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CNC Mill
Beginning, Advanced, Comprehensive Levels
Module Guide

Edition 2

Fourth Printing, September 2007

Copyright 2005 Lab-Volt Systems, Inc.

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or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopied, recorded, or
otherwise, without prior written permission from Lab-Volt Systems, Inc.

Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a
commitment on the part of Lab-Volt Systems, Inc. The multimedia Tech-Design software and
other materials described in this document are furnished under a license agreement or a
nondisclosure agreement. The software may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms
of the agreement.

ISBN 978-0-86657-808-0

Lab-Volt® and Tech-Design® are registered trademarks of Lab-Volt Systems, Inc.

WindowsTM is a trademark of Microsoft Corp.

Fabricus is a registered trademark of Cameleon, Inc.

Lab-Volt CNC Mill software is a product of Lab-Volt Systems, Inc. Copyright© 2001-2005.

All other trademarks belong to their respective owners.

Edition 2
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CNC Mill Table of Contents

Beginning Level............................................................................................................. 1
Lesson 2, Running the Mill .......................................................................................... 1
Lesson 3, CAD Software ............................................................................................. 9
Lesson 4, Design Modification ................................................................................... 16
Lesson 5, A New Part ................................................................................................ 27
Lesson 6, Completing the New Part .......................................................................... 38
Advanced Level ........................................................................................................... 51
Lesson 1, Software Review ....................................................................................... 51
Lesson 2, CNC Mill Practice ...................................................................................... 60
Lesson 2, Design Features........................................................................................ 63
Lesson 3, Program Instructions ................................................................................. 74
Lesson 4, Milling the Emulated Part .......................................................................... 80
Lesson 5, Subroutines and Loops ............................................................................. 86
Lesson 6, Manufacturing Issues ................................................................................ 94
Lesson 7, Complex Designs and Debugging ............................................................. 97
Lesson 8, The Final Part.......................................................................................... 117
Comprehensive Level ............................................................................................... 123
Lesson 2, Running the Mill ...................................................................................... 123
Lesson 3, CAD Software ......................................................................................... 131
Lesson 4, Design Modification ................................................................................. 138
Lesson 5, A New Part .............................................................................................. 149
Lesson 6, Completing the New Part ........................................................................ 161
Lesson 7, Design and Programming Features ........................................................ 175
Lesson 8, Manufacturing Issues .............................................................................. 191
Lesson 9, Complex Designs and Debugging ........................................................... 197
Lesson 10, The Final Part........................................................................................ 217
Independent Study Activity ...................................................................................... 223

Appendices................................................................................................................ 225
Appendix A – CNC Mill Safety Precautions ............................................................. 225
Safety Precautions ............................................................................................... 225
Appendix B – Preparing the Workpiece, Tool, and Mill............................................ 226
Appendix C – Downloading and Executing a PART Program.................................. 228
Appendix D – CNC Mill Software G & M Codes....................................................... 231
Appendix E - How to Make a Tool Change.............................................................. 233

Module Guide i
CNC Mill Table of Contents

ii Module Guide
CNC Mill Directions


Lesson 2, Running the Mill

The CNC Mill software should be on your screen. If it is not, click on the Application
Launch button and select the CNC Mill software.

You will use the CNC Mill software and the CNC Mill to manufacture a sample part.

Compile and Emulate

1. On the main menu, select File, then Open.

2. Using the Look in: box, locate the directory C:\Program Files\Lab-
Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400 on your computer.

3. Select the file "gear.m5" and click the Open button. The file should be displayed in
the Line Editor window as shown in Figure 2-A.

Figure 2-A

Module Guide 1
CNC Mill Directions

4. On the main menu, select Mill, then Emulate. The CNC Mill software will perform the
compile step. The Compiling dialog box should appear as shown in Figure 2-B.

Figure 2-B

5. Click on OK to close the Compiling dialog box. The Mill 3D Emulator window should
open automatically as shown in Figure 2-C.

Figure 2-C

6. In the View palette, click on the Oblique view button to show a 3-dimensional display
of the emulation as shown in Figure 2-D.

Figure 2-D

2 Module Guide
CNC Mill Directions

7. To start the emulation of the program, click on the Start simulation

button (green arrow icon) in the upper left-hand area of the Control
palette, shown in Figure 2-E. The Line Editor window will scroll
through the program code as the emulation processes.
Figure 2-E

NOTE: The other buttons in the Control window area can be

used to direct the emulation process. The Step simulation
button (blue icon) is used to perform the emulation,
instruction by instruction. The Pause simulation button (red
icon) pauses the simulation. The Reset simulation button
(yellow icon) resets the simulation to the start of the

8. The emulation will run to completion. The Code box at the top of the window will
indicate a value of "M30" when the emulation is complete. It should appear as shown
in Figure 2-F.

Figure 2-F

9. You will need to obtain your instructor's approval to continue.

• Review all of the safety procedures in Appendix A of this Guide.
• Obtain a copy of the Activity Approval form from your instructor.
• Fill in the required information and sign the form.
• Have your instructor sign the approval form.

Module Guide 3
CNC Mill Directions

Preparing the Workpiece

Make sure that you are wearing safety goggles before proceeding with the preparation
of the workpiece. The workpiece you will be using for this exercise is wax with
dimensions of 2.0 in. x 2.0 in. x 0.5 in. (5.08 cm x 5.08 cm x 1.27 cm)

1. Use the power switch on the left side of the mill to turn it on.

2. Open the safety door.

3. Clamp a wax piece of 2" x 2" x .5" (5.08 cm x 5.08 cm x 1.27 cm) into the vise. Make
sure that it is secure and level. Half of the workpiece should be above the top of the
vise. The workpiece should be flush, or lie flat, against both jaws of the vise as
shown in Figure 2-G. Use the machinist rule or a ruler to check the positioning.

Figure 2-G

4 Module Guide
CNC Mill Directions

Preparing the Tool and Mill

Make sure that your safety goggles are on before proceeding with the preparation of the
tool and the mill.

You must load the correct tool and position it at the PRZ (Program Reference Zero).
Using the X-Y-Z coordinate system, this is the location where all three axes meet, or

1. If it is not already in place, load a 1/8" (.3175 cm) end mill into the
spindle. (If necessary, loosen the small screw in the side of the
spindle with an Allen wrench. After inserting the cutter, secure it by
tightening the screw.) See Figure 2-H.

2. Close the safety door.

3. If locked, unlock the EMERGENCY STOP button and remove the

Figure 2-H

4. When you are ready to position the end mill on the front left edge of the workpiece
press MAIN MENU on the CNC Mill control panel. The choices displayed should be
Manual, Remote Serial, and Remote Ethernet.

5. Use the +Z and -Z keys of the control panel keypad to position the cursor next to
Manual, then press ENTER.

6. Using the +X, -X, +Z, -Z, +Y, and -Y keys of the control panel keypad, position the
center of the 1/8" (.3175 cm) end mill on the left front corner edge of the workpiece.

7. Open the safety door and cover the workpiece with a 2-inch (5.08 cm) square piece
of notebook paper. Close the safety door. Using the +Z and -Z keys, position the end
of the cutter onto the top of the paper-covered workpiece, adjusting it so that the
cutter is touching the paper, but the paper can be pulled free without ripping.
Remove the paper.

8. On the control panel keypad, press ZERO twice to set the PRZ for the current
position. Then press +Z to raise the tool. Press the ESC key on the control panel to
return to the Main Menu.

Module Guide 5
CNC Mill Directions

Downloading a PART Program

The program has been compiled and emulated correctly. The workpiece is secure in the
vise. The desired tool is loaded in the spindle. The PRZ is set. Now it is time to
download the PART program.

1. The Main Menu should be displayed on the mill's control panel. If it is not, press the
MAIN MENU key. The choices displayed should be Manual, Remote Serial, and
Remote Ethernet. Use the –Z key of the control panel keypad to position the cursor
at Remote Serial. Then press ENTER.

The mill's display should now read:

Ready to Download

<Esc> Abort

2. In order to download your program, the Mill 3D Emulator cannot be the active
window in the CNC Mill software. If it is still the active window in the CNC Mill
software, you can
a. Click inside the Line Editor window to make it the active window. OR
b. Close the Mill 3D Emulator by clicking the X in the upper right-hand corner of the
window. This will automatically make the Line Editor the active window.

NOTE: It is a good idea to leave the emulation open. You

may want to compare the tooled part to the emulation output.

3. In the CNC Mill software, select Mill, then Download Program via Serial port. This
should open the dialog box as shown in Figure 2-I.

Figure 2-I

6 Module Guide
CNC Mill Directions

4. Click on the Download button to start the download of your PART program to the
a. The "Progress" section of the dialog box is updated while the download takes
b. The CNC Mill's control panel displays a rotating cursor. This indicates that your
PART program is being downloaded.

NOTE: If you receive an error in the Last Error field in the

dialog box or on the CNC Mill's control panel during the
download processing, contact your instructor for help.

5. The download of your PART program is complete when

a. The Last Error field in the dialog box indicates "Successful download". In the
"Progress" section of the dialog box, the number of Current packets should equal
the number of Total packets.
b. The CNC Mill's control panel displays that the download is complete:

Program download
<Enter> Machine Part
<Esc> Main Menu

6. Click on the OK button to close the Download Program via Serial port dialog box.

Executing a PART Program

Make sure that your safety goggles are on before proceeding with the execution of your
PART program.

Once the download is complete, you are ready to manufacture your part. The display on
the CNC Mill control panel is as below:

Program download
<Enter> Machine Part
<Esc> Main Menu

1. Press the ENTER key on the control panel to start the mill. The tool will then be
raised to the home position and you will be prompted for a tool change. Make sure
that the correct tool is in the mill. Then press the ENTER key again to start the
program. As your PART program executes, the control panel display will change to
show the current information: the instruction, feed rate, spindle speed, and X-Y-Z

Module Guide 7
CNC Mill Directions

2. Monitor the entire milling process closely. The workpiece must be secure in the vise
and protruding from the vise properly to prevent a tool crash. When the program has
finished, the mill will return to its home position and stop.

3. The display on the CNC Mill control panel should read:

Ready to Download

<Enter> Run Program

<Esc> Abort

4. Open the safety doors and carefully remove the workpiece by loosening the vise.

5. If you have the Mill 3D Emulator window open, compare the emulation output to the
manufactured part. When you are finished, close the Mill 3D Emulator window by
clicking on the (X) in the upper right corner.

6. Close the Line Editor window by clicking on the (X) in the upper right hand corner.

7. Close the CNC Mill software window by clicking on the (X) in the upper right hand

8. On the CNC Mill control pad, press ESC to return processing to the Main Menu.

9. Press the EMERGENCY STOP button. This is to prevent any unauthorized use of
the mill.

10. Turn off the power switch on the side of the mill.

11. Clean up the area:

a. Return everything to its proper place.
b. Use a shop vacuum to carefully clean out the inside of the mill and surrounding

12. When you are finished, go to the next section in the multimedia presentation.

8 Module Guide
CNC Mill Directions

Lesson 3, CAD Software

The Fabricus software should be on your screen. If it is not, click on the Application
Launch button and select Fabricus.

In this activity, you will use Fabricus, CNC Mill software, and the CNC Mill to
manufacture a sample part.

The Protofoam workpiece for this part has dimensions as follows:

X = 4.0 inches Y = 2.0 inches Z = 1.5 inches

The tool for this milling exercise is:

Tool #9 – ¼" End Mill

Fabricus Introduction

1. On the main menu, select File, then Open.

2. Using the Look in: box, locate the directory C:\Program Files\Lab-

3. Select the file "desk org.fbs" and click the Open button. The file should be displayed
as shown in Figure 3-A.

NOTE: The entire design does not fit in the window. It is

using a stock (workpiece) size which is not currently defined
in your Fabricus environment.

Figure 3-A

Module Guide 9
CNC Mill Directions

4. On the Views toolbar, locate the Fit to all views button and click it. The full design
should appear in the design window as shown in Figure 3-B.

Figure 3-B

5. On the main menu, select Edit then Stocks. The Stock properties dialog box for the
current design will be displayed as in Figure 3-C. This design calls for a workpiece of
Protofoam with the dimensions as shown. Click on the (X) in the upper right-hand
corner to close the dialog box.

Figure 3-C

6. On the Views toolbar, locate the Toggle views button and click it in. All four
views (Top, Front, Side, and 3D) should be displayed as shown in Figure 3-D.

10 Module Guide
CNC Mill Directions

Figure 3-D
7. On the Views toolbar, locate the Show/Hide tool path button and click it in.
Fabricus will show you the actual tool path in all four views as shown in Figure 3-E.
Click the button again to remove the tool path.

Figure 3-E

8. On the main menu, select File, then Export to GM file. This will open the Save As
dialog box.

9. Use the "Save in:" to locate your C:\Program Files\Lab-Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400


10. Once the directory is displayed in the Save As dialog box:

a. In the File name box, type "XX desk org", where "XX" are your initials.
b. In the Save as type drop-down box, select "Mill Level-5 Files (*.M5)". The m5
filename extension identifies this file for the CNC Mill software in use.
c. Click the Save button to save the file in that location.

Module Guide 11
CNC Mill Directions

You have successfully created a PART program file from the Fabricus design file. You
will now use this file to continue the CNC Mill software processing.

Compile and Emulate

Click on the Application Launch button and select CNC Mill Software.

1. On the main menu, select File, then Open.

2. Using the Look in: box, locate the directory C:\Program Files\Lab-
Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400 on your computer.

3. Select the file "XX desk org.m5" (where XX are your initials) and click the Open
button. The file should be displayed in the Line Editor window as shown in Figure 3-

Figure 3-F

4. On the main menu, select Mill, then Emulate. The CNC Mill software will perform
the compile step. The Compiling dialog box should appear as shown in Figure 3-G.

Figure 3-G

12 Module Guide
CNC Mill Directions

5. Click on OK to close the Compiling dialog box. The Mill 3D Emulator window should
open automatically as shown in Figure 3-H.

Figure 3-H

6. In the View palette, click on the Oblique view button to show a 3-dimensional
display of the emulation. You can use the Mouse Pan button to position the
stock in the window as in Figure 3-I.

Figure 3-I

7. To start the emulation of the program, click on the Start simulation button (green
arrow icon) in the upper left-hand area of the Control palette. The Line Editor
window will scroll through the program code as the emulation processes.

8. The emulation will run to completion. The Code box at the top of the window will
indicate a value of "M30" when the emulation is complete. It should appear as
shown in Figure 3-J.

Module Guide 13
CNC Mill Directions

Figure 3-J

9. Compare the completed emulation to the Fabricus design you used to generate the
source program. If there are inconsistencies between the two, contact your
instructor for help.

10. You will need to obtain your instructor's approval to continue.

• Review all of the safety procedures in Appendix A of this Guide.
• Obtain a copy of the Activity Approval form from your instructor.
• Fill in the required information and sign the form.
• Have your instructor sign the approval form.

Now it is time to prepare the CNC Mill for the execution of the program. As indicated
earlier in the instructions:

• The Protofoam workpiece for this part has dimensions as follows:

X = 4.0 inches Y = 2.0 inches Z = 1.5 inches

The workpiece must be placed in the vise consistently with the

design views. The Front view displays the workpiece as it should
be facing you. The width is the X dimension and the height is the Z

14 Module Guide
CNC Mill Directions

• The tool for this milling exercise is:

Tool #9 – ¼" End Mill

11. With this information, follow the instructions for preparing the workpiece, tool, and
PRZ provided in Appendix B—Preparing the Workpiece, Tool, and Mill— of this

12. Follow the instructions for the download and execution of your PART program
provided in Appendix C—Downloading and Executing a PART Program— of this

When you are finished, go to the next section in the multimedia presentation.

Module Guide 15
CNC Mill Directions

Lesson 4, Design Modification

You have seen that there are a number of reasons that the design for a part may be

In this particular instance, the part which you manufactured in the previous lesson was
reviewed with the team which requested the initial design. New marketing research
indicates that some changes must be made in order to make this a product which
customers will want to purchase. The team has requested the following changes:

• The two pen-holders (ellipses) are to be removed.

• The hexagonal container must be moved and resized.
• A slot to hold business cards must be created.
• An elliptical container is to be added.

You will use Fabricus, CNC Mill software, and the CNC Mill to modify the manufactured

The Protofoam workpiece for this part has the same dimensions as the previous lesson:

X = 4.0 inches Y = 2.0 inches Z = 1.5 inches.

The tool for this milling exercise is the same as the previous lesson:

Tool #9 – ¼" End Mill

The Fabricus software should be on your screen. If it is not, click on the Application
Launch button and select Fabricus.

Fabricus Design Update

1. On the main menu, select File, then Open.

2. Using the Look in: box, locate the directory C:\Program Files\Lab-
Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400 on your computer.

3. Select the file "desk org.fbs" and click the Open button. The file should be displayed
as shown in Figure 4-A.

NOTE: The entire design does not fit in the window. It is

using a stock (workpiece) size which is not currently defined
in your Fabricus environment.

16 Module Guide
CNC Mill Directions

Figure 4-A

4. On the Views toolbar, locate the Fit to all views button and click it. The full design
should appear in the design window as in Figure 4-B.

Figure 4-B

Now you will create a copy of this design file for updating. You will also delete the two
elliptical pen-holders.

5. On the main menu, select File then Save As. Locate your C:\Program Files\Lab-
Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400 directory using the Save in: box. In the File name: box, type
"XX desk org new" where XX are your initials. Then click Save to save the copy of
the design file. The title bar at the top of the Fabricus window should display the new
file name.

6. Select the higher ellipse by clicking on its boundary or inside it. This should highlight
the geometry in the Geometries list box and in the design as in Figure 4-C.

Module Guide 17
CNC Mill Directions

Figure 4-C

7. On the main menu, select Edit, then Delete. Fabricus will delete the geometry and
automatically renumber the existing geometries as shown in Figure 4-D..

Figure 4-D

8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 for the remaining "Ellipse-1". Your design file should appear as
shown in Figure 4-E.

Figure 4-E

9. On the main menu, select File, then Save to save the file.

Now you will move the hexagon to the lower left and change its dimensions in the TOP
design view.

18 Module Guide
CNC Mill Directions

10. In the design window, double-click within the

hexagon to open the Geometry properties
dialog box as in Figure 4-F. In the Position
section, do the following:
a. clear the X box and type "0.2500"
b. clear the Y box and type "0.2500"
c. click on the green checkmark button.

11. The design should appear as shown in Figure


Figure 4-G Figure 4-F

12. In the design window, double-click within the

hexagon to open the Geometry properties
dialog box as shown in Figure 4-H. In the
Dimensions section, do the following:

a. clear the Top Δ X and type "3.0000"

b. clear the Top Δ Y and type "1.0000"
c. clear the Bottom Δ X and type "3.0000"
d. clear the Bottom Δ Y and type "1.0000"
e. click on the green checkmark button.

Figure 4-H

Module Guide 19
CNC Mill Directions

13. The design should appear as shown in Figure 4-I.

Figure 4-I

14. On the main menu, select File, then Save to save the file.

You will create the two new geometries. A rectangular pocket will serve as the business
card holder. An elliptical pocket will be the additional requested container.

15. Click the Show/Hide rulers button on the Views toolbar to show the horizontal (X-
axis) and vertical (Y-axis) rulers in the TOP view as shown in Figure 4-J.

Figure 4-J

16. Click in the Snap to Grid button on the Views toolbar. This will ensure that new
geometries are aligned on the gridline boundaries.

17. Click the Rectangle geometry button on the Drawing toolbar. Your mouse
pointer should now be a '+' within the design window.

20 Module Guide
CNC Mill Directions

18. Locate the position within your workpiece where X = .25 and Y = 1.75. Click at this
location, then drag the mouse down and across to create a rectangle as in Figure 4-

Figure 4-K

19. Double-click within the highlighted rectangle to open the Geometry properties dialog
box as shown in Figure 4-L.
a. In the dimensions section, clear the Δ Z and
type "0.5000".
b. In the Cut properties section, ensure that the
radio button marked "Pocket" is selected.
c. In the Use Tool section at the bottom, use the
drop down button to select Tool 9.
d. Click the green checkmark button to save the

20. On the main menu, select File, then Save to save

the file.

21. Click the Elliptical geometry button on the

Drawing toolbar. Your mouse pointer should now
be a '+' within the design window.

22. Locate the position within your workpiece where

X = 3.375 and Y = 1.25. Click at this location,
then drag the mouse down and across to create
Figure 4-L
an ellipse as shown in Figure 4-M.

Module Guide 21
CNC Mill Directions

Figure 4-M

23. Double-click within the highlighted ellipse to

open the Geometry properties dialog box as
shown in Figure 4-N.

a. In the Dimensions section, clear the Δ Z and

type "0.5000"
b. In the Cut properties section, ensure that the
radio button marked "Pocket" is selected.
c. In the Use Tool section at the bottom, use
the drop down button to select Tool 9.
d. Click the green checkmark button to save
the change.

24. Click the Show/Hide rulers button on the

Views toolbar to hide the rulers.

25. On the Views toolbar, locate the Toggle views

button and click it in. All four views (Top,
Front, Side, and 3D) should be displayed as
Figure 4-N
shown in Figure 4-O.

22 Module Guide
CNC Mill Directions

Figure 4-O

26. On the Views toolbar, locate the Show/Hide tool path button and click it in.
Fabricus will show you the actual tool path in all four views. Click the button again to
remove the tool path.

27. On the main menu, select File, then Save to save the file.

28. On the main menu, select File, then Export to GM file. This will open the Save As
dialog box.

29. Use the "Save in:" to locate your C:\Program Files\Lab-Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400


30. Once the directory is displayed in the Save As dialog box, do the following:
a. In the File name box, type "XX desk org new", where "XX" are your initials.
b. In the Save as type drop-down box, select "Mill Level-5 Files (*.M5)". The m5
filename extension identifies this file for the CNC Mill software in use.
c. Click the Save button to save the file in that location.

You have successfully created a PART program file from the Fabricus design file. You
will now use this file to continue the CNC Mill software processing.

Module Guide 23
CNC Mill Directions

Compile and Emulate

Click on the Application Launch button and select CNC Mill

1. On the main menu, select File, then Open.

2. Using the Look in: box, locate the directory C:\Program

Files\Lab-Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400 on your computer.

3. Select the file "XX desk org new.m5" (where XX are your
initials) and click the Open button. The file should be
displayed in the Line Editor window in Figure 4-P.

4. Notice the comment which indicates the start of the G&M

code for the hexagon.

5. Using the scroll bar on the right-hand side of the Line

Editor window, scroll down and locate the code for the
rectangle and the ellipse.

6. On the main menu, select Mill, then Emulate. The CNC

Mill software will perform the compile step. The Compiling
dialog box should return the "Successful Compile"
Figure 4-P
7. Click on OK to close the Compiling dialog box. The Mill 3D
Emulator window should open automatically as in Figure 4-Q.

Figure 4-Q

8. In the View palette, click on the Oblique view button to show a 3-dimensional
display of the emulation as in Figure 4-R. You can use the Mouse Pan button to
see the full emulation.

24 Module Guide
CNC Mill Directions

Figure 4-R

9. To start the emulation of the program, click on the Start simulation button (green
arrow icon) in the upper left-hand area of the Control palette. The Line Editor window
will scroll through the program code as the emulation processes.

10. The emulation will run to completion. The Code box at the top of the window will
indicate a value of "M30" when the emulation is complete. It should appear as shown
in Figure 4-S.

Figure 4-S

11. Compare the completed emulation to the Fabricus design you used to generate the
source program. If there are inconsistencies between the two, contact your instructor
for help.

12. You will need to obtain your instructor's approval to continue.

• Review all of the safety procedures in Appendix A of this Guide.
• Obtain a copy of the Activity Approval form from your instructor.
• Fill in the required information and sign the form.
• Have your instructor sign the approval form.

Now it is time to prepare the CNC Mill for the execution of the program. As indicated
earlier in the instructions:

Module Guide 25
CNC Mill Directions

• The Protofoam workpiece for this part has dimensions as follows:

X = 4.0 inches Y = 2.0 inches Z = 1.5 inches.

You will re-use the workpiece from the previous lesson by placing
the milled side face-down in the vise. The workpiece must be
placed in the vise consistently with the design views. The Front
view displays the workpiece as it should be facing you. The width
is the X dimension and the height is the Z dimension.

• The tool for this milling exercise is

Tool #9 – ¼" End Mill.

13. With this information, follow the instructions for preparing the workpiece, tool, and
PRZ provided in Appendix B of this Guide.

14. Follow the instructions for the download and execution of your PART program
provided in Appendix C of this Guide.

When you are finished, go to the next section in the multimedia presentation.

26 Module Guide
CNC Mill Directions

Lesson 5, A New Part

In this activity, you will create a beverage coaster. Before you begin the design, you
should create a rough sketch based on the information which is provided below:

• The workpiece dimensions are X = 3.0 inches Y = 3.0 inches Z = 0.5 inches.
• The main area to contain the beverage container must be:
o centered in the workpiece.
o a circular pocket in shape .
o 2.75 inches in diameter with a depth of 0.125 inches.
• The other geometries should both be centered in the workpiece:
o a decagonal (10 sides) groove with a width of 1.75 inches and a depth of 0.250
o a hexagonal pocket with a width of 0.50 inches and a depth of 0.375 inches.

