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Behavior Analysis: Research and Practice © 2018 American Psychological Association

2018, Vol. 18, No. 3, 288 –304 2372-9414/18/$12.00

Technological Advances in the Experimental Analysis

of Human Behavior

Valdeep Saini and Henry S. Roane

Upstate Medical University

The experimental analysis of human behavior (EAHB) involves the study of basic
operant and respondent phenomena with human subjects and is a well-established
proving ground for exploring behavioral principles and processes that may be difficult
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

to study in applied settings. EAHB has significant implications for the understanding of
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

human behavior in typical environments and could assist in translating findings from
the basic laboratory to areas of social importance. Early research in EAHB relied
heavily on analyzing gross motor responses using cumbrous stimuli and apparatus,
which have both logistic and analytic limitations. Fortunately, the advent of techno-
logical innovation has revolutionized how EAHB can be conducted as well as the future
of these research methodologies. We present a discussion on technology as applied to
EAHB and contrast modern methods to those historically used. We also offer strategies
for how technologies could be incorporated into EAHB research as well as challenges
that the behavioral scientist might encounter when embarking on a technologically
sophisticated EAHB investigation.

Keywords: experimental analysis, humans, operant, technology

The EAHB has a long-standing tradition in ited to the study of purely operant phenomena])
the study of operant behavior. Indeed, Skinner has served as a crucial proving ground for un-
(1938, 1953) noted in The Behavior of Organ- derstanding behavioral principles (e.g., Hake,
isms and further echoed in Science and Human 1982) and has at least three fundamental pur-
Behavior that any natural science of behavior poses. The first is to identify instances of human
might require the study of human behavior un- behavior in which the relations among stimuli,
der well-controlled experimental conditions. responses, and reinforcers appear to resemble
Such study could facilitate an understanding of those studied under the well-controlled condi-
human behavior in the natural world and ulti- tions of the nonhuman animal laboratory (Baron
mately lead to prediction and modification of et al., 1991). The second is to study the behavior
socially meaningful and productive behavior. and cognitions unique to the human subject
Further, it is well established that experimental such as verbal behavior and derived relational
research with humans complements nonhuman responding (Dymond & Critchfield, 2001). The
operant research, exercises in behavioral inter- third is to investigate clinically relevant phe-
pretation, and applied practical application nomenon under well-controlled laboratory con-
(Baron, Perone, & Galizio, 1991). ditions such that basic processes and operant
The EAHB (which is sometimes referred to learning principles that influence treatment out-
colloquially as “human-laboratory” or “human- comes (for which direct study otherwise might
operant” research [although EAHB is not lim- be contraindicated) can be better examined
(Mace & Critchfield, 2010). These latter types
of investigations navigate both basic and ap-
plied behavioral sciences on factors relevant to
This article was published Online First June 21, 2018. clinical practice and evaluate variables or meth-
Valdeep Saini and Henry S. Roane, Department of Pedi- odological refinements to promote transfer of
atrics, Upstate Medical University. research-derived technologies (Lerman, 2003).
Correspondence concerning this article should be ad-
dressed to Valdeep Saini, Department of Pediatrics, Upstate
Human-laboratory studies have been pub-
Medical University, 750 East Adams Street, Syracuse NY lished in basic and applied behavioral research
13210. E-mail: journals since the inception of controlled oper-

ant and respondent research (Dymond & Critch- many aspects of the experimental manipulation
field, 2002; Kangas & Hackenberg, 2009). The including antecedent stimuli, measured re-
EAHB has traversed a number of domains in- sponse forms, reinforcers, and associated con-
cluding behavioral pharmacology (e.g., Branch, tingencies could be streamlined, and at mini-
1991), behavioral persistence (e.g., Dube, mum automated, in a way similar to what is
Ahearn, Lionello-DeNolf, & McIlvane, 2009), conducted in the nonhuman animal laboratory.
choice and stimulus preference (Navarick, The purpose of the present review is to dis-
1982), social and verbal behavior (Critchfield, cuss the methods, apparatus, and stimuli in-
2010), stimulus control (e.g., Buskist & Miller, cluded in EAHB and to document the techno-
1982), and treatment relapse (e.g., Pritchard, logical evolution of human-laboratory research
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

Hoerger, & Mace, 2014). over the decades. We discuss how technology
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

The EAHB has historically focused on direct has allowed more commensurate comparisons
observation of overt responses that are defined to nonhuman animal research and increased
topographically and recorded manually. For ex- EAHB’s social validity and direct relevance to
ample, Roane, Lerman, and Vorndran (2001) practice. We aim to describe how technology
evaluated the reinforcing efficacy of preferred has advanced the mechanics of EAHB and pro-
stimuli under progressive-ratio schedules of re- vide a broad overview of how information and
inforcement wherein the schedule requirement industrial science can be leveraged during these
to earn the reinforcer was systematically in- investigations. Finally, we provide recommen-
creased within an observation period and re- dations and considerations for researchers who
sponding was evaluated in a behavioral eco- wish to pursue EAHB in the 21st century.
nomic framework. For each participant, coarse
locomotive response forms were followed by A Historical Perspective on the Use of
gross reinforcer delivery. Participants were re- Technology in the EAHB (1960 –2000)
quired to press buttons, move switches to dif-
ferent locations, or touch a paper that was taped Computer control, automated data acquisi-
to a table. The experimenter then manually de- tion, and rapid digital analysis have a long his-
livered the reinforcer (e.g., children’s toys) and tory in human-laboratory research and these
manually recorded response occurrences (the methods have increased in sophistication over
dependent measure). Such a reliance on manual the decades. Research in EAHB dates back to as
operations in EAHB may limit the ability to early as the 1960s and the use of technology is
study behavioral principles in a more efficient evident even during this period (e.g., Findley,
(and potentially cost-effective) manner, and 1966; Hefferline & Keenan, 1961; Hutchinson
may inadvertently introduce experimenter influ- & Azrin, 1961). In these studies, the experimen-
ence. tal setting was designed to mimic the arrange-
Although the procedures described in studies ment of the nonhuman animal laboratory, and
like those conducted by Roane et al. (2001) behaviors of interest were observed, measured,
marked an important advancement in EAHB, and recorded in a similar manner (e.g., using
growth in information technology, computer cumulative responses as the primary dependent
science, and machine intelligence marks a new measure). For example, when studying the ef-
frontier for behavioral science and how future fects of response cost on human behavior,
research in EAHB could be conducted (Luiselli Weiner (1962) had subjects sit in an empty
& Fischer, 2016). Technological innovations room and face a screen with different-colored
have permeated the social and medical sciences lightbulbs which would indicate a given contin-
(e.g., advancements in imaging technology), gency. Moreover, Weiner had participants press
and their application to behavioral science levers as the primary response form (similar to
should be no exception. With the advent of basic studies that used rats and pigeons as sub-
computing, storage, Internet, mobile, and vir- jects). However, even during these early exper-
tual technologies, EAHB is ripe for benefitting iments, researchers attempted to take advantage
from these innovations. Indeed, the cumbrous of the technology that was available at the time
studies of EAHB past need not pave the future (e.g., Weiner used switch circuitry to control
for how human behavior is studied under con- when the different lightbulbs would be illumi-
trolled experimental conditions. It is likely that nated).

