from hers. Wu Kang’s gaze never left the
woman he loved, as if to say that dying with her in his eyes, was the best death he could hope for.

Mei Yan felt the air leave her lungs as the last breath left Wu Kang’s body. She screamed his name, over and over again,
begging for him to come back, to wait for her. She begged the body on the ground as if Wu Kang could still hear her.

Wei Tian knelt by Mei Yan, he didn’t know what to say, didn’t know what to do.
The jade rabbit appeared out of thin air and slowly lifted her friend up. Mei Yan screamed for them to leave her alone, all
she needed was to hold Wu Kang some more, he was still alive. He had to be alive. He hadn’t met his daughter yet. He
promised he would always wait for her.

The Jade Rabbit hit Mei Yan between the shoulder blades and Mei Yan fainted.

“What have I done?” Wei Tian whispered, he stared at the lifeless man.


In Heaven, Wei Yun knelt in the inner chamber, his was decked in his full armor, awaiting the emperor’s orders.

“Wei Tian has failed to bring back Mei Yan.” The Emperor stated coldly, “We must assume the worst, that Wei Tian is
dead or captured. Since no demon on earth has that kind of power, I can only assume that Mei Yan is on the demon’s
side. Take ten thousand heavenly troops to earth and end this affair”

“Yes your majesty. I will bring back my brother and Mei Yan. We will find the truth”

The Emperor sighed, he shook his head, “Mei Yan has willingly broken a celestial law, she is cavorting with a demon and
kidnapped a god, perhaps even killed one of them. There is no other punishment but death”

Wei Yun lowered his head, “I understand. I will do what is necessary to bring my brother back.” He bowed and left.

Chapter 30 – Half-Blooded

(Ariel Lin as the Jade Rabbit) (Wallace Huo as Wei Yun)

“This is too soon.” Mei Yan gasped as sweat poured down her cheeks, “This baby isn’t due for at least a month. She
shouldn’t be coming now” Her body writhed and convulsed, she could feel the baby fighting to get out.

The Jade Rabbit knelt down, “Mei Yan, concentrate, if this baby comes now, it will kill you both.”

Wei Tian stood by the doorway, he was as still as a stone statue. Mei Yan screamed as pain ripped through her abdomen
like a hot knife. Blood gushed onto the bedding, the pain was too much.
“Too soon, too soon.” The Jade Rabbit muttered, “how do I save them both.” She closed her eyes and put her hands in
the air in front of Mei Yan. Ice encased both mother and child. The Jade Rabbit sighed, it would freeze the time within, but
Mei Yan and the child were magical beings, she didn’t know how long the spell would hold.

“My fault.” Wei Tian whispered as he watched Mei Yan scream and scream again. The Jade Rabbit shook her head, “I
don’t have time for your regrets. Right now we must choose who to save.”

Wei Tian’s face went dead white, “Is it impossible to save both?”

The Jade Rabbit sighed, “Mei Yan’s too weak to give birth and I can’t stop the contractions. This child isn’t ready to be
born but if it stays in it will die.” Mei Yan’s body shuddered and the Jade Rabbit threw more power into her spell, she
continued, “This child is half human, half mortal. We may escape the Emperor’s eyes for the first twenty years or so. But
once her powers manifests, the Emperor and the Duke of the 7 Stars will be able to sense her presence.” The Jade
Rabbit frown, “Mei Yan and I had a plan. But now, how do I save them both…”

The ice around Mei Yan’s body began to crack and hiss. She opened mouth and began to scream. The ice broke as Mei
Yan’s pain intensified. The Jade Rabbit knelt down by Mei Yan, “If I kill this child, Mei Yan. You can have your powers
back, you can be a goddess again. If you do not give birth to this child…”

Mei Yan gripped the Jade Rabbits hand and snarled through her gritted teeth, “NO. This child must live.” She glared at
Wei Tian, who took a step back from the anger and pain he saw on her face, “Wei Tian, you killed my husband, will you
kill his heir as well? How far does your cruelty go? How much of the emperor’s dog are you?” Wei Tian felt as he had
been punched, but he ignored the guilt.

“Do you know how a god dies?” Wei Tian said hotly, “Your body will disintegrate into a thousand pieces. Just because you
gave up your powers, doesn’t mean you turned fully human. Your soul will be dust, not dead or alive. This is the price of
being a celestial being. This is the price you pay for being who you are.”

Mei Yan’s smile was bitter, “I’m willing to face the consequences, I knew this even as I chose to bare Wu Kang’s child.
This child has to live.”

Wei Tian looked at Mei Yan, a life for a life he thought. He turned to the Jade Rabbit. “Put her asleep again. Do It.” The
Jade Rabbit nodded as Wei Tian radiated with power. Mei Yan shook her head violently. The ice encased her again. The
Jade Rabbit gasped, “I can’t keep doing this all the time, it would take too much magic to stop life from coming.”

Wei Tian nodded, and touched his chest, “I have an idea. Nu Wa created me by using a piece of Charcoal and half of Pan
Gu’s heart. You know of Pan Gu’s birth.”

“He slept for five million years as a spirit before…” The Jade Rabbit’s eyes widdened, “You’re not suggesting…”

Wei Tian nodded, “Why not? We can take out of her spirit and stow it somewhere safe.”

The Jade Rabbit didn’t know how to reply, “What you’re suggesting takes too much power, more than an immortal like me
has. Besides, how many gods were able to survive the process? This half-blood couldn’t possibly beat the odds.”

Wei Tian nodded, “Ne Zha’s spirit slept for decades before he was born. Sun Wu Kong slept in a rock for hundreds of
years before he was born. The true owner of my half heart, Pan Gu, slept for millions of years in spirit form. Why not this
child? I have the power that can defy the laws of heaven. It is the only way.”

The Jade Rabbit felt torn, “Mei Yan will never see her child again.”

Wei Tian sighed, “The Emperor of Heaven hates nothing more than half breeds. This is why Er Lang Shen’s entire family
was slaughtered, including his mother, the Goddess of Desire. I suspect that the Emperor decided to send me first so I
can take care of this as quietly as possible. If Mei Yan wants to save her child, this might be the only way”
“You think he knows about this child?” Her heart grew cold, “He would hunt it down to the ends of the earth.”

Wei Tian knelt by Mei Yan, “I have committed an unforgivable crime. I will do everything to make sure that Mei Yan and
her child survives. This may buy Mei Yan’s child enough time so that they forget her existence. But we must start at once”.
He took the pendant he wore around his belt, “Lady Nu Wa gave me a pendant of two dragons circling a pearl to
symbolize my brother and me. I hope he forgives me.”

Outside the tent, people mourned and wailed for their brave warlord. They carried his body and laid it gently on a platform,
surrounding it with tiny purple flowers.

Thunder rumbled and the people looked up, stunned. In the sky rode a man in gold armor, behind him rode thousands of
warriors. Awed, the people fell to the ground and begged for mercy. The men rode down from heaven until they stood
outside of camp. Wu Yin felt the world crash around him once again. His beloved uncle was dead, his aunt was dying.
Someone grabbed his hand and said, “We have to run, warlord!”

Wei Yun looked around for Wei Tian, trying to sense his brother. A man staggered out of the tent, Wei Yun felt relief flood
his whole body. But he frowned, something was wrong about his brother. Wei Tian held out his hand and the Tai Shan
sword appeared. He screamed and came at the army like a mad man. Wei Yun watched in horror as his brother cut down
a hundred unsuspecting soldiers.

Wei Yun took out his own sword, “Brother. Stop!”

Wei Tian seemed to be possessed by demons as he slaughtered more and more warriors. Blood ran down his face. Wei
Yun ran at his brother and blocked the next blow. The earth cracked as the two most powerful gods fought, neither could
gain the upper hand. Wei Tian slashed at his brother with deadly intention, Wei Yun fought back but his mind was blank
as he deflected each blow.

“Brother.” He roared, trying with all his might to contain Wei Yun without harming him. Wei Tian ignored Wei Yun and
fought as if possessed. Wei Yun could not hold Wei Tian’s blows back, as one had the intent to kill and the other
wanted only to deflect. Soldiers tried to come to Wei Yun’s aid but Wei Yun roared for them to stand back, all eyes were
upon them. Wei Yun didn’t want to hurt his brother so he aimed his blows at the armor. Wei Tian winced each time as
Wei Yun’s sword bit into his chest plates.

In the confusion, the people of Wu Kang’s tribe ran for their lives, their horses thundering as fast as the wind of the
steppes . Wu Yin looked back, his eyes full of tears. Light flash, horses and people froze in mid gallop. Wu Yin looked
around. A beautiful woman stood her skin was as white as the whitest jade stood before his horse. She looked at the boy
with sad eyes.

“I have a request for you, young Wu Yin. Do you want to save your unborn cousin?” The Jade Rabbit asked the ten year
old boy. The young boy nodded, “Of course.”

The Jade Rabbit raised her hand, “This is the spirit of your little cousin. I will give it to you for safekeeping.” She touched
his hand, and the warm ball disappeared under his skin, a white scar the shape of a circle appeared. White light glowed
from her hands as she spread her magic into his blood.

Wu Yin was confused, “What do you mean.”

“Your cousin will be born to the 77,777 generation of your line. She will be the daughter of the seventh daughter of
your descendants. Until then, each barer of her spirit will have the same scar as you do on your hand now. I have laid
powerful magic to protect you and your descendants, young warlord. Make sure only one person of each generation
know about this. Your cousin’s survival depends on your discretion” The young boy looked at the scar on his hand, he
nodded, “I will keep her safe.”

The Jade Rabbit handed him a pendant, two dragons encircling a midnight pearl. “Keep this by your side always. Let your
progeny know that when this child is born, this pendant must follow her, especially when she reaches twenty years of

The Jade Rabbit nodded, “Good luck, Wu Yin of the Xi Yang Tribe,” and disappeared, time started again. Wu Yin looked
back onto the tribal grounds and silently wished for his aunt to ride after them.

Mei Yan awoke. She felt strangely empty. She looked down and the bulge that had accompanied for the last few months
was gone. Her baby. Where was her baby? Mei Yan crawled off the bed, her flesh felt weaker than water, her robes were
covered with blood. On the little table besides the bed, lay a bloody bag, the body of her baby.

They killed my baby. She thought numbly. They took everything. She looked, golden streams of magic was slowly trying
to heal her. Wei Tian. She realized, he’s using his magic to keep me alive. She silently walked to where her husband lied.
She couldn’t bare to look at the bloody mass that was her daughter. Slowly, she began to chuckle, and then laugh.

She screamed the pain raw in her voice, “Emperor of Heaven. Are you happy now? Is this what you wanted?”

The two men fighting outside froze. They looked at Mei Yan. She took the Wu Kang’s broken sword and plunged it into
hear own heart.

Wei Tian screamed, “No!” As Mei Yan’s body brightened. Her skin began to turn to bright dust, it was as if she was slowly
turning into billions of snowflakes.

Wei Tian flew to her side as the dissolving figure spun into the air. It landed on everything, like the strands of her silk that
she spun for the world. Wei Tian grabbed his heart and fell to the earth. Wei Yun lunged after his brother.

“I’m sorry, brother.” Wei Tian whispered as he grabbed his brother’s shirt collar, his there was only desolation in his eyes.
“Find the Jade Rabbit, save the child” The breathe coming out of Wei Tian was shallow and fast, his magic was
spent. Keeping himself and Mei Yan alive while fighting his brother had cost him too much.

Wei Yun was stunned, his fingers gripped his brother’s armor, it was slick with blood. Wei Yun carefully freed his brother’s
breast plate, blood gushed in thick streams from the hole in his brother’s chest.

“No.” Wei Yun whispered as he saw the blood sluggishly flow out of the hole where Wei Tian’s heart has been, “Where is
your heart?” Blood covered his fingers, burning his hands like fire as his insides turned to ice.

Wei Tian smiled into his brother’s eyes, “Brother.” and died. His body began to glow and just like Mei Yan, disintegrating
into dust.

“NO!” Wei Yun screamed as vainly swipped for each tiny piece with his magic, trying to keep his brother’s body whole.
Yet, no magic in the world could save Wei Tian now. Wei Yun saw the piece escape here and there until the dust flowed
away from him.

Wei Yun reached and clawed the air like a crazed animal, screaming his brother’s name. But his brother was gone. The
dust was fine and grey, blinding the soldiers who watched Wei Yun. When they opened their eyes, Wei Yun and Wei Tian
were both gone.

The Jade Rabbit was rushing back to the Xi Yang Tribe’s camp when she saw in the distance Mei Yan kill herself. She
was too late, she didn’t have time to explain to Mei Yan what really had happened. The Jade Rabbit lost her will power
and dropped from the sky like a bird, hitting the ground with a thud. Wei Yun felt her presence and rushed for her, his
sword raised.

“What have you done with Wei Tian’s heart. Why did you take it” He snarled, the sword at her neck. The Jade Rabbit
shook her head vehmently, “I didn’t. Wei Tian gave it to me willingly. Did you really think I have enough power to kill the
most powerful of Gods?”

The sword in Wei Yun’s hand seemed to grow heavier and heavier. He screamed and thrusted it into the earth in rage.
Giant cracks followed as the earth split into two. Wei Yun had created a canyon in his grief.

The Jade Rabbit stood up as she looked at the heaving Wei Yun, “Your brother gave his life to save Mei Yan’s daughter.”
She said as she cautiously approach him, “Pan Gu’s heart is the only object that has the powers to hide Mei Yan’s

“Hide.” Wei Yun said numbly, “Why?”

The Jade Rabbit looked at Wei Yun sadly, “Long ago, the Emperor received a prophecy from Fate that he will be
overthrown by a half-God who becomes whole. He has killed almost every half-blood that’s ever been born, except Er
Lang Shen. Mei Yan’s daughter will be no exception.”

“How do you intend for her to escape death?” Wei Yun asked

“We sealed her spirit, put it to sleep for thousands of years until it is safe for the child to be born. But since it is in spirit
form, it’s god aura will be strong and it’s human essence weak. Wei Tian gave me his heart to protect it, so I can weave a
spell to suppress the magical aura that might attract the attention of the gods”

“And once it is born?” Wei Yun looked at the Jade Rabbit with soulless eyes, “How long will your spell last?”

“The spell I wove will last for hundreds of thousands of years, enough for the Emperor to truly believe that it is dead. Once
the child is born, her human nature will remain intact for 20 or so years but eventually her god side will try and take over.
When that happens, as long has she has Pan Gu’s heart by her side, she won’t be discovered ”

“What am I to do?” Wei Yun whispered.

“Wei Tian begged me to tell you. He wants to let you know that he attacked you to give me a chance to send Mei Yan’s
child to a safe place. He asks you to protect the child.” Wei Yun looked at the dust of his brother on his hand, a tear
dropped onto his palm.

“If the Emperor hadn’t sent him. Wei Tian wouldn’t have died.” Wei Yun whispered hoarsely, “I will never forget. I will
never forgive.”

There was a rustle behind them. A few Heaven Soldiers had been spying on them. They ran for the camp as soon as Wei
Yun turned around.

“They must not leave!” The Jade Rabbit cried, “The Emperor of Heaven can not know! Honor your brother’s wishes.”

Wei Yu felt no longer like the man he was. The burden on him made him feel real, made him feel alive. He picked up his
sword again, “Run. Jade Rabbit. Run where they can not find you and keep this secret. I will take care of things from

Wei Yun arrived at camp, cold and emotionless. All the soldiers raised their swords at him.
“General. We have received new orders.” A soldier called, his voice quivering, “You have killed your brother, a god. You
have violated heaven’s celestial laws in doing so. The Emperor has decreed that you be brought back to the palace in

Wei Yun laughed. He picked up the Tai Shan sword, and lovingly cleaned the blood off of it, “So this is how the emperor
choses to explain what happened here today. That coward.” The sword swung up at the soldiers, who all took a
involuntary step back. Wei Yun’s eyes seemed to glow with hatred, bloodlust, and sorrow. “Who wants to go to hell first?”

Chapter 31- Return

(Liu Shi Shi as Yu Zhu) (Wallace Huo as Wei Yun) in my novel.

The sun began clawing its way out of the ground as Wei Yun’s story ended. He turned his icy calm face towards Tu Suo

“The Jade Rabbit was banished to the moon by the Duke of the 7 Stars. I started a war with the Emperor. But neither of
us could win.” Wei Yun looked at the fading moon, lost in thought.

Grandfather too gazed at the moon, “She watched from the moon as her love ones died and her empire fell.” There was
tears in his eyes, “I failed her.”

Tu Suo squeezed the old man’s shoulder, “I am here. I will resurrect the empire.”

The old man looked at Wei Yun, “He will help you. He owes the Jade Rabbit that much.”

Tu Suo frowned, “Yet he destroyed my empire. Did your promise to the Jade Rabbit mean so little?” He glared at Wei

Grandfather patted Tu Suo’s arm, “Let the past be the past. There are things you do not know. We all are forced to act for
the greater good.”

Wei Yun chuckled humorlessly, “And isn’t that why you used Yu Zhu’s brother to cast her out of the palace? Hwang Wu
tells me of a young king named Xu Long Hui in the human realms whose wives seem to die mysteriously, no more than a
year after he marries them. I’ve heard Yu Zhu talk about her brother’s affliction. You were the one who planted the
demoness in his heart. You gave him a reason to cast her out and send her to someone he thought he could trust and
protect her. Once she was here, you knew I would feel Wei Tian’s heart and perhaps even the presence of Mei Yan’s
daughter. Xu Long Hui thought he had sent his sister to a safe place. Old general, you were using Yu Zhu like a lure to
draw me out.”
The Grandfather’s eyes were defiant, “You were not the only one the Jade Rabbit entrusted her secret to.” The old man
looked at Wei Yun defiantly, “I have a duty first and foremost to the house of the Jade Rabbit. You owe it to the Jade
Rabbit to help Tu Suo resurrect the Empire”

“If I don’t, you would reveal Yu Zhu’s true identity all the realms.”

“The Jade Rabbit gave her freedom to save Yu Zhu. It is time the debt is repaid.”


Yu Zhu woke up and saw a shadow outside her door. She frowned and threw on her robe. Wei Yun stood outside, his
eyes lit up as he saw her. She grinned up at him, “Grandfather let you in?”

“I have a favor to ask of you.” He took a deep breath and said, “May I borrow your pendant?” Yu Zhu smiled quizzically
but didn’t question him. “On the account you’ve saved my life on multiple occasions, I trust you won’t be stealing this from
me.” His smile was brittle as he held the jade dragon pendant. Wei Yun swallowed, “I want to show you something.” He
closed his eyes and the wind encircled them. Whispers grew louder and louder.

“Three hundred years ago a goddess was killed for having a child with a human warlord. My brother Wei Tian gave his
heart to create a spell to hide the child from those who want to kill her.” Yu Zhu saw the story in the winds, she saw the
sword plunge into Wu Kang’s stomach, watched as Wei Tian ripped his own heart out of his chest and put it into a jade
pendant, her jade pendant. Yu Zhu could not help but shudder as Wei Yun continued emotionlessly, “This child’s spirit
was put to sleep until she was born in a safer time. I fought to keep the secret from those who want to kill the child. I
fought to keep you safe.” She saw the price of the her birth, the death of thousands and the suffering of the human, gods,
and demons alike.

The vision changed, Yu Zhu saw her brother, escaping into the forest and being found by Grandfather. She saw him
perform as spell that not only saved Xu Long Hui’s life, but ensured that he would be the slave of the demoness inside of
him. Everything was done so that she could meet Wei Yun, so that he knew she existed.

Yu Zhu snatched her hand out of Wei Yun’s hold, she dropped to her knees gasping. Wei Yun knelt by her but did not
touch her.

Yu Zhu’s head spun. “I’m the reason why my brother suffers…” She felt as if the air inside her lungs was being sucked
out. “I am the reason why everything, all these years of warfare.” She looked at him through pain filled eyes, “I saw you…
killing thousands of solders. I saw every inch of your skin soaked in blood.” Yu Zhu felt as if she was seeing Wei Yun for
the first time, “Why are you telling me this?”

Wei Yun clenched his fists, “In three years time you will inherit the powers of a goddess. At that time the Emperor of
heaven will try and kill you at all costs. I plan to make sure that never happens.”

He looked at her, “I can protect you. By acting now, I will make sure you can be safe in three years time. And I will help
you take your rightful place in heaven as a princess of goddesses. I can make everything right” There was a light in his
eyes that made Yu Zhu uneasy, it was at someone she could be.

Yu Zhu felt as if the earth was tilting, for the second time in her life, she felt well and truly lost, “I don’t want to be immortal,
I don’t want to cause any more bloodshed because of my existence.” She held out her hand, “give me back the pendant, I
know what it can do now. If I have it on my forever, I can hide my godhood. That is what I choose. To remain human

Wei Yun looked at her and shook his head, “You will understand once I finish what I plan to give you.” He gently lifted her
to her feet and pressed his lips to her forehead. “Three years.” He muttered softly into her hair, give me three years and I
will create a world where you can thrive.”
Yu Zhu shook her head and pushed him away, “You’re not listening. Wei Yun, I don’t want people to die because of me.
No more.” His continued as if he couldn’t hear her, “I will rain fire on our enemies. I will keep you safe.” He gripped her
arms, as he if wanted to make her understand.

Lin Yu ran up, “Yu Zhu!” She paused as she saw the two of them, Yu Zhu’s eyes were still full of tears. Lin Yu drew her
sword, “Let her go.” Yu Zhu shook her head as someone landed beside Lin Yu and plucked the sword from her hands,
“You’re being rude to a god, little snake.” Huang Wu drawled as Lin Yu turned and glared.

“Huang Wu, return Lin Yu’s sword.” Wei Yun sighed and released Yu Zhu’s arms, “I mean Yu Zhu no harm. But I am
about to embark on a very dangerous journey, one that might keep me from being by her side. I need you to look after
these two girls.”

Huang Wu’s face fell, “No. Don’t stick me at this rude little snake’s side. Besides this place is practically a hovel compared
to the Crow kingdom.” Lin Yu stepped on his foot, “I don’t want some stupid crow flapping around me either.” She said as
she watched him try and hide his pain.

“I plan to have you escort them to the human word” Wei Yun held out his hand, “The demons realms will be unsafe for

Huang Wu’s eyes flashed, “What do you mean?”

Wei Yun shook his head, “This is the price of owing me your life, the price of having me help your father create his
dynasty 10,000 years ago. You are to protect them. Take them to Huang Shan, to the Goddess of Mercy Temple.” Wei
Yun looked at Lin Yu, “Your grandfather and Tu Suo agree with my plans, they have asked me to let you go with Yu Zhu
to the human realms.”

Yu Zhu felt Huang Wu grip her shoulder, Lin Yu struggled as well. But Wei Yun threw a net over them that immobilized
them. “In three years time, I will come find you, Yu Zhu. In the human realms, you won’t need the jade pendant’s
protection yet, as your essence is still human.” His eyes seemed to show his reluctance at letting her go, “Three years, I
will come for you.” With that he raised a tunnel of winds and threw it at the three young people.

The world around the two girls disappeared, when they opened their eyes, they were in a small temple. Lin Yu twisted out
of Huang Wu’s hold, turned and tried to punch him, “Take us back, crow!”

Huang Wu blocked her punch easily with an annoyed look on his face, “I can’t. He threw a lock on the two of you,
forbidding your entry into the demons realms” His wings flashed and he was in the air, “But I am a different matter, as I am
royalty, it has no effect on me.” He frowned as he climbed into the air,” Something big is going on in the demon realms, I
need to warn my father. You two, stay here.” With that, he was gone.

Lin Yu and Yu Zhu watched Huang Wu’s retreating figure, “Was he really that stupid that he would think we would listen to
him?” Lin Yu asked Yu Zhu softly.

Yu Zhu’s eyes seemed to glisten, but her voice was calm and cold. “I have no plans to quietly wait for some god to rescue
me or give me some sort of strange promise. I will live my life as I chose.” She did want to think about the implications of
Wei Yun’s words, she couldn’t even begin to sort her feelings about everything he’s told her. Ignore it, she told herself and
run away as if none of this was possible.

Lin Yu smiled at Yu Zhu’s words, “Shall we explore this world? Were do you want to go first.”

Yu Zhu looked to the west and excitement quash the hurt feelings in her chest, burying the pain once more, “It’s been five
years since I’ve been in the human realms, there are so many places I want to go and see.” Perhaps, she thought, even
find a way to keep me from turning into a god.
Lin Yu’s voice seemed to carry hesitation, “I would like to go see my mother.”

Yu Zhu gripped Lin Yu’s hand, “Then let’s go to Xi Hu first.”

Chapter 32 – The Midnight Thief

(Chen Xiao as the Young Master in my novel) (Lin Geng Xin as the Zhuo Hao in my novel)

Yue Kingdom, Human realms

“Young Master.” The magistrate of the Northern province bowed and handed the young man a cup of wine. His shaking
voice echoed in the empty main hall of the Magistrate’s elegant house, the young man sat high on the dais casually
glaring at the older man. The magistrate’s hands shook as beads of sweat began forming on his brow.

The young man drummed his fingers on the intricately carved table, “Have no fear, Magistrate Ke. Today is not the day I
capture you for your wrong doings.” He smiled wolfishly as he plucked the delicate cup out of the older man’s hands,
“We’ll talk about that once we catch the Midnight Thief, I’ll deal with you.” The older man lowered his head, he did dare
look into the man’s eyes. The young man continued, as if he was unaware the fear he was causing the other man, “Did
you think that you could steal from my father during this war and not be found out?” The young man crushed the cup in his
hands, “Your ambitions will end you.”

“Master! Master! The Gold… it’s gone! The thief, he’s escaping!” A guardsman tripped into the main hall, the young man
cursed and ran out, his sword already unsheathed.

“Which direction?” He roared, the servant pointed, and the young man leapt into the air and onto the roof. His right
hand guard Bao Lu swiftly followed him. They speed up as they saw several guards chasing after a slender black clad
figure. The black clad figure threw something into the air, and the men dropped like flies. “Bao Lu, stay with the men and
make sure they’re all right!”

The young master threw all his qi into a leap and landed on a few rooftops behind the black clad thief.

“Stop! In the name of the law!” He roared. The black clad man’s eyes sparkled, it was as if he was laughing at the
commanded. The man glared and raised his sword, he jumped the remaining distance. “I have a sword, you have nothing.
come quietly.” The masked man’s eyes seemed to pity him, but did not say anything. The young master grinned, “I’ve
been waiting to capture you for a while, ever since your first robbery. Thank you make not making this easy.”

He came at the masked man with a down swing, the man avoided it easily. The young master quickly checked and flipped
his sword for a horizontal strike only to watch the other man bend backwards and flip out of his range. Every sword move
he made, the other figure seem to glide effortlessly away.

He jumped and twisted his arm, wincing at the pain at his shoulder. This was a move a shaolin master taught him, used
only in the direst moment. The sword snaked around the masked man’s arm. The young master grinned. The masked
man looked unfazed. The young master raised his sword again and the battle commenced, but he could not touch the
masked man.

“Fight like you mean it!” the man roared, after ten minutes. He was one of the best swordsmen in the country, but it was
as if he could not touch the masked thief. The thief pointed at the man’s shoulder, the young master looked down. His
battle wound had reopened after his exertions, if it kept on bleeding, it would cause him serious trouble. The young master
ignored it, “I’ve been chasing you little bastard for months now, from the southern provinces to the northern ones. Do you
really think some little cut’s going to stop me now?”

He raised his sword again. But this time, the masked man slide past his sword, and towards the young master’s face. He
swiftly punched the other man’s elbow, numbing the arm down. He swiftly knocked the sword from the man’s hand and
spun out of reach, the newly won sword in his hands. He quickly came at the young man, faster than lightning. It took all
of the young master’s years of training to avoid the blows.

The sword flashed as the young master ducked, but not fast enough. Yet the sword didn’t slice through his shoulder.
Instead the flat end hit his arm, it was painful, but far from fatal. The thief wasn’t using the sword to kill. That made him
furious, “My sword is not some washing stick you beat laundry with.” He said as he rubbed his arm, “You either fight me
as an equal or give me back my sword so I can kill you.”

The thief threw him back his sword. The young master’s mouth dropped open at the insult. Bao Lu caught up, “Master, the
men are fine. They are just asleep.” At that moment, the masked man seemed to disappear into thin air.

Bao Lu took a look at the wound and the blood drained from his face, “We need to get that seen right away. You’ll bleed
out.” The young master sighed, “Let’s go.”


The masked figure landed lightly in the middle of a little pavilion, off came the mask and her hair slide out. She ran her
hand through her scalp, sighing with relief as the night air cooled her hair.

“Yu Zhu!” Lin Yu came running down the steps. Yu Zhu grinned and took a heavy cloth bag from her back. “I got the gold.”
Lin Yu saw the cut on her sister’s shoulder. “You’re hurt!”

Yu Zhu shook her head, “It’s a small scratch, I’ll be fine.” She took some medicine from her pouch, “I’ll get this cleaned.
We can talk once I change.”

Yu Zhu took off her black cloth suit and the little acorn she always wore. She sighed, it had been a year since she last saw
Wei Yun in the demon realms. She pushed the thought away and concentrated at the task at hand.

A hand shot out to help her. Lin Yu hand come in quietly, “Yu Zhu, you don’t have to suffer alone.” Yu Zhu smiled, “I’m
fine, it’s a scratch.”

“I’m not talking about that.”

Yu Zhu remained silent and Lin Yu sighed, “Ever since that day we left the demon town, you’ve been keeping something
from me. Sometimes I hear screaming in your sleep.” Lin Yu looked sadly at Yu Zhu, “aren’t we as close as sisters? Won’t
you let me know what’s going on?”

Yu Zhu swallowed and smiled, “I’m fine, I promise. We have lots of work to do.” She quickly changed the subject, “Is Zhu
Hao here yet? I don’t want to sit on this gold for nothing.”

Lin Yu’s eyes lit up at the mention of Zhu Hao’s name. She grinned, “he’s waiting for you at the main room.” Yu Zhu
quickly changed and the girls headed towards the main room.

A man in plain grey robes of an apprentice monk sat by the little table, his black hair shone in the dim candle light
signifying that he hadn’t taken his vows yet. Though his clothes were poor, he wore them like the robes of royalty. When
Lin Yu walked in, his eyes show with pleasure and he smiled at them brightly. Standing up, he promptly tripped over his
robes and nearly fell to the ground.

Yu Zhu sighed, Zhu Hao could look like a handsome young prince, only if he didn’t move. Lin Yu laughed, and Zhu Hao
grinned abashedly. Yu Zhu handed him the bag of gold bars, and Zhu Hao nodded, and pulled out a few sheaf of silver

“This is left over from what I sent to the refugee camps on the southern border. We’ve done all we can for them to get
them back on their feet.” Zhu Hao grinned, “This isn’t a lot but you two deserve something for your hard work.”

“And the northern border towns?” Lin Yu inquired. Zhu Hao put the notes on the table his face serious, “They are an
entirely different matter, famine, drought, and plague are hitting them bad this year. Not to mention the war has decimated
most of the bordering villages. I think I might have to go there to help.” Zhu Hao smiled cautiously, “But once we get this
gold melted down and sold, I think we’ll be able to help a great deal of them.”

Yu Zhu nodded, “We are surviving well enough as it is. Lin Yu’s work as a dancer and my embriodery shop has earned
more than enough money to feed us.” She pushed the notes back to him, “Take this and send it to the north. If you need
more, there are plenty of people we can rob from.”

Zhu Hao’s eyes grew sad, “There are so many officials skimming from government aid to the refugees. But you both have
to be careful, my people have been hearing a lot of talk about the Midnight Thief.”

“That’s not a really accurate name, since there’s two of us.” Lin Yu grinned nonsensically “Yu Zhu and I are both robbing
them blind, we need a prettier name.”

“I don’t really think you’re getting the point.” Yu Zhu muttered, “We’ll be more careful. The numbers of guards have
increased around the houses. And someone did manage to scratch me today.”

Zhu Hao’s eyes narrowed, “I’ll have someone look into it.” He looked at Lin Yu, “Please be careful. Both of you.” Lin Yu’s
face turned a little pink as she nodded.

Zhu Hao stood, “I have to get back to the monastery, before they realize I’m missing.” He took the heavy bag of gold, “I’ll
make sure that this reaches the northern villages, you two have saved a lot of lives today.” The girls waved as he quietly
strode out of their little home.

“You like him” Yu Zhu teased, “Admit it.”

Lin Yu gently shoved Yu Zhu, “Shut up.” She quickly walked into the house. Yu Zhu followed, “You’ve liked him since we
met him at that little village a year ago.” Lin Yu smiled, “It’s rare to see someone so good hearted.”

Yu Zhu nodded, “And intelligent. I heard it took him only two years to set up a secret system to help those affected by the
“Have you ever wondered who he was?” Yu Zhu asked Lin Yu, “for an apprentice monk, he sure seems to be good at
handling an underground organization.” Lin Yu shrugged, she didn’t understand humans relationships that much and
could care less who Zhu Hao might have been. “I’m starving, let’s eat!”

The demon realms.

Huang Wu and Tu Suo stood in the ruins of the once great ox capital and surveyed the damage. Below on the battlefield
lay hundreds of thousands of demon warriors, their blood soaking the ground and turning it into mud. Another hundred
thousand bowed to Tu Suo, their blades on the ground before their heads. These were now Tu Suo’s men, the last
warriors of the House of the Ox.

Wei Yu stood on a mountain of dead, calmly wiping the blood off his sword. With Wei Tian’s heart and powers, he had
decimated one hundred thousand warriors in the blink of an eye. He jumped and floated towards Huang Wu, there was
eagerness in his eyes. “You were suppose to remain with the girls. Is Yu Zhu doing well?”

Huang Wu sighed, “She’s residing in a kingdom bordering her own. They’re fine.” He looked down on the vast ruin before
him, “The demon realms have forever changed. How will the other 8 houses react to this?”

“This will serve as a grave warning to those who oppose me.” Tu Suo said, there was no joy in his voice. He was leaning
on his sword for support, his clothes were stained with blood, “The soldiers from the house Horse, the Snake, and the
Sheep fought by my side. We shall see what the other five say after this.”

Wei Yun turned to Huang Wu, “What of the Sky Kingdom, has your father forgotten what he owes me for the throne?”

Huang Wu did not reply, in the distance, a little carriage carrying the last prince of the ox house was speeding away. Wei
Yun watched, “He can not live.” Tu Suo shook his head, “I will not kill a child prince of the twelve houses. Let him go and
live a normal life.”

Wei Yun not say anything but raised his hand. White hot fire flew from him and blew up the carriage. Ten thousand
captive warriors stood up and screamed profanities and rage at the murder, but Wei Yun struck them down, burning them
alive as an example to the soldiers who knelt. There was no remorse in his eyes. “You want to rule and sleep without
fearing for your life at night, then people like that can not survive.”

“You’ve changed.” Huang Wu said through numb lips, as they heard the screams of the last few attendants to the royal
family, their cries raw and sorrowful. Wei Yun ignored this, though he felt the weight of those words as he looked at the
rivers gushing with blood. He turned to Tu Suo, “Your majesty, your new kingdom.”

Chapter 33 – A Challenge
(Chen Xiao as Zhu Zhan Ye aka Young Master in my novel) (Lin Geng Xin as Zhuo Hao in my novel)

The daily rhythms of the Ku Wen monastery about the vast city of Bei Xing, gently filled the silent morning air, lifting the
spell of sleep and bringing the city to life. Yu Zhu opened the shutters to her little shop of the corner of the busiest street in
the city.

“Little Girl!” The warm hearted woman of the bun stand waddled over, “You’re embroidery’s becoming very famous all
over town, and you’ve only been here a few months. Even the magistrate’s wife, they say even she’s taking notice!” The
woman’s eyes widened at the gravity of the compliment, “If you keep selling like this, you’re going to be famous across the

Lin Yu walked out, slightly bleary eyed, her mouth wide open in a yawn. Wu Ma tsked at Lin Yu’s messy sight. Lin Yu
grinned and grabbed Wu Ma’s arm, “Wu ma, I’m hungry.” Wu Ma’s heart softened at the beautiful girl’s pleading glance
and grabbed a bun, “One of these days you’ll have to pay me in gold for all the food I’ve given you.”

Lin Yu grinned and kissed the woman’s cheek. Wu Ma came over with a bun for Yu Zhu, “Here. You’ve been losing
weight since I’ve met you two. Put some meat back on those bones.” Yu Zhu laughed, “Wu Ma, if you keep feeding us,
we’re going to look like pigs.”

“What’s wrong with a little meat on the bones?” Wu Ma smiled, the wrinkles deepening on her face, “Besides, you two are
already know as the most beautiful girls in the city. I heard that even some of rich sons of officials and merchants are
talking about you two.”

Lin Yu twirled, her beauty more apparent than a blossoming lily in crystal waters. Wu Ma sighed, “But still, you shouldn’t
work as a dancer. Even if you don’t live in the dance houses, people will think and say terrible things about your
reputation.” She frowned at the grins on both girl’s faces, “Yu Zhu as the older sister, you really should stop Lin Yu from
dancing, it’ll ruin your reputation too. How will both of you get married?”

Yu Zhu and Lin Yu both laughed, and Yu Zhu replied, “Wu Ma, if the man I married cared that much about my reputation, I
wouldn’t marry him for all the gold ingots in the world.” Wu Ma looked disapprovingly at Yu Zhu’s flippancy. Yu Zhu came
over and grasped the old woman’s hand, “I know you care about us and treat us like daughters, but trust me, we can take
care of ourselves.” She smiled a little sadly as if she was thinking about someone, “I don’t want a man who can’t see me
for who I am.”


The young master paced restlessly in his room like a caged tiger. He snapped at his servants to prepare a horse for him.
Bao Lu came running after his master, “Young Master, your wound’s barely closed. You shouldn’t…”

The young master glared at him to be silent. Bao Lu sighed as he followed his master out. They rode to the outskirts of
town and past the gate. They silently rode up the stone mountain to where the golden Ku Wen monastery was nestled.
Bao Lu grabbed his master’s arm, “Young master, this is forbidden. No one is suppose to see him. You coming here, it’ll
raise the alarms. You’re visiting someone whose suppose to have disappeared off the face of the earth.”

The young master shrugged, his tone nonchalant, “No one will know. For all they know I came here to rest my weary

The young master stopped. Two monks walked out steadily and bowed to the two men. “Masters, are you here to pray? If
so, let us lead you to the main temple. This is the entrance for novice monks”

The young master put up his hands with a welcoming grinn, “I came to see novice, a lowly trainee that lives here. Where
is Zhuo Hao?”

The two monks glanced at each other. Finally one of them said, “We do not have anyone by that name. you are mistaken”

“Good monk” The Young master’s eyes seemed to be warning him, “I am not one to be lied to. And I can not be
responsible to what happens if you do not tell me where Zhuo Hao is.”

The monks seemed unpreturbed by the thinly veiled threat, “We have no one by that name.”

The Young Master said nothing but began to enter the temple. The two monks blocked him, and the young master
clenched his fists.

“Stop!” Zhuo Hao yelled, he came tumbling out of the monastery, his hair barely tied, a shoe in his hand and the other on
the wrong foot. The two monks saw him and bowed respectfully, he waved them away. He walked up to the young
master, “Zhu Zhan Ye. You mad man, what the hell are you doing here?” He grinned at the Zhu Zhan Ye and grabbed him
in a bear hug, “It’s been too long.”

Zhu Zhan Ye winced as the pain in his shoulder shot up. Zhuo Hao frowned and looked around, “Let’s go to my room and
you can tell me why you’re here.” He glanced cautiously around, “Does father know you’re here? I heard he forbid anyone
from visiting me” Zhu Zhan shook his head, “No one will dare tell him.”

They sat in the plain little room, and Zhu Zhan Ye looked around, his eyes took in the spareness of the place. Zhuo Hao
came in with steaming cups of tea. Bao Lu jumped immediately to help. Zhuo Hao smiled, “It’s not a palace, but it’s a neat
little place, isn’t it?”

Zhu Zhan Ye bit back his words he sighed, “Have you been well, brother?”

Zhuo Hao grinned and sipped his tea, “Yes. This place has all the peace and quiet I need. i’m no longer bothered by the
people I don’t want to see. Or the lies they tell.” Zhan Ye shook his head, “So you leave me to deal with all the troubles
while you live the peaceful life.”

There was sadness and guilt in Zhuo Hao’s eyes, “I was never meant to lead the life you and eldest brother lead. I think
father saw that, it was the right choice to let me go.”

Zhan Ye glared at him, “You were sent here so you can repent for your sins for a few months and come back. That was
five years ago. Come back home and help me.”

“You’ve been doing fine.” Zhuo Hao pointed out, “but I heard you were injured in battle?”

Zhan Ye’s eyes were bitter, “Yes. I was lucky that I was wearing the armor you gave me. It means I had to leave the
battlefield. I got bored at resting, so here I am.”

Zhuo Hao was curious, “What are you doing in this city? Shouldn’t you be in the capital?”
Zhan Ye grinned, ” I’m catching a thief on the orders of our beloved Emperor.” There was a hint of sarcasm as he uttered
the sentence, but his voice become somber, “I came here to talk to you about that, actually. Have you heard anything
about the Midnight Thief? He’s been causing trouble in many of the kingdoms, three months ago, he came here.”

Zhuo Hao swallowed but remained calm, “No. But I always thought the name was a bit redundant. It’s not as if thieves rob
in the middle of the day.” Zhan Ye shook his head, “Sometimes I think you are the least mature of us.”

Zhuo Hao laughed, “What do you want brother? I still have morning prayers .”

Zhan Ye smiled and stood, “I know you monks are good listeners, as people often come to tell you their troubles. I need to
catch this thief, as father has tasked me to do. Help me gather as much information as you can, and I’ll put in a good word
for you in front of father.” He looked at his younger brother and grip his arm, “come back, I’m sure all is forgiven.”

Zhuo Hao shook his head, “I’ll help in whatever I can. But don’t tell father it was me. I have no wishes to return.”

The other man grinned painfully before leaving, “Keep your eyes open, brother. With your help we might just catch the
bastard.” Zhan Ye walked away as Zhuo Hao’s smile disappeared from his face, he sighed and walked back into his


Zhan Ye and Bao Lu entered back into the town, they leisurely strolled through the city and found themselves on the wide
street of the most prosperous shopping district.

Zhan Ye didn’t care for any thing, nor did the items cause any wonderment. He walked through it without too much
thought, it was the fastest way to the inn he was staying at.

“Young Master.” Bao Lu quietly said, “Shouldn’t we take care of the magistrate?”

“I’ve written to Father. Within a few days there will be an investigation.” Zhan Ye told him, “If he and his family dies, he will
have no one to blame but himself.”

“What if he comes after you.” Bao Lu asked worried, “He doesn’t know you are… who you are. What if he tries to silence

Zhan Ye grinned, “I’d like to see him try.” Bao Lu said nothing, he knew that his master was strong, but against someone
as slippery as the Magistrate, he wasn’t quite sure if he and the prince would be enough.

“Your stuff is crap!” three handkerchiefs floated on in front of Zhan Ye and Bao Lu. A wealthy looking girl glared at a
beautiful girl in front of an embroidery store. “They say you could do the phenoix stich but it looks like it was made by a
chicken.” The wealthy girl’s eyes were malicious as her companion tittered behind her, “They said that some beautiful
seamstress has set up shop here, but all I see is some sub par country bumpkin.”

The embroidery mistress raised her head proudly, there was no hint of emotion on her face, “Mistress, if you don’t like my
craft, then take your business elsewhere. You standing here squawking so loudly, it’s ruining the atmosphere of this
beautiful day.”

Zhan Ye stopped to admire the embroidery girl’s pluck, not to mention her otherworldly beauty. He frowned, surely he had
seen other girls as pretty as this girl. But for the moment, he couldn’t remember any of them.

The wealthy girl’s face grew red and she raised her hand, intent on slapping the embroidery girl. She swung and missed,
hitting her hand on the shop pillar instead. She ignored the pain and raised her hand again, Zhan Ye stepped in and
grabbed the wealthy girl’s wrist. “Is this the way cultured ladies in this city are raised? Some one as beautiful as yourself, I
would hardly think it possible.”
The wealthy girl turned around, about to blister the speaker when she saw him. On his pale, handsome face was a pair of
obsidian eyes that drew her gaze like a pair of magnets. He exuded handsome elegance only sons of very wealthy
houses could. The air of authority and gentle contempt was intoxicating. The wealthy girl blushed, her hand went limp in
his grasp. She briefly considered faking a faint in his arms just to stay longer.

Zhan Ye saw her intentions and quickly let go. “Perhaps you and your companions should rest else where, the sun is too
much for delicate flower like yourselves.” The other girls, hypnotized by his voice and face, silently nudged their leader as
they shuffled away, ashamed that such an regal man caught them behaving so badly.

Zhan Ye grinned at the embroidery shop girl, “You can thank me now.” Her eyes widened and for a second it looked as if
she was pitying him. Zhan Ye frowned, there was something familiar about her, something he couldn’t quite put his finger
on. The embroidery shop girl quickly turned around, and Zhan Ye for some reason found himself following her, “I said, you
can thank me now.”

Yu Zhu raised an eyebrow, “Thank you for what?” She asked sardonically, “You just caused a scene outside of my shop.”
Zhan Ye’s mouth dropped open, no one had ever talk back to him. “I just got rid of those girls for you.”

“You made me enemies.”

He barked a laugh, “You weren’t making friends with them when I arrived.”

She looked at him, “You master, if you aren’t going to buy something, you’re wasting my time. I have things to make,
customers to take care of.” For a moment Zhan Ye was without retort, “I’m a very busy person.Do you think I’m some
busy body with nothing to do? ”

“You certainly aren’t doing anything in my shop.” Yu Zhu said and made shooing motions with her hands as if she was
shooing away a chicken, “Now please, I run one of the best shops in town and I have a reputation to upkeep, customer
orders to fulfill.”

Yu Zhu smiled brightly as well dressed women came in, welcoming them jovially. The shop became crowded once again
as women flocked to see the embroider girl’s designs. She ignored the handsome young man as if he was a fly on the

Zhan Ye’s eyes sparkled dangerously, if she didn’t want to be grateful, he’ll make her suffer. He said loudly “If you truly do
run one of the best shops in town, then you certain will be able to do this. Make me 100 embroidered handkerchiefs by
sundown tomorrow. Each has to be different from each other. All in gold silk no less.” The women around him started
whispering, wondering if the embroidery girl was brave enough to take the challenge. Yu ZHu realized that he had backed
her into a corner, it annoyed her. He grinned as he took out two bars of gold from his sleeves, “Since you boast that you
are the best embroidery shop in town, you can surely accomplish this. If not close down the shop and leave town.”

Yu Zhu’s eyes sparkled at the challenge, “And if i do? What will you do?”

Zhan Ye grinned, “In addition to this gold, anything you want.”

Yu Zhu smiled wickedly at him, “You’ve got a deal.”

Chapter 34 – I Will Protect You

(Chen Xiao as Zhu Zhan Ye*) (Liu Shi Shi as Yu Zhu*) (Hu Ge as Xu Long Hui*)

*actors I would like to see play the characters in my novel

“Yu Zhu!” Lin Yu ran in her multicolored silk scarves trailing her like gentle mist, “I heard from the horse thieves that
you’ve gone and gotten on some young lord’s bad side?” She sat down and gulped a cup of tea, “I ran out of the dance
house as soon as I heard the news!”

Yu Zhu sighed as she carefully stiched gold silk into a creamy white handkerchief, “Some silly little lord came to trouble
me.” Yu Zhu frowned, “I can’t be sure, but I think he was the one chasing me the other night. I tried to make him leave by
being rude, but that only made him mad. So he made some stupid little challenge.” Yu Zhu rolled her eyes, “I hope he’s
rich enough to steal from” She smiled wickedly, “I’ll know more by tomorrow, I guess.”

“That’s men for you.” Lin Yu sighed, “Sometimes they’re so thick, I wonder if their head is only made of bone and nothing
else.” Yu Zhu laughed, and Lin Yu said eagerly, “If he’s making trouble for you, I’ll bite his head off.”Lin Yu’s serpent
tongue flickered out as the skin on her hands turned into light white scales. She twirled, and twenty scarves rose in the air,
“Have no fear, with as wonderful snake demon like me by your side, we can get this done in no time.”
“Lin Yu, stop.” Yu Zhu ordered sternly, “We’re suppose to be keeping a low profile, which means no magic. If any taoist
priests or monks senses your magic, they’ll kill you on sight”

“Let them come.” Lin Yu said haughtily, “I’m more than a match for them.”

Yu Zhu said nothing, but in the silence was the truth. Lin Yu’s aunt had been imprisoned by a powerful monk, both girls
were weary of what might happen if Lin Yu’s true identity was discovered.

“Not a lot of people believe in ghosts and demons in this age, and most would scream at the first sign of supernatural
beings.” Yu Zhu warned her, “What would Zhu Hao think if you turned into a snake?”

“he’d probably laugh as if he imagined the whole thing.” Lin Yu muttered, but she too wondered if he would turn against
her. Lin Yu crouched by Yu Zhu, “But how can you make a hundred handkerchiefs in the night?”

Yu Zhu smiled, “It’s fine, I would never make a promise I couldn’t keep.” She got up and opened a drawer, inside were
eighty or so fine handkerchiefs already sewn, the gold thread gleaming in the candlelight.

Lin Yu gasped, “When did you do these?” Yu Zhu shrugged, “I couldn’t sleep. So I sewed, it was comforting.”

Lin Yu looked at Yu Zhu sadly, “Is it because you miss Wei Yun?.” Lin Yu’s eyes clouded, “I get sad too, sometimes I
wonder how elder brother is doing.” She sighed and then smiled, “But they said only a few years, and then we’ll get to see
them. Everything will be fine. So stop being sad.”
Yu Zhu put on a smile, it felt her face hurt, “I’m not sad.” Then her eyes sparkled, “I’m going to make someone very
miserable though.” Lin Yu nodded eagerly, “In that case, i would love to help.”

Yu Zhu shook her head, “The last time you helped me embroider, you sewed three dressed together, please don’t help.”

Lin Yu pouted, “I can only learn if you let me.”

Yu Zhu rolled her eyes, “That stuck up young lord will probably make me a servant for life if I can’t deliver these by
tomorrow, I’ll teach you next time my life isn’t on the line.”

Lin Yu smiled, “If he know who you really were, you would turn his life upside down in an instant.”

Yu Zhu shook her head as she stitched another delicate butterfly, “you make me sound like trouble.”

Lin Yu cackled, “We’re the most famous thieves in the country right now, what else do you think we are if not trouble?”


Zhan Ye started the map of the kingdom, his fingers tracing the blue dots, “First the mountains of the north.” He muttered,
“And the south eastern region, and now Bei XIng.”

“Young master,” Bao Lu bowed as he came in, “It’s time for dinner.” He lead the young man into the simple yet elegant
dining room. His personal silver chopstick were placed at the table. “I’ve checked the foods already, they are safe.” Zhan
Ye nodded still preoccupied with a thought.

“He’s been getting bolder and bolder.” Zhan ye said as he sat down, “The midnight thief started with little towns but he’s
been moving east to the bigger cities and towards the war.” Zhan Ye smiled without humor, “If he keeps going east,
perhaps I will go back to battle after all.” Zhan Ye glanced at Bao Lu and sighed, “You’ve been my old friend since we
were young. I want to hear what you think. Sit.” After a intial moment of hesitation, Bao Lu bowed and sat down.

“Your elder brother won’t like you going towards the war.” Bao Lu said as he poured wine for his master, “He doesn’t want
you near the battles.”

“The war is winding down.” Zhan Ye replied, “The Emperor of Dian doesn’t have enough resources to keep going.”

“Neither do we.” Bao Lu sighed, “What do you think will happen?”

Zhan Ye took a sip of the ice cold wine, “What always happens when two powerful empires fight to a standstill, they forge
an alliance through marraige.”

“We can hardly give any of our princesses to that cursed Emperor.” Bao Lu frowned, “Xu Long Hui’s wives die as as soon
as they marry him.”

Zhan Ye grinned jokingly “We could also always give him He Yi, she would probably kill him before he gets a chance to
kill her.”

Bao Lu coughed awkwardly, “Princess He Yi is not only beautiful, but she is also an accomplished young woman, you
shouldn’t talk like that about your future wife. Even if the announcement hasn’t been made, she’s still someone who will
be very important to your future.”

Zhan Ye put his head in his hands, “I’d rather talk about something less of a headache,” He shook his head as if to clear a
bothersome thought, “let’s talk about the midnight thief instead” Bao Lu grinned a little, “We’ll have to return home once
you catch the thief.” He looked at his master and remarked, ” Sometimes I think you want this chase to continue as long
as you can.” Zhan Ye picked up his chopsticks, “Let’s eat. we have a lot to do tomorrow.”

The Dian Kingdom

Xu Long Hui sat on the golden throne, though he was still handsome, there were a few silver strands in his hair. It was a
startling contrast to his coal black eyes, as he was no older than thirty. He looked out the window, towards the Princess’s
pavilion. Tonight the demoness who lived in his heart slept, tonight he could go see her.

“Your majesty. The battles are at a standstill. We can not win, nor can they. Harvest time is almost upon us. What should
we do?” The old advisor looked at the Emperor who said nothing. Xu Long Hui got up without a word and walked out. His
feet carried him past the Empress’s pavilion, which was decorated with pale white silk, signifying the death of his third
empress. He walked past the silent pavilions that were suppose to hold his concubines, but since he didn’t have any,
these empty palaces were meaningless. He walked towards the glittering princess pavilion, where long ago a little girl
lived and laughed. He had destroyed that too,

Hua Er stood in underneath the linden trees, her eyes turned to the stars. Xu Long Hui silently waved the attendants
away. For a moment, he enjoyed the silent warmth of her presence, it seemed like an ember to his cold skin.

“Your imperial majesty,” Hua Er bowed gracefully, her pale lavender robes billowed around her slim figure. He came over,
there was a hint of a smile on his lips, “Hua Er, we are two old friends. I’ve told you, you never have to use any formality
with me.” Hua Er straightened too but did not answer, Xu Long Hui looked up into the sky, “were you thinking of Yu Zhu

“It’s been five years.” Hua Er said, “Every night I come out here and wonder if she’s looking up at the stars. I wonder,
perhaps, if she still hates me, as she should” Hua Er’s voice quivered, “Or may she’s forgotten about me.” She cleared her
throat and smiled at Xu Long Hui, “Have you been well?” They both could not bring themselves to admit that Xu Long Hui
looked tired and sick, the battle with the demoness had taken a great toll on him.

He nodded, a lie that both of them could see through.

“As long as i get to see you once every few months, I am more than content.”

Hua Er could not help it, she felt the tears slide down her cheeks and fall onto the cold granite walk, “I am sorry i can not
do more to help.” She sighed, “Hong Yan Su’s ambitions have grown. You’re wasting away as we speak” Hua Er felt
angry with herself, “And here I live, like a useless, decorative flower.”

Xu Long Hui shook his head, “My late father adopted you in thanks for all you have done for us.” He took a silk
handkerchief from his pocket and gave it to her, “He made you a princess so that I could protect you, look after you, and
find you a good family to marry.”

Hua Er shook her head, “I’m not marrying anyone. I’ll be by your side.”

Xu Long Hui looked into her heart shaped face and felt a pain far worse than anything the Demoness could give him, “I
won’t be here for long. She became too greedy for power, too ambitious for strength. She’s dying. Perhaps I will last
another year or so before she drags me to the grave.”

He looked at her apologetically, “I don’t know if Yu Zhu can ever come home.” But a light of hope came to his eyes,
“However, I intend to keep you safe, should the empire fall.”

Hua Er looked into his eyes and put a hand on his heart. Xu Long Hui didn’t back away, he closed his eyes and felt the
warmth of her hand through the layers of silk. “Yes” She smiled sadly, “It’s almost time.” Xu Long Hui looked at her, not
comprehending her words, but just enjoying the moments he had with her. Reluctantly he stepped away from her. “I can’t
have her knowing about you.” He said as he backed away from her. “She’s killed too many already.” He sighed bitterly,
“She killed all those innocent women I’ve been forced to marry for the sake of the country. I too, am a monster.”

Hua Er looked at the self hatred written on his face and closed the gap between them. She laid a hand on his cheek, “She
can’t hurt me, You only come here when she’s asleep. She doesn’t even know I exist.”

Xu Long Hui was stunned at her gesture and said almost as if to himself, “I thought I wasn’t able to feel again. Why? Why
is it like this when I’m with you.” He needed to move away, but a strange sweetness overtook his soul, it immobilized him.

Gently, hesitantly, he slipped an arm around her waist. With her head on his shoulder, Xu Long Hui felt a feeling that he
knew had been creeping back into his body ever since the first time he touched her hands. He sighed, this was the
moment he wanted to live in forever.

He closed his eyes and savored the sweet smell of Hua Er’s fragrant scent. She smiled tenderly at him, “One day, it will
be me protecting you.”

Chapter 35 – Lin Yu’s Dance

(Zhu Zhi Xiao as Huang Wu) (Yang Rong as Lin Yu) (Lin Geng Xin as Zhuo Hao)

*actors I would like to play the characters of my novel

Lin Yu walked out the little room, carefully closing paper screen door quietly so as not to disturb the sleeping Yu Zhu. She
sighed as she looked up at the sky, where was elder brother and grandfather? She had always wanted to go on a grand
adventure, but now that she was on one, there was an ache in her heart for those she loved. She wondered wistfully.
Tonight she wanted to leap into the air and fly until she reached the moon, there was wild restlessness in her blood.

But she was forbidden to use magic in the human realms. Instead she took a deep breath of the heavy orange blossom
scent of the summer air. Autumn was coming, the spicy air of change called to her spirit.

“You look like an idiot. Gaping at the moon like you’re going to swallow it.” A haughty voice sneered at her. Lin Yu ignored
the remark, “What do you want, Huang Wu? I’m in a good mood tonight, but you shouldn’t push me.”

Huang Wu glowered, “How dare you, little snake! You forget that I am the Prince of–.”

“Of Idiots.” Lin Yu muttered, as she walked out of the little courtyard ignoring his outraged glare.

Huang Wu leaped down from the roof, “Where are you going?”
“What’s it matter to you?” She asked and strolled down the quiet street.

“I’m suppose to be protecting you and the little mortal. So I drop in from time to time.” He said quietly, “As the rest of my
clan battles for survival.”

Lin Yu’s step faltered, “what do you mean?” She had no idea what was going on, “Does this have something to do with
why we left the demons realms?”

Huang Wu opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but closed it, “No.”

For a moment the haughty mask slipped off his handsome face, and there was fear and anxiety in his eyes. Lin Yu looked
at him and took out a hand to touch his shoulder. He jerked back, there was something akin to accusation in his eyes,
something that he blamed her for. Lin Yu felt like he slapped her. They stood silently, awkwardly not knowing what to do,
where to go. Lin Yu turned around, intent on never speaking to him again.

“Wait.” Huang Wu said, “You must feel pretty cooped up here. Come with me.” He grabbed her wrist. Lin Yu’s eyes
flashed jade green, “Let go, crow boy. I’m not someone you can manhandle.” Huang Wu opened his mouth to taunt her,
but remember the bite scars on his pure white hand, he quickly let go.

“I’m of the royal house of crows, no priest will detect my magic, unless they’re reaching god status.” He said with his usual
arrogance, “So. I’m offering you a night where you don’t have to be human.” He offered her his hand, “You must be dying
to fly.”

Lin Yu looked at the hand and looked at him, there was confusion in her heart. Wasn’t he shying away from her touch a
moment ago? But, her greedy self told her, when will you have another chance to fly again? Lin Yu grinned and grabbed
his hand, “fine.” Then she looked at him suspiciously “But if you drop me, I will put enough snake venom in your system
that you’ll be paralyzed for the next thousand years.”
Huang Wu rolled his eyes, and transformed into a giant crow before her very eyes, Lin Yu found herself holding onto a
giant black wing twice the length of her arm. “Can you be any less inconspicuous?” Lin Yu asked sarcastically, “You don’t
need to be a taoist priest or a monk to see a giant black crow rampaging through the skies.” Huang Wu glared at her

“Hop on” he told her, “I’ll hide us.” She grinned and jumped on his back. He winced, “Have you been eating more
recently? You weigh more than the Pig of the Zodiac.”

Lin Yu kicked him and dugged her fingers into his glossy black feathers, “Unless you want to be bald by the end of this
trip, you better shut up.”

“Still won’t change the fact you weigh more than a house”

Lin Yu rolled her eyes, “If we’re not leaving. I’ll go on my walk.” She made the motion to jump off his back. But at the same
time, the black crow swooped into the air.