Obtain the Lesson 5, Sketch A Part Data Sheet from your instructor for the sketch.
Include the Top, Front and Side views in your sketch. Use your ruler and draw-to-scale
as necessary, making sure that the measurements provided above are identified in your

When you have completed the sketch, show it to your instructor. Then continue with the
specific directions for the manufacturing of this part.

You will use Fabricus, CNC Mill software, and the CNC Mill to manufacture the part.

The Lexan workpiece for this part has the dimensions:

X = 3.0 inches Y = 3.0 inches Z = 0.5 inches.

The tool for this milling exercise is:

Tool #1 – 1/8" End Mill

The Fabricus software should be on your screen. If it is not, click on the Application
Launch button and select Fabricus.

Module Guide 27
CNC Mill Directions

Fabricus Set-up

Before starting your design, you will define the workpiece for this lesson in your
Fabricus environment.

1. On the main menu, select Edit, then Stocks to open the Stock properties dialog box.

2. Click the Predefined stocks button. The

dialog box will be expanded to display
the available workpieces.

3. In the Stock properties dialog box:

a. Change the Name field to "Lexan
3x3x0.5 in."
b. Change the Δ X to "3.0000"
c. Change the Δ Y to "3.0000"
d. Check the Home positions to make
sure that all three are set to "0.0000"
e. Click in the Materials field and type

The dialog box should appear as shown in

Figure 5-A.

4. Click on the green plus (+) button to add Figure 5-A

the new workpiece to the Predefined

5. Select this new stock for the activity as

shown in Figure 5-B. Click on the new
entry in the Predefined stocks window,
then click on the green checkmark (√).
a. The dialog box will close.

b. The Fabricus window should be

updated to display the selected
workpiece in the Geometries list box
and in the design window as shown in
Figure 5-C.

Figure 5-B

28 Module Guide
CNC Mill Directions

Figure 5-C

You are now ready to start working on the new design in the TOP View.

Fabricus Design
1. Click the Show/Hide rulers button on the Views toolbar to show the horizontal (X-
axis) and vertical (Y-axis) rulers in the TOP view. Double-check to make sure that
the workpiece dimensions are 3 inches by 3 inches. The grid lines should represent
a distance of .125 inches.

2. Click in the Snap to Grid button on the Views toolbar. This will ensure that new
geometries are aligned on the gridline boundaries.

3. Click the Elliptical geometry button on the Drawing toolbar. Your mouse pointer
should now be a '+' within the design window.

4. Locate the position within your workpiece where X = .125 and Y = .125. Click at this
location, then drag the mouse up and across to create a circle as in Figure 5-D.

Figure 5-D

Module Guide 29
CNC Mill Directions

5. Double-click within the highlighted circle to open

the Geometry properties dialog box. Adjust the
parameters so that they reflect the values as
shown in Figure 5-E.
a. In the Dimensions section:
• The Top Δ X and, Δ Y should be "2.7500".
• The Bottom Δ X and Δ Y should be "2.7500".
• The Δ Z should be "0.1250."
b. In the Position section:
• X and Y should be "0.1250", Z is "0.0000".
c. The Cut properties type should be Pocket.
d. The Use tool should be Tool 1.
e. Click the green check mark button to save the

6. On the main menu, select File, then Save As.

Locate the C:\ProgramFiles\Cameleon\Fabricus
directory using the Save in: box. In the File name
box, type 'XX coaster' where XX are your initials. Figure 5-E
Then click the Save button to save the file.

7. Click the Regular polygon geometry button on the Drawing toolbar. Your mouse
pointer should now be a '+' within the design window.

8. Locate the position within your workpiece where X = .625 and Y = .625. Click at this
location, then drag the mouse up and across to create a polygon as shown in Figure
5-F. The Regular polygon geometry button creates a nine-sided figure, called a

NOTE: The Geometry properties dialog box may

automatically pop up when the mouse is released. Close it
by clicking on the red (X) at the bottom.

Figure 5-F

30 Module Guide
CNC Mill Directions

9. Double-click within the highlighted nonagon to

open the Geometry properties dialog box.
Adjust the parameters as shown in Figure 5-
a. Set the Cut properties type to Groove. This
should gray out the Dimensions Bottom
b. In the Dimensions Top section:
• The Top Δ X and Δ Y should be
• he Δ Z should be "0.2500."
c. In the Position section:
• X and Y should be "0.6250", Z is
d. The number of polygon sides should be
set to "10"
e. The Use tool should be Tool 1.
f. Click the green check mark button to save
the change.

10. Click the Show/Hide rulers button on the

Figure 5-G
Views toolbar to hide the rulers.

11. On the Views toolbar, locate the Toggle views button and click it in. All four views
(Top, Front, Side, and 3D) should be displayed as shown in Figure 5-H.

Figure 5-H

12. On the Views toolbar, locate the Show/Hide tool path button and click it in.
Fabricus will show you the actual tool path in all four views. Click the button again to
remove the tool path.

Module Guide 31
CNC Mill Directions

13. On the Views toolbar, click the Toggle views button . The Top view should be
displayed as before.

14. Save the file.

Now you will add the final geometry to the design.

15. Click the Show/Hide rulers button on the Views toolbar to show the rulers.

16. Click the Hexagon geometry button on the Drawing toolbar. Your mouse pointer
should now be a '+' within the design window.

17. Locate the position within your workpiece where X = 1.25 and Y = 1.25. Click at this
location, then drag the mouse up and across to create a hexagon as shown in
Figure 5-I.

Figure 5-I

18. Double-click on the highlighted hexagon to open

the Geometry properties dialog box. Adjust the
parameters as shown in Figure 5-J.
a. Set the Cut properties type to Pocket.
b. In the Dimensions section:
• The Top Δ X and Δ Y should be "0.5000".
• The Bottom Δ X and Δ Y should be
• The Δ Z should be "0.3750."
c. In the Position section:
• X and Y should be "1.2500", Z is "0.0000".
d. The Use tool should be Tool 1.
e. Click the green check mark button to save the
change as in Figure 5-K.

Figure 5-J

32 Module Guide
CNC Mill Directions

Figure 5-K

19. Click the Show/Hide rulers button on the Views toolbar to hide the rulers.

20. On the Views toolbar, locate the Toggle views button and click it in. All four views
(Top, Front, Side, and 3D) should be displayed as shown in Figure 5-L.

Figure 5-L

21. On the Views toolbar, locate the Show/Hide tool path button and click it in.
Fabricus will show you the actual tool path in all four views, as in Figure 5-M.

Module Guide 33
CNC Mill Directions

Figure 5-M

22. Click the button again to remove the tool path.

23. Save the file.

24. On the main menu, select File, then Export to GM file. This will open the Save As
dialog box.

25. Use the "Save in:" to locate your C:\Program Files\Lab-Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400


26. Once the directory is displayed in the Save As dialog box

a. In the File name box, type 'XX coaster', where 'XX' are your initials.
b. In the Save as type drop-down box, select 'Mill Level-5 Files (*.M5)'. The m5
filename extension identifies this file for the CNC Mill software in use.
c. Click the Save button to save the file in that location.

You have successfully created a PART program file from the Fabricus design file. You
will now use this file to study and to continue the CNC Mill software processing.

34 Module Guide
CNC Mill Directions

Study the PART Program

Click on the Application Launch button and select CNC Mill Software.

Obtain the Data Sheet titled Lesson 5, The PART Program Data Sheet from your
instructor. Briefly review the questions provided on the data sheet before following the
instructions. Then answer the questions as you study the PART program. You may
need to refer to Appendix D – G&M Codes in this Guide.

1. On the main menu, select File, then Open.

2. Using the Look in: box, locate the directory C:\Program Files\Lab-
Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400 on your computer.

3. Select the file "XX coaster.m5" (where XX are your initials) and click the Open
button. The file should be displayed in the Line Editor window. Use the scroll bar on
the right side of the window as needed.

Many PART programs may specify the type of programming and positioning to be used
within the program. The programming type is usually coded near the beginning of the
program. It is specified in inches (G20 or IN.) or millimeters (G21 or MM.)

4. Check the first few statements for the programming type. It may or may not be
coded in your program.

Absolute positioning (G90 or ABS) means that all of the following coordinates are
absolute values relative to the defined zero position. Incremental positioning (G91 or
INCR) specifies that all of the following coordinates are incremental values or offsets
from the last position.

Note that there is a mixture of G&M codes and the English, or Conversational,
equivalents. To display them all in one form, there are two methods you can use:
• On the main menu, select Edit, then Conversational.
• Press the F2 key.

5. Check for use of positioning instructions within the program. Place the cursor at the
beginning of statement 00001 of the program.
a. On the main menu, select Search, then Find
b. In the Find what box type the word 'incr' then click Find next.
c. Click on Close.
d. Scroll back to the top of the program, placing the cursor on line 00001.
e. On the main menu, select Search, then Find .
f. In the Find what box type the text 'g91' then click Find next.
g. Click on Close.
h. Scroll back to the top of the program, placing the cursor on line 00001.

Module Guide 35
CNC Mill Directions

6. Try both methods to toggle between display modes.

NOTE: Switching between display modes WILL NOT alter

the original program file. But there is no way to return to a
mixed mode without closing and re-opening the file. Saving
the file WILL alter the original program file.

If you have completed the data sheet, continue with the CNC Mill software processing.

Compile and Emulate

1. On the main menu, select Mill, then Emulate. The CNC Mill software will perform the
compile step. The Compiling dialog box should return the "Successful Compile"

2. Click on OK to close the Compiling dialog box. The Mill 3D Emulator window should
open automatically as shown in Figure 5-N.

Figure 5-N

3. In the View palette, click on the Oblique view button to show a 3-dimensional
display of the emulation as in Figure 5-O.

Figure 5-O

36 Module Guide
CNC Mill Directions

4. To start the emulation of the program, click on the Start simulation button (green
arrow icon) in the upper left-hand area of the Control palette. The Line Editor window
will scroll through the program code as the emulation processes.

5. The emulation will run to completion. The Code box at the top of the window will
indicate a value of "M30" when the emulation is complete. It should appear as in
Figure 5-P.

Figure 5-P

6. Compare the completed emulation to the Fabricus design you used to generate the
source program. If there are inconsistencies between the two, contact your instructor
for help.

7. You will need to obtain your instructor's approval to continue.

• Review all of the safety procedures in Appendix A of this Guide.
• Obtain a copy of the Activity Approval form from your instructor.
• Fill in the required information and sign the form.
• Have your instructor sign the approval form.

Now it is time to prepare the CNC Mill for the execution of the program. As indicated
earlier in the instructions:

• The Lexan workpiece for this part has dimensions as follows:

X = 3.0 inches Y = 3.0 inches Z = 0.5 inches.

• The tool for this milling exercise is

Tool #1 – 1/8" End Mill.

8. With this information, follow the instructions for preparing the workpiece, tool, and
PRZ provided in Appendix B of this Guide.
9. Follow the instructions for the download and execution of your PART program
provided in Appendix C of this Guide.

When you are finished, go to the next section in the multimedia presentation.

Module Guide 37
CNC Mill Directions

Lesson 6, Completing the New Part

In this activity, you will complete the coaster you manufactured in Lesson 5. You will
machine the bottom of the coaster using the container and island functions within the
Geometry properties dialog box

You will use Fabricus, CNC Mill software, and the CNC Mill to manufacture the part.

The Lexan workpiece for this part has the dimensions:

X = 3.0 inches Y = 3.0 inches Z = 0.5 inches.

The tool for this milling exercise is:

Tool #9 – 1/4" End Mill

Fabricus should be on your screen. If it’s not, click on the Application Launch button and
select Fabricus.

Obtain the Data Sheet titled Lesson 6, Fabricus Data Sheet from your instructor. Briefly
review the questions provided on the data sheet before following the instructions. Then
answer the questions as you complete the Fabricus design.

38 Module Guide
CNC Mill Directions

Fabricus Stock Selection

The default stock (workpiece) within Fabricus is the Wax 2 x 2 x 0.5 in. Selecting File,
then New or using the New button on the Main toolbar will always create a design file
with the default workpiece.

Before creating any geometries, select the workpiece for this design.

1. Double-click on the border of the workpiece in the displayed file to open the Stock
properties dialog box.

2. Click the Predefined stocks button. The dialog box will be expanded to display the
available workpieces.

3. Select the Lexan 3 x 3 x 0.5 stock for this activity. Click on the entry in the
Predefined stocks window in Figure 6-A, then click on the green check mark (√).
a. The dialog box will close.

Figure 6-A

b. The Fabricus window should be updated to display the selected workpiece in the
Geometries list box and in the design window as in Figure 6-B.

Module Guide 39
CNC Mill Directions

Figure 6-B

You are now ready to start working on the new design in the TOP View.

Fabricus Design

You will first create the two rectangular geometries for the design.

1. Click the Show/Hide rulers button on the Views toolbar to show the horizontal (X-
axis) and vertical (Y-axis) rulers in the TOP view. Double-check to make sure that
the workpiece dimensions are 3 inches by 3 inches. The grid lines should represent
a distance of .125 inches.

2. Click in the Snap to Grid button on the Views toolbar. This will ensure that new
geometries are aligned on the gridline boundaries.

3. Click the Rectangle geometry button on the Drawing toolbar. Your mouse pointer
should now be a '+' within the design window.

4. Locate the position within your workpiece where X = .25 and Y = .25. Click at this
location, then drag the mouse up and across to create a rectangle as shown in
Figure 6-C.

Figure 6-C

40 Module Guide
CNC Mill Directions

5. Double-click within the highlighted rectangle to

open the Geometry properties dialog box. Adjust
the parameters so that they reflect the values
shown in Figure 6-D.
a. In the Dimensions section:
• The Top ΔX and ΔY should be "2.500".
• The Bottom ΔX and ΔY should be "2.500".
• The Δ Z should be "0.1250."
b. In the Position section:
• X and Y should be "0.2500", Z is "0.0000".
c. The Cut properties type should be Pocket.
d. The Use tool should be Tool 9.
e. Click the green check mark button to save the

6. On the main menu, select File, then Save As.

Locate the C:\ProgramFiles\Cameleon\Fabricus
directory using the Save in: box. In the File name
box, type 'XX coaster bottom' where XX are your Figure 6-D
initials. Then click the Save button to save the

7. Click the Rectangle geometry button on the Drawing toolbar again. Your mouse
pointer should now be a '+' within the design window.

8. Locate the position within your workpiece where X = .75 and Y = .75. Click at this
location, then drag the mouse up and across to create a second rectangle as in
shown in Figure 6-E.

Figure 6-E

Module Guide 41
CNC Mill Directions

9. Double-click on the highlighted rectangle to

open the Geometry properties dialog box.
Adjust the parameters as shown in Figure 6-F.
a. Set the Cut properties type to Pocket.
b. In the Dimensions Top section:
• The Top Δ X and Δ Y should be
• The Bottom Δ X and Δ Y should be
• The Δ Z should be "0. 1250."
c. In the Position section
• X and Y should be "0.7500", Z is
d. The Use tool should be Tool 9.
e. Specify a Rotation of 45.00.
f. Click the green check mark button to save
the change.

The rotation change will rotate the rectangle

45 degrees about the Y-axis. The design
should look as shown to Figure 6-G.
Figure 6-F

Figure 6-G

10. Click the Snap to Grid button .

42 Module Guide
CNC Mill Directions

11. Click and drag the highlighted geometry, Rectangle-2, straight down until the left-
most and right-most handles are located at the Y-axis value of 1.50. See Figure 6-H.

Figure 6-H

12. Now click and drag the highlighted geometry, Rectangle-2, to the left until the top
and bottom handles are located at the X-axis value of 1.50. See Figure 6-I.

Figure 6-I

13. Save the file.

14. Click the Show/Hide rulers button to disable the rulers.

Module Guide 43
CNC Mill Directions

15. Click the Toggle views button to display all four views as in Figure 6-J. Then click
it again to return to the TOP view.

Figure 6-J

Now you will modify the geometries to create a container and an island. All of the
workpiece material between the two geometries will be cut away by the mill.

16. Select Rectangle-1 by double-clicking on its border to open

the Geometries property dialog box.

17. In the Cut properties section, click the box marked

Container. Notice that the Groove option will be disabled.
Containers must be defined as Pockets. See Figure 6-K.

Figure 6-K

18. Click the green check mark button to save the change. The
Geometries list box should identify the container with "C-"
as shown in Figure 6-L.

19. Select Rectangle-2 by double-clicking on its border to open

the Geometries property dialog box.
Figure 6-L
20. In the Cut properties section, click the box marked Island in.

44 Module Guide
CNC Mill Directions

21. The Island warning box will appear to remind

you that this geometry will use settings of its
container, as shown in Figure 6-M.

22. Click the Yes button to close the warning box.

The drop-down below the Island in box should
be enabled and indicate Rectangle-1 as the
Figure 6-M
23. Click the green check mark button to save the

24. The Geometries list box identifies the state and hierarchy for
all of the geometries within the active design document. It
should now show the relationship between the container and
the new island ("i") within it as in Figure 6-N.

25. Click the Toggle views button and then the Show/Hide Figure 6-N
tool path button to see the actual tool path in all four
views as in Figure 6-O.

Figure 6-O

26. Click the Toggle views button and then the Show/Hide tool path button to
return to the TOP view.

27. Save the file.

28. On the main menu, select File, then Export to GM file. This will open the Save As
dialog box.

Module Guide 45
CNC Mill Directions

29. Use the "Save in:" to locate your C:\Program Files\Lab-Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400


30. Once the directory is displayed in the Save As dialog box

a. In the File name box, type 'XX coaster bottom', where 'XX' are your initials.
b. In the Save as type drop-down box, select 'Mill Level-5 Files (*.M5)'. The m5
filename extension identifies this file for the CNC Mill software in use.
c. Click the Save button to save the file in that location.

You have successfully created a PART program file from the Fabricus design file. Once
you have completed the Data Sheet, you can continue the CNC Mill software

Compile and Emulate

Click on the Application Launch button and select CNC Mill Software.

1. On the main menu, select File, then Open.

2. Using the Look in: box, locate the directory C:\Program Files\Lab-
Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400 on your computer.

3. Select the file "XX coaster bottom.m5" (where XX are your initials) and click the
Open button. The file should be displayed in the Line Editor window.

4. On the main menu, select Mill, then Emulate. The CNC Mill software will perform
the compile step. The Compiling dialog box should return the "Successful Compile"

5. Click on OK to close the Compiling dialog box. The Mill 3D Emulator window should
open automatically as shown in Figure 6-P.

Figure 6-P

46 Module Guide
CNC Mill Directions

6. In the View palette, click on the Oblique view button to show a 3-dimensional
display of the emulation as shown in Figure 6-Q.

Figure 6-Q

7. To start the emulation of the program, click on the Start simulation button (green
arrow icon) in the upper left-hand area of the Control palette. The Line Editor
window will scroll through the program code as the emulation processes.

8. The emulation will run to completion. The Code box at the top of the window will
indicate a value of "M30" when the emulation is complete. It should appear as
shown in Figure 6-R.

Figure 6-R

9. Compare the completed emulation to the Fabricus design you used to generate the
source program. If there are inconsistencies between the two, contact your
instructor for help.

10. You will need to obtain your instructor's approval to continue.

• Review all of the safety procedures in Appendix A of this Guide.
• Obtain a copy of the Activity Approval form from your instructor.
• Fill in the required information and sign the form.
• Have your instructor sign the approval form.

Module Guide 47
CNC Mill Directions

Now it is time to prepare the CNC Mill for the execution of the program. As indicated
earlier in the instructions:

• The Lexan workpiece for this part has dimensions as follows:

X = 3.0 inches Y = 3.0 inches Z = 0.5 inches.

• The tool for this milling exercise is

Tool #9 – 1/4" End Mill.

11. With this information, follow the instructions for preparing the workpiece, tool, and
PRZ provided in Appendix B of this Guide.

NOTE: You should be using the coaster which was

manufactured in the previous lesson. Just flip it over so that
the blank side is facing up.

12. Follow the instructions for the download and execution of your PART program
provided in Appendix C of this Guide.

48 Module Guide
CNC Mill Directions

Fabricus Stock Removal

The Lexan stock which was defined in Fabricus for the coaster must be removed for
future students. Click on the Application Launch button and select Fabricus.

1. On the main menu, select Edit, then Stocks to open the Stock properties dialog box.

2. Click the Predefined stocks button to display the available workpieces.

3. Click on the Lexan 3 x 3 x 0.5 in. entry in the Predefined stocks window.

4. Click on the red (X) to remove it from the Predefined stocks window.

5. Close the dialog box by clicking the X in the upper-right corner of the dialog box.

6. Close Fabricus by clicking the X in the upper-right corner of the Fabricus window.

Saving to a Floppy Disk

When all lesson activities have been completed, your PART programs should be saved
to a floppy disk and then removed from the Fabricus directory. Your PART programs
can be downloaded to the CNC Mill software at any time in the future if necessary.
Follow the steps below.

1. Get a blank floppy disk from your instructor and label it with the names you assigned
to the programs when they were initially created. Be sure to include your name.

2. Place the floppy disk in your computer floppy disk drive.

3. From the CNC Mill software File pull-down menu, select Open. Locate the
C:\Program Files\Lab-Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400 directory. The window should display
all of the PART programs (files ending with .m5) stored in the direct

4. Right-click on one of your program files. A pop-up menu appears. Select Send To
and then click 3½ Floppy (A) as in Figure 6-S. Your computer will now download a
copy of the program file to your floppy disk.

Figure 6-S

Module Guide 49
CNC Mill Directions

5. After the PART program has successfully copied to your floppy disk, right-click again
on the program file. From the pop-up menu, click Delete. A Confirm File Delete
dialog box appears. Click Yes. Your PART program is now permanently deleted from
the directory.

6. Repeat these steps for each program file you have stored in the directory.

7. When you are done, remove the floppy disk.

8. Close the CNC Mill software:

• Click the X in the upper right-hand corner of the emulation window.
• Click the X in the upper right-hand corner of the Line editor window.
• Click the X in the upper right-hand corner of the Lab-Volt CNC Mill window.

When you are finished, go to the next section in the multimedia presentation.

50 Module Guide
CNC Mill Directions


Lesson 1, Software Review

In this activity, you will review some of the Fabricus and CNC Mill software skills which
were introduced in the Beginning Level of the CNC Mill module.

Obtain the Data Sheet titled Lesson 1, Review Data Sheet from your instructor. Answer
the questions as you complete the Fabricus design and CNC Mill software processing.

Fabricus Design
The Fabricus software should be on your screen. If it is not, click on the Application
Launch button and select Fabricus.

Briefly review the Fabricus questions provided on the data sheet before following the
instructions. Use your experiences, the Fabricus design window, and the Fabricus
online Help as needed to answer the Fabricus-related data sheet questions.

1. On the main menu, select File then Open. Locate the

C:\ProgramFiles\Cameleon\Fabricus directory using the Look in: box. Select the file

2. Select File then Save As. In the File name box, type "XX ReviewStart" where XX are
your initials. Then click the Save button to save the file.

You will now modify each of the geometries using the common features within Fabricus.

3. Double-click inside the hexagon to open the

Geometry properties dialog box as shown in
Figure 1-A.
a. In the Dimensions section, change the Δ Z
value from "0.1250" to "0.2500".
b. Select "Groove" as the Cut properties type.
c. Click the green check mark button to save
the changes.

Figure 1-A

Module Guide 51
CNC Mill Directions

d. Click the Toggle views button and then the Show/Hide tool path button to
see the changes to the hexagon geometry as shown in Figure 1-B.

Figure 1-B

e. Click the Toggle views button and the Show/Hide tool path button again
to return to normal design mode.

4. Save the file.

5. Click the Show/Hide rulers button on the Views toolbar to show the horizontal (X-
axis) and vertical (Y-axis) rulers in the TOP view.

6. Select the Line-1 geometry by clicking it. Using the mouse, drag the upper handle of
the line to the location where X=1.75 and Y=0.875. The line should be a vertical line.

7. Double-click the line to open the Geometry properties dialog box. In the Dimensions
section, the Top ΔX and Bottom ΔX should be equal to 0.6250.

NOTE: With Line geometries, the ΔX values reflect the

length of the line, not the change in the X-coordinates.

8. Click the green check mark button, then Save the file as shown in Figure 1-C.

52 Module Guide
CNC Mill Directions

Figure 1-C

Now you will change the rectangle and enclosed ellipse into a container and its island.
Remember, the mill will cut away all of the material between a container and its island.

9. Double-click on the rectangle to open the Geometry

properties dialog box.
a. In the Cut properties, click the Container box as in
Figure 1-D. This should place a check mark in the box
and gray the Type "Groove".
b. Click the green check mark to save the change.
c. Check the Geometries list to ensure that the rectangle is
labeled with a "C-". See Figure 1-E.
Figure 1-D
10. Double-click on the ellipse within the rectangle to open the
Geometry properties dialog box.
a. In the Cut properties, click the Island in box. This should
place a check mark in the box and open the Island
warning box, as shown in Figure 1-F. Remember that an
island conforms to the settings of the container with
which it is associated.
b. Click Yes to close the box, then click the green check
mark to save the change.
Figure 1-E

Figure 1-F

Module Guide 53
CNC Mill Directions

c. Check the Geometries list to ensure that the ellipse is

labeled with an "i" within the container you created. See
Figure 1-G

11. Click the Toggle views button and then the Show/Hide
tool path button to see the changes to the geometries as
shown in Figure 1-H.