Greater specialized apparatuses and more fo- pennies), many individuals recruited for EAHB
cused experimental stimuli became prominent studies did not respond in the predicted pattern
as EAHB research advanced (Hyten & Reilly, or did not meet certain “mastery criteria” set
1992). These experiments were in part a product forth by the experimenter (Galizio & Buskist,
of technological advancements in the early 1988).
1970s and 1980s (e.g., Bigelow, Emurian, & The late 1980s also saw a period where ex-
Brady, 1975). These decades were particularly perimenters began disguising the experimental
important for scientific research at large because task in a gamelike environment. Case, Ploog,
they marked the advent of the world’s first and Fantino (1990) were perhaps one of the first
microprocessor, first computer language, first to demonstrate the power of game-based learn-
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

hard-disk drive, and the conception of the In- ing in EAHB investigations when they studied
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

ternet. the extent to which informative and uninforma-

During the 1980s, a number of research prac- tive stimuli controlled observing responses in a
tices in EAHB evolved as a product of both the computer game. These researchers arranged
available technologies at the time and research contingencies of reinforcement for lever press-
advances in operant and respondent condition- ing within the context of a “Star Trek” computer
ing. A gradual shift in research methods in- game. Participants (college students) were re-
cluded (a) studying more naturalistic targets quired to engage in observing responses based
such as reading and artwork compared with on game feedback and subsequently had the
discrete simple responses (e.g., lever presses; opportunity to destroy Klingon invaders. Case
Bernstein, 1988), (b) session durations decreas- and colleagues’ results were consistent with the
ing from long individual sessions to short re- conditioned reinforcement hypothesis and they
peated sessions with short intersession intervals, concluded lever pressing during the Star Trek
and (c) moving away from primary uncondi- game was an appropriate task to address their
tioned reinforcers (e.g., food) to secondary or experimental question.
exchangeable conditioned reinforcers (e.g., to- The technological innovations exploited by
kens for young children, money for adults, Case et al. (1990) and others were designed to
course credit for college students; Galizio & increase participant interest and decrease bore-
Buskist, 1988). dom over the course of the experiment, but they
Programmed stimuli also increased in sophis- also showed that meaningful and systematic
tication by intentionally modifying the nature in data could be obtained from EAHB studies that
which subjects interacted with the experimental relied on complex computer games when game
interface. For example, Anderson, Buskist, and characteristics were adjusted to answer a mean-
Miller (1981) investigated the effects of varying ingful question related to human behavior.
autoshaping and automaintenance schedules on Advances in EAHB depended on innovations
responding in 32 children aged 9 to 11 years and refinements to methodology, which came in
old. They had children sit in front of a wooden large part due to technological advances in the
box with a clown’s face painted on it wherein 1990s and 2000s. As noted by Dymond and
responding on the clown’s nose (illuminated Critchfield (2001, 2002), this era marked a pe-
with a red light bulb) would produce pennies in riod of growth for EAHB with studies related to
the clown’s mouth. Using this interface, they basic principles of reinforcement, punishment,
obtained results consistent with nonhuman ani- and stimulus control increasing steadily
mal studies of autoshaping and automainte- throughout the decade. Despite the large growth
nance. One limitation of many EAHB studies in EAHB over these decades, some researchers
during this period was that individuals could (e.g., Lattal & Perone, 1998) still questioned
interact or otherwise manipulate the reinforcers how experimenters could create functional an-
and stimuli in a manner that interfered with the alogues of the procedures developed in the non-
experimental task (e.g., Anderson et al. (1981) human animal laboratory. Fortunately, one so-
found that some children played with the pen- lution to these concerns is that technological
nies in the clown’s mouth instead of touching innovation has increased the experimenter’s
the clown’s nose). As a result of these adjunc- ability to control and design experiments more
tive behaviors, evoked in part by the experimen- closely in a manner similar to what occurs in
tal arrangement and arranged reinforcers (i.e., basic studies.