Lin Yu felt the ice coolness hit her in full force, the higher they climbed, the less homesick she felt. She dug her hands into
the warm down on Huang Wu’s neck, holding on tighter as he flew higher. He seemed to share her exhilaration and shot
up like an arrow, spiraling higher and higher.

In the air, Huang Wu felt alive again. The warm arms around his neck made him feel reckless and protective at the same
time. He grinned and climbed so high that even the clouds were far below them.

“Catch me!” Lin Yu said with a laugh, and she let go, plummeting towards the earth like a bright jade comet. He grinned a
wicked crow grin, folded his wings and dropped after her. As he caught up to her, he changed back into his human form
and grabbed her hand, “caught you.” He shouted, “If we continue to fall and I don’t change back, we’ll die. You should beg
me to save your life. And say it nicely.”
Lin Yu looked surprised for a moment and then laughed, “Are you trying play a game of chicken with me, crow boy?”

Huang Wu shrugged, “You should treat me like the prince I am.”

Lin Yu laughed as she fell, there was no fear in her eyes as the ground came closer, “How about this instead, I’lll dance
for you when we reach the ground instead. I’ve been working on something new.”

Huang Wu sighed, “I’ll never win with you, will I?” He switched back to his crow form at the last moment and swooped Lin
Yu onto his back inches from the ground. He gently landed them in an open field. Lin Yu hopped off and answered, “No.
Why even bother trying?” She pointed to the ground, “Sit and enjoy.”

Huang Wu smiled, it was the first moment of happiness he’s had in months. He sat as Lin Yu danced.

The whispering of reeds and the gentle chiming of the brook accompanied each of Lin Yu’s graceful movies. Huang Wu
was mesmerized, the girl in light jade clothes was heartrendingly beautiful. But it wasn’t her beauty that crashed over him
like the unrelenting waves of the eastern sea. It was the wild grace of her dancing, there were no words to describe the
sweet sadness in her movements. It was carefree at one moment elegantly muted at the next. Her movements pulled at
his soul, her airy grace trapped his heart.

Huang Wu felt the fears and sorrows that weighed on him lift with each of her movement, and for a brief moment, he didn’t
care what happened in the demon world. All he felt was the unbridled joy of her dance. When it ended, he closed his
eyes, intent on imprinting it forever in his memory. He didn’t want to share the sight of Lin Yu dancing with anyone.

Lin Yu squat down and poked Huang Wu, her face eager, “So what do you think? Will people like it? Why did you close
your eyes?”

Huang Wu shrugged, “I closed my eyes because it was painful to watch.” He told her, “You looked like a country chicken
waddling to and fro.” Lin Yu’s eyes narrowed, “What did you say?”

Huang Wu knew he was probably going to pay for it in some extremely painful way but he continued coldy, “You should
never dance that dance for anyone, except for me.” Lin Yu’s eyes were icy daggers, and she asked, “Why?” It was more
of a hiss than a question.

Huang Wu looked at her, “Because only someone as brave as me will be able to withstand the pain of that performance.”

She stood and looked as if she was was going to bite him. Instead she turned around, “Take me home.”

Huang Wu grinned behind her back, relieved that she didn’t bite him again. He transformed into a crow and Lin Yu
hopped on. She pulled back her sleeves as he flew, “I guess you really don’t value your feathers that much.”

If anyone looked up at the clear summer night, they would’ve only seen thousands of stars. But for some reason, there
was a trail of black feathers that floated all the way down to the city gates.


“That stupid crow.” Lin Yu seethed as she cooked rice porridge. It was the only thing Yu Zhu allowed her to make, as Lin
Yu had nearly burned down half the kitchen the last time she tried some thing more complicated.

There was a gentle knock on the door. Zhuo Hao stood there, a grin on his face. Lin Yu took a look at him and tried to
hide her smile, “Are you hungry? Stay for breakfast!”

“Okay.” Zhuo Hao stepped in and looked around, “Yu Zhu’s not cooking today?” He asked he watch Lin Yu haphazardly
crack a few eggs into the wok, the shells were mixed right in. He was just glad to spend a few moments alone with Lin Yu.
“Yu Zhu stayed up late last night, she made some kind of a bet with a new lord in town.” Lin Yu smiled, “He’s arrogant and
rich, if Yu Zhu think’s he’s corrupt, I’d like to rob him blind.” Zhuo Hao couldn’t help but grin, “You and Yu Zhu are so
different all the other girls I know.”

Lin Yu raised and eye brow, “And just how many girls do you know?.” Zhuo Hao quickly backtracked, “I don’t know many.
Not many.” Lin Yu laughed and shrugged, “You’re lucky I’m not the jealous kind.” Zhuo Hao grinned abashedly, “Not
many are as great as you, anyways.”

Lin Yu’s face turned bright red, distracted she handed a ladle to him. “help me.”

She regretted the words as soon as they came out of her mouth. Zhuo Hao’s eyes lighted up eagerly as he washed his
hands, “of course! I can’t always live off of your generosity. I’ve been told I’m useless in the kitchen by too many people,
today i’ll prove them wrong.”

He laughed and took a raw egg and threw the whole thing into the wok, shell and all, “They never let me cook at the
monastery.” He grabbed the knife and was about to chop the scallions when Lin Yu hurriedly took it away, “go do
something that won’t cause you to lose a limb.”

The acrid smell of burnt food reached Yu Zhu even before she entered the battleground she once knew as a kitchen.

“Dear gods, who did I anger in heaven?” Lin Yu breathed as she walked into the tiny kitchen . Half of it was covered in
flour and the other half seemed to be covered in a yellow gooey substance. In the middle of it stood two people holding a
plate of something entirely inedible.

They grinned at her like eager puppies. Yu Zhu forced herself to take the plate from Zhuo Hao’s hands, “Perhaps I’ll go
buy some buns from Wu Ma.”

“Zhuo Hao and I can go.” Lin Yu volunteered, “Wu Ma has a soft spot for Zhuo Hao, on the account that she finds him
handsome and all.”

Zhuo Hao grinned shamelessly, “And I’m not above using that to my advantage.” His happiness was infectious, Lin Yu
caught herself smiling as her anger at Huang Wu was forgotten.

Yu Zhu nodded, “Yes, that might be best. I’ll try and clean this place up. It’s a good thing I’ve finished all the scarves, god
know how long cleaning this will take” She shook her head as she looked at Zhuo Hao, “I’m banning you from my

Zhuo Hao nodded apologetically as Lin Yu pulled him out. Yu Zhu sighed, “They’re like children when they’re together.”
She began picking up the broken plates with a smile.

Zhuo Hao gently picked little white egg shells out of Lin Yu’s hair as they walked onto the street, careful not to cause her
any pain. Lin Yu turned to him, “Do you think Yu Zhu liked what we made?”

Zhuo Hao didn’t want to lie to Lin Yu, instead he pointed to Wu Ma, “I think she has pork buns. I’m starved for some of
that. All I eat are vegetables at the monastery.”

Lin Yu laughed, “Aren’t you suppose to be a novice monk? You aren’t allowed to eat meat.”

Zhuo Hao grinned at her, “No, that’s just those who already took the vows. I’m more a less just a guest at the monastery,
even if I do wear the monks clothing.”

Lin Yu looked at him curiously, “And before that? what did you use to be?”
Zhuo Hao looked as if he was remembering something. Finally he spoke hesitantly “I use to be miserable. I had to pretend
a lot, I had a to fear a lot of people. I hated it.” He looked at her, his face was full of happiness, “But when I left and came
here, I may have left everyone I knew, but I was free.”

Lin Yu looked at Zhuo Hao put a hand on his arm, “You have us, we’ll be your family.”

There was an indescribable feeling in Zhuo Hao’s heart as he looked at the slender hand on his arm. He felt as if the
years of wandering were over. The moment Lin Yu came into his life, he knew that he would never be alone again.

Lin Yu grinned at him, “I had a bad night last night, and someone told me that my dancing was terrible. Even though I am
the best dancer of the city.” Zhuo Hao looked at her curiously and Lin Yu realized, “You’ve never seen me dance, have

Zhuo Hao shook his head and Lin Yu looked at him excitedly, “If you promise to not laugh, I’ll dance it for you later.” Zhuo
Hao grinned, his entire face to seem to light up. Lin Yu looked at him sternly, “You can only say good things about me.”

Zhuo Hao laughed, “I wouldn’t dream of saying anything else.”


The Dian Kingdom

Hong Yan Su knelt in the grand hall of the Dian Emperors. Behind him, rows of officials bowed to their emperor,
resplendent in gold and black.

“Your majesty. The agreement has been made.” Hong Yan Su smiled cooly, “We are to give one of the realm’s first
ranked princess as a sign of good faith to the 1st Prince of Yue. I have a few suggestions.” He handed a eunuch a pouch,
“among them are the four daughters of a few of the ducal houses left.”

Xu Long Hui opened the pouch, “I see you have included your sister Hong Min Si as a viable candidate. What honor it
would bring to the Hong house if she was chosen” his coldness matching his generals, “Thank you for your troubles, I do
admit that these princesses are very worthy, but I have made my decision. None of these women will go to the Yue

The entire court murmured, this was news they had not expected. Xu Long Hui looked at the assembly with no emotion,
“Six years ago, my father adopted Xue Lan Hua, the most faithful attendant of the beloved late princess Yu Zhu. Hua
Er’s father was the late Duke of Hai Shan. She is more than royal enough. I have decided that she is to travel to Yue and
marry the First Prince”

Hong Yan Su’s smile dropped, “The late Duke of Hai Shan was a disgraced criminal, executed for his crimes. His family
was slaughtered as well.”

Xu Long Hui was not perturbed, “Never the less, she survived. Since then, my father has elevated her status back to that
of a first ranked princess.” Xu Long Hui leaned foward, though there was no trace of anger in his voice as he said, ” Are
you questioning the late emperor’s will?” The entire assembly tensed, to question the late emperor could result them
losing their heads. Xu Long Hui might be dying, was still their powerful emperor.

Hong Yan Su’s jaw convulsed and for a moment there was nothing but deadly silence between the two men. Hong Yan
Su bowed and uttered, “No, your majesty.” The emperor nodded and dismissed the entire court with a wave of the hand.

Xu Long Hui sat in the empy hall and looked at the princess pavilion, “Forgive me, Hua Er. But this is the only way to get
out away safely and protect you from Hong Yan Su. I am too weak to use anymore magic.”

Hong Yan Su walked out of the great hall, there was murderous rage in his heart. Xu Long Hui made the wrong move
today. By trying to limit his power, the war between them has officially begun.
One way or another, he thought as he walked away, Hua Er would die before she marries the Prince of Yue.

Chapter 36 – The Dangerous Game

(Zhu Zhan Ye) (Zhuo Hao)

(Pictures Courtesy of Sina Weibo and Ibukisatsuki, also thanks Suteki Da Ne for the blog post about my novel and the
idea of putting up paintings!)
Thanks for the patience everyone! This is the newest chapter. Please enjoy!

Yue Kingdom
In the setting sun, Yu Zhu’s scarves soaked the red gold rays, their pale shimmering colors reflecting and dancing in the
dying light. Yu Zhu looked on impassively as the young man sighed, “Beautiful. Even better than the ones in the capitol”
His expressive eyes seemed to probing her, ” Your skills are astounding for one so young. Here is what I owe you for the
wager.” The crowd that had gathered to watch the young embroidery mistress handily beat the handsome young stranger
in a wager, murmured their agreement

Yu Zhu plucked small bag of coins from the man’s hand, “I accept your apology.” Zhu Zhan Ye captured her hand, there
was amusement in his eyes and a faint smile on his lips, “Perhaps it’s not too late to be friends?” Yu Zhu was surprised
but maintained her coolness, “Perhaps.” And she tugged her hand away, her face felt a little hot but she was in control.

“I guess we can’t steal from him. She doesn’t seem to dislike him” Lin Yu looked disappointed as she and Zhuo Hao
peered at the two in front of Yu Zhu’s shop. They stood at the back of the crowd, she was happily eating candy that Zhuo
Hao held out for her.

“Your sister is exceptional” Zhuo Hao remarked, “She’s too wise to show her true emotions.” He looked at Yu Zhu
wistfully, “Too bad she wasn’t born a man. Maybe if she was, she could have become a great warrior, even a legendary

“What about me?” Lin Yu wanted to know. Zhuo Hao smiled sheepishly, “You’re all heart, you would probably make a
terrible general.”
Lin Yu shoved Zhuo Hao playfully, “I do what I feel is right.”

“Like the time you threw me off a bridge because you thought I was a bandit?” It was the first time they had met.

“How was I suppose to know that the bandits were holding you hostage?” Lin Yu grumbled as Zhuo Hao broke sesame
brittle into bits for her. He smiled as he handed it to her, “I was tied. I nearly drowned.”

Lin Yu rolled her eyes at him. “You’re still here aren’t you?”

Zhuo Hao chuckled, “Yes. That is something.” He mused softly, “Back when I had nothing.”

Zhan Ye bowed to the beautiful shopkeeper and motioned for his guard to follow him. Yu Zhu watched them leave, Zhu
Zhan Ye’s hawkish eyes made her wary

Zhan Ye turned around towards Lin Yu and Zhuo Hao to leave, Zhuo Hao turned away at the same moment, seemingly
absorbed in the activities of the street, hiding his face from the other man. Lin Yu didn’t notice.

Yu Zhu motioned for them to come into her shop, “It’s almost time to close. Give me a moment and we’ll walk back home.”

“What did you think of that upstart rich boy?” Lin Yu wanted to know as they started down the road. Zhuo Hao took out
some of the food Yu Zhu had ordered them to get and handed it to the girls.

“He’s well-bred, too well-bred to be an ordinary magistrate’s dog.” Yu Zhu picked out a mantou bun as she walked, “From
his clothes, it’s clear that he’s well-off. Everything was made to look ordinary, but he’s got more knives hidden on him than
you or I.” Yu Zhu rubbed her ear, “His accent and speech sounds too cultivated, more so than your average rich
merchant. And his mannerisms.”

Lin Yu tilted her head, “what about it?”

Yu Zhu seemed to not hear her, she was remembering all the lessons of the palace, all those long years ago. It seemed
like her past encased in silk, waiting for her to unwrap it, to face it. She locked it away again. “He’s good at hiding most of
it, but it’s clear he comes from a very privileged upbringing.”

Lin Yu frowned, “So who is he?”

Yu Zhu shrugged, “A duke or an imperial captain, at least.”

The road became slightly distorted she blinked back the un-shed tears, she could not shake the image of her home from
her mind’s eye, she sighed “Looks like we’ve caught the emperor’s attention.” Zhuo Hao looked at the two girls carefully,
normally, when an ordinary peasant discussed the Emperor, they would do so respectfully or fearfully but these girls
showed no outward emotions of hysteria or panic at the thought of the most powerful man in the empire coming after

“If you wish to stop all activities, I won’t blame you.” Zhuo Hao said quietly, “In fact, I would prefer it.” For a moment both
girls looked stunned, then Lin Yu laughed, “Zhuo Hao, I never took you for a cowardly mouse!”

Zhuo Hao shook his head, “The Emperor is ruthlessness. He had his eldest son, the crown prince killed, because a priest
had a dream that that the next Emperor would overshadow the greatness of his father. The Eldest prince of today hasn’t
been crowned as the the next heir. In fact no one know who he will name to the throne. If he can kill his children without
remorse, you’re flies to him.”

Yu Zhu rested her head on her hand, “I have no fear of ruthless men.” She smiled, “Have you seen Lin Yu? Do you think
for a moment that she could be captured?” Yu Zhu stared at Zhuo Hao a little longer, and said carefully as well, “I have
plans for tonight. There’s a merchant I’ve been meaning to steal from for days.”
“It’s too risky.” Zhuo Hao began.

Yu Zhu shook her head “Zhu Zhan Ye might catch on, but right now, he’s just arrived and he doesn’t suspect me. This
might be the last chance I get before he starts putting men to watch our house.”

Her eyes turned serious as she looked Zhuo Hao, “But I think you need to stop seeing us so often.” She sighed, “Should
Zhu Zhan Ye decide to look into you, he might uncover your underground network, and how we funnel money to the poor.
You need to take extra precautions.”

Zhuo Hao wanted to argue but Yu Zhu cut him off, “Even if you stay away from our house, we can still get the money to
you. But you need to be careful, you are as much the Midnight Thief as we are.”

Lin Yu gasped at Yu Zhu, “But why? I thought you handled him already today.”

Yu Zhu sighed, “The moment he became courteous to me, I realized his true purpose.”

“What do you mean?” Lin Yu asked

Yu Zhu seemed to be a little angry with herself, “He was testing me. Not many ordinary girls can rise up to his challenge.
And you and I are so odd already. Two girls who live their lives freely and without a man in our household. We stand out
too much, especially to someone who was trained to suspect the unusual. If I failed, he would’ve ruined my business, but
now that I won, he’s even more wary.”

Yu Zhu halted, she saw two men standing outside their house. Lin Yu stopped too, “Are you expecting anyone?” Yu Zhu
shook her head, “No. Were you?” Both girls felt for the daggers in their sleeves. They couldn’t quite make out the two in
the oncoming darknesss, but Zhuo Hao took a few steps backwards, Yu Zhu looked at the Zhu Hao for a moment and at
the two figures in the distance.

He cursed underneath his breathe,”Speak of the devil, I’ll take my leave now.” Without another word, he turned around
and walked away. Yu Zhu and Lin Yu slowly approached their house.

Zhu Zhan Ye waved, a smile on his lips, he bowed graciously and called out, “I was hoping to speak to Yu Zhu
again.” His servant held a basket of gifts and bowed also.

“Master Zhu, I thought our association ended today.” She was coolly polite as they faced each other.

“I came back because I wanted to apologize for my behavior. I’ve only arrived at this town a few days ago, and none of
my friends were here to reign in my temper. Luckily, a very nice lady who sells buns told me where you lived” Yu Zhu
blinked in surprise but quickly recovered, “Of course. I’ve already accepted your apology.”

They led the two men to the small courtyard underneath a small oak. Bao Lu gently set the gifts on plain table with the
muted flourish of a well-trained servant as Zhan Ye said, “With this I hope we can become friends. Behind the courteous
Yu Zhu, Lin Yu rolled her eyes. Yu Zhu, knowing how Lin Yu would react, gently elbowed her sister, “Nothing would
please me more.”

Zhu Zhan Ye ignored Lin Yu’s antics, “Now, as a friend I was hoping you can help me with something.” He smiled
amicably, ” I’m a simple bounty hunter, and I’m looking to catch the Midnight Thief, I was wondering if I may come to you
for information.” Lin Yu couldn’t help herself and snorted, “We’re just two girls trying to make it in this town, what would we
know about anything?”

Zhan Ye shook his head, “You’re one of the top dancers in the city, perhaps the empire. Men call you the temperamental
Goddess, and worship at you feet. You could have any secret you want if you so much as smiled at a man” Lin Yu rolled
her eyes. Zhan Ye gestured to Yu Zhu, “And Mistress Yu Zhu’s embroidery shop caters to only the very wealthy in this
town, her work is equally of renown. With your access to all kinds of people, I’m sure that you both can provide valuable

He placed a gold bar on the table, “of course, I will reward you handsomely.”

Yu Zhu knew it wasn’t the right time to fight this man, she merely smiled, “We’ve only been in the city for a few months,
and can hardly tell you anything you wouldn’t have already heard. But we’ll keep an ear open for you.” She took the gold
and offered it back to the man, “It’s late, perhaps you’ll visit my shop sometime.”

Zhu Zhan Ye heard the dismissal in her voice. He smiled and waved her had away, ” The gold is for you to keep. And I
look forward to visiting you in the future.”

As soon as they left Lin Yu spun around, “Why are we helping him?”

“Because we need to keep our enemies close.” Yu Zhu mused as she gently threw the gold onto the table, “Let the games


“Brother” A voice called out from the shadows, Zhu Zhan Ye whiped around. Zhuo Hao walked out from underneath a
willow. Zhan Ye smiled and quickly walked over “I didn’t know they let you out. What are you doing here?”

Zhuo Hao smiled and clapped his brother on the shoulder, “I’m just asking for alms for the monastery.” His tone was still
light as he said, “I heard you’ve been bothering the townspeople for information on the Midnight Thief. Just come to me
from now on, there’s no need for a prince of the empire such as yourself to do so much leg work.”

Zhan Ye’s brows furrowed at his brother’s strange words, “You always tell the opposite. Besides I’m doing my job, as
ordered by our father.”

“Your father.” The friendliness in his voice and eyes was gone as Zhuo Hao said coldly, “I was disowned the day I was

Zhan Ye became cold as the man standing before him, “Deny it all you want, but you are royal blood. You may have given
up on throne but that doesn’t make you any less my brother.” Zhan Ye’s chin stuck out, “As a royal prince, it is my duty to
seek out threats against the nation, I’m doing what is required of me, not hiding in a monastery.”

“But you of all people should be home, resting to heal your battle wounds. Not out chasing some thief.” Zhuo Hao felt his
frustration rise as he looked at his younger brother, “He’s goaded you into doing this just to see how fast you will die, your
wounds are serious and your opponent deadly.”

Zhan Ye laughed without humor, “Don’t you think I know this was a suicide mission? But unlike you, I have no choice.” He
looked at his brother sadly, “You mother is dead, and mine is still trapped like a bird in that imperial cage. I have to do
what he commands.”

Zhou Hao could say nothing, the guilt that he had felt all those years for leaving Zhan Ye came flooding back. The silence
was settled between them like a icy fog.

“Failure to capture the Midnight Thief means death for my mother.” Zhan Ye’s mouth lifted in a sardonic grin,”Such is the
price for being a son of an imperial house.”

Zhuo Hao’s eyes went cold as he said impatiently, “But I can help. Let me do the work.”

Zhan Ye had grown up with Zhuo Hao, idolized this brother all his life. But his instincts right now told him that Zhuo Hao
was keeping something from him.
“No” Zhan Ye said resolutely, “And if you get in my way, I have the full power of the Empire behind me.” With that he
walked away.

“Keep him safe. Come to me if he finds out too much.” Zhuo Hao whispered to Bao Lu. Bao Lu nodded and ran to catch
up with his master. Zhuo Hao sighed and walked in the opposite direction.


The Dian Kingdom

“Your Majesty, the Princess Hua Er begs your audience. She’s been waiting all day and night” A Enunch trembled in front
of Xu Long Hui. The emperor did not glance up from his scrolls, “Are the wedding dowry preparations going well?”

“Yes your Imperial majesty, We’ve sent ten thousand taels of gold, silver, and silk to the Emperor of Yue, he has sent
back the signed agreement of marriage.”

“Good.” Xu Long Hui replied, his fingers were white as he gripped his brush, “Bring it and I will sign it.”

“But shouldn’t the bride…” The Eunuch’s voice disappeared as Xu Long Hui said, “ No, she wouldn’t sign it even if I

There was a yell outside the door, Hua Er had a dagger in her hand and fire in her eyes as she gripped the captain of the
royal guards by the collar, her blade at his neck. Circling her were the royal guard, who couldn’t harm their captain or
capture the next bride and future queen of the kingdom of Yue. The Eunuch yelped and scampered out of her way. She
glared at Xu Long Hui, her eyes full of frustration.

“Let him go Hua Er, you’ve made your point.”

Xue Long Hui waved to his guards, “Leave us.” The soldiers hesitated, a crease appeared between Xu Long Hui’s
eyebrows, “Are you all deaf? Leave.”

Hua Er released the captain, who, after a moment, bowed to her with a slight grin. He signaled for his men to follow him.

“I’m not going” Hua Er asked after a moment, “Choose another to send off tomorrow.”

Xu Long Hui looked at her, “You are the highest ranking princess, and my word is law.” His eyes seemed to hold a
thousand unspoken words, things that he’s kept from his heart. Hua Er shook her head, “This isn’t the way.”

Xu Long Hui’s voice was cold and logical, “Once you cross the border, you will be safe and protected.” Hua Er’s eyes
overflowed. “Do you really think that’s what I want? Do you think that’s why I’ve stayed here all these years?”

Xu Long Hui couldn’t help it, there was desperation in his voice “if I leave this world, let me at least know that you will have
a long and happy life.”

Hua Er slowly walked to him. “I didn’t leave when Old Emperor died, because you are here. As long as I am near you, my
life is happy.”

She was so close that Xu Long Hui could see the truth in her eyes, “Please. Don’t send me to Yue.”

The conflict raged, but Xue Long Hui was adamant, “The marraige agreement is written and it’s your name on it, to send
another now would be an insult to the Yue.” He said as he clenched his hands, “You deserve a better man. A better life”

“I do deserve a better man.” Hua Er said with remarkable stuborness, “So start acting like one.”

Xu Long Hui looked a moment longer, he could feel the demoness stirring in his heart, “Be happy.” With that he gently
blew sleeping powder in her face, it would keep her asleep until tomorrow, traveling to the border of Yue.
A servant girl appeared and caught Hua Er as she fell. Xu Long Hui looked at her sadly as she was carried away.

“She gets cold easily and loves jade pear tea. Make sure that she gets only the best foods on the road, no expenses
spared.” Xu Long Hui told the captain, as the man once again entered the throne room. He glared at the captain of the
guards, “Shan Ying Lang, you bastard. I told you to keep her away.”

Ying Lang shrugged, “I thought that you two deserved a chance to talk. But that wasn’t going to be possible in the polite
way, since you were being an ass about the whole thing.”

Xu Long Hui sighed, “I am your emperor, you can at least pretend to have some manners.”

“And I am one of the last true friends you have.” Was the casual reply, “Don’t squander my good will.”

Xu Long Hui looked towards the Pavilion where Hua Er slept, “Keep her safe, don’t leave her side from tomorrow on.”

Shan Ying Lang bowed his head, “I will protect her with my life. It’s you I’m worried about.”

Xu Long Hui smiled, “I won’t matter in a year or two. I have done my duty and protected this country from the claws of the
Hongs for as long as I could, but I have been unfruitful in diminishing their power. And soon I will leave this world without
an heir. I have failed to protect everything my father worked for, so I ask you to keep the one person I value safe.”

He turned to his friend, “They say that the Emperor is the most powerful man in the world, a wave of his hand can cause
the death of thousands.” He laughed bitterly, “But I can’t even grant happiness to one.”


The Demon Realms

“QUIET!” A powerful man barked to a room full of demons cheiftains and their advisors, he turned and bowed to the
woman wrapped in red fur on the dais, “Your majesty.” He turned and sat in his chair, his old clan elders stood silently
behind him.

The Tiger Queen waited until all the other houses calmed down before saying, “Honored guests, I did not call the Zodiac
in order for us to fight. It’s time to put old grievences asides, we have a deadlier problem.”

The Rat Chieftain stood, his shifty eyes zooming from the face of one chieftain to another, “What do you suggest we do,
Majesty? The Empire of the Ox has fallen, the snakes, horses, and sheep warriors bow under the Rabbit. And they have a
powerful demon god on their side. Is it not time to bend down and surrender?”

The Tiger Queen’s voice held thinly veiled contempt, “You have always been the shrewdest of us all. Anyone else?” the
others murmured until a young man stood up, he was reed thin with golden eyes and flame red hair, “Bow down to a man
who kills children? The house of the Ox is entirely decimated, they wouldn’t even let a child live. If we surrender, he would
cut our heads off the moment our knees touched the ground.”

“Well said, Young Rooster.” A few chieftains nodded. A young woman stood up, she was as beautiful as the tigress
queen, “I think we should let the Emperor of Heaven know. For some reason, they haven’t sensed the upheaval from all
these years. He is the head of the dragon house, he can hardly ignore the rest of us.”

The room went silent. The Tiger Queen smiled in approval, “The young Monkey Chieftain seems to have the same idea
as me.”

She stood up, “This isn’t a little skirmish between the houses. This is annihilation. Our enemies have been quick to kill all
our messengers to the heavens. I suspect that they don’t even know Wei Yun is rampaging the demon world. Something
is magically blocking the Demon Realm from communicating with the God Realm”
“What does your majesty propose?” The man who sat closest to her asked, the one who had quieted the crowd, he was
the Wolf Chieftain, leader of the Dog Clan. The Tiger Queen knew what she asked would be enormous, “I need you to
gather any demons who can travel between the realms. They need to find a way to the human realms and from there, find
a way to the Heaven Realms to tell them what’s going on.”

“But that’s suicide.” The Rat Chieftain whined, “Only royal blooded chieftains are allowed to travel to other realms, and
even then, who would risk their position? The humans have priests and monks who would capture any demon for our
power, and we’d become weak, our magic diminished.” The others muttered, seeing that he had backers, the Rat Chieftan
felt more bold, “Besides that Wei Yun would sense us as we get close to the border. It would be suicide.”

“And death to us all if we don’t” the Wolf Chieftain said, he smiled grimly, “I will go.”

Chapter 37 – Let It Burn Into

Your Memories

(Photo Courtesy of Sina Weibo)

(Yu Zhu ) (Wei Yun)

The Yue Kingdom

The midnight thief was said to only appear at the darkest hour of the night. But tonight Yu Zhu needed her activities to be
timed perfectly if her plan was to work. She was going to pull of the most daring of stunts tonight as the Midnight Theif.

Yu Zhu barely made any sound as she jumped from rooftop to rooftop, her feet lighter than butterfly wings grazing
windblown leaves. Her dark clothes and mask melted into the midnight, the clouds obscuring her shadow and the wind the
sound of her movements. She hid behind the gargantuan stone lion on top of the merchant’s roof.

Below her the house of the Merchant Han Yi was lit in celebration, the wealthy old man was marrying his
seventh concubine.

Yu Zhu smiled beneath her mask, a wedding was the perfect cover, how could a thief miss an opportunity like this?
She silently ran along the dark side of the roof, flattening herself on the edge, waiting for the guards to get drunk
enough. As the hours went by, sure enough the guards began to sneak drinks into their bellies, one more unsteadily than
the other. Yu Zhu waited patiently, the main event was about to start.

The twinge of the tuning Pipa instrument turned the guests and ancient grooms’ attention to the center stage. While
beautiful dancing girls had been circling the stage and entertaining the guests, this was the event everyone was waiting
for. A guest stood and bowed to Han Pi, “Han Pi, you marvelous man, how did you get the legendary Lin Yu to come and
perform? Did you line the road from the dance house to your house with gold?”

Another man, his eyes bright with anticipation said, “Lin Yu is the most beautiful woman of this city, maybe even the
empire. Her dancing has the power to intoxicate men. You must’ve paid a mountain in gold.”

The old man grinned, his ancient face filled with glee, “I can’t tell you my secrets, or else you’ll all have her perform at
celebrations. This is too special to be copied!”

“Perhaps you can have her as your next concubine!” Someone added, the drunken guests laughed heartily. Han Pi smiled
lecherously, “When I’m bored of the new concubine, something can be arranged.”

Yu Zhu nearly let out a derisive snort, he would be begging for a quick death if Lin Yu ever heard of his plans. Never mind
that demons killing mortals is the gravest of sins and all the priests would be after them in a heartbeat, Yu Zhu would help
Lin Yu kill the bastard.

The sound of the drum reverberated in the wine scented air. Flower petals flew in the air like snow as a circle of girls
began appear on the stage, each more beautiful than the next. The drums stopped and the sharp ring of Pipa heralded
the arrival of the main dancer.

A girl in pale green seemingly floated down from the sky, spinning gracefully onto the stage. She seemed to glow brightly
in the cloudy night, as if she had taken all the light and infused it into her skin. Every man was utterly powerless under her

Word began to travel the Lin Yu was performing, and everyone clamored for a look. Lin Yu had only performed once
before in the city, but it was said to be so unforgettable that she became instantly famous.

Yu Zhu counted the guards, all were looking at Lin Yu. She leapt from the highest rooftop and ran across the thin divider
to the smaller court yard of the inner house. There she leaped onto a branch of oak and silently landed onto grassy
enclave. Lin Yu thanked the stars that two weeks ago, Han Pi’s concubine had ordered her to come and embroider some
clothes for her. She knew the place like the back of her hand.

Past the courtyard of the concubines, through the winter and summer pavilions she went, darting between shadows, and
counting the beats of the music. It has to be timed perfectly, she had to be gone by the time Lin Yu finished.

Yu Zhu found the unguarded study, and looked around. No one was in sight. She crept up to the lock door and took out a
pin, swiftly and deftly picking the lock. All those years running with the ragamuffins in the demons realms had taught her
all sorts of useful tricks. The lock tumblers clicked, she was in.

Yu Zhu quickly closed the door behind her, and started looking behind the paintings. The highest ranking concubine of the
house was a loudmouth and had complained to Yu Zhu that the Merchant Han Yi was filthy rich but wouldn’t buy her new
jewels, even though he had thousands of gold bars hidden underneath his study.

Yu Zhu smiled as she saw looked at the copper statues on a shelf. All was dusty but one. It had the polished look of
something that was moved around quite a lot. She turned it, a set of stairs appeared out of the floor. Yu Zhu walked into
the room and smiled.
Han Pi, you stingy old bastard. She looked onto the room, rows and rows of gold piled high from ceiling to wall. A strong
man could maybe move all of it away in a week, given that he had all the time in the world. But Yu Zhu was lucky, she
could do magic.

Whatever Wei Yun had done, when he had taught her magic, had intensified Yu Zhu’s affinity for it, she could do a few
transformative spells with some effort, it was quite handy in her new line of work. Lin Yu and Yu Zhu had discovered that
while demon-catching priests were sensitive to demon made magic, they could not sense Yu Zhu’s magic. She closed
her eyes and raised her hand, the gold began to shimmer and shake. Yu Zhu felt beads of sweat form on her head. This
was still hard for her, she gritted her teeth and pushed her magic with her will, the pain in between her eyes stung until it
was almost unbearable. In a burst, the gold transformed into a huge pile of feathers. Yu Zhu gasped and fell her knees,
stuffing her arm in her mouth to keep quiet.

Shaking she got a bag out and began to collect the feathers. The spell might last an hour at the most before it became
heavy gold again.

She listened. The music was ending soon. She bounded up the stairs and did a quick visual sweep. All was well. She
silently closed the hidden staircase and smiled, tomorrow the old bastard would find a big enough surprise to give him a
heart attack. She closed the door and the locked it, heading towards gardens.

Yu Zhu heard voices, some of the maids from the south part of the house was hurrying to catch the last glimpses of Lin
Yu’s dance. She abruptly changed course and leapt into the first darkened room she saw.

The voices past and she straightened. Yu Zhu was about to go when she heard muffled squealing in the room, almost as
if someone was screaming through cloth. She carefully approached the bed, on it was a diminutive figure dressed in bridal
red. Yu Zhu looked around, this was the new concubine’s room. She removed the cloth from the shivering figure, and ice
encased her heart.

The new bride of the Merchant was maybe 12 or 13, the girl flinched as the cloth covering her face fell away. Her eyes
were puffy from crying and there was a bruise from her temple to her neck. Her mouth, hands and feet were bound with
thick red cloth, and she was bleeding struggling against the binds on her wrists and legs. The girl’s muffled voice seemed
to grow louder as she saw the masked and dark cloth Yu Zhu.

She’s been kidnapped and forcibly brought here, Yu Zhu was numb with anger, I’m going to make him pay for this
If Yu ZHu left the girl here, she would become the old man’s new plaything. Though she had no time for this, Yu Zhu knew
there was no choice but to take the poor thing along.

“I can get you out of here. Nod if you understand.” The young girl quieted, and gave a frightened nod. Yu Zhu took out a
dagger and quickly cut away the bonds, “Don’t make a noise.” The girl scrambled off the bed, trying to get away from it as
far as possible. She fell to the floor, her legs numb from disuse. Yu Zhu bit her lip in frustration, this would slower her
down monumentally. She grabbed the girl by the waist and hauled her up.

“Hang on to me” Yu Zhu whispered as she moved the limping girl carefully to the door, Yu Zhu tore down a curtain and
hung it over the girl, covering her face in case anyone saw them. Yu Zhu glanced outside, still silent.

It was too quiet. The music had ended, it was the moment of awe and reverie after Lin Yu’s dance. She leapt onto the
roof, shifting the girl on her back and ran for all she was worth. Soon she and the girl would be out of danger. A few roofs
away, Yu Zhu halted, the blood drained from her face.

“Now who could you be, flying through rooftops at night?” Zhu Zhan Ye called out, he stood on a rooftop with a sword in
hand, “I’m surprised you’ve added kidnapping in addition to thievery.” Yu Zhu cursed underneath her breathe, she had her
hand full with the magicked gold and the girl, this was bad. She wasn’t sure how much time she had before the magic
wore off.
“Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you too much.” Zhu Zhan Ye smirked and swung his sword up, “I want the Midnight Thief to
walk up to the executioner’s block without any help.”


The Demon Realms

Huang Wu and his two remaining brothers stood beneath the dais where the Crow King sat in the palace of the Crow
King, discussing the demon war. The Old Crow King’s face was a mask of grief and anger, his alignment with Wei Yun
had taken a heavy toll on his family and kingdom.

“The treasury is depleted, there is rebellion in the eastern skies. Our armies are stretched thin. How many more have to
die for the Jade Rabbit’s son to inherit a throne? When will Wei Yun be satisfied?” Huang Wu’s brother Huang Er asked
bitterly, “Elder Brother’s and Third Brother’s death could’ve been prevented if we stayed out of this.”

“What should we do?” Huang Si, the fourth prince asked, “As messengers of the sky, if we tell the Gods what’s going on,
perhaps the will come.”

“They would force Wei Yun back into the forest. He’ll know it’s us.” Huang Wu observed.

The Old Crow King sighed, “Back when he helped me gain my kingdom, I promised him I would help him. There is nothing
more I regret than that promise.”

“Wei Yun will never understand this betrayal.” Huang Wu said, his eyes hollow, “He has no mercy, and would decimate
our dynasty.”

“But it would save our people.” The Old Crow King decided, “And that’s the best we can hope for right now.”

“You’re wrong, if you went to the Gods. I would kill every last one in your land.” A cold voice pierced the throne room as
the doors were thrown open. Wei Yu stood there, a sword in one hand and a head of a crow soldier in the other. Behind
him was a long trail of soldiers’ blood and bodies, leading to the front gates of the Black Crow Palace.

Wei Yun’s coldly graceful visage was impassive as he thew the head of the crow soldier onto the gilded floor. Huang Wu
and his brothers rose and drew their swords. Wei Yun’s appearance had caught them off guard, the Crow King had
expressly forbidden him from entering or interfering in their kingdom.

Wei Yun’s eyes flicked to Huang Wu sadly, “I am doing this so we can all live in a world where we have to fear no one.
Why must you fight me?”

“You are creating a world where we fear only you.” The Old Crow King stood up to face the handsome god, “You’ve
changed. I no longer know who you are. “

Wei Yun’s brows furrowed, “I am doing what I know is best. Old friend, I protected your kingdom, and this is how you
repay me?”

“My sons are dead. My people are dying. I owe you nothing.” The words were laced with bitterness and loss.

The Crow King stood and roared, “What’s clouded your eyes so that you can’t see the souls leaving the bodies of the
slain? What has covered your ears so you can’t hear the screams of the children burning in their homes? What as
numbed you so that you don’t feel the grief of the living?”

The old king’s breath became labored, he sat down, the anger and grief draining him of his energy.

Wei Yun sighed, “These are but a few, and they have died to further my cause. The cost of victory is high.” With that he
darted past Huang Wu and his brothers in the blink of an eye to stand before the Crow King.
Wei Yun’s sword bit deep into the Crow King’s heart. “I’m sorry old friend,” Wei Yun whispered, “But if the heavens know
that I am about, the Gods would come. They might discover her accidentally and I can’t have that. She needs to be safe.
This is all for her.”

The Crow King gasped once as blood gushed out of his chest, he couldn’t scream as the blood began pouring out of his
mouth, choking him to death. His eyes looked at the face of each of his beloved sons, their horror reflecting his own.

Wei Yun drew the sword out of the old man’s body and turned around. The three princes were too stunned to move. Wei
Yun’s face showed no emotion as he pointed the sword dripping with the old crow’s blood towards the second prince
Huang Er, “Long Live the New Crow King.”

Huang Wu was the first to break out of his shock, he rushed at Wei Yun with his sword raised.

“I’ve been nothing but a friend. We helped you without fail. How.. How?” His scream was feral, there was wild disbelief on
his youthful face. Tears began to fall as he ran towards the god, he wanted to hurt Wei Yun. To tear into his flesh. This
wasn’t real. His father, the man who had lovingly raised him, was dead.

The man he had thought was his best friend had killed his father.

Wei Yun opened his hand and a bright ball appeared, it engulfed Huang Wu in white cage, trapping him in power. The
white ball returned into Wei Yun’s hand. He closed his fingers and it disappeared.

“The same will happen to you if you try to reach the God Realms for help, I will easily kill you and put the Huang Si on the
throne.” Wei Yun warned Huang Er calmly as he strode out of the palace, the steps flowing with the blood of the old king.
“Remember today. Let it burn into your memories.”

Chapter 38 – Capture and Escape

(Huang Wu)

(photo courtesy of 2366.com)

The Demon Realms

Wei Yun’s steps echoed in the giant ice caverns of the Grey Mountains, he was a glowing dot in the vastness of the icy
blue caves. He took out the ball of white fire that contained Huang Wu and released it. The crow prince lay on the floor
shaking, he had wasted most of his power trying to break out of Wei Yun’s prison.

A jet black sword appeared in Huang Wu’s hand as he unsheathed his wings and rose in the air. Wei Yun didn’t even
move as the crow prince dived for the god. In the last second, Wei Yun grabbed the black sword by the blade, and pushed
back, breaking the sword into a thousand pieces. Huang Wu was thrown into a mighty stalagmite.

Heavy stone and ice cracked as the young man fell to the icy floor. Shaking Huang Wu got up. He spat out a mouthful of
blood and rushed towards Wei Yun, murder in his eyes.

Wei Yu drew out a thread of power, it flew faster than a whip. It bound the young crow in an instant. Huang Wu struggled
for a moment before blasting it with his magic.

“Stop.” Wei Yun ordered, “if you use anymore you will overextend and kill yourself.”

“Burn in hell, bastard!” Huang Wu screamed as he flew into the air, his black wings carrying him faster than the eyes could

Wei Yun’s eyes glowed white and he blasted Huang Wu with pure magic. The young man screamed as he once again
crashed into the cavern’s wall. His back broke instantly Wei Yun quickly drew out a tendril of icy magic, it flowed like water
to Huang Wu, healing him of most of the injuries.

Huang Wu laid there, bloody tears falling out of the corner of his eyes, the blood stopped flowing from various cuts. Huang
Wu’s hands clawed into the icy ground.

Huang Wu gritted his teeth and pull himself up. Wei Yun held up a hand and the young crow man rose into the air. Wei
Yun’s face was a mask of indescribable emotions as he gestured, from, Huang Wu’s human body out flew the shape of a
crow, silvery and ghost like, it drained out of Huang Wu’s body, slowly into Wei Yun’s palm. Huang Wu’s screams of pain
echoed in the great cavern.

Wei Yun sighed, “Of all your brothers, you are the only one with the gall to go and alert the Gods.”

Huang Wu’s screams subsided and rasped out, through cracked “What’ve you done to me?”

“I’ve take away your magic and true demon essence.” Wei Yun closed his fist over the light, “you are without power.”
Gently, he set Huang Wu down.

Wei Yun blew into the air and white magic encircled Huang Wu, “This will keep others from finding you, or you harming
yourself. Don’t worry, you will be safe.” The ground shook and white crystals shot up, around the crow, trapping him

Huang Wu snarled, “Lies. You’re keeping me hostage to control my brothers” as the crystals grew to encase his waist. It
climbed higher and higher without stopping. Wei Yun said nothing and turned away to the giant opening of the cave as
Huang Wu screamed at him,”You wait. Every ounce of blood you spilled, I will drain from you. I will make you feel pain
seven fold.” The crystals fully encased the young man, freezing him in that moment in time, trapping him in its icy heart.

Wei Yun’s clear eyes were downcast, he whispered as he walked out of the cavern, “One day, I will gladly take
your punishment.”

(Zhu Zhan Ye)
(Photo courtesy of Sina Weibo)

Yue Kingdoms
Yu Zhu was well trained in martial arts, she knew that she could not be the first to make a move. For one thing the girl she
was holding was shivering like a cat. With her eyes on Zhu Zhan Ye and her hands full, this was a sticky situation.

Zhu Zhan Ye rushed at her. Yu Zhu swiftly blocked his sword with her dagger. It was a mistake for her to get to close,
body to body fighting was for those equally matched in height and physique. She was a head shorter and much thinner
than this Zhu Zhan Ye. He took this opportunity to punch her stomach. Yu Zhu thank the stars she wore padded armor, or
its her ribs would be broke by now.

“Are you a woman? Or just an underfed man?” Zhu Zhan Ye insulted as he traded blows with the Midnight Thief, Yu Zhu
nearly dropped her sword in rage. She had bounded her chest and thickened her waist to look more manly. She said
nothing, not allowing herself to be distracted by his acerbic words. The fought until each was soaked in blood and sweat.

She inwardly cursed for having to juggle the gold that turned into feathers, the girl and the infinitely annoying Zhu Zhan
Ye. On a normal night, she probably would’ve gotten rid of him already, or if she was truly desperate blasted him with

But the hour was up, the feathers might turn back into gold any moment, she and the girl would fall to their deaths, buried
under a ton of gold. Her magical and mental powers were fully focused on prolonging the spell right now. If she tried to set
the girl down, the child might fall off the roofs and break her neck.

She ducked and struck back, nicking Zhu Zhan Ye’s arm with her dagger.

Zhu Zhan Ye’s breathing became labored, his old war wounds were opening again. The war had caused him untold
internal damage, if he fought too long he risked dying from internal bleeding. He needed to end this quickly.

He saw an opening and lunged, putting his Qi into the leap. The sword struck true and sank deep into Yu Zhu’s shoulder.
In that moment Yu Zhu mental concentration on the spell nearly broke, the feather’s weight shifted suddenly and her
knees buckled. She stumbled away, losing her grip on the girl in the process. Yu Zhu fell and rolled down one roof and
landed on another, struggling to keep the magic going.

Zhu Zhan Ye smile, and jumped down. He was gasping for breath and could feel the trickle of blood down his arm. He
raised his sword, about to pierce the Midnight Thief’s heart.

An arrow flew through the air and struck the sword, knocking it out of Zhu Zhan Ye’s hand. Another narrowly missed him.
Zhu Zhan Ye raised his sword and blocked three more.
A grey masked figure jumped in front of the Midnight Thief, a bow in one hand and a knife in the other. The masked figure
struck at Zhu Zhan Ye quickly, hitting him exactly on his deepest wound on the shoulder. Down he went, the pain shooting
like lightening through his body.

The grey masked figure picked up the Midnight Thief and jumped from the room.

“NOO!” Zhu Zhan Ye gasped, but it was too late, the two had disappeared. After a moment, Zhu Zhan Ye picked up his
sword, cursing his luck and the Midnight Thief. He heard a sniffling sound and whipped around. In the deepening night,
the sounds was faint, almost muffled by the darkness. Zhu Zhan Ye squinted.

A figure, huddled in thick cloth was shaking on the roof above the one he stood on. Zhu Zhan Ye leapt onto the roof,
wincing in pain. He carefully approached the shivering figure and pulled off the cloth. Doe like eyes stared at him, too
frightened to even move. It was a young child, her mass of black hair fell over her paper white features, she had tear
streaks down her face. Her hands covered her mouth as if she was trying to mask her screams. She had a bruise from
her face to neck.

Zhu Zhan Ye was stunned. He felt a surge of anger from his belly to his throat, ” That. Monster.” He snarled, and quickly
threw his own cloak onto the shivering little girl in bridal wear. “Did the Midnight Thief do this to you? Is he kidnapping you
to be his bride?” He asked as he picked the child up, “You’re safe now. No one will harm you. I’ll make sure you get back
to your parents. But first, let’s get you to a doctor.”

With that Zhu Zhan Ye headed down the roof with the child in tow.


The Border Between Dian and Yue

Hua Er woke up to the clacking wheels of the carriage. She looked around sleepily, no quite sure where she was.

She sat up and looked at her surrounding. She was moving in a giant, luxurious carriage, inlaid with gold and ivory. And
then she realized what Xu Long Hui had done.

“Curse that lily faced lying imperial sneak with a heart as black as tar. ” She yelled in frustration as she looked down, there
was an iron chain on her foot connected to the carriage.

“Your highness.” A maid’s head poked in, seeing the pure rage on Hua Er’s face, quickly withdrew. A moment later, Shan
Yin Lang climbed into the carriage.

“He asked the maids to remove all your weapons before you got here. You can’t throw anything at me.” He sighed as he
sat down beside her, “How are you feeling?”

Hua Er glared at him stonily, “Great.” She snapped as she yanked at the chain, “As well as can be.”

“He would just tie you tighter next time if you tried to escape.” Shan Ying Lang said, “What’s the point of trying to go back,
you know how he will end.”

Hua Er’s smile was bitter, “What you’re saying is that all people die, what’s the point of living?” She looked at Shan Ying
Lang, “It’s not about how it ends, it’s about who you’re with when it happens.” She pleaded with her eyes, “And I want to
be by his side no matter what.”

Shan Ying Lang sighed, “I have my orders from the Emperor. Even if he is pig-headed, I have to listen to him.”
Hua Er wanted to argue, but another head poked in, “You know, if I knew that rescuing you all those years ago means I
have to travel, I would have had second thoughts.” The man came in and quickly closed the carriage doors.

Hua Er blinked at the man, “Doctor Li Sun?” She whispered. The doctor who had rescued her so many years ago
brightened and smiled warmly, “You remember!”

He looked at Yin Lang, “She remembers me! Imagine, a great personage like a princess remembering someone like me”
He smiled and nodded to Shan Ying Lang.

Yin Lang rolled his eyes, “who can forget like you. You’re too happy all the time.” Hua Er looked at the two, “You know
each other?”

Yin Lang nodded, “Li Sun and Xu Long Hui are friends, and thus I became friends with Li Sun.” He glared at the youthful
doctor, “If Li Sun hadn’t saved my life so many times on the battlefield, I might have killed him out of annoyance.” As he
said it, he took out a piece of paper from his pocket. Li Sun casually handed him a pen.

Li Sun shrugged, “If I didn’t like you, I would’ve put laxatives in your tea so that you spent the better time of your wars
pooing, not fighting.”

Hua Er shook her head as she looked at Li Sun, “Why are you here, doctor?”

Li Sun and Ying Lang looked somber, “The emperor worries about you. I’ll be in charge of you health from now.”

Ying Lang nodded grimly, “and I’ll look after your safety.” while busily writing on the paper. Scribbling as fast as he can.

Hua Er was confused but she played along the to two men’s strange antics, “That foolish man. He sent the best of the
empire with me. What will he do now that he’s alone?”

“I wouldn’t worry about him right now.” Li Sun said with a brittle expression. He gestured to Shan Ying Lan to write faster,
there was strange panic in his eyes now. Shan Ying Lang laughed heartily as if all was well as he handed Hua Er the

Hua Er’s heart sped up as she read what he wrote.

Hong Yan Su. Assassins. Nightfall Ambush. We need to leave now.

Hua Er nodded as she quickly folded the paper. Shan Ying Lang handed Hua Er the poisoned knives she was famed of
carrying. She stowed them away in their usual hiding places, with an angry smile.

Haughtily she ordered, “I’ve had enough the carriage clacking about. I demand we stop right now and rest.” The carriage
halted. The three looked at each other, it was now or never.

Chapter 39 – The Thief Lord

(Zhu Zhan Ye) (Zhuo Hao)

(Photos courtesy of Sina and SecretChina)

Yue Kingdom – Ning City

Yu Zhu tried to muffle her scream, biting on a damp cloth as Zhuo Hao sewed the skin on her shoulder back together in
the dim candle light. His grey clothes were soaked with blood and his mask lay forgotten in a corner of the room. There
were still a few hours before dawn, if she screamed now, the neighbors would wake.

“He hit bone ” Zhuo Hao cursed, “This will take a while to heal.”

The door opened and Lin Yu rushed in, the smile on her face dropping as she saw the bloody rags piled around Yu Zhu.
“Move” She said brusquely, her eyes began to glow as green fire sprouted from her hands. Zhuo Hao didn’t need to be
told twice and backed away. This wasn’t like the normal powers of well practiced martial artists. This was something he
had never seen before.

But Yu Zhu grabbed Lin Yu’s arm with her good hand, her fingers digging into Lin Yu’s arm in panic.

“No! A cut like this? Not worth it” Yu Zhu gasped. Lin Yu ignored her, “Demon magic is strong, you’ll be better in a few

“Every demon catching priest within thirty miles will be here within the hour if they feel your power. We live next to a
monastery, don’t you think they have demon catchers there? Do you want to be the second snake in your family to die at
the hands of monks?” Yu Zhu’s face was covered with sweat, but she looked Lin Yu firmly, “Don’t you dare. Once I’m
strong enough I’ll can heal myself.”

“Who did this?” Lin Yu asked, her face a mask of rage, “I’m going to bury him in his family plot.” Zhuo Hao fumbled the
towel he was holding, neither of the girls noticed.

“No. He was waiting for me.” Yu Zhu shook her head, sweat dripped from her forehead, “Zhu Zhan Ye’s already too
familiar with the Midnight Thief’s methods. Also, Zhuo Hao showed up to rescue me tonight. I don’t want him to know
anymore about us than he already does.”

“Should we wait until he attacks us?” Lin Yu asked incredulously, “This is more or less a declaration of war!”

Yu Zhu sighed and laid back down, “For now we don’t provoke the beast. I misjudged his intelligence. It’s a mistake that I
can’t afford to make again.”
Zhuo Hao walked forward with a sleeping draught, “Rest, my team should’ve taken care of the gold already.” Yu Zhu
drank down the vial gratefully and fell into a dreamless sleep.

Lin Yu and Zhuo Hao walked into the sleepy autumn air. Four figures moved quietly in the shadows around them. Zhuo
Hao smiled, “I think my people are almost done.”

“Master Zhuo!” A woman in similar grey clothes like his appeared like a ghost by his side, she was tall and reed-like, two
long strands of hair framed her heart-shaped face. She scowled at Zhuo Hao, “When you said you needed us to move
some very small things out of the city by dawn, did you mean the ton of gold you had in the back room?”

She was covered in sweat as she looked at Zhuo Hao with annoyance, “Three of my men strained their backs moving the
gold. The others nearly fainted in exhaustion. I caught four trying to stuff gold down their drawers.” She grimaced at the
last one, they were all thieves by trade, seeing the gold nearly made their mouths water. Some of them outright drooled.

“I know you’re always smiling and carefree, but will you for once get it into your addled head that we are not field
workers?” She hissed as she rubbed her aching arms, “We’re not use to carrying thousands of gold bars across the city,
we could’ve been caught anytime.”

Zhuo Hao slung an arm around Pei’s thin shoulders, “But you’re here, so I knew there was nothing I needed to worry
about.” Pei’s eyes nearly threw sparks and Zhuo Hao hurriedly took his arm off, for fear of losing it, “I’m sorry.” He grinned
contritely, “This was an emergency.”

Lin Yu smiled absentmindedly at the older girl “Pei, when did you get here? I didn’t notice you.”

Pei, Zhuo Hao’s second in command, gestured to the three others behind them, all in grey, “We’ve all been here since Yu
Zhu and Master got back.” Lin Yu looked around and called to them softly, “Min, Ran, Tong. You’re all here!” The three
men smiled at her brightly as she went to talk with them.

Pei looked at Zhuo Hao and whispered, “Using a network of thieves to transport the gold out of the city, you’re taking a
risk. Even if you are our Thief Lord.”

Zhuo Hao was unperturbed “Some of the gold will inevitably go to the men in our gang, but I trust you to get our people to
do the right thing.” He looked towards the monastery, “I have to get back soon. Make sure everyone is gone by sun-up.”

Pei shook her head with a sardonic grin, “You’re a monk by day, the leader of the Ning City thieves by night. Has anyone
pointed out the irony to you?”

“It is a little bit contradictory.” Zhuo Hao conceded, “Apart from you and a few others, not many know about what I do.”

Pei smiled , “You won the leadership, by all means I follow you without fail. As do the thousands of thieves you command
in this city” She looked a little troubled, “But there’s talk. The Thief Lords of the other cities are growing weary of your
reach. Especially with the whole helping the refugee scheme. They think it’s too strange.”

Zhuo Hao’s reply was good natured as he reassured her, “Let the old farts yelp like they’ve a bee in their undergarments. I
have other things to worry about.”

Pei’s eyebrows furrowed as she gave up, “Like always. I’ll handle it.” She walked away, exasperated, it seemed like she
was always more worried about her easygoing Thief Lord than he was about himself.

Pei smiled at Lin Yu as she gestured for the thieves to follow her out of Yu Zhu’s place, “I’ve heard your dance can make
the gods fall in love. Perhaps sometime you can show us.” She patted Lin Yu’s shoulder as she and the others
disappeared into the oncoming dawn.

“Thank you.” Lin Yu smiled at him as he walked her into the courtyard, “If it weren’t for you…”
“Yu Zhu would’ve managed.” He said truthfully, “She just had her hands full, but she’s not the kind to get killed that easily.”

“It’s a good thing our network’s so strong. If we were to move the gold tomorrow, Zhu Zhan Ye might’ve already had his
men placed here.”

Lin Yu wasn’t troubled, “You’ve always been good at this sort of thing.”

Zhuo Hao sighed, “I’m worried about you two.” He looked at the pinkish hue of the rising sun, “Yu Zhu’s always been two
steps ahead of the magistrates and bounty hunters. But with this Zhu Zhan Ye… she’s never been caught off balance

“I wish she didn’t take such risks.” Lin Yu’s normally happy demeanor was gone, replaced by worry, “She won’t let me go
because she thinks I might use my demon magic and get caught.”

“She cares deeply about you.” Zhuo Hao said gently, “And she’s doesn’t care for people easily.” Lin Yu looked at him,
startled at how clearly he understood Yu Zhu.

He saw her shock and shrugged, “Yu Zhu may be tight lipped and cautious but her actions are clear, she could never
place you in danger.”

“But I can handle it. I’m thousands of years older.” Lin Yu said petulantly. Zhuo Hao said nothing, he merely smiled sadly,
remembering how Zhan Ye use to plead with him when he went to the borders to fight, Zhan Ye use to think Zhuo Hao
was overprotective too. They were brothers through thick and thin, Zhuo Hao remembered Zhan Ye’s eyes, as Zhuo Hao
was taken out of the palace in chains. That was the day his brother grew up.

Now they would be facing each other on opposite sides of this battle, neither could win without losing.

Lin Yu looked at him carefully, after a moment she hesitantly asked, “Why haven’t you run away yet?”

That jolted out him out of his brooding thoughts. For a horrifying moment he thought Lin Yu knew everything.

Then, Lin Yu blushed and gestured to herself, “Now that you know… about me being, not human.”

Zhuo Hao actually smiled, compared to what he was thinking, this was nothing.

“Why should I run?” He twisted a piece of grass in his fingers as he waited for her explanation, his eyes looking at her with
an expression that made Lin Yu want to turn towards and away from him at the same time.

Lin Yu was even more puzzled, “Yu Zhu and I just told you that I’m a demon… a monster. Most people run away
screaming that either we’re insane or go head straight away for an exorcist. You’re no fool.”

Zhuo Hao’s expression was carefully guarded, “Perhaps, I want to be.” He gently grabbed her hand, and looked into her
almond eyes, “Yes, monsters and demons are the stuff of legends. But you’re actions towards me and the people of this
empire were never so.”

She looked unconvinced, he tilted her chin to stare into his eyes, “Monsters kill for wealth, glory, or power. They devour
the world around them, and they spare no one.”

For a moment, the ghosts of his past seem overshadow to his face, Lin Yu covered his hand with her, bringing him back
to the present. His lips turned upwards into a boyish grin, “You laugh too freely, run too wildly, and dance too beautifully to
be a monster.” She looked his warm fingers gripping her hand, the feeling was making her slightly giddy, “But I’m not
human.” She mumbled.

“I couldn’t care if you were a pig, rat, spider or snake.” He answered teasingly, still hand on hers.
The last one gave Lin Yu’s heart a jolt, it made her a little excited, a little scared. She looked at him shyly, “So, you’ll come

His eyes, sparkling in the new dawn glimmer, there was nothing but the truth in his eyes, “You couldn’t keep me away if
you tried.”


“Bao Lu, bring me that cloth.” Zhu Zhan Ye said as he sat on the floor, his rich clothes dug into the wood. The girl he had
rescued sat in a chair, her face cleaned and her hands neatly bandaged. She was eating a bun with the ravenous hunger
of a street urchin, her thin cheeks puffed food. Zhu Zhan Ye carefully put medicine on her ankles, “What is your name?”