Figure 1-G

Figure 1-H

12. Click the Toggle views button and the Show/Hide tool path button again to
return to normal design mode.

13. Save the file.

So far, you have used both pockets and grooves in your designs. Another cut type is the
cup: the material inside a geometry is cut away to form a cup, half a sphere, in shape.
The cup can only be selected for elliptical geometries. You will now change the shape
and the cut type of the lower ellipse (Ellipse-2) to a cup.

1. Click the border of the lower ellipse (Ellipse-2) so that the handles are available.

2. Use the mouse to drag one of the handles on the right side of the geometry .250
inches (two grid lines) to the right.

3. Click inside the ellipse to open the Geometry properties dialog box.

4. In the Cut properties, click the Cup radio button.

54 Module Guide
CNC Mill Directions

5. Click the green check mark to save the change. This should open a warning box as
shown in Figure 1-I.

Figure 1-I

ΔZ determines the depth of the cut for the geometry. In the Beginning module, you
changed the ΔZ value per instructions given to you. The number of passes the tool
made was determined automatically by Fabricus, dividing the ΔZ value by the "Cut
vertical increments" value specified.

For a geometry to be a cup, two or more passes of the tool is mandatory. This can be
achieved by:

• specifying a ΔZ value which is at least twice the "Cut vertical increments" value
• modifying the "Cut vertical increments" value to be less than or equal to ½ of the ΔZ

You will use both of these methods to create a cup.

6. Click on OK to close the warning box.

7. Change the ΔZ value in the Dimensions section to "0.3750" , then click the green
check mark.
8. Click the Toggle views button and then the Show/Hide tool path button to see
the change to the geometry designated Ellipse-2. Figure 1-J shows the Front View.

Figure 1-J

Module Guide 55
CNC Mill Directions

9. Look closely at the Front view. You can see that the geometry now resembles a cup.

Decreasing the "Cut vertical increments" size will enable the software to more closely
approximate a cup.

10. Click the Show/Hide tool path button to remove the tool path.

11. In the TOP view, double-click inside Ellipse-2 to re-open the Geometry properties
dialog box.

12. In the lower right area of the dialog box, note that the "Cut vertical increments" value
is "0.125000" and the "Calc number of passes value is "3.00".

13. Change the "Cut vertical increments" value to "0.050000" then click the "Calc
number of passes" button. Note that the new value for the number of passes has
been changed from 3.00 to 7.50 as shown in Figure 1-K.

Figure 1-K

14. Click the green check mark to save the change.

15. Click the Show/Hide tool path button to show the tool path.

16. Look again at the Front view. You can see that the geometry now resembles a cup
even more in Figure 1-L.

Figure 1-L

56 Module Guide
CNC Mill Directions

17. Ensure that all four views appear as in Figure 1-M.

Figure 1-M
18. Save the file.

19. Click the Make GM File button and save the file in your Fabricus directory as XX
ReviewStart.M5 where XX are your initials.

You have successfully modified the Fabricus design file and created a PART program
source file.

20. Close Fabricus by clicking the X in the Title bar of the Fabricus window.

Study the PART Program

Click on the Application Launch button and select CNC Mill Software.

The Data Sheet titled Lesson 1, Review is not complete. Briefly review the CNC Mill
software questions provided on the data sheet before following the instructions. Then
answer the questions as you study the PART program. You may need to refer to
Appendix D – G&M Codes in this Guide.

1. On the main menu, select File, then Open.

2. Using the Look in: box, locate the directory C:\Program Files\Lab-
Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400 on your computer.

3. Select the file "XX ReviewStart.m5" (where XX are your initials) and click the Open
button. The file should be displayed in the Line Editor window. Use the scroll bar on
the right side of the window as needed.
4. Answer the questions on the data sheet. You may need to refer to Appendix D –
G&M Codes in this Guide.

Module Guide 57
CNC Mill Directions

When you have completed the questions on the data sheet, continue with the Compile
and Emulate CNC Mill processing.

Compile and Emulate

The CNC Mill software may already be open. If it is not, click on the Application Launch
button and select CNC Mill Software.

1. On the main menu, select File, then Open.

2. Using the Look in: box, locate the directory C:\Program Files\Lab-
Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400 on your computer.

3. Select the file "XX ReviewStart.m5" (where XX are your initials) and click the Open
button. The file should be displayed in the Line Editor window.

4. On the main menu, select Mill, then Emulate. The CNC Mill software will perform the
compile step. The Compiling dialog box should return the "Successful Compile"

5. Click on OK to close the Compiling dialog box. The Mill 3D Emulator window should
open automatically as shown in Figure 1-N.

Figure 1-N

58 Module Guide
CNC Mill Directions

6. In the View palette, click on the Oblique view button to show a 3-dimensional
display of the emulation as shown in Figure 1-O.

Figure 1-O
7. To start the emulation of the program, click on the Start simulation button in the
upper left-hand area of the Control palette. The Line Editor window will scroll through
the program code as the emulation processes.

8. The emulation will run to completion. The Code box at the top of the window will
indicate a value of "M30" when the emulation is complete. It should appear as shown
in Figure 1-P.

Figure 1-P

9. Compare the completed emulation to the Fabricus design you used to generate the
source program. If there are inconsistencies between the two, contact your instructor
for help.

10. Close the CNC Mill software:

• Click the X in the upper right-hand corner of the emulation window
• Click the X in the upper right-hand corner of the Line editor window
• Click the X in the upper right-hand corner of the Lab-Volt CNC Mill window

11. When you are finished, go to the next section in the multimedia presentation.

Module Guide 59
CNC Mill Directions

Lesson 2, CNC Mill Practice

In this activity, you will review your skills with the CNC Mill from the Beginning Level of
the CNC Mill module.

Compile and Emulate

The CNC Mill software should be on your screen. If it is not, click on the Application
Launch button and select CNC Mill Software.

1. On the main menu, select File, then Open.

2. Using the Look in: box, locate the directory C:\Program Files\Lab-
Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400 on your computer.

3. Select the file "XX ReviewStart.m5" (where XX are your initials) and click the Open
button. The file should be displayed in the Line Editor window.

4. On the main menu, select Mill, then Emulate. The CNC Mill software will perform the
compile step. The Compiling dialog box should return the "Successful Compile"

5. Click on OK to close the Compiling dialog box. The Mill 3D Emulator window should
open automatically as in shown in Figure 2-A.

Figure 2-A
6. In the View palette, click on the Oblique view button to show a 3-dimensional display
of the emulation in Figure 2-B.

60 Module Guide
CNC Mill Directions

Figure 2-B

As stated in the Beginning module, the emulation can also run in 'Step Simulation'
mode. The emulator will slow the process by executing one program operation at a

7. Click the Step simulation button (blue arrow icon) in the Control palette.
a. Watch for any movement of the milling tool.
b. Note the values in the boxes displaying the Code and X-Y-Z coordinates.
c. If the tool does not move or comes to a stop, click the Step simulation button
again to continue.
d. Repeat steps a-c ten or twelve times.

8. Click the Reset simulation button (yellow arrow icon). This will place the emulator
back at the first line of the program.

9. Execute standard simulation. Click on the Start simulation button (green arrow icon)
in the upper left-hand area of the Control palette. The Line Editor window will scroll
through the program code as the emulation processes.

10. The emulation will run to completion. The Code box at the top of the window will
indicate a value of "M30" when the emulation is complete. It should appear as shown
in Figure 2-C below.

Figure 2-C

Module Guide 61
CNC Mill Directions

11. You will need to obtain your instructor's approval to continue.

• Review all of the safety procedures in Appendix A of this Guide.
• Obtain a copy of the Activity Approval form from your instructor.
• Fill in the required information and sign the form.
• Have your instructor sign the approval form.

Now it is time to prepare the CNC Mill for the execution of the program.

• The Wax workpiece for this part has dimensions as follows:

X = 2.0 inches Y = 2.0 inches Z = 0.5 inches.

• The tool for this milling exercise is

Tool #1 – 1/8" End Mill.

12. With this information, follow the instructions for preparing the workpiece, tool, and
PRZ provided in Appendix B of this Guide.

13. Follow the instructions for the download and execution of your PART program
provided in Appendix C of this Guide.

When you are finished, go to the next section in the multimedia presentation.

62 Module Guide
CNC Mill Directions

Lesson 2, Design Features

In this activity, you will use additional features and some of the more complex
geometries available in Fabricus. You will then create a new design for a part to be
manufactured in a later lesson.

The Fabricus software should be on your screen. If it is not, click on the Application
Launch button and select Fabricus.

Polylines in Fabricus

1. Click the Show/Hide ruler button to display the rulers.

2. Click the Snap to Grid button if it is not pressed in, to enable the snap to grid.

3. Click the Polyline geometry button on the Drawing toolbar. The mouse cursor
should now be a plus sign (+) in the design window.

4. In one motion, click and drag the mouse from the point X=0.25 Y=0.25 to the point
X=0.25 .Y=1.75, click and drag the mouse to the point X=1.75 Y=1.75, then click and
drag the mouse to X=1.75 Y=0.25. Double-click at this point to save the geometry.

5. Click the Show/Hide tool path button to show the tool path as in Figure 2-D, then
click it again to hide the tool path.

Figure 2-D

Module Guide 63
CNC Mill Directions

6. Select File, then Save As. Locate the C:\ProgramFiles\Cameleon\Fabricus directory

using the Save In: box. In the File name box, type "XX Design Features" where XX
are your initials. Then click the Save button to save the file.

Bezier geometries in Fabricus

The Bezier curve is based on mathematical formulas beyond the scope of this course.
There are a number of ways to create Bezier curves. One way is to establish the first
two control points and then bend the curve as needed, creating additional control points
as you go. The control points have handles which can be used for adjustment.
But sometimes it is better to create a simple curve first, then use the control points to
establish the figure desired.

1. Click the Bezier geometry button on the Drawing toolbar. The mouse cursor
should now be a plus sign (+) in the design window.

2. Create a straight curve first.

a. Click the mouse at the point X=0.50 Y=1.00.
b. Move the mouse to the point X=0.75 Y=1.00 and click.
c. Move the mouse to the point X=1.00 Y=1.00 and click.
d. Move the mouse to the point X=1.25 Y=1.00 and click.
e. Move the mouse to the point X=1.50 Y=1.00 and double-click.

The design should appear as shown in Figure 2-E.

Figure 2-E

3. Place the mouse at the second point from the left, X=0.75 Y=1.00. Drag the handle
straight up to the point X=0.75 Y=1.875.

64 Module Guide
CNC Mill Directions

4. Place the mouse at the fourth point from the left, X=1.25 Y=1.00. Drag the handle
straight down to the point X=1.25 Y=.125. The design should appear as shown in
Figure 2-F.

Figure 2-F

5. Save the file.

Arc geometries in Fabricus

The Arc is not as complex as the Bezier curve. But its shape and direction depend on
how it is drawn.
1. Click the Arc geometry button on the Drawing toolbar. The mouse cursor should
now be a plus sign (+) in the design window.

2. Click the mouse at the point X=0.50 Y=0.50 then drag it in a straight line to the point
X=1.50 Y=.25 and then release it. The design should appear as shown in Figure 2-

Figure 2-G

Module Guide 65
CNC Mill Directions

3. Once created, you can use the handles to adjust the direction and curvature of the

4. Save the file.

The polyline, Bezier curve, and arc geometries can only be grooves. They cannot be
defined as containers, but they can be used as islands.

Pie Geometries in Fabricus

A pie geometry is a portion of a circle. To create a pie geometry, you establish the
radius (distance from the center of the circle to its edge), then create the angle desired.

1. Click the Pie geometry button on the Drawing toolbar. The mouse cursor should
now be a plus sign (+) in the design window.

2. Click at the point X=1.125 Y=1.25 and move the cursor horizontally to the point
X=1.50 Y=1.25 and click.

3. Move the cursor towards the bottom of the design window. The size of the angle is
displayed in degrees (°) and should increase as you go further downward. When the
angle is equal or close to 45°, double-click to save the geometry.

4. If the angle is not 45°

a. double-click inside the pie to open the Geometry properties dialog box.
b. just above the Use tool selection, change the "Pie angle" to 45.00.
c. click the green check mark to save the update.

The design should appear as shown in Figure 2-H.

Figure 2-H

66 Module Guide
CNC Mill Directions

5. Click the Toggle views button and the Show/Hide tool path. The design
should appear as shown in Figure 2-I. Then click them again to return to the TOP

Figure 2-I

6. Save the file.

Fabricus Miscellaneous Options

You can move the workpiece in the design window. This may be done to help examine
designs with extended dimensions. The workpiece can be moved closer to the rulers for
easier measurements.

1. Click the Pan view button on the Viewing toolbar. The cursor should resemble
the four arrows within the design window.

2. Drag the cursor to the left and the right, then up and down.

3. If the rulers are on, they will readjust to the correct locations when movement stops.

4. Exit Pan mode by pressing the Esc key.

You can zoom in on design details or zoom out to get a better view of an entire design.

5. Click the Zoom button on the Viewing toolbar. The cursor should resemble the
magnifying glass within the design window.

6. To zoom in, use the right-click to drag the cursor towards the center of the design.

Module Guide 67
CNC Mill Directions

7. To zoom out, use the right click to drag the cursor away from the center of the

8. Exit Zoom mode by pressing the Esc key.

NOTE: The Pan view and Zoom cannot be enabled at the

same time.

You can group geometries to move, resize, or rotate them as a single unit.

9. Select the Pie-1 geometry.

10. Holding the SHIFT key down, select the Bezier-1 geometry.

11. Click the Group geometries button on the Drawing toolbar. Note that the
Geometries list identifies the group, but it also has changed the order in which
the geometries are displayed. A single rectangle should surround the pie and
Bezier in the design window. See Figure 2-J.

Figure 2-J

12. Click the Rotate a geometry button


68 Module Guide
CNC Mill Directions

13. Click on either geometry. The outline with handles should change to a solid
rectangle with a single handle in the middle as shown in Figure 2-K.

Figure 2-K

14. Place the mouse on the handle to reveal the rotational icon, a circle with an
arrow indicating a clockwise rotation.

15. Drag the rotational icon straight down slowly until the pointed edge of the pie
geometry is approximately at the point X=1.00 Y=1.00, as shown in Figure 2-L.
Then release the mouse.

Figure 2-L

16. Select Edit then Undo to return both geometries to their original locations.

17. Click the Ungroup geometries button to ungroup the two geometries.

Module Guide 69
CNC Mill Directions

18. Press the Esc key to disable the Rotate a geometry mode.

Continue this activity with the instructions for your part design.

Designing the Part

The Fabricus software should be on your screen. If it is not, click on the Application
Launch button and select Fabricus.

In this portion of the activity, the design you will work on is for the outside faces of
a yo-yo.

1. Select File, then Open. Locate the file yo-yo.fbs in your C:\Program Files\Lab-
Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400 directory and open it.

2. Select File, then Save As. Locate the C:\Program Files\Lab-Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400


3. In the File name: box, type "XX yoyo-face" where XX are your initials, then click

4. Click the Toggle views button to see the design as shown in Figure 2-M.

Figure 2-M

The design does have the correct number of 16-sided polygons (8). However, it should
be obvious from the Top, Front, and Side views that the design is incorrect.

70 Module Guide
CNC Mill Directions

In this case, the designer rushed to complete the design. Polygons 1-4 are correct, but
polygons 5-8 have some incorrect specifications with regard to the:
• depth of the geometry.
• incremental depth for the vertical cut.
• cut type.
• number of polygon sides.

5. Click the Toggle views button to return to the Top view.

6. In the Geometries list box, right-click on the text "Polygon-5" and select "Properties"
to open the Geometry properties dialog box.
a. Change the ΔZ value to "0.2000".
b. Change the "Cut vertical increments" value to "0.100000". Click the "Calc number
of passes" button. The number should change to "2.00".
c. Click the "Groove" radio button.
d. Change the number of sides to "16".
e. Click the green check mark to save the changes.

7. In the Geometries list box, right-click on the text "Polygon-6" and select "Properties"
to open the Geometry properties dialog box.
a. Change the ΔZ value to "0.2400".
b. Change the "Cut vertical increments" value to "0.120000". Click the "Calc number
of passes" button. The number should change to "2.00".
c. Click the "Groove" radio button.
d. Change the number of sides to "16".
e. Click the green check mark to save the changes.

8. In the Geometries list box, right-click on the text "Polygon-7" and select "Properties"
to open the Geometry properties dialog box.
a. Change the ΔZ value to "0.2800".
b. Change the "Cut vertical increments" value to "0.140000". Click the "Calc number
of passes" button. The number should change to "2.00".
c. Click the "Groove" radio button.
d. Change the number of sides to "16".
e. Click the green check mark to save the changes.

9. In the Geometries list box, right-click on the text "Polygon-8" and select "Properties"
to open the Geometry properties dialog box.
a. Change the ΔZ value to "0.4996".
b. Change the "Cut vertical increments" value to "0.124900". Click the "Calc number
of passes" button. The number should change to "4.00".
c. Click the "Groove" radio button.
d. Change the number of sides to "16".
e. Click the green check mark to save the changes.

Module Guide 71
CNC Mill Directions

10. Review the Top view of the yo-yo face. It should appear as shown in Figure 2-N.

Figure 2-N

11. Click the Toggle views button to see the design as shown in Figure 2-O.

Figure 2-O

12. If your design does not match the figure:

a. Double-check the geometry property values, polygon-5 through polygon-8.
Review your design as above.
b. Contact your instructor for assistance.

13. Save the design file XX yoyo-face.fbs (where XX are your initials) in your
C:\Program Files\Lab-Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400 directory.

72 Module Guide
CNC Mill Directions

14. Select File, then Export to GM File to open the Save As dialog box. In the File name"
box, enter "XX yoyo-face". The "Save as type" should be "Mill Level-5 Files (*.M5).
Click Save to create the CNC Mill source program file.

15. Close the Fabricus application.

When you are finished, go to the next section in the multimedia presentation.

Module Guide 73
CNC Mill Directions

Lesson 3, Program Instructions

In this activity, you will analyze the CNC Mill PART program created for the manufacture
of the yo-yo. You will also complete the emulation processing for the yo-yo project.


The CNC Mill software should be on your screen. If it is not, click on the Application
Launch button and select CNC Mill Software.

1. On the main menu, select File, then Open.

2. Using the Look in: box, locate the directory C:\Program Files\Lab-
Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400 on your computer.

3. Select the file "XX yoyo-face.m5" (where XX are your initials) and click the Open
button. The file should be displayed in the Line Editor window.

4. Obtain the Data Sheet titled Lesson 3, Program Instructions Data Sheet from your

5. Answer the questions on the data sheet.

When you have completed all of the questions, continue with the steps required to
prepare your PART programs for manufacturing.

Fabricus Views

It is a good idea to have the design file open so that you can compare it to the CNC Mill
software's emulation.

1. Click on the Application Launch button and select Fabricus.

2. Select File and then Open.

3. Use the Look in: box to locate your C:\Program Files\Lab-Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400

directory. Select the file "XX yoyo-face.fbs" file where XX are your initials. Click the
Open button to open the file.

74 Module Guide
CNC Mill Directions

4. Click the Toggle views button to display all four of the views shown in Figure 3-A.

Figure 3-A

Compile and Emulate

1. On the CNC Mill software main menu, select Mill, then Emulate. The CNC Mill
software will perform the compile step. The Compiling dialog box should return the
"Successful Compile" message.

2. Click on OK to close the Compiling dialog box. The Mill 3D Emulator window should
open automatically as in Figure 3-B.

Figure 3-B

Module Guide 75
CNC Mill Directions

3. In the View palette, click on the Oblique view button to show a 3-dimensional
display of the emulation. See Figure 3-C.

Figure 3-C

4. Click the Step simulation button (blue arrow icon) in the Control palette.
a. Watch for any movement of the milling tool.
b. Note the values in the boxes displaying the Code and X-Y-Z coordinates.
c. If the tool does not move or comes to a stop, click the Step simulation button
again to continue.
d. Repeat steps a-c several times.

5. Click the Reset simulation button (yellow arrow icon). This will place the emulator
back at the first line of the program.

6. Execute standard simulation. Click on the Start simulation button (green arrow icon)
in the upper left-hand area of the Control palette. The Line Editor window will scroll
through the program code as the emulation processes.

7. The emulation will run to completion. The Code box at the top of the window will
indicate a value of "M30" when the emulation is complete. It should appear as shown
in Figure 3-D.

Figure 3-D

76 Module Guide
CNC Mill Directions

8. Compare the results of the emulation to your design in Fabricus. If they do not
match, contact your instructor for assistance before continuing.

9. Close the Mill 3D Emulator and Line Editor windows

You have completed the emulation for the face of the yo-yo. Milling two workpieces with
this same design will create the faces of the yo-yo. But how will they be connected?

The Other Side in Fabricus

The two parts of the yo-yo will be connected by using a dowel. This will require drilling a
hole in back of each yo-yo face. In order to accomplish this, you will need a separate
design to create the hole.

Fabricus should still be open on your computer. If it is not, click on the Application
Launch button and select Fabricus.

1. Select then File and then Open.

2. Use the Look in: box to locate your C:\Program Files\Lab-Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400

directory. Select the file named "yoyo-back.fbs", then click the Open button.

3. Select File, then Save As.

4. Use the Save in: box to locate your C:\Program Files\Lab-Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400

directory. In the File name" box, type "XX yoyo-back" where XX are your initials.
Then click Save.

5. Double-click within the ellipse to open the Geometry properties dialog box. Note that
Tool 1 will be used to create an elliptical pocket .250 inches wide and a depth of
.1875 inches.

6. Click the red X to close the dialog box.

Module Guide 77
CNC Mill Directions

7. Click the Toggle views button and the Show/Hide tool path button to see the
design as shown in Figure 3-E.

Figure 3-E

8. Select File, then Export to GM File to open the Save As dialog box. In the File name"
box, enter "XX yoyo-back". The "Save as type" should be "Mill Level-5 Files (*.M5)".
Click Save to create the CNC Mill source program file.

Compile and Emulate

1. Select File and then Open in the CNC Mill software window.

2. Locate your C:\Program Files\Lab-Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400 directory using the Look

in: box. Select your file "XX yoyo-back.m5" where XX are your initials then click the
Open button.

3. On the CNC Mill software main menu, select Mill, then Emulate. The CNC Mill
software will perform the compile step. The Compiling dialog box should return the
"Successful Compile" message.

4. Click on OK to close the Compiling dialog box. The Mill 3D Emulator window should
open automatically.

5. In the View palette, click on the Oblique view button to show a 3-dimensional display
of the emulation. See Figure 3-F.

78 Module Guide
CNC Mill Directions

Figure 3-F

6. Execute standard simulation. Click on the Start simulation button in the upper
left-hand area of the Control palette. The Line Editor window will scroll through the
program code as the emulation processes.

7. The emulation will run to completion. The Code box at the top of the window will
indicate a value of "M30" when the emulation is complete. It should appear as shown
in Figure 3-G.

Figure 3-G

8. Compare the results of the emulation to your design in Fabricus. If they do not
match, contact your instructor for assistance

9. Close the CNC Mill software.

10. Close the Fabricus software.

When you are finished, go to the next section in the multimedia presentation.

Module Guide 79
CNC Mill Directions

Lesson 4, Milling the Emulated Part

In this activity, you will complete all of the manufacturing processes required to
complete the yo-yo. This will require the use of two wax workpieces.

Compile and Emulate

In order to do the milling correctly, the holes must be drilled in the workpieces before the
faces of the yo-yo are manufactured.

The CNC Mill software should be on your screen. If it is not, click on the Application
Launch button and select CNC Mill Software.

1. On the main menu, select File, then Open.

2. Using the Look in: box, locate the directory C:\Program Files\Lab-
Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400 on your computer.

3. Select the file "XX yoyo-back.m5" (where XX are your initials) and click the Open
button. The file should be displayed in the Line Editor window.

4. On the main menu, select Mill, then Emulate. The CNC Mill software will perform the
compile step. The Compiling dialog box should return the "Successful Compile"

5. Click on OK to close the Compiling dialog box. The Mill 3D Emulator window should
open automatically as shown in Figure 4-A.

Figure 4-A

6. In the View palette, click on the Oblique view button to show a 3-dimensional
display of the emulation. See Figure 4-B.

80 Module Guide
CNC Mill Directions

Figure 4-B

7. Execute standard simulation. Click on the Start simulation button (green arrow icon)
in the upper left-hand area of the Control palette. The Line Editor window will scroll
through the program code as the emulation processes.

8. The emulation will run to completion. The Code box at the top of the window will
indicate a value of "M30" when the emulation is complete. It should appear as shown
in Figure 4-C.

Figure 4-C

9. If the emulation does not appear correct, contact your instructor for assistance.

10. Examine the Time estimate which is provided in minutes:seconds format at the
bottom of the Mill 3D Emulator window. The milling process needs to be completed
in a single class session. If the time estimate exceeds the amount of time normally
available for the milling process, you may need to schedule time with your instructor
outside the class session to complete the manufacturing of this part.