Present Applications of Technology in the stuffing envelopes, etc.) and thus required a
EAHB: Existing Trends and number of materials for the completion of the
Recommendations task. In these studies, it is somewhat difficult to
discern the apparatus from the response materi-
The EAHB has evolved markedly since the als, the behavioral task, or the experimental
early studies like those described by Weiner stimuli at large. Although in some cases this
(1962). However, a review of the literature sug- distinction is not necessary, in others it might be
gests that there are a number of recent studies crucial. For example, if the experimenter ar-
that still rely on the technologies available dur- ranges placing blocks into a bucket as a re-
ing those early years as opposed to leveraging sponse form, the subject is given the option to
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

more recent technological advancements (e.g., engage in other responses not relevant to the
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

Boyle, Samaha, Slocum, Hoffmann, & Bloom, experimental question such as stacking the
2016; Glover, Roane, Kadey, & Grow, 2008; blocks or sorting by size and color. That is,
Hoffmann, Samaha, Bloom, & Boyle, 2017; the subject could engage in behavior not rele-
Johnson, Vladescu, Kodak, & Sidener, 2017; vant to the task, at which point the arranged
Kelley, Liddon, Ribeiro, Greif, & Podlesnik, apparatus could be malformed (similar to what
2015; Saini & Fisher, 2016; Trosclair-Lasserre, Anderson et al., 1981 observed in their au-
Lerman, Call, Addison, & Kodak, 2008). In this toshaping experiment). Consequently, other
section, we describe current trends in EAHB as controlling variables may evoke undesired be-
it relates to technology and the methodological havior because the apparatus has allowed for
advantages of using technology in EAHB re- such variation to occur.
search. We suggest that given how commonplace
technology has become in the modern world, an
The Apparatus appropriate apparatus for future EAHB research
is the computer, smartphone, or tablet upon
In nonhuman animal studies of operant be- which the experiment can be executed. It is
havior, experiments are typically conducted conceivable that many of the subjects entering
within the operant chamber (cf., Skinner, 1938). the EAHB laboratory (e.g., college students) are
The operant chamber has many benefits includ- familiar with these apparatuses and require little
ing controlling specifically which stimuli are instruction on how to operate them. Moreover,
presented, where and how they are arranged in when given the experimental task, the apparatus
the chamber, where reinforcers are gathered, can be “locked” in such a way to prevent the
and much of all aspects of the subject’s envi- subject from engaging in any other responses
ronment. Studies involving human subjects are that the apparatus does not permit (e.g., return-
not afforded such a luxury as the experiment is ing to the “home screen”). In this case, the
a temporary moment in time that allows the subject’s behavior and all experimental events
researcher to examine behavior under strict and are recorded and executed by the apparatus
artificial, yet controlled, conditions. That is, tra- much like those of nonhuman animal studies.
ditional EAHB research using human subjects This type of apparatus (i.e., one based on tech-
has had difficulty modifying the subject’s envi- nology as opposed to gross response forms) is
ronment as precisely as nonhuman studies. beneficial because, given some understanding
However, one advancement in this area, which of computer programming, the experimenter
has been a direct result of technological ad- can design exactly how the apparatus is manip-
vances, has been with the apparatus used in ulated and controlled, akin to the nonhuman
contemporary human-laboratory research. That animal laboratory.
is, one benefit from technological advancement Kuroda, Cançado, and Podlesnik (2016) eval-
is that the apparatus can be manipulated in a uated resistance to change and resurgence of
multitude of ways to fulfill the needs of the operant behavior using a computer task. In their
experimenter. study, subjects had to respond on different but-
Previous EAHB research might have relied tons using the computer mouse and the entire
on behavioral tasks that required gross motor task was executed by the computer (e.g., rein-
actions (e.g., placing blocks into buckets, sort- forcer deliveries, change-over delays, stimulus
ing cards, pressing buttons, flipping switches, randomization, etc.). Similarly, Dube, McIl-

vane, Mazzitelli, and McNamara (2003) evalu- operant behavior. Telemetric systems are wired
ated resistance to change in children with intel- or wireless devices that receive and transmit
lectual disabilities and incorporated touch- data over distances (e.g., through radio or ultra-
screen technology into the apparatus and sonic transmission). Active telemetric devices
computer-based gaming into the behavioral have been used in a number of applied applica-
task. In both studies, the use of either a com- tions including meteorology, transportation, ag-
puter-based task or a touchscreen-based task riculture, and law enforcement, among others.
proved to be useful in addressing the research Telemetric devices in EAHB are typically those
question. that can be held by hand, like a tablet, with
Touchscreen technology is becoming in- which the experimenter can manually record
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

creasingly more prevalent in EAHB studies and report occurrences of observed behaviors.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

(e.g., Sweeney et al., 2014) and we suggest that Indeed, Jackson and Dixon (2007) used a type
the future of the apparatus and behavioral task of telemetric device called a “Pocket PC” to
in EAHB research might continue to manifest in collect behavioral data during an assessment of
this form. In fact, a large body of literature in severe problem behavior exhibited by children
EAHB has moved in the direction of using with intellectual disabilities (see also Noldus,
computers as the main response apparatus (Kes- 1991 and Noldus, Trienes, Hendriksen, Jansen,
tner & Peterson, 2017). An ideal behavioral task & Jansen, 2000 for detailed descriptions of the
might be one where subjects interact with the mechanics within telemetric devices used for
apparatus in a game-based format and the pro- behavioral observations and measurement).
grammed contingencies come to control behav- Another alternative to traditional computer-
ior in a manner relevant to the research ques- based apparatuses are the use of accelerometers.
tion. That is, from the subject’s perspective, Motion-sensing devices such as accelerometers
they are simply interacting with a mobile game, are typically designed to detect human move-
but from the experimenter’s perspective, valu- ment and are incorporated into many modern-
able information and data are being gleaned day smartphones. If an experimenter was inter-
from the subject’s interaction with the game. ested in a research question that could be
For example, Bizo, Remington, D’Souza, answered in a human-laboratory preparation
Heighway, and Baston (2002) evaluated the ef- that involved motion, an accelerometer could be
fects of variable-ratio schedules of reinforce- an appropriate technology (e.g., monitoring
ment on responding during a treasure-hunt “healthy behavior” such as daily activity levels;
game on a computer. Dennison, Morrison, Conway, & Yardley,
Additionally, leveraging computer technol- 2013). This type of device has been useful in
ogy by embedding experiments or specific tasks studying physical activity in adults under natu-
into popular video games could be a viable ral conditions and could also be useful in the
method to maintain participant interest (i.e., experimental study of human-laboratory behav-
minimize behavior not related to the experimen- ior (Sasaki, da Silva, da Costa, & John, 2016).
tal task). Although any repetitive task could For example, in EAHB, researchers could use
evoke other nontarget behavior, it is reasonable accelerometers to measure response latency un-
to assume that those apparatuses that incorpo- der varying schedules of reinforcement or ex-
rate video games into their experimental ar- tinction (e.g., reaction time [RT]) such as when
rangement are likely to maintain subjects’ in- reinforcement is contingent on motion within a
terest over the course of the human operant specified time period (i.e., limited hold). Accel-
experiment (assuming there are contingencies erometers with increasingly sensitive detection
of reinforcement programmed into interacting nodes might also be used in studies of response
with the game). shaping to quantify how a given response form
The technological advancement of the appa- changes (in space) when exposed to reinforce-
ratus is not limited only to computers and mo- ment schedules that demand increasingly suc-
bile devices. Other types of technologies used in cessive approximations to a terminal response
applied and practical applications could be use- (e.g., from walking to running).
ful in EAHB. For example, Goodwin, Velicer, One limitation of some telemetric devices
and Intille (2008) have suggested that a telem- and accelerometers is that they might rely on the
etric device could be used to collect data on experimenter for execution and modulation. For