The young girl swallowed and whispered, “Lu Xi.” She flinched as Bao Lu came close with some tea, the servant gently
set the cup down beside her, she had her hands up as if she was expecting to be hit. Zhu Zhan Ye watched her
interaction carefully, without saying anything, but there was pity in his eyes.

“Where are you from, Lu Xi?” Zhan Ye asked gently, the little girl was hesitant as she haltingly whispered, “Clearwood

“That’s the war zone between Yue and Dian.” Bao Lu breathed, “It’s hundreds of miles from here, how did you come to
this place?”

Lu Xi’s eyes watered, “Parents needed money. Sold me.” Zhu Zhan Ye sighed, he had seen this often when he fought in
the army. Refugees offering their youngest daughters and sons in exchange for money to feed the rest of the brood.

After a moment, he spoke, “Along time ago, I had a little sister who I loved very much. We played every day, and I
promised I would protect her.” He smiled into the thin little face, “I will protect you too.”

The girl looked at him with big eyes as he gently asked, “What happened next?”

She swallowed hard the words were slow and halting at first, “Men came into the village, they gave my parents money
and put me in a cart for a long time. Then they took me to a big empty house.” Her lips trembled as tears fell down her
face, “A servant came and told me that I’m going to be married, I cried and they kicked me and punched me until I
stopped.” Her eyes hardened with anger, “They starved me for days because they said the master liked his girls thin. And
then they tied me up and put me in red clothes.”

“How did you end up on the roof then?” Lu Xi frowned, “I…someone came into my room saw me crying and promised that
they would help me.”

“Did you see what that person looked like?” Bao Lu asked hurriedly. Zhu Zhan Ye threw a curious look at the eager

“I…only heard a voice.” she looked down, “It was muffled and I don’t know…” She grew frightened and pleaded, “Please
don’t send me back to that horrible old man, I’ll do anything. I’ll wash clothes, I’ll carry things. Just please.” Her eyes were
over bright and her voice was thick with unadulterated fear.

Zhan Ye handed her a handkerchief, though his heart was burning with anger at her story, “I promise send you back, on
my life. Sleep here. My guards will make sure nothing happens.”

He and Bao Lu left the room. Zhan Ye made it down the stairs before he punched a pillar, leaving the imprint of his fist in
the wood.

“It doesn’t seem like the Midnight Thief was trying to do some good.” Bao Lu murmured.
Zhan Ye glared at his servant, “Don’t jump to conclusions. He’s still the enemy. We just have to deal with whoever hurt Lu
Xi first. I have to make sure they don’t have the balls to do this kind of thing again” He smiled wolfishly as he walked down
the stairs, “Who knows, maybe when I’m done with them, they might even have some information about the Midnight
Thief for me.”

Bao Lu shook his head as he followed, “If you let them live long enough.”


Yu Zhu had been sleeping until mid day. When she got up, Lin Yu bounded to her side, helping her to sit. “You shouldn’t
move around too much” She said as she brought a bowl of meat soup to Yu Zhu. Yu Zhu looked at it suspiciously, “Lin Yu
did you…”

Lin Yu smiled and shook her head, “I told Wu Ma to make it.” The kind motherly street vendor had send over a dozen of
her best meat buns and stew.

“How are you feeling?” Lin Yu asked as she placed a spoon in Yu Zhu’s good hand.

“I’ve had better days.” Yu Zhu sighed as she sipped gratefully. Her face was pale and her lips were cracked, but she
smiled for Lin Yu’s benefit.

There was a knocking sound at the door. Lin Yu ran to see who it was.

Zhu Zhan Ye stood there, his face slightly sheepish. “I heard that Yu Zhu was sick but I have a pressing matter.”

Lin Yu nearly broke the door handle as she glared at him, “It can wait.” She was about to slam the door in his face when
Yu Zhu put a weak hand on the wood. She had a thick robe over her clothes, though she was pale, she straightened with
a look of iron will.

Lin Yu was always amazed at Yu Zhu’s ability to suppress whatever pain or anger she felt. She had seen it happen
when Yu Zhu was a little girl in the demon village, there was a calm air of elegance and grace to her even when she was
covered in mud. It was as if she stood above the world, never letting anything affect her.

Yu Zhu bowed gracefully to the man at the door. “Welcome, Master Zhan Ye.”

Zhan Ye blinked, “Miss Yu, you look pale.”

Yu Zhu shook her head with a fragile expression, “I must have ate something bad. I’ve always been a little bit weak, and
this week was taxing.”

Lin Yu glared at Zhan Ye, “Making a 100 handkerchiefs will do that to a person. I wonder who got my sister sick.”

Zhu Zhan Ye had the grace to look taken aback, two faintly pink spots appeared on his cheeks. “ah.. well….” Behind him,
the little girl peeked out.

Yu Zhu recognized the little girl instantly, she leaned down and smiled kindly, “Hello, little one.” The little girl blinked and
looked down.

“This is Lu Xi, she’s 13 years old” Zhan Ye introduced the little girl, “I found her last night and I was wondering if you could
keep an eye on her for a few days. I have to go take care of the men that brought her here the first place. Maybe she can
help you around the shop?”

For a moment both girls looked at him, stunned at his forthrightness. He continued quickly, using the time to build his
case, “She was kidnapped by someone. I have a pretty good idea who. But if I go after that person, I want to make sure
that he won’t come for her.”
“Who do you mean?” Yu Zhu asked, “Is it the thief you’ve been chasing.”

Zhan Ye shook his head, slightly disappointed, “No, it’s a merchant. A nasty old man who preys on pretty girls and buys
them from desperate and poor parents from war zones, or so I’ve gathered.” His eyes were slightly pleading as he asked,
“Can you help me? I’ll make sure that you girls will be protected from any harm if you take her. I’ll make sure the merchant
won’t come here.”

Lin Yu looked at him in disbelief, “We just met you and now you’re saddling us with a child? What next, are you going to
move your mother in too?”

Zhu Zhan Ye looked even more sheepish now, “I don’t have a lot of friends in the city.”

“That’s a surprise.” Lin Yu snapped acidly.

Yu Zhu put a hand on Lin Yu, as a silent warning. She assessed Zhu Zhan Ye, “May I ask why here?”

Zhu Zhan Ye nodded, “If he knows that someone has his bride, he’ll come looking. I’m a stranger and he might already
know I’m investigating him. If I suddenly have a village girl by my side, while I’m surrounded by a retinue of men, there
might be rumors.”

Yu Zhu still looked unconvinced as Zhan Ye rushed on, “It’ll be easier for you to say she’s family from the country.
They’ve already come to trust you here and they’ll accept your story more readily. People will see her at the inn no matter
what and i don’t want to keep her cooped up.”

Lu Xi had looked at Yu Zhu with curiosity every since she had appeared. There was something familiar about her. And
when Yu Zhu spoke, Lu Xi blinked. Her voice, it sounded so familiar… where had she heard it before?

Yu Zhu looked at the child, she might remember. I have to get her away from Zhu Zhan Ye before she says anything.
Yu Zhu’s voice was kind. “Of course I’ll help. Lin Yu, please take Lu Xi to our spare room.”

Lin Yu looked like she wanted to argue, but she could see that Yu Zhu was near her limit. Any time it takes to argue might
mean Yu Zhu might collapse. She nodded and smiled at the little girl, “Come on.”

Zhu Zhan Ye was relieved, the tension from him was gone as he grinned. Yu Zhu couldn’t help but admire that smile,
there was something pleasing about Zhu Zhan Ye when he smiled like that.

Her sensible self admonished silently, he’s still the enemy.

Yu Zhu cleared her throat and gestured to the door, “Now, if you please. I have to rest.”

Zhu Zhan Ye nodded, the light in his eyes changed, and before Lin Yu could stop him, he gripped Yu Zhu’s injured
shoulder and squeezed.

To a normal person, it would look as if Zhu Zhan Ye was touching Yu Zhu’s shoulder in thanks. Yu Zhu gritted her teeth
as she smiled even more serenely as she felt the bandage dig into her wound. They looked at each other for an
electrifying moment, neither seemed to give way to the pressure in the other’s eyes.

“Master Zhan, what are you doing?” She asked like a proper bred lady. Her voice was politely inquisitive, as if they both
knew he had committed nothing more than a social blunder.

Zhu Zhan Ye watched her curiously for a second before quickly letting go, “I’m sorry.” He smiled as a blush crept up his
face. He scratched his head, “I acted like I do with all my male friends. I must have spent too much time with that rough
crowd.” He bowed, “Please forgive me.”
Yu Zhu’s smile was still cold, she could feel the icy sweat from pain form on the nape of her neck. Just a few more
moments, she told herself, and then I can collapse.

Zhu Zhan Ye bowed on last time before he left. Yu Zhu bowed as well, her hidden hands shaking from the pain. He had
squeezed hard enough to break open the wound.

Once she was back in her room with the doors closed tightly behind her, Yu Zhu collapsed in pain. “Curse the rotten
scoundrel” She whispered as Lin Yu ran in after her.

“He’s now got an excuse to put extra guards on us.” Yu Zhu said as she peeled off her robe, the blood already blooming
on her bandages. “It’s a good thing I wrapped it well, or this would’ve ended badly.”

“Why didn’t you refuse him?” Lin Yu asked as she hurriedly cleaned the wound, “Why are we taking care of the girl?”

“If she gives her suspicions to him…” Yu Zhu gritted her teeth as they redressed the wound, “Then he would watch us like
a dog day and night.” Despite the pain and the extra headache, there was excitement in her eyes at the prospect of a
worthy opponent, “I look forward to beating him.”

“I look forward to beating him to a pulp.” Lin Yu muttered.


Outside of Ning City, Yue Kingdom

Hua Er, Shan Ying Lang, and Doctor Li arrived in Ning City unannounced. They were in common traveler’s clothes, with
wide brimmed hats covering their faces. The city lay before them like a vast forest of streets, crawling in all directions.

“It’s as big as the capital.” Doctor Li breathed, watching the crush of humanity rushed around them.

“Stop gaping like a country bumpkin.” Shan Ying Lang growled as he poked the doctor on, “We need to find a safe place

Hua Er said nothing, she looked towards the direction Xu Long Hui’s Kingdom, return still on her mind. Shan Ying Lang
saw it and sighed, “Going back now would mean war in both countries.”

Of course she knew. They had sent word that they had been attacked to the King of Yue. The King of Yue had
replied they would find shelter in Ning City, the they were to wait until he and Xu Long Hui could root out the assassins.

“It’s a good strategy.” Shan Ying Lang had told her, “They’ll search for you in the capitol the most. Maybe even dare send
an assassin in the palace, but no one would look for you in the other cities.”

“What’s the person we’re suppose to be looking for?” Hua Er muttered as they scanned the vast city that lay before them.

“His name is Zhu Zhan Ye.” Shan Ying Lang said softy, “Supposedly a prince of this empire.”

Doctor Li’s stomach grumbled, “As long as he buys us food, I don’t care what he is.”


The Grey Moutain, Demon Realms

The Clan of the Dog was one of the powerful family of the Zodiac, rivaling the Jade Rabbit’s power at the height of the
wars hundreds of eons ago. While time had whittled at way its former glory, the clan still had serious clout.

The man they called the Wolf Chieftain had taken command of clan forty thousand years ago and created the formidable
Red Wolf army. His home was at the edge icy mountains where the monster the demons feared was born. Legend was
that anyone who went into the tallest peak would die from a curse Wei Yun had placed there.
The Wolf Chieftain stared at the Grey mountains as he stroked his beard, “there’s something out there.” He whispered, his
ears would never fail him. He had returned home to ready supplies for the trip, but tonight, on the full moon, he was sure
that something, or someone was in the mountains.

His subordinates looked at him, “Chieftain, what do you mean?”

“Someone’s screaming. Can you not hear it?” The cheiftain looked at his men, “whoever it is, has been screaming for
days now.” He pointed to the tallest mountain, the one where Huang Wu was imprisoned in, “I thought I had dreamed it,
but it’s clearer tonight than anything I’ve heard before.”

“Surely, we would’ve heard too.” A advisor asked

The Wolf Chieftain shook his head, “The border has to wait a day, I have to go see what’s up there.”

Chapter 40 – Of Monsters and Men

(Zhuo Hao) (Wei Yun)

(Pictures courtesy of Sina Weibo and SecretChina)

“Please. Be a good son. Just kill me. Please? Please?” The quivering figure in ruined silk lying on the cold granite looked
up at him, one eye visible from the mass of sticky, bloody hair. Stray strands with scalp still attached lay all over the floor,
she had pulled them out on her own.

There were bite marks all over her arms, chunks of missing flesh where she tore it out herself. Parts of her legs were
green, rot was setting in and the stench was unbearable.

Once the most powerful woman in all of Yue lay one the floor, hands and feet manacled to the bed post, begging for her
only son, her twelve year old son, to kill her. Begging for anyone to kill her.

Firm hands clasped Zhuo Hao’s shoulders, a man in gold and black bent down to whisper, “Pitiful, isn’t she?” Zhuo Hao
and the Emperor stood at the door, behind gold prison bars that separated the woman and them.
There was mild amusement in the Emperor’s voice, Zhuo Hao had heard it before, once on a bear hunt, “She’s lasted 4
days already. Most people only last 2 once they’ve drunk the poison.”

The Emperor looked at the woman who use to share his power, “Do you know how the poison works?” Zhuo Hao shook
his head, he must keep his face like stone he told himself over and over as the sounds of teeth tearing into flesh filled his
ears. He wanted to cover his ears, he dug his hands into his sides and bit the inside of is mouth until he could taste the
“It attacks your skin, your eyes, your arms and legs first. Anything that’s not vital to your survival. Then it slowly, painfully,
moves to your heart” The Emperor explained cooly, “The pain is so intense that the sufferer would rather tear off their own
limbs than deal with it. They usually die before they tear out their own heart.”

Zhuo Hao kept his face impassive as he answered in a similar tone, “Perhaps this the price of crossing the mighty
Emperor.” Ever since he was young, his mother had ingrained in him that his father held the lives of not only Zhuo Hao,
but his mother’s entire extended family in his claws. One wrong word was all it took.

The Emperor guffawed and patted his son’s shoulder, “Good man. You take after me. Good. Otherwise you would be in
there too.”

Zhuo Hao felt his stomach turn as his father spoke, “If I didn’t have the guards stop her from killing herself every time she
got too close to doing it, maybe she would’ve died already.” He talked as if he was discussing the weather, “The guards
will let out once your hour is up. Then come to the main palace, I’m choosing a new concubine today and I want your

With that, he petted the head of his 12 year old son, and left. He gestured to the guards lazily, “You may take your leave
now. The prince may want to talk to his mother alone.” The guards bowed and shuffled out.

Once there was no one, Zhuo Hao collapsed, shuddering. The only sound was his mother, whimpering on the other end
of the room, kept away from him by the bars that separated them. He swallowed hard, “Mama, I.. I have a knife.”

He was about to toss it to her, but she whispered, “If you value my legacy and your family, stop right now!”

She was in a ball on the corner of her bed, panting at the brief respite from the pain, “This is the Emperor’s test. If he finds
me dead, he’ll have you executed tomorrow.”

Her mind was clear for the moment, she was once again the wisely cruel Empress, she continued, “No matter how hard
this is for you, you are the prince destined to rule this great nation. Remember today. Remember all that I taught you.
Become the man I made you to be.” She looked at him as she pushed the words out, “You will not fail me.”

Zhuo Hao could not cry. He had never been allowed to cry. If he did now, his mother would just sneer at him through
bloody lips. All she had done for him would be for naught.

His mother stared at him, her body shuddering in pain as the poison tortured her from inside out. She closed her teeth on
a finger and started gnawing. Zhuo Hao was not allowed to scream, he could not look away as blood dripped from her
lips. The finger fell to the floor. She began chewing on the next one. The stench of rotten flesh, the body, his mother’s
torture face….

Zhuo Hao gasped as he sat up, he had sweated through his clothes again. He dragged his weary body out of bed and
gulped down water, waiting the for the shuddering to stop. He was in the safe confines of the monastery. It was only after

How many years has it been since his mother died? 13? 14? He could barely remember what she looked like when she
was an empress. All that remained in his memory was the tortured monster who finally died on the eighth day of her
The room was stifling, he could still smell his mother’s perfume mixed with the iron smell of her blood. He opened the door
and strode out.

Once he was out of the sleepy monastery, he leapt into a tree, a grey blur of monk clothes in the dark forests. In the
gentle cacophony of the forest, peace once again returned to his heart. The screams of his mother faded into the mists of
the canyons. He took a deep breath.

A sweet memory took the place of the bitter one. A girl in light green laughing and dancing in the wind. He was awed by
her martial arts when they had first met. She had attacked the bandits that held him hostage, throwing them off a bridge.
She had also mistakenly thrown him into the water too.

In the cold water, Zhuo Hao had closed his eyes, intending to never rise from the depths. He had fought long and hard to
become a Thief Lord. And for what? The ghosts of his past continued to haunt him, even after he left the palace. An arm
had gripped him by the nape of the neck. When he looked up, a delicate girl in green was single-handedly dragging him to

It was only when she apologized profusely saying that she was bad at faces and she hadn’t mean to thrown him into the
water, did he laugh with a warm feeling he had long since forgotten. The look on her face had made him laugh and laugh
and laugh.

When he met Lin Yu, he was a deeply bitter man. She took his hand and showed him the night sky, pointing to the stars
she loved the most. That night, the light of the stars reflected in his eyes as he looked at her.

The days passed into months, the more he knew of her, the more he resolved to stay by her side. She made dishes which
Yu Zhu had said was more dirt than vegetables. Zhuo Hao smiled happily, he only tasted the wildness and freedom that
seemed to burst from her in her cooking. He didn’t care, he would willingly eat it until it killed him.

When he looked int her eyes, he found peace, something the had never known before. The lightest touch of her hand
made his heart soar. Slowly, hesitating, he felt his heart beat faster whenever she was near. He dared to dream when he
was with her.

Zhuo Hao had been initially shocked to find out that she wasn’t human, but then realized that it didn’t matter to him at all.
He fell in love with her soul, not her form.

Zhuo Hao savored the sweetness of the memory, letting the happiness wash over him like calming waves. He wasn’t the
man his mother wanted him to be. He didn’t want to kill his way to the throne. Let the others bleed. He only wanted Lin Yu.



Zhuo Hao was sitting on the branch of a tree. He looked down and smiled, “Pei. You’re here.”

She leapt up gracefully, “You shouldn’t be out so late. The monks will wonder where you are.”

Zhuo Hao shrugged, “What would they do? Tell my father? Or will you do it?”

Pei blushed, “You figured out that I was the Emperor’s spy the first week I met you, all those years ago.”

“It didn’t take you that long to realize my true identity either.” Zhuo Hao pointed out with a smile.

Pei swallowed, still shamefaced. He had forgiven her completely and he was always so good to her. She could never live
with the guilt.
Zhuo Hao sighed, “My father is a cruel, callous man, but no one can deny that he’s smart. He has a pretty good idea of
who’s helping the Midnight thief. Why do you think he sent my brother?”

Pei gasped, “On my life I never revealed anything about the Midnight Thief to your father! I would never.” She blushed and
mumbled, “My life is yours and I would protect you without fail.”

Zhuo Hao smiled sadly, “Don’t say that. Never waste your life on me. I’m not worth it.”

He waved lazily, “Even if you don’t tell, there are at least three people in our organization that works for the Emperor. And
let’s not forget those imperial spies working in other thief lord circles. He knows I am the Thief Lord.”

Zhuo Hao gestured for her to walk with him as he landed gently beside her, “My father is a paranoid man with a practical
side. On one hand he knows that the Midnight Thief is doing good for the people he can not help. He also knows that I’ve
used my position to further the needs of the empire. He’s not a god, he can’t stop every corrupt merchant and official.”

“Then why did he send your brother?” Pei asked, she had always thought the palace was a wonderful palace filled with
beautiful people, but this wasn’t what she knew at all.

“He did so, because the war is ending. He wants to capture the Midnight Thief and use him for his own purposes,
assassinations, spying, you name it.” Zhuo Hao smiled wryly, “Also because he wants to get rid of me. Before I grow any
more in power. Or maybe Zhu Zhan Ye is beginning to show he could be a capable ruler”

Pei understood, “Either Zhu Zhan Ye finds out you are the Thief Lord of Ning City and kills you outright in battle or you
quietly kill him to prevent the news getting out.”

Zhuo Hao smiled sadly, “That is the genius of my father. He’s so afraid that a worthy son inherits the throne and outshine
his legacy that he sows the seed of distrust amongst the brothers now.” Zhuo Hao’s voice was bitter, “Such is the imperial

“What will you do?” Pei whispered. She was afraid of the answer.

“Nothing, for now.” He smiled, he was carefree again, “Wait and watch. Stop him if he get’s too close to Yu Zhu and Lin
Yu. Perhaps I don’t trust Zhuo Zhan Ye enough. Maybe he’ll be an ally.”

“And if he doesn’t?”

“I am the son of a monster.” He sighed softly, “Perhaps it means I will become one too.”


The Demon Realms

“This bloodshed of yours.” Grandfather asked Wei Yun who looked out onto the vast demon palace grounds that once
belong to the powerful Ox Empire, “When will it end?”

Tu Suo sat on the dais, dressed in the rich red brocade of a Demon King, “The rooster, the rat and the pig have all bowed
to our wishes, they are subjugated.”

Wei Yu shrugged, “Do what you like. I will spare the ones who surrender. I will take my leave now, I will destroy House of
the Tiger, Dog, and Monkey.”

Tu Suo and Grandfather looked at each other, “We do not need all the territory. We’ve taken most of theirs anyway”
Grandfather began but Wei Yun turned to look at them. He wore an expression of stone, “when I promised you I would
help you, perhaps I did not make it clear.” The air shifted around him, Grandfather felt the God’s power and frowned, it
was a hundred thousand times more powerful than before. Even more than the Gods in Heaven. There was something
unstoppable about Wei Yun now.

Grandfather shuddered at the hollow look in Wei Yun’s eyes as the God continued, “I will continue killing until the Zodiac
bows down. All of them.”

With that he nodded and left, leaving for the enemy territory in a streak of white hot light.

“All..of..them..” Grandfather’s eyes widened. Tu Suo rushed down the dais as he caught Grandfather before he could fall
to the ground.

“What have we done?” Grandfather whispered, “What have we created?”

Tu Suo didn’t understand. “Grandfather?” He led the man to sit on the throne, grabbing a cup of tea for the old man.

The old man looked at Tu Suo tiredly, “Do you know why demons kill humans and other demons?”

“For their essence.” Tu Suo said immediately, “To become stronger and become a god faster.”

“Gods don’t need to kill because they are already the most powerful of beings.” Grandfather’s face was haunted by the
possibility, “they never kill unless there is a massive demon war…or if they need to defeat other gods.”

Grandfather put his head in his hands, “I hope I am wrong about this. If not, we may have just destroyed the balance of
the realms.”

“Grandfather, stop speaking in riddles.” Tu Suo was frustrated.

After a moment the old man looked at the young king, “This may be just a haunch, we have to investigate. But,” He
hesitated before speaking, “The one who rules the heavens is the Dragon of the Zodiac.”

There was fear in Tu Suo’s eyes as the realization hit him, “He wants all the zodiac to bow down. He means to go to war
with the heavens?”

Chapter 41- Schemes and Plots

Zhu Zhan Ye Huang Wu

(Photos Courtesy of Sina Weibo)

Ning City
“You’re leaving food for her again?” Lin Yu asked as Yu Zhu placed a tray in front of Lu Xi’s door. Lin Yu sighed, “It’s been
ten days and still she hasn’t come out. I don’t get why she’s so scared of us”

Yu Zhu shook her head as she added tea to a cup and placed it on the tiled floor “She’s not afraid. She’s hurting.”

Lin Yu’s only experience with human emotions was mainly with Yu Zhu, she was confused, “I don’t understand.”

Yu Zhu stood up and came to sit with Lin Yu, picking up her chopsticks, “Children raised in war zones do not remain
children for long. They learn to live with fear, they learn how to survive above all else. Right now she knows, instinctively
that we don’t mean her harm, so she’ll watch and wait. She’s had plenty of chances to go to Zhu Zhan Ye while we were
out these past few days.”

“So what has she been doing?”

Yu Zhu looked sad for a moment, “Lu Xi was sold by the ones who were suppose to love her. She’s feeling lost.”

She sighed at Lin Yu who still looked confused and explained, “You are a snake demon, you’ve lived thousands of years
but you still have trouble understanding why we grieve.”

Lin Yu nodded as Yu Zhu continued, “We humans are like fireflies to you. We live brightly for a few fragile moments and
then peter out to nothingness. Our emotions are intense and fleeting. The bonds between mortals, between a man and a
woman, a child and her parents, between friends, it makes us who we are. It defines us. And when those are cut, we
mourn bitterly.”

Yu Zhu gestured to Lu Xi’s door, “All her bonds were severed. She’s lost everyone she loves. The feeling is…terrifying”

“Love is such a strange thing.” Lin Yu said as she she supported her head on her hand, “Gods and demons rarely love.
And even when they do, it may last for a few hundred years if they’re lucky. But eternity? We get bored. For us, the only
constant is change. We try not to feel everything.”
Her eyes darkened, “I once asked Auntie White Snake why she fell for the human Xu Xian. Their being together caused
her so much pain. I remembered the day he died, I asked her why she was crying and smiling as they carried him away
from her tower.”

“What did she say?” Yu ZHu asked.

Lin Yu shook her head, “she patted my head and said that without true loss, there was no true happiness. And she
wanted to feel all of it, even if her heart was irreparably shattered.”

Yu Zhu held her tea cup, “What a woman.”

Lin Yu picked at the wood on the table, “The heavens punished her harshly, she’s buried beneath all that rubble of the Lei
Feng tower, destined to be imprisoned until Xi Hu Lake dries and the tower falls. An heavenly edict that basically means
she will never be freed.”

“So demons do know what we humans feel.” Yu Zhu mused, “It just has be all or nothing.

Lin Yu nodded, “That’s the curse of being a demon or a god. You either experience an emotion so completely that it
consumes you and everything you do or you don’t really experience it at all. Why do you think those who fall for mortals
end so tragically? They can’t let go.”

Yu Zhu though of Wei Yun living in a tree for hundreds of thousands of milennias, and quickly flicked away a tear as she
hid her face from Lin Yu.

“I can see why Lu Xi feels sad now. I don’t ever want to think about anything happening to you.” Lin Yu said seriously,
“And it won’t because I’m here.”

Yu Zhu couldn’t help but smile and flick Lin Yu’s forehead, “You won’t need me if you ever fall in love. Romantic love”

“Not true.” Lin Yu shook her head firmly, “I like flirting and everything, but i don’t ever want love. Not after everything that’s
happened to mother and auntie White Snake. I hope I never fall in love.”


Zhu Zhan Ye came to Yu Zhu’s shop at midday , he smiled warmly as he saw her carefully stitching a silver lotus onto a
delicate blue scarf. His soft silk boots made no noise in the small colorful shop.

“You make beautiful things.” He said as he reached for the scarf, the watery material shimmered at the joy of being
touched. Yu Zhu looked up, startled by the compliment. She looked into his eyes as his hand brushed her fingertips.

“You’re too close.” She said evenly as she gently tugged the fabric, trying to free it from his grasp. Zhu Zhan Ye’s smiled
widened a smidge as their faces were inches from each other, daring the other to look away. He felt as if he could drown
in those brown eyes with hints of gold.

Bao Lu stood in the door way and coughed loudly. Zhu Zhan Ye and Yu Zhu looked at the servant and back at each other,
their crooked smiles mirroring each other. Zhu Zhan Ye let go.

“How’s Lu Xi?” Zhan Ye asked, he had regular updates from his spies, but he wanted to hear from Yu Zhu herself.

Yu Zhu thought carefully, “She’s still in her room a lot but she’s eating more. It’s slow, but I believe given time, she will be
back to normal.”

Zhan Ye sighed, “What’s normal for a child like her?”

Yu Zhu knew what he meant, “We all have monsters in our past. It’s something that we all learn to live with and fight
against. She’s very bright, she’ll learn to adapt.” She picked up the scarf and gently folded it into a square.

He was curious as he picked up the neatly folded scarf and shook it out, a mischievous grin on his face, “and what about
you Mistress Yu? How many monsters have you fought?”

Yu Zhu’s face was cold as she snatched the scarf back, “Not many. Unless you count boorish customers who come to my
store without buying anything.”

Zhu Zhan Ye held up his hands in defeat, “I never seem to be able to say the right thing in front of you.”

“Then speak as little as possible.” Yu Zhu was angry with herself. She had let her guard down and Zhu Zhan Ye took the

She looked anywhere but Zhu Zhan Ye, “Would you like to buy any of the new merchandise?”

Zhu Zhan Ye had been staring at the girl with intense curiosity at her sudden coldness. He snapped out of it and said,
“Yes. I have a friend who has been ordered to give a gift to a high ranking Princess of the Kingdom of Dian and I want to
give them the finest scarf money can buy. Only your work will do. Something that can please a member of the royal
family. Can you do it?”

Yu Zhu nodded cooly, “I will have it to you by sun down.”

Zhu Zhan Ye smiled and bowed, “Thank you, Mistress Yu.”


“Your royal highness. May I present Princess Xue Lan Hua of the Dian Kingdom.” Shan Ying Lang said elegantly as Hua
Er came forward and bowed to Zhu Zhan Ye. She was in the plain clothes of a commoner and wore a veiled hat that
covered her face and figure, but every move was filed with lightness and grace.

Zhu Zhan Ye bowed low, “I know that the Princess is tired and this journey has been taxing. I am sorry that our kingdom
has been so lacking in hospitality. However, for your safety, my father has ordered that you stay in this city with me, until
we find the culprits who dare harm a bride of the empire. My guards and I will protect you.”

Hua Er straightened, “The hearts of those who wish to destroy the friendship and alliance between our nations are
twisted. The Kingdom of Yue has done everything to ensure that I arrive safely in this kingdom and I am grateful. I
understand the Emperor’s wishes and obey them without question.”

Zhu Zhan Ye smiled, so this was the fabled princess Hua Er. She was said to be beautiful, deadly, and sharper than the
finest blade. No wonder they made it to the city with just three people. He glanced at the other two, a warrior and a doctor.
He smiled, “I’ve prepared rooms on the floor above mine for you and have guards on both the left and right rooms. Your
guards will be on the same level as well.”

He presented a the scarf Yu Zhu made for him, “this was made by the finest sewing mistress in the city. I wanted to give a
gift worth of a princess. It represent the alliance between our two countries and families.”

Hua Er bowed and took the package, “Thank you. Perhaps we will talk more once my men and i have rested” Without
another word, she swept out.

It wasn’t before Hua Er washed and ate before she opened the package. It was a beautiful blue scarf embroidered with
the twin silvery dragon pattern in the style of Dian. Hua Er frowned, the pattern was oddly familiar. The dragons encircled
a beautiful silk circle. It was a style that noble ladies often liked, having seen the Emperor wearing it on his robes. But it
was the stitching and shape that caught Hua Er’s eye.
Hua Er set it down with a frown. She felt as if she had been asked a very important question while not paying
attention. She sat there, staring at the pattern, deep into the night.


The Minister’s House, Ning City.

“That little brat princeling.” The ancient Minister Ke, governor of the city, with his large liquid eyes stared resentfully into
his wineglass. Across the table, the Merchant Han Yi hissed in sympathy, “We have to keep the Midnight thief at bay and
the Prince Zhu Zhan Ye from finding out about our schemes. This is impossible.” He glanced slyly at the Minister who
downed another cup of wine.

The minister cursed, “I know. The damned brat Zhu Zhan Ye has been keeping a close eye on my operations. How will
we survive if he keeps this up?”

The Merchant Han Yi spat too. “He came around, just the other day to ask about my missing concubine. So much for
hiding true identity. He behaved as if he owned the place. He showed no respect for me. And I’m the most powerful
merchant in town.”

Minister Ke pounded the table, “I wish we can beat that young upstart into a pulp. He went through all my accounts
without permission and asked where the money went. How dare he?”

The merchant paused an looked around before softly whispering, “Have you asked his brother, the eldest prince? Surely
he would know how to handle this little shit.”

“He’s on the battlefield.” Minister Ke shuddered, “He told me that if the boy gets too troublesome, I should just kill
him.” The man put his hands on his placid face, “But I can’t! It would mean the death of my family if I touch the hair on
Zhu Zhan Ye precious head.”

“And if we don’t act, he might find evidence of our embezzling scheme.” The old Merchant Han Yi shrugged coldly, “We
shouldn’t wait until he snoops around and finds something. He may be a prince, we shouldn’t let him use the little power
he has.”

The other man looked confused, “what do you mean?”

The Merchant Han Yi smiled, “Zhu Zhan Ye is the sixth living child of the Emperor. Born from a disgraced concubine. He
has no friend in power and very little support in court. The emperor would not blink if he were to dissapear.”

“But you remember his sister…” Minister Ke said in hushed tones.

“The Princess Zhu Ming Yong was the favorite child, the Emperor love her more than life itself. The same could not be
said of Zhu Zhan Ye.” The merchant’s tone was dismissive, “When he was injured on the battlefield it showed the
Emperor that was not his strongest son, and therefore when the battle of succession does occur, I’m sure one of the other
princes will kill him first.”

The minister sighed, “The Emperor had fourteen sons. He’s killed six himself. Three, including the Eldest prince are on
the battle field. One has been banished to god knows where. Three are living in the palace. Only Zhu Zhan Ye provides to
be the hindrance.”

” The Emperor would probably not notice if we killed the highly insignificant Zhu Zhan Ye. ” the merchant said softly as he
poured more wine into the man’s cup , “You would be doing the Eldest Prince a favor. Perhaps when he becomes
Emperor he will grant you a position of high honor.”
The wine soaked minister’s eyes glinted as he wondered aloud, “Perhaps even Minister of the Interior. Or even prime

The merchant smiled, “I have a good idea.”


The Demon Realms

The Guardians of the Icy Caverns were elemental beings of high demonic power. But the Wolf Chieftain wielded the
Sorrow’s Sword and hadn’t become the chieftain by napping. It took him a few days but he cleared up the path to the
Cursed Peak, but he did it all the same. It was said to be the birthplace of Wei Yun. The cold storm roared as he entered.

The screaming was fainter now, almost a whisper that could be barely heard. The Wolf Chieftain walked into the cold
cavern, his breath came as a white cloud. He shook the ice from his hair and beard. The cave was so enormous that he
couldn’t even see the ceiling. He gripped his sword and came to a curious pillar.

All the other giant columns of crystals were smooth, ancient, and dark. But this one glowed icy blue. Someone was
trapped inside it.

“You won’t be able to open it with just force.” A voice echoed in the cavern. The Wolf Chieftain whirled around and

A glowing light, the spirit of a demon had spoken. It was the voice of an ancient man.

“It is a Crystal of Enslavement. To break it you need to spill your blood and the souls of a hundred demon warriors.” A
bottle appeared out of thin air and landed in the Wolf Chieftain’s hands, “Lucky for you. I have it prepared.”

“Who are you?” The wolf Chieftain asked.

“A friend.” Was the cautious reply. “I am here only in spirit, because it is the most undetectable form I have. No one must
know what has happened here. We have watched you for days. There are powerful beings who have been shielding your
actions for days. But you must hurry.”

The wolf chieftain sighed and made a shallow cut on his hand, “Thanks, whoever you are.”

He took his blood and smeared it on the sword. With a grunt he threw the vial of souls at the crystal, and smashed his
sword on it.

The magic blasted him but he gritted his teeth and bore down. His sword shattered at the impact but so did the crystal

A young man swayed, and toppled forward. The wolf Chieftain ran forward and caught Huang Wu. He pulled him out and
laid him down on the icy ground.

“What is the young prince of the crow kingdom doing here?” He breathed.

Huang Wu opened his eyes, he gasped for breath and tried to speak. Nothing would come out. He had screamed so
much that he had lost his voice. His eyes shuttled back and forth, slowly, painfully, he moved his frozen fingers.
Everything felt numb.

“He’s gravely injured.” The Wolf Chieftain cursed, “I don’t feel any of his power. Can you hear me? What happened to

Huang Wu swallowed and tried to whisper, his throat was on fire. He made a a small jerk of the head.
“Huang Wu. Listen well.” The bright light of the spirit had transformed into a translucent specter, a image of his physical
form, it was Grandfather. The Wolf Chieftain frowned, “You.. aren’t you that Rabbit King’s advisor?” He gripped
his broken sword, “Tell me why I shouldn’t shatter your soul right now.”

Grandfather bowed, “Because we have a common enemy. We underestimated Wei Yun’s ambition, the realms will fall if
we don’t stop him.”

The Wolf Chieftain laughed bitterly, “You mean you didn’t care as long as that young rabbit took the throne.”

Grandfather didn’t deny it. Perhaps deep down he always knew what the price could be, but that was not the main
problem now.

He continued, “Wei Yun’s consuming the souls of warriors so he can attack the heavens. Once that happens, there will be
no end to war. We will all be affected by his actions. All of demon lives may be consumed in the process.” He gestured to
Huang Wu, “There however, is one weakness we know he has. Control that weakness, and we can control him.”

Huang Wu looked up, realized what the old man meant.

The grandfather nodded, “No one knows about your release. Wei Yun’s too busy fighting and you have a chance to go to
the human realms. Even if you don’t have any magic you need to find a way to bring her back to us as soon as you are

Huang Wu was still immobilized on the cold floor. He closed his eyes and gave the slightest nod. Grandfather’s specter
disappeared without another word.

The wolf chieftain crouched low and picked the weak youth up and hoisted him over his shoulders. “Sleep. I know where
the closest border is. I can get you over. We’ll discuss conditions later.” With that the wolf chieftain ran out of the cave,
and disappeared into the icy storm outside.

Chapter 42 – River of Souls


(Huang Wu)
(Photo courtesy of Sina Weibo)

“She’s more beautiful than a painting.” A wealthy young son said as he lazily waved his silk fan in the crispy morning air,
the picture of a wealthy young student, “If only she wasn’t a lowly embroidery girl, I would marry her”. He sat on the
second floor of the Red Tea House, sipping on tea brought by girl servants, “She’s probably even more beautiful than the
Princess of Dian.”

“And how would you know that?” asked another boy, “The Princess of Dian lives in the capital, deep in the heart of the
palace. Like a shining Jewel.” One of his schoolmates smacked his head, “You have a long way to go before you become
a poet. Don’t try so hard”

His friends turned to sigh at Yu Zhu, clothed in white and grey silk robes opened the doors to her shop, her hair swaying
like silent wind chimes in light breeze.

“She’s so demure and polite too.” the wannabe poet chimed, “Like a rose without thorns.”

Zhu Zhan Ye, who was sitting a table away, snorted and nearly spat out a mouthful of tea.

The young men glared at him, daring him to make a comment against Yu Zhu. Zhu Zhan Ye smiled congenially and
toasted them, “I mean no disrespect, the lady is indeed beautiful.”

He paid his bill and left the tea house with his servant, Bao Lu. Seeing that Yu Zhu’s store wasn’t yet filled, he found
himself walking across the road.

“Mistress Yu.” Zhu Zhan Ye was about to cross the threshold, it had been a month since he last visited. Yu Zhu raised an
eyebrow, “You are not welcome in my shop, Master Zhu.”

Zhu Zhan Ye halted, “Why? Aren’t we friends?”

Yu Zhu’s smile was still sweet as she said, “You insulted my goodwill.”

Zhu Zhan Ye looked confused, “I don’t understand,”

Yu Zhu gave him a long look, before answering, “There are games that can be played and games waste time. I don’t
enjoy the latter.”

Zhu Zhan Ye blinked, “All I asked was for you to make a scarf. I thought that’s what you did for a living.”

Yu Zhu’s eyes flared with hidden temper, “Yes, and let me be clear, I do nothing else.” She said firmly, “I run a business. I
take care of my home and I don’t harm people as long as they bear me no ill.”

With that she tried to turn away, “Now, go away, please.”

He grabbed her sleeve like a little boy. He smiled as she scowled at him, “I’m sorry. I never intended to make you angry.”

“No?” She said, trying to tug the delicate sleeve out of his grasp, and looked at him keenly “Then don’t come asking for
my help one minute and giving me tests the next.”

Zhu Zhan Ye held on tighter, “What can I do to make it up to you?”

Yu Zhu took out a knife. In a swift move, she severed her sleeve. Wordlessly, she walked away.

“You’re curious why Miss Yu was so mad at us. Aren’t you?” Zhu Zhan Ye remarked at the silent servant. Bao Lu nodded,
“She has always been kind. And while she wasn’t rude, she was distant.”

Zhu Zhan Ye nodded, “I can’t justify having my spies on her anymore, not since i have to protect the princess.”

“You ordered me to pull off all watchers from the house.” Bao Lu pointed out, “You don’t think she’s a threat?”

Zhu Zhan Ye thought carefully, “She’s a mystery, and I’m usually very good at them.”

“She said you insulted her. What did that mean?”

Zhu Zhan Ye smiled, “I used the Princess of Dian to test her.”

“I don’t understand.”

Zhu Zhan Ye sighed, “If she’s as smart as I think she is, she would have realized that my ridiculous request for a scarf
was nothing but a way to tell her that the Princess of Dian wasn’t in the capital, but in fact, in this city.”

“oh.” Bao Lu realized and then frowned, “But how?”

Zhan Ye smiled, “Why would I ask her for from here you can get in the capital, that’s 10 days ride away? Why would I
need it so urgently for a friend when I’ve told her I don’t have friends here? Why did I pull all the spies from her house?”

“You think she noticed that?” Bao Lu asked.

“She’s not ordinary.” Zhu Zhan Ye answered, “Her intelligence rivals that of any general or courtier. If I found her to be
inane, I would have stop talking to her long ago” He continued, “She’s probably figured out that we’re from the capital, on
orders to find the midnight thief.”

“So you revealed the location of the Dian Princess based on a hunch?” Bao Lu was incredulous, “For what reason?”

“I wanted to see what she would do with that information.” Zhu Zhan Ye explained, “If she was an assassin, she would
have killed us quickly, before the Princess could be moved. But nothing happened. I wanted to make sure she wasn’t a

“You played a dangerous game, using royalty as bait.” Bao Lu shook his head.

“It was a calculated risk.” Zhu Zhan Ye said casually. “But what I don’t understand is why she was so angry. Perhaps I
misjudged her, I had no idea that she might be offended by my…ways.”

“you think?” Bao Lu muttered, “I’d like to see how you dig yourself out of this hole.”

Zhu Zhan Ye grinned and moved away.


Yu Zhu ‘s shop was unusually busy that day, it kept her mercifully preoccupied from thinking of Zhu Zhan Ye. True, she
had done exactly as she intended, which was to destroy any lasting suspicions Zhu Zhan Ye had of her. But she hadn’t
expected herself to get so angry.

It was as if all her vexations had bubbled up when she saw him. Why did he unsettle her?

She shook her head and jammed a needle into the cloth, thinking murderous thoughts. I’m just irritated with him that’s all.
She sighed and chose another thread, in his shoes, she may have done the same thing. But understanding that didn’t
make anger go away either.
“You don’t look like you’ve had a good day.” Zhuo Hao remarked as he entered the shop. Today he dressed like a novice
monk with a wide brim straw hat, with his alms bowl in hand. To anyone looking, it would be as if he was asking for alms
for the poor from yu Zhu.

Yu Zhu smiled, and glanced around, the midday rush had just passed, it was just the two of them in the shop.

“What are you doing here?” She said pleasantly, “It’s not every day you come into the city.”

“Lin Yu told me that you want to loot Merchant He Yi’s house again.” Zhuo Hao said without preamble, “Since we are all in
this together. I want to hear your reasons.”

“You’ve never questioned my judgement before.” Yu Zhu anger flaring, “Why start now?”

Zhuo Hao shrugged, “You never gave me reason to do so. But to attack the same household again so soon? You are a
thief. Not a dispenser of justice. Leave that to someone else”

Yu Zhu’s took a moment before asking “Who? The magistrate who is equally crooked? Zhu Zhan Ye who only wants to
catch me and send me to the killing block?” She looked at him, “Or you. Man of the Shadows, the king of this city’s

Zhu Zhan Ye had never heard so many words come out of Yu Zhu’s mouth, he kept his tone light as he said, “Better I
than you. Do you really want to be in harm’s way so soon? We’re trying to protect you.”

Here was the thorn in Yu Zhu’s side. Her eyes flashed as her calmness melted, “I have learned martial arts , fought in
battles, and stolen from dangerous men.” She said with conviction, “I have built a life by my own hands”

“What about Lin Yu?” Zhuo Hao wanted to know, “What happens if you’re captured. She’ll use her magic to try and break
you out.”

“Then I won’t be captured.” Yu Zhu said crisply, “I don’t do things without good reason nor without a good plan. You
should know that.”

“And what are your reasons?”

“He buys young women. He kills entire villages. He is everything you and I have fought against.” She said cooly, “The
midnight thief only steals because stealing has served a warning to the corrupted that there is someone who will help the
poor. But to someone like the merchant He Yi? He has mountains of gold. We didn’t even dent his power. He needs to
feel what he did to the people.”

Zhuo Hao took a long moment before saying, “If you go down this path. If you kill him. Will that make you a murderer or a
hero? What will it do to you?”

Yu Zhu shrugged, “Those are my burden to bear. We all bear the consequences of our actions. It’s time that the merchant
did as well.”

She emanated waves of cold. For a moment, Zhuo Hao saw that Yu Zhu’s composure was a mask that hid the a woman
filled with purpose and strong will. He had always known that normally soft spoken Yu Zhu was someone to be reckoned
with, but he had underestimated her strength of mind.

There was no hesitation in her voice, there have never been hesitation in her actions. What she wanted done, she would
do no matter who stood in her way.

“Let me come along then.” Zhuo Hao finally said, “I can help.”

The Wolf Chieftain had made it halfway across the desert of the nine suns in his Wolf Form when he saw the drops of
blood trailing behind him like ants. Huang Wu, tied to his back, was bleeding from the mouth. He sighed, the young
man was barely hanging onto life.

“Do you know why this is called the desert of the nine suns?” The Wolf Chieftain had began speaking with his spirit voice
to the young crow as he galloped across the scorching sand. The young man was barely conscious.
“When Hou Yi shot down the nine suns, the nine celestial princes who tried to rule the earth with the current Sun, he did
not kill them.” The Wolf Chieftain explain, “Instead they are imprisoned underneath tons and tons of sand below us, Hou
Yi’s keeping them powerless.” The hot sand beneath the Wolf Chieftains paws only got hotter as the great expanse of sky
stretched farther than the eye could see.
“You see, there are two classes of gods. The Celestial Gods and the Human who turned into Gods. Celestial gods are
extremely hard to kill and more powerful than mere Human Gods. Unless you can drain every ounce of their magic from
their being, which is what happened to all the original members of the zodiac, they can still survive.”
The silent passenger on his back made no response as the Wolf King continued, “Powerful gods like Wei Yun are not
easily controlled. Just because you find his weakness doesn’t mean he can’t outsmart you. Keep that in mind.”
They arrived at the border of the two realms. A great river of icy blue water met them, the river of souls that ran
throughout all the realms, carrying the life that was to be born, the life that died, and the life that should have been across
the worlds. A demon with a small boat was napping on the banks. Far across was the human world.

The Wolf Chieftain carefully laid Huang Wu down and turned back into his human form. The young man was delirious with
fever. The Wolf Chieftain sighed, “You’re not going to survive this. What Wei Yun did to you, steal your power, your body
is rejecting your spirit right now. It’s too a powerful a shell for you without your magic to keep it from burning you alive.”

“There’s only one way to save him.” The specter of Grandfather had shown up. “You and I both know what needs to be

“There’s no guarantee that he would survive the transformation.”

“He will die if we don’t, at least it’s a chance if we do it. Only you can save him.”

“You knew it had to be me. Didn’t you?” The Wolf Chieftain accused the old man, “You knew that only a descendant of
the Zodiac could help. That’s why you’ve been shielding me, otherwise Wei Yun would’ve noticed long before.”

“This whole trip, using very little magic, crossing the actual border. This was all made to ensure no one knows we’re
sneaking him across.” The Wolf Chieftain sighed, “But in doing so, Huang Wu will pay the price for our actions.”

Grandfather said nothing, “If Huang Wu is successful in finding Wei Yun’s weakness, then he will save us all.”

“If we do this. If we save him now. He will never be able to return to this realm.” The Wolf Chieftain said quietly. “Nu Wa’s
tears are potent, and only one out of 10 can survive the transformation.”

But grandfather had only nodded, “Will you accompany him to the other side?” The Wolf Chieftain sighed, “I thought about
it. But Wei Yun might sense the imbalance in magic and investigate personally. Huang Wu might be in more danger.”

Grandfather looked conflicted but went ahead, “Wei Yun has already decided to attack the Dog Tribe, he moves in four
days. In gratitude of your help, I hope I have given you enough information to save your tribe.” The Wolf Chieftain’s
cursed, “Then I have to get back to my home. But I know someone who will take care of Huang Wu.” Grandfather nodded
and disappeared.

The wolf chieftain looked at the dying young demon and sighed, “We’ve decided your life young crow. And I’m sorry.
There’s not way that I can give you back the power Wei Yun stole. And there’s no way you can survive the state you’re in”
He took a small silver vial, no bigger than his thumb. Inside the glass vial was a tiny, crystal like tear drop. The wolf
chieftain went to the river and scooped water into the vial.
“This is the fabled Nu Wa’s tear. It’s said that it can heal even the worst injuries. It will bring you back from the brink, but it
will take time. ” He explained to the young man, “Long ago, Nu Wa gave these to the 12 houses. Now only three of these
exist. One in heaven. One on the moon. One in my hand.” Huang Wu seemed to understand what it meant. He shuddered
and tried to heave himself out of the Wolf Chieftain’s grasp. The man held on tighter, “I’m not trying to kill you! Hold
on.” He sighed, “Mixed with the river of souls, it will dilute the power, slowly heal you and …and..and transform you into a
human. This was how the first human was created.”

He poured the vial’s contents into Huang Wu’s mouth. The young man’s eyes rolled into the back of the head as his body
became limp.

The wolf chieftain sighed and hoisted the youth on his shoulders as he walked down the grassy embankment. He
beckoned to the demon with the small boat and held out a large sum of money. “You are the guardian of the river?
Shepherd of souls?” The demon nodded as he eyed the money beadily.

“He’s royal blood. He will survive the trip. Get him across before the magic takes hold and when you come back I have
more money for you.” The shepherd of souls nodded eagerly and reached for the bag. The Wolf Chieftain twitched away
and reached for a reed flute in his pocket, “When you get across. Blow this as hard as you can. Three times.”

The Shepherd nodded impatiently. He snatched the money as the Wolf Chieftain laid Huang Wu’s now glowing body onto
the boat. “Make sure to put him under the shade. Place the lute on him” He glared at the Shepherd. I’ll be on this side.
Watching.” His hand inched to his sword and the Shepherd gulped and nodded.

The Wolf Chieftain saw the young crow cross into the human realms and sighed as the Shepherd of souls blew the lute
three times. With that, he turned away and transformed back to his great wolf form.


Shan Ying Lang sat up suddenly and clapped his hands to his ears. They rang with a sound only he could hear. He ran to
the window and threw it open, the starry night visible above the silent city. The sound came from the north, it would lead
him to where he needs to go. If he didn’t follow it, it would ring until he became deaf. He cursed and looked around for his

“That old man said he was never going to bother me.” He growled as he tugged his boots on. “He said that he was going
to let me live my life. While he lives happily in the other realm.” He cursed as he threw his traveling cloak on and gathered
a few thing into a bag.

He muttered sarcastically as he threw his knives, robes and money into a jumbled heap into the bag, “What happened to
never seeing me as long as I lived? What happened to the fact that I’m a tainted half blood son and he’s got pure one to
do his beck and call?” He groaned as he stretched, the he grabbed a piece of paper. He threw the bag on his shoulder
and grabbed his sword.

“Will be gone for a while. Urgent business. Stay out of trouble.” He wrote on the paper for Hua Er, threw the pen down in
exasperation, opened the door, and left the inn at a quick trot.

Chapter 43 – Bait
Yu ZHu

Photo Courtesy of Sina Wei Bo

Yu Zhu sat up shaking. No, she was vibrating so hard the frames of the bed shook. She gritted her teeth as she felt
needles of pain shoot down her arms and legs. Waves of agony rolled over her body. Anger, bitterness, hatred rushed
over her, overwhelming all of her senses. Then relief, joy, ecstasy flooded her mind, her eyes rolled back in her head. She
felt so much one moment and the was nothing the next, the pain pounded her like roaring waves, then ebbing away as
if being sucked back into the sea, each time taking a tiny bit of her with it. She grabbed her pillow and bit down. Her muffle
screamed woke Lin Yu who came running in.

Yu Zhu shook her head as Lin Yu came close. But Yu Zhu began to glow a light that burned her eyes. Yu Zhu shook her
head, “Dont. Remember last time?”

Lin Yu glanced at her arm, she still had the burn marks.

Slowly the light receded back into Yu Zhu’s body. Her breathing slowed down as she felt the magic settle back into her
skin. The glow ebbed away until she was fully human again.

“This is the second time it’s happened, it’s been half a year since the last time.” Lin Yu edged close and saw down by Yu
Zhu’s bed. The other girl had her head in her hands. Lin Yu knew what was going on. Yu Zhu had told her about what she
would become. Lin Yu’s heart ached for the other girl, there was nothing enviable about becoming a god.

“The transformation is suppose to take place when I turn twenty. I predict it’s going to keep happening until my birthday.”
Yu Zhu whispered her head still in her hands. “About two years left. So soon.”

Yu Zhu took a deep shuddering breathe, “The worst part is I can feel it… I can feel the powers that I can’t even begin to
explain.” Yu Zhu’s voice became ragged, “Why do I feel so hollow?”

Lin Yu stroked Yu Zhu’s head, “You’re transforming. Gods derive their power from everything. Right now, you feel to the
point where it overwhelms you, and by the time you transform, you will block off all emotions. Then comes rebirth, where
all the bonds in this life are cut away, you’ll slowly forget why you loved or hated or cared about people.”

“Another choice I don’t get to make,” Yu Zhu sighed ruefully, “I’ve been care about so much that no one cares about what
I want.”

Lin Yu surmised, “I think it’s hurting because you won’t let go to your human side. You’re fighting it.”
Yu Zhu smiled, “I fight because I’m human. And as long as I remain one, I refuse to give up willingly.”


Lu Xi had been in her room several days, she tried not to go out as much as she could. But every night, she opened her
door just a crack, after everyone had gone to bed, to devour the food Yu Zhu had placed for her.

A figure sat down next to her with a steaming mug of tea, “Cold foods are hard on the stomach.” Yu Zhu smiled and
crouched down by the little girl.

Lu Xi tensed like a dear ready to spring. Yu Zhu didn’t make a move, “I promise I won’t hurt you.”

“But you’re dangerous.” Lu Xi gulped down the mouthful of pork, her eyes wary. “Killing is easy for you.”

Yu Zhu shook her head, “I prefer not to. I think living is punishment enough. Besides, I would’ve had plenty of opportunity
this month but I didn’t. ”

Lu Xi knew that was true. They sat in silence as Lu Xi devoured the food, occasionally sipping the tea. When she was
finished, Yu Zhu handed her a fine silk handkerchief, “Here.” The younger girl looked at the older girl blankly, “I’ll get it

Yu Zhu smiled, “That’s what you’re suppose to do.” The other girl took the thing gingerly, handling it as if it were delicate
glass. Yu Zhu made no move to help Lu Xi, she could tell the younger girl didn’t want it.

“If I knew that the Merchant He Yi was such an evil man, I might have killed him that night.” Yu Zhu said without preamble,
“It wasn’t until recently when I talked to a friend of mine, did I learn of it.”

Lu Xi stared at Yu Zhu confused, “For what? You came and got me. That’s more than what my parents would’ve done.”

Yu Zhu looked at Lu Xi sadly, “I’m more than happy for you to stay here. But if you want, you can tell me if you want to live
with any of your family in the area.”

Lu Xi thought about it, “My aunt lives in Loach Village, about a two day ride from here. She was kind to me. But…”

“But what?” Yu Zhu asked. Lu Xi looked at Yu Zhu with her eyes full of tears, “what if the merchant’s gotten to them
already to find out about my whereabouts? He’s probably killed my family. And word is that he’s selling villagers off as
slaves in the confusion of war.”

Yu Zhu nodded, “I’ve heard about it. He’s been running a slave trade by raising the price of grain. When the people can’t
afford it, he takes payment in children and women instead.” Lu Xi nodded, “I overheard them talking about a ledger, it’s
where he keeps all of his dirty trades. My cousin was taken that way. A lot of the girls in loach village disappeared over

Yu Zhu’s eyes lit up, “Did you hear where it the Merchant kept the ledger?”

Lu Xi closed her eyes, “I… I’m sorry. I don’t know” Yu Zhu nodded, “No matter, I know other ways to find out. I will help
you find out what happened in Loach village.” Lu Xi’s eyes filled with painful hope, “Thank you” She whispered.

Yu Zhu patted her shoulder, “In return, come and help with out in the shop. There’s not much to do, but you can be in the
back room, where you won’t be spotted by any of the Merchant’s men. I’ll teach you how to write and read. And in the
night, Lin Yu will teach you martial arts.”

Lu Xi was bewildered, “All this for the likes of me? I.. I can’t”
Yu ZHu slipped a finger beneath the girl’s chin and forced Lu Xi to look up, “You can and you will. So much of your life has
been decided by others. I want to give you the tools to help you choose the path you walk on.”

Yu Zhu released the girl, “We can’t choose how our lives will end. And sometimes we can’t choose where we will go. But
how you face each obstacle is your choice. For a month, you’ve mourned for end of your life as you know it. Now it’s time
for you to fight for life you want.”

Yu Zhu smiled, “I promise, it’ll be worth it.”


“Lin Yu. What a surprise. You haven’t been here in so long. It’s been a month hasn’t it?” Madame Su’s smile did not reach
her eyes, “Perhaps you’ll grace us with a dance tonight, the men are getting…impatient.”

Lin Yu sat with her feet dangling over the tiny delicate bridge, her toes skimming the surface. Above were thousands of
tiny lamps, making the air glow and the scene ethereal. This was the Secluded Garden, the women’s wing of the dance
house that hundreds of dancing girls slept in. Lin Yu lazed in the giant courtyard surrounded by floors of rooms,
underneath the pink peach blossom tree. This was where the girls congregated before meeting clients.

Tonight the dance house was packed with men, and most of the girls were getting ready for another night of entertaining
the rich and lecherous.

Lin Yu shrugged, “I don’t feel like it. I’d rather keep the new girls company, some just came from the countryside.” She got
up, “I’ll go see them now.”

Madame Su was one of the most powerful women in the city, with hundreds of dancing girls at her beck and call. She had
allowed Lin Yu to be wild and carefree. It seemed that the less the little chit danced, the more men flocked to her dance
house. But the shrewd women knew it was never smart to dangle such a prize over a group of men too long.

Behind the madame, a few dancing girls tittered. Madame Su shot the girls a withering glance and they scampered, the
madame frowned, she had let this gone on long enough. Tonight Lin Yu would learn her place.

The madame beckoned and a half a dozen menacing men lumbered in. These were men she had trained especially to
deal with difficult dancing girls, they knew how to hit hard without leaving a mark. Now the girls began to back away in
earnest, most of them fled to their rooms in the third and fourth floors. The braver ones stayed on the second floor to peak

Lin Yu yawned and smiled at the men, “You’re scaring my friends. I wouldn’t do that.”

The Madame seethed, “I pay you money. I beg, I plead, I even let you live outside the dance house you ungrateful little
imbecile. Yet, no matter what I do, you don’t dance. You only come here every other month or so. ” She smiled with a
simper, “I guess you’ll learn the hard way.”

She glared at the men, “Beat her only in places her clothes can cover up. I want her black and blue.” She glared at the
young girl triumphantly, “From today forward you’re going to dance. You’re going to sit by the men I tell you to. You’re
going to live here. I’ve had enough of your nonsense.”

Lin Yu jumped up nimbly, her eyes were gleeful. She rolled her neck and cracked her knuckles, “I’m so happy you’re
giving me this excuse. Madame Su. I’ve been waiting to beat the living daylight of these men for a while now.” She sighed
“Pity they’re so weak.” Some of the girls on the upper floors groaned. The men were nearly twice as tall and three times
as wide as the willowy Lin Yu.
“Have I come at a bad time?” a voice called calmly, interrupting the scene. The men and Lin Yu turned to look. Yu Zhu
came out of the shadows of the bright red pillars a basket of silk scarves and embroidered goods. She smiled at the
Madame and then at Lin Yu, “I brought the clothing you asked for.”