NOTE: The time estimate is one of the Machining Data

Fields at the bottom of the Mill 3D Emulator window. If they
are not displayed, maximize the Mill 3D emulator window.

Module Guide 81
CNC Mill Directions

11. You will need to obtain your instructor's approval to continue.

• Review all of the safety procedures in Appendix A of this Guide.
• Obtain a copy of the Activity Approval form from your instructor.
• Fill in the required information and sign the form.
• Have your instructor sign the approval form.

Now it is time to prepare the CNC Mill for the execution of the program.

• The Wax workpiece for this part has dimensions as follows:

X = 2.0 inches Y = 2.0 inches Z = 0.5 inches.

• The tool for this milling exercise is

Tool #1 – 1/8" End Mill.

12. With this information, follow the instructions for preparing the workpiece, tool, and
PRZ provided in Appendix B of this Guide.

13. Follow the instructions for the download and execution of your PART program
provided in Appendix C of this Guide.

NOTE: When you have finished the milling, check the time
left in the class session. If there is enough time remaining
and you need to continue, skip steps 7-12 of Executing a
PART Program until it is time to shut down for the end of the

14. You have completed milling the first part successfully. Close the emulation and
editor windows. Now you must repeat the instructions in steps 12 and 13 using the
second workpiece.

You have finished the manufacturing of the holes for each of the yo-yo backs. When
you are finished, continue with the instructions for the yo-yo faces.

Compile and Emulate

The CNC Mill software should be on your screen. If it is not, click on the Application
Launch button and select CNC Mill Software.

1. On the main menu, select File, then Open.

2. Using the Look in: box, locate the directory C:\Program Files\Lab-
Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400 on your computer.

3. Select the file "XX yoyo-face.m5" (where XX are your initials) and click the Open
button. The file should be displayed in the Line Editor window.

82 Module Guide
CNC Mill Directions

4. On the CNC Mill software main menu, select Mill, then Emulate. The CNC Mill
software will perform the compile step. The Compiling dialog box should return the
"Successful Compile" message.

5. Click on OK to close the Compiling dialog box. The Mill 3D Emulator window should
open automatically as shown in Figure 4-D.

Figure 4-D

6. In the View palette, click on the Oblique view button to show a 3-dimensional
display of the emulation. See Figure 4-E.

Figure 4-E

7. Execute standard simulation. Click on the Start simulation button in the upper
left-hand area of the Control palette. The Line Editor window will scroll through the
program code as the emulation processes.
8. The emulation will run to completion. The Code box at the top of the window will
indicate a value of "M30" when the emulation is complete. It should appear as shown
in Figure 4-F.

Module Guide 83
CNC Mill Directions

Figure 4-F

9. If the emulation does not appear correct, contact your instructor for assistance.

10. Examine the Time estimate which is provided in minutes:seconds format at the
bottom of the Mill 3D Emulator window. The milling process needs to be completed
in a single class session. If the time estimate exceeds the amount of time normally
available for the milling process, you may need to schedule time with your instructor
outside the class session to complete the manufacturing of this part.

NOTE: The time estimate is one of the Machining Data

Fields at the bottom of the Mill 3D Emulator window. If they
are not displayed, maximize the Mill 3D emulator window.

11. You will need to obtain your instructor's approval to continue.

• Review all of the safety procedures in Appendix A of this Guide.
• Obtain a copy of the Activity Approval form from your instructor.
• Fill in the required information and sign the form.
• Have your instructor sign the approval form.

Now it is time to prepare the CNC Mill for the execution of the program.

• The Wax workpiece for this part has dimensions as follows:

X = 2.0 inches Y = 2.0 inches Z = 0.5 inches.

• The tool for this milling exercise is:

Tool #1 – 1/8" End Mill.

84 Module Guide
CNC Mill Directions

12. With this information, follow the instructions for preparing the workpiece, tool, and
PRZ provided in Appendix B of this Guide.

NOTE: You will re-use the workpieces with the holes drilled.
You will need to place each workpiece in the vise such that
the hole is facing down.

13. Follow the instructions for the download and execution of your PART program
provided in Appendix C of this Guide.

NOTE: When you have finished the milling, check the time
left in the class session. If there is enough time and you
need to continue, skip steps 7-12 of Executing a PART
Program until it is time to shut down for the end of the

14. You have completed milling the first part successfully. Now you must repeat the
instructions in steps 12 and 13 using the second workpiece.

You have finished manufacturing the pieces for the yo-yo. You can obtain the provided
rod, string, and yo-yo assembly instructions from your instructor.

When you are finished, go to the next section in the multimedia presentation.

Module Guide 85
CNC Mill Directions

Lesson 5, Subroutines and Loops

In this activity, you will create the design and complete the emulation for a new part, a

Fabricus Design

The Fabricus software should be on your screen. If it is not, click on the Application
Launch button and select Fabricus.

You will be using a stock made of Lexan with the dimensions X=6.0 inches, Y=3.0
inches, and Z = 0.5 inches.

1. On the main menu, select Edit then Stocks

to open the Stock properties dialog box.
a. In the Name field, type "Lexan
6.0x3.0x0.5 in."
b. In the ΔX field, type "6.0000"
c. In the ΔY field, type "3.0000"
d. In the ΔZ field, type "0.5000"
e. In the Material field, type "Lexan"
f. Ensure that the X, Y, and Z values in
the Home position area are set to zero.
See Figure 5-A.
g. Click the green check mark to save the Figure 5-A
settings for this workpiece.

2. Click the Show/Hide rulers button to enable the rulers. Most likely, the rulers will
be a bit off with this size workpiece.

3. Click the Zoom button . Holding the right-click down, drag the mouse away from
the center of the design, then adjust it until the rulers are aligned. Remember that
the rulers do not re-size until you release the mouse.

4. When the workpiece and the rulers are aligned correctly, press the ESC key to get
out of zoom mode.

5. Click on the Text button on the Drawing toolbar and the mouse should become a

6. Place the cursor at the location where X=0.25 and Y=1.50, then drag it up and to the
right to create a text geometry rectangle which takes up most of the upper half of the
diagram. When you release the mouse, the Text Properties dialog box will
automatically open as shown in Figure 5-B.

86 Module Guide
CNC Mill Directions

7. In the box labeled "Enter text", enter your initials

or name, using no more than six characters.
a. In the Name box, type your first name.
b. Check and adjust the Dimensions to:
• ΔX = 5.5000
• ΔY = 1.2500
• ΔZ = 0.1250
c. Check and adjust the Position to:
• X = 0.2500
• Y = 1.5000
• Z = 0.0000
d. Let the other values default.
e. Click the green check mark to save these
values. Your design should look similar to
Figure 5-E.

Figure 5-B

NOTE: If you receive the Fabricus error box shown in Figure

5-C, you will need to modify the text field.

Figure 5-C

This may require the use of fewer characters. You can also try selecting a different
font (style and size) using the two areas at the top of the Text properties dialog box
in Figure 5-D.

Figure 5-D

Module Guide 87
CNC Mill Directions

Figure 5-E

8. Click the Show/Hide tool path button to show the tool path. If it does not appear
that the tool will successfully cut any of the letters, you may have to re-open the
Geometry properties dialog box and modify the text.

9. Select File then Save As. In the File name box, type "XX NamePlate" where XX are
your initials. Then click the Save button to save the file.

10. Click on the Text button on the Drawing toolbar and the mouse should become a

11. Place the cursor at the location where X=0.25 and Y=0.25, then drag it up and to the
right to create another text geometry rectangle which takes up most of the lower half
of the diagram. When you release the mouse, the Text properties dialog box will
automatically open.
a. In the box labeled "Enter text", enter a nickname or a favorite word/color/number.
Try to use no more than five characters.
b. In the Name box, type the characters you entered.
c. Check and adjust the Dimensions to:
• ΔX = 5.5000
• ΔY = 1.0000
• ΔZ = 0.1250
d. Check and adjust the Position to:
• X = 0.2500
• Y = 0.2500
• Z = 0.0000
e. Let the other values default.
f. Click the green check mark to save these values.

88 Module Guide
CNC Mill Directions

NOTE: If you receive the Fabricus error box in Figure 5-F,

you will need to modify the text field.

Figure 5-F

This may require the use of fewer characters. You can also try selecting a different
font (style and size) using the two areas at the top of the Text properties dialog

Figure 5-G

12. Click the Show/Hide tool path button to show the tool path. Your design should
look similar to Figure 5-H.

Figure 5-H

13. The values that you specified for the Name field in the
Text properties dialog box for both Text geometries
should be reflected in the Geometries list box. They will
have a '-1' appended as shown in Figure 5-I.

Figure 5-I

Module Guide 89
CNC Mill Directions

NOTE: Text geometries are very dependent on the size of

the rectangular text area allocated, the individual characters,
the combination of characters, the font associated with the
text, and the tool being used for milling.

After all of your editing, examine the design closely with the
tool path displayed. Look for gaps in the actual tool path for
each character. If there are still characters which appear not
to be milled entirely, you may wish to consider using Tool 5
for this design. For both geometries, use the drop-down box
at the bottom of the Geometry properties dialog box to select
Tool 5. Click the green checkmark, and then review the
changes with the tool path displayed.

Keep in mind that Tool 5 (0.0625" end mill) is a narrower tool

and will require additional time for manufacturing. In some
cases, the extra time required can be significant. You will
need to check the estimated time in the emulation phase of
the mill processing for more information.

14. Click the Toggle views button to see all views, then click it again to return to the
Top view.

15. When you are satisfied with the lower text field, Save the file.

16. Click the Make GM File button and save the file in your Fabricus directory as XX
NamePlate .M5 where XX are your initials.

You have successfully created the Fabricus design file and a PART program source file.
Continue the activity with Study the PART program.

Study the PART Program

Click on the Application Launch button and select CNC Mill Software.

1. On the main menu, select File and then Open.

2. Using the Look in: box, locate the directory C:\Program Files\Lab-
Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400 on your computer.

3. Select the file "XX NamePlate.m5" (where XX are your initials) and click the Open
button. The file should be displayed in the Line Editor window.

4. Use the scroll bar on the right side of the window to browse down through the end of
the code.

90 Module Guide
CNC Mill Directions

The comment lines have been populated with the names that you provided in the
Geometry properties dialog box. This feature is very useful in an environment where
naming conventions exist. It can also be of use in very complex designs.

You have seen no subroutines or loops in any of the code generated from the Fabricus
software. This is often the case in computer-based code which is generated from
software. Commercial software is built to generate basic code which will perform
required functions.

5. On the main menu, select File and then Open.

6. Using the Look in: box, locate the Fabricus directory, then open the file named

This is a Lab-Volt sample file containing a set of subroutines. Each subroutine

generates a character.

7. Find the line containing the "\ B". This comment identifies the code which follows it,
code for machining the letter B.

8. The next line, "SUB B" is the actual start of the subroutine. It ends with the next
END.SUB on line 00042.

This entire file or only the code for specific letters could be copied after the END
statement of another program to generate desired characters. For example, the main
program would include a "CALL B" statement wherever the letter B was required.

9. Now read the comments at the top of the file.

These subroutines create characters of a specific set of dimensions. They are great
time savers as long as the required characters are the same size. But if you needed
them to be a different size, this code would have to be modified to be useful.

10. Close the ALPHA.M5 file. Your NamePlate M5 file should still be open in the Line
Editor. Continue with the Compile and Emulate CNC Mill processing.

Compile and Emulate

1. On the main menu, select Mill, then Emulate. The CNC Mill software will perform the
compile step. The Compiling dialog box should return the "Successful Compile"

2. Click on OK to close the Compiling dialog box. The Mill 3D Emulator window should
open automatically as shown in Figure 5-J.

Module Guide 91
CNC Mill Directions

Figure 5-J

3. In the View palette, click on the Oblique view button to show a 3-dimensional display
of the emulation as shown in Figure 5-K.

Figure 5-K
4. To start the emulation of the program, click on the Start simulation button in the
upper left-hand area of the Control palette. The Line Editor window will scroll through
the program code as the emulation processes.

5. The emulation will run to completion. The Code box at the top of the window will
indicate a value of "M30" when the emulation is complete. It should appear similar to
Figure 5-L.

Figure 5-L

92 Module Guide
CNC Mill Directions

6. Compare the completed emulation to the Fabricus design you used to generate the
source program. If there are inconsistencies between the two, contact your instructor
for help.

7. Examine the Time estimate which is provided in minutes:seconds format at the

bottom of the Mill 3D Emulator window. The milling process needs to be completed
in a single class session. If the time estimate exceeds the amount of time normally
available for the milling process, you may need to do one of two things:

a. Modify the design in Fabricus, then save the design and re-export the GM file.
Repeat the CNC Mill emulation process and check to see that the milling can be
completed within a single class session.
b. Plan to schedule time with your instructor outside the class session to complete
the manufacturing of this part.

NOTE: The time estimate is one of the Machining Data

Fields at the bottom of the Mill 3D Emulator window. If they
are not displayed, maximize the Mill 3D emulator window.

8. Close the CNC Mill software:

• Click the X in the upper right-hand corner of the emulation window
• Click the X in the upper right-hand corner of the Line Editor window
• Click the X in the upper right-hand corner of the Lab-Volt CNC Mill window

9. Close Fabricus by clicking the X in the Title bar of the Fabricus window.

When you are finished, go to the next section in the multimedia presentation.

Module Guide 93
CNC Mill Directions

Lesson 6, Manufacturing Issues

In this activity, you will complete the manufacturing of the name plate created in the
previous lesson.

Compile and Emulate

The CNC Mill software should be on your screen. If it is not, click on the Application
Launch button and select CNC Mill Software.

1. On the main menu, select File and then Open.

2. Using the Look in: box, locate the directory C:\Program Files\Lab-
Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400 on your computer.

3. Select the file "XX NamePlate.m5" (where XX are your initials) and click the Open
button. The file should be displayed in the Line Editor window.

4. On the main menu, select Mill, then Emulate. The CNC Mill software will perform the
compile step. The Compiling dialog box should return the "Successful Compile"

5. Click on OK to close the Compiling dialog box. The Mill 3D Emulator window should
open automatically as shown in Figure 6-A.

Figure 6-A

94 Module Guide
CNC Mill Directions

6. In the View palette, click on the Oblique view button to show a 3-dimensional
display of the emulation shown in Figure 6-B.

Figure 6-B

7. To start the emulation of the program, click on the Start simulation button (green
arrow icon) in the upper left-hand area of the Control palette. The Line Editor window
will scroll through the program code as the emulation processes.

8. The emulation will run to completion. The Code box at the top of the window will
indicate a value of "M30" when the emulation is complete. It should appear similar to
Figure 6-C.

Figure 6-C

9. Examine the Time estimate which is provided in minutes:seconds format at the

bottom of the Mill 3D Emulator window. The milling process needs to be completed
in a single class session. If the time estimate exceeds the amount of time normally
available for the milling process, you may need to do one of two things:

Module Guide 95
CNC Mill Directions

a. Modify the design in Fabricus, then save the design and re-export the GM file.
Repeat the CNC Mill emulation process and check to see that the milling can be
completed within a single class session.
b. Plan to schedule time with your instructor outside the class session to complete
the manufacturing of this part.

NOTE: The time estimate is one of the Machining Data

Fields at the bottom of the Mill 3D Emulator window. If they
are not displayed, maximize the Mill 3D emulator window.

10. You will need to obtain your instructor's approval to continue.

• Review all of the safety procedures in Appendix A of this Guide.
• Obtain a copy of the Activity Approval form from your instructor.
• Fill in the required information and sign the form.
• Have your instructor sign the approval form.

Now it is time to prepare the CNC Mill for the execution of the program.

• The Lexan workpiece for this part has dimensions as follows:

X = 6.0 inches Y = 3.0 inches Z = 0.5 inches.

• The tool for this milling exercise is

Tool #1 – 1/8" End Mill.

11. With this information, follow the instructions for preparing the workpiece, tool, and
PRZ provided in Appendix B of this Guide.

12. Follow the instructions for the download and execution of your PART program
provided in Appendix C of this Guide.

When you are finished, go to the next section in the multimedia presentation.

96 Module Guide
CNC Mill Directions

Lesson 7, Complex Designs and Debugging

In this activity, you will perform some problem determination. You will also design the
final part to be manufactured in this module.

Compiler Errors

The CNC Mill software should be on your screen. If it is not, click on the Application
Launch button and select CNC Mill Software.

The compiler will identify syntax errors in CNC Mill programs. However, it identifies only
one error at a time. You must correct each error, then run the compiler again until the
compilation is successful.

1. On the main menu, select File and then Open.

2. Using the Look in: box, locate the directory C:\Program Files\Lab-
Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400 on your computer.

3. Select the file "debug1.m5".and click the Open button. The file should be displayed
in the Line Editor window.

4. Select File and then Save As. Using the Save in: box locate the directory
C:\Program Files\Lab-Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400.

5. In the File name: box, enter "XX debug1.m5" where XX are your initials. Click Save.

6. In the Line editor window containing your code, click the Maximize button .

7. Select Mill then Emulate. The Compiler Status box should be returned immediately
indicating an error on line 1, as in Figure 7-A.

Figure 7-A

Module Guide 97
CNC Mill Directions

8. Looking at line 00001 "TOL 1" is missing an 'O'.

a. Click the Cancel button in the Compiler Status box.
b. Change the text on line 00001 to "TOOL 1".
c. Select Mill then Emulate to execute the compiler again. The Compiler Status box
should be returned immediately indicating an error on line 66.

9. Change each of the compiler errors in the same manner until you get a successful

Depending on the size of the program and the number of errors, correcting syntax
errors can be a very repetitive process. And remember that the compiler catches syntax
errors, but cannot guarantee that changes made are the desired ones.

10. Click on OK to close the Compiling dialog box. The Mill 3D Emulator window should
open automatically.

11. To start the emulation of the program, click on the Start simulation button (green
arrow icon) in the upper left-hand area of the Control palette. The Line Editor window
will scroll through the program code as the emulation processes. The emulation will
run to completion. The Code box at the top of the window will indicate a value of
"M30" when the emulation is complete. It should appear similar to Figure 7-B.

Figure 7-B

12. Close the emulator and select File, then Save As. Save the file XX debug1.m5
(where XX are your initials) back to the C:\Program Files\Lab-
Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400 directory.

13. Close the file in the Line Editor.

You completed both problem determination and problem resolution by identifying and
correcting the coding errors to produce a clean compile and an accurate emulation.

98 Module Guide
CNC Mill Directions

Emulation errors

The CNC Mill software has no way of determining errors in a design or in the PART
program itself. It will simulate all of the instructions included within a program which has
been successfully compiled.

1. On the main menu, select File and then Open.

2. Using the Look in: box, locate the directory C:\Program Files\Lab-
Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400 on your computer.

3. Select the file "debug2.m5".and click the Open button. The file should be displayed
in the Line Editor window.

4. Select File, then Save As. Using the Save in: box locate the directory C:\Program

5. In the File name: box, enter "XX debug2.m5" where XX are your initials.

6. In the Line editor window containing your code, click the Maximize button .

7. On the main menu, select Mill, then Emulate. The CNC Mill software will perform the
compile step. The Compiling dialog box should return the "Successful Compile"

8. Click on OK to close the Compiling dialog box. The Mill 3D Emulator window should
open automatically.

9. In the View palette, click on the Oblique view button to show a 3-dimensional display
of the emulation.

10. To start the emulation of the program, click on the Start simulation button in the
upper left-hand area of the Control palette. The Line Editor window will scroll through
the program code as the emulation processes.

Module Guide 99
CNC Mill Directions

11. The emulation will run to completion. The Code box at the top of the window will
indicate a value of "M30" when the emulation is complete. It should appear similar to
Figure 7-C.

Figure 7-C

You did not create this program, it was provided to you. The part information which has
been provided to you stipulates:

• All four geometries should have a depth of .375 inches.

• The rectangle and hexagon are groove cuts.
• The ellipse and pie are pocket cuts.
• The tool to be used is Tool 1, the 0.125" End Mill.

12. Look at the emulation again. Notice that the pie geometry is not as deep as the other
three geometries. Additionally, the ellipse appears to be a groove, not a pocket.

13. Close the 3D emulator. The Line Editor should still be open with the program code

14. Scroll through the program source and locate the comment line "Pie-1 cut".

15. Now examine the instructions between the comment line "Pie-1 cut" and "Ellipse-1
a. The Z parameter is not equal to -0.375 on any statement.
b. Absolute positioning is specified initially.
c. There are no incremental references, so absolute positioning is used for every
d. Therefore, the tool is never instructed to reach the required depth.

Problem determination on the elliptical geometry requires much more programming

knowledge and some basics about geometry.

100 Module Guide

CNC Mill Directions

16. Take a look at the code below which is a portion of the code following the "Ellipse-1"

X0.5489 Y0.8086 Z-0.1250
X0.5625 Y0.5625 Z-0.1250

a. There seems to be two more similar blocks of code below these lines with Z
values of -0.2500 and -0.3750. These indicate that there are three passes with a
final depth of 0.375 inches which is correct.
b. The X, Y, and Z parameters on the MOVE specify a point on the arc to be drawn
c. The X, Y, and Z parameters on the G02 specify the center of the arc to be drawn.
The ARC statement following the G02 X-Y-Z parameters indicates that the arc
will be a complete circle.
d. The radius of the circle is determined by using these two sets of coordinates in a
mathematical formula. Calculating the radius of the circle, it is approximately .246
inches. This would make the diameter, or width, of the circle approximately 0.49
inches. The outer edge of the tool will be on the circle itself. Having a width of
only .125 inches, the tool cannot possibly mill the entire pocket with a single
circular cut at each depth. This is the reason that the emulation is incorrect.

If the program had been generated by hand, these problems would be corrected using
the editor in the CNC Mill software. Any relevant design sketches would be updated as
necessary. If the program was created using CAD software like Fabricus, the design
should be corrected and the program re-generated in the same manner.

Remember, problem determination and problem resolution can involve more than
locating and fixing problems. Changes in procedures, additional education, and other
measures identified can go a long way in reducing the number of errors in a
manufacturing business.

17. Close the emulator and select File, then Save As. Save the file XX debug2.m5
(where XX are your initials) back to the C:\Program Files\Lab-
Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400 directory.

18. Close the CNC Mill software and continue this activity with the design of the new

Module Guide 101

CNC Mill Directions

Fabricus Design – Key Chain Part A

Click on the Application Launch button and select Fabricus.

You will prepare the design for a keychain. This will require two separate designs in
Fabricus. Each design file will be used to mill two sides of the stock.

You will be using a stock made of hardwood with the dimensions X=3.0 inches, Y=0.5
inches, and Z = 0.5 inches.

1. On the main menu, select Edit then Stocks to open the Stock properties dialog box
in Figure 7-D.
a. In the Name field, type "Hardwood
3.0x0.5x0.5 in."
b. In the ΔX field, type "3.0000"
c. In the ΔY field, type "0.5000"
d. In the ΔZ field, type "0.5000"
e. In the Material field, enter
f. Ensure that the X, Y, and Z
values in the Home position area
are set to zero.
g. Click the green check mark to
save the settings for this
Figure 7-D
2. Select Edit then Options to open the Options dialog box in
Figure 7-E.
a. In the Grid Settings, enter "0.0625" in the Spacing: box.
b. The Snap to Grid box should be checked.
c. Click the green check mark to save the change.

NOTE: This change will impact new design files

until it is modified again.
3. Click the Show/Hide rulers button to enable the rulers. Figure 7-E
Most likely, the rulers will be a bit off with this size workpiece.

4. Click the Zoom button . Holding the right-click down, drag the mouse away from
the center of the design, then adjust it until the rulers are aligned. Remember that
the rulers do not re-size until you release the mouse.

5. When the workpiece and the rulers are aligned correctly, press the Esc key to get
out of zoom mode.
6. Click the Pan view button to adjust the workpiece in the TOP view. When you
are done, press the Esc key to get out of pan mode. See Figure 7-F.

102 Module Guide

CNC Mill Directions

Figure 7-F

The first design will include four geometries: a rectangle, an ellipse, a pie, and an
octagon. All will be pockets with a depth of .250 inches.

1. Ensure that the Snap to grid button is pressed in.

2. Click the Rectangle geometry button .

3. At the location where X = 0.19 and Y = 0.37, click and drag the mouse down and to
the right where X = 0.50 and Y = 0.13.

4. Open the Geometry properties box.

a. Adjust any of the Dimensions parameters so they are defined as:
• Top ΔX = 0.3125
• Top ΔY = 0.2500
• Bottom ΔX = 0.3125
• Bottom ΔY = 0.2500
• ΔZ = 0.2500.
b. Adjust the Position parameters so they are defined as:
• X = 0.1875
• Y = 0.1250
• Z = 0.0000
c. Click the green checkmark. Your design should look like Figure 7-G.

Figure 7-G

d. Click the Show/Hide tool path button to show the tool path then click it again
to hide the tool path.

Module Guide 103

CNC Mill Directions

5. Select File, then Save As. Locate your C:\Program Files\Lab-

Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400 directory using the Save in: box.

6. In the File name box, type "XX KeyChainA" where XX are your initials. Then Save
the file.
7. Click the Elliptical geometry button .

8. At the location where X = 0.75 and Y = 0.37, click and drag the mouse down and to
the right where X = 1.13 and Y = 0.13.