example, an accelerometer might need to be mental question. Had this study been conducted
actively programmed to detect certain motions using physical stimuli (i.e., stimuli that require
during different phases of an experiment (e.g., manual manipulation such as sorting or stacking
reinforcement for climbing vs. reinforcement blocks), a number of these manipulations could
for running) and might not be able to detect not have been implemented (e.g., changing col-
changes in responding as a direct function of the ors, stimuli disappearing and reappearing in dif-
arranged experimental contingency (e.g., rate of ferent locations across phases). Manipulating
running as a function of ratio or interval sched- stimuli and controlling many aspects of the ex-
ules of reinforcement). However, prompting periment in a manner similar to that used by
and feedback (e.g., notifications) with continu- Bolívar et al. (2017) would require some basic
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

ous measurement in the background is possible knowledge of software development and com-
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

with devices such as FitBits or smart watches, puter programming. However, as is evident, this
which could be programmed to measure spe- allows the experimenter to control precisely
cific responses for specified periods of time what occurs and does not occur during the ex-
during phases (e.g., heart rate during rest vs. periment.
during aerobic exercise). Ultimately, telemetric Designing experiments that manipulate ante-
devices and accelerometers might be more ap- cedent stimuli in a manner similar to Bolívar et
propriate used as technologically savvy mea- al. (2017) is only the beginning of how technol-
surement tools instead of experimental appara- ogy could be used in future EAHB studies. That
tuses. is, discriminative stimuli are any environmental
stimuli that reliably evoke behavior due to a
Antecedent Stimuli correlated history of reinforcement. Perhaps the
most interesting technological advancement
The issue of antecedent stimuli is closely pertinent to antecedent and discriminative stim-
related to that of the apparatus. In the nonhuman uli is the future of virtual reality. As virtual
animal laboratory, stimuli have taken a number reality technologies evolve, subjects can inter-
of forms including visual, auditory, and olfac- act with antecedent stimuli in a multitude of
tory cues that acquire discriminative control other ways that could be relevant to EAHB
over a given response. For instance, a rat in an research. Virtual reality could allow the partic-
operant chamber might experience a blue light ipant to be immersed in the experimental task
that evokes pressing a lever or a pungent odor and engage in digital behaviors (e.g., those oc-
that evokes pulling a chain. In early EAHB curring in the virtual world) that could be mea-
research, the discriminative stimuli were those sured and analyzed by the researcher. For ex-
related to the behavioral task (e.g., the sight of ample, the experimenter could evaluate the
a button evoked pressing the button). In tech- effects of different punishment schedules on
nologically sophisticated experiments, the re- digital behaviors which may not otherwise be
sponse materials remain closely tied to the be- possible in current EAHB research due to prac-
havioral task, however, their presence and tical or ethical concerns.
absence can be preprogrammed and automated
in a manner similar to nonhuman laboratory Response Forms and Measurement
Recently, Bolívar, Cox, Barlow, and Dallery The use of nonarbitrary responses (i.e., so-
(2017) evaluated the role of inactive control cially significant behaviors) makes it difficult to
responses during resurgence of human behav- control the history of reinforcement for the tar-
ior. In their study, the antecedent stimuli were get response, therefore, EAHB experiments
three colored circles on a computer screen that have typically relied on the use of arbitrary
provided different consequences when selected. response forms (Mace & Critchfield, 2010).
Across conditions, the location of those stimuli Technological advances have made a large im-
was purposefully randomized. Additionally, pact on which response forms are included dur-
there was a scoreboard that accumulated points ing EAHB research and the manner in which
for correct responding. In this study, all ante- they are measured. As previously mentioned,
cedent stimuli were purposefully manipulated prior EAHB research has relied on gross-motor
and carefully calibrated specific to the experi- responses that have analyzed the effects of pre-

arranged contingencies on those responses. Tapp et al. (2006) collected behavioral data
However, with the growth of technology in be- using computer software and paper-and-pencil
havioral science, and in EAHB in particular, the on a fixed-time schedule. They found that the
measured response has become more focused computerized method took less time to collect
over time. and produced more accurate data relative to the
In nonhuman animal research, the response is nondigital counterpart. Note that although Tapp
typically a lever-press (when rats are subjects) et al. (2006) produced this outcome, their data
or a key-peck (when pigeons are subjects). The collection software was mediated by the exper-
experiment and arranged contingencies are de- imenter and collected by an observer (see also
signed to observe changes on these relatively Bullock, Fisher, & Hagopian, 2017). What we
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

simple response forms. In EAHB research using recommend is a system in which data are col-
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