Madame Su’s eyes lit up greedily. Yu Zhu was ethereally beautiful, with her large honey brown eyes and long hair, she
outshone every women in the dance hall as if they were mere imitations to her true beauty. Lin Yu, of course was the

“Neither of you have men to protect you.” The madame mused aloud, “And no one powerful enough to question your
whereabouts.” She smiled, thinking to herself, why hadn’t I thought of this before? I shall have both sisters in my garden
and plenty of gold in my purse.
“Everyone. It’s time to go out to greet the customers!” She called out to the watching girls, “Clear out in the next minute or
I’ll demote you to serving girl status. No one come in here until the this hour’s incense burns out, no matter what you
hear.” There was a pause in silence and every women in the secluded garden rushed to get out. Madame Su didn’t want

“If you’re smart. Both of you will pick out rooms right now. Lin Yu you will dance and tonight I will introduce your sister.
Then you both will be sold to the highest bidders. And your lives will truly begin.” Madame Su gestured to the rooms
above her and hardened her voice, “If not, I will beat you both senseless and tomorrow, you will do as I ask.” She opened
her arms, “I can offer you the world, money, power and position, if you both are willing.”

Madame Su’s eyes turned poisonous, “Of course, there’s no one here to hear you scream. No one to rescue you. It’s best
if you obey me now.”

Yu Zhu raised her eyebrows as she called out to the Madame “If you are smart, you will apologize to Lin Yu.”

Yu Zhu’s voice was ice as she gestured to the floor, “On. Your. Knees.”

The silence was absolutely. The muscled men were slack jawed at the young women’s words.

“You dare.” Madame Su’s face turned pale with rage, “I am powerful beyond your wildest imagination.”

Lin Yu and Yu Zhu looked at each other with bored expressions. Neither girl seemed to care. Madame Su felt as if they
slapped her.

“Beat them until their mother would not recognize them.” Madame Su hissed through gritted teeth, her face was turning
plum colored, “I want them on the floor begging for mercy.”

She gestured at her biggest and best guard, “Nan, you always enjoyed breaking the most difficult girls. Show them why I
value you. Make them wish they were dead.”

The biggest man smiled, and sauntered over lazily, his beefy arm out to grab Yu Zhu. Yu Zhu shifted slightly, her slender
arm came out and grabbed the man’s wrist as the man lost his balance. With a twist her hand she broke his elbow as she
pull his arm in one direction while he fell in the other. Another slight turn and she dislocated his shoulder. The man howled
in pain. But before he could do anything, Yu ZHu had grabbed his other shoulder and with a light flip, she twisted his arm
it broke in three places.

The man didn’t even understand what was happening, and Yu Zhu was like a light blur, her movements so fast that it
didn’t look like she was touching him at all. But she had iron strength and power beyond measure, it was as if Nan was
being twisted around and around like a rag doll. Swiftly she broke his legs, and with no mercy she began hitting all the
points where she knew would cause the most pain. Finally, she broke his back.
The sound of breaking bone was deafening in the courtyard, mingled with the cries of the man. Luckily the sounds of men
enjoying a night of dancing and debauchery quickly swallowed the man’s howls.

Yu Zhu looked at the man with disgust her her eyes. He was whimpering and crying, snot drizzling from his nose to fall
from his chin. She pushed him with the point of her shoe, and he opened on swollen eye, “Nan, I’ve heard a lot about

She looked down at him, ” How you whip women to run around the room until they fall from exhaustion and then beat
them until they can’t cry anymore. I’ve heard how you tie women up for days and starve them until they do what Madame
Su asks.”

Yu Zhu placed a foot on the big man’s neck, leaned down, and whispered, “I’ve heard that you’ve killed women by the
dozens. And one day, when I find their bodies, I will come back and take your head.” His eyes widened with fear as he
wheeze but he could not lift one finger.

“Remember today Nan. It’s the beginning of your waking nightmare.”

Yu Zhu turned and looked at the other frightened men, “I don’t see a lot of you following orders.” She raised a hand and
beckoned, “I promise that when I’m done, you’ll never dare beat a woman again.”

While Yu Zhu quickly decimated the men, Madame Su tried to run but Lin Yu caught her by the neck of her fabric.

“You’re being rude,” Lin Yu said casually, “What kind of a host leaves before her guests do?” She clamped a hand on the
woman’s out, “scream for help and I rip out your tongue.”

Madame Su nearly cried in fear. She saw Nan’s barely breathing bulk and threatened with a shaking voice “I’ll get you for
this. I’ll report you to the magistrate and you both will die for this!”

Yu Zhu walked over, “On Your Knees.”

Madame Su had lived her life pleasing people. She knew she was not in the position of power. Slowly, she fell to her
knees, her forehead touching the floor. “I’m sorry if I’ve offended either of you. It was not my intention.”

Yu Zhu shrugged, “I could care less. What I want to know is where does the Merchant He Yi keep his ledger.”

Madame Su felt her heart go cold, “What…are you talking about?”

Lin Yu sighed, “Everyone in this city knows that you and He Yi have a special relationship. Why do you think I became a
dancing girl at your establishment? I wanted to see where you were getting these girls.”

“It wasn’t until recently did Lin Yu find out about how the Merchant sneaks girls to you by making them pose as war
refugees. You also store his extra grain, don’t you?” Yu Zhu guessed, All the grains the government gives him that he
refuses to sell to the poor villages, you keep until he could sell it at a higher price.”

The Madame’s eyes grew panicked, “I have no idea what you mean. You crazy fools.”

Lin Yu grabbed the Madame’s hand, “For every lie you tell, I break a finger.” She pointed to the pile of men Yu Zhu had
left on the grassy little hill, “I learned from the same teacher as Yu Zhu. I can make it so that your hand will never heal

The Madame whimpered, Yu Zhu asked again, “Tell me where the ledger is and I’ll spare you your life.”

The Madame thought quickly. If Yu Zhu and Lin Yu didn’t kill her now, then she would kill them when she escaped. There
was no harm to telling them the truth if they were going to die soon.
“Fine! Fine!” she cried as Lin Yu’s hand gripped hers tighter, “The Merchant hides half of it in his bedroom. The magistrate
has the other half in his vaults!”

Lin Yu released her. Yu Zhu looked into the Madame’s eyes, “You are a despicable human being. One day everything
you’ve done will catch up with you. You won’t be able to run from it. You won’t be able.” Yu Zhu’s eyes were like daggers,
“Because nothing you do will allow you to escape your fate.”

She leaned closer until the older woman flinched, “The dead women, those you stole, those you sold, and those you threw
away like trash. They’re looking forward to tearing you apart. They’re waiting for you.”

She took a tiny pouch of white silk. It was a gift from Wei Yun, delivered by Huang Wu few months back. It was a powder.
Yu Zhu flicked into the woman’s eyes, nose, mouth and ears. Then she took out another black vial labeled, Sinner’s
remorse and tipped the black contents into the woman’s mouth. Madame Su’s eyes became cloudy white for a moment.
She blinked and then fell to the floor in a dead faint.
Yu Zhu went over to each of the men and blew the white powder in their face as well. Except for Nan, she looked at him,
“Forgetting what occurred here is too good for you.” The man looked up at her as she explained, “I’ve made it so that
you’ll never be able to move or speak for the rest of your life. If I gave you this power to make you forget tonight.” She
sighed, “Too bad I gave all of Sinner’s Remorse to Madame Su, you really should get a taste of it too.” The other man
whimpered as she moved away.

Yu Zhu gathered a handful of her power and threw it at the third floor. It blew apart the railings, showering the pile of men
below with splinters.

A few minutes after Yu Zu and Lin Yu departed, a serving girl came and found Madame Su lying on the floor. She roused
the sleeping woman.

“Madame! Shall I call for a doctor?” More girls came in now. They gasped and cried in horror to see the destruction of the
delicate courtyard and the 3rd floor.

“Yes. Yes.” Madame Su snapped, “I must have tripped and hit my head. What happened?”

“It looks like the men fell.” One of the maids pointed to the hole on the 3rd level”

Madam Su looked up, “i remember now. It was after the two girls left. I.. wanted the men to look at something but they fell,
one of the railing must be weak. I must have tripped when I tried to run and get help. That’s what happened.” She got up
and snapped, “Someone get this mess cleared up. Find a doctor for me first.”

Nan looked at the Madame and whimpered, but no one paid any attention to him. No one cared he existed.


Lin Yu stretched as they walked back home, “Wish we didn’t have to make her forget. She should remember that there
are people that will stand up to her.”

Yu Zhu smiled, “We have the information we want. This makes going to the Merchant’s house a bit easier.”

“I heard you talked with Zhuo Hao. Are you still going to go to the Merchant’s house?” Lin Yu demanded, her face full of
worry, “Let me go.”

“No.” Yu Zhu answered firmly, “If anyone is going with me it has to be Zhuo Hao.”

Lin Yu looked hurt, “You don’t trust me to do as good a job him?”

Yu Zhu shook her head, “I don’t trust him at all.”

Lin Yu looked thunderstruck, “What?”

Yu Zhu looked into Lin Yu’s eyes, “I think Zhuo Hao isn’t just the king of thieves. I think he’s working with Zhu Zhan Ye.”

Lin Yu saw that Yu Zhu was dead serious, after a moment, Lin Yu nodded.

Yu Zhu sighed, “Maybe I am overcautious, but there’s something off about Zhuo Hao ever since Zhu Zhan Ye came into

Lin Yu was still processing, “I don’t understand. Zhuo Hao has always been on our side, he’s been helping us ever since
we met him. The midnight thief was his plan.”

Yu Zhu nodded, “Yes, but have you noticed that ever time Zhu Zhan Ye appeared Zhuo Hao was no where to be seen?”

“We asked him to not show up when Zhu Zhan Ye was around.”

Yu ZHu shook her head, “He did that before we met Zhu Zhan Ye. That first day, when I delivered those handkerchiefs.
That night when Zhuo Hao rescued me. He hit Zhu Zhan Ye in the shoulder. And ZHu Zhan Yet went down in one punch.”
She shook her head, “It’s as if he knew where to hit.”

Lin Yu put her hand on Yu ZHu’s “You think they know each other?”

“Yes.” Yu Zhu replied, “Zhuo Hao holds the most cards right now. We don’t know much about Zhu Zhan Ye and he’s in
the dark about us. If Zhuo Hao wants to cast blame for any shady dealings on the Midnight Thief or betray us. All he has
to do is go to Zhu Zhan Ye.”

“Zhu Zhan Ye is under imperial orders to find the Midnight Thief.” Lin Yu pointed out, “And Zhuo Hao is the king of thieves.
Those are enemies.”

Yu Zhu frowned, “But everything Zhuo Hao has done is to avoid Zhu Zhan Ye at all costs.” She continued before Lin Yu
could interrupt, “I just want to be sure that he’s completely on our side.”

“You knew I would go to Zhuo Hao if I thought you were being reckless, didn’t you?”

Yu Zhu put an arm around Lin Yu, “I knew you love me and worry about me. And I had to get the news to him using
someone he knows is close to me.”

Lin Yu shook her head, “You could’ve told me all this before.”

“You can’t lie to save your life.” Yu Zhu teased, but she turned serious, “I’m sorry, but we have to know. Zhuo Hao knows
too much about us. I have to take precautions.”

The two girls walked in silence as Lin Yu mulled everything over. She could never remain angry with Yu Zhu for long, “I’ll
forgive you if you promise me to tell me everything. And to never leave me in the dark again.” She puffed out her cheeks
and pouted, “I’m suppose to be your sister.”

Yu ZHu hugged Lin Yu. “I promise.”

Lin Yu smiled but then looked sad, “He so kind and sometimes he’s so sad. Please don’t hurt him until you know the
truth?” Yu Zhu smiled and nodded.

“What are you planning?” Lin Yu wanted to know

“If you want to catch fish, you find the most suitable bait.” Yu Zhu pointed out, “Tomorrow, when we go to the Merchant’s
house, I’m sure the bait will show up.”
Lin Yu sighed and her eyes sparkled in the pale moonlight, “I hope you’re wrong. He’s a good man.”

Chapter 44 – The Princess of Dian


Yu Zhu

(Photo courtesy of QQ and Hidari94)

“Hello.” Zhu Zhan Ye poked his head in front of Yu Zhu’s store. His eyes seemed to twinkle as he

Yu Zhu raised her head, “You’re not allowed here.”

Zhu Zhan Ye smiled crookedly, “Didn’t you get my gifts? I sent some really expensive fruits you can only get in the
southern part of the empire.

“She sold them.” Lu Xi smiled shyly, “Hello, Zhan Ye Ge Ge.”

“See, I am welcomed” Zhu Zhan Ye stood in the doorway as Yu Zhu wrote something in her records book, “You’re
blocking the door”

“I’m vastly improving the view.” Was the casual reply, “People see a good looking young man at your door and they’ll
naturally flock to your steps. I am unnaturally handsome after all.”

He smiled mischievously, “If they can get in with me blocking the way , that is.” He put his hands on the door frame, “I
wonder how long it will take before people start whispering about you and me. Our relationship is very special after all”
Bao Lu rolled his eyes, his master could be so shameless at times.

Yu Zhu smiled politely as she grabbed a broom, “Lu Xi,” She handed the broom to the girl, “there’s something nasty at our
door, will you sweep it away?” Lu Xi blushed and shook her head, she didn’t dare touch the crisply dressed young man
with a dirty broom.

“Fine.” Yu Zhu shook her head, “It might be difficult to get rid of anyway. I’ll do it”

She approached Zhu Zhan Ye and aimed the broom at his chest. He grabbed the broom and the stood, neither
relinquishing the broom.
“Why is it that we’re always pulling each other closer?” He grinned, “Young students who admire you at the tea shop say
you’re a rose without thorns. Clearly they’ve never seen you with a broom.” She glared at him as he held it tightly. She
tugged hard.

Instead of releasing the handle, Zhu Zhan Ye came forward and stood nose to nose with Yu Zhu. She had to stop herself
from dodging him too fast. Zhu Zhan Ye didn’t need anything else to make him more curious about her.

She stepped back, “You and I have nothing between us. Just air.” She scowled at his boyish grin, “You’re in my shop.”

“You pulled me in. Anyone will tell you that was an invitation.” He looked comically contrite, “You keep tugging me in and
shoving me out. Are you playing with my heart?”

“I didn’t know you had one.”

He looked even sadder, “But I do. I imagine it’s even found a home. Maybe even in this shop” Even Bao Lu winced at the
sappy words his master said.

Yu Zhu couldn’t help it and laughed. She smiled with real warm at his pitiful acting “You have an overactive imagination.”

Zhu Zhan Ye was dazzled by her laugh, it was as sudden and striking as a grace note on the Gu Qin.

Yu Zhu’s shook her head, “So, why are you here?”

“To apologize.” Zhu Zhan Ye turned serous, “You’re right about last time. I am sorry for not trusting you. After all you did,
you didn’t deserve it. I want to make it up to you. Show you that I trust you absolutely.”

Yu ZHu frowned slightly, “How?”

“Do you mind closing a few minutes early today?” Zhu Zhan Ye requested, “I have a special visitor I want you to meet. I’ll
make up the difference of money you would lose.”

Yu Zhu shrugged it had been a light day anyway, she would make Zhu ZHan Ye pay through the nose this way, she
smiled crookedly and made shooing motions as if he was a chicken, “Fine, go and waste your time somewhere else. Give
me the hour.”

The sun had turned blood red in the sky when Yu Zhu had bowed to the last customer heading out. She had sent Lu Xi
home early with Lin Yu, with the strict instructions that Lin Yu was not allowed to cook anything. Yu Zhu didn’t want her
accidentally poisoned by Lin Yu.

Zhu Zhan Ye knocked on Yu Zhu’s half closed door, “She’ll be here any minute. Is there anyone in here?” Yu Zhu shook
her head, “I just closed shop. Who’s so important?”

Zhu Zhan Ye looked surprised at the question, “The owner of the scarf I bought last time, of course.”

“You mean the Ming Shi Princess?” Yu Zhu didn’t have to finish the sentence, her mouth fell open. She hadn’t expect that
he could come with the princess in tow. In spite of herself, Yu Zhu was curious, there were only two or three 1st ranked
princesses in Dian.

Zhu Zhan Ye nodded and came closer, he whispered in Yu Zhu’s ear. The heat of his breath raised goosebumps on her
arm, “Exactly, Ming Shi Princess of Dian.”

Yu Zhu jerked back, “The one who’s marrying the Eldest Prince?”

He nodded, “The marriage announcement had been posted all of the empire. Surely you’ve heard all the gossip. Of
course everyone knows her by her official title bestowed by the Dian Emperor, The Ming Shi Princess of Dian. A rumored
beauty that no many people had seen before.” He grinned at her, ” And I’m bringing her to meet you. How’s that for an

Yu Zu smiled crookedly, “As apologies go. It’s not bad.” She looked at him curiously, “Do you know her real name?”

Zhu Zhan Ye shrugged, “It’s not common knowledge, since it’s taboo to call any of the royal family by their real name.”

A knocked sounded softly interrupting their conversation, Yu Zhu and Zhu Zhan Ye looked up. Yu Zhu’s hand shook and
she tighten it into a fist behind her back, she knew the person who had knocked. It was the doctor. The same one that had
saved Hua Er. Why would he be here?

“Are we early?” The doctor, whose youthful face seemed exactly the same to Yu Zhu. He grinned at Zhu Zhan Ye, “or did
you want more time with the pretty lady?”

Zhan Ye’s cheeks became slightly red, “No.” Yu Zhu raised her eyebrows at him, and Zhan Ye backtracked, ” No! that’s
not what no means. I mean no, you’re pretty. Very pretty.” Realizing what he said, he quickly said, “I mean, no, not what
you think it meant. What I mean to say is…” He stopped talking and blushed.

Yu Zhu smiled at the astonished Doctor Li, “Welcome to my shop.” She said simply.

The doctor grinned, “In the past month I’ve know him, I’ve never seen him flustered! And there’s plenty of pretty serving
women at the inn vying for his attention” He winked Yu Zhu as Zhu Zhan Ye tried to put a hand over the doctor’s mouth,
“You must be someone important.” Yu Zhu hid a smile behind her hand.

Another figured entered, a tall willowy figure wearing a wide hat with a veil that hid her entire form. The two men
straightened and Zhu Zhan Ye smiled crookedly at Yu Zhu.

“May I present Her Imperial Highness, Ming Shi Princess of Dian.” Zhu Zhan Ye bowed politely, every ounce the
seasoned courtier.

Yu Zhu came out from behind her counter and knelt gracefully, “Your Imperial Highness. Had I known you were coming I
would have cleaned my shop up.”

The woman held out a hand and gently grasped Yu Zhu’s arm, “Please. Any friend of Zhu Zhan Ye’s is a friend of mine.”
Hua Er parted her veil gracefully, “I am not one for formalities. I am simply known as Hua Er” She looked at Yu Zhu’s
downcast head, “and who do I have the good fortune to speak with ?”

When the woman spoke, Yu Zhu’s entire body filled with ice. It was the voice that haunted her dreams. It had taunted her
for years. The same voice that lulled her to sleep since she was little.

Yu Zhu couldn’t look up, she didn’t want to see Hua Er’s face go from kindness to disgust. She didn’t want to see Hua Er’s

Yu Zhu wondered if Hua Er would touch her if she knew who the embroidery mistress really was. Hua Er would probably
slap Yu Zhu and tell her guards to drag Yu Zhu away from her presence.

Inside, in a place that she had locked away firmly six years ago, she felt it rush back to her.

Am I so despicable that you had to cast me away? Was I so hateful that you and father didn’t want to see me anymore?
These were the things the 12 year old Yu Zhu had cried over and over again when she had first lived in the Demon’s
Village. Every night, she had thought, over and over again. Please find me. Please, come get me. Please don’t leave me
here. I can’t lose you all. I want to go home. I don’t hate you for hating me, I’ll do anything. Just let me be near. Please
don’t hate me any more. Please….please…please
But Hua Er never came. Hua Er had pushed her away. Hua Er hated her.
Yu Zhu stood as a statue as the nightmares of her past pounded in her skull. She could not raise her head. Zhu Zhan Ye
frowned and put an arm around her, “What’s wrong?”

Yu Zhu didn’t say anything. She couldn’t say anything. Inside her, the hurt and frightened child wailed over and over
again. Begging Hua Er to never leave her. She wanted so much to hold onto Hua Er, to ask her if Hua Er still remembered
her. But Yu Zhu didn’t dare look up. She couldn’t bear it if she saw Hua Er’s face turn from kindness to hatred again.

Hua Er put a hand on Yu Zhu’s shoulder, “Please. Don’t be frightened.” Yu Zhu flinched from the touch and Hua Er took
the hand away, concerned that she had caused the girl more distress.

Yu Zhu swallowed and looked at Zhu Zhan Ye, he was startled to see the hint of tears in her eyes, “I… I must have eaten
something bad. Forgive my impertinence. I…I have to go.” She turned, her face still hidden from Hua er and her knees
buckled. Zhu Zhan Ye tightened his grip on the girl.

“I’m a doctor.” Doctor Li rushed forward, “Maybe I can help.”

“No. Doctor Li.” Yu Zhu shook her head, but did not raise her head, her voice was muffled “I think I just need rest.” With
that she bowed. Zhu Zhan Ye walked her into the back room. He turned and smiled at Hua Er, “I’ll stay with her. Go ahead
and go explore, my guards will be looking out for your safety.

Hua Er and Doctor Li looked at each other.

“She’s probably in awe of you. It must have been a shock to meet someone like you here.” The doctor shrugged.

Hua Er didn’t answer. There was something familiar about the girl. It didn’t feel like the first time they had met.

“How did she know your name?” Hua Er asked.


“Are you alright?” Zhu Zhan Ye held onto Yu Zhu’s shoulders as she sat there like stone. He could feel her shaking. They
sat in the back room of the little shop, the room filled with fragrant bolts of cloth and silk threads.

Yu Zhu felt his warm hands chasing the chill away from her body. He held her shoulders with wonderful tightness, as if he
was yanking her back to the present.

She looked up at him, and Zhan Ye was surprised, “You’re crying.”

She touched her face and felt the wetness. She shook her head, “I’m sorry. I was just remember someone who looked a
lot like the princess. Every time I think of her, I become sad.”

Zhu Zhan Ye hesitated, but did not release her shoulders, and smiled sadly “I have someone like that too. A sister.
Sometimes it’s the sound of a voice that sounds like her, or someones’s eyes that looked like hers, even the smell of lilac
perfume. It takes you back and you remember the good…and the bad.”

Yu Zhu blinked, “What happened?”

Zhu Zhan Ye looked conflicted, “There was a war. And I wasn’t brave enough to save her. I wasn’t strong enough to
protect her. She somewhere up there” He pointed to the sky, “Finally free.”

He then sighed “Because of me, my brother was banished.”

“You have a brother?” Yu Zhu asked, “What was he like?”

Zhu Zhan Ye grinned, he looked like a carefree young man, “The best brother I could ever ask for. Taught me how to use
a sword. He took me out of the pala…house to play, and gave me my first horse. He always protected me whenever
things got bad. Practically raised me when…well, never mind.” There was pride in his eye, something akin to idol worship,
“He was the smartest, strongest, and nicest out of us. He was father’s favorite. I wanted to be like him when I grew up.”

Yu Zhu smiled, a little envious “Must be nice to have a brother who cares for you so much.”

“It was.” Zhu Zhan Ye agreed, “My family’s a pretty vicious bunch. There’s a lot of good people who turned bad because
they mixed love and power. A lot died when I was little.”

Yu Zhu nodded, she understood only too well. She looked up at him understanding, “I’m sorry.”

Zhu Zhan Ye tighten his arms around her, “Don’t be. I’m suppose to be comforting you, remember?” She smiled, “Thank
you. I don’t feel so alone anymore.”

“If you know where you friend is, the one that reminds you of the Princess. Perhaps I can find her for you.” He offered
hesitantly. Yu Zhu’s eyes met his and he became away of their closeness in the tiny room. The way her eyes seemed to
stare into his soul. The shape of her lovely lips. Blood pounded in his brain and he felt as if he drank too much wine. He
blushed and took his arm away, trying to clear it, “Anything for a friend.” He stammered and blushed.

The normally suave and smooth Zhu Zhan Ye acted as if he never talked to a girl before. She smiled thinking, that’s the
second time I’ve seen him flustered, and said “No, I would rather you pay for the time I took to close the shop for your
visitor. He grinned at her, “You are a business woman to the core.”
He caught hold of her hand, “Don’t be sad on your own. Let me know if I can be any kind of small comfort or help” Yu Zhu
looked down, his hand dwarfed hers. She wanted to let it remain there, but she and Zhu Zhan Ye could never be true
friends. She didn’t have the heart to break his, if he knew the truth. Gently she let go and stood up.

“I am grateful for your offer to look for my friend” She took a long, deep breathe. When she let it out, she felt in
control “But my friend is dead. And has been for a long, long, time.”

Chapter 45 – The Bitterness of Brothers


(Zhuo Hao)

Photo courtesy of Sina Weibo

The cloudy night was perfect as the dark grey clothed men and Yu Zhu’s black clothes blended into every shadow. The
Midnight Thief and her companions ran silently through the dark city as they headed to the Merchant’s giant compound.
The fire lanterns of the city slowly burned down to flicker and die as the night watchmen called the hour.

The thieves were as silent as falling leaves, landing in the Merchant’s garden with no more sound than a drop of water
falling into a pond. Yu Zhu motioned for them to hide as the first round of guards patrolling the area came though.

Yu Zhu and Zhuo Hao nearly blended into the rock as the unsuspecting guards walked away. Yu Zhu’s hands feeling
along the crevice of a great rock. Zhuo Hao scanned the dark pagodas and walkways around the opulent structures,
looking for the hint of torches and next round of oncoming guards.

Yu Zhu smiled as she felt the click of a hidden latch. The door sprung open and a silent hiss. Yu Zhu pointed and
motioned for the four other men to go in and start pilfering.

She motioned to Zhuo Hao, “I know of something that’s more valuable than gold the merchant has. I’m going after it.”

Zhuo Hao’e eyes widened, “That’s not part of the plan.”

Yu Zhu tilted her head, “It could lead to the Merchant and the Magistrate’s execution.”

Zhuo Hao was torn, “Why did you tell me beforehand? We could’ve worked it in.”

Yu Zhu shook her head, she wasn’t about the tell Zhuo Hao the existence of the ledger. He sighed, “Go. Once my men
are done, we’ll provide you with a distraction.” Yu Zhu gave a curt nodded and flew away towards the Merchant’s sleeping

Zhuo Hao frowned, something was off with the way Yu Zhu kept information from him. It seemed that earlier today, Lin Yu
had avoided talking to him as much as possible.

Yu Zhu made it to the private quarters in no time. She swiftly and silently took care of the rooftop guard, he had been
napping on the job. Yu Zhu cooly surveyed the guards around He Yi’s sleeping quarters. Twenty stood guard at the front
while a group of six patrolled the area. It was clear that after the last break inn, there was only one thing the Merchant
wanted to protect.

Yu Zhu carefully took out a small pouch and concentrated, finally, after a long while, she casted her magic on the powder
and sent it flying into the men guarding the front entrance. They fell as they breathed in the sleeping powder. Yu Zhu
wiped the sweat of her brow and tried not to sway. She grinned, Wei Yun’s gifts were so useful sometimes.

The men patrolling would soon find their fallen comrades. Yu Zhu took a deep breath and landed in the midst of the squad
of men.

Four men were down before they knew they were under attack. She never killed unless she had to and these poor souls
were certainly not worth bloodying her hands. She simply aimed for their pressure points, kicked, punched, or pressed
with deadly accuracy. The six men fell, not one was making a sound.

There was a roar in the gardens. Men rushed to the orange glow. The garden was on fire. Yu Zhu looked to the east.
Zhuo Hao and his men must have finished. She hid behind the column as the doors swung open. the three guards ran
outsides to see what the commotion was about when they saw all their comrades lying on the ground.

Yu Zhu attacked before they even had a chance to scream for help. These men were trained warriors, they had expected
someone with good hand to hand combat skills, not someone who was so fast that that they felt as if attacked by
shadows. In no time, the guards fell to the ground. She entered the richly decorated room.

He Yi was hiding behind a scantily clad, young, frightened woman.

“Did Zhu Zhan Ye send you? What ever he paid you I can double it! Please don’t hurt me. Take the girl! She’s young and
pretty!” He croaked as he pushed the girl towards Yu Zhu, “I’ll give you wealth and women! What ever you want! Spare

Yu Zhu shrugged as she approached, she gripped the old man’s collar, “Ledger.”

He shook his head, “What are you talking about?”

She sighed and backhanded him, talking to useless with an old fox like him.

Instead she searched the bed frame.

“If you’re..lo-lo-looking for the book he writes in every night.” The frightened girl he had thrown in front of him said in a
small voice, “It- It’s hidden in one of the bed posts on the left.”

Yu Zhu knocked on the bedpost. It was hollow. She nodded in thanks and opened the latch to the hollow post. Inside was
a thick, yellowing book with no cover. Yu Zhu took it and closed the compartment. She held out a hand to the girl, as if
asking the girl if she wanted to leave the place.

The frightened girl shook her head, “I have some business. I-I will be fine. go.”

Yu Zhu stuffed the ledger down her shirt and ran outside. The young concubine followed and pulled a long, nasty looking
knife from one of the fallen guards. She pulled down the silk curtains and got to work.

Inside the room, the merchant moaned, he could taste the blood. He looked up to the coldest eyes he’s ever seen. His
concubine held a knife in one shaking hand. He was tied to the bed.

“Silly girl, you can’t protect me. Put that down.” He glanced up and moaned as he tried untie himself. He glanced at the
girl, who still held the knife in her hands. She asked him in a wavering voice “Do you know who I am?”

He frowned, “You idiot bitch. Shut up and get help.” He raised a hand, “Why are you just standing there, Stupid little brat.”
He glared at her and she seemed to look back at him with a new glint in her eyes.

This was a concubine that had never given him trouble, she had always done what she was told. She had been a proud
one that he personally broke to bridle. He had already beaten the fight out of her. The girl spoke.

“I was just a butcher’s daughter you took fancy to. You killed my father. Sold my mother and burned down our house.
Then you stole me the night of my wedding and forced me to be your concubine.” The girl said, her voice was low and
soft, but every word could be heard. Her hand was no longer shaking. She was no longer frightened.

“Every day I dreamed of stabbing you a thousand times. I wanted to peel off your skin and pull out your tendons one by
one while you screamed and begged for mercy. I wanted you to feel the pain you caused me, I wanted you to understand
the hell you put me through.”

She stepped closer, “Do you know I hear their screams at night? I see them dying before me over and over again? Every
time you touch me, I want to gouge my flesh and burn it to ash.” She continued, “I lived so long because I wanted revenge
for my family. Endured the humiliation because one day, I knew I could make you suffer like you have made me all these

The merchant whimpered as she came near, the knife she flipped expertly in her hands, there iron will and stark
determination in her black eyes, “Today I make you wish you were never born. And when I’m finished, you will think of me
every day. Don’t worry. I won’t kill you. I just want you to know and experience the pain that you’ve put me through.”
With force she never knew she had, the girl thrusted the knife into the old man’s mouth. Years of helping her father had
taught her how to cut without killing. Metal ripped through the back of his throat as she cut out his tongue. Blood filled his
mouth and spewed down his rich silk shirt. The concubine looked into the old man’s eyes.

“That was for my mother, your men killed her while she was begging for my father’s life. They cut out her tongue and
threw her onto the slave carts. Can you taste the bitterness she had to endure all these years?” The girl pulled the knife
out, the merchant’s blood dripped from the blade.

She thrusted it into his eyes, the soft eyeballs bursted as clear jelly dripped down his face “This is for my father, who had
to watch as your men burned our house down. They threw him alive into the flames, laughing as he screamed. Can you
see the his hatred?”

Swiftly the concubine cut off the Merchant’s hands and feet, tossing them into a pile as he gargled and moaned for mercy.

“You’ve destroyed my family. You’ve made sure we could never be whole again. I’m giving you the same pain you’ve put
me through.” The merchant could not scream, his throat was thick with blood.

The merchant flailed as blood, snot and tears bathed his ancient face. The girl gripped him by his throat and thrusted her
knife into his ears, as she said “This is for my beloved, my betrothed, who said he loved to hear me sing. You killed him in
front of me when he tried to rescue me from your house. Can you hear him scream?”

With that, the girl picked up her robe and threw down the bloody knife. She grabbed valuables and all the money she
could find, it would be enough to help her track down her mother.

She could hear the men yelling and fighting in the gardens. She smiled with reckless abandon as she ran for the back exit
of the house, there was no one guarding it. With a great step, she disappeared into the night. The imprisoned concubine
was free.


Zhu Zhan Ye had seen the fire at Merchant He Yi’s house, he guessed immediately who was to blame. He and his men
had been patrolling the city at night, looking for hints of the midnight thief.

“Gather the men. We’re going rat catching.” He grinned at Bao Lu. The servant shook his head, “You smile to happily
about risking your life.”

Zhan Ye shrugged, “After a month of not hearing a whisper this might be the first time the Midnight Rat showed himself. I
can’t help it.”

When he gotten there, he could see grey shadows jumping away on rooftops like flees. He drew his sword, it sang as it it
flew out of his scabbard. There were four of them, all in grey.

“She must have gone back” Zhuo Hao didn’t like the thought of leaving without Yu Zhu. But if he didn’t get out now, his
people would die. Some had suffered minor wounds while fighting the merchant’s men but they were alive.

Arrows flew through the air, one of his men was struck in the shoulder. Zhuo Hao deflected as many as he could shielding
his men. “Get him out of here. I’ll be right behind.”

A net flew threw the air, Zhuo Hao slashed before it could reach them. He fought the four men as his tried to escaped.

Zhu Zhan Ye flew through the air and Zhuo Hao felt a sense of dread build in his stomach.

One of Zhuo Hao’s men screamed, Zhuo Hao kicked one of Zhan Ye’s men and grabbed the injured one.
“GO” He roared. And nearly threw the man onto the next rooftop. A cold blade pressed between his shoulder
blades. Zhuo Hao turned around slowly.

“Drop the sword.” Zhu Zhan Ye smiled coldly, “while I didn’t catch the rat I wanted, it’s still not bad for a night’s work.”

The sword pointed at Zhuo Hao’s neck was unwavering. He could feel the icy metal, covered in the blood of his men
press harder into his skin. Two of Zhu Zhan Ye’s men stood behind him. There was no escape.

“The last I met you. You’d taken my prize from right under my nose.” Zhu Zhan Ye said lightly, “So the midnight thief has a
few partners.” Zhu Zhan Ye forced Zhuo Hao back, step by step. “If you don’t want to die for another man, tell me who the
midnight thief is.”

Zhu Zhan Ye was met with silence, the threat falling on deaf years, Zhu Zhan Ye smiled, “A loyal criminal. How amusing.”

Zhuo Hao swallowed, his Adam’s apple touching the sword, his mind raced as Zhu Zhan Ye asked, “But tell me, how
much does the Midnight Thief value you? Will he give himself up for you? Because if so, you can still be useful to me.
Tomorrow you face will be on the public execution papers. We’ll see what the midnight thief will do.”

The knife point shifted, it hooked the cloth covering Zhuo Hao’s face and lifted it. The was an audible gasp as Zhu Zhan
Ye felt as if someone had punched him in the gut. Zhuo Hao’s determined faced looked back at him.

The men had been Zhu Zhan Ye’s personal guard in the palace. They were the few that knew what Zhuo Hao looked like.
They too, lowered their swords in shock.

“Brother.” Zhuo Hao’s heart ached. He had feared this more than anything else in the world.

“Impossible” Zhu Zhan Ye rasped and realized, “You injured me last time.” He was an idiot. The way Zhuo Hao acted. The
way the grey cloth man had attacked last time. Was his mind playing tricks? Was this a nightmare?

Laughter bubbled up from his chest until it erupted like fire out of his mouth. Zhu Zhan Ye threw down his sword and held
his stomach. He laughed until his inside ached.

Zhuo Hao walked forward and Zhu Zhan Ye held up his hand, “Don’t touch me. Bastard.” He kept laughing, he felt as if
someone was cutting him up from the inside. Zhuo Hao was a criminal. The irony was too perfect. His brother that had
protected him his entire life. Zhuo Hao who had always been by his side, teaching him how to fight, how to ride, and how
to live in the palace full of death, murder, and secrets.

His brother who raised him when his mother was imprisoned in the cold palace. The brother who had wiped away his
tears when everyone had treated Zhan Ye like trash because of his low born mother. The brother who had stood in front
of him, shielding him from their father as the Emperor tried to whip Zhan Ye to death.

The same Zhuo Hao who had stood with him as they threw the ashes of their sister into the winds.

Zhuo Hao waited, his eyes conflicted, “Brother, I–”

“You have no right to call me that.” Zhu Zhan Ye straightened, his eyes burned like smoldering embers, “I am the prince of
the imperial house while you are a lowly thief. I am the instrument of Imperial Might while you are…human waste. Don’t
insult my name by letting that word slip out of your degrading mouth.”

He spat, “A royal prince does not go against the empire by becoming a criminal. I don’t know who you are. My brother
Zhuo Hao died years ago when he was banished.”
Zhuo Hao’s eyebrows knitted, there was no color in his face, for minutes the two men stood looking at each other. Finally
Zhuo Hao bowed like a commoner to a noble, Zhu Zhan Ye flinched at the bow. Zhuo Hao said, “Your highness. What do
you plan to do with me?” There was no emotion in his voice, “Imprison me or kill me?”

Zhu Zhan Ye looked into Zhuo Hao’s face, “I should rip you apart with my bare hands.”

“Do it.” Zhuo Hao said, “Bring my head to our father. Maybe it’ll be enough to release your mother from the Palace of

“You think I won’t?” Zhu Zhan Ye kicked his dropped sword and flipped it into his hand, ” You taught me how to kill. I could
deliver you head by sunrise.”

Zhuo Hao closed his eyes. But the death blow never came. He opened his eyes to see his brother’s face, a mask of
unspeakable agony and anger. He had seen that look before, and the guilt came rushing back. He had failed Zhu Zhan
Ye twice now.

“Leave.” Zhu Zhan Ye lowered his sword, “Never show your face in front of me again. Leave this city. This empire.
Because the next I see you face, no matter where we are. I will carve it off your skull.”

Zhuo Hao inclined his head, he jumped and flew onto a rooftop. Zhu Zhan Ye’s lips was a thin, taunt line, “If anyone
speaks of this, I’lll skin them.”


Yu Zhu sat hidden in the shadows of a rooftop, watching the drama unfold. She had her arrows and bow at the ready. If
Zhu Zhan Ye was really going to kill Zhuo Hao she would have stepped in.

She rubbed her face tiredly. Two princes and a royal princess. Lin Yu whistled softly, her bow and arrow at her side as

“Did you know?” She asked in a hushed voice, “Did you think they were brothers?”

“There was some resemblance.” Yu Zhu admitted, “I just didn’t expect them to be royalty.”

Lin Yu put her head in her hands, “When did things get this complicated?”

Yu Zhu sighed and stood up, “We’ve stayed here too long. Let’s leave the city. Find somewhere we can start again, we
can help the poor in ways more than one.”

Lin Yu’s mouth fell open, “But we just got the ledger.” She held up her half, “It was hard breaking into the Magistrate’s
vault.” Yu Zhu had instructed Lin Yu to steal the other half of the ledger while she and Zhu Zhan Ye were at the
merchant’s house.

Yu Zhu grinned, “Well, the fire was a good distraction. The Magistrate’s men came to help once it started. I’m sure he was
worried about the Merchant’s half of the ledger.”

“I even left the Minister a gift.” Lin Yu smiled proudly. Yu Zhu looked at her quizzically.

“I found a thick book on morality. So I put that in the place of the ledger.” Lin Yu shrugged.

Yu Zhu smiled and slung an arm around the girl, “I think it’s safe to say that Zhuo Hao can be trusted. He’ll know what to
do with it. After all he is a prince of the empire so I’m sure he knows people that can bring down the corrupted. Tomorrow
we’ll give him the ledger and be on our way.”

Lin Yu looked down, “I feel like we’re running away.” She didn’t want to leave.
Yu Zhu knew how she felt, “We should. While we still have the chance.”

Chapter 46 – Retaliation
August 6, 2014
By dramatictealeaves
in A Fantasy Novel - Daughter of Heaven
Tags: Bamboo Rain, Chapters, Chinese Novel Online, Fantasy, Historical Fantasy, Online Novel, Original Works, Yu
Zhu, Yu Zhu A Chinese Fantasy Novel – Yu Zhu

Shan Ying Lang

(Photo Courtesy of Sina Weibo)

Ning City, Yue Kingdom

When Zhu Zhan Ye returned to the inn that morning, his eyes were dull and he walked as if he didn’t care who was in
his way. Bao Lu tried to bring food to his master, but the young man shook his head. He spoke to no one, but sat there,
staring at his hands. At sun set, he suddenly stood up and strode out, Bao Lu made to follow but Zhu Zhan Ye shook
his head.

He seemed to wander aimlessly in the rushing crowd of people. He sat down at a small stall and barked at the server to
get him a jug of their finest wine. One cup after another, fiery liquid splashed down his tongue until he tasted nothing.

A hand reached out to grab his wrist. He looked up and saw a girl shrouded in veils. “I don’t need company.” He
growled, “If Bao Lu sent you. Tell him to mind his own business.” The hand didn’t release him. Zhu Zhan Ye raised
an eyebrow, “I won’t tell you twice. You’re being rude.”

“You had no problem grabbing onto me when you were in my shop.” Yu Zhu lifted up her veils.

Zhu Zhan Ye looked at her for a moment and then grinned, “This is the first time you’ve come to me.”

Yu Zhu’s expression was between exasperation and amusement, “I was buying some silks and passed by here. Some
people said a young man was trying to drown himself in drink, I was just curious.”

He challenged her, “Are you going to stop me?” He glanced at her slim fingers, there were faint scars on the soft white

Yu Zhu smiled crookedly, “Lucky for you, I feel like drinking too” She beckoned the server to bring her a cup. He
was beginning to feel the wine warm his blood, “You’ll ruin your reputation.”

She shrugged, “It won’t matter in a day or two.”

They drank like two good friends, talking and laughing about the places they’ve traveled and people they’ve met. Zhan
Ye felt less and less like he was made of ice as the alcohol raged in his blood. Zhu Zhan Ye told her of fighting in battle
and riding across the sea of sand. Yu Zhu told him of forests made of stone and far away travelers whose dark skin
shown like bronze. They laughed and downed their wine until the’ve plowed through two jugs of wine.

Zhu Zhan Ye soon realized that Yu Zhu could hold her liquor better than anyone he’s met.

“You could probably drink sailors under the table.” He slurred. The little shop was nearly deserted. They were the last
Yu Zhu shrugged as she poured more, “I have, once. Lin Yu got very angry because we ended up steering the boat”
She grinned mischievously, “She made me promise that I would never drink with sailors again.”

Zhu Zhan Ye tapped the tip of her nose “You shouldn’t smile too often”

Yu Zhu tilted her head in question. He shook his head, “You can scare a lot men away when you don’t smile.”

“I haven’t scared you away.”

He grinned and pounded his chest, “I’m made of tough stuff. That’s why I’ve survived when so many of my siblings
died.” He grinned at her and said softly, “So don’t worry, I’ll be happy to be around you even on your worst days.”

She looked at him sadly, “I’m sorry about your family’s deaths.”

Zhu Zha Ye shrugged, “I only cried for my sister.” He poured himself another cup, “She died so that the rest could
live.” He smiled bitterly, “She died in vain.”

He shook his head as if he was clearing the memory. Yu Zhu poured them more, while ignoring the glare of the server.
It was getting late, but Zhu Zhan Ye was now too drunk to notice anything but the bowl in front of him.

He looked at Yu Zhu, “Are we friends?”

Yu Zhu smiled but didn’t answer the question.

He smiled too, “Of course. Under one mask is another. How could we be anything if we have more masks than pages
in a book?”

“Isn’t it better this way?” Yu Zhu asked softly, “No one gets hurt.”

He grinned foolishly “Yes. You make a strong enough prison and no one can get to you. They don’t even try after a

He wavered and then blundered on, “Tell me one thing about yourself that’s true. I just need one thing.”

Yu Zhu looked at him, her eyes seeing the hurt in his, “I thought the people around me loved me until I realized I was
deceiving myself. I will never make that mistake again.”

“Now, was that so hard?” With that he wobbled before his head hit the table with a thunk. Yu Zhu sighed and took out
a few coins, she beckoned the young server, “Go to the Thousand Waves Inn. Ask for Bao Lu, tell him his stupid master
is drunk and lead him here. Tell him Mistress Yu sent you.”

Zhu Zhan Ye’s sleeping face was gently and untroubled. Yu Zhu touched his brow. “I’m sorry for all the trouble I
caused.” Yu Zhu whispered, “It’s a good thing I’m leaving. You and I would get into all sorts of trouble if we got the
chance. This night is my goodbye.”

She would wait until Zhan Ye’s faithful servant got here. With a sigh, she paid the bill and took out an embroidery kit.
She had just finished the lotus pattern before she heard footsteps. Yu Zhu hurriedly lowered her veils until her face was


Yu Zhu looked up. She could just make out Hua Er’s face, the other woman had lifted up her veil. Yu Zhu thanked the
stars she had covered her face before Hua Er arrived.

Hua Er smiled and walked to the table, with her were a few of Zhu Zhan Ye’s guards. “Bao Lu is out searching for his
master. I came instead. Are you the same Mistress Yu I met the other day?”

Not trusting her voice, Yu Zhu nodded.

Hua Er gestured to the table, “May I sit?”

Again, Yu Zhu nodded, she gripped her skirts to still her shaking hands.

“I want to apologize.” Hua Er began, “I seemed to have frightened you the other day. I didn’t mean to cause you any
kind of stress.”

“You did nothing of the sort.” Yu Zhu’s voice was cold and distant, “I was unwell. I’m much better now.”

Hua Er seemed to be taken aback. This was the cultured tones of someone who had been raised on how to cut a person
down with regal coldness. For a moment the two women said nothing.

Hua Er stood up with a polite nod. “I should go.”

“Wait!” Yu Zhu called out, what was she doing? But then, she had to know.

Hua Er turned, her face coldly polite, “Yes?”

“Are you happy? Hua Er. Are you really happy? Is marrying the prince of Yue what you really want?” Yu Zhu didn’t
know what answer she was expecting. But if she was leaving this city, this empire, she could bear just a little more pain
if it came from Hua Er.

Hua Er was taken aback. Who was this impertinent girl that could speak thus to royalty?

But there was something familiar too. A little girl, long ago, spoke Hua Er’s name with such warmth.

Hua Er swallowed, “Who are you?” She didn’t dare hope for the answer. The princess Yu Zhu had been sent somewhere
far away, she shouldn’t even be in this realm, but what if, what if….?

Yu Zhu shook her head, “It doesn’t matter. I must go.” With a polite bow she left at a swift pace. Yu Zhu took several
deep breathes as she ran through the night. Faster and faster she ran, until she left it all behind


In the torture chambers of the Magistrate’s Office, a woman begged and screamed for mercy. Her eyes were bloodshot
and there were long, deep gouges on the sides of her face.

Madame Su sat there, screamed again and again. Her rich silks have been torn and soiled. Her shinning black hair was
a a dull thick mess on the top of her head. She was shackled to the wall while someone burned her shoulder with a
cherry red iron.

Magistrate Ke’s face was glistening with sweat. He was a nervous man by nature. But now, he sat there, waiting for
the Madame to speak while gnawing his nails viciously.

Madame Su finally screamed, “Stop! I don’t know who took the ledger! I don’t remember!”

Magistrate Ke rasped in anger, “Kill her and dump her body in the slum district.”

She screamed, “Wait! Wait! I remember something!”

She huffed, “A few months ago, a young man. Zhu… Zhu Zhan… something came and asked me if I was good friends
with you.” She whimpered, “I thought he was your friend, he paid me so well. So I told him a little bit about our
business. But I swear, I thought he was your friend!”
Magistrate Ke’s face lost all of it’s color. If this was true, then Zhu Zhan Ye has the ledger, this meant death to not only
him but his entire family. No wonder the young prince was so cocky the first time he had met Magistrate Ke, he’d been
planning this all along. The old man gripped his chair, “Kill her and burn down her dance house.” Madame Su screamed
for mercy until the thunk of the sword cut off her cries.

He left and beckoned to his captain’s guard, “Get me Te’le, drag him out of whatever drug den he’s in and tell him it’s
urgent.” Zhu Zhan Ye had underestimated him, and now pushed him to the edge, now he would suffer.

Te’le sauntered into the magistrate’s house, “What do you want, uncle? I thought you said we should never meet face
to face. Something about me being a shame to the family name.”

Magistrate Ke ignored this, “Someone has stolen the ledger from Merchant He Yi and I, hundreds will die. I need you
to get it back.”

Te’le grinned, he was a massive man with a penchant for slowly torturing his victims, “Where is he?”

The magistrate took out a sheaf of paper, “I need him alive. And he’s not someone we can take easily. Too many people
are guarding him. My spies tell me that he’s out drinking right now, and most of his guards are with him. However,
some of his friends are staying at the inn with him. My sources tell me that the guards doubled when these people
arrived a moth ago. Kidnap whoever’s his guest is. We’ll use that for leverage.”

Te’le grinned, “I can’t guarantee I’ll be too nice getting his guest here.”

The magistrate shrugged “We just need them alive.” He handed the man the paper, “This is the ransom note. Make it…

Te’le grinned, he hadn’t been allowed to kill in a few weeks, his hands itched marvelously at the thought.


When Hua Er and her guards arrived back at the inn. She was exhausted. All she wanted to do was sleep and then
tomorrow, ask Zhu Zhan Ye who Misstress Yu was. She instructed the guards to carrying the sleeping man to his room.

As she walked into hers, the guards began to yell at the top of their voices. Hua Er rushed out of her doors, her knives
in hand.

She ran as fast as she could and rushed into Zhu Zhan Ye’s room.

In Zhu Zhan Ye’s room, Bao Lu’s head was on the table. The servant’s eyes were open and his mouth was agape in

There were bodies of two guards, hacked into pieces on the floor. Bao Lu’s body was in pieces. Blood was everywhere.
Hua Er quickly closed the doors, no one can see this.

The blood was dripping on the table. it had barely reached the note. Hua Er picked it up with trembling fingers.

“You stole something of ours. We have your guest, Doctor Li. Bring me the ledger tomorrow night, at midnight by the
Jade Bone Lake. Or else he dies.”

She crumpled the note in her hands. “Take your master to my room. Get me some water, as icy as you can get” She
snapped at the motionless guards, “Clean this up. Make sure no one knows of this.”

She followed the men as they took Zhu Zhan Ye into her room. She wasn’t going to lose another person she cared
about. One way or another she’ll get to the bottom of this.


On the Borders of the Human and Demon Realms

The Canyon of the Lost was a cold grey place, the dusty road was said to be paved with the bones of soldiers from
every war ever fought. Shan Ying Lang sighed and jumped off his horse, “Back into hell I go.” He smiled ruefully,
“It’s a miracle I got out alive as a child.”

He began to whistle a sad little tune as he walked, the echo of the sharp notes seem like someone was answering him.
Deeper and deeper he went, the bones of those long dead gleamed at him with an eerily glow. The farther he walked
the more piles he saw, time had ravaged the bodies until nothing was left.

Miles and miles he went, until the piles of bones on the sides of the road began to pile higher and higher. He stopped
to rest, sitting on a giant pile at least 30 feet high. Grinning he picked up a skull, “What unfortunate soul were you?
Which king sent you into the canyon to die at the hands of demons?”

For over the centuries, kings and emperors had learned the location of the gates of the demon realms. Those greedy and
foolish sought to steal demon powers. They sent vast armies into the depths to breach the barriers. Demons happily ate
the offerings and feasted whenever a King was foolish enough to try. Soon some demons even ventured to the human
world and wreaked havoc.

To protected humans, the Emperor of Heaven wiped the memory of the barrier from human minds. He separated the
realms by creating a grey border that disables the magic of both humans and demons, the land between the two realms,
also known as the Canyons of the lost souls.

Shan Ying Lang walked on, he walked until his feet were sore. It was two days before he saw the entrance of the cave
that led to the River of Souls.

“Halt! Who dares enter the border of the Human and Demon realms?” The canyons shook as two guardian spirits made
of rocks split themselves from the Canyon Walls. They were as tall as the canyons, with giant boulders for arms and
legs “What puny mortal dares to enter?”

“Not human. Not demon.” Shan Ying Lang stood up and dusted his pants. “I’m just here to meet my old man. My
father, the Wolf Chief.”

The two giants gazed at him, “A half breed.”

Shan Ying Lang shrugged, “No. A royal bastard. I am the son of the Wolf Chief of the Dog Tribe. You can smell the
blood of the zodiac in me. I’m royal, I’m allowed to pass.”

The two looked at each other, “Why should we let, mutt?” One of them asked. “Half of you is still human”

“Look. I have important business that I have to attend to. For one thing, I would like to take a long bath after all this
dust” Shan Ying Lang was impatient, “Move before I kick you back into the canyon walls permanently.”

The giants guffawed, “You can not kill us. We are not demons. We do not die.”

Shan Ying Lang’s eyes were pure ice “I may be a half-breed, but I have the blood of the Wolf Chief flowing in me.”

He drew out his sword and sliced his own hand. The blood covered the sword and the metal glowed as if it was made
of molten lava, “This blood sword was made specially for my half-breed abilities. In a magically protected place like
this where neither human nor demon magic work, mine still will.” He grinned as the giants looked at each other with
their boulder eyes, “The best part is, since this place is neither human nor demon, no one will sense my magic. So no
one will come after me for using it.” With that he ran towards the feet of the giant.

One tried to step on him. Shan Ying Lang leaped onto the side of the cliff and flipped, he twisted and with a mighty
swipe, cut the feet off the giant. He landed lightly on the rock giant and the other one swung to kick. He easily jumped
onto the other demon in the narrow canyon as it destroyed the other giant’s legs. The legless giant fell to the floor
Shan Ying Lang leapt higher and higher on the rock giant, the giant trying to swat him like an annoying bug. He smiled
as the giant took huge chunks out of itself, though the flying rock hurt like arrows.

With a swift blow, Shan Ying Lang struck the thing in it’s black boulder eye. The rock giant flailed and with a mighty
step, smashed his fallen companion’s head with his feet. The headless giant’s arms shot up, flailing to get up. Shan
Ying Lang grinned and dug his sword in harder, steering the giant to fall onto the other one, impaling itself on its

When the great cloud of dust settled Shan Ying Lang looked down, his clothes, hair and face was covered in dust. He
grumbled in disgust, “If I ever see that old man, I’m making him pay for all of this. He better left me with a giant pile
of money by the River of Souls.”

One of the giants groaned and the rocks began to shift, it was trying to put itself together again. Shan Ying Lang raised
his eyebrows, “If you’re trying to stop me, shall we go for round two? Maybe I can try making you into dust.”

The Rock Giant mumbled, “Go away.” And closed its eyes while it tried to reassemble itself.

“Tsh” Shan Ying Lang called back as he walked towards the entrance of the River of Souls, “you need to work on your

Shan Ying Lang entered the cave that lead to the River of Souls. Once came out, he smiled. It was as beautiful as he
remembered. The green grass waved lazily beneath the forever flowering peach blossoms. The flute sound in his ear
lead him to one of the trees.

Beneath it was a sleeping youth of twenty five or so. He looked close to Ying Lang’s age.

Shan Ying Lang sniffed, his eyes widdened, “You’re a human. What are you doing in a place like this?”

The young man slept on, not saying a word. On his chest was the flute. Shan Ying Lang picked it up. No doubt about
it. This was his fathers. The meaning was clear, his father wanted Ying Lang to take the human away.

“Money would have been nice.” Shan Ying Lang grumbled as he picked up the man and hoisted him over his shoulder,
“Other parents give their children money. Or an explanation. I can do with an explanation.”

He sighed and trotted to the entrance, “Must be nice to have a father that doesn’t call you hundreds of miles away to
rescue a stranger out of the blue.” He muttered as he returned to the canyon.

Chapter 47 – Preparation

Yu Zhu (photo courtesy of Sina Weibo)

Icy water hit him in the face over and over again until Zhu Zhan Ye climbed out of the hazy, alcoholic fog.
“What.” He gasped and blinked.

Hua Er stood above him, another bucket of water in her hands, “Get up. Now.”

The bucket tipped and the water him face like glass shards. Zhu Zhan Ye shivered and got up. He blinked the water from
his eyes.

“Your servant, Bao Lu is dead. And I am truely sorry for that.” Hua Er said without preamble, “My friend’s been captured
by your enemies.” She threw the man on the floor a towel, “We have to find a ledger and take it to them.”

Zhu Zhan Ye gasped and tried to clear his head. His eyes focused on the words as his mind tried to process what Hua Er
said. The light seemed to hurt his eyes and there were daggers of pain that needled him from the base of his skull.

He closed his eyes for a moment. Compartmentalize. He told himself. Calm down and focus. He gathered his qi and
began using his energy to clear his mind.

When he opened his eyes the room was not painfully bright anymore. He looked at the bloodstained note. Somewhere
deep down, he felt the shattering grief for Bao Lu. They had grown up together, Bao Lu had always been there. It was
impossible, he thought numbly, there was no way.

Hua Er saw the grief beginning to overtake Zhu Zhan Ye’s mind. She callously poured another bucket of ice water on his
face, “Grief later. Worry about the living now.”

Zhu Zhan Ye’s hand curled into fists. But she was right, it had to wait. The only way he could avenge Bao Lu’s murder
was if he was cool and calm. He needed to plan.

“I don’t know anything about a ledger.” Zhu Zhan Ye stood up completely sober, “But I know someone who might.”


Zhuo Hao meditated in the bamboo gardens of the great temple, the morning sun shrouded by the mists of the
forest. The monks shuffled around quietly, unwilling to disturb the young man whom their masters treated with respect.

In the immense quiet, Zhuo Hao thought of the hurt in his brother’s eyes. It replayed in his mind over and over again. He
thought of his family and the multitude of cruelties he and his brothers had endured over the years.

“You seem to have a lot on your mind.” An old man looked at him, his dark eyes twinkled against his snow white hair, “The
sea of suffering is endless, turn away to regain the path and peace of mind.”

Zhuo Hao smiled, “The path to nirvana is long and short but never the same for each seeker, perhaps mine meant to be

“Or perhaps you are simply blinded by pain. Perhaps… it’s as easily as letting go, this sorrow that is making you bitter.”
The old man said simply, he plucked the leaf from the tree with a hand. He curled the leaf in his palm for a moment before
releasing it and letting the breeze carry it away, “All you have to do is open your fingers.”

“What if my bitterness makes me stronger?” Zhuo Hao asked the Grand Master, “What if I draw my strength from it?”

The Grand Master looked at him, “Then it is a slow poison. It may give you strength now, but it will be the cause of your

The sound of running feet interrupted the two men. “Masters.” A young novice huffed, “A man requested an urgent
meeting.” He looked at Zhuo Hao, “He said to give this to you.” There was a bloody piece of ice jade on the boy’s palm.
Zhuo Hao leaped up and grabbed it, there was no doubt, this was Zhu Zhan Ye’s family crest, only the servants of the
Imperial Prince could wear this.

“Where is he?” Zhuo Hao demanded. The boy gestured, “The main hall.” Zhuo Hao took off without another glance back.

“He would make a terrible monk.” The Grand Master smiled, shaking his head, “He is a man who finds it hard to let things

Zhuo Hao saw Zhu Zhan Ye and relaxed slightly. His brother was not hurt. But then the concern surged, Zhu Zhan Ye’s
face was dead white, his eyes had the hollow look of soldiers who had just came off the battlefield.

Wordlessly Zhu Zhan Ye handed the sheet of bloody paper to Zhuo Hao, “Did you have anything to do with this.”

Zhuo Hao read the note, “No.” He said, “I don’t know what this is.”

“And the midnight theif?” Zhu Zhan Ye demanded, “Did he.”

Deep burning hatred rising from the innermost part of his heart flooded Zhu Zhan Ye, “Find the ledger. Whoever the
kidnapper is, he has a friend of mine. This is your fault, fix it.” Zhuo Hao saw that Zhu Zhan Ye was beyond reason, the
young man was only focused on this one task.

Zhu Zhan Ye saw the hesitation in Zhuo Hao’s eyes. He raised his fist and punched his brother. Zhuo Hao did not flinch.
He felt the sharp pain as the fist connected with his jaw.