9. Open the Geometry properties box.

a. Adjust any of the Dimensions parameters so they are defined as:
• Top ΔX = 0.3750
• Top ΔY = 0.2500
• Bottom ΔX = 0.3750
• Bottom ΔY = 0.2500
• ΔZ = 0.2500.
b. Adjust the Position parameters so they are defined as:
• X = 0.7500
• Y = 0.1250
• Z = 0.0000.
c. Click the green checkmark. Your design should look as shown in Figure 7-H.

Figure 7-H

d. Click the Show/Hide tool path button to show the tool path then click it again
to hide the tool path.

10. Save the file XX KeyChainA.fbs in your C:\Program Files\Lab-

Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400 directory.

11. Click the Pie geometry button .

12. At the location where X = 1.38 and Y = 0.13, click and drag the mouse to the right
where X = 1.63 and Y = 0.13. Single-click.

13. Drag the handle down until the pie angle is approximately 70°

104 Module Guide

CNC Mill Directions

14. Open the Geometry properties box.

a. Adjust any of the Dimensions parameters so they are defined as:
• Top ΔX = 0.2500
• Top ΔY = 0.2462
• Bottom ΔX = 0.2500
• Bottom ΔY = 0.2462
• ΔZ = 0.2500.
b. Adjust the Position parameters so they are defined as:
• X = 1.3750
• Y = 0.1250
• Z = 0.0000.
c. Set the Pie angle to 80°.
d. Click the green checkmark. Your design should look like Figure 7-I.

Figure 7-I

e. Click the Show/Hide tool path button to show the tool path then click it again
to hide the tool path.

15. Save the file XX KeyChainA.fbs in your C:\Program Files\Lab-

Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400 directory.

16. Click the Octagon geometry button .

17. At the location where X = 2.00 and Y = 0.37, click and drag the mouse down and to
the right where X = 2.38 and Y = 0.13.

18. Open the Geometry properties box.

a. Adjust any of the Dimensions parameters so they are defined as:
• Top ΔX = 0.3750
• Top ΔY = 0.2500
• Bottom ΔX = 0.3750
• Bottom ΔY = 0.2500
• ΔZ = 0.2500.
b. Adjust the Position parameters so they are defined as:
• X = 2.0000
• Y = 0.1250
• Z = 0.0000.
c. Click the green checkmark. Your design should look like Figure 7-J.

Module Guide 105

CNC Mill Directions

Figure 7-J

d. Click the Show/Hide tool path button to show the tool path in Figure 7-K.

Figure 7-K

e. Click the Toggle view button to see all views in Figure 7-L.

Figure 7-L

19. If your design does not look correct, double-check the geometry properties values
for each of the four geometries. Make any appropriate changes.

20. Save the file XX KeyChainA.fbs in your C:\Program Files\Lab-

Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400 directory.

106 Module Guide

CNC Mill Directions

21. Select File, then Export to GM File. Using the Save in box, locate your C:\Program
Files\Lab-Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400 directory.

22. In the File name box, enter "XX KeyChainA" where XX are your initials. The file type
should be m5. Save the file.

Compile and Emulate KeyChainA

The CNC Mill software may already be open, if it is not click on the Application Launch
button and select CNC Mill Software.

1. On the main menu, select File, then Open.

2. Using the Look in: box, locate the directory C:\Program Files\Lab-
Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400 on your computer.

3. Select the file "XX KeyChainA.m5" (where XX are your initials) and click the Open
button. The file should be displayed in the Line Editor window.

4. On the main menu, select Mill, then Emulate. The CNC Mill software will perform the
compile step. The Compiling dialog box should return the "Successful Compile"

5. Click on OK to close the Compiling dialog box. The Mill 3D Emulator window should
open automatically as in Figure 7-M shown below.

Figure 7-M

6. In the View palette, click on the Oblique view button to show a 3-dimensional
display of the emulation.

7. To start the emulation of the program, click on the Start simulation button (green
arrow icon) in the upper left-hand area of the Control palette. The Line Editor window
will scroll through the program code as the emulation processes.

Module Guide 107

CNC Mill Directions

8. The emulation will run to completion. The Code box at the top of the window will
indicate a value of "M30" when the emulation is complete. It should appear as shown
in Figure 7-N.

Figure 7-N

9. Compare the completed emulation to the Fabricus design you used to generate the
source program. If there are inconsistencies between the two, contact your instructor
for help.

10. Close the Fabricus file XX KeyChainA.fbs. where XX are your initials.

11. Close the Mill 3D Emulator.

12. Close the Mill Line Editor.

Fabricus Design – Key Chain Part B

Switch back to the Fabricus window which should still be open on your computer. If it is
not, click on the Application Launch button and select Fabricus.

You will be using the same stock for the second key chain design file. It is made of
Hardwood with the dimensions X=3.0
inches, Y=0.5 inches, and Z = 0.5

1. Select File, then New to create a new

design file.

2. On the main menu, select Edit, then

Stocks to open the Stock properties
dialog box in Figure 7-O.
a. In the Name field, type "Hardwood
3.0x0.5x0.5 in."
b. In the ΔX field, type "3.0000"
Figure 7-O

108 Module Guide

CNC Mill Directions

c. In the ΔY field, type "0.5000"

d. In the ΔZ field, type "0.5000"
e. In the Material field, type "Hardwood".
f. Ensure that the X, Y, and Z values in the Home position area are set to zero.
g. Click the green check mark to save the settings for this workpiece.

3. Select Edit, then Options to open the Options dialog box in

Figure 7-P.
a. In the Grid Settings box, enter "0.0625"
b. The Snap to Grid box should be checked.
c. Click the green check mark to save the change.
NOTE: This change will impact new design files
until it is modified again.

4. Click the Show/Hide rulers button to enable the rulers. Figure 7-P
Most likely, the rulers will be a bit off with this size

5. Click the Zoom button . Holding the right-click down, drag the mouse away from
the center of the design, then adjust it until the rulers are aligned. Remember that
the rulers do not re-size until you release the mouse.

6. When the workpiece and the rulers are aligned correctly, press the Esc key to get
out of zoom mode.

7. Click the Pan view button to adjust the workpiece in the TOP view. When you
are done, press the Esc key to get out of pan mode. See Figure 7-Q.

Figure 7-Q

The second design will include five geometries: a hexagon, a polyline, an arc, a
rectangle, and an ellipse. The hexagon and the ellipse will be pockets. The polyline, arc,
and rectangle will be grooves. The geometries will have a depth of .125 inches except
the ellipse, which will have a depth of .250 inches.

Module Guide 109

CNC Mill Directions

1. Ensure that the Snap to grid button is pressed in.

2. Click the Hexagon geometry button .

3. At the location where X = 0.13 and Y = 0.37, click and drag the mouse down and to
the right where X = 0.38 and Y = 0.13.

4. Open the Geometry properties box.

a. Adjust any of the Dimensions parameters so they are defined as:
• Top ΔX = 0.2500
• Top ΔY = 0.2500
• Bottom ΔX = 0.2500
• Bottom ΔY = 0.2500
• ΔZ = 0.1250.
b. Adjust the Position parameters so they are defined as:
• X = 0.1250
• Y = 0.1250
• Z = 0.0000
c. Click the green checkmark. Your design should look as shown in Figure 7-R.

Figure 7-R

d. Click the Show/Hide tool path button to show the tool path, then click it again
to hide the tool path.

5. Select File, then Save As. Locate your C:\Program Files\Lab-

Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400 directory using the Save in: box.

6. In the File name box, type "XX KeyChainB" where XX are your initials. Then Save
the file.

7. Click the Polyline geometry button .

8. Create a polyline.
a. Click at the point where X = 0.63 and Y = 0.19.
b. Move the cursor to X = 0.75, Y = 0.31 and click.
c. Move the cursor to X = 0.88, Y = 0.19 and click.

110 Module Guide

CNC Mill Directions

d. Move the cursor to X = 1.00, Y = 0.31 and double-

click. The design should look like Figure 7-S.

9. Open the Geometry properties box.

a. Adjust any of the Dimensions parameters so they
are defined as:
• Top ΔX = 0.3750
• Top ΔY = 0.1250
Figure 7-S
• ΔZ = 0.1250.
b. Adjust the Position parameters so they are defined
• X = 0.6250
• Y = 0.1875
• Z = 0.0000.
c. Click the green checkmark.
d. Click the Show/Hide tool path button to show
the tool path, as in Figure 7-T. Then click it again to
hide the tool path. Figure 7-T

NOTE: Drawing a polyline can be tricky. If the tool path does

not look correct, select the geometry, delete it from the
design, then try it again.

10. Save the file XX KeyChainB.fbs in your C:\Program Files\Lab-

Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400 directory.

11. Click the Arc geometry button .

12. At the location where X = 1.25 and Y = 0.31, click and drag the mouse down to the
right where X = 1.63 and Y = 0.19.

13. Open the Geometry properties box.

a. Adjust any of the Dimensions parameters so they are defined as:
• Top ΔX = 0.3750
• Top ΔY = 0.1250
• ΔZ = 0.1250.
b. Adjust the Position parameters so they are defined as:
• X = 1.2500
• Y = 0.1875
• Z = 0.0000.
c. Click the green checkmark. Your design should look like Figure 7-U.

Module Guide 111

CNC Mill Directions

Figure 7-U

d. Click the Show/Hide tool path button to show the tool path, then click it again
to hide the tool path.

14. Save the file XX KeyChainB.fbs in your C:\Program Files\Lab-

Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400 directory.

15. Click the Rectangle geometry button .

16. At the location where X = 1.88 and Y = 0.37, click and drag the mouse down and to
the right where X = 2.19 and Y = 0.13.

17. Open the Geometry properties box.

a. Set the Cut properties type to 'Groove'
b. Adjust any of the Dimensions parameters so they are defined as:
• Top ΔX = 0.3125
• Top ΔY = 0.2500
• Bottom ΔX = 0.3125
• Bottom ΔY = 0.2500
• ΔZ = 0. 1250.
c. Adjust the Position parameters so they are defined as:
• X = 1.8750
• Y = 0.1250
• Z = 0.0000.
d. Click the green check mark. Your design should look like Figure 7-V.

Figure 7-V

112 Module Guide

CNC Mill Directions

e. Click the Show/Hide tool path button to show the tool path in Figure 7-W.

Figure 7-W

18. Save the file XX KeyChainB.fbs in your C:\Program Files\Lab-

Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400 directory.

19. Click the Elliptical geometry button .

20. At the location where X = 2.63 and Y = 0.37, click and drag the mouse down and to
the right where X = 2.88 and Y = 0.13.

21. Open the Geometry properties box.

a. Adjust any of the Dimensions parameters so they are defined as:
• Top ΔX = 0.2500
• Top ΔY = 0.2500
• Bottom ΔX = 0.2500
• Bottom ΔY = 0.2500
• ΔZ = 0.2500.
b. Adjust the Position parameters so they are defined as:
• X = 2.6250
• Y = 0.1250
• Z = 0.0000.
c. Click the green check mark. Your design should look like Figure 7-X.

Figure 7-X

Module Guide 113

CNC Mill Directions

d. Click the Show/Hide tool path button and the Toggle views button to see
all views in Figure 7-Y.

Figure 7-Y

22. If your design does not look correct, double-check the geometry properties values
for each of the geometries. Make any appropriate changes.

23. Save the file XX KeyChainB.fbs in your C:\Program Files\Lab-

Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400 directory.

24. Select File, then Export to GM File. Using the Save in box, locate your C:\Program
Files\Lab-Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400 directory.

25. In the File name box, enter "XX KeyChainB" where XX are your initials. The file type
should be m5. Save the file.

Compile and Emulate KeyChainB

The CNC Mill software may already be open, if it is not click on the Application Launch
button and select CNC Mill software.

1. On the main menu, select File, then Open.

2. Using the Look in: box, locate the directory C:\Program Files\Lab-
Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400 on your computer.

3. Select the file "XX KeyChainB.m5" (where XX are your initials) and click the Open
button. The file should be displayed in the Line Editor window.

114 Module Guide

CNC Mill Directions

4. On the main menu, select Mill, then Emulate. The CNC Mill software will perform the
compile step. The Compiling dialog box should return the "Successful Compile"

5. Click on OK to close the Compiling dialog box. The Mill 3D Emulator window should
open automatically as shown in Figure 7-Z.

Figure 7-Z

6. In the View palette, click on the Oblique view button to show a 3-dimensional display
of the emulation.

7. To start the emulation of the program, click on the Start simulation button (green
arrow icon) in the upper left-hand area of the Control palette. The Line Editor window
will scroll through the program code as the emulation processes.

8. The emulation will run to completion. The Code box at the top of the window will
indicate a value of "M30" when the emulation is complete. It should appear as shown
in Figure 7-AA.

Figure 7-AA

9. Compare the completed emulation to the Fabricus design you used to generate the
source program. If there are inconsistencies between the two, contact your instructor
for help.

Module Guide 115

CNC Mill Directions

10. Close the CNC Mill software:

• Click the X in the upper right-hand corner of the emulation window
• Click the X in the upper right-hand corner of the Line editor window
• Click the X in the upper right-hand corner of the Lab-Volt CNC Mill window

11. Close Fabricus by clicking the X in the Title bar of the Fabricus window.

When you are finished, go to the next section in the multimedia presentation.

116 Module Guide

CNC Mill Directions

Lesson 8, The Final Part

In this activity, you will complete the manufacturing steps required to complete the key
chain which you designed, compiled, and emulated in the previous lesson.

Compile and Emulate KeyChainA

The CNC Mill software should be open. If it is not, click on the Application Launch
button and select CNC Mill Software.

1. On the main menu, select File, then Open.

2. Using the Look in: box, locate the directory C:\Program Files\Lab-
Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400 on your computer.

3. Select the file "XX KeyChainA.m5" (where XX are your initials) and click the Open
button. The file should be displayed in the Line Editor window.

4. On the main menu, select Mill, then Emulate. The CNC Mill software will perform the
compile step. The Compiling dialog box should return the "Successful Compile"

5. Click on OK to close the Compiling dialog box. The Mill 3D Emulator window should
open automatically as shown in Figure 8-A.

Figure 8-A

6. In the View palette, click on the Oblique view button to show a 3-dimensional
display of the emulation.

7. To start the emulation of the program, click on the Start simulation button in the
upper left-hand area of the Control palette. The Line Editor window will scroll through
the program code as the emulation processes.

Module Guide 117

CNC Mill Directions

8. The emulation will run to completion. The Code box at the top of the window will
indicate a value of "M30" when the emulation is complete. It should appear as shown
in Figure 8-B.

Figure 8-B

9. If the emulation does not appear correct, contact your instructor for assistance.

10. You will need to obtain your instructor's approval to continue.

• Review all of the safety procedures in Appendix A of this Guide.
• Obtain a copy of the Activity Approval form from your instructor.
• Fill in the required information and sign the form.
• Have your instructor sign the approval form.

Now it is time to prepare the CNC Mill for the execution of the program.

• The Hardwood workpiece for this part has dimensions as follows:

X = 3.0 inches Y = 0.5 inches Z = 0.5 inches.

• The tool for this milling exercise is

Tool #1 – 1/8" End Mill.

11. With this information, follow the instructions for preparing the workpiece, tool, and
PRZ provided in Appendix B of this Guide.

12. Follow the instructions for the download and execution of your PART program
provided in Appendix C of this Guide.

NOTE: When you have finished the milling, check the time
left in the class session. If there is enough time remaining
and you need to continue, skip steps 7-12 of Executing a
PART Program until it is time to shut down for the end of the

118 Module Guide

CNC Mill Directions

13. You have completed milling one side of the key chain successfully. You will
complete the opposite side of the key chain using the same program. You will need
to place the workpiece face down such that the rectangular shape is on the left side.
Repeat the instructions in steps 1 and 2 to complete the second side of the key

You have finished the manufacturing of two opposite sides of the key chain. When you
are finished, continue with the instructions for the other two sides.

Compile and Emulate KeyChainB

The CNC Mill software may already be open. If it is not, click on the Application Launch
button and select CNC Mill Software.

1. On the main menu, select File, then Open.

2. Using the Look in: box, locate the directory C:\Program Files\Lab-
Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400 on your computer.

3. Select the file "XX KeyChainB.m5" (where XX are your initials) and click the Open
button. The file should be displayed in the Line Editor window.

4. On the main menu, select Mill, then Emulate. The CNC Mill software will perform the
compile step. The Compiling dialog box should return the "Successful Compile"

5. Click on OK to close the Compiling dialog box. The Mill 3D Emulator window should
open automatically as shown in Figure 8-C.

Figure 8-C

6. In the View palette, click on the Oblique view button to show a 3-dimensional
display of the emulation.

Module Guide 119

CNC Mill Directions

7. To start the emulation of the program, click on the Start simulation button in the
upper left-hand area of the Control palette. The Line Editor window will scroll through
the program code as the emulation processes.

8. The emulation will run to completion. The Code box at the top of the window will
indicate a value of "M30" when the emulation is complete. It should appear as in
Figure 8-D.

Figure 8-D

9. If the emulation does not appear correct, contact your instructor for help.

10. You will need to obtain your instructor's approval to continue.

• Review all of the safety procedures in Appendix A of this Guide.
• Obtain a copy of the Activity Approval form from your instructor.
• Fill in the required information and sign the form.
• Have your instructor sign the approval form.

Now it is time to prepare the CNC Mill for the execution of the program.

• The Hardwood workpiece for this part has dimensions as follows:

X = 3.0 inches Y = 0.5 inches Z = 0.5 inches.

• The tool for this milling exercise is

Tool #1 – 1/8" End Mill.

11. With this information, follow the instructions for preparing the workpiece, tool, and
PRZ provided in Appendix B of this Guide.

120 Module Guide

CNC Mill Directions

NOTE: You will use the workpiece which has been already
milled on two opposite sides. The workpiece should be
placed in the vise such that the milled sides face the vise
jaws and the rectangle geometry is to the left.

12. Follow the instructions for the download and execution of your PART program
provided in Appendix C of this Guide.

NOTE: When you have finished the milling, check the time
left in the class session. If there is enough time remaining
and you need to continue, skip steps 7-12 of Executing a
PART Program until it is time to shut down for the end of the

13. You have completed milling the third side of the key chain successfully. You will
complete the final side of the key chain using the same program. You will need to
place the workpiece in the vise such that the third side is faced down with the
hexagon geometry on the left side. Repeat the instructions in steps 1 and 2 to
complete the final side of the key chain.

If you have done the milling correctly, the ellipse at the right-end of the workpiece
passes completely through the workpiece. You have finished the manufacturing of the
key chain.

If a beaded key chain link has been provided for your use, pass it through the ellipse.

Saving to a Floppy Disk

When all lesson activities have been completed, your PART programs should be saved
to a floppy disk and then removed from the Fabricus directory. Your PART programs
can be downloaded to the CNC Mill software at any time in the future if necessary.
Follow the steps below.

1. Get a blank floppy disk from your instructor and label it with the names you assigned
to the programs when they were initially created. Be sure to include your name.

2. Place the floppy disk in your computer floppy disk drive.

3. From the CNC Mill software File pull-down menu, select Open. Locate the
C:\Program Files\Lab-Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400 directory. The window should display
all of the PART programs (files ending with .m5) stored in the directory.

Module Guide 121

CNC Mill Directions

4. Right-click on one of your program files. A pop-up

menu appears as in Figure 8-E. Select Send To
and then click 3½ Floppy (A). Your computer will
now download a copy of the program file to your
floppy disk.

5. After the PART program has successfully copied to

your floppy disk, right-click again on the program Figure 8-E
file. From the pop-up menu, click Delete. A Confirm
File Delete dialog box appears. Click Yes. Your PART program is now permanently
deleted from the directory.

6. Repeat these steps for each program file you have stored in the directory.

7. When you are done, remove the floppy disk.

8. Close the CNC Mill software:

• Click the X in the upper right-hand corner of the emulation window.
• Click the X in the upper right-hand corner of the Line editor window.
• Click the X in the upper right-hand corner of the Lab-Volt CNC Mill window.

9. Close Fabricus by clicking the X in the title bar of the Fabricus window.

When you are finished, go to the next section in the multimedia presentation.

122 Module Guide

CNC Mill Directions


Lesson 2, Running the Mill

The CNC Mill software should be on your screen. If it is not, click on the Application
Launch button and select the CNC Mill software.

You will use the CNC Mill software and the CNC Mill to manufacture a sample part.

Compile and Emulate

1. On the main menu, select File, then Open.

2. Using the Look in: box, locate the directory C:\Program Files\Lab-
Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400 on your computer.

3. Select the file "gear.m5" and click the Open button. The file should be displayed in
the Line Editor window as shown in Figure 2-A.

Figure 2-A

Module Guide 123

CNC Mill Directions

4. On the main menu, select Mill, then Emulate. The CNC Mill software will perform the
compile step. The Compiling dialog box should appear as shown in Figure 2-B.

Figure 2-B

5. Click on OK to close the Compiling dialog box. The Mill 3D Emulator window should
open automatically as shown in Figure 2-C.

Figure 2-C

6. In the View palette, click on the Oblique view button to show a 3-dimensional display
of the emulation as shown in Figure 2-D.

Figure 2-D

124 Module Guide

CNC Mill Directions

7. To start the emulation of the program, click on the Start simulation

button (green arrow icon) in the upper left-hand area of the Control
palette, shown in Figure 2-E. The Line Editor window will scroll
through the program code as the emulation processes.
Figure 2-E

NOTE: The other buttons in the Control window area can be

used to direct the emulation process. The Step simulation
button (blue icon) is used to perform the emulation,
instruction by instruction. The Pause simulation button (red
icon) pauses the simulation. The Reset simulation button
(yellow icon) resets the simulation to the start of the

8. The emulation will run to completion. The Code box at the top of the window will
indicate a value of "M30" when the emulation is complete. It should appear as shown
in Figure 2-F.

Figure 2-F

9. You will need to obtain your instructor's approval to continue.

• Review all of the safety procedures in Appendix A of this Guide.
• Obtain a copy of the Activity Approval form from your instructor.
• Fill in the required information and sign the form.
• Have your instructor sign the approval form.

Module Guide 125

CNC Mill Directions

Preparing the Workpiece

Make sure that you are wearing safety goggles before proceeding with the preparation
of the workpiece. The workpiece you will be using for this exercise is wax with
dimensions of 2.0 in. x 2.0 in. x 0.5 in. (5.08 cm x 5.08 cm x 1.27 cm)

1. Use the power switch on the left side of the mill to turn it on.

2. Open the safety door.

3. Clamp a wax piece of 2" x 2" x .5" (5.08 cm x 5.08 cm x 1.27 cm) into the vise. Make
sure that it is secure and level. Half of the workpiece should be above the top of the
vise. The workpiece should be flush, or lie flat, against both jaws of the vise as
shown in Figure 2-G. Use the machinist rule or a ruler to check the positioning.

Figure 2-G

126 Module Guide

CNC Mill Directions

Preparing the Tool and Mill

Make sure that your safety goggles are on before proceeding with the preparation of the
tool and the mill.

You must load the correct tool and position it at the PRZ (Program Reference Zero).
Using the X-Y-Z coordinate system, this is the location where all three axes meet, or

1. If it is not already in place, load a 1/8" (.3175 cm) end mill into the
spindle. (If necessary, loosen the small screw in the side of the
spindle with an Allen wrench. After inserting the cutter, secure it by
tightening the screw.) See Figure 2-H.

2. Close the safety door.

3. If locked, unlock the EMERGENCY STOP button and remove the

Figure 2-H

4. When you are ready to position the end mill on the front left edge of the workpiece
press MAIN MENU on the CNC Mill control panel. The choices displayed should be
Manual, Remote Serial, and Remote Ethernet.

5. Use the +Z and -Z keys of the control panel keypad to position the cursor next to
Manual, then press ENTER.

6. Using the +X, -X, +Z, -Z, +Y, and -Y keys of the control panel keypad, position the
center of the 1/8" (.3175 cm) end mill on the left front corner edge of the workpiece.

7. Open the safety door and cover the workpiece with a 2-inch (5.08 cm) square piece
of notebook paper. Close the safety door. Using the +Z and -Z keys, position the end
of the cutter onto the top of the paper-covered workpiece, adjusting it so that the
cutter is touching the paper, but the paper can be pulled free without ripping.
Remove the paper.

8. On the control panel keypad, press ZERO twice to set the PRZ for the current
position. Then press +Z to raise the tool. Press the ESC key on the control panel to
return to the Main Menu.

Module Guide 127

CNC Mill Directions

Downloading a PART Program

The program has been compiled and emulated correctly. The workpiece is secure in the
vise. The desired tool is loaded in the spindle. The PRZ is set. Now it is time to
download the PART program.

1. The Main Menu should be displayed on the mill's control panel. If it is not, press the
MAIN MENU key. The choices displayed should be Manual, Remote Serial, and
Remote Ethernet. Use the –Z key of the control panel keypad to position the cursor
at Remote Serial. Then press ENTER.

The mill's display should now read:

Ready to Download

<Esc> Abort

2. In order to download your program, the Mill 3D Emulator cannot be the active
window in the CNC Mill software. If it is still the active window in the CNC Mill
software, you can
a. Click inside the Line Editor window to make it the active window. OR
b. Close the Mill 3D Emulator by clicking the X in the upper right-hand corner of the
window. This will automatically make the Line Editor the active window.