computers and tablets as the apparatus, the re- lected by the computer itself such that the end of
sponse has typically taken the form of a mouse- the experiment could produce a simple sum-
click selection or a fine-motor screen selection mary table of how the subject responded in real
(e.g., touch response), respectively (e.g., Ro- time. This strategy is likely to minimize ob-
mano & St. Peter, 2017). Consistent with his- server bias or data collection errors that com-
torical traditions in EAHB, researchers continue monly occur when data are collected by inde-
to be interested in the effects of operant contin- pendent observers (Watkins & Pacheco, 2000).
gencies on relatively simple responses, similar Technological advances have allowed re-
to the nonhuman laboratory. For instance, Ras- searchers to measure dimensions of behavior
mussen and Newland (2008) evaluated the ef- other than (or in addition) to rate, which was
fects of reinforcement and punishment under commonly done in early EAHB research. For
concurrent variable interval schedules of mon- example, Alessandri and Cançado (2017) eval-
etary reinforcement. They evaluated choice re- uated the effects of instructions on the sensitiv-
sponding and applied the matching law to their ity of negatively reinforced behavior using a
data which all measured simple mouse clicks on human-laboratory framework. Interestingly,
a computer. These types of responses have be- they used force load cells to measure the
come abundant over the years in EAHB re- amount of force participants were exerting on
search and will likely continue to perpetuate in the experimental task. They then used this in-
the future. formation to design the subsequent portion of
Using response forms based on technology their study, involving escape from exerting
are presupposed on the notion that the subject force. This type of technology could also be
has a preexperimental history with the apparatus used in studies of resurgence or extinction ef-
and can respond appropriately with little to no fects that aim to examine the magnitude of a
training. Therefore, these types of responses given response. For example, it is well docu-
may not be appropriate for EAHB research that mented that resurgence is defined by an increase
includes subjects with impaired decision- in response rate of a target response; however, it
making skills (however, see Sweeney et al., is unknown at what magnitude a given response
2014 and Dube, Thompson, Silveira, & Nevin, resurges. With load cells, a researcher could
2017 who included children with intellectual examine both rate and force of a given response
disabilities as participants that responded using during tests for resurgence.
touchscreen computer tasks). It is evident that technology has allowed
An additional consideration related to the re- EAHB researchers to evaluate different types of
sponse form is measurement. We suggest, like responses (e.g., screen touches during a game
many other aspects of the experiment, that mea- vs. button presses on a wooden clown’s nose) as
suring the target response be automated and well as control what dimensions of the response
programmed into the apparatus. Using com- are measured (e.g., using accelerometers to
puter software that collects and analyzes data in measure motion and load cells to measure force/
an ongoing (real time) manner is an efficient magnitude). It is possible that future develop-
strategy for data collection compared with tra- ments could impact how other aspects of re-
ditional pen-and-paper techniques that domi- sponding are treated (e.g., using motion-capture
nated the early years of EAHB research technology to get precise information on inter-
(Sidener, Shabani, & Carr, 2004). response times or duration of a given task).

Reinforcer Mediation Kangas and Hackenberg (2009) provided a

detailed analysis of various reinforcement
Studies using pigeons and rats as subjects methods used in EAHB. Based on their results,
arrange automated reinforcer delivery by pro- the historical precedent of using powerful, arbi-
gramming desired schedules of reinforcement trary, and externally arranged reinforcers is ev-
into the experimental chamber. That is, the ap- ident. Commonly used reinforcers included the
paratus controls all experimental events and the use of immediately consumable goods such as
experimenter must simply prevent mechanical food or liquids as a primary reinforcer (i.e.,
failure. This method increases the rapidity with
edible items), the use of a conditioned rein-
which rats learn the associated contingency be-
forcer that could be accumulated and later ex-
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

tween responding and reinforcers at a rate

changed for other primary or conditioned rein-
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

greater than manual or “hand-shaped” rein-

forcement (Baum, 1965). Although previous forcers (i.e., tokens), and the use of access to
technologies did not allow for similar automa- games or leisure activities as a reinforcer (typ-
tion in EAHB (or at least more efficiently than ically used with children). Some human-
the methods used in the 1990s), recently, exper- laboratory studies have even used hypothetical
imenters have begun using computer program- rewards in the study of operant effects on be-
ming techniques to incorporate reinforcement havior (e.g., Rachlin, Raineri, & Cross, 1991).
into the behavioral task. The use of points during a behavioral task as
Previous studies of human-laboratory behav- a commonly arranged reinforcer has begun
ior typically arrange reinforcers that are not tied steadily increasing over the decades. Using
to the response but instead follow the response.1 points as a reinforcer during an EAHB task
That is, the delivery of the reinforcer is medi- typically entails the use of an analog or digital
ated by another individual, typically the exper- counter that advances in relation to some oper-
imenter, who injects themselves into the exper- ant response. This method provides an exem-
imental situation in order to reinforce a given plary case of EAHB benefitting from technol-
response (e.g., Saini & Fisher, 2016). This al- ogy because the reinforcer is digitally
lows the experimenter to control when the re- embedded into the task software and external,
inforcer is and is not delivered, better arrange experimenter arranged or delivered reinforcers
the environmental conditions that lead to the might be unnecessary. Using humans as sub-
reinforcer, and to arrange various schedule re- jects, Doolan and Bizo (2013) reinforced behav-
quirements more easily. Although this method ioral variability when subjects were learning a
has proven vastly successful in nonhuman ani- six-digit target sequence. Subjects responded on
mal studies and studies in applied practice,
a computer screen wherein points on the screen
EAHB studies might benefit from an arrange-
were accumulated for engaging in varied re-
ment where the reinforcer is uniquely tied to the
behavioral task and scheduled delivery of said sponding (i.e., a different sequence of digits
reinforcer is automated. This strategy could po- than a target sequence). Doolan and Bizo (2013)
tentially reduce procedural fidelity errors (e.g., found that points were an effective reinforcer
failing to deliver the reinforcer when prescribed for behavioral variability, and the researchers
or delivering it when not prescribed) by provid- did not need to rely on intervening during the
ing reinforcers in a more consistent manner task to deliver an externally arranged reinforcer
(Whalen, Liden, Ingersoll, Dallaire, & Liden, (i.e., one that was not embedded within the
2006). In fact, when reinforcer delivery is au- experiment).
tomated, procedural fidelity is likely a moot
issue, as fidelity is (most often) a measure of 1
In this case, “tied to” refers a strict temporal contiguity
how accurately human interventionists imple- between the response and reinforcer. Studies involving hu-
ment the procedures of the experiment (e.g., man subjects often attempt to empirically derive preferred
delivering the prescribed consequences at the stimuli that function as reinforcers, which are then manually
correct time). If reinforcer delivery was auto- delivered by an experimenter. This can result in varied
temporal contiguity between response and reinforcer. In
mated and controlled by a computer, there those cases, the reinforcer is “tied to” the response in the
would be no need to measure procedural fidel- sense that it has been empirically shown to maintain the
ity. response it follows.