“That was for Bao Lu.” Zhu Zhan Ye said coldly, “Your midnight thief knows everything that goes on here. I doubt he
doesn’t know about a stolen ledger that people are willing to kill for. Find it and save my friend’s life.”

Zhuo Hao knew Zhu Zhan Ye was right. He was the King of the Thieves, and if it wasn’t his people, then it would be Yu

“I will help you.” Zhuo Hao promised after he spat out a mouthful of blood, “But tell me what happened.”

Zhu Zhan Ye frowned, and began to speak.


Yu Zhu was packing her things quietly when she heard the hard, angry knock on her door.

Lin Yu opened it and saw Zhuo Hao. His face was covered with a large hat.

Zhuo Hao brushed past Lin Yu without a word, and Lin Yu frowned. The air around Zhuo Hao was cold, he seemed to be
emanating waves of coldness. There was no friendliness in his eyes. This was not her Zhuo Hao.

“You tricked me.” He stated it baldly, there was no accusation in his tone, it was a fact.

Yu Zhu looked at him, “You were never fully honest either.”

This was something he could not deny, “I meant you no harm.”

Yu Zhu looked at him calmly, “You wouldn’t be alive if you did. Your royal highness.” The friendship between them had
vanished, here were two worth adversaries who appraised each other’s strength.

Zhuo Hao’s hand clenched involuntarily, “So you heard. You were there.”

“We both were.” Lin Yu said, her eyes showed the hurt, “I’m sorry, but we had to know.”
Yu Zhu shook her head, “I’m not.”

Zhuo Hao’s mouth curled up in a half exasperated, half admiring smile, “I didn’t expect my disguise to last long in front of
you, but now that you know, I need a favor.”

“I have taken too many risks the last few months” Yu Zhu refused before she even heard it, “We are leaving this place as
soon as we can pack. By tomorrow night, I hope to leave.”

Zhuo Hao’s eyebrows furrowed, “Is it because I betrayed you?”

Yu ZHu shook her head, “I am tired of people and their games, that’s all.”

“And what if I said no?” Zhuo Hao wanted to know, “What if I refused to let you two go?” He needed them to stay and help
Zhu Zhan Ye.

Yu Zhu smiled icily, “Do you think you have that kind of power?” She knew Zhuo Hao was not that kind of possessive
person, he was also not stupid.

Zhuo Hao turned to Lin Yu, “I don’t even need to ask if you’re going with her, do I?” He said softly. Lin Yu shook her head,
“Thank you for everything. But where she goes, I go.”

There was so much pain and longing in his eyes that Lin Yu turned around, “I’m sorry”, she said softly, again and again.

Nothing in the world could make Yu Zhu stay and help, not when she’s made up her mind. ZHu Zhan Ye had never been
a friend to her or Lin Yu. Even if he begged, he wasn’t sure it would work. But he needed this done for his brother.

“You stole a ledger of some kind, didn’t you?” Zhuo Hao asked Yu Zhu, “This is important. A man was kidnapped because
of it. A doctor Li Sun. He’s the friend of the Princess of Dian, who’s here in the city. And if we don’t have it by tonight, He’ll

Yu Zhu was stunned. She turned around and ran for her room. She rummaged for the yellowing two halves.

Zhuo Hao stared incredulously as she brought it back, “I was going to send these to you after we left. But I guess we have
to postpone our departure.”

Zhuo Hao blinked, she had refused him only moments ago, “You don’t have to risk your neck to help. It might be
dangerous. The kidnappers are highly trained killers.”

Yu Zhu shook her head, “Is the Princess of Dian going to meet the kidnappers?” Zhuo Hao nodded.

Yu Zhu sighed, “Then I’ll be there too.”

Chapter 48 – Goodbye
“I don;t think you should come. Princess” Zhu Zhan Ye said as they rode out of the city, the moon already high above the

“Bao Lu was a friend and Li Sun saved my life.” Hua Er said determinedly, “Whoever had done this, I will make them pay.
No one get’s to toy with my friends and live.”

At midnight Yu Zhu and Lin Yu arrived, hiding silently in the shadows as they watched Hua Er, Zhu Zhan Ye, and Zhuo
Hao walk into view.

“Do you have the ledger.” A voice boom and the three looked around. Lin Yu and Yu Zhu too, scanned the area.

Zhuo Hao held the books up, “Show me Doctor Li.”

A boat slide out of the reeds and Doctor Li Sun was tied to the mast.

“Now. Books.” A mountainous man had emerged from the tall grass. His head and shoulders were covered in dark fur. On
his head he wore a hat made of animal skin. Yu Zu could see why no one else had bothered to show up. Whoever sent
this giant knew that this man wouldn’t let a soul leave this place alive. The eyes barely flickered down to the three, “Give
me the books and I’ll let him go.”

Zhuo Hao smiled, “What makes you so sure this is the only copy I have?”

“You had a day. There’s too much in there and the code that it’s written in makes it useless if copied.” The giant guffawed,
“But if won’t matter. I was promised that I can kill you, as long as I get you here. Since you are to die from my hands, let
me introduce myself. I am Te’Le.” With that he rushed at the three.

Yu Zhu flew down with her sword to strike at his back

The man turned quickly and his bear like hand swiped at her. She twisted and barely managed to get out of the way. With
a flip she came close to his chest and thrusted her sword in.

Like a great bear shaking of a fly, he grabbed her and her sword and flung her off.

Yu Zhu landed in the ground with a thud. She rolled and was on her feet again. Zhu Zhan Ye, Hua Er, and Zhuo Hao
watched warily as the man staggered.

Te’le’s eyes glowed red and he stood up as if Yu Zhu had not just stabbed him through the heart.
He roared with laughed, “You think you’re little human sword will kill me?”

Yu Zhu cursed and looked at Lin Yu, they had just found a demon.

Te’le opened his hands, two foot long, lethal looking claws shot out of his fingers. His arms were covered with fur.

“Run!” Yu Zhu screamed at the three, “Get out of his way!”

Te’le took a great swipe at Hua Er but Yu ZHu was already running towards the monster. She slashed and one of the
claws fell to the earth. Te’le roared and fire came out of his mouth, leaving a trail of destruction. “No one is leaving here

Lin Yu came to Yu Zhu’s defense. Her eyes glowed green as she threw her daggers made of her venom at him. Her
magic flashed as it sank into Te’le’s body.

“I am the son of a Bear.” Te’le laughed gleefully the poison hadn’t even penetrated his fur, “Little snake you must be joking
if you think you can take me.” He pounded the earth and rushed at Lin Yu. She dodged the swipes and threw out her
sash, the iron like cloth bounding down one of his paws.

Yu Zhu and Hua Er both saw the opportunity and they climbed onto Te’le’s back. Zhuo Hao ran up to the other paw and
struck it, his sword faster than the eye could see. The Bear roared and fire came from his mouth. Zhuo Hao dodged the
fire but did not avoid the paw. He flew across the air and hit a tree. Knocked out.

Zhu Zhan Ye saw his brother, he changed course and ran to make sure Zhuo Hao was alright.

Hua Er and Yu Zhu battled the bear while on his back, each of them stabbing repeatedy. The other paw came swiping
down. Yu Zhu pushed Hua Er out of the way and felt the claw rip into her clothes. She gritted her teeth and sank her
sword into the bear’s neck.

She fell to the ground as Te’le roared in pain. The wound was painful, but not life threatening. Biting her lip to not scream,
she got up again and saw Lin Yu being flung into the lake. The girl crashed into the boat that carried Doctor Li.

“You just used magic didn’t you? Snake Demon, I’m sure I sense your magic.” Doctor Li struggled, “Free me now! I am
your only chance.”

Lin Yu’s mouth opened, but the screams of the people on shore distracted her. She ripped the cloth from Li Sun’s eyes.
He looked at her, his eyes blazing with blue. She back away fear nearly immobilizing her, “You… you are….” What he
was, she could see now. Surely she would die once he finished off the bear demon.

He took her hand and with a needle, pricked it. He pricked his finger and touched her wound. “Thanks. We will settle our
accounts later.”

The blue now spread over his entire body. He rose into the air, his black hair changing into white.

“Te’le” A terrible ringing voice seemed to issue out of the Doctor’s entire body.

The demon on the shore looked up and roared.

” A Human Elemental! You’re all suppose to be dead.” The bear ran to the water’s edge and snarled, “With your blood I
will be a thousand times stronger!”

The Elemental raised his hand, “With the commands given by Nu Wa, sacred creator of life. With the water that flows from
the depths of hell, you are damned for a your sins against humanity.”
A drop of water rose in the air. It bursted into a thousand strings and latched onto the bear. The bear screamed and bit at
each one. But every string bitten, ten thousands appeared.

The Demon Te’le looked at the lake. His eyes was full of fear. The strings bit deep into his fur, into his skin. It burned icy
one moment and hotter than magma the next. Soon it cocooned him into a white, writing mass.

The Elemental held out a hand. In it a golden bowl, the kind used by Buddhists when asking for alms appeared. The bear
demon was being pulled into the bowl, the characters on the sides of the bowl glowing red until the bear had disappeared
completely inside it.

The Elemental looked into the Bowl, ” You will suffer pain unending for now on. In ten thousand years, if you are to repent
your sins, I will let you reincarnate in another demon form. If not, then you disintegrate to dust.”

Lin Yu stared at the bowl, shaking from head to toe. It was the same one that had captured her aunt. It had broken her
family and killed thousands of demons. It was Fa Hai, the famed Demon Killer’s weapon.

The Elemental turned to the little snake demon, “Demons are not allowed in this realm.” The bowl began to glow once
more and Lin Yu could feel it dragging at her.

He raised a hand. But Yu Zhu was jumping across the lake in great leaps using her Qi.

“STOP. LI SUN. STOP!” Yu Zhu clutched her sword and swiped at the glowing figure. Li Sun’s white hair and blue eyes
unnerved her, but he would have to go through her if he though he could get to Lin Yu.

The Elemental looked at Yu Zhu with a shocked expression. “But thats impossible.You’re impossible.” He said as he
dodged the blow.

Yu Zhu wasn’t listening. She rammed into Li Sun to get him farther from Lin Yu. The Bowl stopped glowing, instead it
began trembling, as if the inhabitants in the bowl became restless.

The Elemental put a hand over the bowl and began to chant until the bowl began still once again.

“Please step aside.” Li Sun said politely as he raised his bowl once more, “She is a demon and I am a demon catcher.
She must be punished.”

“Has she killed anyone you ungrateful bastard?” Yu Zhu shot back, “She untied you and set you free.”

“My mother showed the original owner of that bowl so much mercy.” Lin Yu said, her eyes still on the bowl, “By the laws of
your ancestor, I am allowed the same mercy.”

Li Sun looked at Lin Yu, “Daughter of the Green Snake. We finally meet.”

Lin Yu swallowed, “Yes. Descendant of Fa Hai, the man who destroyed my clan.”

“And your aunt, the White Snake flooded an entire city to be with Xu Xian. Thousands of lives were lost.”

The two looked at each other without another word. Lin Yu gripped her sword. Yu Zhu stood between them, “Is he
human?” she asked Lin Yu.

Lin Yu was shaking all over, “You are a divine human, aren’t you? The last of your kind.”

“My family was gifted with extraordinary demon catching powers after capturing the white snake.” Li Sun answered, “We
were asked to protect the earth. But we have ventured to borders of the realm to keep the peace.”
“And in return you become gods. While we are hunted to extinction” Lin Yu said bitterly. The two of them looked at each
other with each again, and Yu Zhu knew this would not do.

“So. Do you grant mercy?” Yu Zhu asked calmly, “Or am I going to have to cut off your head.”

Li Sun sighed and stowed away the bow. He transformed back to the baby faced youth once more. “Only this time.” He
floated down until he sat down on the boat, “Don’t ever show yourself to me again, Snake Demon,” He warned, “I will
capture you.”

“Goodbye.” Yu Zhu grabbed the other girl’s hand and the two flew back towards the shore.

“Are you alright?” Lin Yu asked as she saw Yu Zhu’s bloody back. Yu Zhu looked at the girl with a smile, “Nothing I can’t
handle with some rest.” The landed on the shore. The other three people were nowhere to be found.

The night hide the dagger from Yu Zhu’s exhausted body and sight. It sang through the air and sank straight in her chest.

Yu Zhu looked down, stunned. She knew there was nothing to be done now. Hua Er walked up to her triumphantly,
“Tonight, you too pay for the Bao Lu’s death. Midnight Thief.”

Even if the wound didn’t kill her, the poison would. She grabbed Hua Er’s arm trying to steady herself. Her other hand still
held the cloth mask in place. She staggered in the grass. Lin Yu’s face was full of disbelief as she registered what had

Hua Er wanted was burning with anger, “You dare…” But the words were lost as the thief’s hands slipped and Yu Zhu’s
mask came off.

“Yu Zhu?” The voice was behind her. Zhu Zhan Ye’s mouth fell open. He looked shocked at the appearance of the girl.

“What did you call her?” Hua Er’s voice came out strangled. Her ears rang and the earth shook. She took a long look at
the girl in front of her.

Hua Er couldn’t breathe. The years had melted the child like features and caused the girl’s face to sharpen. But it was still
the same eyes, the same nose, the same lips.

“Hua Er…” Yu Zhu gasped, again and again. Her face full of painful hope and fear “Hua Er… do you remember me?”

The voice was no longer so high pitched as Hua Er remembered, but how could she not have recognized it the first time
she heard it? The world was breaking apart.

Hua Er felt as if she walked from one nightmare to another. She held the girl up, “No..no no no no no.” She breathed out,
the words felt unreal. Yu Zhu’s voice was already weakening, “Hua Er….Don’t, cry.”

Hua Er hadn’t even known why the world was blurring around her. “NO!” She grabbed the antidote from her belt, her
hands shaking so much that the little bottle rolled out of her hands, she held onto Yu Zhu and tried to retrieve another one.

“It’s too late.” Yu ZHu said with her last few breathes. She looked at Lin Yu, “Don’t hurt Hua Er…Look after yourself.”

With that, she felt the last of her strength leave her. She closed her eyes and darkness descended.

Chapter 49 – The Realm of the Dead


Lady Chang’e, Goddess of the Moon

(Photos Courtesy of Sina Weibo)

Yu Zhu opened her eyes to the bright glare of starlights on a vast plain of moving grass. The rustles were echoes of
whispers and howls, of screams and supplications, of laughter and horror.

Tied around her hands was a glowing, gold rope, she was shuffling in a long line of people, led by two figures. One white.
One black. both wore long flowing robes and their long pink, fleshy tongues swayed with every step they took. Strangely,
as Yu Zhu looked at them, they were shadowless. These were the legendary guardsmen of the underworld, Hei Bai Wu
Chang. She had seen status of them in during the Ghost Festivals.

I’m dead, she realized suddenly as her consciousness returned. She was wearing the same clothes she died in but there
was no blood. There were no tears. Her hands were whole and scarless, even though bound to the person in front of her.
She peered at the other faces, all eyes were closed, as if they were sleeping and walking at the same time.

She looked around as the two leading her, they talked quietly, unaware that she was awake. It was a long, long road. How
long has she been dead?

Three arrows flying through the air brought her attention back to the present.

A man wearing a iron vine decorated blood red masked on a ghostly iridescent horse had shot the black and white
figures. The ropes shattered and pandemonium ensued. All of the people suddenly woke up, and they looked around as if
in shock. Some started screaming that they needed to go back, others simply sat down. One woman screamed, “I’m not
dead. My child, my child can’t live without me! I have to go back!”

Soon the hundred or so souls that had been chained together began to run like mad.

The masked man rode to her in a hard gallop, the dust flying like a thundercloud behind him.

“They’ll be up in a moment.” He said as he was close enough, “If you go with them, you will be imprisoned forever with the
other Zhong Yin Shen. Come with me. “
She looked at him, “What?”
The two figures began to tremble, trying to reanimate themselves. Yu Zhu saw their long red tongue slide out, trying to
grasp the arrows out of their paralyzed bodies.

She grabbed his arm. The man swung her up onto the horse and galloped back up the road. Behind them the roar of the
furious Guardians shook the earth as they began to collect the souls up once more.

They rode in hard silence as the stars blazed in the sky, making it clear as day. Yu Zhu’s fingers gripped the saddle so
tightly but she realized, she couldn’t feel her fingers. She realized that in this form, there was no pain.

Yu Zhu looked back. Three black hounds chased after them, their sharp teeth glistening in the starlight. The man cursed,
“they must’ve sensed the horse.”

The man swung around. “Duck.” He said and shot two arrows. It pierced their eyes and both creatures tumbled into the

“Where are we going?” She asked, the wind roared as the horse barreled down the road, it’s mouth foaming from the

“The Border of Souls.” He replied while scanning the sky, “It’s a lucky thing I was keeping an eye on you. Otherwise if you
had crossed the Sea of Judgement, you wouldn’t have been able to go back. The King of the Underworld would definitely
have reported your presence to the Emperor of Heaven. “

Yu Zhu was stunned, “Are you Wei Yun?”

The masked man laughed, “No. He’s so busy fighting all these wars that he didn’t even notice your soul slipping out of
your body.”

Yu Zhu felt around for her accorn, “But he always knows.”

“Wei Yun only thought to protect you from demon attacks. His acorn would have warned him of great danger, if you were
mortally wounded by a demon. He never thought a lowly human would dare touch you, with Lin Yu around.”

Yu Zhu felt angry, “I was doing fine.”

The man laughed, “You’re in the land of the dead, dear one. That’s not the definition of doing fine.”

“Then who are you?” She demanded, “Why do you know so much?”

The man looked back and smiled sadly, “Hundreds of thousands of years, I watched the Xi Yang Clan to make sure that
my daughter is taken care of.” He removed his mask, “My name is Wu Kang.”

Yu Zhu looked at the man, her mouth was open in astonishment. “What?” She gasped.

The horse was tireless as they galloped towards a grey mist so thick it was impossible to tell what was behind it.

Wu Kang held up a box with a Citrine that was as large as a fist. It shone like the sun and cut through the mist, lighting a
small, thin road on bigger than two feet wide, it stretched out for miles and miles . Around the road was dense, black soup
where black shadows reached out hungrily. Hands covered in slick black stuff reached out and then sank back in.

“If anyone tried to cross the mist without this, they would get dragged into the waste.” Wu Kang explained as he jumped
down. He gently grabbed Yu Zhu’s arms and helped her down, Yu Zhu felt like a child being carried by her father, in that
one brief moment.
“As a ghost, you won’t feel physical pain anymore. But emotional pain is a different thing.” Where ever the citrine’s light
touched, the black waste shrank from. He indicated for her to follow.

Yu Zhu grabbed his sleeve as they carefully walked , “How are you here?” Her mind whirling with a thousand questions.
She looked at him. When Wei Yun had shown her her original father and mother, she had only seen a glimpse. Wu Kang
still had the appearance of a young chief, excluding fearlessness and fire with his haughty face.

“When I died, I made a vow to your mother that I would wait for her until the end of time.” Wu Kang said as he led her
carefully, testing each step to make sure his daughter could pass safely through.

“When humans die, they are led by the Guardians you just saw through the Plains of Regrets. Very, very rarely, a few of
them with strong will and determination, and a wish so desperate that they are able to escape.”

Yu Zhu blinked, “But how?”

Wu Kang smiled to himself, “Like you I woke up when being led through the borderlands between the living and the dead.
In my hand were three glowing white crystals, so fragile that I thought they would break if I held them too hard. But they
were like the best iron. So I cut the golden rope and slipped away quietly.”

“They didn’t come for you?” Yu Zhu asked as she side stepped a reaching, gnarled hand. In front of her, Wu Kang smiled,
“I was protected. The three white crystals hid me from the guardians.”

He walked and talked calmly, “For a hundred years, I wandered the plains, looking for a way out. Trying to find a way to
come back to the side of the living. I had no way of getting past the midst, I had seen what happens when someone else
had tried. But I needed to know what happened to your mother.”

Yu Zhu nodded.

“Then, as luck would have it, on the 100th year, on the night of the festival of the dead, Chang’E, the Goddess of the
Moon, came to visit Yan Luo Wang, the King of the Underworld, beside her was a small white rabbit.” The fog grew thicker
around them, Yu Zhu tightened her hold. Wu Kang continued his story.

“The Jade Rabbit had immediately sensed the crystals the moment she had appeared in the Realm of the Dead. She
begged Chang’e to come and search for the source. For the past few decades, The Jade Rabbit had helped Chang’e
regain her health and Chang’e could not refuse.”

When the Jade Rabbit had found me, I was weak. Yes. Spirits get weak.” He replied to her unspoken query, “I was the
oldest living spirit I knew. The others who had escaped, began to fade away after a year or so, some are destroyed by
the Guardians in punishment. Others had forgotten why they escaped, they become listless, depressed, and hopeless.
Slowly the Winds of the plains tear away their soul until they become nothing.”

He sighed, “If I didn’t have those crystals, I might not have lived so long. They gave me hope.”

When the Jade Rabbit saw those tiny slivers, she knew what they were. Lady Chang’e began to cry as well. She gathered
the pieces and transformed them before my very eyes. In her hands, they were pieces of floating light. Chang’e explained
that these were the pieces of my wife’s soul.”

Wu Kang smiled sadly, “Gods can not die. It’s not in their very nature. So when they are irreparably hurt, their soul will
shatter into a million pieces. A million shards of invisible consciousness, just floating around living and reliving the pain of
every creature they pass.” Yu Zhu could feel a slight shudder emanated from him, “She suffered a fate worse than death
because of me.”

“I asked Lady Chang’e if it was possible to gather my wife’s soul, to heal her. The Jade Rabbit and Chang’e were stunned
at my request. They said that no one was insane enough to do it. To see someone’s soul is a power that requires
sacrifice. I was allowed to see the three pieces because before I crossed over, it had become attached to me. But it had
been 80 years, her soul would be spread across the earth and across the realms invisible to the living and the dead” Wu
Kang’s voice was clear, but it was Yu Zhu’s turn to shudder. There was something about Wu Kang’s tone that her wonder
the horrors her father had gone through to see her mother.

“What kind of sacrifice?” She asked once she could manage her voice. He did not answer her question. Instead, he told
her,”In the northern mountains, in the Heavenly Lake of Chang Bai Shan – the Mountain of Eternal Winter is a single
lotus, the earthly shrine of Guan Shi Yin Pu Sa, the Goddess of Mercy. A lotus that only blooms when the tides are low
and the fog enshrouds the entire lake, making it near impossible to find. This is the one shrine that she pays attention to
the most, since only the most devout will ever make it up the mountain. Chang’e told me that if I went to plead my
case there with the Goddess of Mercy, she might agree.”

“How did you get there?” Yu Zhu wanted to know.

Wu Kang shook the box with encrusted with the Citrine. “Lady Chang’e was the wife of Hou Yi. When he had vanquished
the Suns, he was give an immortal pill so that he can rise to the heavens to become a God. Hou Yi gave it to Chang’e,
who was on her deathbed, it healed her but it separated the lovers forever. The pill that takes 99,999 years to make. The
magical properties on the box alone were formidable. This is the very box in my hands. It allows me to cross into the

“And the Goddess of Mercy granted you the power to bring back mother?” Yu Zhu surmised.

Wu Kang smiled sadly, “Yes and no.”

Yu Zhu was confused, “What do you mean?”

“When I found the Lotus, the Goddess of Mercy appeared in front of me. She said she knew my wish, but that it was
impossible for her to grant it. She may allow me to see the soul of Mei Yan, but to reassemble it, I would need
immeasurable power. The kind that only comes from the creators of this world, the first and most powerful of the Gods.”

“She gave me the Sight and said that the box would help me keep store the pieces I find. I have traveled, as a spirit,
invisible to the living to find all the pieces.” He sighed, “Yet, I still need the last piece.”

“And what happens when you find it?” Yu Zh wanted to know, “Will I see mother again?” There was painful hope. She
had never met her parents, to see them, to know them, to be held by them was something she had wondered ever since
Wei Yun had revealed the truth about her.

Wu Kang sighed again, his shoulders sagging, “I don’t know. I have wondered and dreamed about this on end. But to
make Mei Yan whole, I need the last piece of her soul and I need the most powerful object in all these realms.”

“What is that?” Yu Zhu asked.

Wu Kang stopped, and looked back at her with a leveled gaze, “Pan Gu’s heart. The same Pan Gu’s heart that resides in
Wei Yun.”

Yu Zhu’s fingers grew tighter and tighter around Wu Kang’s sleeve, she didn’t know what to say. Her mouth became dry
and she felt like she needed to sit. Yet, in the encroaching darkness, she had no choice but to move foward.

They walked in silence until suddenly the grey mist dissipated. They stood underneath a vast, glass looking substance.

In it, Yu Zhu saw the whole human realm, she looked up into the glass but found herself looking down at the tops of roofs.
They were not in Yue, but Dian. She looked at him in confusion, “But my body is in the Yue Kingdom.”
“Sometimes this Mirror, if you will, will show you places where you have unresolved businesses or regrets. It will not show
you your home until you let go of such regret” He answer while looking up at the city.

“You’ve wondered a long time about that place” Wu Kang said as he gestured to her old home, the Dian Palace. He
opened his hands and the picture magnified, “You’ve always wondered why your brother sent you away, didn’t you? They
didn’t hate you, They were protecting you.”

Yu Zhu saw Xu Long Hui cough up blood, his sat, his head pressed into the unforgiving back of the Dragon Chair. “He’s
dying.” Yu Zhu said softly.

“I have been privy to information that you were unaware of during that time.” Wu Kang told her as she watched, her eyes
filling with tears. “I know why your brother, Hua Er, and the man you knew as your father, the Emperor of Dian, did what
they did.”

He took her hand, “Before I can take you back to your body, it’s time you knew the truth. Only until you decide to let it go,
will you be able to choose your path.”

Chapter 50 – To Become Stronger


(Photo courtesy of Baidu, Hu Ge as Xu Long Hui, Liu Shi Shi as Yu Zhu)

So this chapter took me a month and a year to write. Massive apologies to my readers and again, thanks for your
patience, hope you like it!

“This mirror shows the truth.” Wu Kang gestured to the giant glassy dome of the cave, “It touches all the realms, the
human, god, demon, ghost. I will show you the truth.” Wu Kang waved his hand, the mist in the glass slowly began to
transform until Yu Zhu recognized the people inside.

“Xu Long Hui.” She hadn’t seen his face in along time. Her handsome brother was gaunt, sickly, yet still regal in gold and
silver robes.

“He has a year or two left.” Wu Kang said as he pointed to another picture. Yu Zhu felt her heart fall onto the ground,
“Meanwhile the other one is measuring his own emperor robes.”
His hand waved again, and the glass glowed, Hong Yan Su’s face was somber but there was a glint of anticipation, in
front of him forty or so officials knelt. He already had their allegiance.

Wu Kang’s hands began to glow with a grey light, he closed his eyes and moved his lips silently, suddenly the images in
the mirror moved, blurred and Yu Zhu found herself watching a strange sight, she saw three children riding out of a
burning palace.

“Yu Zhu, your brother used his life force and the demoness’s power to send you to the other realm.” Wu Kang said softly
as Yu Zhu watched the scene before her, “Years ago, when the palace had been under attack, Xu Long Hui escaped with
you and a girl named Hua Er.”

The mirror changed again it showed 3 children, Yu Zhu frowned, “This…is my past?”

She watched the young prince Xu Long Hui carry her in his arms as they galloped for their lives. On his back, a little girl in
lilac rested. The girl’s back was covered in blood. Yu Zhu’s hands balled into fists, Hua Er, just a little girl, had an arrow
sticking through her back. Their horse took them into a dark, dense forest, before it collapsed in exhaustion, it was dead
by the time it hit the gound.

Xu Long Hui leapt of the horse, holding the other girls, he gritted his teeth and took the fall on himself, the girls held in his
arms. He gently laided them on the ground before getting up and vomiting a mouthful of blood.

Behind him, Hua Er moaned. He knelt by the pale girl and checked her pulse, his eyes shone with worry as he held her
wrist. “Hua Er, hold on. I’ll find help.” He whispered. She had used her own body as a shield to take an arrow that was
aimed at Yu Zhu, she wasn’t allowed to die. He tied her to his back, and then tied the little princess to his chest.

Yu Zhu swallowed as she watched the scene, the exhausted little prince carrying two girls. He could have easily left her or
Hua Er behind and escaped on his own, why did he care about them? She watched on, her lips pressed into a thin, white

In the green stone forest, he walked as fast as he could, occasionally feeding the baby Yu Zhu and whispering words of
comfort to the feverish Hua Er. He could almost hear the soldiers behind them, looking to kill them. Eventually he found
himself at the foot of a monsterous cliff, there was no way but up.

He tore a long sash from his robe and tied Hua Er and Yu Zhu tighter and began to climb the cliff face that didn’t seem to
have any footholds. But the rock was shale, it broke like glass the moment he put his weight on his hand. In an instant,
his hands were a bloody mess, the broken rocks digging into this hands. He ignored the smell of blood while climbing
onwards, the red on the rocks marking his determination to get the people he carried to safety.

The soldiers below had caught up, they stopped and laughed as they saw the young boy climbing the cliff, they started d
shooting at him for sport. An arrow flew by his arm, he ignored it, aiming for the ledge he saw ahead. The shards of
broken rocks were now sinking into the bones of his hands, soon he wouldn’t have a bit of flesh left, he needed to get
them to safety before that happened.

The soldiers stopped shooting for sport once they realized that the young prince had martial arts that far exceeded their
expectations. They need him to die now. An arrow flew true and struck Hua Er in the back, the soft cry from her mouth cut
Xu Long Hui deeper than the rocks that sank hooks into hands.

Yu Zhu the little child, woke up and found herself to be hanging in midair, started crying. Xu Long Hui gritted his teeth, and
sank his hand into the glass-like rock. Even if his flesh was going to be sheared off to the bone, he would get them to the

Suddenly, before the soldiers on the ground could react, a fire burned in front of their eyes, they didn’t even have time to
scream when they became ash.
A strong gust of wind blew at Xu Long Hui, he gripped the rock with all his might but the wind tore at him like a tornado.
Xu Long Hui, Hua Er, and Yu Zhu, all were carried by the strong wind from the cliff face. Xu Long Hui, in the air, quickly
shifted Hua Er to his chest, if they were going to fall, he would not allow her to fall first. He closed his eyes for impact but
nothing came.

The adult Yu Zhu watched, amazed as Grandfather and Tu Suo, the people who she called family for the years she lived
in the demon realm, seemed to appear out of nowhere. They killed the guards and brought the children to safety at the top
of the cliff. Tu Suo turned to Grandfather, “We could take her, raise her in the demon world.”

Grandfather shook his head, “We’re too early, if we take her now, she would not survive the travel. Her body is still human
and her soul not yet melded with her body, without 10 years in the human realms the demon magic will kill her.”

Tu Suo frowned a little, Grandfather comforted him, “We’ve found her, that’s what matters. One day, she will come to us.”

When Xu Long Hui opened his eyes, two people stood in front of him. A very old man and a younger man stood in front of
him. They looked at the three of them curiously, Xu Long Hui saw their eyes staring at his sleeping sister and he frowned,
picking up his sister in an instant and shielding her with his arms.

He nodded to them regally, his face already composed, “Thank you for saving us.” He turned his attention to Hua Er, her
face had gone from flushed pink to ghostly white. He quickly felt for her pulse, it was so weak.

“She may only last another hour. The arrow was covered in poison.” A voice, full of age and wisdom range behind him,
“You should let her go peacefully.”

Xu Long Hui frowned, his eyes flashed and suddenly he knelt in front of the two people, “I don’t know who you are, but
from what just happened, I know that you have abilities that far exceed a normal person. Please, save her.”

The young man walked up to the young man and raised him up, “We are not gods or deities. There isn’t much we can do
for your friend. Her wounds have no cure.”

The words slammed into Xu Long Hui’s brain, but the meaning seemed to be lost on him. He looked at the two fiercely,
“You just raised us off a cliff with wind. You have a way.”

The old man sighed, “Tu Suo is right, there is no cure.” The old man’s eyes seemed troubled as he continued, “However,
just because there isn’t a cure, doesn’t mean that there is no way to save her life.”

Xu Long Hui’s eyes lit up in excitement, “What? Tell me!” Tu Suo looked at Grandfather, he didn’t like where this was
going, but Grandfather continued, “There is a spirit that can take the poison out of her body, but to use it, there are

Xu Long Hui looked at Hua Er, “Tell me.”

The two men looked at each other, this little boy was fearless. “There is a type of demon that can use their spiritual magic
to take the poison out of her body and heal her. But it must be done of their own free will.”

Tu Suo sighed, “But by doing so the demon would be destroying their own body in the process, no one would do it

Xu long Hui was unfazed, “Is there anything I can offer that can change this demon’s mind? You wouldn’t tell me about
the demon if you weren’t sure that I could save her”. Hua Er took an arrow for him on the cliff, he wouldn’t let her die
because of him.

There was a conflicted expression as Grandfather explained,”I have such a demon in my possession. She was once a
powerful queen of her tribe.”
An expression of hope flashed across Xu Long Hui’s face, “Then what are you waiting for?”

Tu Suo held up a hand, “If you want her to save your friend, another body would have to be offered for her to live in. Our
powers will kill her instantly if she tried to enter our bodies. It would have to be a human one.” Tu Suo’s eyes strayed to Yu
Zhu’s sleeping figure as he said hesitantly, “It would have to be between the three of you.”

Xu Long Hui felt the blood drain from his face. There was no way he would allow Hua Er to carry a demoness within
herself. Yu Zhu was his sister and over his dead body would he allow something like that to happen to her. If he wanted to
save Hua Er, he would shoulder the consequences.

His head was raised defiantly, “I am willing, let the demoness live in me.”

Tu Suo nodded, “You must understand, once inside your body, her wounds will heal and she will become strong and at
the right time, she’ll try to make you free her. Torture you. Make your life living hell. Make you think that she is your
master. She will make you think everyone you loved is dead, give you hope to love and then take it away in an instant, all
for the hope that you would free her.” He gazed at the young boy as if they were equals, talking to him as if he was an
adult, “If you free her, the her bond with the little girl will be broken, and your friend will die from the poison instantly.”

Xu Long Hui only had an iron like determination as he said, “If I die without freeing her? Hua Er would live?”

“Then she’ll be forever locked away in your body, your death would be her death.” Grandfather answered, “But the burden
you must take, it will weaken you, I am not sure you will be able to live past your thirties.”

Xu Long Hui shrugged, for a child, his thirties seems as far away as eternity. He was a stubborn one, once he had chose
the path, nothing would stop him from walking it to the end, “Tell me what to do.”

The old man sighed, a light appeared in his hand, it grew until it slammed unto the ground. A woman appeared, she was
as beautiful as the moon, her silk black hair pooled around a thin face. But her eyes were two empty black holes and there
were bloody stumps where her legs were.

“Old man, once I recover I’m going to eat your skin and drink your blood!” She hissed with enough anger to burn an entire
city, her beautiful face full of ugly hatred.

“You are dying. If you use your power to save this child, I will allow you to live.”

The demoness laughed, it was a high and cruel sound, “Live? She’s at death’s door. If I save her, give her my energy, my
body would shatter and I would disappear instantaneously.”

“No. I’ll let you live in my body.” Xu Long Hui faced the demoness, “Save my friend. And I’ll keep you alive.”

The demoness looked at the little boy and laughed, it was a sound that could shatter glass.

“If you refuse, you die today.” Grandfather said calmly.

Her laughter instantly disappeared as she looked at the little girl for a long time. Her souless eyes turned hungrily to Xu
Long Hui. Though his heart was pounding, there was no expression on his face and he stared back at her.

Finally the demoness glared at the old man, “One day I will break free of this little boy and that is your last day on earth.”
Without another word, she bit into her hand, and drew out a golden string. The string enveloped Hua Er, the little girl
gasped and the blood dissapeared. The pale deathly palor was replaced by the a healthy pink, Xu Long Hui felt as if
someone had been holding his heart out of his body ever since Hua Er had been injured. Seeing her breathing normally,
his heart returned to his chest.
The old man took Xu Long Hui aside, “I will tell you the incantation that will lock her in your body, should you utter these
words out loud in the future, they will also be the words that free the demoness.” Xu Long Hui memorized the spell and
grandfather made a cut on his had, Xu Long Hui screamed the words and the demoness, her entire body and hair whiter
than snow, flew into the cut.

Xu Long Hui’s eyes rolled backwards into his head and he fell to the ground. Tu Suo caught him and gently laid him down.
He began to shake uncontrollably, Grandfather’s hands shot out and black manacles clasped onto Xu Long Hui’s wrists.
White power shone and finally, the boy calmed down.

“Tu Suo, take the two girls and send them to a safe place. The Dian Emperor is returning with his troops to the palace.
Protect them until the palace is safe again.”

Grandfather lifted his hands, Xu Long Hui’s sleeping body floated up with him. Tu Suo nodded, “He’s going with us?”

The old man sighed, “He needs to trust us completely, one day he will bring the child to us. At least until that day I can
help him keep the demoness under control.”

Yu Zhu cried as she watched everything in the world mirror. She saw her brother screaming in pain as the demoness ate
at him from the inside out. She saw the demoness give him nightmares and hallucinations. She saw how every night the
demoness made him watch and rewatch his loved ones die in a thousand different ways until he didn’t have the strength
to care.

Yet through it all, Xu Long Hui never spoke the spell. He would bite his lips until they bleed. He practiced magics and ate
medicine to weaken the demoness. He made himself forget the words to the spell, so that even if she did her worst, Xu
Long Hui never uttered a single syllable of the incantation.

Afraid that he would say the words when he slept, Xu Long Hui bound his mouth with thick cloth every night he fell asleep,
every morning when he woke up, the cloth would be stained with blood.

When Xu Long Hui had learned the danger that she, Yu Zhu, was in. He made plans. He knew that he wouldn’t live long
enough to protect her from the Hong family. He knew his father was dying. So he asked for grandfather’s help to bring her
to the demon realms.

Yu Zhu felt as if her heart, which she had been protecting so carefully all these years, was burning in anger. She had
locked her heart by remembering all the painful things that Hua Er and said, but now, watching all of this happen before
her, those memories were like tinder, searing her soul until she vowed revenge on everyone who had used her brother,
hurt their family, brought all of this upon the people she loved.

But who did she hate? Who had caused her all of this pain? Was it Hong Yan Su, the young man she had loved and
wanted to marry when she was little? Her heart felt as if some one was slicing it off, piece by piece.

She would destroy the entire Hong family, it was their greed that killed her mother, destroyed her father, and now,
threatened the life of her brother. She would do anything to save Xu Long Hui, just like how he was trying to protect her
and Hua Er.

Someone was squeezing her heart, trying to squeeze until it shattered, her entire body shook. The fire burn through her
body trying to consume her.

Yu Zhu watched the years go by, while she lived peacefully in the demon realms, he was shouldering the entirety of a
nation while enduring the demoness that grew stronger and stronger.
His only act of selfishness, was to keep Hua Er at his side for as long as he could. He wasn’t without emotions as the
demoness had thought. Because in the deepest, darkest part of his heart was a tiny light, locked inside was his Hua Er.
He didn’t dare love Hua Er, not with his all because he knew that if he wanted her to live on, the the demoness could not
be free from his body. He had to die.

And yet he had promised his mother to look after Yu Zhu. He had promised his father to look after Dian. He couldn’t end it
selfishly, he had to keep the Hong family at bay as long as he could. They were the people who killed his mother, the
reason why his father died of a broken heart, they had caused his sister to leave the country. As long as there was a
breath left in his body, they would not take the throne.

The visions in the mirror blurred and vanished. Wu Kang swayed where he stood, his face whiter than paper. The Mirror
can only be opened by gods, but Wu Kang’s existence was so singularly strange that his powers now could equal a mid
level god. But even he would be exhausted to the bone after such a long time.

Yu Zhu looked at him, there were no tears on her face. Wu Kang looked at his daughter, “Do you hate me for showing you
all of this? I wanted you to know the truth, so that your road will be clear.”

There was no anger on her face. There was no hatred. In her eyes he could see no emotion. Yu Zhu’s eyes met his and
Wu Kang felt his heart grow cold. This was the face of a goddess, cold, remote, immovable. It was beautiful and chilling at
the same time, there was only regal indifference and power in her gaze. Yu Zhu was cloaked in an aura of matchless
power, the power of a queen.

She looked at him, “Who are you to do anything for me?” The wasn’t a sliver of emotion in her voice. Her eyes seemed to
stare through him, “You are just a ghost who can not forget the past. You and Mei Yan destroyed the world with your so
called devotion to each other, leaving others to clean up your mess. Now you want to take care of me?”

There was a slight, scornful smile on her lips, “Ever since Wei Yun showed me your story, I vowed that I would never fall
in love, never give my heart away. Because the people who called themselves my family caused so much chaos that even
today people are suffering. I would never be so stupid. You have no right to show me any truths, to give me orders, or tell
me what my road is.”

Wu Kang never thought his daughter would be so cold, so ruthlessly blunt. He had caught glimpses of her over the years,
he had never talked to her. In his memory he had seen a smiling, happy child, nothing like the cold, proud person he saw

Wu Kang swallowed, every word out of her mouth was true, it struck through him with the force of a javelin, “Insult me all
you like, but your mother died protecting you. When her soul shattered, a piece flew to and protected you. It’s the reason
why even without Pan Gu’s heart, you are still so well hid, even from Wei Yun.” In truth Wu kang had pieced together Mei
Yan’s soul in ten thousand years, but he didn’t want to take away Yu Zhu’s protection, so he chose to wait hundreds of
thousands of years for his daughter to grow up, until she became so powerful that she didn’t need Mei Yan’s protection.

“Take me home.” Yu Zhu ordered, her shaking hands were balled into fists beneath her robes, “You said you know the
way. Once there, you can have the piece of soul and we will never see each other again.”

Wu Kang’s smile was slightly bitter, “It’s not so simple. Yu Zhu, your life had been written in the shadow of the stars. Don’t
you want to know why Gods and Demons fight to protect and destroy you?”

“Gods and Demons are none of my business.” Yu Zhu said coldly, all she wanted to do was go home, to save her brother.
Afterwards she would find Wei Yun, where ever he was, whatever he was doing, she would apologize for all the pain
these people had caused him. Her heart wavered slightly when she though of his image.

“Even if you go home now, you will still be powerless. You will be fighting Hong Yan Su, a many who everyone bows to as
the future of a nation. How powerful will you be against hundreds of thousands of soldiers?” Wu Kang told her, “If you only
want revenge, then go home. But if you want to save Xu Long Hui, then come with me” He had guessed her heart, he
knew that this was his only chance.

“It will take another year for you to become a goddess, and even if you do, you would start as a low level goddess with
very limited powers. It takes thousands of years to access all of your mother’s powers. But the Emperor of Heaven would
have found you by then, and you would die without helping anyone.” He looked at her calmly, ” For your mother’s sake I
would never let that happen.”

“What do you want. Spit. It. Out.” Yu Zhu spat through her teeth, her face was still calm, but there was a dangerous glint in
her eyes, “Are you not taking me back?”

“I was asked by someone to show you this, she had predicted that you would come here, and asked me to show you
everything.” Wu kang told her candidly, “If you go visit her, she will help you.” Yu Zhu looked him with narrowed eyes,
“You’re not giving me a choice.”

“You can either go back and die without causing even a ripple, or come with me. There is someone who has a way for you
to become stronger.” Wu Kang said simply.

Yu Zhu looked at the mirror, in it she could see a few figures kneeling by a pyre. On it a body of a young woman laid there
was if asleep, it was Yu Zhu’s body. Before it was Lin Yu, her face was pinched and white, tears fell like rain on her
beautiful face.

Behind her was Hua Er, her face was equally white, she tried to walk forward but Lin Yu leapt up and unsheathed her
sword, her face wild with anger. She screamed something at Hua Er, and it caused the already pale Hua Er to turn even a
more deathly white. Doctor Li pulled Hua Er back with all his might, Hua er didn’t seem to care that there was a sword
aimed at her chest and kept trying to walk forward, trying to kneel to her beloved princess. Beside her, Zhuo Hao grabbed
Lin Yu and pulled her away, hold her shaking arms and encircling her in his chest.

Another figure came forward and grabbed the near hysterical Hua Er, Yu Zhu’s eyes widened, “Shan Ying Lang.” She
breathed, she hadn’t seen him since they were little. He gave doctor Li a look and his had flashed, Hua Er’s body
crumpled as she fainted, Shan Ying Lang held Hua Er and they swiftly left.

Zhu Zhan Ye knelt through it all, as if he didn’t hear any disturbance. He looked at the funeral pyre with deep look of
concentration, his slender hand held to his heart. He frowned slightly as if deep in thought. He looked as if he was
confused about something, there was a look of slight disbelief on his face as he looked at the roaring fire. Yu Zhu’s eyes
looked at Lin Yu’s crumpled figure again, in the arms of Zhuo Hao, her face a mask of grief.

For them all, she would have to get stronger. She would be unable to protect any of them in the state she was in now. Yu
Zhu nodded, “Fine. Then tell me who you want me to go see.”

Wu Kang nodded, in his hands was a glowing crystal, he crushed the rock in his hand and it began to glow.

A streak of white began to flow out of the mirror, until it mixed with the crushed crystal, The white streak widened until it
was big enough to let a person through.

A figure stood inside the streak, Yu Zhu looked at the figure.

It was a girl, her skin was smooth white jade, her eyes two deep inky pools. There was something so familiar about that
face. The stranger wore robes of light jade green and held out a hand.

“I am the Jade Rabbit, come with me.” She smiled at Yu Zhu. Yu Zhu knew where she had seen the girl, Wei Yun had
shown her the past and this girl was the Jade Rabbit that had been Mei Yun’s best friend.

Wu Kang nodded, “She will guide us.”

Yu Zhu walked forward and grasped the hand. In an instant the white light flashed and disappeared, the cave was empty
once again.

Chapter 51 – Their Last Gift


Liu Yi Fei as Chang’e.

Thanks for your patience. Let me know what you think!

Moon Palace
Yu Zhu opened her eyes and found herself to be in a palace made of entirely white stone. She looked around and saw
giant white pillars higher than the eyes could see. Cold swirls of cloud lingered on the floor in the immensely large
hall, graceful as moving water and lighter than air. Light shone faintly in the high ceiling, giving the entire place a ethereal

“Where am I?” She wondered quietly as she look at the hall, it extended as far as the eye could see, the purity and
elegance was otherworldly. Wu Kang and the Jade Rabbit had been beside her but they too were gone.

“This is the moon. My palace.” A voice as sweet and as cold as bells rang out. Yu Zhu turned around and felt her breath
caught in her chest.

A woman of breathtaking beauty stood a few feet away, her midnight hair held loosely by a jade ring, an intense contrast
to her slender face. It was a face that could conquer a nation and cause men to lose their minds with one look. This was
the woman who the Emperor of Heaven had fallen in love with, and with her refusal to love him back, had banished her to
the moon.

The woman bowed to Yu Zhu slightly, and Yu Zhu bowed in return. As surprised as she was, there was nothing but
impassive politeness in Yu Zhu’s face.

“Lady Chang’e.” She greeted the woman politely. Chang’e smiled, “You’re quick.” Chang’e had seen every kind of
reaction to her beauty, from dumbstruck to awestruck before kneeling at her feet in supplication. True, Yu Zhu had looked
a little shocked when she first saw her, but it was only a quick flash before the cold aura of reason took over. This little girl
would bow for no one.

Yu Zhu gave a slight smile, “When the Jade Rabbit showed up, I assumed that you were the one who asked to see me.
She is your servant after all. But.” Yu Zhu looked at Chang’e “You and I have no relations whatsoever, I don’t understand
why you would want to help me.”
Chang’e smile was a slight tilt of her lips, a smile that wasn’t completely a smile, “I made a promise.”

Her eyes closed and then her body rose into the air, Chang’e had worn white robes but now in the air they were turning
into gold. When she opened her eyes, gold light replaced where her eyes should have been.

“Yu Zhu.”

Yu Zhu wanted to clasp her hands to her ears, the voice rang in her bones with an earth shattering force. Instead she dug
her nails into her flesh, “Who are you?”

The voice’s sigh was as violent as a hurricane and as soft as rustling leaves.

“I have many names, but I am known as Nu Wa.”

Yu Zhu stiffened, she looked at the glowing body of the moon goddess, “What does the Goddess of Creation want to do
with a tiny creature like me?”

The Goddess said nothing for a long moment, instead a glowing silver ball flew from Nu Wa’s hands, it burned like the
sun. Yu Zhu shielded her eyes with her hand. Suddenly something touched her hand, the little ball was in the palm of her
hand. She though it would burn her into ash but it was cool to the touch. Yu Zhu had been all spirit since she entered the
realm of the dead. But once she touched the silver glowing object, she felt solid as if air didn’t seem to go through her
body like wind. Her feet touched the ground as she felt her heart pulse tentatively. Blood was rushing through her veins,
flesh and bone was return to her from.

Strength that she’s never had before roared into her veins. She could feel might that could turn mountains into dust with a
single tap of her feet. Power like torrential rain broke over her head, pounding her newly formed body into nothing and
resurrecting it. She wanted to open her mouth to scream but no sound came out. Nothingness swallowed everything and
everything devoured nothingness. The whole of the universe was before her eyes and she felt as if she could see the birth
and death of all living things.

Around the glowing Yu Zhu, at the bottom of her feet grew a thousand petaled chrysanthemum, it grew so large that it it
began to encase the girl. Petal by petal it cover her until she became encased in the sheer white flower bulb.

Yu Zhu gasped, texts glowed in blue in the inside of the chrysanthemum petals. The secret martial arts of various ancient
sects in god, human, and demon realms were imprinted on each petal. Each line of word were gently lifting off the petals
and flowing into her eyes. Yu Zhu felt flashes as her brain remember every movement of every martial arts book. The
Dragon Destroying Fire arts of the Eastern sect and the Ice Dagger flow of the Glacial sect, all became imprinted in her
memories. In an instant Yu Zhu felt as if her brain became a library, she closed her eyes as fighting styles entered into her
memories. There was so much, so much that she was taking in. If it had been her old, human body, she would have died
by now. Instead she concentrated using the strange power she had received from Nu Wa, coupled with the knowledge
her brain was soaking in. She concentrated to make sure that she would burn from all this knowledge.

Nu Wa looked at the large chrysanthemum, the corner of her eyes crinkled slightly. Good, the girl was not only surviving,
she was taking all the power in, she truly was Lei Zu’s progeny. Nu Wa waved her sleeves. In an instant, Yu Zhu and Nu
Wa disappeared. Chang’e opened her eyes and stumbled a little. A hand caught her arm to steady her. The Jade Rabbit
looked at the Goddess with worry in her eyes.

Chang ‘e smiled reassuringly as asked softly, “Any movements from heaven?”

The Jade Rabbit shook her head, “No one in heaven knows what happens here.”
Chang ‘e’s smile turned slightly bitter. The Empress of Heaven was deeply jealous of Chang’e and her beauty, so forced
the Emperor to create a heavy barrier cutting her off from all the outside world. Without their permission, she couldn’t
leave. But no one could know what happened in her palace either.

The Jade Rabbits eyes were full of questions. Chang’e smiled, “You want to know why I’m helping her.” The Jade Rabbit
nodded, “Mei Yan may have been my friend. But you have never care for any worldly problems, yet you risk your soul
breaking into a thousand pieces to allow Nu Wa into your body.”

Chang’e eyes seemed to be search for something far away, “If that child becomes a goddess, she would only start with
very low, low levels of power. It takes ten thousand years to become a mid-level goddess, and from then hundreds of
thousands of years and levels. If anyone can make that child strong and able to protect herself, then it would be the
Creation Goddess.” There was a complicated look in Chang’e’s eyes, “I would do anything to help Yu Zhu, even if I
become dust I would do it.”

The Jade Rabbit sighed, “If Yu Zhu is able to survive Nu Wa’s challenges, then perhaps she will be our only hope.”
Chang’e smiled after a long moment as if giving strength to the other girl. “Come, let’s go to the forge. She will need a
good weapon when she returns.”


When the chrysanthemum opened again, Yu Zhu once again found her self in a different place. In front of her was a land
of pure white, cracked earth. In the distance were pure, white walls. A woman, whose long silky strands flew in the harsh
winds. She was otherworldly, her body was still but everything about her seemed to be moving. Her red robes flowed like
fire, mixing with her long black hair, as she glided towards Yu Zhu.

“Hello, child.” The woman smiled, Yu Zhu had thought she had seen the most beautiful woman in the world when she saw
Chang ‘e but that wasn’t true. Chang ‘e’s elegance and grace seemed to elevate the woman to a pedestal that no one
could touch. But Nu Wa was different, she was the world and life, she was a woman who held the world in the palm of her

Yu Zhu nodded, Nu Wa’s voice no longer hurt. Yu Zhu closed her eyes and felt the power in her body calm down slightly,
but she wasn’t sure she could speak, if the chrysanthemum hadn’t still encased half of her body, she would have fallen
down by now. Nu Wa held out a hand, “Let me help you.” Yu Zhu hesitated for only a moment before putting her slender
hand into Nu Wa’s.

Cold relief washed through her. Her frantic brain seemed to suddenly drown in flowing calming, her new, fiery body was
instantly cooled down by the waves of immense power.

Yu Zhu took a deep breath as Nu Wa gently let go of her hand. Yu Zhu took back her own and looked down in shock. Her
hand, before it had been a pretty hand of a 18 year old girl, but now it was even softer, more slender, and far more
graceful than any a human could possess. It seemed to have been made from the finest white jade with a glow of delicate
pink, softer and more delicate than a rose.

Yu Zhu’s shock didn’t escape Nu Wa.

“You aren’t mortal anymore. I’ve helped you turn to your true goddess form.” She explained simply with a slight sad smile,
“You look very much like my friend, little one.” Nu Wa quietly wondered in her heart, will the world destroy itself for you as
“Where am I?” Yu Zhu found her voice. She frowned, her voice was more melodic, sweeter than her old voice. She looked
down, she was wearing robes of a deep, sapphire blue, they flowed around her without the help of the wind.
“This is the border between the Realm of the Gods and the Realm of the Deities.” Nu Wa answered, she pointed north,
“My people and I live there.”

Yu Zhu frowned, “What people? Since the beginning there has only been the God Realms, I’ve never heard of the realm
of the Deities.”

Nu Wa’s cold voice rang, “Your Ancestress and Fu Xi, my brother died so to protect the realm of the deities. They made
sure that I, and our people were protected from that bastard, the Emperor of Heaven.”

Yu Zhu looked at her with a slight frown, “I don’t understand.”

“How much do you know about the beginning of our world?” Nu Wa asked, she stood there, her visage was clear without
a hint of emotion.

“Nu Wa gave the spark of life to the world, Pan Gu separated the heavens, the earth and created the realms. Lei Zu
clothed it and gave it warmth and rain, Fu Xi gave it time to run so that plant could grow and people could be born. The
Emperor of Heaven ruled all.” This was knowledge that any child had, Yu Zhu knew it as well.

Nu Wa nodded, “At the time, we had talked between ourselves and asked that he rule all the realms, we wouldn’t fall
under his rule of course but he would guide all life. We thought he would be the wisest of rulers, but we misjudged the
blackness of his heart. He had always wanted our powers. At a banquet, he gave us poisons that weakened us. At the
time, Fu Xi and his wife had just given birth to a son. Fu Xi, knowing that the Emperor of Heaven would attack, threw his
powers into his son and hide him somewhere that no one would think to look. The Emperor killed Fu Xi, only to find that a
Creation God had no powers. Lei Zu knew I was weak from giving birth to my daughter, so she created a barrier to hide
me and all of the warriors and gods who followed me, she gave me all her powers and asked me to keep it safe until I
could exact revenge on those that tried hurt her people, she gave her child none of her powers but her celestial warriors
took the child back to the stars. Lei Zu knew that the Emperor of Heaven was in love with her, and killed herself in front of
him to distract him from finding out the true location of the hidden realm that I created for all of the deities loyal to me.”

Yu Zhu had never heard the story before, and frowned, “What happened to your daughter?”

Nu Wa’s eyes seemed to cloud for a flash but it was gone, “She’s gone. I wasn’t able to take her with me.”

Yu Zhu sighed, “After all these years, why haven’t you appeared? You are a creation goddess, you could destroy the
world and avenge your friends. You could take used the power you gave me.”

Nu Wa’s smile was slightly bitter, “I made a promise to Lei Zu, and I have sealed away my powers as well. I would never
be able to take her powers into my body. I don’t know how the Emperor of Heaven does it, but he has the ability to suck
away the powers of a Creation God. He has tasted my blood, if he finds me, he wouldn’t have a problem locking into my
powers.” Nu Wa’s eyes were slightly brighter, it was like looking into falling stars Yu Zhu realized as Nu Wa continued, “I
have given away half my powers. I am not strong enough to break out of Lei Zu’s barrier. You saw my spirit in Chang’e’s
body. I can not hold form in the outside world.”

“Why am I here?” Yu Zhu asked, she looked around away, thousands of miles of white, cracked earth. In the distance,
dark, bloody dots seemed to be inching towards them.”

Nu Wa sighed, “I am getting weaker and weaker trying to hide this realm. Inside this barrier, thousands of souls, ghosts,
demons have started to sink in, they will eat away at the barrier and alert the heavens of our presence. I do not know
where they have come from, but if I am correct then they died under Pan Gu’s magic, they have sniffed out the powers of
another Creation God. I can not let them break into the last safe place where my people are.”

She looked at Yu Zhu, “I took lost most of my powers in that battle. The only bit I have allows me to protect my people.
The magic I bestowed upon you, was destined to be yours. And I ask you to do one thing.”
“You want me to clear these demons.” Yu Zhu realized. In the distance she could see hundreds of thousands of black,
shapeless forms like black ants crawling towards her, giving her a sense of queasiness in her stomach. She sighed, “I
would help you without a thought, but my brother needs me too. He doesn’t have long.”

Nu Wa nodded, “Time moves differently in this realm. A day in heaven a year on earth. But in this borderland, time has
slowed to a near stop. If you help me destroy these monsters, I will tell you how to get back to the human realms with
more than enough time to save your brother.”

Yu Zhu’s eyes lit, “You’re threatening me.” She said finally. Nu Wa said nothing. She turned to walk away, “You have all
the knowledge you need, you have the power to clear these demons. I have faith.” With that she disappeared. Yu Zhu
looked into the distance, white dust rose into the air as millions of black and red spirits flew with breakneck speed towards

Yu Zhu closed her eyes, there was a fire in her eyes when she opened them. She shifted her hands, in the air, a thousand
ice darts formed in an instant, growing in size until they became mountainous barriers. With the wave of her hand, she
threw them outwards, stopping the first wave of evil in it’s tracks.

In her head, a thousands magic spells flashed past. A hundred thousand different kinds of martial arts waited for her to try
out, to master them, to use them against the enemy. She opened her palm, and a white sword appeared, born out of her
magic. She tossed it into the air, one sword became ten thousand, ten thousand became a hundred thousands until the
sky gleamed with more swords than drops of rain.

Yu Zhu was shaking from the effort. In the past even the simplest spells would cause her to faint, if Wei Yun saw her now,
would he be surprised at her sudden improvement? Her concentration broken, the swords all suddenly shattered and
disappeared. Around her the shadow beasts howled at her, laughing at the slight girl whose magic shattered at the first

But she didn’t react like they thought she would. She didn’t cry or stamp of her feet. Instead she raised her hand again.
This time the light in her eyes was brighter, the spell on her lips more confident. One sword became a thousand, a
thousand became a hundred thousands and then a million once again the sky was covered in swords.

With a sudden jerk of her hand the white swords flew into the air, it struck into the heart of every shadow beast it could
find. Screams of horror and suddenly nothing filled the strange, barren land.

There were still millions of shadow monsters and beasts but in a blink of an eye, at least a million of their comrades were
burned into smithereens, their black bodies turning into white ash before their eyes.

Yu Zhu took a deep breath and sat down, she had millions of enemies, it would be a long and hard battle.


The Moon Forge.

Wu Kang stood looking at the great roaring furnace with a calm expression. In his hands was the wooden box that carried
the soul of his wife. He didn’t know why Chang’e asked him to meet her here, but he came anyway.

The Jade Rabbit and Chang’e walked in. Wu Kang bowed to them politely.

“She has gone?” Wu Kang asked. Chang ‘e nodded, “Nu Was has given her Lei Zu’s powers. To hid her from the
Emperor until she can master those powers, Nu Wa took her to another place.”