NOTE: It is a good idea to leave the emulation open. You

may want to compare the tooled part to the emulation output.

3. In the CNC Mill software, select Mill, then Download Program via Serial port. This
should open the dialog box as shown in Figure 2-I.

Figure 2-I

4. Click on the Download button to start the download of your PART program to the

128 Module Guide

CNC Mill Directions

a. The "Progress" section of the dialog box is updated while the download takes
b. The CNC Mill's control panel displays a rotating cursor. This indicates that your
PART program is being downloaded.

NOTE: If you receive an error in the Last Error field in the

dialog box or on the CNC Mill's control panel during the
download processing, contact your instructor for help.

5. The download of your PART program is complete when

a. The Last Error field in the dialog box indicates "Successful download". In the
"Progress" section of the dialog box, the number of Current packets should equal
the number of Total packets.
b. The CNC Mill's control panel displays that the download is complete:

Program download
<Enter> Machine Part
<Esc> Main Menu

6. Click on the OK button to close the Download Program via Serial port dialog box.

Executing a PART Program

Make sure that your safety goggles are on before proceeding with the execution of your
PART program.

Once the download is complete, you are ready to manufacture your part. The display on
the CNC Mill control panel is as below:

Program download
<Enter> Machine Part
<Esc> Main Menu

1. Press the ENTER key on the control panel to start the mill. The tool will then be
raised to the home position and you will be prompted for a tool change. Make sure
that the correct tool is in the mill. Then press the ENTER key again to start the
program. As your PART program executes, the control panel display will change to
show the current information: the instruction, feed rate, spindle speed, and X-Y-Z

2. Monitor the entire milling process closely. The workpiece must be secure in the vise
and protruding from the vise properly to prevent a tool crash. When the program has
finished, the mill will return to its home position and stop.

Module Guide 129

CNC Mill Directions

3. The display on the CNC Mill control panel should read:

Ready to Download

<Enter> Run Program

<Esc> Abort

4. Open the safety doors and carefully remove the workpiece by loosening the vise.

5. If you have the Mill 3D Emulator window open, compare the emulation output to the
manufactured part. When you are finished, close the Mill 3D Emulator window by
clicking on the (X) in the upper right corner.

6. Close the Line Editor window by clicking on the (X) in the upper right hand corner.

7. Close the CNC Mill software window by clicking on the (X) in the upper right hand

8. On the CNC Mill control pad, press ESC to return processing to the Main Menu.

9. Press the EMERGENCY STOP button. This is to prevent any unauthorized use of
the mill.

10. Turn off the power switch on the side of the mill.

11. Clean up the area:

a. Return everything to its proper place.
b. Use a shop vacuum to carefully clean out the inside of the mill and surrounding

When you are finished, go to the next section in the multimedia presentation.

130 Module Guide

CNC Mill Directions

Lesson 3, CAD Software

The Fabricus software should be on your screen. If it is not, click on the Application
Launch button and select Fabricus.

In this activity, you will use Fabricus, CNC Mill software, and the CNC Mill to
manufacture a sample part.

The Protofoam workpiece for this part has dimensions as follows:

X = 4.0 inches Y = 2.0 inches Z = 1.5 inches

The tool for this milling exercise is:

Tool #9 – ¼" End Mill

Fabricus Introduction

1. On the main menu, select File, then Open.

2. Using the Look in: box, locate the directory C:\Program Files\Lab-

3. Select the file "desk org.fbs" and click the Open button. The file should be displayed
as shown in Figure 3-A.

NOTE: The entire design does not fit in the window. It is

using a stock (workpiece) size which is not currently defined
in your Fabricus environment.

Figure 3-A

Module Guide 131

CNC Mill Directions

4. On the Views toolbar, locate the Fit to all views button and click it. The full design
should appear in the design window as shown in Figure 3-B.

Figure 3-B

5. On the main menu, select Edit then Stocks. The Stock properties dialog box for the
current design will be displayed as in Figure 3-C. This design calls for a workpiece of
Protofoam with the dimensions as shown. Click on the (X) in the upper right-hand
corner to close the dialog box.

Figure 3-C

6. On the Views toolbar, locate the Toggle views button and click it in. All four views
(Top, Front, Side, and 3D) should be displayed as shown in Figure 3-D.

132 Module Guide

CNC Mill Directions

Figure 3-D
7. On the Views toolbar, locate the Show/Hide tool path button and click it in.
Fabricus will show you the actual tool path in all four views as shown in Figure 3-E.
Click the button again to remove the tool path.

Figure 3-E

8. On the main menu, select File, then Export to GM file. This will open the Save As
dialog box.

9. Use the "Save in:" to locate your C:\Program Files\Lab-Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400


10. Once the directory is displayed in the Save As dialog box:

a. In the File name box, type "XX desk org", where "XX" are your initials.
b. In the Save as type drop-down box, select "Mill Level-5 Files (*.M5)". The m5
filename extension identifies this file for the CNC Mill software in use.
c. Click the Save button to save the file in that location.

Module Guide 133

CNC Mill Directions

You have successfully created a PART program file from the Fabricus design file. You
will now use this file to continue the CNC Mill software processing.

Compile and Emulate

Click on the Application Launch button and select CNC Mill Software.

1. On the main menu, select File, then Open.

2. Using the Look in: box, locate the directory C:\Program Files\Lab-
Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400 on your computer.

3. Select the file "XX desk org.m5" (where XX are your initials) and click the Open
button. The file should be displayed in the Line Editor window as shown in Figure 3-

Figure 3-F

4. On the main menu, select Mill, then Emulate. The CNC Mill software will perform the
compile step. The Compiling dialog box should appear as shown in Figure 3-G.

Figure 3-G

134 Module Guide

CNC Mill Directions

5. Click on OK to close the Compiling dialog box. The Mill 3D Emulator window should
open automatically as shown in Figure 3-H.

Figure 3-H

6. In the View palette, click on the Oblique view button to show a 3-dimensional
display of the emulation. You can use the Mouse Pan button to position the
stock in the window as in Figure 3-I.

Figure 3-I

7. To start the emulation of the program, click on the Start simulation button (green
arrow icon) in the upper left-hand area of the Control palette. The Line Editor window
will scroll through the program code as the emulation processes.

8. The emulation will run to completion. The Code box at the top of the window will
indicate a value of "M30" when the emulation is complete. It should appear as shown
in Figure 3-J.

Module Guide 135

CNC Mill Directions

Figure 3-J

9. Compare the completed emulation to the Fabricus design you used to generate the
source program. If there are inconsistencies between the two, contact your instructor
for help.

10. You will need to obtain your instructor's approval to continue.

• Review all of the safety procedures in Appendix A of this Guide.
• Obtain a copy of the Activity Approval form from your instructor.
• Fill in the required information and sign the form.
• Have your instructor sign the approval form.

Now it is time to prepare the CNC Mill for the execution of the program. As indicated
earlier in the instructions:

• The Protofoam workpiece for this part has dimensions as follows:

X = 4.0 inches Y = 2.0 inches Z = 1.5 inches

The workpiece must be placed in the vise consistently with the

design views. The Front view displays the workpiece as it should
be facing you. The width is the X dimension and the height is the Z

136 Module Guide

CNC Mill Directions

• The tool for this milling exercise is:

Tool #9 – ¼" End Mill

11. With this information, follow the instructions for preparing the workpiece, tool, and
PRZ provided in Appendix B – Preparing the Workpiece, Tool, and Mill.

12. Follow the instructions for the download and execution of your PART program
provided in Appendix C—Downloading and Executing a PART Program— of this

When you are finished, go to the next section in the multimedia presentation.

Module Guide 137

CNC Mill Directions

Lesson 4, Design Modification

You have seen that there are a number of reasons that the design for a part may be

In this particular instance, the part which you manufactured in the previous lesson was
reviewed with the team which requested the initial design. New marketing research
indicates that some changes must be made in order to make this a product which
customers will want to purchase. The team has requested the following changes:

• The two pen-holders (ellipses) are to be removed.

• The hexagonal container must be moved and resized.
• A slot to hold business cards must be created.
• An elliptical container is to be added.

You will use Fabricus, CNC Mill software, and the CNC Mill to modify the manufactured

The Protofoam workpiece for this part has the same dimensions as the previous lesson:

X = 4.0 inches Y = 2.0 inches Z = 1.5 inches.

The tool for this milling exercise is the same as the previous lesson:

Tool #9 – ¼" End Mill

The Fabricus software should be on your screen. If it is not, click on the Application
Launch button and select Fabricus.

Fabricus Design Update

1. On the main menu, select File, then Open.

2. Using the Look in: box, locate the directory C:\Program Files\Lab-
Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400 on your computer.

3. Select the file "desk org.fbs" and click the Open button. The file should be displayed
as shown in Figure 4-A.

NOTE: The entire design does not fit in the window. It is

using a stock (workpiece) size which is not currently defined
in your Fabricus environment.

138 Module Guide

CNC Mill Directions

Figure 4-A

4. On the Views toolbar, locate the Fit to all views button and click it. The full design
should appear in the design window as in Figure 4-B.

Figure 4-B

Now you will create a copy of this design file for updating. You will also delete the two
elliptical pen-holders.

5. On the main menu, select File then Save As. Locate your C:\Program Files\Lab-
Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400 directory using the Save in: box. In the File name: box, type
"XX desk org new" where XX are your initials. Then click Save to save the copy of
the design file. The title bar at the top of the Fabricus window should display the new
file name.

Module Guide 139

CNC Mill Directions

6. Select the higher ellipse by clicking on its boundary or inside it. This should highlight
the geometry in the Geometries list box and in the design as in Figure 4-C.

Figure 4-C

7. On the main menu, select Edit, then Delete. Fabricus will delete the geometry and
automatically renumber the existing geometries as shown in Figure 4-D.

Figure 4-D

8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 for the remaining "Ellipse-1". Your design file should appear as
shown in Figure 4-E.

Figure 4-E

9. On the main menu, select File, then Save to save the file.

140 Module Guide

CNC Mill Directions

Now you will move the hexagon to the lower left and change its dimensions in the TOP
design view.

10. In the design window, double-click within the

hexagon to open the Geometry properties
dialog box as in Figure 4-F. In the Position
section, do the following:
a. clear the X box and type "0.2500"
b. clear the Y box and type "0.2500"
c. click on the green checkmark button.

11. The design should appear as shown in Figure


Figure 4-F
Figure 4-G

12. In the design window, double-click within the

hexagon to open the Geometry properties
dialog box as shown in Figure 4-H. In the
Dimensions section, do the following:

a. clear the Top Δ X and type "3.0000"

b. clear the Top Δ Y and type "1.0000"
c. clear the Bottom Δ X and type "3.0000"
d. clear the Bottom Δ Y and type "1.0000"
e. click on the green checkmark button.

Figure 4-H

Module Guide 141

CNC Mill Directions

13. The design should appear as shown in Figure 4-I.

Figure 4-I

14. On the main menu, select File, then Save to save the file.

You will create the two new geometries. A rectangular pocket will serve as the business
card holder. An elliptical pocket will be the additional requested container.

15. Click the Show/Hide rulers button on the Views toolbar to show the horizontal (X-
axis) and vertical (Y-axis) rulers in the TOP view as shown in Figure 4-J.

Figure 4-J

16. Click in the Snap to Grid button on the Views toolbar. This will ensure that new
geometries are aligned on the gridline boundaries.

17. Click the Rectangle geometry button on the Drawing toolbar. Your mouse
pointer should now be a '+' within the design window.

142 Module Guide

CNC Mill Directions

18. Locate the position within your workpiece where X = .25 and Y = 1.75. Click at this
location, then drag the mouse down and across to create a rectangle as in Figure 4-

Figure 4-K

19. Double-click within the highlighted rectangle to open the Geometry properties dialog
box as shown in Figure 4-L.
a. In the dimensions section, clear the Δ Z and type "0.5000".
b. In the Cut properties section, ensure that the radio button marked "Pocket" is
c. In the Use Tool section at the bottom, use
the drop down button to select Tool 9.
d. Click the green checkmark button to save
the change.

20. On the main menu, select File, then Save to

save the file.

21. Click the Elliptical geometry button on the

Drawing toolbar. Your mouse pointer should
now be a '+' within the design window.

22. Locate the position within your workpiece where

X = 3.375 and Y = 1.25. Click at this location,
then drag the mouse down and across to create
an ellipse as shown in Figure 4-M.

Figure 4-L

Module Guide 143

CNC Mill Directions

Figure 4-M

23. Double-click within the highlighted ellipse to open

the Geometry properties dialog box as shown in
Figure 4-N.

a. In the Dimensions section, clear the Δ Z and

type "0.5000"
b. In the Cut properties section, ensure that the
radio button marked "Pocket" is selected.
c. In the Use Tool section at the bottom, use the
drop down button to select Tool 9.
d. Click the green checkmark button to save the

24. Click the Show/Hide rulers button on the

Views toolbar to hide the rulers.

25. On the Views toolbar, locate the Toggle views

button and click it in. All four views (Top,
Front, Side, and 3D) should be displayed as
Figure 4-N
shown in Figure 4-O.

144 Module Guide

CNC Mill Directions

Figure 4-O

26. On the Views toolbar, locate the Show/Hide tool path button and click it in.
Fabricus will show you the actual tool path in all four views. Click the button again to
remove the tool path.

27. On the main menu, select File, then Save to save the file.

28. On the main menu, select File, then Export to GM file. This will open the Save As
dialog box.

29. Use the "Save in:" to locate your C:\Program Files\Lab-Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400


30. Once the directory is displayed in the Save As dialog box, do the following:
a. In the File name box, type "XX desk org new", where "XX" are your initials.
b. In the Save as type drop-down box, select "Mill Level-5 Files (*.M5)". The m5
filename extension identifies this file for the CNC Mill software in use.
c. Click the Save button to save the file in that location.

You have successfully created a PART program file from the Fabricus design file. You
will now use this file to continue the CNC Mill software processing.

Module Guide 145

CNC Mill Directions

Compile and Emulate

Click on the Application Launch button and select CNC Mill

1. On the main menu, select File, then Open.

2. Using the Look in: box, locate the directory C:\Program

Files\Lab-Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400 on your computer.

3. Select the file "XX desk org new.m5" (where XX are your
initials) and click the Open button. The file should be
displayed in the Line Editor window in Figure 4-P.

4. Notice the comment which indicates the start of the G&M

code for the hexagon.

5. Using the scroll bar on the right-hand side of the Line

Editor window, scroll down and locate the code for the
rectangle and the ellipse.

6. On the main menu, select Mill, then Emulate. The CNC

Mill software will perform the compile step. The Compiling
dialog box should return the "Successful Compile"
Figure 4-P
7. Click on OK to close the Compiling dialog box. The Mill 3D
Emulator window should open automatically as in Figure 4-Q.

Figure 4-Q

8. In the View palette, click on the Oblique view button to show a 3-dimensional
display of the emulation as in Figure 4-R. You can use the Mouse Pan button to
see the full emulation.

146 Module Guide

CNC Mill Directions

Figure 4-R

9. To start the emulation of the program, click on the Start simulation button (green
arrow icon) in the upper left-hand area of the Control palette. The Line Editor window
will scroll through the program code as the emulation processes.

10. The emulation will run to completion. The Code box at the top of the window will
indicate a value of "M30" when the emulation is complete. It should appear as shown
in Figure 4-S.

Figure 4-S

11. Compare the completed emulation to the Fabricus design you used to generate the
source program. If there are inconsistencies between the two, contact your instructor
for help.

12. You will need to obtain your instructor's approval to continue.

• Review all of the safety procedures in Appendix A of this Guide.
• Obtain a copy of the Activity Approval form from your instructor.
• Fill in the required information and sign the form.
• Have your instructor sign the approval form.

Now it is time to prepare the CNC Mill for the execution of the program. As indicated
earlier in the instructions:

Module Guide 147

CNC Mill Directions

• The Protofoam workpiece for this part has dimensions as follows:

X = 4.0 inches Y = 2.0 inches Z = 1.5 inches.

You will re-use the workpiece from the previous lesson by placing
the milled side face-down in the vise. The workpiece must be
placed in the vise consistently with the design views. The Front
view displays the workpiece as it should be facing you. The width
is the X dimension and the height is the Z dimension.

• The tool for this milling exercise is

Tool #9 – ¼" End Mill.

13. With this information, follow the instructions for preparing the workpiece, tool, and
PRZ provided in Appendix B of this Guide.

14. Follow the instructions for the download and execution of your PART program
provided in Appendix C of this Guide.

When you are finished, go to the next section in the multimedia presentation.

148 Module Guide

CNC Mill Directions

Lesson 5, A New Part

In this activity, you will create a beverage coaster. Before you begin the design, you
should create a rough sketch based on the information which is provided below:

• the workpiece dimensions are X = 3.0 inches Y = 3.0 inches Z = 0.5 inches
• the main area to contain the beverage container must be:
o centered in the workpiece
o a circular pocket in shape
o 2.75 inches in diameter with a depth of 0.125 inches
• the other geometries should both be centered in the workpiece:
o a decagonal (10 sides) groove with a width of 1.75 inches and a depth of 0.250
o a hexagonal pocket with a width of 0.50 inches and a depth of 0.375 inches.

Obtain the Lesson 5, Sketch A Part Data Sheet from your instructor for the sketch.
Include the Top, Front and Side views in your sketch. Use your ruler and draw-to-scale
as necessary, making sure that the measurements provided above are identified in your

When you have completed the sketch, show it to your instructor. Then continue with the
specific directions for the manufacturing of this part.

You will use Fabricus, CNC Mill software, and the CNC Mill to manufacture the part.

The Lexan workpiece for this part has the dimensions:

X = 3.0 inches Y = 3.0 inches Z = 0.5 inches.

The tool for this milling exercise is:

Tool #1 – 1/8" End Mill

The Fabricus software should be on your screen. If it is not, click on the Application
Launch button and select Fabricus.

Module Guide 149

CNC Mill Directions

Fabricus Set-up

Before starting your design, you will define the workpiece for this lesson in your
Fabricus environment.

1. On the main menu, select Edit, then Stocks to open the Stock properties dialog box.

2. Click the Predefined stocks button. The

dialog box will be expanded to display
the available workpieces.

3. In the Stock properties dialog box:

a. Change the Name field to "Lexan
3x3x0.5 in."
b. Change the Δ X to "3.0000"
c. Change the Δ Y to "3.0000"
d. Check the Home positions to make
sure that all three are set to "0.0000"
e. Click in the Materials field and type

The dialog box should appear as shown in

Figure 5-A.

4. Click on the green plus (+) button to add Figure 5-A

the new workpiece to the Predefined

5. Select this new stock for the activity as

shown in Figure 5-B. Click on the new
entry in the Predefined stocks window,
then click on the green checkmark (√).
a. The dialog box will close.

b. The Fabricus window should be

updated to display the selected
workpiece in the Geometries list box
and in the design window as shown in
Figure 5-C.

Figure 5-B

150 Module Guide

CNC Mill Directions

Figure 5-C

You are now ready to start working on the new design in the TOP View.

Fabricus Design
1. Click the Show/Hide rulers button on the Views toolbar to show the horizontal (X-
axis) and vertical (Y-axis) rulers in the TOP view. Double-check to make sure that
the workpiece dimensions are 3 inches by 3 inches. The grid lines should represent
a distance of .125 inches.

2. Click in the Snap to Grid button on the Views toolbar. This will ensure that new
geometries are aligned on the gridline boundaries.

3. Click the Elliptical geometry button on the Drawing toolbar. Your mouse pointer
should now be a '+' within the design window.

4. Locate the position within your workpiece where X = .125 and Y = .125. Click at this
location, then drag the mouse up and across to create a circle as in Figure 5-D.

Module Guide 151

CNC Mill Directions

Figure 5-D

5. Double-click within the highlighted circle to open

the Geometry properties dialog box. Adjust the
parameters so that they reflect the values as
shown in Figure 5-E.
a. In the Dimensions section:
• The Top Δ X and, Δ Y should be "2.7500".
• The Bottom Δ X and Δ Y should be "2.7500".
• The Δ Z should be "0.1250."
b. In the Position section:
• X and Y should be "0.1250", Z is "0.0000".
c. The Cut properties type should be Pocket.
d. The Use tool should be Tool 1.
e. Click the green check mark button to save the

6. On the main menu, select File, then Save As.

Locate the C:\ProgramFiles\Cameleon\Fabricus
directory using the Save in: box. In the File name
box, type 'XX coaster' where XX are your initials.
Figure 5-E
Then click the Save button to save the file.

7. Click the Regular polygon geometry button on the Drawing toolbar. Your mouse
pointer should now be a '+' within the design window.

8. Locate the position within your workpiece where X = .625 and Y = .625. Click at this
location, then drag the mouse up and across to create a polygon as shown in Figure
5-F. The Regular polygon geometry button creates a nine-sided figure, called a

152 Module Guide

CNC Mill Directions

NOTE: The Geometry properties dialog box may

automatically pop up when the mouse is released. Close it
by clicking on the red (X) at the bottom.

Figure 5-F

9. Double-click within the highlighted nonagon to

open the Geometry properties dialog box.
Adjust the parameters as shown in Figure 5-G.
a. Set the Cut properties type to Groove. This
should gray out the Dimensions Bottom
b. In the Dimensions Top section:
• The Top Δ X and Δ Y should be
• The Δ Z should be "0.2500."
c. In the Position section:
• X and Y should be "0.6250", Z is
d. The number of polygon sides should be set
to "10"
e. The Use tool should be Tool 1.
f. Click the green check mark button to save
the change.

10. Click the Show/Hide rulers button on the

Views toolbar to hide the rulers.
Figure 5-G

11. On the Views toolbar, locate the Toggle views button and click it in. All four views
(Top, Front, Side, and 3D) should be displayed as shown in Figure 5-H.

Module Guide 153

CNC Mill Directions

Figure 5-H
12. On the Views toolbar, locate the Show/Hide tool path button and click it in.
Fabricus will show you the actual tool path in all four views. Click the button again to
remove the tool path.

13. On the Views toolbar, click the Toggle views button . The Top view should be
displayed as before.

14. Save the file.

Now you will add the final geometry to the design.

15. Click the Show/Hide rulers button on the Views toolbar to show the rulers.

16. Click the Hexagon geometry button on the Drawing toolbar. Your mouse pointer
should now be a '+' within the design window.

17. Locate the position within your workpiece where X = 1.25 and Y = 1.25. Click at this
location, then drag the mouse up and across to create a hexagon as shown in
Figure 5-I.

Figure 5-I

154 Module Guide

CNC Mill Directions

18. Double-click on the highlighted hexagon to

open the Geometry properties dialog box.
Adjust the parameters as shown in Figure 5-J.
a. Set the Cut properties type to Pocket.
b. In the Dimensions section:
• The Top Δ X and Δ Y should be
• The Bottom Δ X and Δ Y should be
• The Δ Z should be "0.3750."
c. In the Position section:
• X and Y should be "1.2500", Z is
d. The Use tool should be Tool 1.
e. Click the green check mark button to save
the change as in Figure 5-K.

Figure 5-J

Figure 5-K

19. Click the Show/Hide rulers button on the Views toolbar to hide the rulers.

20. On the Views toolbar, locate the Toggle views button and click it in. All four views
(Top, Front, Side, and 3D) should be displayed as shown in Figure 5-L.

Module Guide 155

CNC Mill Directions

Figure 5-L

21. On the Views toolbar, locate the Show/Hide tool path button and click it in.
Fabricus will show you the actual tool path in all four views, as in Figure 5-M.

Figure 5-M

22. Click the button again to remove the tool path.

23. Save the file.

24. On the main menu, select File, then Export to GM file. This will open the Save As
dialog box.

25. Use the "Save in:" to locate your C:\Program Files\Lab-Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400


156 Module Guide

CNC Mill Directions

26. Once the directory is displayed in the Save As dialog box

a. In the File name box, type 'XX coaster', where 'XX' are your initials.
b. In the Save as type drop-down box, select 'Mill Level-5 Files (*.M5)'. The m5
filename extension identifies this file for the CNC Mill software in use.
c. Click the Save button to save the file in that location.

You have successfully created a PART program file from the Fabricus design file. You
will now use this file to study and to continue the CNC Mill software processing.

Study the PART Program

Click on the Application Launch button and select CNC Mill Software.

Obtain the Data Sheet titled Lesson 5, The PART Program Data Sheet from your
instructor. Briefly review the questions provided on the data sheet before following the
instructions. Then answer the questions as you study the PART program. You may
need to refer to Appendix D – G&M Codes in this Guide.

1. On the main menu, select File, then Open.

2. Using the Look in: box, locate the directory C:\Program Files\Lab-
Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400 on your computer.

3. Select the file "XX coaster.m5" (where XX are your initials) and click the Open
button. The file should be displayed in the Line Editor window. Use the scroll bar on
the right side of the window as needed.

Many PART programs may specify the type of programming and positioning to be used
within the program. The programming type is usually coded near the beginning of the
program. It is specified in inches (G20 or IN.) or millimeters (G21 or MM.)

4. Check the first few statements for the programming type. It may or may not be
coded in your program.

Absolute positioning (G90 or ABS) means that all of the following coordinates are
absolute values relative to the defined zero position. Incremental positioning (G91 or
INCR) specifies that all of the following coordinates are incremental values or offsets
from the last position.