Alternative to points, the experimenter could improve many aspects of EAHB experiments in
arrange reinforcers that have greater relevance the future. In particular, there are areas that are
to the behavioral task (i.e., the operandum itself considerably exciting which could shape the
modulates and delivers consequences for re- next generation of EAHB research including
sponding). For example, Sweeney et al. (2014) virtual reality, machine intelligence, and robot-
evaluated the effects of analogue sensory rein- ics. These innovations could increase the rele-
forcers on behavioral persistence in a task that vance of EAHB to practical applications and
included touchscreen technology to emit re- behavioral interventions.
sponses. The experimental stimuli presented on
the touchscreen monitor were colored shapes Virtual and Augmented Reality
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

(e.g., blue squares, red circles) that would “pop”

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

(i.e., burst and make a noise) when selected. Virtual reality allows participants to experi-
Additionally, selecting the correct shape pro- ence nonexistent events through computers. As
duced digital fireworks that filled the screen for described above, virtual reality is particularly
3 s and produced a chime sound. The experi- interesting with respect to manipulating envi-
menters conceptualized the use of fireworks and ronmental stimuli and it could allow the exper-
sound as a sensory reinforcer that was digitally imenter to answer questions or solve real-world
embedded into the behavioral task (i.e., the re- problems that might not otherwise be possible
inforcer of popping shapes was relevant to the in a real-world setting. For example, one of the
response of touching shapes on a screen). They defining characteristics of autism spectrum dis-
found results consistent with their predictions order (ASD) is that children avoid social inter-
when using this method (i.e., the presence of actions and have a difficult time with social
analogue sensory reinforcers increased behav- reciprocity. In a virtual reality preparation, an
ioral persistence). This strategy of embedded EAHB researcher could systematically attempt
reinforcement or “digital rewards” is what much to determine the variables that contribute to this
of mobile gaming technology is based upon and behavioral expression by introducing social el-
may be a particularly valuable reinforcer for ements to the environment. In an applied adap-
children (Kiili, 2005; Ronimus, Kujala, Tolva- tation of this concept, the experimenter could
nen, & Lyytinen, 2014; see also Hoffmann et teach children social skills with specifically pro-
al., 2017). grammed virtual characters and then study the
Kangas and Hackenberg (2009) suggest that extent to which those skills generalize to real-
in some cases digitally programmed reinforcers world individuals.
must be followed by monetary rewards to main- Likewise, virtual reality technologies could
tain behavior. Indeed, rewards in mobile gam- be used to understand the development of be-
ing technology are often exchangeable for real- havioral aversions or phobias (Garcia-Palacios,
world goods. Given the success of digital Hoffman, Carlin, Furness, & Botella, 2002; Par-
reinforcers in real-world environments, their in- sons & Rizzo, 2008). For example, virtual real-
corporation into behavioral science (and EAHB ity could assist with understanding which, if
in particular) appears highly relevant. For ex- any, schedules of punishment or extinction are
ample, following an experiment the participant involved in aversion learning. In this case, the
can “trade in” their points for prizes based on experimenter could control the virtual reality
the number of points earned. This could also and systematically evaluate uniquely human be-
incentivize participants to engage in behavior havioral patterns such as phobias. Similarly, an
that is likely going to produce reinforcement. applied investigation using virtual technology
could use systematic desensitization procedures
Future Directions and Applications of to expose participants to phobic stimuli progres-
Technology in the EAHB: Relevance to sively before they encounter a real-world event
Behavioral Interventions that historically produces escape behavior (e.g.,
creating a virtual dentist’s office before a child
Technology is certainly an important aspect has a dentist appointment; Raghav et al., 2016).
of EAHB research as evidenced by its use Augmented realities interject virtual objects
throughout the decades. Growth in information into the real-world environment. That is, an
technology and related fields could continue to experimenter develops a virtual object (e.g., a

spider for individuals who suffer from arachno- problem solving, decision making, concept for-
phobia) and places it into the typical environ- mation). The emerging fields of artificial intel-
ment. The use of augmented realities is advan- ligence and robotics could have implications for
tageous for EAHB because they create a how future EAHB studies are conducted. For
laboratory setting that combines both virtual example, Kazemi and Stedman-Falls (2016)
and real aspects, allowing the researcher to suggested that robots could serve as effective
study uniquely human phenomenon that patient simulators during behavioral assess-
wouldn’t be possible in either a solely virtual ments and that the use of robots during assess-
setting or a completely natural setting (e.g., ment was rated favorably by participants. In-
exposure to fearful stimuli in the natural envi- deed, if robots could serve as patient simulators,
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

ronment without any risk of harm, or a social this could have long-lasting implications for
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