Wu Kang sighed, “Then my work is done.” He was so tired, all he wanted to do was to see his wife, one last time.
Chang’ e held out something, Wu Kang smiled, “Thank you.” It was the last piece of Mei Yan’s soul. He held it carefully in
his hands looking at it lovingly, before opening the box.

Behind them, an elegant figure walked into the room, “Wu Kang, you’ve succeeded.”

Guan Shi Yin, the Goddess of Mercy smiled at Wu Kang, “You’ve found Mei Yan.”

With the wave of her hand, the bamboo leaves of her hand flashed and dew flew to hit the box in Wu Kang’s Hand. The
box holding the rest of Mei Yan’s soul opened. The scattered pieces slowly formed a bright circle, until a young woman
stood there. She was pale and translucent, just a spirit herself. She opened her eyes and looked at the ghost who stood
there looking at her with joy, triumph and sadness.

To him, she was as beautiful as the day he met her. Every feature had long been carved into his mind, but seeing her
again, nothing could describe the welling emotions in his heart.

The smile on Mei Yan’s lips was equally radiant, “You waited.”

Two simple words was all she needed to say. Two words that held eternity in its very definition, they didn’t need to say
anything else. Those two words were enough.

Wu Kang held out his hand, his body as translucent as hers. All he did was nod, his eyes never leaving her face. The
hundreds of thousands of years were enough, he was right to wait. They didn’t need anything else but to exist in this

“Wu Kang.” The goddess of mercy’s voice sighed, “My magic will only last an hour, her soul will shatter again without
something to hold her together. ”

Wu Kang smiled and stepped in front of Mei Yan, his body a protective shield for her. This time, he would protect her at all

“What must I do?”

“You have two choices.” The Goddess of Mercy spoke again, “Both of you can re-incarnate, Mei Yan will never be a
Goddess in her fragile state, neither of your can ever achieve immortality because of your long existences. Both destined
to find and lose each other forever in the cycle of humanity.”

Wu Kang felt Mei Yan grip his robes. She stepped out from behind him and slide her hand into his. No matter what, they
would never let go of each other again.

“And the other option?” Mei Yan’s voice held a slight raspy, it was someone who hadn’t spoken in thousands of years.

Chang’e stepped forward, “Your souls have been alive for hundreds of thousands of years. Both of your have by now
attracted powerful magic because of your very existence. If you allow your souls to be forged into a weapon by moon fire,
it would be a weapon worthy of the highest level of god.”

Wu Kang blinked and suddenly understood, “For Yu Zhu?’

The goddess of mercy nodded, “She has a battle in front of her that will determine the very existence of all the realms. If
you and Mei Yan agree, she would gain a weapon that could destroy even a creation god.”

“To create a weapon from two pure and powerful souls hasn’t happened very often.” Chang’e added, “The process is
beyond any pain you’ve experienced and once forged, your souls would never be able to take any other form again.
Countless have failed, and only one or two have succeeded. The fire will burn your souls and cast your essence into the
metal. But you will be together, living in the weapon.”
Mei Yan looked at Wu Kang, he had waited for her for so long. She would follow his choice.

Wu Kang’s gaze was soft, he gently kissed Mei Yan’s forehead, “For our daughter. We owe her this much.”

Mei Yan smiled too, “I married the right man.”

She looked at Chang’e “We will stay.” The two souls looked at each other quietly, stood holding their hands as Chang ‘e
told them what they must do. Then everyone left as they prepared themselves for the next part of their journey.

Wu Kang held Mei Yan tightly in his arms. They had so very little time in this form, neither wanted to waste it with words,
holding each other like this was the sweetest feeling in the world.

“No matter what happens, I won’t make you wait for me any more.” Mei Yan’s voice was soft, as they watched the flames.

Wu Kang smiled and kissed his wife’s cheek, “I don’t mind.” They knew that once they went into the forge, the would face
danger and pain unlike anything they knew. But if they could succeed, then they would help their daughter. And while this
was not the forever they thought they could have with each other, it was a thousand times better than re-incarnating and
waiting for one another.

When it came time, Wu Kang and Mei Yan shared a brief, sweet kiss. Hand in hand, the two souls walked into the roaring
forge, in face of the flames there was nothing but calm, happy smiles and fulfillment in their eyes.

Chapter 52 – Going Home


Yu Zhu (Photo Courtesy of Baidu)

So I have some work I got to get to, but what then I decided that i had to get this chapter out first. Thank you guys so
much for all the love, I LOVE the comments and will reply once I get my work stuff done. Thanks for reading, I love it!

The Land Between Realms

There was no time in the barren white land, only hordes upon hordes of monsters for her to kill. Yu Zhu didn’t know how
long she had been fighting, only that had she been her old self she would have collapsed long before now. It felt as if
she’d been fight for years, her hands were becoming numb.

She had killed enough to make a mountain, and every time the grotesque monsters died, she could feel their cleansed
souls leave the world. She was getting tired, if she didn’t find a way to rest, she would be consumed.
A spell jumped in her mind, barriers. she realized as she took another swipe, her thousands of swords forcing the hordes
back a step. She closed her eyes, and gripped her magic in her mind. Crystal lights appeared in the air and came
together, encircling the girl in a wide circle. It grew larger and larger, with strange markings on each piece of the barrier,
Yu Zhu frowned and could swear that her barrier looked like a tortoise shell. Yu Zhu shook her head and knelt down, her
legs no longer supporting her. Yu Zhu knew that she couldn’t holding the swords spell and the strange barrier spell at the
same time, not after all these days of fighting. Carefully, she gestured to the swords, they entered her barrier.

The black masses of creatures came at the white barrier, their heads viciously butting the white shield. Everywhere they
touched, they howled in pain, some turned into white ash in an instant. Yu Zhu let out a sigh of relief, and sat to mediate.
She searched her mind and grinned, it took her a few moments but in a flash a cup of water appeared in her hands. Nu
Wa had told her that she now had the power and knowledge to pull objects from other places as long as it was in the
same realm she was in. She sipped, it was clear and sweet. Even if she didn’t need sustenance now, in this new body,
the cool liquid still provided her with some feeling of being real.

Yu Zhu closed her eyes, she looked as if she was sleeping but in reality she was searching furiously for a way to tell Lin
Yu that she was alright. The hordes of monsters rushed at her barrier, covering the white light until they engulfed the
barrier, howling at their frustration that they couldn’t get in.

Yu Zhu clenched her fists, annoyed at the interruption. She thought carefully and began to speak three other spells, her
hands making the movements of the spells. She said them slowly, loudly, afraid that she would get it wrong and the
barrier would shatter. In a flash the clamoring sounds ceased and the hordes were thrown off the barrier with a strong
pulse. They got up, disoriented and looked around. Yu Zhu watched curiously, she wasn’t strong enough to kill them, but
perhaps her spell was strong enough to hide her presence.

The closest shadow monsters sniffed the air, and frowned, they looked at each other and searched, some of them inches
from her barrier. After a long while, they seemed to give up and without a sound, the massive armies of black shadows
retreated, howling in anger and confusion.

Yu Zhu smiled triumphantly and closed her eyes again. She would find a way to tell Lin Yu, and then she would kill all of
these pesky monsters so that she could go home. The shell barrier spell came from a curious book, Yu Zhu’s lips curved
in a small smile, Tortoise barrier, Lightning Dragon Claws, Ice Pheonix Tears, and, Snake God Venom, Tiger Fire. These
were spells from legends, only creation gods were able to master them, she would learn them all.

Yu Zhu searched her mind for a moment more, when she opened her eyes they shown with white fire, she looked at the
sky. There, five miles above, was a tiny black dot. That must be the small crack that she had been pulled from one realm
to the other.

Yu Zhu thought for a moment, even if she wanted to she didn’t think she had the strength and skill to fly through the crack
without endangering the barrier. Yu Zhu looked at the barrier, she looked around and at herself, she pulled at her ear and
felt a small, hard object. Yu Zhu pulled off a small, pink earring. With a grin she infused the earring with her magic, spoke
a spell and watch the earring soar towards the black dot, in a moment it was gone. It was such a tiny bit of magic, no one
would notice it except the reciever.


Human Realms
Lin Yu sat the the calm lake, her eyes looking far into the distance of the crystal water. She was absentmindedly humming
a tune, her mind a thousand miles away. In her hand was a slightly glowing pink dot. The day they burned Yu Zhu’s body,
the day she thought her sister had died, all Lin Yu wanted to do was to kill Hua Er.

But at that moment, small pink earring appeared in her hand, it was so small that she didn’t realize what was in her hand,
until a wave of familiarity washed over her. This was one of the earrings that she had given Yu Zhu as a gift when they
were little. She had seen it melt in the fire, how could it be in her hands? She ignored the group that had gathered, and
walked to a quiet place by her self, hardly believing what was in her hands.

“Wait.” The voice was definitely Yu Zhu’s it was hardly more than a whisper and so far away that Lin Yu thought she had
heard wrong. Again, the voice said, “Wait.”

Lin Yu felt her heart swell, relief flooded through her system, she knew Yu Zhu wouldn’t die that easily. Even if her body
was destroyed, she was a demi-god, she would come back.

Lin Yu could see the light on the earring and knew that Yu Zhu had sent it from where ever she was. If Yu Zhu asked her
to wait. She would wait. She scattered Yu Zhu’s ashes into the lake, quietly. Every day, the little pink light seemed to get a
tiny bit brighter, and every day Lin Yu could feel the connection get stronger. Her sister would come back soon.

It had been two months since Yu Zhu had told her to wait, Lin Yu sat at the lake every night, hoping to catch a glimpse of
her sister.

The grass behind her rustled and Lin Yu sighed, “Come out, Zhu Zhan Ye.”

A man in black silk strode out, his handsome face half hidden by the shadows. He sat down silently beside her, they rarely
talked and treated each other polite coldness.

Lin Yu looked at him curiously, this handsome stranger was a mystery. Since the first night she showed up at the lake he
had been here, as if he knew that Yu Zhu would come back here too.

“Why are you here again?” Lin Yu finally asked the question that had been in her mind since the first night.

“Because she’s here.” Zhu Zhan Ye said simply. His eyes were like two black oceans, ready to engulf everything in the
world. When he had first heard of the midnight thief, he knew that this masked figure was going to be a headache. When
they first fought, he had been in complete disbelief, he was one of the best swordsman in the nation, and yet the black
clothed waif defeated him soundly. A bit of admiration had crept into his heart at that point. If he hadn’t been a prince of
the realm he was sure he could have been friends with the midnight thief.

When he had met Yu Zhu, her beauty and wit made him look at her twice. She was so different from the women he knew,
the ones that threw themselves on him at every opportunity. But she distanced herself from him, tried everything to make
him notice her less. She wasn’t like any other woman, who did everything to make themselves shine, she radiated
brilliance even when she tried to hide.

A feeling he never had before sank into this heart before he knew he had been beaten. He had never care enough for any
woman to wonder what she was doing, he had never wanted to see someone every day like he did with her. He was
always prepared for every scenario, always two steps ahead, but he never planned for her.

When he found out that she was the midnight thief, he felt anger, frustration at his own stupidity, but he couldn’t feel hate
for the midnight thief anymore. He just wanted to protect her. When she died that fragile feeling, the one that he though he
could control broke like glass and splintered into his flesh.

As he watched her body burn, he still didn’t understand it, why did he fall so fast and sink so far without having known it.
When did he start feeling this way about someone? He knew that he might have loved her. But she had been gone for
months now, almost half a year, he thought the feeling would fade. Why did he miss her like crazy, as if she had taken a
part of him with her?

He didn’t know why, but he didn’t want to leave the last place she had been alive. He wanted to search his heart for an
answer, until he found one, he would not leave.

They sat quietly, each lost in thought, one who was full of hope and other with despair, waiting… waiting…waiting…

The Land Between Realms

In the cold barren land, a young woman in midnight blue flew high in the sky. Beneath her on the white cracked earth was
a sea of shadow monsters, snarling at the impossible girl floating in the white sky. There were more than the eyes could
see, their black bodies writhing like snakes as they tried to reach the girl.

Her eyes sparkled in the silvery light, like two stars flickering in the night sky. Her face like carved white jade, only no
master could make such perfection. In her hands were long, white hot lights. She laughed and waved her hand. The white
lightning crackled and became a barrier. She closed her long, slender hands together and the barrier curved and turn into
a massive bowl, it’s edges seemed to stretch larger and larger.

Her long lashes quivered as she forced the clear bowl like barrier down, in an instant, it separated a sea of the shadow
monsters inside, like an invisible prison. In a flash all the shadow monsters became white ash inside. The girl’s lips curved
into a smile, the white ash flowed within the barrier, trying to escape. Yu Zhu looked down at the other shadow monsters
outside of her barrier, “The rest of you can strengthen the outer magics of this realm.”

With a flick of her finger, she sent thousands of fireballs in ever direction, the balls transformed in air and roared into life,
they became large, flaming tigers. Hundreds of these massive fire tigers pounced down and the sky turned red from their
flames. The heat was unbearable, as if ten volcanos had suddenly explode, the waves upon waves of black monsters
suddenly felt very, very afraid. Chaos reigned as the shadow monsters began to flee in all directions, trying to throw their
comrades at the oncoming red terror.

Yu Zhu smiled satisfactorily, this was a spell that had taken her a long, long time to master. The first time she tried, fire
kittens had come out, causing the shadow monsters fall down with laughter, some turned to white dust there and then
because they had laughed so hard.

Yu Zhu’s fire tigers roared and began chasing their prey, leaving eye smarting red trails in their wake, their golden eyes
glowing with embers from hell. Yu Zhu gracefully floated down from the sky, she looked at the glass prison that held the
newly captured spirits. There were at least three hundred thousand, more than enough for her purposes.

With a wave of her sleeve, a wooden table and futon appeared on the barren earth. A delicately carved Gu Qin, her new
favorite instrument appeared. It was carved out of the heavenly wu tong tree, and treated in the phenix pond for
thousands of years until it was full of godly power. Nu Wa had told it that it had the power to heal or kill, depending on the
player’s skill.

Yu Zhu landed lightly onto the futon, like a falling petal landing on grass. Her blue sleeves billowed in the wind like
thunderclouds as her fingers plucked at the Gu Qin’s strings. The zither seemed to know that it’s master was in a good
mood and warmed quickly to her touch. The string quivered and out flowed notes that seemed to cover the lonely sky
drowning out the roar of the fire tigers, each note was rich and full, reverberating in the still air then reluctantly fading like
that of a lover’s hand forced to let go. Every note was like honey, and every drop seemed to calm the firey white ash that
had been fighting the prison. The ash began to glow and the glowing ash melted together into a firery white ball.

The ghosts of the notes were still dancing in the air when Yu Zhu lifted a finger. The barrier disappeared, and the white,
shinning ball flew towards her. She smiled and opened a small bag, inside eight other light balls flew lazily inside.

“So you’ve mastered 2 spells of the 5 legendary Guardian magics. Not even the Emperor of Heaven has been able to do
that.” It was true, each creation god only learned one type of magic, even if they wanted to learn more, no one had the
strength or ability.

Nu Wa appeared, her bright red dress fluttered as she walked to Yu Zhu, her feet not even touching the ground.
Yu Zhu smiled without bothering to confirm or deny it, she handed the bag of cleansed souls to Nu Wa, “These will
strengthen the inner barriers.” The bag appeared in Nu Wa’s palm, Nu Wa’s face was emotionless but there was a
glimmer of delight in her eyes, this girl’s talent was without a doubt the strongest she’d ever seen. In here she had created
magics that had taken gods hundreds of years to accomplish. With these cleansed souls, her barriers would be
impervious even to the Emperor of Heaven.

Yu Zhu waved her sleeve, the table elongated and two teacups and a teapot appeared. The Gu Qin rose high in the air,
Nu Wa sat down as well.

It was an awe inspiring scene. One woman whose flame red clothes billowed like fire and the other whose deep saphire
robes pooled like water sat in the middle of a vast white earth, looking more like a painting than reality.

“I understand that time barely moves here, but how much time has passed in the human realms?” Yu Zhu asked as she
sipped the dragon well tea. Nu Wa touched her forefinger and thumb together and closed her eyes, “If I am correct, then
six months.”

Yu Zhu’s eyes shone with slight disbelief, she had been burning dark shadows and monsters non-stop since she had
been here. It felt as if sixty thousand years had passed, but had it only been six months?

Nu Wa saw her expression and smiled, “This god-forsaken place is not good for much, except to quickly increase a God’s
powers. You have Lei Zu’s power, but if you went back to the human realms without understanding how to control it, you
would’ve be burning into nothing within a day. Time moves differently here, you’re alive because of it.”

Yu Zhu looked at her hands, “Am I a god?” Her heart felt empty. She didn’t want others to choose her fate, all her life,
people made decisions for her.


Yu Zhu frowned in surprise, “But I’m different. I don’t feel as if I am still human.”

“You’re not.” Nu Wa answered simply. Seeing the normally calm Yu Zhu look dumbstruck, Nu Wa sighed.

“To be a god, you have to be able to let go of the past. To put your emotions away and forget those you loved or hated.”
Yu Zhu couldn’t look at Nu Wa, she understood. There was so much that she couldn’t, didn’t want to let go.

“What am I?”

Nu Wa smiled, “You are the first of your kind. Not a god and not a human, yet more powerful than a creation god. If you
go back now, no one in any of the realms would detect your presence.”

Yu Zhu frowned, “Not even the Emperor of Heaven?”

Nu Wa nodded, “In this new body of yours, even I couldn’t find you. It’s only because I helped you create it, that I was able
to recognized that you are entirely something different.”

Yu Zhu did know what to say, “Then can I still die?”

Nu Wa nodded, “Your body is still somewhat human, but you will live for much much longer and you will be a lot harder to
kill. You will still be able to decide to stay mortal or become immortal”


“Yes. This state you are in, is unique. But I think” Nu Wa took a hold of Yu Zhu’s wrist and listened carefully, “Yes, if you
wanted to, you could be able to choose between mortality and immortality, perhaps when Lei Zu’s powers in your body
calm down completely.”
“How long would that be?” Yu Zhu asked,

Nu Wa shook her head, “I don’t know.”

Yu Zhu smiled, “There are things that even the all powerful Nu Wa isn’t sure off.”

Nu Wa looked at the young girl, when Yu Zhu had come here, she had been cold, a little closed off. But it was as if the
longer she stayed, the more she smiled. The coldness was still there, but there was now a trace of warmth in Yu Zhu’s

Nu Wa smiled a little exasperatedly, “You are in the same class of gods as me. Little half-goddess.”

Yu Zhu shrugged and changed the topic, “The monsters, they’re getting less and less every day.”

“What do you plan to do when you leave this place?” Nu Wa asked her, she could never guess what Yu Zhu was thinking.

“Help my brother.” Her voice was firm, her eyes direct, “Then I will go see an old friend.” She had wanted to see him long
before this, but never had the power to do so.

“Wei Yun?” Nu Wa asked softly.

Yu Zhu blinked, “You know him?”

Nu Wa’s sighed, “The battle god who has the heart of Pan Gu’s name has been spread far and wide. Chang ‘e told me
that the Emperor of Heaven has heard of the chaos in the demon realms. Right now Wei Yun is a guest of the Emperor’s

Yu Zhu’s face turned ash white, “What?” She whispered, the hand holding the cup of tea shook a little, a splash of tea
dropped on the dark table.

Nu Wa looked at the girl’s reaction in surprise, “They won’t kill him. He has Pan Gu’s heart, they have to weaken him first,
enough so that they can take it out. They’ll slowly cut him up, piece by piece letting out a little bit of blood and magic each

“How long does he have?” Yu Zhu’s mouth was a thin white line. Her eyes were closed and her voice was colder than

“He has absorbed the powers of hundreds of millions of demons. A god with the heart of a creation god and the powers of
half of the demon realm is a frightening thing. It would take three hundred earth years for them to weaken him.”

“If he was so powerful how did they capture him?” A single stab of pain passed through her heart, so fast that Yu Zhu
wasn’t even sure what it was, she didn’t dare think about it.

Nu Wa shook her head, “Chang ‘e said that the Emperor of Heaven personally went into battle with him. Wei Yun heavily
injured the Emperor and fought the entire heavenly army by himself. But the Emperor is also a creation God, and he has
millions of years of power. They finally trapped him after three months of ceaseless battle.”

Yu Zhu’s fingernails sank into the wood, she didn’t need to know why Wei Yun did this. She had already guessed. If he
made enough noise in heaven and the demon realms, distracted everyone’s attention from her, she would live in peace
and anonymity for the rest of her life. As long as she became a goddess, as long as she passed through the first hundred
years or so, she could learn to hide herself from the Emperor of Heaven, she would be safe. He not only injured the
Emperor, but made sure that for the next few hundred years or so, their attention would be mainly on how to destroy him.
Yu Zhu didn’t know what strange emotion was in her heart. For her he would turn realms of gods and demons in his
enemies, to go from a highly feared warrior god into a half god, half demon monster. For her he would endure the pain of
having his powers sucked away and for his heart to be dug out.

To help him, she would have to become stronger.

Suddenly, Yu Zhu rose into the air. She looked around, in the distance, a fresh sea of shadow demons was closing in. Her
eyes shown with anger, frustration, and something that Nu Wa was concerned to see. The aura around Yu Zhu seemed to
be filled with deadly intent, the pressure that came off the girl seemed to turn the air solid. It was earth destroying anger.

Yu Zhu opened her hands, “Goddess, today I am going home. I will rid your realms of all traces of evil.”

In one hand rose blue light, roaring into a a beam. Large, ice wings spread into the sky, covering half of the sky and
overshadowing Yu Zhu by a thousand times. The blue wings glinted and flashed in the air as the legendary guardian
roared. In the distance, mountains shook from the roar and large rocks tumbled down. The icy air from the phoenix
seemed to come from the heart of a glacier, if the barriers hadn’t protect Nu Wa, she would have felt the instant, death
rendering chill.

Nu Wa stared, slightly stunned. It was the magic of the Ice Phoenix, magic that even she had a hard time mastering. This
was her magic, in all minds, it was impossible for a creation god to master one, let alone 3 creation god magics. Nu Wa
quickly smiled and calmly sipped her tea, this little girl was not just talented, she was a genius with immeasurable power.

In Yu Zhu’s other hand came a earth shaking roar. Nu Wa felt her eyes widened, her fingers turned slightly white. It wasn’t
possible, it was absolutely not possible. But in Yu Zhu’s other hand, a light that threatened to engulf the earth shook and
shown. An gold dragon covered in lightening roared as if being called awake for the first time in thousands of years, it’s
body crawling with white hot sparks thicker than palace pillars. It’s body swam in the air, radiating light like the sun.

Millions of massive tigers exploded the sky underneath Yu Zhu’s flying figure, they were created from soul cleansing fire,
fire that could not be put out by ordinary means. Nu Wa’s eyes flashed, and she thought of the time the five gods worked
together, that was the last time, millions of years ago, so many of these legendary creatures and appeared in the same

“Go.” Yu Zhu commanded, “Cleanse this land. Annihilate any that stands in your way.”

The massive creatures bowed their heads respectfully to the tiny dot of a figure, even the dragon’s scales were bigger
than the girl who flew in the air. Nu Wa thought that it would be over, that Yu Zhu would faint exhaustedly and drop onto
the ground.

But the other girl merely closed her eyes, and began muttering. Nu Wa stood up, hardly able to believe her eyes.

Yu Zhu made a shallow cut on her hand. A thin string of red flowed out and seemed to glide in air, like a ribbon dancing
wildly in the wind.

Yu Zhu nodded, and the red blood glowed and transformed into a snake so beautiful and graceful that it seemed more like
a waving scarf than animal. But Nu Wa knew, this was Lei Zu’s magic. It was the legendary guardian snake, one touch of
its scales and any creature, god, or spirit would shatter instantly. Right now the snake wrapped itself around Yu Zhu in

Yu Zhu smiled and patted its head, “Find the place where these souls are coming from, poison the land around it. Make
sure that they moment they step onto the land, they turn to ash. The snake nodded, rubbed it’s head on Yu Zhu’s palm
and flew to do her bidding.

Yu Zhu floated down, her face was ashen. Nu Wa caught her by the elbow, “You’ve never done that before, have you?”
Yu Zhu shook her head, “I never felt the need to use the guardians to kill my practice targets.” But her eyes shown with
the same anger, “But I figured that it’s time I ended it. After all, I need to go have a long, good talk with the Emperor of
Heaven after helping my brother.”

Nu Wa looked at the barren land, she knew that from today onwards, there would be no evil spirits to disturb the
peace.”Once you rested, I will show you how to get home.” Yu Zhu smiled, “Thank you.”

Yu Zhu took an hour. By the time she opened her eyes, the power she had released came back to her. Nu Wa handed
her a gold pill, “This is a precaution, I don’t think your god aura will show through and even if there is a problem, all of
heaven is paying attention to Wei Yun, they won’t be looking for you.”

Yu Zhu nodded, and suddenly she grabbed Nu Wa’s hand, “I know you helped me for Lei Zu’s sake, but is there anything
I can do to help you?”

Nu Wa sighed, “There is. But don’t have much hope that it can be done.”

Yu Zhu looked at her intently. Nu Wa smiled, “Fu Xi’s son, I think he’s on earth somewhere. He is my nephew, I want to
know that he’s safe.”

Yu Zhu frowned slightly, “You think I can find his presence.”

Nu Wa’s eyes were slightly conflicted, “He’s also like you, half human, half god and more powerful than you can imagine.
Fu Xi was the strongest of us all and he gave all that power to the child. Long ago, Fu Xi’s son vowed that he would have
nothing to do with his god relatives.” She sighed. “That child hated Fu Xi and I, we caused his human mother’s death, he
vowed that he would never forgive us. That he would never interfere in the affairs of gods.” Nu Wa patted her hand, “All I
want to know that he’s alright. I don’t need to know anything else, as long as he’s safe.”

Yu Zhu nodded, “I’ll let you know if I find him.”

Nu Wa smiled, “Thank you.” She handed Yu Zhu a strange gold disk full of ancient text. “This will see you safely through.
It will hide your aura from any wary eyes.”

Yu Zhu looked at the tiny crack in the sky. “Someday, you and your people will live without this barrier, I promise.”

Nu Wa smiled, “If only I had my old powers, I would help destroy that old bastard.” She sighed, even cross through once
in her spirit form had exhausted her for days. But her millions of years of magic had gone to protect her daughter, her
heart twisted in pain as she thought of her daughter.

Yu Zhu flew away, “Thank you.”


Chang ‘e and the Jade rabbit quietly looked at sword that hung in mid-air. The shield was black as ink, embossed in gold,
it shone with a powerful aura. A few days ago, a few servants who had been curious about the activity in the furnace room
had crept in to see the sword hanging in mid-air.

Attracted by the sheer beauty, one of them was foolish enough to try and grab the scabbard, only to discover that his
hand had been burned away before he came within a foot. Before his friends were able to pull him away, he was nothing
but a pile of ash.

“No one has been able to come close to it?’ Chang’e asked the Jade Rabbit. The other woman sighed and shook her
head, she looked at the silver hilt covered with graceful swoops and waves, the design seemed to be dancing in the
firelight, “No. I was able to seal the memories of the other two. But they screamed that it was a cursed sword before I got
to them.”
Chang ‘e walked a step closer. And the scabbard seemed to shake, a wave of power exploded from it, Chang ‘e quickly
stepped back. She knew a warning when she saw one.

She smiled wryly, “The last time a weapon warned me off was Hou Yi’s bow.” She remembered her husband laughing at it
and telling the bow that she was his wife, no one was allowed to be rude to her, not even a legendary weapon.

“This weapon will kill gods and demons alike.” She said and turned around. They went towards the great hall. Chang ‘e’s
step halted. The air felt a little warm to her, she knew what it meant. “Close off the great hall. We need to create the
barriers and keep the Empress’s spies out.” She said, and hurried to the room.

In the empty white hall, a graceful figure floated out out of a black crevice that appeared in the center of the room.

Chang’e felt her breathe catch in her throat. It was a strange feeling, she had never seen any woman with such moving
beauty. The world had once said that she, Chang’e was the most beautiful woman in the world. But that was before this
person had stepped through into the realm.

Lashes, heavy and thick touched the gentle curve of her white jade cheeks. They fluttered to reveal two black eyes that
sparkled like falling stars. Lips tilted upward to reveal a heartrending smile that threatened to force every person to stand
up only to fall at her feet. This woman was too beautiful to exist.

But more than that, it was the air, the aura around her that made Chang’e shake to her very core. This was the power of a
ruler, the aura of someone whose authority was absolute. Those who questioned her would die. She was without a doubt
someone who did not need to demand attention but already commanded it in the palm of her hand by merely standing

Chang ‘e wavered for a moment and then knelt down, beside her, she felt the Jade Rabbit to do the same. Yu Zhu had
changed into someone that they would follow without reservation. She was their hope.

Chapter 53 – The Rise of the Half-God


(Liu Shi Shi as Yu Zhu) (Chen Xiao as Zhu Zhan Ye)

*All photos courtesy of Baidu

Hi hi! Thanks for your patience guys! I’ve been fighting jet lag and work’s been a bit busy. That being said, I meant to
publish this chapter last week but then just kept writing, so it kind of became 2 chapters in one. Thank you guys for being
such amazing readers!

Human Realms – Yue Kingdom

On a platform high above the grey towers of the city, in the blood red backdrop of the rising sun, Lin Yu in pure white silk
danced the Dance of the Sparrows. Her movements invited the warm winds of spring, the delicate turn of her wrists
seemed to chase away coldly bitter snows of winter. Each expression on her face could be its own work of art while her
feet seemed to barely touch the platform as she floated like a carefree cloud, a child of the wind, a wisp of life giving
breath that rushed into the city.

One man in particular looked up at the beautiful woman, his eyes drinking in every movement. His elegantly arched brows
knitted together as he watched the waif on the platform. Around him the girls whispered as they looked at his handsome
face, his striking figure in black silk, surrounded by a crowd of people yet utterly alone.

But the man seemed to have no eyes for anyone but the girl high on the platform, his sensuous mouth curved upwards as
he watched Lin Yu take a bow. Two pins seemed to be sticking themselves in his hand. He glanced down at the bite
marks she had left. He sighed.

“What an amazing dance.” A man next to him whispered appreciatively, “What I wouldn’t give to have a woman like that.”

“That’s why there’s a saying that there are rare beauties whose gaze can cause warlords to give up thrones to entire
countries so to have them – a beauty for a country.” His friend said, and then shook his head, “Apparently the rumor is
that even the Emperor’s son is in love with her.”

“Which one?” The man asked.

His friend shook his head, “I’m not sure, some third prince or fifth prince. Not one of the Emperor’s favorites.”

“But still royalty.” The man pointed out, “How can we compete with that?”

Huang Wu turned away from the talk, his mouth a tight line. It was none of his business, he was the disgraced, displaced
son of a dead demon king. His powers were gone, and he had betrayed Wei Yun to the Heavens just as Yu Zhu died.
Perhaps if he hadn’t, then Wei Yun would have been able come to the human realms to save the girl. But Lin Yu lost her
sister, yet Huang Wu could not feel sorry for what he had done.

The memory of the God who killed his family burned at his soul. Huang Wu coughed, the metallic tang of blood rising from
his throat. He still couldn’t say a word, he had no voice. Perhaps he never will. He looked up at Lin Yu’s retreating figure,
the war in his heart raged hotter. What Wei Yun loved, he hated and so Yu Zhu’s death was another ounce of revenge
against the God who massacred the demon realms.

But Lin Yu, what she loved… He shook his head trying to clear that thoughts that were like daggers.

He looked at her again, knowing that she would never dance for him, just for him again. She would never turn around and
see him protecting her. How could she, when he couldn’t even make a sound to call her to him?

In the distance, Lin Yu gently came off the platform, her eyes sweeping the small group that had gathered at the foot of
the high tower.

Magistrate Ke looked as if this was his luckiest day. And in some ways, it was. Lin Yu, had agreed to become his
concubine. She had finally agreed to be his. And even if there are rumors that a prince was in love with her, Lin Yu had
fallen for him, the Magistrate. And why shouldn’t she, he was the most powerful man in the city, any woman would love
him. His beady eyes set deep on his wrinkled face roved up and down the young girl, such a pretty girl he though giddly.
Lin Yu worked hard to hide the disgust and distaste from her face as he gestured to the red wedding palanquin had had
provided especially for today. Her eyes stared forward as she quickly walked to the red palanquin, her face bland.

“NO!” Came a roar as servants bowed to her to raised the curtains.

A face, handsome and almost wild with anger stared at her. She looked at his eyes and turned away almost immediately.
Zhuo Hao’s face was almost red with anger. Behind him, a hand held him back.

“Young master.” The words were said through gritted teeth, “Young master, please, do not make any more of a scene.
You are needed in the Palace, we must go back.” Pei grabbed his sleeve, her words were tinged with desperation, “The
old Emperor is dying and if you don’t assert your dominance, your eldest brother will claim the crown. Prince Zhu Zhan
Ye’s disappeared, only you can save the rest of the palace. Think of what the Eldest Prince will do to the rest of the young
princes. Think of your people ”

Zhuo Hao shoved the hand away and walked quickly towards the palanquin. But Lin Yu had turned to look at him again,
and this time, there was a look at polite strangeness. She was looking at a stranger. It was as if she didn’t recognize him.
He took a step back, ice filling in his veins. He could endure hatred, accusation, bitterness but not this.

Guilt flooded through him. He looked away, fists clenched to his side. When he looked up, the red palaquin was moving
away from him. He tried to follow but this time four hands gripped his arms

“Master, you agreed. To become the Emperor you must know what to put first. I will send people to rescue Lady Lin Yu”
Pei’s words were fast and harsh, “Please, we must head for the capitol.”

ZHuo Hao’s eyes flashed, he turned to look at his subordinates, they froze and their hands left his robes like he was on
fire. Zhuo Hao wasn’t a normal man, he was the son of an emperor, and waves of power emanated from him.

“We stay until I say we leave.” His voice held absolutely authority. Pei gritted her teeth, she glared after the red palanquin

“Gather our people, we’re paying Minister Ke a visit tonight. Zhuo Hao turned around, “Contact the shadow guards.”

Pei shook her head and followed her master with a worried sigh, right now was not the time to have the wrong eyes on
her prince. But what can she do if he wants to paint a target on his own back.

He wasn’t the only man who blanched at the sight of Lin Yu getting into the palanquin. Huang Wu’s eyes narrowed as he
watched the red dot moving farther and farther away from him. Quietly he made a leap for the rooftops and followed Lin
Yu. He may have lost his wings, but his kung fu remained.

Lin Yu took a deep breath, the dagger on her chest felt heavy and comforting. Zhuo Hao’s face flashed before her eyes,
the hurt and guilt made her bite her lip. She wasn’t angry with him, but she didn’t want him to ruin her plans either. Zhuo
Hao was a good friend but this was her fight, and she wanted no one’s help. Another face flashed before her eyes, there
was so much haughty arrogance in those eyes that it always wanted to make her want to bite him. A strange fluttering
happened in her heart, and she felt as if her insides were filed with sweets and vinegar at the same time. She pushed the
feeling away without thinking with a frown, why was she thinking of that arrogant boy right now?

The slight jolt of the palanquin brought her back to reality, reminding her of what she was to do tonight. Tonight she would
kill Magistrate Ke.

If Magistrate Ke’s demon bear minion hadn’t nearly killed Yu Zhu that night by the lake, then all of this wouldn’t have
She took a deep breath, she had never taken a life before. Beaten up people, yes. But to take a life…she closed her eyes
with a frown. A long time ago, a shadow in green had held her hand, she was so little then. Her mother, the Green Snake
had once sat her down.

“Lin Yu, promise me, child.” Her mother looked at her keenly in the eyes, “Lin Yu, promise me, that you’ll never kill a
human. You will be breaking heaven’s laws. Your auntie went against the heavens and drowned an entire city…she is
now locked forever in the Lightening and Wind towers…And I too must pay for my actions.”

She kissed Lin Yu on her forehead, Lin Yu felt tears on her cheeks, her mother was crying. The woman in green stood up
and left. Lin Yu ran and ran after that woman, “Mom, don’t leave me. Mom! Mom please, I’ll be good. I won’t cry, please
please!” The child Lin Yu ran and ran but her mother never looked back, Lin Yu ran and ran trying to catch up to her,
“Mom! Mom! I’ll be good, please come back please come back. Don’t leave me… please!”

But the woman in green had left her. Lin You would never see her again.

Lin Yu gripped the dagger beneath her robes, and shook the ghosts from her eyes. There was an exception to every rule,
this was the man who had caused the death of her sister, had caused thousands to become homeless. She had made up
her mind, be whatever punishment there was, she would kill the Magistrate.


(Ariel Lin as the Jade Rabbit)

Moon – Chang’e’s Palace

In the white palace of the moon, three women seemed to float down the glacial halls.

A woman who seemed to radiate power and lighting calmly survey her surroundings. Her black silk hair floated around her
while as she took another step on air. Her face was the color of a creamy white rose, there was faint light that seemed
come off of her. Though she did not have the complete aura of a God, her human looks having somewhat stayed the
same, she was like the figure in the most perfect ink and water painting.

Chang’e looked at Yu Zhu, “Lady Yu Zhu…” She began, and Yu Zhu, turned to her. Chang’e felt the powers of a Creation
God in Yu Zhu’s form, the human side of her was weaker, hidden under the immense powers she had been bestowed.

Yu Zhu nodded to her, “Lady Chang’e, speak.” Her voice seemed to echo and ring in Chang’e’s head, it sounded of fire
and water rushing and battling each other.
Chang’e nearly knelt down, the pressure from the presence of a great god was more than she could bear. Chang’e
lowered her head, “Lady, what do you plan to do now?”

Yu Zhu looked at her own hands, “How many earth days have I been away?” She asked.

“Six months.” The Jade Rabbit answered, she too felt the pressure, but she was a Celestial Being could understand the
pressure, somewhat.

“I am going back the Mortal Realms.” Yu Zhu answered simply. The Jade Rabbit tensed, “Lady, I understand that you
have people you need to help, but there are others…others that we hoped you may help as well.”

Yu Zhu nodded, “Yes, Lady Nu Wa asked me to help her defeat the Emperor of Heavens so that she and her people may
once return to the realms. And I will, once I have saved my brother.”

The Jade Rabbit looked at Chang’e worriedly, “We should tell her.”

Chang’e sighed, “We have kept this from Lady Nu Wa, because it would cause more harm than good. But since she and
the other creation gods have gone, a number of half-gods have been born. And once they were born, they are
immediately taken to the Realms of the Dead, to be locked away for eternity.”

“Because of the prophecy.” Yu Zhu guessed.

Chang’e nodded, “The Emperor won’t allow any half-blood gods to become a threat to him. Even if one slips, that half-god
may become the weapon to kill him.”

The Jade Rabbit looked troubled, “When we hid you, your mother and I, none of us knew the prophecy well. But in these
years, I have done nothing but look for the reason why the Emperor of Heaven was scared. He has tried to destroy all
traces of the Old Prophecy.”

Chang’e nodded, “But I was able to find it, when I was invited to the Palace long time ago.”

The Jade Rabbit patted her mistress’s arm, “The prophecy has foretold the coming of three powerful deities all born from
the Creation Gods or the descendants of Creation Gods. They will battle for dominance of this earth and one will become
the true ruler.”

Yu Zhu’s brain worked fast, “And the Emperor of heaven fears that I may be one of the three.”

“But why… if the prophecy says it has to be the progeny of a Creation God.” Yu Zhu’s hands were clenched, “Why lock
away the other half-gods?”

“He fears that this strange mix will turn against him for a half-god, and that they will become a source of power for the half-
god.” The Jade Rabbit answered.

“He can’t kill them, for fear of reprisals from the gods.” Chang’e said quietly, “So he locks them up, uses them to keep
their God parents in check.”

“Help us free them, great one. There are a number of gods in heaven who will help you overthrow the Emperor.” The Jade
Rabbit tired to kneel but found a white hand gripping her arm, “Jade Rabbit,” Yu Zhu said firmly, “You saved my life before
I wasn’t even born, you never have to kneel in front of me.”

Yu Zhu gave them a slow nod, “Tell me how I can free them.”

Chang’e and the Jade Rabbit looked at her, “It is a special prison, an unbreakable one made from the blood of a creature
that I have never seen before.”
Yu Zhu frowned, “What do you mean?”

The Jade Rabbit sighed, “Years ago, Chang’e and I went down the realms of the dead, where we found your father’s
spirit. We saw the King of the Dead, who boasted that the blood that made the prison was made the blood of a powerful
half-god, mixed with He Ding Hong, the red poison of the crane.”

“Another from the prophecy.” Yu Zhu mused, “So then, if this trap was the Emperor’s and this blood was from one of the
three in the prophecy, is it Fu Xi’s son or Nu Wa’s daughter that the Emperor of Heaven is working with?”

The Jade Rabbit sighed, “We didn’t tell Lady Nu Wa because we feared she would tear the earth apart for the answer.”

“If you find the other Half-God, they created the spell, they will know how to undo it.”

Yu Zhu nodded, “I promise I will.” She felt eagerness rise, the long time she had spent training, this had been one of her
goals, to destroy the God who caused all of this.

“We want to show you something,” The Jade rabbit said softly. She gave a worried look to Chang’e, this Yu Zhu seemed
so much less human, will she destroy without mercy?

They walked to the forge and Chang’e opened one of the doors. Inside was a sword that shone with iridescent light, the
curves of it’s hilt covered in dark blue sapphires while the scabbard was made of black, indestructible volcanic moon
glass, taken from the heart of the largest and oldest crater. It was utter perfection.

“The moon was once the home of Lei Zhu, your ancestor who, herself was a powerful celestial being. This weapon… has
been made so that it will never leave your side.” The Jade Rabbit remembered her promise to Mei Yan and Wu Kang, she
didn’t tell Yu Zhu that the sword and scabbard held the souls of her parents.

The sword was in the air, hanging proudly, waiting for it’s owner to claim it.

Yu Zhu walked up to it, admiring it’s thin long form. The hilt seemed to be made perfectly for her hand, On the scabbard,
two words shone in gold. “Tuan Yuan.” The sword that reunites.

Yu Zhu held out her hand the the sword flew into it, the hilt seemed to glow brighter.

Warmth that she hadn’t felt for a long time, flowed into her veins. She gasped involuntarily, pinkness returning to her icy
cheeks. It felt as if someone, or someones held held her hand. In that grasp was love, and joy, tinged with
bittersweetness. Yu Zhu closed her eyes, feeling for the first time in hundreds of years, slight wetness in her eyes.

She hadn’t every cried in that cold, barren place. When she was still on earth, she had cried when she felt sad or
abandon, but ever since she turned truly into a half-god, she hadn’t ever felt the need to cry. Yu Zhu took a deep breath,
she had goals in her life, but in the long time she had spent in that place, she’d forgotten why. She knew she had to go
back, but the people she loved, had long since faded from her memories. She couldn’t remember what her brother looked
like or why she need to see Lin Yu. But the touch of the hilt, it made her remember, just a little.

She turned to the two deities with a bow. “Nu Wa gave me something to mask my powers. Thank you for your help. I am
going home.” The two bowed to her as they watched her descend from the moon, back to the mortal realms.

“Did Wu Kang and Mei Yan make the right choice? Asking us to never tell Yu Zhu about their spirits in the sword?” The
Jade Rabbit wondered as she sat on the white balcony overlooking the realms.

“They were afraid that she would deny their protection. Afraid that she would refuse their help.” Chang’e took a seat next
to the Jade Rabbit, ”
“Six months in that place is like sixty thousand years.” the Jade Rabbit said softly as she watch Yu Zhu leave. “Sixty
thousand years of solitude will take the humanity out of any one. What if turns into another Wei Yun, killing for a cause,
but forgetting herself in the process?”

Chang’e shook her head, “She has many who love her, they will remind her of who she use to be. She may become a
great ruler one day.”

The Jade Rabbit nodded, “I hope so too.”


Bohai – Isle of the 8 Immortals

On the mountains of Peng Lai, a man stood gazing at the seas. His silk grey robes flapped in the wind, there was a
crooked smile, pained, playing on his mouth. In his hands, he toyed with a piece of jade, it had belonged to this
reincarnation of his human self. His thumb traced the words – Prince of the Yue Royal Palace on the jade.
His human memories were fast fading, once he’d woken up, it felt as if all he had been through was a hazy, long dream.
He couldn’t remember his human name anymore. But here was always something that his human self seemed to want to
keep holding on, it was giving him a headache. He couldn’t remember the last time he had a headache. He was a God
after all.

But every once in a while a face was flash like lightening before his eyes, and he would feel as if his human reincarnation
wanted to hold on to this one face more than anything. His heart would ache and he fought the urge to gasp. Gasp? An all
powerful god like him never showed any weaknesses, whatever demon held on his human heart, he would be soon rid of
it. And it wasn’t just the face either, he could smell falling rain on fresh bamboo leaves. Every sense in his body wanted
him to remember the fragrance of rain falling gently on bamboo leaves.

Yet, with each waking moment, that face was fading faster and faster from his mind’s eye, like an imprint in the sand that
the incoming tide was quickly wiping away. The God sighed with relief as he remembered less and less. He was glad, it
made him uneasy to know someone could affect him so much.

He looked at his hands, they were pulsing with a golden light, it wouldn’t be long before he fully regain his powers. There
was nothing his human self could do, soon that incarnation would fade, a shadow that disappeared in the light of the sun.

Behind him, the eight immortals looked at each other in consternation. One of them bowed to the young man.

“Master Jin. We need to keep the news of your current state from the Emperor of Heavens. If he knew that you had woken
up…Perhaps we can try to renew…”

The handsome young man in grey silk shook his head, “But Honored Immortal, You know that my father would be quite
eager to see me. That’s why I came to you when I first woke up, this is the only place I know where he wouldn’t be able to
find me while I transformed back to my original self. I can hide well, once I’m in control. Besides, I’ve dreamed long
enough.” His back was to the eight, he close his eyes, concentrating on forgetting that woman’s face which had been
plaguing him ever since he woke up. Each time, there was less of her that he could see. He wanted to forget but his
human self was trying so hard to remember.

Lady He smiled sadly, “I only wish to protect you. Your mother was a dear friend of mine. I want to protect her son. Let me
try again.”

The man shook his head, “You know as well as me that nothing would wake me, unless I sense the rise of a half-god.
Someone whose power was equal to mine.” The Eight immortals looked at each other in shock.

“But I felt nothing. No magical disturbance, are you sure?” Lord Cao, in his blunt way, asked. The other immortals paled,
no one had dared to speak so to Master Jin.
The young man raised an eyebrow, his crooked smile seemed slightly condescending, “Lord Cao. I am one of the highest
ranked gods in terms of magical power. I am also a half-god, which makes it easier for me to sense even the slightest
disturbance, created by another half-god, once they wake up. Even my Father knows better than to question my powers.”

Lord Cao gulped, he felt the new Half-God’s powerful presence, one that caused cold sweat all over his body. The others
looked at each other, Master Jin hasn’t even fully woken up but his powers were already so pronounced, “Do you doubt

Lord Cao shook his head and answered gruffly, “We 8 are very powerful and belong to the first ranks of Gods. If we did
not sense it, then no one is heaven would have. But I would never doubt you, my lord.”

The half-god nodded, “Good. Because gods who doubt me usually end up dead. Make sure that no one in heaven knows
about the other half-god, please.”

His body shook slightly and the half-god frowned. His powers were slowly awakening and this outer shell wouldn’t
last. With a sigh, he asked, “Perhaps I may borrow the Enchanted Mirror? I need a copy of this image, in case this face
may be useful to me in the future.”

The Immortals nodded and the mirror was brought. The young man looked at the human face that stared back at him from
the mirror, musing, “It’s been so long that I don’t remember what I use to look like as a God.”

Lady He’s eyes were full of conflict, “Are you sure you don’t want me to seal your God form again? I fear that the Emperor
of Heaven will try and harm you again.”

Jin laughed and shook his head, “Hundreds of Thousands of years ago, I only wanted to escape. But now I have a
purpose again, I don’t fear my father. He should fear me.”

The eight looked at each other in alarm.

“And what is that purpose?” Lady He asked hesitantly, “To destroy the new Half-God? Or your father?”

Jin shrugged, “Perhaps I will do nothing….Perhaps I will do both. I really haven’t thought about it.”

Lord Cao bit his blunt tongue, what he wanted to say was that this young lord has probably been plotting since he woke
up. Maybe he’d been plotting even while asleep, since he wouldn’t put it past this half-god. But he and the 7 other
immortals knew better than to anger Jin.

“Do you remember anything that has happened your time as a human? Anyone you don’t wish to forget?” Lord Zhong
asked, his voice gentle.

There was a slight crease between Jin’s eyes . Again, a shadow that seemed to flit before his eyes, her smile was playing
on the edge of his memory. And then she was gone, the last trace of her was the twinkle in her eye that made his heart
itch. He shook his head impatiently, “No. I don’t remember.”

Lord Zhong shook his head, Jin may be more powerful than all the gods in heaven but he was still a man who had lost too
much. He was still afraid to love.

Then half-god shrugged, “No matter, there are more important things I have to take care of. Perhaps it is best that I don’t
remember at all.”

There was a reckless grin on his handsome face, “My father and I have much to discuss, once I return to my original form.
But first, I want to see what half-god could wake me.” The immortals looked at each other worriedly, ” Perhaps you should
see the Emperor at all, won’t he….”
Jin flapped a hand at them lazily, ” Don’t worry, I need some time to see these realms first, I am no hurry to see that old,
decrepit man. Once I have regained my strength and powers, we naturally will meet.” His eyes flashed and suddenly the 8
immortals felt the hairs on their necks stand, “I know that i certainly can trust your silence, can’t I?” The 8 immortals
looked at one another, slowly, they nodded.

With that he bowed slightly to the 8 immortals, and left the room, he wanted his transformation private.

“Are you worried about Master Jin?” Lady He asked her fellow immortals.

Lord Li sighed, “He may have been asleep but his powers… they have grown by leaps and bounds. I fear that the world
will not remain at peace now that he is awake.”

Lord Cao snorted, “Why, what’s a little more chaos to add to Wei Yun’s handiwork.”

“Yes, but with the return of Lord Jin… This may well be the end of the little peace that we had left.”

Lady He sighed, “He is unpredictable, but he has a good heart. There is good in him”

“You forget to mention that he’s also calculative, secretive, and always three steps ahead of everyone else.” Lord Cao
rolled his eyes, “You only see the good in him, you don’t even worry over his tainted lineage.”

“He could have been the ruler of heaven if he wanted” Lord Zhao reminded Lord Cao softly, “But he chose to withdrawal,
he chose to give the realms true peace.”

Lady He nodded, she looked at the direction that the newly awakened young master had disappeared to, and said softly
“He may well surprise us again.

Chapter 53.5 – The Birth of

Jin (Addendum)

Jin AKA Zhu Zhan Ye My casting – Chen Xiao, Photos courtesy of Baidu. Also a book extra tidbit – conversation between
author and characters at the end of the chapter.

Yue Kingdom Mortal Realms

In the vast expanse of green grass that boiled and seethed, a tiny dot of brown moved faster and faster. The horse’s
mouth foamed as it snorted, its flanks covered in thick droplets of sweat.
On the horse was a man in silver and white robes, the clung to his powerful frame in the howling winds. He and the horse
thundered through the long weaves of green, leaving holes of black earth in their path. Black blood oozed the youth’s
shoulder, the poison spreading like a savage army towards his heart.

Behind him rode four figures in black cloth, their eyes on their prey. The man suddenly twisted, grabbing an arrow in swift
motion and stringing it on onto the ivory bow that had been given to him from his father, the Emperor.

Zhu Zhan Ye gritted his teeth and let loose an arrow, the taunt string ripping the skin off his fingers as he let go.

It sang through the air, striking one of the black cloth men in the chest. With a garbled scream the man fell from the horse.

Two arrows flew at him the same time that his arrow left his hand. Grabbing his sword, Zhu Zhan Ye deflect the two
arrows, gritting his teeth in frustration.

A sudden jolt threw him from the saddle, his horse screamed in agony as its legs were sheared off by a cold flash of

Zhu Zhan Ye landed with a heavy thud but quickly rolled to his feet. Coppery blood welled up to his lips but he forcefully
swallowed it down as he coldly stared at the scene behind him.

In front of him were twenty assassins. He heard the sound of the three assassins’ horses halting behind him, their breaths
heavy after the long chase. Zhu Zhan Ye narrowed his eyes

“Little brother, why are you in such a hurry?”

A voice as cold as ice cut the air. A man in gold robes strolled from behind the people in black. Zhu Zhan Ye’s pupils
tightened as he recognized the man. The Crown Prince Zhu Ming. But he wasn’t wearing the clothes of a crown prince.
He wore the clothes of an emperor.

A bitter smile came to Zhu Zhan Ye’s dry cracked lips, thin slivers of blood ran from his mouth and stained his teeth to a
hair raising red.

“So it’s true, Father is dead.” Zhu Zhan Ye’s voice was emotionless.

Zhu Ming couldn’t keep the triumphant gleam as he softly said, “Yes, and so is your mother.”

Zhu Zhan Ye’s heart fell as his face drained in color.

Zhu Ming took in the expression of the prince and shrugged, “The road to the throne has always been paved on the
bodies of the weak. Don’t be so naive as to think any of our brothers would do any differently. Espcially, your closest
brother, Zhu Zhuo Hao.”

Zhu Zhan Ye’s eyes flared angrily, “You are the only brother who would conspired with that Dian General, Hong Yan Su.
He lost the war to for your glory. Did you promise to help him take the Dian throne?”

Zhu Ming nodded appreciatively, “You know, if it wasn’t for Hong Yan Su, my plans wouldn’t have gone through so

Zhu Zhan Ye let out a laugh, “So. Zhu Ming. You’ve killed your father for a chair, murdered his wives and children so you
might sleep at night. What’s next? Will you sacrifice your sons to appease the heavens for your sins?”

Zhu Ming looked at Zhu Zhan Ye calmly, “If their deaths can bring me the world, then they have served their purpose.”

Zhu Zhan Ye looked at Zhu Ming as if he saw him for the first time. Zhu Ming smiled, the cold, slippery smile of a serpent
playing with its food. “Of course, I will let you live, Zhan Ye, if you can prove useful to me.” Zhu Zhan Ye raised an
eyebrow without speaking. Zhu Ming continued, his hand toying with the hilt of his saber, “You’ve traveled far and wide.
Tell me, have you heard of anything of Zhuo Hao? Tell me where he is and you’ll live. I’ll even give you the antidote to that

Zhu Zhan Ye winced. He remembered Zhuo Hao’s betrayal.

His heart shuddered with pain as he thought of that girl, who even in death was inked into his mind. He had promised he
would wait for her return. But as fate would have it, the death of his father and the worry for his mother made him leave
the place where her ashes were spread.

Zhu Zhan Ye shook his head as if to rid of himself of Yu Zhu’s shadow.

Zhu Zhan Ye raised his sword and pointed at Zhu Ming, “You bastard. Today either you die or I will.”

Zhu Ming laughed, the excitement and bloodlust coming back into his voice and eyes. “I’ve been waiting for this day for a
long time.”

At the sound of his voice the twenty two assassins raised their weapons and ran for Zhu Zhan Ye. He fought like a lion,
cutting down one man after another. Zhu Ming’s brows furrowed slightly as he looked at Zhu Zhan Ye. The poison should
have started working by now.

Slowly, after Zhu Zhan Ye killed seven men, he began to feel the poison seep into his blood. With a second of broken
concentration, a sword pierced his shoulder, cutting through bone.

Another sliced as his arm, Zhu Zhan Ye blocked but stabbed in the back. The men were gaining, after another hour, Zhu
Zhan Ye’s body was covered in deep red gashes, his robes already the color of blood.

Zhu Ming raised a hand and his assassins backed away from Zhu Zhan Ye.

Zhu Ming came foward, Zhu Zhan Ye swayed on the ground.

“One more chance, brother. What do you choose, life or death?” The voice drawled.

Zhu Zhan Ye’s cold eyes met Zhu Ming’s and the Crown Prince shuddered inwardly. This was a man who knew he was
near death. It was eyes that came straight from hell. The blood that matted the once immaculate face seemed like red
scars that ran from forehead to chin. Blood dripped down his teeth as Zhu Zhan Ye spat out, “Death.”

He lunged at Zhu Ming with speed that made Zhu Ming back away in horror. But he wasn’t able to avoid the tip of the
blade which sliced into his cheek. It was a scar he would wear for the rest of his life.

Three arrows thudded into Zhu Zhan Ye’s chest, he took a step back and tried to raise his sword again. Three more
arrows shot through him. The sword clattered out of his hand as he fell, the bloody robes dragging him onto the wild green
grass. He lay there, looking at the bright blue sky, blood clouding his vision.

Zhu Ming turned around, behind him a retinue of the Emperor’s Guard had arrived, they had shot the prince to death. The
hundred men in the Guard came off their horses and knelt to their Emperor.

Zhu Ming walked quickly to the dying man, and with a smirk raised his boot slightly. “I win.”

With a vicious stomp, he crushed his boot between his brother’s eyes.

Then he grinned, “My kingdom grows.” The assassins knelt in unison and shouted, “Emperor, your reign will be long and
prosperous!” Zhu Ming laughed, his high laugh soaring through the windy plains like the screams of an eagle.

On assassin looked at the body of the dead prince, “Should we bury him your imperial majesty?”
Zhu Ming scoffed, “Let the wolves tear him to pieces.” Then he thought for a moment, ” Fifty of you remain. In case his
people have followed him. Kill them too.” Zhu Ming’s eyes flashed dangerously as he aproached the captain of his guard
and spoke softly, “When you see fit, make sure that the assassins I brought are taken care of. I don’t want to ever see
their faces again.” The guard captain nodded, glad that he had not come any sooner to hear what Zhu Zhan Ye had said
to Zhu Ming. Otherwise he might be dead as well.

With that Zhu Ming, the New Emperor walked away, his boot trailing with the blood of his brother.

The tall grasses russeled as the fifty men set up camp a little farther from the body. None of them wanted to look at the
dead prince, much less stay near him.

Zhu Zhan Ye’s body was like a bright bloom of flower in a sea of emerald. The grass around him rustled, unsure of what
to make of the object that lay in their midst.

One of the men peered at body and sighed. He was an older soldier who had seen better days. Zhu Zhan Ye was a good
prince who might have been an excellent ruler. But the Gods were not kind to those who were born in royal families.
Slowly, quietly, he took a rough sack and covered the Prince’s face, those eyes still staring at the sky with anger. The
solider walked away. He wasn’t able to see the pale spirit of Zhu Zhan Ye that sat beside the body.

If this was any other time, Zhu Zhan Ye’s spirit would have left the world to begin again as a mortal. But in this year, a
powerful half god had awoke, and he could feel her presence, however feeble. For he had slept a very, very long time,
waiting for the day that another half god would rise. Long ago, he had made a promise, that when another one like him
woke, hewould follow.
His half blood felt the stir of magic that called to him, a sound like flute music from far away, growing stronger and
stronger by the minute.
Zhu Zhan Ye’s spirit felt as if he was slowly falling asleep, bits and pieces of his soul were breaking like craking ice. He
didn’t know what was happening and he felt a strong sense that he was slipping into an eternal abysess, like the earth
had lost its pull on him. He struggled to stay awake, to stay alive.

Suddenly a voice sounded in his consciousness, stop struggling fool.

Who are you? Asked Zhu Zhan Ye. The voice, clearly male seemed amused, I’m you. Well, I am whole, and a god. You’re
just a piece of my shadow that I used to make my mortal self. And now I’m awake, you’ll slowly become a part of me
again. Or part of my shadow anyway. It’s not that important. You’re dying. Concentrate on that.
Zhu Zhan Ye felt as if someone exploded a bomb on him. Why are you doing this? He asked as he struggled with the
overwhelming feeling of exhaustion. What do you want?

Well, chaos and confusion, for starters. But I don’t know, depends on how I feel. the voice seemed nonchalant, You ask a
lot of questions for someone who really doesn’t exist.
Zhu Zhan Ye felt a power, overwhelming like the rush of the tornado hit him. Suddenly all he could feel was darkness.

Jin sighed as the last bit of Zhu Zhan Ye’s soul broke into pieces, and he was free at last. His consciousness had been
locked for so long in those pieces that he didn’t even think he would ever wake up. Gold light began to shine from the
pieces of soul as they grew and grew. In that mere mortal shell the Half God who had been asleep awoke with a roar of

The earth began to shake and the men on the grassy plain fell to their knees in fear. They were hardened men who
believed in only luck and their swords but never in their lives had they felt such power.