Note that there is a mixture of G&M codes and the English, or Conversational,
equivalents. To display them all in one form, there are two methods you can use:
• On the main menu, select Edit, then Conversational.
• Press the F2 key.

5. Check for use of positioning instructions within the program. Place the cursor at the
beginning of statement 00001 of the program.

Module Guide 157

CNC Mill Directions

a. On the main menu, select Search, then Find

b. In the Find what box type the word 'incr' then click Find next.
c. Click on Close.
d. Scroll back to the top of the program, placing the cursor on line 00001.
e. On the main menu, select Search, then Find .
f. In the Find what box type the text 'g91' then click Find next.
g. Click on Close.
h. Scroll back to the top of the program, placing the cursor on line 00001.

6. Try both methods to toggle between display modes.

NOTE: Switching between display modes WILL NOT alter

the original program file. But there is no way to return to a
mixed mode without closing and re-opening the file. Saving
the file WILL alter the original program file.

If you have completed the data sheet, continue with the CNC Mill software processing.

Compile and Emulate

1. On the main menu, select Mill, then Emulate. The CNC Mill software will perform the
compile step. The Compiling dialog box should return the "Successful Compile"

2. Click on OK to close the Compiling dialog box. The Mill 3D Emulator window should
open automatically as shown in Figure 5-N.

Figure 5-N

3. In the View palette, click on the Oblique view button to show a 3-dimensional
display of the emulation as in Figure 5-O.

158 Module Guide

CNC Mill Directions

Figure 5-O

4. To start the emulation of the program, click on the Start simulation button (green
arrow icon) in the upper left-hand area of the Control palette. The Line Editor window
will scroll through the program code as the emulation processes.

5. The emulation will run to completion. The Code box at the top of the window will
indicate a value of "M30" when the emulation is complete. It should appear as in
Figure 5-P.

Figure 5-P

6. Compare the completed emulation to the Fabricus design you used to generate the
source program. If there are inconsistencies between the two, contact your instructor
for help.

7. You will need to obtain your instructor's approval to continue.

• Review all of the safety procedures in Appendix A of this Guide.
• Obtain a copy of the Activity Approval form from your instructor.
• Fill in the required information and sign the form.
• Have your instructor sign the approval form.

Module Guide 159

CNC Mill Directions

Now it is time to prepare the CNC Mill for the execution of the program. As indicated
earlier in the instructions:
• The Lexan workpiece for this part has dimensions as follows:

X = 3.0 inches Y = 3.0 inches Z = 0.5 inches.

• The tool for this milling exercise is

Tool #1 – 1/8" End Mill.

8. With this information, follow the instructions for preparing the workpiece, tool, and
PRZ provided in Appendix B of this Guide.

9. Follow the instructions for the download and execution of your PART program
provided in Appendix C of this Guide.

When you are finished, go to the next section in the multimedia presentation.

160 Module Guide

CNC Mill Directions

Lesson 6, Completing the New Part

In this activity, you will complete the coaster you manufactured in Lesson 5. You will
machine the bottom of the coaster using the container and island functions within the
Geometry properties dialog box

You will use Fabricus, CNC Mill software, and the CNC Mill to manufacture the part.

The Lexan workpiece for this part has the dimensions:

X = 3.0 inches Y = 3.0 inches Z = 0.5 inches.

The tool for this milling exercise is:

Tool #9 – 1/4" End Mill

Fabricus should be on your screen. If it’s not, click on the Application Launch button and
select Fabricus.

Obtain the Data Sheet titled Lesson 6, Fabricus Data Sheet from your instructor. Briefly
review the questions provided on the data sheet before following the instructions. Then
answer the questions as you complete the Fabricus design.

Module Guide 161

CNC Mill Directions

Fabricus Stock Selection

The default stock (workpiece) within Fabricus is the Wax 2 x 2 x 0.5 in. Selecting File,
then New or using the New button on the Main toolbar will always create a design file
with the default workpiece.

Before creating any geometries, select the workpiece for this design.

1. Double-click on the border of the workpiece in the displayed file to open the Stock
properties dialog box.

2. Click the Predefined stocks button. The dialog box will be expanded to display the
available workpieces.

3. Select the Lexan 3 x 3 x 0.5 stock for this activity. Click on the entry in the
Predefined stocks window in Figure 6-A, then click on the green check mark (√).
a. The dialog box will close.

Figure 6-A

b. The Fabricus window should be updated to display the selected workpiece in the
Geometries list box and in the design window as in Figure 6-B.

162 Module Guide

CNC Mill Directions

Figure 6-B

You are now ready to start working on the new design in the TOP View.

Fabricus Design

You will first create the two rectangular geometries for the design.

1. Click the Show/Hide rulers button on the Views toolbar to show the horizontal (X-
axis) and vertical (Y-axis) rulers in the TOP view. Double-check to make sure that
the workpiece dimensions are 3 inches by 3 inches. The grid lines should represent
a distance of .125 inches.

2. Click in the Snap to Grid button on the Views toolbar. This will ensure that new
geometries are aligned on the gridline boundaries.

3. Click the Rectangle geometry button on the Drawing toolbar. Your mouse pointer
should now be a '+' within the design window.

4. Locate the position within your workpiece where X = .25 and Y = .25. Click at this
location, then drag the mouse up and across to create a rectangle as shown in
Figure 6-C.

Module Guide 163

CNC Mill Directions

Figure 6-C

5. Double-click within the highlighted rectangle to

open the Geometry properties dialog box. Adjust
the parameters so that they reflect the values
shown in Figure 6-D.
a. In the Dimensions section:
• The Top ΔX and ΔY should be "2.500".
• The Bottom ΔX and ΔY should be "2.500".
• The Δ Z should be "0.1250."
b. In the Position section:
• X and Y should be "0.2500", Z is "0.0000".
c. The Cut properties type should be Pocket.
d. The Use tool should be Tool 9.
e. Click the green check mark button to save the

6. On the main menu, select File, then Save As.

Locate the C:\ProgramFiles\Cameleon\Fabricus
directory using the Save in: box. In the File name
box, type 'XX coaster bottom' where XX are your
initials. Then click the Save button to save the Figure 6-D

7. Click the Rectangle geometry button on the Drawing toolbar again. Your mouse
pointer should now be a '+' within the design window.

164 Module Guide

CNC Mill Directions

8. Locate the position within your workpiece where X = .75 and Y = .75. Click at this
location, then drag the mouse up and across to create a second rectangle as in
shown in Figure 6-E.

Figure 6-E

9. Double-click on the highlighted rectangle

to open the Geometry properties dialog
box. Adjust the parameters as shown in
Figure 6-F.
a. Set the Cut properties type to Pocket.
b. In the Dimensions Top section:
• The Top Δ X and Δ Y should be
• The Bottom Δ X and Δ Y should be
• The Δ Z should be "0. 1250."
c. In the Position section
• X and Y should be "0.7500", Z is
d. The Use tool should be Tool 9.
e. Specify a Rotation of 45.00.
f. Click the green check mark button to
save the change.

The rotation change will rotate the

rectangle 45 degrees about the Y-axis.
The design should look as shown to
Figure 6-G.
Figure 6-F

Module Guide 165

CNC Mill Directions

Figure 6-G

10. Click the Snap to Grid button .

11. Click and drag the highlighted geometry, Rectangle-2, straight down until the left-
most and right-most handles are located at the Y-axis value of 1.50. See Figure 6-H.

Figure 6-H

12. Now click and drag the highlighted geometry, Rectangle-2, to the left until the top
and bottom handles are located at the X-axis value of 1.50. See Figure 6-I.

166 Module Guide

CNC Mill Directions

Figure 6-I

13. Save the file.

14. Click the Show/Hide rulers button to disable the rulers.
15. Click the Toggle views button to display all four views as in Figure 6-J. Then click
it again to return to the TOP view.

Figure 6-J

Now you will modify the geometries to create a container and an island. All of the
workpiece material between the two geometries will be cut away by the mill.

16. Select Rectangle-1 by double-clicking on its border to open the Geometries property
dialog box.

Module Guide 167

CNC Mill Directions

17. In the Cut properties section, click the box marked Container.
Notice that the Groove option will be disabled. Containers
must be defined as Pockets. See Figure 6-K.

Figure 6-K

18. Click the green check mark button to save the change. The
Geometries list box should identify the container with "C-" as
shown in Figure 6-L.

19. Select Rectangle-2 by double-clicking on its border to open

the Geometries property dialog box.

20. In the Cut properties section, click the box marked Island in.
Figure 6-L

21. The Island warning box will appear to remind

you that this geometry will use settings of its
container, as shown in Figure 6-M.

22. Click the Yes button to close the warning box.

The drop-down below the Island in box should
be enabled and indicate Rectangle-1 as the

23. Click the green check mark button to save the Figure 6-M

24. The Geometries list box identifies the state and hierarchy for
all of the geometries within the active design document. It
should now show the relationship between the container and
the new island ("i") within it as in Figure 6-N.

25. Click the Toggle views button and then the Show/Hide
Figure 6-N
tool path button to see the actual tool path in all four
views as in Figure 6-O.

168 Module Guide

CNC Mill Directions

Figure 6-O

26. Click the Toggle views button and then the Show/Hide tool path button to
return to the TOP view.

27. Save the file.

28. On the main menu, select File, then Export to GM file. This will open the Save As
dialog box.

29. Use the "Save in:" to locate your C:\Program Files\Lab-Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400


30. Once the directory is displayed in the Save As dialog box

a. In the File name box, type 'XX coaster bottom', where 'XX' are your initials.
b. In the Save as type drop-down box, select 'Mill Level-5 Files (*.M5)'. The m5
filename extension identifies this file for the CNC Mill software in use.
c. Click the Save button to save the file in that location.

You have successfully created a PART program file from the Fabricus design file. Once
you have completed the Data Sheet, you can continue the CNC Mill software

Module Guide 169

CNC Mill Directions

Compile and Emulate

Click on the Application Launch button and select CNC Mill Software.

1. On the main menu, select File, then Open.

2. Using the Look in: box, locate the directory C:\Program Files\Lab-
Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400 on your computer.

3. Select the file "XX coaster bottom.m5" (where XX are your initials) and click the
Open button. The file should be displayed in the Line Editor window.

4. On the main menu, select Mill, then Emulate. The CNC Mill software will perform the
compile step. The Compiling dialog box should return the "Successful Compile"

5. Click on OK to close the Compiling dialog box. The Mill 3D Emulator window should
open automatically as shown in Figure 6-P.

Figure 6-P

6. In the View palette, click on the Oblique view button to show a 3-dimensional
display of the emulation as shown in Figure 6-Q.

Figure 6-Q

170 Module Guide

CNC Mill Directions

7. To start the emulation of the program, click on the Start simulation button (green
arrow icon) in the upper left-hand area of the Control palette. The Line Editor window
will scroll through the program code as the emulation processes.

8. The emulation will run to completion. The Code box at the top of the window will
indicate a value of "M30" when the emulation is complete. It should appear as shown
in Figure 6-R.

Figure 6-R

9. Compare the completed emulation to the Fabricus design you used to generate the
source program. If there are inconsistencies between the two, contact your instructor
for help.

10. You will need to obtain your instructor's approval to continue.

• Review all of the safety procedures in Appendix A of this Guide.
• Obtain a copy of the Activity Approval form from your instructor.
• Fill in the required information and sign the form.
• Have your instructor sign the approval form.

Now it is time to prepare the CNC Mill for the execution of the program. As indicated
earlier in the instructions:

• The Lexan workpiece for this part has dimensions as follows:

X = 3.0 inches Y = 3.0 inches Z = 0.5 inches.

• The tool for this milling exercise is

Tool #9 – 1/4" End Mill.

11. With this information, follow the instructions for preparing the workpiece, tool, and
PRZ provided in Appendix B of this Guide.

Module Guide 171

CNC Mill Directions

NOTE: You should be using the coaster which was

manufactured in the previous lesson. Just flip it over so that
the blank side is facing up.

12. Follow the instructions for the download and execution of your PART program
provided in Appendix C of this Guide.

172 Module Guide

CNC Mill Directions

Fabricus Stock Removal

The Lexan stock which was defined in Fabricus for the coaster must be removed for
future students. Click on the Application Launch button and select Fabricus.

1. On the main menu, select Edit, then Stocks to open the Stock properties dialog box.

2. Click the Predefined stocks button to display the available workpieces.

3. Click on the Lexan 3 x 3 x 0.5 in. entry in the Predefined stocks window.

4. Click on the red (X) to remove it from the Predefined stocks window.

5. Close the dialog box by clicking the X in the upper-right corner of the dialog box.

6. Close Fabricus by clicking the X in the upper-right corner of the Fabricus window.

Saving to a Floppy Disk

When all lesson activities have been completed, your PART programs should be saved
to a floppy disk and then removed from the Fabricus directory. Your PART programs
can be downloaded to the CNC Mill software at any time in the future if necessary.
Follow the steps below.

1. Get a blank floppy disk from your instructor and label it with the names you assigned
to the programs when they were initially created. Be sure to include your name.

2. Place the floppy disk in your computer floppy disk drive.

3. From the CNC Mill software File pull-down menu, select Open. Locate the
C:\Program Files\Lab-Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400 directory. The window should display
all of the PART programs (files ending with .m5) stored in the direct

4. Right-click on one of your program files. A pop-up menu appears. Select Send To
and then click 3½ Floppy (A) as in Figure 6-S. Your computer will now download a
copy of the program file to your floppy disk.

Figure 6-S

Module Guide 173

CNC Mill Directions

5. After the PART program has successfully copied to your floppy disk, right-click again
on the program file. From the pop-up menu, click Delete. A Confirm File Delete
dialog box appears. Click Yes. Your PART program is now permanently deleted from
the directory.

6. Repeat these steps for each program file you have stored in the directory.

7. When you are done, remove the floppy disk.

8. Close the CNC Mill software:

• Click the X in the upper right-hand corner of the emulation window.
• Click the X in the upper right-hand corner of the Line editor window.
• Click the X in the upper right-hand corner of the Lab-Volt CNC Mill window.

When you are finished, go to the next section in the multimedia presentation.

174 Module Guide

CNC Mill Directions

Lesson 7, Design and Programming Features

In this activity, you will use additional features in Fabricus and analyze PART programs.
You will create a new design for a part to be manufactured in a later lesson. The parts
required will also be emulated.

The Fabricus software should be on your screen. If it is not, click on the Application
Launch button and select Fabricus.

Polylines in Fabricus

1. Click the Show/Hide ruler button to display the rulers.

2. Click the Snap to Grid button if it is not pressed in, to enable the snap to grid.

3. Click the Polyline geometry button on the Drawing toolbar. The mouse cursor
should now be a plus sign (+) in the design window.

4. In one motion, click and drag the mouse from the point X=0.25 Y=0.25 to the point
X=0.25 .Y=1.75, click and drag the mouse to the point X=1.75 Y=1.75, then click and
drag the mouse to X=1.75 Y=0.25. Double-click at this point to save the geometry.

5. Click the Show/Hide tool path button to show the tool path as in Figure 7-A, then
click it again to hide the tool path.

Figure 7-A

Module Guide 175

CNC Mill Directions

6. Select File, then Save As. Locate the C:\ProgramFiles\Cameleon\Fabricus directory

using the Save In: box. In the File name box, type "XX Design Features" where XX
are your initials. Then click the Save button to save the file.

Bezier geometries in Fabricus

The Bezier curve is based on mathematical formulas beyond the scope of this course.
There are a number of ways to create Bezier curves. One way is to establish the first
two control points and then bend the curve as needed, creating additional control points
as you go. The control points have handles which can be used for adjustment.
But sometimes it is better to create a simple curve first, then use the control points to
establish the figure desired.

1. Click the Bezier geometry button on the Drawing toolbar. The mouse cursor
should now be a plus sign (+) in the design window.

2. Create a straight curve first.

a. Click the mouse at the point X=0.50 Y=1.00.
b. Move the mouse to the point X=0.75 Y=1.00 and click.
c. Move the mouse to the point X=1.00 Y=1.00 and click.
d. Move the mouse to the point X=1.25 Y=1.00 and click.
e. Move the mouse to the point X=1.50 Y=1.00 and double-click.

The design should appear as shown in Figure 7-B.

Figure 7-B

3. Place the mouse at the second point from the left, X=0.75 Y=1.00. Drag the handle
straight up to the point X=0.75 Y=1.875.

176 Module Guide

CNC Mill Directions

4. Place the mouse at the fourth point from the left, X=1.25 Y=1.00. Drag the handle
straight down to the point X=1.25 Y=.125. The design should appear as shown in
Figure 7-C.

Figure 7-C

5. Save the file.

Arc geometries in Fabricus

The Arc is not as complex as the Bezier curve. But its shape and direction depend on
how it is drawn.

1. Click the Arc geometry button on the Drawing toolbar. The mouse cursor should
now be a plus sign (+) in the design window.

2. Click the mouse at the point X=0.50 Y=0.50 then drag it in a straight line to the point
X=1.50 Y=.25 and then release it. The design should appear as shown in Figure 7-

Figure 7-D

Module Guide 177

CNC Mill Directions

Once created, you can use the handles to adjust the direction and curvature of the arc.

3. Save the file.

The polyline, Bezier curve, and arc geometries can only be grooves. They cannot be
defined as containers, but they can be used as islands.

Pie Geometries in Fabricus

A pie geometry is a portion of a circle. To create a pie geometry, you establish the
radius (distance from the center of the circle to its edge), then create the angle desired.

1. Click the Pie geometry button on the Drawing toolbar. The mouse cursor should
now be a plus sign (+) in the design window.

2. Click at the point X=1.125 Y=1.25 and move the cursor horizontally to the point
X=1.50 Y=1.25 and click.

3. Move the cursor towards the bottom of the design window. The size of the angle is
displayed in degrees (°) and should increase as you go further downward. When the
angle is equal or close to 45°, double-click to save the geometry.

4. If the angle is not 45°

a. double-click inside the pie to open the Geometry properties dialog box.
b. just above the Use tool selection, change the "Pie angle" to 45.00.
c. click the green check mark to save the update.
d. The design should appear as shown in Figure 7-E.

Figure 7-E

178 Module Guide

CNC Mill Directions

5. Click the Toggle views button and the Show/Hide tool path. The design
should appear as shown in Figure 7-F. Then click them again to return to the TOP

Figure 7-F

6. Save the file.

Fabricus Miscellaneous Options

You can move the workpiece in the design window. This may be done to help examine
designs with extended dimensions. The workpiece can be moved closer to the rulers for
easier measurements.

1. Click the Pan view button on the Viewing toolbar. The cursor should resemble
the four arrows within the design window.

2. Drag the cursor to the left and the right, then up and down.

3. If the rulers are on, they will readjust to the correct locations when movement stops.

4. Exit Pan mode by pressing the Esc key.

You can zoom in on design details or zoom out to get a better view of an entire design.

5. Click the Zoom button on the Viewing toolbar. The cursor should resemble the
magnifying glass within the design window.

6. To zoom in, use the right-click to drag the cursor towards the center of the design.

Module Guide 179

CNC Mill Directions

7. To zoom out, use the right click to drag the cursor away from the center of the

8. Exit Zoom mode by pressing the Esc key.

NOTE: The Pan view and Zoom cannot be enabled at the

same time.

You can group geometries to move, resize, or rotate them as a single unit.

9. Select the Pie-1 geometry.

10. Holding the SHIFT key down, select the Bezier-1 geometry.

11. Click the Group geometries button on the Drawing toolbar. Note that the
Geometries list identifies the group, but it also has changed the order in which
the geometries are displayed. A single rectangle should surround the pie and
Bezier in the design window. See Figure 7-G.

Figure 7-G

12. Click the Rotate a geometry button

13. Click on either geometry. The outline with handles should change to a solid
rectangle with a single handle in the middle as shown in Figure 7-H.

180 Module Guide

CNC Mill Directions

Figure 7-H

14. Place the mouse on the handle to reveal the rotational icon, a circle with an
arrow indicating a clockwise rotation.

15. Drag the rotational icon straight down slowly until the pointed edge of the pie
geometry is approximately at the point X=1.00 Y=1.00, as shown in Figure 7-I.
Then release the mouse.

Figure 7-I

16. Select Edit then Undo to return both geometries to their original locations.

17. Click the Ungroup geometries button to ungroup the two geometries.

18. Press the Esc key to disable the Rotate a geometry mode.

Module Guide 181

CNC Mill Directions

Continue this activity with the instructions for your part design.

Designing the Part

The Fabricus software should be on your screen. If it is not, click on the Application
Launch button and select Fabricus.

In this portion of the activity, the design you will work on is for the outside faces of
a yo-yo.

1. Select File, then Open. Locate the file yo-yo.fbs in your C:\Program Files\Lab-
Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400 directory and open it.

2. Select File, then Save As. Locate the C:\Program C:\Program Files\Lab-
Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400 directory.

3. In the File name: box, type "XX yoyo-face" where XX are your initials, then click

4. Click the Toggle views button to see the design as shown in Figure 7-J.

Figure 7-J

The design does have the correct number of 16-sided polygons (8). However, it should
be obvious from the Top, Front, and Side views that the design is incorrect.

In this case, the designer rushed to complete the design. Polygons 1-4 are correct, but
polygons 5-8 have some incorrect specifications with regard to the:
• depth of the geometry.
• incremental depth for the vertical cut.
• cut type.
• number of polygon sides.

182 Module Guide

CNC Mill Directions

5. Click the Toggle views button to return to the Top view.

6. In the Geometries list box, right-click on the text "Polygon-5" and select "Properties"
to open the Geometry properties dialog box.
a. Change the ΔZ value to "0.2000".
b. Change the "Cut vertical increments" value to "0.100000". Click the "Calc number
of passes" button. The number should change to "2.00".
c. Click the "Groove" radio button.
d. Change the number of sides to "16".
e. Click the green check mark to save the changes.

7. In the Geometries list box, right-click on the text "Polygon-6" and select "Properties"
to open the Geometry properties dialog box.
a. Change the ΔZ value to "0.2400".
b. Change the "Cut vertical increments" value to "0.120000". Click the "Calc number
of passes" button. The number should change to "2.00".
c. Click the "Groove" radio button.
d. Change the number of sides to "16".
e. Click the green check mark to save the changes.
8. In the Geometries list box, right-click on the text "Polygon-7" and select "Properties"
to open the Geometry properties dialog box.
a. Change the ΔZ value to "0.2800".
b. Change the "Cut vertical increments" value to "0.140000". Click the "Calc number
of passes" button. The number should change to "2.00".
c. Click the "Groove" radio button.
d. Change the number of sides to "16".
e. Click the green check mark to save the changes.

9. In the Geometries list box, right-click on the text "Polygon-8" and select "Properties"
to open the Geometry properties dialog box.
a. Change the ΔZ value to "0.4996".
b. Change the "Cut vertical increments" value to "0.124900". Click the "Calc number
of passes" button. The number should change to "4.00".
c. Click the "Groove" radio button.
d. Change the number of sides to "16".
e. Click the green check mark to save the changes.

10. Review the Top view of the yo-yo face. It should appear as shown in Figure 7-K.

Module Guide 183

CNC Mill Directions

Figure 7-K

11. Click the Toggle views button to see the design as shown in Figure 7-L.

Figure 7-L

12. If your design does not match the figure:

a. Double-check the geometry property values, polygon-5 through polygon-8.
Review your design as above.
b. Contact your instructor for assistance.

13. Save the design file XX yoyo-face.fbs (where XX are your initials) in your
C:\Program Files\Lab-Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400 directory.

14. Select File, then Export to GM File to open the Save As dialog box. In the File name"
box, enter "XX yoyo-face". The "Save as type" should be "Mill Level-5 Files (*.M5).
Click Save to create the CNC Mill source program file.

184 Module Guide

CNC Mill Directions

15. Close the Fabricus application.


The CNC Mill software should be on your screen. If it is not, click on the Application
Launch button and select CNC Mill Software.

1. On the main menu, select File, then Open.

2. Using the Look in: box, locate the directory C:\Program Files\Lab-
Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400 on your computer.

3. Select the file "XX yoyo-face.m5" (where XX are your initials) and click the Open
button. The file should be displayed in the Line Editor window.

4. Obtain the Data Sheet titled Lesson 3, Program Instructions Data Sheet from your

5. Answer the questions on the data sheet.

When you have completed all of the questions, continue with the steps required to
prepare your PART programs for manufacturing.

Module Guide 185

CNC Mill Directions

Fabricus Views

It is a good idea to have the design file open so that you can compare it to the CNC Mill
software's emulation.

1. Click on the Application Launch button and select Fabricus.

2. Select File and then Open.

3. Use the Look in: box to locate your C:\Program Files\Lab-Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400

directory. Select the file "XX yoyo-face.fbs" file where XX are your initials. Click the
Open button to open the file.

4. Click the Toggle views button to display all four of the views shown in Figure 7-

Figure 7-M

Compile and Emulate

1. On the CNC Mill software main menu, select Mill, then Emulate. The CNC Mill
software will perform the compile step. The Compiling dialog box should return the
"Successful Compile" message.

2. Click on OK to close the Compiling dialog box. The Mill 3D Emulator window should
open automatically as in Figure 7-N.