interaction with a stranger for children with EAHB (e.g., studying side effects of extinction
ASD). of a robot programmed to engage in analogue
Likewise, one could also leverage 3D print- problem behavior instead of using actual pa-
ing to help transfer elements of the virtual real- tients who engage in problem behavior could
ity to the real world. In this case, stimuli are not minimize risk of harm during the course of the
“virtual” in the sense that they are nonexistent experiment).
and cannot be directly interacted with, but in- When training new staff or research assistants
stead are real, tangible objects that can be ma- on how to interact with patients, one could first
nipulated (e.g., a 3D printed plastic spider). The learn the requisite skills with an artificially in-
advent of augmented reality, as well as 3D telligent robot prior to interacting with real in-
printing, allow the behavioral scientist to work dividuals. This could minimize errors in deliv-
within a “virtual environment.” A virtual envi- ering behavioral interventions and potentially
ronment is one where contrived or developed be more efficient than “learning on the job.” For
stimuli are embedded into the real world and example, a functional analysis is a commonly
contain both virtual and existing stimuli. For used assessment procedure designed to deter-
example, a response lever designed in a virtual mine the environmental variables that evoke
reality EAHB experiment could be 3D printed if and maintain severe challenging behavior in
the experimenter was interested in nonvirtual children with ASD (Hanley, Iwata, & McCord,
responses on the lever as well. However, given 2003). Implementing functional analysis proce-
that both virtual reality and 3D printing are dures could be difficult for untrained individu-
relatively new technologies, the conditions un- als; however, if a robot could simulate child
der which these technologies would be most behavior, a new therapist or staff member could
valuable to an EAHB researcher will be dictated practice implementing functional analysis pro-
by future research. cedures prior to conducting actual assessment
The application of virtual reality is somewhat sessions. This type of logic, wherein intelligent
limitless when one considers the number of machines are used as patient simulators, could
experimental questions that cannot be answered be applied to a wide range of behavioral assess-
in a real-world setting but could be answered ments.
virtually. Not only does this have relevance to Similar to virtual reality, intelligent robots
EAHB but also helps translate EAHB findings could also be used to teach functional skills to
to potentially more applied investigations or individuals with social deficits. For instance, if
behavioral interventions. a child with ASD has difficulty interacting with
others socially, a robot could be used as the first
Artificial Intelligence and Robotics step in a training program to develop those
skills. Once the child has learned the requisite
Artificial intelligence is a subfield within skills with the intelligent machine (e.g., greet-
computer science that is closely linked to robot- ings, eye contact, turn taking, asking about oth-
ics. The goal of artificial intelligence is to en- ers), an individual relevant to that child’s life
able the development of computers that are able can be introduced to assess for generalization.
to complete tasks typically done by people (i.e., Indeed, there is some preliminary evidence to
so-called “androids”). These activities are often suggest that robotics can be leveraged to assist
associated with complex human behavior (e.g., with teaching social-emotional skills to individ-

uals with ASD (Tennyson, Kuester, Casteel, & novel experiments and studying complex be-
Nikolopoulos, 2016; Toh, Causo, Tzuo, Chen, havioral relations that were otherwise elusive, it
& Yeo, 2016; however, see Begum, Serna, & is possible that a moral barrier exists that would
Yanco, 2016). implicate certain components of virtual experi-
ments as unethical (e.g., trauma or anxiety from
Unexplored Frontiers experiencing a virtually aversive event or con-
tingent high magnitude punishers for virtual
The EAHB has a long-standing tradition of responses that could carry over into real-world
taking advantage of the current technologies to settings). Therefore, we recommend that all
study human behavior. Although virtual reality, EAHB research (virtual or otherwise) continue
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

augmented reality, 3D printing, robotics, and to adhere to best practice guidelines and ethical
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

artificial intelligence and promising and emerg- standards for behavioral research.
ing technologies that have begun being incor-
porated into behavioral research, EAHB (and Challenges to Using Modern Technologies
perhaps behavior analysis more broadly) ap- in the EAHB
pears to be lagging behind in its use of auto-
mated (and virtual) environments to investigate Perhaps the biggest challenge to incorporat-
complex human behavior compared with other ing technology into EAHB research comes at
fields of science (e.g., Tarr & Warren, 2002). It the forefront. Developing a technologically de-
appears as though EAHB is at a turning point pendent EAHB experiment that functions au-
where researchers now have the tools to study tonomously would require some basic knowl-
behavioral relations and phenomena that were edge of computer hardware and software
not previously possible. development. However, taking the time to learn
One possible avenue of future research is the basics of these domains could have poten-
studying the development of complex human tially fruitful outcomes and aid in the study of
interactions by creating a virtual environment human-laboratory behavior. A number of free
where the behaviors of many subjects can be alternatives to learn these methods exist such as
studied simultaneously. Historically, behavioral video tutorials on YouTube as well as training
research has relied on studying the behavior of websites (e.g., Codecademy, Linda; see also
one individual at a time and analyzing changes Lionello-DeNolf & McIlvane, 2003).
in each single subject. However, with virtual Many of the commonly used applications by
environments EAHB researchers can study the behavioral researchers can be programmed or
development of language and cognition among modified in some manner. Microsoft Excel, for
several interactions between individuals (e.g., example, allows the user to create simple mac-
how verbal behavior develops through interac- ros to aid in modifying and working with
tion with a community of listeners). These vir- spreadsheets. Many Adobe products such as
tual environments might not even require par- Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, and
ticipants to visit a laboratory setting if the Adobe After Effects can be automated using
virtual world could be accessed through the JavaScript programming. Apple’s macOS oper-
Internet. Such a system, that includes automated ating system also allows the experimenter to
data collection, could have thousands of users automate some of the features of the computer’s
participating in an experiment simultaneously software using JavaScript. There are likely
from their personal computers and their behav- some applications used by the EAHB scientist
ioral data could be transmitted to the experi- that, if learned to program, could help in devel-
menter’s laboratory over the Internet. oping experiments in a better and more efficient
Unexplored frontiers will undoubtedly raise manner.
ethical questions for how technology is used in Programming an application that executes an
EAHB research. However, experimenters must experiment can be considered a form of prob-
ultimately be held account and held responsible lem solving. One hurdle that must be overcome
for how technologies such as virtual and aug- when learning programming is determining
mented realties are leveraged during the course which “language” is most appropriate for the
of a study. Although the advancement of tech- researcher’s goals. A programming language is
nology has certainly been helpful in creating a formal set of codes designed to communicate