In Heaven the Dragon Emperor looked at his mirror that showed him the mortal realms with a cold smile. “He’s awake at
last.” He muttered to himself, conflict shone in his eyes.
Jin soul dove into the earth and quickly began to gather strength from every bit of life he found. In an instant, the sea of
emerald grass turned brown. A gust of wind blew through and the plants turned to powder. The men looked at area in
horror. What was a vibrant earth now was grey and cracked. It would not support life within a thousand years.

They looked at the body of the dead prince and with a terrible jolt in their hearts they saw that it was no longer laying
down. Instead, the prince was alive again. Standing in the middle of the field, his eyes closed as if he had fallen asleep
that way. The wounds on his face was healing in front of their eyes.

Jin opened his eyes and stretched lazily, like a cat after a nap. But his eyes were the color of molten gold, not the black of
humans. He looked around, and saw that the men in front of him, not looking at him with the expression he had hoped for.

“What’s wrong. Do I have something on my face?” He patted his healed face, a look of clear puzzlement. Looking at his
sleeves he frowned and flicked his finger. The blood began to disappear from his clothes. He looked at the group of
soldiers and assassins apologetically, “sorry, new body. new year, working out the kinks. ” He folded his arms and looked
at the group of men, “Where am I. Who am I. Also can someone give me a drink of wine? I’m parched and I’m craving the
taste of a good white spirits.”

The crowd infront of him was still shocked and stood like wooden statues.

Jin raised an eyebrow, “If none of you will say anything, I will assume you are all dumb. I will have no use for any of you.”
He stretched his neck lazily, “I am not often this kind. Nor this patient. Usually I step on ants. Not talk to them.” The men
bristled at his lackadaisical tune.

One solider raised a shaking hand at him, “Monster, what demon are you?”

Jin gave him a look that meant he was an idiot, “I am a God, you backless worm. Have you ever seen a demon this

Some of the men tried not to roll their eyes. It wasn’t that the Prince Zhu Zhan Ye wasn’t handsome, it was that they had
never seen him so egotistical. Or self loving.

Jin continued, “So. Who can tell me where I am. If you do, I give you a prize.” His voice was a pleasant sound, “I’ll kill you

Hearing this, the soldiers and assassins leapt into action, their pride offended at the man’s haughtiness and self
importance. So what it seemed that this man just rose from the dead. So what that they had seen him die once. They’ll
just kill him again. And if he keeps rising up from the dead, they’ll just continue killing him again and again until he could
no longer laugh at them.

Jin looked at them in alarm, “Wait. But I haven’t gotten the information yet.” To his utter surprise, none of them stopped to
explain why they were suddenly so intent on killing him.

Jin shook his head and pointed. Lightening crackled over his skin and split into a thousand fine hairs. It struck the men in
their hearts, stealing their lives in an instant.

Dead bodies fell like leaves to the grey cracked earth. What was once a noise filled plain was silent and empty.

In the blink of an eye only one soldier was left alive. He was the one who had put a blanket on the face of the dead prince.

Jin waved a hand. Instantly from the ground rose a stone table and chair. On the table was a steaming pot of tea and two
small, elegant cups. He looked at the man in the distance and waved his hand, “Come, friend. Sit and have a chat with
The man considered running but Jin merely smiled, his gold eyes flashed dangerously. The man felt his legs shake as he
slowly made his way across the bodies of dead compatriots, their faces still showing the utter horror and surprise. The old
soldier sat down, his eyes downcast and his hands trembling.

A long silence ensued.

“Do you have children?” Jin asked curiously after taking a long, satisfied sip of his tea.

The old solider looked up in surprise, and that one look nearly stopped his heart then and there.

On the face of the dead and now alive prince, there was a thin golden crack. Like the cracks on walls. It was slowly

Jin saw his look of fear and felt his face. He rolled his eyes and pinched the skin together. “I’m breaking old man, this
human skin won’t hold my powerful, beautiful body Godly body. I can’t waste too much of my time talking to you.” Jin took
a sip of his tea, “As I asked before, do you have children?”

The old solider gulped and nodded, “A son.” There was a tint of pride in his voice, “He’s studying to become a civil

Jin raised his eyebrow slightly, “Ahhh. I see a father’s pride. How nice to be able to be proud of your son.” He leaned in
closer with a slight curious look, “What if, one day. Your son asked for the most precious thing you hold dear.”

The old soldier spoke without a moment’s hesitation, ‘I would give it. He’s my son.”

Jin smiled, “What if your son wanted your life. Would you give it?” The old soldier was taken a back for a moment, and
said nothing.

Jin sipped his tea and sat back. ” I asked the same question to the man I called father once. He gave his life to me without
a question. He died with a smile on his lips.” Jin’s gold eyes looked into the old solider’s black ones, “And after it, I
destroyed everything he built.”

The soldier’s face turned dead white. As Jin’s voice turned lighter, “Do you think he ever regretted giving me such a gift?”

A white hand reached towards the top of the old man’s head and he heard his skull crack under the enormous pressure of
that hand. The old soldier’s eyes began to darken, he felt as if everything was concentrated where the hand lay.

Jin’s eyes narrowed, “So. That’s how the past owner of this body died.” The lips curled in a slight, cold smile, “What a
sentimental fool.”

Suddenly the pressure was gone and the old soldier let out a long sigh of relief.

Jin stood up sudden and looked skywards. “I’m leaving now, old man. My new body needs rest and relaxation.” His eyes
were thoughtful as he stared towards the rising moon, “After all, there is much to be done.”

Chapter 54 – Need to Save Her

Chen Xiao as Jin/Zhu Zhan Ye

(Pic courtesy of Baidu)

Bo Hai, Isle of the 8 Immortals

This chapter sees a lot of moving parts ready to converge and collide. Jin is still a mystery but he’s definitely revealing
more and more in the next few chapters. I’ve always wondered if he and Zhu Zhan Ye would get along if I put them in the
same room.

Zhu Zhan Ye a soft voice called out, it was as lovely as the sound of rain falling softly on silver leaves. Jin closed his eyes
and concentrated. He must shut out all distractions, he didn’t want to waste any of his powers trying to forget what he
naturally should have forgotten. This was the last stage.
Zhu Zhan Ye the voice seem to sigh. Jin groaned in exasperation and reached for his power, erasing the last bit of the
voice from his memories. His human self fought a losing battle, refusing to let go the last thread that tied his old life to his
god self. The fire of his power burned it away and Jin took a deep breath, feeling the last bit of his humanity slip to the
back of his soul. Even if he became human again, he made sure that whatever he erased wouldn’t come back and haunt
He stretched, his ice white robes dyed orange by the rising sun, fluttered lazily in the still air. His body was weightless as
he drifted into the air, getting use to his godly body. Strong without ever being tired, powerful beyond imagination. There
was no need of human emotions in this form.

He walked without touching the ground, enjoying the clarity of sight, sound, and smell that no human body could possess.

“Lady He” He spoke quietly.

The lady immortal flinched, she hadn’t sensed the half-god arrive. She turned and bowed to the young lord. “Master Jin.”
She looked up and couldn’t keep an admiring smile off her pensive face. Hundreds of thousands years ago, she had seen
Jin’s true form and always thought he was one of the most handsome gods in existence. Yet his carelessly handsome
face hid the ruthlessness that was capable of destroying the world.

Piercing gold eyes set underneath a pair of brows that seemed to be two careless yet masterful strokes made from a
calligrapher’s hand. As always, there was a slightly crooked smile playing on the ruddy lips that seemed to be carved
on his perfectly symmetrical face. This was a man who could whistle carelessly even when the realms collapsed around
his ears.

“You are staring” Jin asked as he played with a ribbon of water he conjured from the ocean. “Clearly I’ve not lost my lure
to women after all these years.”
Lady He kept her face calm though her alabaster cheeks turned slightly pink, “Someday a woman will kick you for being
so impudent.”

Jin laughed, “Has there been any in the heavenly court about me?”

Lady He shook her head, “Not a whisper. They are exhausted by Lord Wei Yun’s massacre of the Demon Realms. Gods
are still discussing what Lord Wei Yun had done.”

“Wei Yun?” Jin’s eyes turned a shade darker. The ribbon of water evaporated suddenly. “Ah..One of the unnatural
monsters made from the heart of Pan Gu?” The sardonic smile deepened, “I remember now, Nu Wa’s little pet
abominations, Wei Yun and Wei Tian,”

Jin looked at her, the bored expression back on his face, “Do you think they will execute Wei Yun?”

“Not Yet.” Lady He hesitated, “Though I don’t know why”

Jin chuckled, “Wei Yun could set fire and burn the hair off every god and goddess of heaven, use the sacred scrolls of
Heaven laws as toilet paper, and the Emperor would still not behead him. Not until he gives up Pan Gu’s heart.”

Lady He looked confused, and Jin pointed to himself, “Wei Yun is like me. Valuable for one reason.” Jin shrugged and
walked to the ocean, his eyes sparkled as he spied something, and slowly lifted his hand. Two massive waves that grew
taller and taller rose with Jin’s movements. A ship was caught between the waves, and Lady He felt her throat go dry, as
Jin continued.”Too bad he wasn’t one of the prophesied ones, I would have loved to see my father pee himself with terror
at the thought of Wei Yun taking the throne. But he needs him alive, my father wants his Creation powers.”

With a wave of his arm, the two waves crashed into each other with an earth shattering sound. Lady He used her power,
and pushed the ship out of way with all her magic. It sped away as the after waves crashed onto the island and shook the

She shook her head with a sigh, “You still place so little value on human life.”

Jin shrugged, “I place value on what could be valuable to me. Everything else is expendable.”

Lady He looked at him reproachfully, “You shouldn’t make such noises here, even if this place is protected, I can’t promise
that the right amount of ruckus won’t bring down your father.”

Jin laughed, “He’s too busy, probably looking of the right spell to suck the power out of Wei Yun. Besides, I need the

Lady He looked shocked, “Surely you don’t think…but that would destroy the world. The Emperor isn’t crazy to try

Jin nodded, “He couldn’t steal the powers of any of the Creation Gods then, but now he has another opportunity. He’s
going to try again.”

Lady He felt sick, “After what happened with Lord Fu Xi and your mother…”

Jin raised an eyebrow, and Lady He’s voice became softer and softer, she’d forgotten after all these years that name was
taboo for Jin. The past was in the past for her, but for Jin, it was still a shadow upon his heart.

Jin brushed nonexistent dust from his flowing white robes as the ocean slowly settled back into place. “Creation powers
have to be given to another willingly, to be used to their full potential. Pan Gu gave his heart to NuWa, even though she
never wanted it. Fu Xi gave his powers to me. And Lei Zu, she gave it to her descendants, hoping that they would be
protected from the Emperor of Heaven.”
Jin grinned recklessly, “During my sleep, I bet the Emperor found a way to kill off Wei Tian. The Emperor would’ve tried
everything in his power to destroy find the heirs to Pan Gu and Lei Zhu’s powers. All these years, I bet he’s been
searching for Nu Wa’s child. If the gods knew what he was trying to do, they would rise against him. ”

Lady He felt cold, “I don’t believe it, Gods killing gods for power is against every law of heaven. And He’s our ruler.”

“You didn’t see it because he is your ruler.” Jin said coldly, “If he had the opportunity he would take Fu Xi’s power from me
before running me through with a sword.”

Lady He shook her head, “But you are his son. Surely he would show mercy.”

Jin laughed at this, “Mercy? The only reason he hasn’t scattered my soul in the winds of time is because I am protected
by Fu Xi’s powers and secrets that he wishes to know.”

“What are you going to do?” Lady He felt anxiety crawl on her skin.

Jin walked towards the balcony of the towers overlooking the grey ocean, “I have to find the half-god who woke me. If that
person is weak or wants to follow the Emperor of Heaven, I force them to give me their power and kill them.”

Then how are you different from your father? Lady He dared not asked Jin, but the worry in her heart grew.
He turned around, “Now, do you have the image of me as a human? I’m going back to the human realms.” He grinned
easily, “I want to have a little fun before things get messy. Maybe see what life was like as a human.”

“What if you see the person you’re trying to forget?” Lady He asked as she handed him the mirror that held the image.

Jin shrugged, “Whoever it was, I’ll have forgotten them completely. I’m sure I won’t have those same feelings again.” He
grinned confidently, “I am, after all, a god.”


Huang Wu

Yue Kingdom, House of the Magistrate

The sounds of trumpets and fireworks bounced merrily in the massive home of the Magistrate as the night fell. Children
ran around, laughing merrily as they gaped at the old Magistrate riding a horse ahead the red palanquin of the bride.

People whispered and pointed but none dared say anything good about the match. They were all terrified of the old man.

The procession entered the massive gardens and stopped at the house prepared for the magistrate’s newest concubine.
The line of maids followed the Magistrate and his new bride into the room, to await the auspicious hour
“Before we go to the ceremony, why don’t we drink something to calm the nerves?”

The Magistrate simpered and looked at Lin Yu lecherously as he offered two light green cups of tea. The maids in the
room turned red in shame at their master’s behavior. He was nearly sixty and here he was marrying someone in their
twenties, it was like sticking a beautiful flower onto a pile of donkey dung.

Lin Yu bit back the bile and smiled, “Of course.” She was a snake after all, even the most powerful human poison was like
candy to her.

She took the proffered cup and downed it. It was slightly bitter. The Magistrate had his eyes closed, as quick as a flash,
Lin Yu had the knife in her hands. She stood up, about to strike. The Magistrate opened his eyes and nearly screamed in
terror. But then something went terribly wrong.

She didn’t realize what it was until it hit her stomach. The feeling of paralysis nearly overwhelmed her as she doubled over
in pain. Something was eating her alive from inside, like thousands of worms burrowing into her skin. Lin Yu had never felt
anything so intense before.

The Magistrate stood up and backed away, his mouth agape before his eyes glittered greedily, “Demon? Another one?”

Lin Yu felt as if someone was kicking her stomach from the inside out, “What have you given me?”, she snarled, her eyes
turning pale green. The scales rippling on her skin as she fought to hold onto her human form.

“Sacred watered of the Temples, blessed by the head priest. It’s a family tradition, said to scare demons away on
auspicious days. I didn’t believe it… until now.” The Magistrate answered, he approached cautiously and caressed Lin
Yu’s already sweaty face, “It has no affect on humans but turns most demons to ash. Only the most powerful demons will
be able to keep their human form. Most would have reverted to their original form by now”

Lin Yu said nothing, she could feel her powers fading as the poison roared through her. The room faded in and out of
consciousness as she struggled too keep her gaze on the hated man in front of her.

The magistrate continued as he traced her cheek, “See, Te’le was the first demon I tamed. The God of fortunes must be
smiling upon me, to bring such a beautiful demoness for me to tame.” He yanked his hand away as her bared fangs came
dangerously close to his ancient fingers. With viciousness that came only with practice, he backhanded her, knocking her
to the floor.

He glared down at her and kicked her in the stomach, “Little demon, perhaps we’ll put off the ceremony until I’ve gotten
the spell from the buddhist head priest for taming demons.” He squat down by her curled up figure, “And then you’ll be my
concubine. With you bent to my every will, I might even become the next emperor.”

Lin Yu raised herself up and spat in his face, “I’ll turn you into a earthworm and feed you to fishes if you touch me.”

The magistrate guffawed, “If you don’t receive the blessing from the priest that created this spell by sunrise, you’ll die.
And I’ll make sure that the priest bestow your obedience and powers to me when you beg for the antidote.” He leaned
down, his putrid breath in her face “And trust me. I will make you beg for it.”

The door flew open and a black cloud rushed in. The guards were screaming but none were able to stop it. Huang
Wu was expressionless as he cut down guard after guard.

Huang Wu’s sword flashed and guards flew away, some dead before they hit the ground. He had a cut on his shoulder but
he didn’t seem to mind, his eyes searching for Lin Yu in the room. His eyes widened when he saw her curled on the floor,
a trail of blood dripping down her chin.

His eyes turned murderous, as he headed for the Magistrate.

“No!” A voice roared. The maids in the room looked towards the door and found another handsome youth, his face
splattered with blood. Zhuo Hao and his people are fighting to keep Huang Wu’s path clear.

Zhuo Hao yelled again as he fought a fresh wave of guards.”No, take her and go, I’ll take care of him. Take her and get
out of here!”

Huang Wu looked at the other young man and nodded. He kicked the old magistrate aside and grabbed Lin Yu. With a
leap he took her and flew out the window, the darkness quickly swallowing their shadows whole.

Huang Wu used every Qing Gong kung fu tricks he knew to make his trip as fast as he could. He had heard the
Magistrate’s words. The only one that could save Lin Yu was the priests of the Buddhist temples.

He carried her to the bamboo forests next to the temple walls, demons were never allowed onto sacred grounds. Gently
he held her in his arms and wiped away the cold sweat that had dampened her forehead.

“Who..” Lin Yu in her fevered state whispered as she looked at the face that loomed in front of her. Dark, intense eyes set
on a face she had often seen in her dreams looked back at her worriedly.

Her eyes focused and she mumbled like a petulant child, “Huang Wu..Dumb bird..you never visit…teasing me all the
time… danced for you.” Her eyes were covered in a sheen of wetness, the fever and poison fought possession for her
body. She wasn’t sure if this was a dream or reality but she was going to give Huang Wu a piece of her mind

Those last few words rang as if someone struck a gong too close to his head. His arms automatically gripped her shaking
body closer, trying to warm her. He looked up at the night sky, worry eating at his heart, he took looked down at Lin Yu
and gently lowered his face to peer at her face.

Delicate hands gripped the front of his robes as Lin Yu pulled her face closer to his with surprising strength. Huang Wu’s
eyes met those almond shaped ones and he marveled the curve of her lashes. He didn’t even have time to react when
something soft, warm, sweet pressed onto his lips. The feeling the sweetness going directly to his lips to the fire of his
heart. It was mind numbing, cleansing his heart and mind like sweeping freeness of spring winds.

In the darkness, under the soft rush of bamboo leaves, one man in black and one woman in white held onto each other,
their bodies pressed tightly against each other. Old blood bloomed on their clothes like roses as silver green leaves fell
like snow.

His eyes widened as a bomb went off in his brain. Push her away, she’s injured. She doesn’t know what she’s doing. But
that was harder to do than uprooting a thousand year tree. She was a tiny thing, how easy would it be to push her away
and yet it was as if thick roots had wrapped him to her. He held her tighter, feeling to need to folder her soul against his
and to never let go.
The soft lips moved against his, and Huang Wu breathed in the heady scent of her kiss. She smiled impishly, “You’re
mine…stupid crow. Dumb bird.” And fainted.

Huang Wu couldn’t resist, his fingers gently brushed the fringes of her hair. The scars she had left on his hand pale in the
moonlight. Huang Wu looked at those scars for a moment, it jarred him out of his reverie. He covered Lin Yu with his
coat. Carefully, he made small fire, using only wood that didn’t cause much smoke.

He stood and flew through the woods as fast as his kung fu allowed, pushing his already exhausted body to its limit.

All his life he had been taught that the Priests could kill even the most powerful demons and he was no exception. He
smiled humorlessly, for the first time he was glad he was human. With an incredible strength, he vaulted over the high
walls of the temple.
The grand master priest was leading the evening prayers. He was an old master whose white beard nearly touched his
knees. The priests of the temple watched in astonishment and shock as their grand master was yanked to his feet and
flew out of the temple with inhuman speed by a man in black robes.

The old man sighed, “Young master, it is unseemly to handle your elders this way.”

When Huang Wu said nothing, the old priest gently raised a hand and pushed.

Huang Wu felt as if he was hit by a tornado. He lost his grip and landed onto the ground with a heavy thud. He felt his ribs
crack but swallowed the blood that had rushed to his mouth.

The Grand Master landed lightly, “Your kung fu is one of the finest I’ve ever seen, to not have fainted from my attack. But
your heart is in turmoil, you will not advance anymore if you do not find another way.”

Huang Wu mouthed the words “Need to save her” as if to remind himself to push through the pain, and rushed the old
man. His black sleeves rippled as he flew through the air. Even if he had to drag the old priest out of here, unconscious,
he would do it.

the Grand master priest sidestepped and avoided Huang Wu’s claw like hand this time, both of the old man’s palms hit
Huang Wu squarely on the chest. Huang Wu stumbled back twenty paces, stopping only he smashed his fist on the tall
temple walls to slow him down. He grimaced and wiped the blood from his chin.

Guard priests rushed at him, having finally reacted to the threat. They circled their master, protecting it from the stranger
who had breached their walls effortlessly. Huang Wu flew at them, his punches lightening fast, a black hornet in a nest of
golden robed priests. He didn’t want to kill unless he had to, and he wanted the old priest’s help, not his wrath if he killed
these people.

The old grand master sighed, there was a frenzied desperation to the young intruder’s movements.

Huang Wu used everything he knew, trying to get to the old man. For every man he downed, three more took their place.
His robes were soaked with perspiration and blood by the time the moon reached its zenith. Huang Wu’s heart sank lower
and lower as he watched the moon’s movements. When was dawn? When will he reach the blasted priest.

More punches and blows landed as his concentration broken. More than once, he was the one that flew to the ground. But
every time, he got up again and rushed at the priests. His black robes were turning dull red, caked with blood and mud.

“Stop!” The old man ordered as Huang Wu swayed on his feet, the fire in his eyes only burned brighter.

“Young master, if you wish for my help, why not ask politely? Lower your heart, and I will see if I can help.” The Old man
said gently, “There are some things that can not be solved by force alone.”

Huang Wu clenched his already bloody hands. He was preparing for another round. The young buddhists looked at him
warily, he’d already taken out half of the temple.

“Foolish child. Will you let your pride take away the one thing you are prepared to die for? Surely it is better to give up one
path that brings you untold pain.” The old priest sighed, “Or will you suffer the consequences of your choices today?”

Huang Wu looked up at the greying sky, he had moments left. Lin Yu’s face flashed before his eyes. He wouldn’t risk her
life, even if had to beg.

Then Huang Wu slowly fell to his knees, he had never knelt for anyone before. He was a prince of the near mythical Crow
King, high above all demons in the realm. He only looked down on others and didn’t care what others thought of him. He
had never needed to. But at that moment, with only one thought in his heart, he looked at the Old Priest and mouthed,
“Need to save her.”

When Lin Yu awoke, she found herself in a tiny hut. She could hear the incandescent bird song outside, muted by the
rustling of leaves. She looked around, confused. Slowly, she sat up.

“Lady, don’t move too much.” A wizened old man in the red and yellow robes of a buddhist priest said.

Lin Yu hissed and shrank back, like every demon she could feel the old man’s power.

The old man smiled reassuringly, “Your heart is pure, I have no reason to exorcise you. Please rest.” He got up, “I only
stayed at the behest of your friend. You will be well enough to leave in a few hours. The city is only a few minutes away
from here.”

Lin Yu looked around, the question apparent in her eyes.

The old priest’s smile was slightly awkward “A young man… asked me to help you. He was heavily injured but he carried
you here and then left.”

“Who?” Lin Yu croaked, her throat felt like dry paper. She felt so weak, sleep was gnawing at her eyes, dragging at her

The old priest shook his head, “I do not know. He never gave me his name.” With that he bowed and left the little hut as

Lin Yu frowned and slowly closed her eyes. She didn’t remember much from the past few hours. Yet she could remember
the warmth of someone’s arms around her as they flew across the city. The last time she had felt the same warmth, she
had been flying on the back of a crow prince. She didn’t realize it, but a tiny, tiny smile tugged at her lips as she fell back


Yu Zhu hid her godly powers as she flew to the earth, a streak of white light in the morning sky. She turned on the spot,
gracefully landing like a falling plum blossom. She took a deep breathe and reviled in the sweetness of land. Here she
was free of the infinte hoards of demons, the bland white endlessness where dark creatures were her only companions.

She opened her eyes and walked to the lake where her human self had died. A woman of breath taking beauty stared
back at her. Yu Zhu could see her old features in this woman, but her human features were muted by the godliness. She
frowned slightly and the air rippled around her. The image in the water changed, and Yu Zhu was back to her old self,
beautiful but not as attention stealing as the goddess she had become.

She opened the palm of her hand and spoke a spell, a bright flame became a little tiger cub. It turned twice in her hand,
opening its little mouth, meowed at her, it’s large eyes looking at her questioningly. “Go, find her” She said and gave it her
memory of Lin Yu. The little cub head butted her palm, and padded to the ground, turning invisible so as to not scare the
humans. Carefully, Yu Zhu turned herself invisible and followed, looking for traces of her sister.

After the goddess had left, Huang Wu stepped out from behind a tree. His face was dead white. His wound were slowly
healing, helped by a balm that Doctor Li had given him before he left. He had seen the falling star, and knew that only
powerful gods could make such a journey. Out of curiosity, he followed the star to this place.

But never in all his life would he have believed who he saw. She was different, more inhumanly beautiful, and so powerful
that he could not guess the extend of her power. But that face, even if Yu Zhu had turned to dust he would recognize her.

She was suppose to be dead. He thought as ice filled his entire body. Hatred and fire filled his mouth until bitterness was
all he could taste. This was the woman who caused Wei Yun to destroy the demon realms and his father. Thousands
were dead because of her. This woman was the reason he was a weak human and a mute. She was suppose to be dead.
She should die.

A thought at at him like a parasite that had found a new home, burrowing into his brain. He couldn’t erase the image of his
dying father. It was his nightmare companion, playing in his head every time he closed his eyes. If only there was a way
Wei Yun could experience the same pain, see the same kind of death on someone he loved. Huang Wu would do
anything to make sure that happened.

Chapter 55 – The Greatest of Friends,

The Best of Enemies

Photos Courtesy of Baidu

In the dark night, the flicker of starlight were the only way that lead home.

She was was dressed in the silks made from the silkworms of the moon, incomparable material that flowed and moved
without the wind, adding gossamer lightness to her alabaster skin. Yu Zhu paused in mid air as she looked down at the
peaceful world. Her dark, long hair flowed behind her, a black waterfall cascading in rhythmic motion of the wind.

She wore a mask made of silver, forged in the heart of the moon. On it were delicately engraved magnolias, their petals
glimmered in the starlight. Only her eyes and mouth were visible. Black eyes like augite, sparkling in their depths with
hints of gold. Around her waist she wore a sword engraved with delicate vines, hung with five flowers of different colors,
red, blue, gold, brown, and green.

Yu Zhu looked at the earth, the half mask hiding her expression. She remembered Chang’e’s and the Jade Rabbit’s
parting words.

“Yu Zhu, you are enormously powerful. Minor gods would be nothing compared to you but don’t underestimate the Dragon
Emperor. He is old and treacherous. Even Nu Wa a creation goddess could not defeat him. Even Wei Yun, whose powers
come from the creation gods fell into his hands. He has many treasures that could bring your destruction. Don’t act too

Chang’e had looked at the new goddess with respect and slight apprehension, but Yu Zhu merely nodded. “I understand.
But he was the one who started this with me. I won’t rage against the heavens, but he can’t have Wei Yun. I owe Wei Yun
that much.”

The jade rabbit looked at Yu Zhu, “Will you war against the heavens for one god. A fallen monster who has killed so

For a moment there was an eery silence between the three women and Yu Zhu spoke, her voice soft, “He sacrificed
himself for me. If not for him then I would be in the Emperor’s claws, the Emperor would be using whatever powers he
had to drain me of my Creation powers.”
The Jade Rabbit sighed, “I had wondered why you trained so hard.”

Yu Zhu’s hands clenched a little, “Wei Yun made so much noise that the Emperor never dreamed that there was a Half-
God from the prophesy growing up in the human realms. He made himself a monster so that I could grow up safe. I… I
can’t let him die. Not when so many already have for me…”

Chang’e sighed, “They say that our lives are like strings that fate ties together. Perhaps one day fate will unravel the knots
that keep you from living a peaceful life.”

Yu Zhu shrugged, looking into the distance, “Since I was young, all I’ve dreamed of was to sit underneath the peach
blossom tree, playing a song for the man that I loved.” The thousands of years of solitude, heartbreak, and betrayal had
turned her heart cold, “I no longer know if that is possible. But perhaps if I bring peace to these lands, then someone else
will have that chance instead.”

Yu Zhu frowned a little as she looked at the beautiful sword and scabbard in her hands.

Yu Zhu gripped the sword in her hands with renewed strength, “Before now, I always felt as if I had no choice in how I
lived my life. But I have power now, and I will make the choices. My life, my rules. And if the Emperor even thinks about
provoking me.” Her eyes glittered dangerously, “Then neither heaven nor earth will stop me from destroying him.”

She had left the Moon Palace without a glance back, the sword in her hands gave off warmth that kept her company in the
cold journey back.

Yu Zhu looked once again to the earth, she could feel the lives of all people now. Their sorrows and joys, troubles and
victories. The ice in her eyes seemed to melt ever so slightly, it was good to feel all those things again after so long.

“Isn’t their existence pathetic? I feel like destroying it too.” A cold voice drawled a few feet from her distance. Yu Zhu
looked up, her hand that gripped the weapon tightened slightly. She hadn’t heard him come, at her level of power, not
many could do that.

A man in blood red robes, a color most sane people shied away from, laid on his side on top of a cloud. His gold eyes
glittered as he smiled at her crookedly. Dark black hair tied with a silk red string, a red mask that glittered in the night, on
a face with sharp yet graceful features looked back at her as she stared at him.

She frowned, “Who are you?”

The man sat up and stretched, “That’s ironic, coming from someone who herself is wearing a mask” he touched his, Yu
Zhu’s eyes narrowed as she saw the pattern change to copy hers.

He raised his hands and a deep purple light lit up, forming a thousand tiny daggers. With a flick of the wrist, the daggers
headed straight for Yu Zhu’s heart.

Yu Zhu’s face darkened slightly but she gently tapped on the scabbard of her sword. A sound like the drop of rain on a
leaf reverberated in the air, soft like a whisper, yet the power of the ripple destroyed the flying weapons

The man in the red mask smiled impishly, “No bad.” Suddenly the air around them shifted and became hard. He had
created a massive air shield that cut them off from the outside world.

Yu Zhu frowned, what was this man up to now? He pointed in the direction of the emperor of Heavens, “When we fight, I
prefer not to let the old man up there know.”

Yu Zhu looked at him questioningly, “You know the Emperor of Heaven?” The man in the red mask shrugged, “Who
“Now” He said as he raised both arms, the power in his hands causing his wide sleeves to flap around, “Let me see just
how powerful you really are.” With a roar that shook the air shield, a massive creature rose from his hands.

Yu Zhu’s frown deepened slightly. It was the mystical creature Qi Lin, it’s dragon head roared as its golden hooves
stamped the air.

Yu Zhu was not to be outdone, she whistled a note and on the scabbard a flower flared bright red, a Phoenix soared into
the sky, leaving a trail of fire behind its wings.

The man in the red mask smiled, “How nice, you have one too. We’re practically best friends already.” His grin widened,
“Or, if you want, we could be something more.”

Yu Zhu shook her head, with a slightly mocking smile of her own “No interest.”

The Qi Lin and the Fire Phoenix charged at each other, the Qi Lin’s incredible leap into the air bringing to the Fire
Phoenix’s neck, the phoenix flipped and shot a stream of flame at the Qi Lin.

The man in the red mask took at a fan and opened it, Yu Zhu could see the silver tipped edge, with its deadly glint of

The man charged at her, a wicked gleam in his eyes.

Yu Zhu made no move until he came within an arm’s length, his fan aimed straight at her neck. With lightening speed the
hilt of her sword crashed into the fan as her other hand, with a dagger aimed for the man’s chest.

In a blink of an eye, he was 10 feet away from her again. She hadn’t touched him, and he couldn’t hurt her.

The Phoenix and Qi Lin charged at each other again as Yu Zhu dashed forward in the air, her body a white streak in the
night sky.

The figure in red and white danced in the sky, every time they got close, lightening sparked from the clash of their
weapons. Neither could gain the upper hand, neither seemed to want to show their true strength to each other.

The man in red finally held up a hand, and the Qi Lin went back to his body. Yu Zhu nodded and the Fire Phoenix flew
back into the scabbard. He looked at her with a new light in his eyes, “You’re stronger than I imagined.” As he fanned
himself, a slow, wicked smile spread across his face, “The old guards of heaven are going to shit themselves, if they knew
that someone like you exists.” Then he thought for a moment, “So might the Emperor.” He grinned “No, no that’s an

He looked at her again with a slight nod, “But he might pee himself just a little.”

He looked at her eagerly, reminding her of a curious puppy, “So who’s your teacher. Your fighting style is something I’ve
never seen before.”

Yu Zhu looked at him questioningly. “Did I hit you too hard on the head?”

The man in red looked at her puzzled, “No, but I’m told I have a really hard head.”

Yu Zhu raised an eyebrow, as he continued, “But really, what’s your secret? How did you get this strong without anyone

Yu Zhu shook her head, “I don’t know what you mean.”

The man in the mask rolled his eyes, “I don’t know you, and I’m familiar with everyone in heaven. No one in that past
300,000 years has achieved your level of Godhood.”
Yu Zhu answered her voice slightly chilly, “I’m not from the heavens.”

“Not… from the heavens.” The man in the mask said slowly, as if he was turning the phrase over and over again in his

He looked at her quizzically, “Here you are a fresh Lady of Gods, a level of Godhood that takes half a million years to
achieve. Just out of the blue. I know those geezers in heaven, they’re too wary and vicious to let fresh upstarts with talent
live long enough to take over their spots.” he chuckled a little, “I have to see their expressions if they hear about you.”

“What did you call me?” Yu Zhu queried, “What do you mean Levels of Godhood?”

“Haven’t you checked just what level of god you are yet?.”

Yu Zhu didn’t answer. In reality, she didn’t know. Her powers were so differently given to her that she didn’t now just how
normal gods compared to her in power.

The man in the red mask sighed, “Well.” His voice the sudden tone of a serious teacher, “Gods’ powers are separated into
seven elements, Light, Dark, Metal, Water, Fire, Earth, Wood. They usually specialize in one, and some very gifted ones
specialize in two.” He grinned at her, “Of course, I am very, very gifted, so I have three.” He raised his hands, Blue, Black
and White showed up. “Water, Darkness, and Light are my specialties.” He looked at Yu ZHu approvingly. “You just used
Fire so you must be just a fire goddess. It’s okay, most gods and goddesses only have one.”

Yu ZHu didn’t correct him and tell him that she had mastered five of the elements he spoke of. She didn’t want his jaw to
drop out of the sky and onto earth.

Yu ZHu frowned, “Are all gods like this?”

The man in the red mask nodded, “Gods and humans become powerful the same way. A human who wants to become a
god, takes hundreds of years to develop powers which sustains their longevity. Their bodies go through the
transformations and their powers must increase with the coming of years.”

He shook his head dramatically, “Sadly, not many can survive. It’s very hard for humans to become Gods. And even when
they do they must work hard to keep their godhood.”

He looked at her, “Gods have different levels of power, it’s how they decide the power and hierarchy of the Gods in
heaven.” He grinned, “there are 33 levels of heaven, and all gods want to live on the top level, where true immortality lies.”
Yu Zhu looked at him questioningly and he rolled his eyes, “Even gods die, if they aren’t powerful enough. To keep
prolonging their immortality, they have to grow in power, which are known as the Levels of Power. They have climb from
Minor Gods to Normal Gods, to Grand Gods, to War Gods, to Upper Gods, to Lord of Gods, to Titans.” He paused and
thought for a minute, “It can take 10,000 years for a god to go from one level to another. And the higher level, the longer it
takes to cross into the next.”

Yu Zhu’s head swam with all the information. She looked at the man in the red mask, “What are you?”

He shrugged, “Like you, a Lord of Gods.” He grinned at her, a smile brighter than sunflowers, “It was nice meeting you,
Lady of Gods. I think you and I are going to be the greatest of friends.” He thought for a moment, “Or the best of

Yu Zhu’s hands tighted on her sword and her eyes narrowed dangerously. If what he said was true, then she wasn’t a
match for the Emperor. She couldn’t afford having him know about her just yet.

The man in the mask seemed to feel the dangerous air around her. He waved at her nonchalantly, “Don’t worry, I won’t
say a word to anyone. I’m too lazy to get involved like that.”
With that he turned around, and left the air shield up around her.

Yu Zhu saw him grin wickedly, “You’re powerful enough to kill me, so I have to make sure that you don’t get your wish.
The air shield will disappear in a minute. Until next time, Lady of Gods.”

He dissipated into thin air.

Yu Zhu looked at the air bubble, this man was on equal strength to her. She gripped her sword and pulled it out of her
shield, it sang as if slashed at the strong shield the man in the red mask had placed around her.

The air shield broke into a million pieces. Yu Zhu closed her eyes spoke three spells. If what the man said was true, then
she needed stronger protection spells to hide her tracks. She quickly threw up protection barriers of her own and
proceeded to search the vast storage of knowledge that Nu Wa had bequeathed to her.

Finally she frowned a little as she read the information. He was right, the levels of godhood existed. Nu Wa had never
mentioned it. Yu Zhu thought and realized that Nu Wa was one of the first Creation Gods, she would have no need for any
levels, she was already the strongest.

Yu Zhu was puzzled, she had inherited the Creation Powers, but she wasn’t a Titan like Nu Wa. Quickly she searched for
the answer and found it.

The creation powers are too strong to be absorbed at once. Yu Zhu had only received 3/4th s of it, before her body
automatically locked the rest of the power away lest it destroyed her. This was something that Lei Zhu, Yu Zhu’s
ancestress had done to protect her progeny.

Nu Wa had no idea, and in her own weakened state, she truly thought that Yu Zhu was ready. Would she have let Yu Zhu
go out into the world has she known?

Yu Zhu felt for her power, she knew that with her Creation powers, she was stronger maybe than any Lord or Lady of
Gods. Her hands tightened, she must become stronger for Wei Yun. I will, she promised herself, I will get him out of there.

Chapter 56 – Ambush on Ten Sides

(Lin Geng Xin as Zhuo Hao) (Liu Shi Shi as Yu Zhu)

Yue Kingdom – Earth

The little hut in the bamboo forest was nestled in a waving sea of green. Lin Yu listened to the rustle of the leaves as the
winds danced among the green stalks.

She looked at the roof of the little hut with a frown. Her head hurt outrageously, and just before she woke, she had saw
someone in her dreams. He stood proud and tall, haughty with a glint of laughter in his eyes. Huang Wu was always
seemed so high and mighty and she couldn’t resist trying to take a bite out of him to bring him down a peg or twelve. But
in her dreams, Huang Wu’s eyes were strange, they looked at her with a light that made her heart quicken. But that the
same time, it was a look that made her want to cry and grab a hold of his hand.

Just when she had reached out to him, he took a step back and faded into the darkness.

She woke up.

Lin Yu looked at the golden mist of the sunlight that streamed through open windows, onto the clean wooden floor. She
sat up and her head swam and the earth spun.

“Owwww.” she took a deep breath. She couldn’t remember much about last night, but someone must have rescued her.

Suddenly she covered her mouth with her hand, a blush crept up from her neck to color her cheeks apple red. She
remembered kissing someone. She frowned. Who did she kiss? Her heart quickened at the thought of her lips touching
that person’s lips. The warmth of those lips that shocked her to her core. But she could remember a thing. She had never
kissed anyone before, was it always this…unsettling?

Who did she kiss? The question rang like a gong in her head…over and over again, adding more pain to the headache.

“Anyone there?” she called out weakly, her voice no louder than the rush of leaves outside.

“Lin Yu?” A voice from a distance called back. Lin Yu blinked in surprise as she saw a dashing young man rush through
the bamboo and run to the hut.

“Zhuo Hao?” She asked, her voice a little shaky from the pain.

The man who rushed in was no other than Zhu Hao, his handsome face held nothing but concern and
tenderness. Carefully he knelt at her bed and touched her forehead tenderly. “Lie back down. I’ll get you something for

She opened her mouth to argue but he shook his head and pointed, she gave a weak smile and laid down again.

Soon the smell of boiling medicine reached her nose. Lin Yu grimaced a little, “I hate the smell.”

Zhuo Hao laughed, “I know, it took everything I had to make you swallow it when you weren’t awake.”

Lin Yu blinked, “How long have you been here?”

Zhuo Hao answered, “Since you’ve been here.”

Lin Yu was silent for a moment, “You’ve been at my side all this time?” She asked, wanting to know if he was the one who
rescued her.

She was lying in bed, so she didn’t see the expression on his face, didn’t notice that the hand which stirred the pot of
medicine paused for a little.

It was true, he told himself. He had rushed here when the mysterious message had showed up telling him that she had
been injured and where to find her. From then he had been here, taking care of her. Zhuo Hao, a man who has never
taken care of a woman in his life, for the first time found himself personally making her medicine, wiping the sweat off her
forehead, holding her hand in the night when the fever ran high. He wanted to always be by her side. That yes was more
than just a confirmation, it was a promise that he would always protect her from now on.
The room went silent as the two became lost in their own thoughts.

Zhuo Hao rescued me…So he was the one I kissed.….Lin Yu suddenly turned red and pulled the cover over her head. He
turned around as he saw the strange movement from the corner of his eye. Dropping the spoon in a hurry, he rushed to
the bed, the worry in his eyes clear as day.
“What’s wrong? Should I get the doctor again?” He asked hurriedly as he tried to pull the quilt off her face, “If something
hurts don’t hold it in.”

Lin Yu’s voice was muffled, a little ashamed, “I’m fine. This is the only option I have right now” She tugged the quilt over
her head even higher.

Zhuo Hao felt even more confused, and even more worried, “only option? what do you mean? What are you saying? Lin
Yu, I’ll call for the doctor right now.” He didn’t mention that he had dragged three doctors up the mountain already and
built them huts a little ways a way, just so that he can grab one if she showed even a hint of pain.

Lin Yu shook her head from underneath the covers quickly, “Don’t! Don’t! It’s just…” Her large eyes peeked out from
underneath the covers as she looked at him, “It’s just that I don’t have the strength to dig a hole and bury myself right
now. So I’m hiding underneath the covers.” I’m so sorry I attacked you with my mouth, she said to her self silently, as she
looked at him. She felt so ashamed, she wasn’t fully able to look at him in the face. Her face was now the true color of a
bright red apple.
Zhuo Hao didn’t understand, thinking that she was talking about her failed attack on the magistrate and tried to comfort
her, “It’s alright, as long as you’re fine, that is all I care about.”

Lin Yu turned even redder, suddenly she wailed, “But I stole a kiss. I attacked you.”

Zhuo Hao felt as if someone punched him in the gut. He went pale. He didn’t know what she was talking about.

Lin Yu mistook his expression as confirmation for what she had done to him and she hurriedly spoke, “I must have been
poisoned and delirious. I’m so sorry I jumped you like that.” She paused for a moment and thought of how people, normal
humans she saw in the plays and performances handled these situation.” She looked at him seriously, “I’ll take
responsibility for it. I’ll take any punishment you hand me. I’ll pay reparations.”

Zhuo Hao didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. She had kissed someone. Someone that wasn’t him. It felt as if someone
had taken his heart and squeezed it until there wasn’t a single drop of blood left.

But at the same time, he wanted to laugh at her words. He had only heard those words in plays. He looked at her again,
the conflict in his eyes. Should he tell her that he wasn’t the one she kissed?

He looked at her expression, she looked like a child who had done something wrong and was awaiting punishment.

“Your punishment.” He said softly, his heart thumping. She looked at him seriously and nodded.

What did it matter that she kissed someone else? He asked himself. She was the one he wanted. She was all that
mattered. Let this misunderstanding start them on a new path.
He took a breath and continued, “Your punishment is that you’ll have to take responsibility for me.”

Zhuo Hao’s guards who were hidden in the trees, nearly feel out in shock. They had never heard their serious master say
such romantic, silly words. They shook their heads and looked at the sky to see if it was falling down.
Lin Yu frowned a little, confused, “What do you mean, take responsibility for you?”

Zhuo Hao just smiled, he reached out a hand and patted her hair, ” You kissed me, now you have to take care of me for
the rest of your life.”

Lin Yu opened her mouth, but the shock had left her wordless.

Zhuo Hao grinned and stood up, “Now that we’ve discussed that, it’s time for your medicine.” Lin Yu tried to speak but
Zhuo Hao quickly walked back to the medicine on the stove. Lin Yu smiled a little and shook her head. He must be
joking, she thought, he’s saying that to make me laugh. But at the thought that they had kissed that night, made her cover
her head again.
Zhuo Hao carried the bowl of medicine over and sat down, “Lin Yu, stop hiding, you have to take this to get better.”

Lin Yu sat up slowly, she looked at the bitter medicine in trepidation and determination. She reached out for the bowl but
Zhuo Hao shook his head, “I’ll do it. If I let you, you might throw it out the window.”

Taking a spoon in hand, he carefully spooned a mouthful and blew on it to cool, holding it out to her lips.

Lin Yu looked at the careful, concentrated way that Zhuo Hao did everything and her heart skipped a beat. She kept
looking at him even though the medicine was already at her lips.

Zhuo Hao smiled, “The sooner you drink it, the better.”

Lin Yu blinked and grabbed the spoon, her face now red again. She took the bowl from her hands, even though it was
shaking, “I…I can do it.” With that, she downed the bowl in three big gulps.

Zhuo Hao felt a needle prick his heart but he said nothing, only sat there silently as she drank all of the medicine.

Lin Yu drank the medicine, frowning at the bitter taste. But she was too exhausted and quickly fell back asleep.

The sound of thudding bodies on the forest floor alerted Zhuo Hao that something was very wrong.

He frowned as he rushed outside, sword in hand, and saw the bloodied bodies of his guards on the forest floor, their blood
dotting the moss and flowers.

In the skies, a thousand black shadows covered the top of the bamboo forest. Their eyes red with blood lust. Together,
they blocked out any sunlight from entering the forest, a canopy of black laced in the green.

Zhup Hao’s men were dead. He narrowed his eyes as the leader of the assassin group called out,

“You’re a hard man to find, Third Prince of Yue.”

Zhuo Hao did not answer and the man continued, “But the new emperor of Yue sends his regards. He said that he was
rather regretful he wouldn’t make it to your funeral. But.” There was a slight hint of twisted pleasure in his voice, “He said
that we need to make sure you die as painfully as possible, so that you’ll remember him.”

The low chuckle of a thousand men filled the bamboo forest.

“A thousand men against one.” Zhuo Hao commented, there was no look of fear on his face. “It seems that the emperor
must greatly fear me, if he’s brought out all his assassins to kill me.”

The assassin leader shrugged, “He simply wants to make sure that by the time we’re done, there wouldn’t even be
enough mean on you for animals to fight over. He was much more merciful to Zhu Zhan Ye.”

Zhuo Hao’s heart tightened, “What did you say?” He hissed, the terrible feeling in his heart made him feel cold all over.
The assassin leader guffawed, “That useless brother of yours is dead. you won’t even find a bone of him on this earth.”

Zhuo Hao said nothing, nor could the men read a single expression on his face. Inside he thought fast, looking for a way
to get Lin Yu out of this safely. His people were all in the city, he couldn’t reach them.

I’ll take down as many as I can, he thought, his heart sinking to the depths of hell. But the fire burned in his eyes, they
want me, I’ll lead them away.
He took a step forward and a thousand arrows flew for the ground an inch from his feet.

The men in the bamboo trees laughed and the Assassin leader continued, “Don’t think of moving. I promised the new
Emperor of Yue I was going to make this as long as possible, making you into a porcupine now is not that fun.”

The viciousness in his voice was even thicker as he said, “I know there’s a woman in there. Is she your woman? I think we
can bring her out here, let some of the boys have some fun. We’ll see how many men she can last through.”

The air around Zhuo Hao seemed to harden and dropped to sub arctic levels, “You will die before your feet touches the
ground. If you so much as touch a hair on her head, I will find and kill everyone you love.”

The silence was deadly. These were hardened men who had killed tens if not hundreds of people. But even they felt fear
as they looked at Zhuo Hao’s face. Those were eyes that seemed to be from the depths of hell.

Suddenly a man rushed at the hut where Lin Yu was. He had saw the expression on the Assassin Leader’s face. he
wanted to make an impression in front of the leader.

Zhup Hao didn’t even look but threw a knife at the man’s face. Before the man’s feet touched the ground, he was dead.

The leader of the assassin’s eyes widened. Shock, surprise, and disbelief ran past his mind. He was one of the top martial
arts masters in the world, and even he didn’t know how Zhuo Hao did it so quickly.

‘I have a thousand men.” the Assassin Leader said, his voice slightly hoarse, “You’ll drown, even if they so much as spit
at you at the same time.”

Zhuo Hao’s smile was cold and bloody, “Then i’ll simply have to cut out their tongues.”

More hesitation on the part of the Assassin Leader. No one wanted to end up like the foolish one who rushed for the hut.

The Assassin Leader shrugged and raised his hand, readying the men to attack. They would attack all at the same time,
the sheer number would smother him. It had taken the Emperor of Yue years to cultivate the thousand assassins. It was
already a shame that one had died. But with so many attacking at once, Zhuo Hao wouldn’t be able to kill a single one.

“Try and make sure the girl is alive.” The assassin leader yelled at his men, “I heard she’s a dancing girl of particular
beauty. She’s be a great addition to the emperor’s harem.”

Zhuo Hao pointed his sword at the assassin leader. “Your head will be the first to fall.”

One man, in light green robes against an army of thousand black robed assassins. He stood, his face as calm as a lake,
his sword raised and pointed at the black dots hidden in the green, not a hint of fear on his face.

Suddenly, a single note rang through the air, rich, sharp and vibrant. It struck everyone who heard it. The assassins and
Zhuo Hao found that they weren’t able to move. The assassin’s eyes showed horror. They couldn’t turn to find the where
the sound came if they tried.

The single moment of sound was so sweet yet held the unbearable pressure of a powerful being. It was too strong to be
human, too lyrical and too terrible in power.
A woman in white seemed to walk out of the sky, as if the sky was made of solid air.

On her face was a silver mask of delicate flowers, her movements were fluid and graceful. Her long black hair cascading
her her waist as in her hands she held a small, beautiful Pipa instrument.

She walked down the heavens like a goddess descending, there were no words that could adequately describe how they
felt about her. Even if they couldn’t see her face, they knew that it must be matchless.

She was matchless.

She walked to Zhuo Hao. There was a slight smile on her lips, she only nodded to him, yet there was no warmth in her

The thousand assassins felt their bodies relax as once more, they were in control of their limbs.

The assassin leader hesitated, but seeing that it was just a woman, he ignored what had just happened.

Perhaps she knew a temporary spell, maybe she was a weak magician. He reasoned with himself. She was just one
person, there was nothing to be feared. His eyes flashed greedily, another woman for his emperor’s harem. He would get
rewarded for this.

Sudden the assassin leader laughed, “What an pretty little idiot, to barrel headfirst to your death. Have you any thought of
how powerful an opponent you face. If you stand with that man, you will bear the wrath of an emperor? Do you know what
that means?”

The woman in white looked around and sat down, she began to carefully tune her instrument with a shrug. She did as she
pleased, and ignored the thousand men in the bamboo as if they were merely flies.

Had they know how powerful she was, then they would know that they weren’t even flies in her eyes.

The Pipa in her hands was beautifully made, it was carved of the best beech wood, the sound sharper and sweeter than
the gu qin, it was an instrument that would be recorded in the annals of time as one of the greatest weapons ever created.

The assassin leader frowned, “Are you trying to play the last song before your funeral?”

The woman’s hand touched the strings, and she looked at Zhuo Hao, her eyes telling him to stand behind her.

Zhou Hao frowned, but his situation was so desperate that he was willing to trust this strange being that flew out of the
sky. If she wanted to kill him, he was sure that he wouldn’t even have had the time to blink before he died.

The Assassin leader roared in anger, this strange woman had done nothing but ignored him since she had arrived, he
raised his hand and pointed at the the two, “Kill them!”

The men rushed down like a cloud of hornets for the two on the ground. The arrows were too good for these people. They
were going to tear them apart with their bare hands.

The woman’s hands glided on the Pipa and the sudden sound of the Pipa broke through the screams and yells of the
assassins. Each note that came out of the Pipa became a dagger made of sound.

It was the song, Ambush on Ten Sides. The incomparable song that was unforgettable to anyone who heard it.

It ripped through the air, aiming straight for the spot between the eyes on the assassin’s head.

The hand ran through the strings faster than the first time. From the hand rose the sound of challenge, the blood of battle
and the heat of war held together only by the notes that flew from the PiPa.
Another fifty men fell from those few notes.

The Assassin looked down in shock. They couldn’t believe their eyes. A young girl who had just played eight notes or so
just killed a hundred men. Eight notes. It was just the beginning

Zhuo Hao closed his eyes and listened. The Ambush on Ten Sides was one of the most magnificent pieces, each note
wove the story of the battlefield, the rushing men, the flash of swords, the chaos of battle made into music. Listening to it
was like seeing the battle itself, feel the intensity and watch as the thousands of men clash into each other.

It was the symphony in one instrument. And from this woman’s hands it was a weapon that could kill thousands in a

Each strike of the Pipa, more and more died. they flew from the highest of the branches, their swords pointed at her and
yet with every note they were dead before they hit the ground..

She sat there, her eyes closed, her fingers moving so fast that they were a blur and the sound like a invisible shield
around her, no assassin could come even twenty feet near her. They rushed at her droves, covering the heavens but she
sat as it nothing was happening.

Before the assassin leader could say a word, all of his men were dead. A thousand men, dead in a minute.

The air was still, there was no sound. From the ground the dead men lay, their eyes wide open in horror and disbelief.

The Assassin Leader felt only fear, deep and unfiltered fear as he looked at the woman in front of him. Demon…Demon..”
In all of his life he had never seen anything as frightening as it. It would haunt him for the rest of his days.

“Your Emperor seems to think that he can toy with my people.” The woman in the silver mask finally spoke, the ice in her
voice froze his very soul, “He will pay for his actions.” She looked at Zhuo Hao, “He’s all yours.”

Zhuo Hao nodded, “He’ll have some information that might be useful.” The woman in the mask nodded and beckoned a
finger, the assassin leader felt his body leave the tree as he fell headfirst onto the ground. With that, he fainted.

A voice from the hut, faint and weak sounded, “Who…who are you?”

Lin Yu’s face was whiter than paper as she gripped the frame of the door. Her voice shook as she looked at the stranger
in the mask. She felt she knew who it was, but she was afraid. so afraid that she was wrong.

the woman reached out a hand and gently took off her mask. She turned around to face Lin Yu

Lin Yu felt her breath leave her body. the tears were unstoppable as she looked at that face. It was a face that she
thought she would never see again.

Yu Zhu had come home.


Author’s note

PS – Ambush on Ten Sides is one of the most famous Chinese songs that has been passed down through the ages. The
only other one that I think is comparable in fame would be the Butterfly Lovers on the ErHu. This song is fantastic, you
can practically feel the battlefield as you listen to it. I suggest if anyone is interested, they listen to this song.

Phew. I FINALLY I am able to upload these two chapters. I know I promised to be punctual and I sincerely apologize. My
beloved computer has went kaput right after my car had broken down. As an added bonus, at work I jammed a printer so
badly I needed a co-worker’s help.
So these are the newest chapters, hope you guys enjoy! And yes, the story is picking up again, gaining traction as Yu Zhu
comes more and more into her own. Her powers are great but the threat is greater. She’s got a lot at stake and she’s
finally ready to face it all.

Thanks to everyone who has been patiently waiting, I am truly grateful for the support and love!

Chapter 57 – The Prodigal’s Plans


Jin, Huang Wu, Shan Ying Lang (respectively)

“Master Jin. Welcome back.” The voices of the magma nymphs were respectful and excited at the sight of the young man
in red, his face covered with a black mask engraved in delicate flowers and vines. He flew into the entrance of the grand
cave, a place that had been his mother’s home a long, long time ago.

Inside the entrance was a road paved with granite, warmed by the natural heat of the volcano. Ten carriages could pass
through side by side on the opulent road. Instead, excited magma spirits stood watching the handsome young man walk
down the great road to the heart of the volcano.

In the heart of the volcano was a grand palace made of black glass, its thick pillars were of pure diamonds, brought forth
by the immense pressure of the volcano. It sat in a lake of lava. It was heat that could melt the human bone, but it didn’t
bother Jin. As a child he had once swam in delight in deep pools of fire. The hundreds of thousands of fire spirits who
lived were the descendants of his original servants.

Behind him was a red globe, two unconscious figures hung inside. They were both young men, one was dressed in the
palace guards clothing of the Dian Kingdom, and the other in the clothing of the commoner.

These young men were none other than Shan Ying Lang and Huang Wu.

Jin walked towards the vast cavern that contained his home, and stretched a long hand out, “Protector of the Volcano, Did
you do my bidding?”

A fireball the size of his palm flew towards Jin, the blue flame that bounced excitedly in his hand “Master, all the
preparations are complete.” Jin nodded, a wicked smile on his lips, “Very good, Nan. It seems you have grown much more
competent in the last three hundred thousand years.”

The Volcanic God, Nan, looked at the red globe that drifted behind Jin, never had Nan seen humans before.

Wait… Nan sniffed. These humans smelled strange. One definitely smelled like a wolf. The other…had the tiny hint of a
demon smell. But it was so faint he couldn’t tell.

Nan looked at Jin curiously and back to the red bubble that contained the humans, “Master. I think you made a
“Oh?”Jin bounced the blue flame up and down in his hand, “What mistake do you mean?”

Nan took a closer look at them, “Master, I know you have a fascination with humans but, if I were you, I would pick much
prettier concubines than these two. You deserve better.”

A vein popped onto Jin’s forehead, as his long fingers suddenly gripped the flame tightly, “These aren’t concubines.”

Nan shook his head at his master, with a look of pity at his master’s tastes, “Then master, surely you don’t mean to bring
them back as dancing girls. Our fire sprites are much prettier.”

Jin glanced at the flame spirit sidelong, “I I don’t mind snuffing you out. I was thinking of changing servants anyways.”

Nan quickly bobbed side to side, like a head the word “no”, and continued in a honeyed almost mournful tone, ” But I’ve
been with you since you were born. Master is the best, he’s more handsome than the dawn and brighter than the
flames of the Fire God.”

Jin rolled his eyes and continued his way to the palace, tossing the god of the volcano unceremoniously over his
shoulder. The red globe floated behind him.

Once inside the black palace, the air was considerably cooler, Jin snapped his fingers and the red globe broke. The two
figures inside were dumped unceremoniously onto the floor.

Both of the men opened their eyes and looked around, somewhat disoriented. They had seen just a shadow on the street
and all of the sudden they were here.

The floor felt warm beneath them, the room was gilded in gold, the sturdy red pillars holding up a high ceiling of black

In front of them sat a man, on a throne of red coral embedded in a mound of diamonds. His face held a confident, slightly
snide smile. Handsome wasn’t the right word to describe him, for here was the perfect mixture of softness and hardness
in his face. His eyes were like black coals laced with gold, set on face of angles and planes, everything about him
screamed savagery and grace. But it was the same eyes that could chill a person to their very soul, because they held
only destruction.

Jin looked at them for a moment and spoke, his voice curious, “Tell me, what does a wolf cub and a former demon have
to do with one of the prophesied 3 half gods?”

The only answer he heard was silence.

“Oh don’t be so shy!” Jin said, his fingers tapping the throne, “You’re heroes. From what I’ve heard, it’s because of your
two that Wei Yun’s deeds were known to heaven. It’s because of you both that half of heaven right now is helping bring
order back to the demon world.”

Shan Ying Lang looked at Jin, “Who are you?”

Jin pointed to himself for a minute, apparently outraged that someone didn’t know who he was.

Nan, who had followed him into the throne room huff loudly, “My master is the best who has walked this planet, anyone
with eyes would know this. He is the beautiful daffodil on top of a pile of dog shit, the quivering beauty mark on the jowl of
a old cow, the–”

Nan suddenly crashed through the roof and out of the room at the flick of Jin’s finger, all the while yelling happily, “see
how great and my powerful my master isssssssssssssssssss……”

Jin “…”
Shan Ying Lang “…”

Huang Wu “…”

“I don’t know what that strange little thing was.” Jin said, his teeth a little gritted, but then his expression changed and he
was back to smiling, “My name is Jin. And I am the Crown Prince of the Heavens.”

Shan Ying Lang and Huang Wu looked at each other, the confusion in their eyes clear as day.

“We’ve never heard of a Crown Prince of Heaven.”

Jin shrugged, “It’s not been official yet. But it’s in the works. The Emperor and I have had…disagreements.”

Huang Wu’s mind flashed, and he said mouthed slowly, no sound coming from his throat, “In my family there is a secret
story about a cursed god. It has been passed down generation by generation, a story used to scare children into
obedience. It is about a god named Jin, a killer far worse than Wei Yun. He was a destroyer of Gods, nearly all the half-
gods in heaven and earth disappeared because of him. He nearly wiped out the entire Crow Clan.”

For a split second, the calm facade on Jin’s face broken, and it was just for a second. But Jin’s face again became smooth
and implacable. It was so fast that Huang Wu thought he had made a mistake. He thought he caught one expression.

“Yes. I am that very Jin.” The man in red said nonchalantly, almost a little mockingly. Jin looked at Huang Wu closely,
“You know if not for that arrogance I see on your face I almost wouldn’t have recognized what family you’re from.” He
chuckled a little, “The crows were always the strongest clans, and they gave me a lot of trouble. But in the end I let a
couple of them live. I’m merciful like that.”

Huang Wu didn’t know what to say, those things happened almost three hundred thousand years ago.

Jin looked at Shan Ying Lang and Huang Wu and spoke again. “Wei Yun has destroyed nearly a third of the demon
realms, wiping out clans that were centuries of years old. His hands are soaked with the blood of the dead and dying. Do
you not want revenge?”

“He’s going to die, isn’t that revenge enough?” Shan Ying Lang asked with disbelief.

Huang Wu said nothing, he wanted to rip Wei Yun to shreds with his bare hands. He wanted him to watch as the ones he
loved die as he stood helpless. He wanted Wei Yun to suffer the unendurable agony that he had suffered.

Jin looked at Huang Wu, “Is it?” Huang Wu’s eyes were filled with pain

“What I want to know.” Jin continued, “Is why. Why did Wei Yun go crazy and attack the demon realms.” Jin grinned,
“And I have a feeling that it has to do with the delicious new half god.” He wrinkled his nose.

“You all reek of her scent.”

Huang Wu felt as if someone struck a bell inside of his head. Yu Zhu. Was that who this stranger was talking about? He
had thought long and hard about Wei Yun, when he was frozen in that cave, his days consumed with hatred and his
nights filled with sorrow. The faces of his father, the faces of the dying haunt his dreams as he drowned in blood.

Jin didn’t miss a single expression on his face. His smile deepened, “So I take it that the half-goddess is someone who
Wei Yun cares about?”

Huang Wu said nothing, but Jin didn’t need to hear the confirmation.

Shan Ying Lang looked from Huang Wu to Jin and back again. What were these riddles that they talked in.
Jin stood up suddenly and walked to Huang Wu with a speed neither of them could match.

“Speak up. Young Prince.” Jin touched a long, slim finger at the base of Huang Wu’s throat.

Suddenly Huang Wu felt the ragged pain of his throat leave, he took a deep breathe, something he hadn’t been able to do
since Wei Yun locked him up in the Icy Caves.

His voice, soft, hoarse and dry as sand paper, but never the less audible rang though the magnificent hall. “Wei Yun. I
think he loves her. She is called Yu Zhu.”

“Ahhhhh,” Jin said, his eyes a cold and cruel glint, “It all makes sense now. He wanted to hide her presence, and what
better way to hide the birth of a new half-goddess than to commit atrocities in the demon realms. While all the eyes were
on him. She would be safe.”

Shan Ying Lang frowned. Yu Zhu….that was the name of the dead princess of long ago. No. It couldn’t be the same
person. It must be a coincidence.

Jin smiled brilliantly, “I can see that you are a bright young man of promise. How about, we make a deal.”

Huang Wu looked at him suspiciously, “What do you want.”

Jin played with a ring on his finger for a moment before opening his mouth again, “Why don’t I tell you both a story.”

Neither Huang Wu nor Shan Ying Lang knew how to reply, this man was hard to judge, hard to understand, and far too
powerful for them to fight back.

Jin continued,” A long, long time ago, the Five gods of Creation, Nu Wa, Fu Xi, Lei Zhu, Pan Gu, and the Dragon Emperor
each have powers that can shatter the world. When they finished making the realms as they are, they made a pact with
each other that they would seal off a large portion of their power and hide it in this world. They placed their power in
special artifacts with locks that only by the true owner of this world can unlock.”

Neither Huang Wu nor Shan Ying Lang interrupted. Jin’s eyes had a far away look as he continued.

“However, only the Dragon Emperor, in his greed, did not decide to do this. Instead he traded his power for the ability to
steal the remaining powers of the creation gods. There is a third eye on his head, the pupil the color of blood that does
this. However, to open it, he has to use nearly half of his powers to do so.”

Jin’s smile was sardonic, “While the Dragon Emperor secretly practiced this ability, the other creation gods were living
blissful lives. Fu Xi was the first to fall in love with the Queen Demoness of the Fire Mountains. He loved her with all his
heart, making her feel as if she was the most precious person in this world. But still, all the love in the world couldn’t keep
her from betraying him. You see, before the Fire Queen was Fu Xi’s wife, she was a spy for the Dragon Emperor. Under
his orders, she was to kill Fu Xi and wait for the Dragon Emperor to come and take his powers. To make sure that she
would, the Dragon Emperor placed a spell that would kill her if she disobeyed.”

Jin’s smile was bitter, “The Dragon Emperor, in his cruelty and jealousy of Fu Xi’s sway over the people, wanted to take all
the good from Fu Xi’s life. Before the Fire Queen had been Fu Xi’s wife, she had slept with the Dragon Emperor and was
pregnant with the Dragon Emperor’s child.”

Huang Wu and Shan Ying Lang had never heard these stories, they looked at Jin in shock as he went on, “These gods
were too trusting of the Dragon Emperor. So no one was on their guard when they went to a banquet the Dragon Emperor
hosted, Fu Xi was killed when he tried to save his wife and Lei Zhu committed suicide. Nu Wa and her daughter were
imprisoned but later rescued by Pan Gu. In the midst of it all, The Dragon Emperor absorbed Fu Xi’s powers and became
more powerful. No one dared to challenge him. No one could.”
“The Fire Queen gave birth to a son, he was raised under the Dragon Emperor’s care, unknowing of his bastard history.
He thought he was a prince when he was nothing but a chess piece. Until one day, the Dragon Emperor, when the
Dragon Emperor deemed that he was useful, showed him his mother. The fire queen who had been imprisoned in the
depths of hell. The Dragon Emperor told the fool that it was because no one was powerful enough to break through the
prison, but if the four powerful artifacts were found, then something could be done.”

“The Dragon Emperor told the naive prince that his mother would be rescued if he was able to complete a few tasks. The
foolish man agreed. The first task was to imprison any and all half-gods. You see, the Dragon Emperor was weary of the
prophecy that the half-god child of the Creation God was the true ruler of the world. He told the foolish man the half-gods
were planning a rebellion against the heavens and they planned to place the young man on the throne and kill the his
father. The young prince grew very, very angry and promised that he would uproot these people and bring them to his
father for punishment. He didn’t know that the Emperor of Heaven was using the blood of the half gods to become
stronger. He didn’t know that the Emperor of Heaven kept hundreds of thousands of half-gods in a prison where every day
they were pierced and bled just enough to keep them in an agonized state.

“So the young prince, under the banner of righteousness, brought the heaven to its knees. He killed gods who didn’t hand
out the whereabouts of their half-god children. He was cruel and ruthless, under him, nearly half of the gods in heaven
and the people on earth were wiped out. And he would have continued Until one night when he secretly visited his mother
and learned the truth. She told him of his true birth and that his father had been using him all along.”

Jin’s smile never seemed to reach his eyes, even if he was more handsome than any man on earth, that smile made him
seem like a monster that had crawled out of the depths of hell. “The emperor asked the young prince to complete two two
other tasks. One was to find all the artifacts that held the powers of the Creation Gods. And the other was to kill a Nu Wa’s

Jin looked at the two, “can you guess what the young prince did next?” He shook his head, “The young prince found the 4
artifacts but decided to hide them so the Emperor never got them. As for the child, he was sent to kill…” He grinned,
“that’s a story for another time.”

Huang Wu knew that this Jin was the young prince of the story, he frowned, “So what happened to the young prince.”

Jin shrugged, “The young prince gave the Emperor fake Creation God Artifacts to trade for his mother’s freedom. Once
the Emperor thought that he had the artifacts, he woke the spell which killed the Fire Queen. Since then, the young prince
as been sleeping. Waiting for his chance.”

“His chance for what?” Shan Ying Lang asked, Jin looked at him as if he was an idiot.

“Revenge, chaos, destruction… take your pick.” He said casually, “And you both will help.”

“And why would we do that?” Shan Ying Lang asked, his frown deepened.

Jin’s eyes never left Huang Wu’s face, “Because I can give you power and I can give you the one who nearly destroyed
both of your families. You can toy with him as you please. You watch the light of his eyes go out as you destroy everything
that he loves.”

Huang Wu’s eyes flashed with bloodlust. Shan Ying Lang looked uncertain. Blood for blood, he had never been close to
his clan nor did he care about revenge. But he saw the hatred in Huang Wu’s face with alarm. He didn’t dare convince him
or Jin otherwise, he wasn’t strong enough, he would stay here, try to talk some sense into Huang Wu.

Shan Ying Lang knew that if he tried to leave now, Jin would kill him.

Huang Wu smiled, “What do you need from us?”

Jin smiled as well, a smile as every bit as frightening as Huang Wu’s “I like you, young crow prince.” He continued to
Huang Wu, “I want you to get close to Yu Zhu, find out her plans. Become her friend. Make sure that she will become
useful chess piece in my game with the Emperor. When the time comes, I will pit them against each other and reap the

Author’s Note:

It’s nice to be back on schedule, though I feel like I need to clarify how powers and magics work in this story, when I get
my thoughts in process about that, I will definitely let you guys know. I know everyone’s eager to see the people in the
mortal realms but this is a pivotal moment in Huang Wu and Shan Ying Lang’s life, and I love these two even if they aren’t
main characters (ish).

Oh, and Wei Yun, he’s about to show up in the next few (say 2) chapters. Yu Zhu’s change has been pretty drastic and it
bring up the idea of whether or not we can truly change who we are after going through such dramatic events. Or is there
some intangible core that makes us what we are, no matter what we go through.

As for Lin Yu, what do people think of her and Zhuo Hao? I think he’s adorable but if he want’s to fight for Lin Yu’s heart,
he’s got a worthy adversary in Huang Wu.

Chapter 58 – The Good Die First


“She’s been waiting for you.” A male voice sounded from behind her.

Zhuo Hao stood with his hands behind his back, looking at the tall, mysterious woman in front of him. She did not turn
around to face him, only nodded slightly.

There were so many questions he wanted to ask. Where did she go in these months? How did she learn to kill like that?
But he held his tongue. Yu Zhu was not the same as the young girl who died.

He opened his mouth, but did not know where to start. After a brief moment he said instead, “Hua Er is to be married to
my brother, Zhu Ming, the new Emperor in two weeks.”
Yu Zhu did not respond, the only movement was the rustling of her moonglow robes over the dark green grass.

“Zhu Zhan Ye is dead.” Zhuo Hao continued, a slight bitterness in his tone. “He was the only good brother I had in this

Yu Zhu looked down at her own hands, “I am sorry for your loss.”

Zhuo Hao frowned a little, “My loss? He was your friend too. He lo—”

Yu Zhu turned around, her face showing no hint of emotion, “From what I remember, he was a good man.”

Zhuo Hao’s eyes flashed, “That’s it?” He felt his anger rising. “If he didn’t wait for you all those months here, maybe he
could have gone back to the capital. He might have fought for the crown. Maybe he would have been king and lived.”

Yu Zhu’s eyes bore into his, “Really?”

Zhuo Hao was defiant, “Why not?”

Yu Zhu plucked a green, vibrant bamboo leaf off her shoulder, “The good are always the first to die in the struggle for
power. To survive, he must become ruthless.” She let the leaf flutter to the ground, “He was not ruthless.”

Her voice was as cold as steal, “Only the powerful gets to decide the will of the world.” She looked at him, “It’s why you’re
still alive. Even if you’re too weak to protect those you love.”

Zhuo Hao’s eyes narrowed, he said nothing.

Yu Zhu cocked her head slightly, studying him, “So, Zhuo Hao, what will you do? Continue to live a life in the shadows?
Die like Zhu Zhan Ye? Or take the throne?”

Zhuo Hao looked away from the unflinching gaze, “Are those my only options?”

“Has the Emperor given you any other?” Yu Zhu asked, “You want to be left alone? No one will give you that option.
You’re weak.”

His eyes snapped up to stare at hers, “How dare you!”

“Lin Yu almost died.” Yu Zhu interrupted, “What would have happened if I didn’t come when I did?”

Zhuo Hao said nothing, his hands clenching into fists as Yu Zhu continued, “You’re only a chess piece, not a player. If I
chose, tomorrow I can offer you to the new Emperor. And you could do nothing about it. You have nothing to offer me
right now for me to consider otherwise.”

She was right. He was too weak. It wasn’t Yu Zhu that had killed Zhu Zhan Ye. It was him and his weakness.

She looked at them moon, “Tomorrow I leave for the Yue capital. Chose wisely.”

“You’ve changed.”

A weak, soft voice floated from behind them. Lin Yu stood, her body leaning against the frame of the door.

Yu Zhu looked at the girl who was like a sister, “Yes.”

Lin Yu walked slowly to them. Zhuo Hao rushed to her side to support her but she shook her head. She smiled at him, “I
want to talk to my sister alone.”
Zhuo Hao held her by the arm and muttered to Lin Yu, “She’s not the girl you know anymore.” Lin Yu looked at him,
“She’s still my sister.” Zhuo Hao paused, nodded, and left.

Yu Zhu stood where she was, her face impassive.

Lin Yu studied the woman before her, “Do you still remember me?”


“What do you remember?”

There was a pause, only the whispers of the leaves could be heard.

Lin Yu waited and studied the new Yu Zhu. Everything looked the same but was not the same.

“Very little.”

Lin Yu closed her eyes, “What happened? Where did you go for six months.”

Yu Zhu looked up at the moon, “I was dead and then brought back to life. I lived in a place that was neither living or dead
for sixty thousand years.”

Lin Yu felt the breath catch in her throat, “Are you really Yu Zhu?”

Yu Zhu looked at her hands, “I was… and then I wasn’t. So many memories have faded.”

Lin Yu grabbed onto the girl for a fierce hug, “You’re home now. And even if you’ve forgotten I will make you remember.”

Yu Zhu froze for a minute, she had not been held like this for almost sixty thousand years. The warmth of touch was just a
distant memory. It shocked her. A flurry of images came to her, the two of them, playing together in the one realm, fighting
monsters in the next. Lin Yu by her side, the sister that always protected her. It was not complete by any means, but it felt
as if someone had placed a candle next to her icy heart.

A single tear dropped onto the grass. “Lin Yu. I’m sorry.” Yu Zhu said softly.

Lin Yu smiled and cried at the same time, “You’re home. Everything will be fine.”

Yu Zhu wiped Lin Yu’s tears away, “I have a lot to do now that I’m back.”

Lin Yu nodded, “I’ll be there every step of the way.”

Yu Zhu shook her head, “It’s too dangerous. I am going to war against the Emperor of Heaven. I’m going to take back
everything that is mine.”

Lin Yu blinked, “What?”

Yu Zhu looked up into the sky, “I am tired of hiding. Of being moved from place to place. If heaven wants me dead. Then I
will destroy them first.”

Chapter 59 – Emperor of Blood

Yue Kingdom
Sunset overlooked the magnificent capital, its light dusting over the golden roofs of the palace.

Thousands of different colored lanterns already lit the grand square where the new emperor celebrated his coronation.
Hundreds of dancing girls twirled on the raised stage as advisers, generals, and scholars sat around, admiring the sight
and toasting each other in celebration.

“Majesty…will you be mine tonight?” The concubine whispered as she drew circles on his chest. Zhu Ming drank another
cup of Jasmine Wine and smiled at the newest addition to his harem. They sat on the dais above everyone, overlooking
the grandeur. She lay, half in his arms, feeding him tasty morsels with her slender fingers.

He kissed her lips, “If you’re good. I’ll make you a royal concubine.”

The beauty giggled, “I’m only your Majesty’s humble servant, here to make you happy.”

Zhu Ming pinched the girl’s cheek, “Pretty thing. Make me happy enough and I’ll give you everything your heart desires.”
The concubine smiled, the look of victory in her eyes.

As if on cue, Minister Tan laughed, “I am glad my niece has greatly pleased your majesty.”

The other ministers chorused in agreement. Minister Tan was the leader of the Left, and only a step down from the Prime
Minister. If his niece became queen, then he would be a powerful force in the court.

Another lord quipped, “Concubine Tan is the most beautiful of women.”

Zhu Ming stroked the young girl’s cheek, “She is a jewel in my palace.”

Minister Tan looked meaningfully at another Lord on his right hand side.

The man nodded slightly and spoke, “Only Concubine Tan is fit to sit next to the greatest Emperor in history.” The other
ministers nodded in agreement.

Concubine Tan blushed modestly and looked at Zhu Ming.

Zhu Ming’s smile did not reach his eyes, “Surely Lord Oh knows that I already have a queen.”

“Yes your Majesty. But a woman of Concubine’s talent and standing should be elevated to Royal Concubine at least.
Even you, my king, thinks she is a jewel. And jewels are meant to shine.” Lord Oh persuaded.
Zhu Ming suddenly tilted Concubine Tan’s face to his, “My little jewel, what do you think? Would you like to be my queen?
Your uncle would be greatly pleased if you became his new and powerful ally in the palace.” His voice was soft with a hint
of amusement.

Concubine Tan smiled, her eyes downcast “Majesty, I serve only at your pleasure. Even if I were a servant girl, I would be
pleased.” Inside, she was already trembling in fear, this new Emperor was more snake than man. She was never sure if
he would kill her or reward her.

Zhu Ming kissed her lips sweetly. Suddenly he let her go and stood up. The musicians, seeing the motion, stopped the
music, the dancers stopped and knelt down. Thousands of officials and their families looked up upon the high dais. They
hushed, not sure what was going on.

The Emperor was like god. He was seen in all of his glory from afar and above, but he was not often heard.

The Emperor smiled, “Beloved subjects, tonight my Queen- to-be is too ill to attend. While I am saddened by this, I wish
for my coronation to have all the luck and joy heaven grants.” He paused and smiled at Concubine Tan, she smiled back
excitedly. Would he give her a new title?

The emperor pointed to Minister Tan, “My lord, come and help me bring good fortune to this night.”

Minister Tan’s eyes lit in excitement as he bowed and shuffled next to the Emperor. At the Emperor’s feet, he knelt
patiently, waiting for the Emperor’s next words.

Zhu Ming looked onto the great square once again, his voice ringing in the night, “It is said that seeing red is the best sign
for good luck.”

Without warning, he pulled out the ceremonial sword from his belt, grabbed Minister Tan’s head and slit his throat.

Blood, thick and hot, gushed from the veins. The man clawed at his throat helplessly as he gurgled, drowning in his own

The Emperor let go of the man’s head and kicked his body down the great steps of the palace. Blood colored the creamy
white steps as Minister Tan’s body rolled down.

No one spoke, no one dared to even breathe in those moments. All eyes were on the Emperor who had just killed one of
the most powerful men in the country.

Zhu Ming smiled as he surveyed his subjects, “Tonight, we will feast in the memory of Minister Tan. He and all of his
family will be giving their blood in honor of me.”

He turned and went back to his seat, gesturing for the music to start again. A servant came forward with a towel. Zhu
Ming took it and cleaned his hands, all the while smiling at the frightened concubine. Her face was ashen as she stared at
his bloody hands.

“My dear. Jewels only shine if I, the sun, allow them to shine.” Zhu Ming’s hands encircled her face. She could still smell
her uncle’s blood on them. She forced herself to look into those eyes, “This way, you will shine only for me.”


The Phoenix Palace, Yue Kingdom

Away from the noise of the coronation was the Queen’s Pavilion. A beautiful complex of lakes and garden, elevated
pagodas and viewing platforms surrounded by lush flowers in all colors. It was built for the queen-to-be.
Tonight she stood by the tall azalea tree that grew on the hill, looking in the direction opposite of the celebrations. Her
pale face impassive. Often, she would bring her hand to her lips and cough, ignoring blood that would run down her

“Your Majesty, please come inside. You won’t heal if you don’t take care of yourself.” A maid begged. She held a long and
heavy ermine cloak that Hua Er had refused many times.

Hua Er ignored the maid’s gentle pleadings. She didn’t deserve to live. She had killed Yu Zhu, she wanted to die.

Hua Er sighed, if she died now, the fragile bond between the two kingdoms would break. She couldn’t afford to die.

A pair of footsteps sounded. The maid turned to look and gasped. The man put a finger to his lips and waved his hand for
the maid to leave.

Hua Er did not turn around as she felt a thick ermine cloak settle over her shoulder.

“Let’s go inside.” The voice was gentle.

Hua Er did not respond, only choosing to look into the distance.

The man sighed and turned her around. Hua Er’s eyes seemed as cold snow. She looked at the man briefly, “Your
Imperial Majesty.”

“Zhu Ming.” The Emperor corrected. He took out a handkerchief and began to wipe the blood from her lips, “Even if you
don’t want to marry me, you do not have to kill yourself.”

She took the handkerchief, “Thank you, your majesty. I can manage.”

Zhu Ming sighed, “Hua Er, you are to be my wife soon. Won’t you at least call me by my name?”

Hua Er turned around.

Zhu Ming felt so much anger he could barely breathe. He grabbed her by the shoulders and spun her around, “I know you
love him. But is he worth dying for?” His eyes were red and wet as he continued, “He has promised you to me, accept
your fate and be my wife. Let me take care of you!”

Hua Er said nothing, she coughed and more blood trickled out of her mouth.

Zhu Ming’s rage faded as quick as it came when he spied the ribbon of red. Hurriedly, he wiped it away, his hands
shaking, “Haven’t you taken the antidote?”

“DOCTOR!” He turned and roared.

Li Sun appeared after a minute, his brow furrowed.

Zhu Ming’s expression was thunderous, “Why is the Queen still sick? I already gave you the antidote. What good are

“Guards!” Zhu Ming called out.

“No.” Hua Er said softly, Zhu Ming turned to her immediately, “Li Sun has done his duty.”

“Then why are you still so ill?” Zhu Ming worried.

“Concubine Tan’s poison is strong.” Li Sun said suddenly, “The Queen needs more time to recover.” If she lets her self
recover. He thought to himself.
Zhu Ming glared at Li Sun, “Leave us.” Li Sun sighed and left.

“You should be at the celebration.” Hua Er said, her voice as cool as the night.

Zhu Ming grabbed her hand, “I killed Minister Tan’s family for you.” He smiled, like a little boy asking to be praised, “They
thought they would get away with it. I’ve sent a message to everyone that you are not to be harmed.”

Hua Er pulled her hand away, “Your majesty should not waste your time on me.” She walked slowly away.

“You are all I think about.” Zhu Ming said, his voice low. “From the moment I saw you, as an Emissary to the Dian Court
all those years ago. But you never looked at me. You only looked at him.”

He closed the gap between them and hugged her from behind, “Hua Er, If you give me a chance, I can be the one for you.
I am a young and healthy. I will always be by your side. He is dying, he has maybe weeks–”

A knife was at his throat in a instant, “One more word about Xu Long Hui, and I’ll dethrone you.”

Zhu Ming reluctantly let her go. Hua Er took a few quick steps and turned around, her eyes were emotionless, “Do not
mistake my tolerance for acquiescence. Do not test my limits.”

She turned and walked away, a slender figure disappearing into the night.

*Music courtesy of TaiGekTou

Chapter 60: Converging Forces,

Diverging Paths

The sound of horse hoofs thudded against the ground rhythmically, causing little puffs of cloud to rise along the country
road. Wide swaths of ripening rice paddies flashed by as the riders tried to squeeze several days of riding into one.

“How far to the capital?” Lin Yu called out as they stopped to water the horse.

“Ten days, give or take. We need six days to cross the Great Plains.” Zhuo Hao said, he pointed to the gentle slope “You
can see it from there. It’s rumored to be as wide as the seas, and even richer with life.” Zhuo Hao looked at Lin Yu with a
tender smile, “When this is over I will take you through here again so you can see it in its true glory.”
Lin Yu blushed and looked down, Zhuo Hao and turned to walk up the ridge. She didn’t see the slight trace of worry in his

He stood there, his back to Lin Yu and Yu Zhu. A minute passed, then two, but he didn’t turn around.

“What are you looking at?” Lin Yu called up to him.

Zhuo Hao said nothing, his back to them, frozen.

“What?” Lin Yu finally asked, she too climbed the hill. Her mouth fell open.

The great plains, once filled with waves of golden grass looked as if all life had been sucked out of it.

Yu Zhu walked onto the dead earth, knelt and pressed her fingers to the ground, “It’s all dead.”

“That’s easy to see.” Zhuo Hao said absently, still staring at the dark expanse.

Lin Yu looked at Yu Zhu and whispered “I can’t feel any sign of…”

“Nothing will ever grow here again. ” Yu Zhu said calmly, brushing the ash from her fingers. The dust swirled away from
them on the dry, hot wind.

“What happened?” Zhuo Hao croaked after a moment, his pale face looking at the smudge of dust that lingered on her

Lin Yu looked at Yu Zhu, “Can you guess?”

Yu Zhu shook her head, “Only the birth of a great god…or demon could do this”

Zhuo Ha0 looked at Yu Zhu, “Is it still around? We don’t have the time to deal with it. My people can only delay Zhu Ming’s
wedding for so long.”

Yu Zhu’s brow furrowed, “Whatever it is, it’s hidden itself too well.”

Zhuo Hao opened his mouth but Lin Yu grabbed his arm, “She can’t do more right now. Magic is outlawed in the human
realms, a big enough spell, it could bring more trouble than we’re ready for. Heaven can’t know of Yu Zhu, not yet.”

Suddenly Yu Zhu looked up, “We have a visitor.”

The other two looked up confused into the clear sky. It was only after a few moments did they see a small black dot.

Giant black wings soared above a field as black as death, his shadow melting into the dead land as he dropped from the
sky. The grey robes fluttered as stood.

“What is he doing here?” Lin Yu asked confused. Her brow snapped together as she looked at the newcomer.

His wings seemed larger that what she remembered, blacker and glossier.

Lin Yu stalked over to him, “You’ve been gone for months. Where where you?”

Huang Wu stared at her, “Are you fully healed?”

Lin Yu raised an eyebrow, “Fully healed? How did you know I was injured?”

Huang Wu’s brows snapped together, his lips pressing into a thin line. Instead he looked at Yu Zhu, “I heard that you
Yu Zhu nodded, “It’s a long story”

Huang Wu looked her over, she was decidedly different even if she looked the same. Her half-smile and her eyes
reminded him more of the ancient gods, the ones who have seen everything and are no longer affected by it.

“Where have you been all these months?” Lin Yu asked as she studied him with a frown, “Why haven’t you come and see

Huang Wu’s lips were pressed into a thin line, he looked away, “It’s not important.”

“I heard that there was some kind of chaos in demon realms.” Yu Zhu said suddenly. Huang Wu’s eyes snapped up to
meet hers, she continued, “Heaven has blocked the news of whatever happened, only the Emperor knows the truth.”

Lin Yu blinked and turned back to Huang Wu worriedly, “What’s wrong? Is grandpa and older brother okay?”

“There was some problems in the Demon realms.” Huang Wu said after a brief moment, “your family is fine.” They didn’t
see his hands clenched into fists.

Yu Zhu studied him, “I heard that Wei Yun has been imprisoned. Was he involved?”

Huang Wu’s face paled slightly, “He…he was trying to help us.” They mistook the pain on his face for the loss of his

Yu Zhu sighed, “When I am done in the human realms I’ll go find him, wherever he is.” Huang Wu only nodded.

“Huang Wu, you’ll stay for a while won’t you?” Lin Yu asked her eyes brightening. Zhuo Hao frowned.

Huang Wu lowered his eyes hiding his emotions, “Yes. I’m here to help.”

Lin Yu grinned “You don’t have to worry about Yu Zhu, I’ll protect her. Maybe you’ll even learn a few things from me while
you’re here.” Huang Wu did not meet her eyes.

Lin Yu wanted to say more, but felt a warm hand cover hers. She looked up into Zhuo Hao’s smiling eyes. Zhuo Hao’s
hand squeezed hers and Lin Yu closed her mouth, blushing a little. Gently, she pulled her hand away.

Zhuo Hao looked at Huang Wu and extended his hand, “I don’t think we’ve met. I’m Prince Zhu Zhuo Hao of Yue.” He was
met with a cold shoulder.

Huang Wu turned to Yu Zhu “Where are we going?”

Yu Zhu looked towards the Yue Capital, “To repay a debt that I owe.”


“It’ll never work.” Shan Ying Lang looked down at the scene below. He sat next to a man who was lazily shaping clouds in
various creatures, his fiery red robes a stark contrast against the blue and white of the sky. However to the world, they
were invisible.

Jin yawned, “That’s the spirit wolf-pup.”

Shan Ying Lang shook his head, “Don’t you even want to see what’s happening below? What if Huang Wu fails?”

Jin shrugged, “He won’t fail if he wants revenge for his family. He’ll gain her trust.”

Shan Ying Lang sighed, “Are you sure she will lead us to the Artifacts?”
Jin grinned, “A goddess who has to overthrow heaven? She needs all the power she can get. The only things on this earth
that still has any value are the blood of the 4 Mythical Creatures. If she is who I think she is, then she’ll know where they

“And when you’ve used her to find what you want?” Shan Ying Lang asked, his voice low, “What do you plan to do with

Jin began shaping a miniature horse with the clouds, “I’ll play it by ear.”

Shan Ying Lang looked at the lazy youth, “What do you get out of all of this?”

Shan Ying Lang shook his head and sighed.

Jin closed his eyes, “Let’s go to the capital first. You said that Yu Zhu would only go there for one person, Hua Er? Is that
what she’s called?”

Shan Ying Lang’s eyes narrowed, “She’s a friend. And innocent. Besides, Yu Zhu’s trip is to help Hua Er, not look for

Jin began making a pig out of clouds, “It doesn’t matter, I’m following her until she leads me to the Artifacts.”

“What will you do to Hua Er then?” Shan Ying Lang asked, his voice low, “She is innocent in all of this. A mere mortal”

Jin looked at Shan Ying Lang, “How much innocent blood has Wei Yun split? Will you let them go unavenged?”

Shan Ying Lang remained silent, as Jin continued, “You may be an outcast and a mongrel, but you know where your
allegiances lies. Blood is blood.”

He snapped his fingers and the cloud that carried them began to move towards the capital with a faster pace.

“How are you able to use so much magic? Don’t you worry that Heaven will find you?” Shan Ying Lang wanted to know.

Jin smiled, “I’m too important.”

In the blink of an eye, they arrived at the capital of Yue. Jin snapped his fingers and they landed lightly in the secluded
corner of a small house.

Two brothers ran out, their mouths agape, “Who are you?” In seeing Jin’s stunning features and the way they had
appeared out of thin air, they fell to the earth, “Immortal Lords! Spare us!”

Jin smiled, “No.”

He lifted a finger and their spines snapped in half. Their hearts were ripped out their chests by an invisible force and flew
to Jin’s hands. The hearts changed in shape and size as they flew towards the powerful being, becoming small,
smoothing glowing balls the size of Jin’s fingernail.

“Swallow this.” Jin flicked one to Shan Ying Lang before throwing the other one in his mouth, “They’re best when fresh.”

Jin snapped his fingers, his and Shan Ying Lang’s clothes changed to that of wealthy noblemen. With another wave of his
hand, the once small house now became a huge complex of pagodas and houses, swallowing the area around it,
crushing the unlucky inhabitants who lived in the area. Anyone who passed by here and saw the change only shook their
head, their memories instantly changed to make them think that the grand residence had always been there.
“From now on I am known as Lord Jin, a recently arrived noblemen from a foreign country. You are Lord Shan, my
brother.” Jin said as he looked at his clothes with satisfaction. With a wave of his hand, his and Shan Ying Lang’s
appearance changed as well, they now looked liked the deceased pair of youths.

Shan Ying Lang felt the bones of his face shift slightly, “We could have changed into their shapes, there was no need to
kill them and everyone here.”

Jin ignored him and sauntered into the grand residence, “What would we have done with them? How can a wolf be so

Jin waved his hand, and the fan shaped leaves of the ginko tree fluttered down. Once they fell, they became forty
beautiful serving maids in yellow silk dresses. Forty blades of grass rose and became tall guards dressed in dark green
uniforms. However, none of the newly made people seemed to have any life in their eyes.

Jin looked at them, “Go.” With a flick of his fingers, bright lights flew into their mouths. Suddenly they looked around in
wonderment and knelt in front of their creator. Then they stood and left the two men.

“Not bad for a man who hasn’t done housekeeping.” Jin said, satisfied with himself. He grinned at Shan, “I head that the
Emperor is about to marry his new empress. There is a banquet in the palace tonight, why don’t we visit the couple before
their pending nuptials?”

With a wave his hand, the two of them disappeared.

Chapter 61 – Broken Gods

The Dungeons of Heaven
Deep in Pool of Origin, where the first of the world arrived was the Soulless Canyon, the grave to countless gods and
monsters cast down to feed the Creature Below.

In the depths of the canyon, hung a man between two cliffs, his hands holding onto two chains that were nailed into the
walls, miles apart. His robes fluttered in the infinite darkness, around his feet wrapped a thick chain that hung into the
bottomless pit. Below, the Creature with pulsing blood red eyes waited for the half-origin god to weaken and fall.

Wei Yun looked as at peace as he did in the monster realms, even as the spikes from the chains cut into his flesh and
dripped his blood down into the chasm. The Creature below roared as it tasted the prisoner’s blood.

In the infinite darkness, he was the only source of light, his godly light glowing like a bright flame in the nothingness.
Suddenly, Wei Yun’s eyes opened, the storm grey of thunderstorms stared out into the expanse.

The air itself rippled like water, the energy of the magical disturbance seeming to split the fabric of space itself.

A woman appeared out of thin air. White petals guided her way in midair as she came to him, her bare feet briefly
touching the glowing flowers as she walked in nothingness. Her robes of starlight glowed softly, making her looking like a
distant star in the sky.
Her eyes seemed to burn with the eternal flame, set on a face of terrible and unimaginable beauty. Yet she didn’t look
complete, as if she was a mere reflection in a pond rather than flesh and blood.

Wei Yun stared at the woman for a minute, “Nu Wa.”

Nu Wa dipped her head in acknowledgement, “Hello, Child of War.”

Wei Yun’s voice was cool, “I thought you wanted nothing to do with…your less than obedient creations. You must need
something from me.”

“I heard that the Emperor has punished you by throwing you here, to endure a thousand years of agony and torture.” Nu
Wa said cooly, “Of course, most gods die here within a few years. Perhaps he’s waiting for you to weaken so he could
take Pan Gu’s heart before your soul completely disintergrates.”

Wei Yun chuckled mirthlessly “Did you sneak all the way back into this world just to watch me die? Should I feel honored
that the greatest goddess, mother of creation will waste her powers on me?”

“Still so irreverent, Wei Yun.”

Wei Yun looked at her, “There was a time where I bowed at your feet. But, can you blame me, after everything that has

Nu Wa’s eyes darken, after a moment she said, “I am not here to remember the past.”

“No. You never did care for many.”

Nu Wa sighed, “Surely you can let it go? There is much we have to discuss and very little time for us to do it.”

Wei Yun raised an eyebrow, “What could you and I possibly discuss? You live in a different realm now, hidden from the
Emperor. Another world, even if it’s a broken one.”

“A half-life realm that will disappear when I die.” Nu Wa reminded him, “Once he finds and kills Yu Zhu, his attention will
turn to me and my people.”

The sardonic look on Wei Yuan’s face died, “How do you know her name?”

The silence was terrible between the two powerful beings.

His eyes seemed to hold the gales of a hurricane, he roared “WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?” The chains rattled as it cut
deeper into his flesh.

“More than you were willing to do.” Nu Wa said in her gentle but terrible voice, “I gave her the powers of an Origin god so
she can fulfill her destiny.”

Wei Yun’s face was a mask of ice, “You persuaded her to do your bidding. You’re using her as you do everyone. As you
did to the White Snake and her sister.”

Nu Wa’s face was unyielding, “We all need purpose in life. Her interests and mine aligned.”

She continued, looking below, “That Creature you see underneath you was one of the first Beings created in the universe,
it only knows of destruction and hunger, it ate everything in its path, like a fire that burned away the emptiness and chaos
so the living could grow.” She looked at Wei Yun, “If the First God had curtailed its appetite, then perhaps it would have
turned on its creator.”
“And now it’s imprisoned and cursed into the depths of this world, waking up only to feed on the scraps of gods and
demons.” Wei Yun said flatly, “You Creation gods only care about purpose when it serves you.”

Nu Wa waved a hand, an image of Yu Zhu in the nameless, borderless lands appeared, vanquishing a million evil spirits
with a wave of her sword. “You may block the path of water, but it will only carve another way to its destination. She is
destined to meet the Emperor. If she dies, then that is her fate.”

Wei Yun stared at that image, “He is still more powerful than her. He has an entire army. You’ve killed her.”

The image disappeared, “Perhaps you can still save her.”

Wei Yun laughed bitterly, “Me? My power has been suppressed by the Dragon Emperor. If he knew of a way he could
extract Pan Gu’s heart from my body without me blowing up half the world, he would have done so.”

“And if I can offer you another alternative?” Nu Wa’s eyes were not kind, “What if I can help her live through this?”

“How?” Wei Yun asked, “How will you help her?”

“She will have you, as you possess Pan Gu’s heart, and if she finds the Artifacts, no one will be able to stop her. And she
will have my godsblood.”

Wei Yun’s brows furrowed, “Your Godsblood?”

Nu Wa opened her hand, a golden lotus rested on the air above her palm, “The Blood of Creation, as pure as it can get.” It
was beautiful and incomplete. Only three petals remained of the twelve. She inspected the beautiful object in her and, “I
used three to create this world. Two to escape the emperor. Three to my daughter. One for my little world I live in now. All
I have are these three left.”

“You know what happens if it runs out.” Wei Yun said, his voice low, “Pan Gu used all of his to create this world, except for
the one drop that was used to create me and my brother. Once it was gone, he died.”

“Yes.” Nu Wa said, “Giving it away means it will only be a matter of time that my power runs out.” She looked at him with a
simple smile, “This is the most powerful magic and it is the most powerful poison. You body will not be able withstand
it, and one day, it will kill you.”

She looked at Wei Yun, “I will use the first drop to create a copy of you. The creature will try to devour it. Three days in
heaven is all I can offer.”

“Three days in heaven. Three years on earth.” Wei Yun muttered. He looked at the golden blossom in her hands, “I

Nu Wa’s eyes showed a hint of her surprise, “This isn’t the death that mortals experience. Your soul will shatter into a
thousand pieces. You will cease to exist. That is the price.” Nu Wa cautioned.

“A small one.” Wei Yun said quietly, looking at the three drops of godsblood in the shape of golden lotus petals.

“Why?” Nu Wa wanted to know, “Why are you so ready to give up everything? In a thousand years perhaps the Emperor
will forgive you and you can take your place in heavens again. Perhaps you will become a feared war lord of heaven once
again, able to enjoy the delights of immortality.”

“In a thousand years she wouldn’t exist.” Wei Yun said quietly, “Immortality would be meaningless.”

Nu Wa was silent for a moment, “Very well, help Yu Zhu find the 4 artifacts. Protect her, until she can kill him.”
The first petal drifted upwards. It broke through an invisible barrier between the goddess and the real world, floating in
front of Wei Yun. Slowly it began to take his shape and became a perfect copy. The copy turned and raised its hands, the
chains unwrapped itself and slowly began to wrap around the copy.

Another drop of Nu Wa’s Godsblood floated across to him. Power of a Creation God, raw and unfiltered, filled his veins. It
destroyed the spell that the Dragon Emperor had cast upon him.

The third drop in the shape of a lotus flower entered his heart and Wei Yun closed his eyes. He had never felt so powerful,
not even in the prime of his fighting days. The wounds created by days of unspeakable torture healed itself, the God of
War was back.

“Will you go to her as yourself?” Nu Wa wanted to know once he had absorbed all the magic.

Wei Yun shook his head, “I don’t want to reveal to the world that I am free. Least of all, to her.” He looked away, “She
might have forgotten me anyways.”

Nu Wa sighed, “Remember, don’t use your power until you have to. The Emperor will sense a magical disturbance.” Nu
Wa’s face had become deathly pale, a trickle of blood ran from her lips.

“How long can you last?” Wei Yun frowned, “How long will your world last now that there is no more Godsblood to sustain

Nu Wa shook her head, “The last drop is the one I used to create my realm. My magic won’t die so easily, not when I
created everything at my full power. I will be fine for now.” With that she vanished, as quietly as she had come into this

Wei Yun looked at the place she stood. With a slight bow, he too vanished from the place.

Chapter 62 – A Poisonous Cure


Kingdom of Yue
“Your Majesty, the Emissaries from Shu Le are here.” A Eunuch bowed and two men, followed, walking down the great
hall to the golden dais. Around them, rows of ministers looked curiously at the men of the mysterious kingdom. They were
dressed in the rich furs that Shu Le, the high and eastern mountainous regions were well known for.

One of them stepped forward, “Majesty, I am Lord Jin and this is my brother, Lord Shan.”

The new emperor nodded, “My lords, welcome to Yue.”

Lord Jin made a slight bow, “We bring gifts in felicitations to the Emperor.” With a gesture, thirty large chests, filled with
gold and jewels were brought into the room. The new Emperor’s eyes widened, it was unusual even for a large kingdom
like Shu Le to show such generosity. Around the, rows of ministers murmured as they looked at the wonders in the

Emperor Zhu Ming smiled, “Send this to my Queen. Tell her to take all that she likes.”

Lord Jin stepped forward, “We have prepared a special gift for the Queen.” He drew a box from his sleeve with a flourish,
“This is a a thousand year snow lotus from the Shu Le kingdom, where it is said that the mountain which touches the roof
of the world exists. This is the rarest of the rare medicinal flowers, and it grows on the top of that summit.”

Inside a delicate metal box was a layer of precious stones encased in ice. On top laid a flower the size of a fingernail. The
moment the box was opened, the entire hall felt ten degrees cooler. The tiny flower’s fragrance soon filled the magnificent
throne room. The hall went dead silent as every mouth fell open.

The Emperor’s eyes widened, “A-A-A thousand years.” The Xue Lian, or snow lotus was the most precious medicine in
the land, on equal footing with the Ginseng. A hundred year one could feed a poor man and his family for three

The Ministers whispered and shuffled forward, wanting to see the fabled flower that they’ve only heard of in fairy tales,

“I heard that it can cure all illnesses, even if you only have one breath left!” One minister whispered. The others murmured
in agreement, their eyes green with envy. Jin’s smile became wider, “My lord, why don’t you come closer and see it for

The emperor stood up, and though it was highly improper, he walked down the dais to receive the gift.

Lord Jin closed the lid before the Emperor’s hand could touch it, “Of course, such a rare and precious gift, I would like to
personally give it to the queen.”

Zhu Ming frowned, his eyes on the taller man, “My queen is ill. She does not receive guests. I will give it to the queen.”

Lord Jin sighed and looked at Lord Shang, “A pity.” He put the box back into his sleeve. “There is a custom in my country
that we must give the gift to the person who it is meant to be given to. I can not break with that tradition.”

He bowed and made to leave, “My lords, Your majesty.”

Zhu Ming opened his mouth, wanting to call his guards. But commons sense told him that Yue was not powerful enough
to make an enemy of this lord from that powerful country. Not yet.

He gritted his teeth, “Wait.” He glared at the Eunuch. “Tell the queen that I am bringing guests to her pavillion.”

Lord Jin smiled.

The large palaces of the Emperor was famed for its maze of pavilions, the most beautiful of which was the residence of
the queen. The visitors, led by the Emperor himself, entered a garden full of rioting roses and peonies, where lazy vines
climbed grand willow trees. Small, man made streams fed into a babbling brook and a pond which housed a floating
garden surround by blossoming lilies. Around the garden were open walkways where visitors could sit quietly and
contemplate paradise.

Lord Jin whistled, “The Queen to be has beautiful taste.”

One of the accompanying ministers chuckled, “This was all of the Emperor’s doing, he brought the queen flowers of her
homeland and redid this pavilion so that she would not miss home.”

Jin raised an eyebrow, looking at the emperor in the front. A corner of his mouth rose imperceptibly.

As the walked to the magnificent pavilion, a maid hurried out to meet them. She bowed to the party, “Your majesty, the
queen said she will be waiting for you at the Gilded Pavilion.

They followed her until they reached a small pavilion, covered in sheer gold chiffon. A woman sat in the center of the
pagoda, her figure obscured by the fluttering sheer cloth, giving her a dreamlike quality.

The Emperor approached his wife-to-be, “Hua er, I’d like to introduce you to the dignitaries from Shu Le.” The woman
turned to face them.

Shan Ying Lang, or Lord Shan in his magical disguise could not hide his dismay. The vibrant and youthful woman seemed
to have wasted away until she was a shadow of her former self. Had it only been months since they talked? Why did she
look so weak?

She coughed, the hint of blood on her lips giving her a look of sickly beauty, “My lords, you’ll have to forgive me for not
getting up. I am not feeling well today.”

Lord Jin smiled and bowed, “No matter, it is a pleasure to meet one of the most beautiful woman in this realm.”

Hua er did not smile, nor show any hint of interest. She merely nodded and turned to the Emperor, “My lord, what do you
need me for?” Her voice was as cool to him as it was to the strangers.

“They bring a gift, one that can make you better.” The Emperor knelt in front of his queen to be, “Accept it and get well, we
have many years to look forward to, you and I.” He sounded as if he was begging her. Hua Er looked down. Zhu Ming
sighed and got up, he looked meaningfully at Lord Jin.

Lord Jin smiled, “Yes, I have something that the Empress may be very, very interested in. If your majesty permits, I would
like to have a few minutes alone with the Queen.”

The Eunuch beside the emperor frowned, “That is highly improper, Lord Jin.”

Lord Jin bowed, “Forgive me, my lord, but this is the rarest of all medicines. And the proper way to use it has been passed
down my family from father to son. When we give this gift, we can only reveal how to use it to one person. And they must
be sworn to secrecy.”

The Emperor stared at him hard, and then he turned to Hua Er, whose face seemed to waste away faster every day. He
gritted his teeth, “Very well. We will wait for you across the pavillion, where we can see you, but not hear this secret.”

Lord Jin bowed, “The emperor is too kind.”

Emperor Zhu Ming huffed, turning sharply and walking away.

Jin smiled as they left. He cleared his throat, “Little mortals and their games.” With a flick of his finger, his power flew to
the six corners of the pavilion, an invisible barrier grew between them and the outside world.
On the invisible barrier, it showed an image of Lord Jin talking respectfully to Hua, but inside the barrier, Jin had shed his
human disguise. Long hair, untied, hung to his waste. His handsome yet devilish face showed a hint of a smile. His eyes
turned back to that of the trademark gold of the immortals.

Hua Er watched all of this silently, she placed a hand under her chin and pour tea with the other. “So, Lord Jin, are you a
demon or a god?”

Jin smiled, “A little bit of both, actually.” He frowned at her, “You don’t seem surprised.”

Hua Er smiled, “I’ve seen a demon before. Now, It takes a lot to surprised me.” She gestured to the seat opposite of her,
“Please sit. It seems you have business with me.”

Jin eyed her suspiciously, “Aren’t you even slightly in awe of my perfect face?” He touched his face, “I was once called the
most handsome man in heaven and hell. Girls fell over themselves trying to get a glimpse of me.”

Hua Er looked at him for a long time, with a slight frown of someone trying hard to remember something

Jin smiled, “Yes mortal, gaze at my beauty in awe, my presence is a gift that keeps on giv—“

“You talk a lot. ” Hua Er interrupted him, and then her eyes turned sad, “I had a friend who looked a little like you, but he’s

Jin felt as if he was talking to a wall, he muttered under his breath “Perhaps her illness had made her blind and insane.”

He cleared his throat, “Little mortal, I am here to offer you a gift.”

Hua Er shook her head as if to forget the memory, she looked at him once again, “And what do you want in return?”

Jin took a seat beside her, “Who says I want anything from you? Maybe I am a benevolent being who was touched by
your suffering and wanted to offer your a path to immortality as my queen?”

Hua er smiled, “If I was an idiot, I might fall to the ground in ecstatic awe of your favor.” She shrugged, ” But I am not one
for kneeling. The ground is too cold for me.”

“What if I say that I can save your beloved king.” Jin asked as he looked at the lovely woman, “Would you beg me then?”

Hua er took another sip, “No. Whatever quarrel you have with the Emperor, take it up with him.”

Jin scoffed, “And I was told that you cared deeply for Xu Long Hui.”

The delicate jade cup fell from her numb fingers, Hua Er slowly turned the immortal, “What did you say?”

Jin waved his hand, the shattered cup became whole again and flew into his hand “Isn’t that the name of the King of
Dian? Did I stutter?” He brought a small jade bottle, “If you want to save him, I have a way.” He began to put it away, “But
if you don’t care” He started closing the box.

“What do you mean by that?” Hua Er asked sharply, the dismissive tone in her voice was now gone. She gave him her full
attention, “How?”

Jin smiled and held up the jade bottle, inside was a black, inky substance that moved by itself. “This is the Essence of the
Earth Serpent, do you know what the Earth serpent loves to eat?” He leaned in closer, “They love parasites. Like the one
that is sucking the life out of Xu Long Hui.”

Hua Er felt like she had been struck by thunder, and she began to believe Jin. He continued, “You’ve seen it, haven’t you?
The demoness that’s connected to his heart. The thing that’s been killing him for years.”
The immortal smiled, “So, you know about that too. The demoness that is killing Xu Long Hui.” Hua Er nodded, “Years
ago, when we sent the princess away.” Her voice wavered but she continued, “Xu Long Hui borrowed the demoness’s
power. It made the bond between them stronger. Doctor Li says that there is no cure in the world that can save him now.”

Jin shook his head, “Wrong. Ignorant human.” He chuckled, “This is what happens when you don’t live for hundreds of
thousands of years.” He placed the bottle on the table, “This comes from the Origin God Fu Xi’s personal store house, and
possible the last Earth Serpent in this world. It’s the perfect remedy.”

He grinned, “Have you heard of the term, using poison to destroy poison?” He waved the little bottle, “Then this is your

Hua Er frowned, “But if that’s a poison, then wouldn’t it cause harm?”

Jin scoffed, “Of course, but not to your precious Xu Long Hui.” He smiled at her confusion, “If you drink this, then the Earth
Serpent will live in your body, it will come out and kill the demoness when it senses her. But of course, you have to be
close enough to Xu Long Hui for it to find the Demoness.”

Hua Er looked at the little bottle, “And then it kills me?”

“No, no.” Jin corrected her, ” it wants something more valuable than your earthly body.” He waited for his words to sink in
before continuing, “It’ll try to take your soul.”

“My soul?” Hua Er echoed, not quite understanding.

“You humans, always dying and reincarnating. It’s quite a bother. The serpent will try to devour your soul once its eaten
the demoness. But, I will take pity on you.” His eyes held hers.

“If you promise me your soul now, I will make sure that my serpent doesn’t eat it once it’s saved Xu Long Hui. In fact,” Jin
put on his most winning smile, “This is my bargain. Your soul for the cure. How about that?” He held out his hand, “A drop
of your blood to seal the contract.”

“My soul for his life.” Hua Er said softly and then smiled, “I don’t care about my soul. Do what you want with it.” She bit her
finger, a drop of blood emerged, it fell onto Jin’s open palm. The blood glowed gold and became a ruby when it fell into
Jin’s hand.

Jin chuckled holding the little ruby in his palm, “Eager little human, have you thought about what the consequences of
your decision could mean for your future?”

Hua Er looked at the little jewel, glinting int the sunlight, “Do I have a future? I’ve killed the one person I was supposed to
protect. If I can save him, then that will be worth any future I would want.”

Jin shrugged, “Sure.” He tossed her the bottle, “Drink this. And go to your Xu Long Hui” Hua Er looked confused, “What
do I need to do when I meet him?”

Jin sighed, “Do I need to explain to you what happens when a man loves a woman?” Hua Er blushed and Jin laughed,
“Just give him a deep kiss on a night of the full moon. Draw out the demoness, and the serpent will do his work. When it’s
done, I will come for you.”

Jin then placed the box containing the snow lotus on the table, “That serpent will do a lot of damage to your body. Eat this
once the serpent has killed the demoness.” With a wave of his hand, the magic barrier disappeared, he smiled and
bowed, “I hope to hear the good knew of Xu Long Hui’s recovery.”

Hua Er watched as the immortal left. She opened the bottle and tipped the contents into her mouth, “Xu Long Hui, I am
coming for you.” She said softly and stood up, purpose in her eyes, “Hold on.”
Chapter 63 – Good Intentions

A woman stood on the edge of the cliff, her white robes dancing in the winds. She looked off into the distance at the vast
city of Yue that sprawled out in front of her. At the center was a palace that outshone everything else with its gleaming
golden roofs and red walls.

“Home.” A man walked up to stand beside her, Zhuo Hao surveyed the sights, the emotions hidden in his dark eyes. How
long ago has it been since he last came back? When his mother died he made vow that he would never return, but now
he was prepared to take back the kingdom.

Yu Zhu gazed down, it reminded her of a hazy memory of long ago, where a girl ran, dancing down a corridor, her father
laughing as hapless servants chased after her.

A hand reached over and held hers. Lin Yu came over and stood beside her, “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

Yu Zhu shook her head, “No, I was just thinking of foolish things.” She turned to the alcove of trees, “Your men are here.”

“Master Zhuo Hao” A dark shadow flitted down from the sky, “Everything has been prepared for your arrival.” A masked
man knelt in front of the three, and addressed Zhuo Hao with respectful obedience.

Zhuo Hao nodded, “And our troops?”

“They await your orders.” The masked man replied. Zhuo Hao waved a hand and the masked man melted back into the

“Once it’s dark, we’ll head into the city.” Zhuo Hao told the two women, “In two days Hua Er will be marrying my brother.
Her coronation will take place then. We strike the day after.”

Yu Zhu turned around, “Very well.” And walked away.

Lin Yu wanted to go after her but Zhuo Hao grabbed her wrist. She turned around with a questioning look in her eyes.
Zhuo Hao blushed and let go very quickly.

“I…uh…” Zhuo Hao said, his face red, he cleared his throat but choked on his spit and started coughing.

Lin Yu couldn’t help but grin, “It’s a good think your men’s left. We’ve got to protect that image of yours”

Zhuo Hao cleared his throat, “I wanted to ask you a question.” When he didn’t hear a reply, he continued, “Lin Yu, you
know how I feel about you… and if our crazy plan works…I want to make you my Empress.” He took her hand, “I will give
you the world and anything you ever want in this life.”

He took a step closer, “The moment you saved my life, I was yours. I thought this world had nothing left for me. I was a
worthless and useless prince, but you gave me hope. In each of your smiles, laughs, curses, I found strength to go on. I
never wanted a kingdom, I couldn’t care less who was emperor. But if you were my Empress, I would protect you and
everything we build. You are the reason for why I fight for this crown. Give me your hand, and I will give you all that I am
and will be until my last breathe.” He leaned in, “Say yes. Please?”

“Oh.” Lin Yu blinked, she withdrew her hand, “I…uhh…” She looked bewildered, “Zhuo Hao, I—-”

Zhuo Hao continued quickly, “Take your time. Think it over? Don’t answer me now.” With that he rushed a way, the light in
his eyes slightly diminishing. Lin Yu put her hands to her warm face and took a deep breath.

“How sweet.” A cool voice sneered, “But does he know the price of marrying a demon?”

Lin Yu turned around quickly, “Huang Wu.” He leaned against a tree, a derisive smirk on his face, “Have you told him what
you are?”

His dark robes brought out the darkness of his magnetic eyes, he walked closer to her.

“He knows.” Lin Yu said with equal coolness, “I don’t think he cares.” She frowned, “Why are you listening in anyways?
You’ve avoided me this entire trip like I had the plague.”

“So you’ll say yes?” Huang Wu ignored her other question, “Will you repeat the tragedy that was your aunt? Make the
same mistakes that your mother made?” Huang Wu wanted to know, “Will you commit a sin for the sake of love?”

Lin Yu’s face went pale, “How dare you.” She drew out her sword, “You know nothing about me and my family.” Her blade
was an inch from his neck, “You don’t know what I lost.”

Huang Wu took a step towards her, the sword making a thin cut on his throat, “Do you think you are the only one who has
suffered? Do you think no one else has ever felt that burden? An immortal loving a mortal destroys the balance of nature.
They get their tragic and lovely ending that becomes a poem or a song that people sing for thousands of centuries, but
what about the rest of us? Why do we have to suffer because they were selfish? What’s so great about their love that they
have the right to destroy everything?”

The hatred in his eyes seemed to swallow the earth whole. “I know exactly what you lost.”

His face was a mask of savagery as a thin stream of blood drew a line onto her sword as he took another step towards
her, his large hand gripping hers now, “Your aunt’s love destroyed an entire city with a flood. Your mother was a revered
high goddess whose powers were taken away by her betrayal of natural law. How many people did they hurt for love?”

His chest rose in anger, “I wish you understood the price of this love. If you really did, then you would have killed the
mortal on the spot for asking you to marry him.”
Lin Yu’s sword clattered to the ground and she stepped forward, placing a hand on his cheek, “What happened to you?”
Her face was inches from his, “Why won’t you tell me what’s going on?”

Since the death of his father and brothers, he had not felt the warmth of another’s touch. Since the destruction of his
world, he had not seen a glimmer of hope. On his shoulders carried the heavy responsibility of revenge and it was

He leaned into her hand, craving the warmth that had eluded him since everything had turned to dust. His hands
automatically circled her waist, as if trying to hold that modicum of warmth.

Lin Yu leaned her forehead against his, “Why have you avoided me since you got back? Why don’t you tell me what’s

His breath mingled with hers for a moment, her scent threatening his will, eating away at his hatred.

His eyes snapped open and he stepped away, “Don’t.” And walked away.


“Father… I caught a dragonfly!” The ghost of a girl sprinted across the front of the lily pond, her little hands cupping the
creature carefully.

“You little rascal.” The man in a gold dragon robe laughed and patted the child on the head, “Let it go so we can watch it
dance on the lilies.”

The little girl nodded and opened her hand, the little dragon fly flitted into the thick green lily pads.

“Father….” Yu Zhu said softly. In her long and lonely existence, she had forgotten that a man had loved her
unconditionally and raised her with love in the cold and lonely palace. He taught her all she knew and made the cold
palace into a warm home.

Since returning to the mortal world she had not allowed herself to think about the king who had raised her, the man who
had spent his entire life protecting her. He had died without seeing her ever again.

The dragon flies would dance and the lilies would blossom, but the father she knew and loved would never be by her side

“Why are you crying?” A voice called to her.

A man, dressed in the armor of a warrior asked her. She looked up, her hand automatically went to her face. Yu Zhu
looked at the tear on her fingertips in surprise. She had not shed a tear in almost fifty thousand years.

The man walked up to her. Yu Zhu looked him over. He dressed in plain clothes, but it could not hide his strong figure and
commanding air.

The man studied her too. Her eyes were cold, and face impassive. Like those of a goddess statue in the temples of
worship. He stopped an arms length from her.

Yu Zhu touched her own face. The tear had become icy in the cool night.

A white square of linen appeared before her vision, “Here.”

She turned from him, “Thank you, but I don’t need it.”
He sighed and stepped in front of her again, gently he wiped the tear track from her face, “It’s too cold for any part of you
to be wet.” He placed the linen handkerchief in her hand, “If you don’t want anyone to see your tears, it’s better to not
leave traces.”

She frowned, “You are impudent.”

The man grinned, “And good looking.”

There was something about his smile that made her feel like she wasn’t stone. It touched a part of her that had not felt
alive in a long time. He was a head taller than her, “What were you thinking that made you look so sad?”

She thought for a moment and found herself saying, “I always thought that the difference between gods and mortals was
that gods no longer could feel the pain of losing someone. Gods live for so long that all they had to do was to forget.” Yu
Zhu looked at the lily pads in the pond, “I thought I had forgotten.”

“Time can heal wounds but the scar will remain.” The man said, “No one truly forgets or is forgotten, that is the curse of
immortality. Some gods will go to great lengths to forget their past lives and deeds. They become colder than stone.” He
looked into her eyes, “Those gods can destroy the world without a thought.”

Yu Zhu raised an eyebrow, “You sound like you know a lot about Gods and immortality.”

The man grinned, breaking the tension, “I’m an expert on many subjects.” A small smile broke out on her face.

“Remember even if it hurts.” He said softly, ” Remember everything, because it makes you, you.”

He bowed and walked away.

She turned and called after him, “Who are you?”

He waved, “Meng Yi” He grinned, “I’m sure we’ll see each other soon.”


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