instructions to a computer. There are hundreds some researchers. Unfortunately, many of the
of languages that have been developed since the necessary technologies needed to conduct a
inception of computing. If behavioral research- sound EAHB experiment can be costly. For
ers plan to incorporate technology into their example, the hardware required to develop the
experiments, we recommend the use of object- experiment, the apparatus which executes the
oriented programming languages. Object- experiment, and the software that programs
oriented languages are programming languages the experiment could exceed the laboratory’s
that are organized around objects (e.g., stimuli budget. In addition, the experimenter must con-
on a screen) rather than “actions” (e.g., when X sider recurring costs associated with hardware
occurs, do Y), and data rather than logic. An calibration, malfunctioning applications, exper-
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

experiment can then be viewed as a logical imental “bugs,” and maintenance. Therefore,
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

procedure that takes input data (e.g., a re- upholding a EAHB laboratory of technological
sponse), processes it, and produces output data sophistication might require internal or external
(e.g., a consequence). Object-oriented lan- funding to deal with these costs. Although
guages (e.g., Swift, Objective-C) are also more EAHB research has benefitted greatly from
intuitively applicable to behavioral research be- technological advances, we recommend exer-
cause they allow the experimenter to visually cising caution when considering whether and
assess the screen interface in a storyboard like which technologies are needed to answer a
format. Although recommending a specific pro- given research question.
gramming language for EAHB research is dif-
ficult because it is wholly dependent upon the Conclusion
experiment and research question, a number of
investigators have written practical guides for The EAHB has numerous benefits to the
learning programming basics suitable for be- study of operant behavior including evaluating
havioral research (e.g., Cabello, Barnes- interspecies generality, examining operants
Holmes, O’Hora, & Stewart, 2002; MacLin, unique to humans such as verbal behavior, and
Dixon, & Jackson, 2007). However, for the determining the underlying processes influenc-
novice programmer, there exists a growing li- ing outcomes in applied practice. In line with
brary of tools available to researchers (behav- the third purpose of EAHB described above,
ioral scientists and otherwise) that provide an findings from human-laboratory studies may ul-
introduction to using advanced technologies timately help inform behavioral interventions
without the need for a sophisticated background for individuals with behavioral health needs
in computer programming (e.g., ResearchKit, (Deitz, 1987; Lerman, 2003). Human-labora-
ARKit, and CoreML offered by Apple; Tensor- tory studies are important because the variables
Flow offered by Google). affecting operant behavior that have direct prac-
A second challenge is the necessary resources tical relevance can be studied without putting
required to complete EAHB studies that rely individuals at risk, which might occur in the
considerably on technology for their execution. typical environment. Moreover, the histories
EAHB requires sufficient laboratory space and a and schedules of reinforcement can be con-
method of continuous funds to support a hu- trolled more easily than in the typical environ-
man-operant laboratory. Laboratory space is ment (Sweeney & Shahan, 2016; Wanchisen &
needed to ensure experiments are conducted in Tatham, 1991), which could result in more con-
a quiet, distraction-free environment. That is, fident assertions about experimental results.
although the experiment might take place on a As one might predict, the use of technology
mobile device such as a tablet computer, the could also be useful in behavioral interventions,
experiment will take place in a larger context and we refer readers to Cohen and Rozenblat
which should also be well controlled. Like all (2015) for a review on technological advances
behavioral research, extraneous influences in applied behavior analysis. We echo the sen-
should be prevented from interacting with the timents offered by those authors when consid-
dependent variable of interest. ering the future of EAHB research. Namely,
In terms of funding, incorporating technology relative to antiquated methods and procedures,
and purchasing equipment for the EAHB labo- leveraging technologies to advance behavioral
ratory might come with a financial burden for science applications has many advantages in-

cluding (a) the ability to collect a greater pro- and tablet computers allowed the computer to
portion of data, (b) measurement that is less accompany the individual. Attending to how
intrusive and more intuitive to use, (c) possible EAHB research has evolved over the decades,
increases in methodological efficiency, (d) one can easily find exemplars of how each of
greater reliability in measures, (e) greater accu- these three technologies were, and continue to
racy under typical environment conditions, and be, incorporated into research. It is possible that
(f) offers the scientist greater degrees of free- the fourth iteration of computing, including vir-
dom when preparing the experimental condi- tual reality, robotics, and others (e.g., self-
tions. In addition, EAHB research also benefits driving cars), marks the next frontier of EAHB
from technology when developing the response research. Some researchers have already begun
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

apparatus, in the execution of the experiment, in demonstrating the unique application and ad-
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

moderating reinforcer delivery during the vantages of such technological advancements

course of the study, and most all other aspects (e.g., Kazemi & Stedman-Falls, 2016; North &
of the behavioral task. In this sense, technolog- North, 2016; Pritchard, 2010). To date, EAHB
ical advances in EAHB have allowed for greater and technological advancements have sustained
similarity between nonhuman animal studies a steady relationship, and we believe that fur-
and those of human-laboratory behavior. ther advances will continue to be leveraged to
Although we advocate for the use of technol- improve EAHB research. In doing so, the study
ogy in EAHB so the behavioral scientist can be of human-laboratory behavior will likely be
afforded some of the luxuries available in the more precise, efficient, and allow for the inves-
nonhuman animal laboratory, doing could come tigation of experimental questions that were
at a cost in some circumstances. For instance, previously elusive.
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