186 Module Guide

CNC Mill Directions

Figure 7-N

3. In the View palette, click on the Oblique view button to show a 3-dimensional
display of the emulation. See Figure 7-O.

Figure 7-O

4. Click the Step simulation button (blue arrow icon) in the Control palette.
a. Watch for any movement of the milling tool.
b. Note the values in the boxes displaying the Code and X-Y-Z coordinates.
c. If the tool does not move or comes to a stop, click the Step simulation button
again to continue.
d. Repeat steps a-c several times.

5. Click the Reset simulation button (yellow arrow icon). This will place the emulator
back at the first line of the program.

6. Execute standard simulation. Click on the Start simulation button (green arrow icon)
in the upper left-hand area of the Control palette. The Line Editor window will scroll
through the program code as the emulation processes.

7. The emulation will run to completion. The Code box at the top of the window will
indicate a value of "M30" when the emulation is complete. It should appear as shown
in Figure 7-P.

Module Guide 187

CNC Mill Directions

Figure 7-P

8. Compare the results of the emulation to your design in Fabricus. If they do not
match, contact your instructor for assistance before continuing.
9. Close the Mill 3D Emulator and Line Editor windows

You have completed the emulation for the face of the yo-yo. Milling two workpieces with
this same design will create the faces of the yo-yo. But how will they be connected?

The Other Side in Fabricus

The two parts of the yo-yo will be connected by using a dowel. This will require drilling a
hole in back of each yo-yo face. In order to accomplish this, you will need a separate
design to create the hole.

Fabricus should still be open on your computer. If it is not, click on the Application
Launch button and select Fabricus.

1. Select then File and then Open.

2. Use the Look in: box to locate your C:\Program Files\Lab-Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400

directory. Select the file named "yoyo-back.fbs", then click the Open button.

3. Select File, then Save As.

4. Use the Save in: box to locate your C:\Program Files\Lab-Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400

directory. In the File name" box, type "XX yoyo-back" where XX are your initials.
Then click Save.

5. Double-click within the ellipse to open the Geometry properties dialog box. Note that
Tool 1 will be used to create an elliptical pocket .250 inches wide and a depth of
.1875 inches.

6. Click the red X to close the dialog box.

188 Module Guide

CNC Mill Directions

7. Click the Toggle views button and the Show/Hide tool path button to see the
design as shown in Figure 7-Q.

Figure 7-Q

8. Select File, then Export to GM File to open the Save As dialog box. In the File name"
box, enter "XX yoyo-back". The "Save as type" should be "Mill Level-5 Files (*.M5)".
Click Save to create the CNC Mill source program file.

Compile and Emulate

1. Select File and then Open in the CNC Mill software window.

2. Locate your C:\Program Files\Lab-Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400 directory using the Look

in: box. Select your file "XX yoyo-back.m5" where XX are your initials then click the
Open button.

3. On the CNC Mill software main menu, select Mill, then Emulate. The CNC Mill
software will perform the compile step. The Compiling dialog box should return the
"Successful Compile" message.

4. Click on OK to close the Compiling dialog box. The Mill 3D Emulator window should
open automatically.

5. In the View palette, click on the Oblique view button to show a 3-dimensional display
of the emulation. See Figure 7-R.

Module Guide 189

CNC Mill Directions

Figure 7-R

6. Execute standard simulation. Click on the Start simulation button in the upper
left-hand area of the Control palette. The Line Editor window will scroll through the
program code as the emulation processes.

7. The emulation will run to completion. The Code box at the top of the window will
indicate a value of "M30" when the emulation is complete. It should appear as shown
in Figure 7-S.

Figure 7-S

8. Compare the results of the emulation to your design in Fabricus. If they do not
match, contact your instructor for assistance

9. Close the CNC Mill software.

10. Close the Fabricus software.

When you are finished, go to the next section in the multimedia presentation.

190 Module Guide

CNC Mill Directions

Lesson 8, Manufacturing Issues

In this activity, you will complete all of the manufacturing processes required to
complete the yo-yo. This will require the use of two wax workpieces.

Compile and Emulate

In order to do the milling correctly, the holes must be drilled in the workpieces before the
faces of the yo-yo are manufactured.

The CNC Mill software should be on your screen. If it is not, click on the Application
Launch button and select CNC Mill Software.

1. On the main menu, select File, then Open.

2. Using the Look in: box, locate the directory C:\Program Files\Lab-
Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400 on your computer.

3. Select the file "XX yoyo-back.m5" (where XX are your initials) and click the Open
button. The file should be displayed in the Line Editor window.

4. On the main menu, select Mill, then Emulate. The CNC Mill software will perform the
compile step. The Compiling dialog box should return the "Successful Compile"

5. Click on OK to close the Compiling dialog box. The Mill 3D Emulator window should
open automatically as shown in Figure 8-A.

Figure 8-A

6. In the View palette, click on the Oblique view button to show a 3-dimensional
display of the emulation. See Figure 8-B.

Module Guide 191

CNC Mill Directions

Figure 8-B

7. Execute standard simulation. Click on the Start simulation button (green arrow icon)
in the upper left-hand area of the Control palette. The Line Editor window will scroll
through the program code as the emulation processes.

8. The emulation will run to completion. The Code box at the top of the window will
indicate a value of "M30" when the emulation is complete. It should appear as shown
in Figure 8-C.

Figure 8-C

9. If the emulation does not appear correct, contact your instructor for assistance.

10. Examine the Time estimate which is provided in minutes:seconds format at the
bottom of the Mill 3D Emulator window. The milling process needs to be completed
in a single class session. If the time estimate exceeds the amount of time normally
available for the milling process, you may need to schedule time with your instructor
outside the class session to complete the manufacturing of this part.

NOTE: The time estimate is one of the Machining Data

Fields at the bottom of the Mill 3D Emulator window. If they
are not displayed, maximize the Mill 3D emulator window.

192 Module Guide

CNC Mill Directions

11. You will need to obtain your instructor's approval to continue.

• Review all of the safety procedures in Appendix A of this Guide.
• Obtain a copy of the Activity Approval form from your instructor.
• Fill in the required information and sign the form.
• Have your instructor sign the approval form.

Now it is time to prepare the CNC Mill for the execution of the program.

• The Wax workpiece for this part has dimensions as follows:

X = 2.0 inches Y = 2.0 inches Z = 0.5 inches.

• The tool for this milling exercise is

Tool #1 – 1/8" End Mill.

12. With this information, follow the instructions for preparing the workpiece, tool, and
PRZ provided in Appendix B of this Guide.

13. Follow the instructions for the download and execution of your PART program
provided in Appendix C of this Guide.

NOTE: When you have finished the milling, check the time
left in the class session. If there is enough time remaining
and you need to continue, skip steps 7-12 of Executing a
PART Program until it is time to shut down for the end of the

14. You have completed milling the first part successfully. Close the emulation and
editor windows. Now you must repeat the instructions in steps 12 and 13 using the
second workpiece.

You have finished the manufacturing of the holes for each of the yo-yo backs. When
you are finished, continue with the instructions for the yo-yo faces.

Module Guide 193

CNC Mill Directions

Compile and Emulate

The CNC Mill software should be on your screen. If it is not, click on the Application
Launch button and select CNC Mill Software.

1. On the main menu, select File, then Open.

2. Using the Look in: box, locate the directory C:\Program Files\Lab-
Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400 on your computer.

3. Select the file "XX yoyo-face.m5" (where XX are your initials) and click the Open
button. The file should be displayed in the Line Editor window.

4. On the CNC Mill software main menu, select Mill, then Emulate. The CNC Mill
software will perform the compile step. The Compiling dialog box should return the
"Successful Compile" message.

5. Click on OK to close the Compiling dialog box. The Mill 3D Emulator window should
open automatically as shown in Figure 8-D.

Figure 8-D

6. In the View palette, click on the Oblique view button to show a 3-dimensional
display of the emulation. See Figure 8-E.

194 Module Guide

CNC Mill Directions

Figure 8-E

7. Execute standard simulation. Click on the Start simulation button in the upper
left-hand area of the Control palette. The Line Editor window will scroll through the
program code as the emulation processes.

8. The emulation will run to completion. The Code box at the top of the window will
indicate a value of "M30" when the emulation is complete. It should appear as shown
in Figure 8-F.

Figure 8-F

9. If the emulation does not appear correct, contact your instructor for assistance.

10. Examine the Time estimate which is provided in minutes:seconds format at the
bottom of the Mill 3D Emulator window. The milling process needs to be completed
in a single class session. If the time estimate exceeds the amount of time normally
available for the milling process, you may need to schedule time with your instructor
outside the class session to complete the manufacturing of this part.

Module Guide 195

CNC Mill Directions

NOTE: The time estimate is one of the Machining Data

Fields at the bottom of the Mill 3D Emulator window. If they
are not displayed, maximize the Mill 3D emulator window.

11. You will need to obtain your instructor's approval to continue.

• Review all of the safety procedures in Appendix A of this Guide.
• Obtain a copy of the Activity Approval form from your instructor.
• Fill in the required information and sign the form.
• Have your instructor sign the approval form.

Now it is time to prepare the CNC Mill for the execution of the program.

• The Wax workpiece for this part has dimensions as follows:

X = 2.0 inches Y = 2.0 inches Z = 0.5 inches.

• The tool for this milling exercise is:

Tool #1 – 1/8" End Mill.

12. With this information, follow the instructions for preparing the workpiece, tool, and
PRZ provided in Appendix B of this Guide.

NOTE: You will re-use the workpieces with the holes drilled.
You will need to place each workpiece in the vise such that
the hole is facing down.

13. Follow the instructions for the download and execution of your PART program
provided in Appendix C of this Guide.

NOTE: When you have finished the milling, check the time
left in the class session. If there is enough time and you
need to continue, skip steps 7-12 of Executing a PART
Program until it is time to shut down for the end of the

14. You have completed milling the first part successfully. Now you must repeat the
instructions in steps 12 and 13 using the second workpiece.

You have finished manufacturing the pieces for the yo-yo. You can obtain the provided
rod, string, and yo-yo assembly instructions from your instructor.

When you are finished, go to the next section in the multimedia presentation.

196 Module Guide

CNC Mill Directions

Lesson 9, Complex Designs and Debugging

In this activity, you will perform some problem determination. You will also design the
final part to be manufactured in this module.

Compiler Errors

The CNC Mill software should be on your screen. If it is not, click on the Application
Launch button and select CNC Mill Software.

The compiler will identify syntax errors in CNC Mill programs. However, it identifies only
one error at a time. You must correct each error, then run the compiler again until the
compilation is successful.

1. On the main menu, select File and then Open.

2. Using the Look in: box, locate the directory C:\Program Files\Lab-
Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400 on your computer.

3. Select the file "debug1.m5".and click the Open button. The file should be displayed
in the Line Editor window.

4. Select File and then Save As. Using the Save in: box locate the directory
C:\Program Files\Lab-Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400.

5. In the File name: box, enter "XX debug1.m5" where XX are your initials. Click Save.

6. In the Line editor window containing your code, click the Maximize button .

7. Select Mill then Emulate. The Compiler Status box should be returned immediately
indicating an error on line 1, as in Figure 9-A.

Figure 9-A

Module Guide 197

CNC Mill Directions

8. Looking at line 00001 "TOL 1" is missing an 'O'.

a. Click the Cancel button in the Compiler Status box.
b. Change the text on line 00001 to "TOOL 1".
c. Select Mill then Emulate to execute the compiler again. The Compiler Status box
should be returned immediately indicating an error on line 66.

9. Change each of the compiler errors in the same manner until you get a successful

Depending on the size of the program and the number of errors, correcting syntax
errors can be a very repetitive process. And remember that the compiler catches syntax
errors, but cannot guarantee that changes made are the desired ones.

10. Click on OK to close the Compiling dialog box. The Mill 3D Emulator window should
open automatically.

11. To start the emulation of the program, click on the Start simulation button (green
arrow icon) in the upper left-hand area of the Control palette. The Line Editor window
will scroll through the program code as the emulation processes. The emulation will
run to completion. The Code box at the top of the window will indicate a value of
"M30" when the emulation is complete. It should appear similar to Figure 9-B.

Figure 9-B

12. Close the emulator and select File, then Save As. Save the file XX debug1.m5
(where XX are your initials) back to the C:\Program Files\Lab-
Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400 directory.

13. Close the file in the Line Editor.

You completed both problem determination and problem resolution by identifying and
correcting the coding errors to produce a clean compile and an accurate emulation.

198 Module Guide

CNC Mill Directions

Emulation errors

The CNC Mill software has no way of determining errors in a design or in the PART
program itself. It will simulate all of the instructions included within a program which has
been successfully compiled.

1. On the main menu, select File and then Open.

2. Using the Look in: box, locate the directory C:\Program Files\Lab-
Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400 on your computer.

3. Select the file "debug2.m5".and click the Open button. The file should be displayed
in the Line Editor window.

4. Select File, then Save As. Using the Save in: box locate the directory C:\Program

5. In the File name: box, enter "XX debug2.m5" where XX are your initials.

6. In the Line editor window containing your code, click the Maximize button .

7. On the main menu, select Mill, then Emulate. The CNC Mill software will perform the
compile step. The Compiling dialog box should return the "Successful Compile"

8. Click on OK to close the Compiling dialog box. The Mill 3D Emulator window should
open automatically.

9. In the View palette, click on the Oblique view button to show a 3-dimensional display
of the emulation.

10. To start the emulation of the program, click on the Start simulation button in the
upper left-hand area of the Control palette. The Line Editor window will scroll through
the program code as the emulation processes.

Module Guide 199

CNC Mill Directions

11. The emulation will run to completion. The Code box at the top of the window will
indicate a value of "M30" when the emulation is complete. It should appear similar to
Figure 9-C.

Figure 9-C

You did not create this program, it was provided to you. The part information which has
been provided to you stipulates:

• All four geometries should have a depth of .375 inches.

• The rectangle and hexagon are groove cuts.
• The ellipse and pie are pocket cuts.
• The tool to be used is Tool 1, the 0.125" End Mill.

12. Look at the emulation again. Notice that the pie geometry is not as deep as the other
three geometries. Additionally, the ellipse appears to be a groove, not a pocket.

13. Close the 3D emulator. The Line Editor should still be open with the program code

14. Scroll through the program source and locate the comment line "Pie-1 cut".

15. Now examine the instructions between the comment line "Pie-1 cut" and "Ellipse-1
a. The Z parameter is not equal to -0.375 on any statement.
b. Absolute positioning is specified initially.
c. There are no incremental references, so absolute positioning is used for every
d. Therefore, the tool is never instructed to reach the required depth.

Problem determination on the elliptical geometry requires much more programming

knowledge and some basics about geometry.

200 Module Guide

CNC Mill Directions

16. Take a look at the code below which is a portion of the code following the "Ellipse-1"

X0.5489 Y0.8086 Z-0.1250
X0.5625 Y0.5625 Z-0.1250

a. There seems to be two more similar blocks of code below these lines with Z
values of -0.2500 and -0.3750. These indicate that there are three passes with a
final depth of 0.375 inches which is correct.
b. The X, Y, and Z parameters on the MOVE specify a point on the arc to be drawn
c. The X, Y, and Z parameters on the G02 specify the center of the arc to be drawn.
The ARC statement following the G02 X-Y-Z parameters indicates that the arc
will be a complete circle.
d. The radius of the circle is determined by using these two sets of coordinates in a
mathematical formula. Calculating the radius of the circle, it is approximately .246
inches. This would make the diameter, or width, of the circle approximately 0.49
inches. The outer edge of the tool will be on the circle itself. Having a width of
only .125 inches, the tool cannot possibly mill the entire pocket with a single
circular cut at each depth. This is the reason that the emulation is incorrect.

If the program had been generated by hand, these problems would be corrected using
the editor in the CNC Mill software. Any relevant design sketches would be updated as
necessary. If the program was created using CAD software like Fabricus, the design
should be corrected and the program re-generated in the same manner.

Remember, problem determination and problem resolution can involve more than
locating and fixing problems. Changes in procedures, additional education, and other
measures identified can go a long way in reducing the number of errors in a
manufacturing business.

17. Close the emulator and select File, then Save As. Save the file XX debug2.m5
(where XX are your initials) back to the C:\Program Files\Lab-
Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400 directory.

18. Close the CNC Mill software and continue this activity with the design of the new

Module Guide 201

CNC Mill Directions

Fabricus Design – Key Chain Part A

Click on the Application Launch button and select Fabricus.

You will prepare the design for a keychain. This will require two separate designs in
Fabricus. Each design file will be used to mill two sides of the stock.

You will be using a stock made of Hardwood with the dimensions X=3.0 inches, Y=0.5
inches, and Z = 0.5 inches.

1. On the main menu, select Edit then Stocks to open the Stock properties dialog box
in Figure 9-D.
a. In the Name field, type
"Hardwood 3.0x0.5x0.5 in."
b. In the ΔX field, type "3.0000"
c. In the ΔY field, type "0.5000"
d. In the ΔZ field, type "0.5000"
e. In the Material field, type
f. Ensure that the X, Y, and Z
values in the Home position
area are set to zero.
g. Click the green check mark to
save the settings for this Figure 9-D

2. Select Edit then Options to open the Options dialog box in

Figure 9-E.
a. In the Grid Settings, enter "0.0625" in the Spacing: box.
b. The Snap to Grid box should be checked.
c. Click the green check mark to save the change.

NOTE: This change will impact new design files

until it is modified again.
3. Click the Show/Hide rulers button to enable the rulers. Figure 9-E
Most likely, the rulers will be a bit off with this size

4. Click the Zoom button . Holding the right-click down, drag the mouse away from
the center of the design, then adjust it until the rulers are aligned. Remember that
the rulers do not re-size until you release the mouse.

5. When the workpiece and the rulers are aligned correctly, press the Esc key to get
out of zoom mode.

202 Module Guide

CNC Mill Directions

6. Click the Pan view button to adjust the workpiece in the TOP view. When you
are done, press the Esc key to get out of pan mode. See Figure 9-F.

Figure 9-F

The first design will include four geometries: a rectangle, an ellipse, a pie, and an
octagon. All will be pockets with a depth of .250 inches.

7. Ensure that the Snap to grid button is pressed in.

8. Click the Rectangle geometry button .

9. At the location where X = 0.19 and Y = 0.37, click and drag the mouse down and to
the right where X = 0.50 and Y = 0.13.

10. Open the Geometry properties box.

a. Adjust any of the Dimensions parameters so they are defined as:
• Top ΔX = 0.3125
• Top ΔY = 0.2500
• Bottom ΔX = 0.3125
• Bottom ΔY = 0.2500
• ΔZ = 0.2500.
b. Adjust the Position parameters so they are defined as:
• X = 0.1875
• Y = 0.1250
• Z = 0.0000
c. Click the green checkmark. Your design should look like Figure 9-G.

Figure 9-G

Module Guide 203

CNC Mill Directions

d. Click the Show/Hide tool path button to show the tool path then click it again
to hide the tool path.

11. Select File, then Save As. Locate your C:\Program Files\Lab-
Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400 directory using the Save in: box.
12. In the File name box, type "XX KeyChainA" where XX are your initials. Then Save
the file.
13. Click the Elliptical geometry button .

14. At the location where X = 0.75 and Y = 0.37, click and drag the mouse down and to
the right where X = 1.13 and Y = 0.13.

15. Open the Geometry properties box.

a. Adjust any of the Dimensions parameters so they are defined as:
• Top ΔX = 0.3750
• Top ΔY = 0.2500
• Bottom ΔX = 0.3750
• Bottom ΔY = 0.2500
• ΔZ = 0.2500.
b. Adjust the Position parameters so they are defined as:
• X = 0.7500
• Y = 0.1250
• Z = 0.0000.
c. Click the green checkmark. Your design should look as shown in Figure 9-H.

Figure 9-H

d. Click the Show/Hide tool path button to show the tool path then click it again
to hide the tool path.

16. Save the file XX KeyChainA.fbs in your C:\Program Files\Lab-

Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400 directory.

17. Click the Pie geometry button .

18. At the location where X = 1.38 and Y = 0.13, click and drag the mouse to the right
where X = 1.63 and Y = 0.13. Single-click.

204 Module Guide

CNC Mill Directions

19. Drag the handle down until the pie angle is approximately 70°

20. Open the Geometry properties box.

a. Adjust any of the Dimensions parameters so they are defined as:
• Top ΔX = 0.2500
• Top ΔY = 0.2462
• Bottom ΔX = 0.2500
• Bottom ΔY = 0.2462
• ΔZ = 0.2500.
b. Adjust the Position parameters so they are defined as:
• X = 1.3750
• Y = 0.1250
• Z = 0.0000.
c. Set the Pie angle to 80°.
d. Click the green checkmark. Your design should look like Figure 9-I.

Figure 9-I

e. Click the Show/Hide tool path button to show the tool path then click it again
to hide the tool path.

21. Save the file XX KeyChainA.fbs in your C:\Program Files\Lab-

Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400 directory.

22. Click the Octagon geometry button .

23. At the location where X = 2.00 and Y = 0.37, click and drag the mouse down and to
the right where X = 2.38 and Y = 0.13.

24. Open the Geometry properties box.

a. Adjust any of the Dimensions parameters so they are defined as:
• Top ΔX = 0.3750
• Top ΔY = 0.2500
• Bottom ΔX = 0.3750
• Bottom ΔY = 0.2500
• ΔZ = 0.2500.

Module Guide 205

CNC Mill Directions

b. Adjust the Position parameters so they are defined as:

• X = 2.0000
• Y = 0.1250
• Z = 0.0000.
c. Click the green checkmark. Your design should look like Figure 9-J.

Figure 9-J

d. Click the Show/Hide tool path button to show the tool path in Figure 9-K.

Figure 9-K

e. Click the Toggle view button to see all views in Figure 9-L.

Figure 9-L

206 Module Guide

CNC Mill Directions

25. If your design does not look correct, double-check the geometry properties values
for each of the four geometries. Make any appropriate changes.

26. Save the file XX KeyChainA.fbs in your C:\Program Files\Lab-

Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400 directory.

27. Select File, then Export to GM File. Using the Save in box, locate your C:\Program
Files\Lab-Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400 directory.

28. In the File name box, enter "XX KeyChainA" where XX are your initials. The file type
should be m5. Save the file.

Compile and Emulate KeyChainA

The CNC Mill software may already be open, if it is not click on the Application Launch
button and select CNC Mill Software.

1. On the main menu, select File, then Open.

2. Using the Look in: box, locate the directory C:\Program Files\Lab-
Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400 on your computer.

3. Select the file "XX KeyChainA.m5" (where XX are your initials) and click the Open
button. The file should be displayed in the Line Editor window.

4. On the main menu, select Mill, then Emulate. The CNC Mill software will perform the
compile step. The Compiling dialog box should return the "Successful Compile"

5. Click on OK to close the Compiling dialog box. The Mill 3D Emulator window should
open automatically as in Figure 9-M shown below.

Figure 9-M

Module Guide 207

CNC Mill Directions

6. In the View palette, click on the Oblique view button to show a 3-dimensional
display of the emulation.

7. To start the emulation of the program, click on the Start simulation button (green
arrow icon) in the upper left-hand area of the Control palette. The Line Editor window
will scroll through the program code as the emulation processes.

8. The emulation will run to completion. The Code box at the top of the window will
indicate a value of "M30" when the emulation is complete. It should appear as shown
in Figure 9-N.

Figure 9-N

9. Compare the completed emulation to the Fabricus design you used to generate the
source program. If there are inconsistencies between the two, contact your instructor
for help.

10. Close the Fabricus file XX KeyChainA.fbs. where XX are your initials.

11. Close the Mill 3D Emulator.

12. Close the Mill Line Editor.

Fabricus Design – Key Chain Part B

Switch back to the Fabricus window which should still be open on your computer. If it is
not, click on the Application Launch button and select Fabricus.

You will be using the same stock for the second key chain design file. It is made of
Hardwood with the dimensions X=3.0 inches, Y=0.5 inches, and Z = 0.5 inches.

1. Select File, then New to create a new design file.

2. On the main menu, select Edit, then Stocks to open the Stock properties dialog box
in Figure 9-O.

208 Module Guide

CNC Mill Directions

a. In the Name field, type "Hardwood

3.0x0.5x0.5 in."
b. In the ΔX field, type "3.0000"
c. In the ΔY field, type "0.5000"
d. In the ΔZ field, type "0.5000"
e. In the Material field, type
f. Ensure that the X, Y, and Z values
in the Home position area are set
to zero.
g. Click the green check mark to
save the settings for this
Figure 9-O
3. Select Edit, then Options to open the
Options dialog box in Figure 9-P.
a. In the Grid Settings box, enter "0.0625"
b. The Snap to Grid box should be checked.
c. Click the green check mark to save the change.

NOTE: This change will impact new design files

until it is modified again.

4. Click the Show/Hide rulers button to enable the rulers.

Most likely, the rulers will be a bit off with this size Figure 9-P

5. Click the Zoom button . Holding the right-click down, drag the mouse away from
the center of the design, then adjust it until the rulers are aligned. Remember that
the rulers do not re-size until you release the mouse.

6. When the workpiece and the rulers are aligned correctly, press the Esc key to get
out of zoom mode.

7. Click the Pan view button to adjust the workpiece in the TOP view. When you
are done, press the Esc key to get out of pan mode. See Figure 9-Q.

Figure 9-Q

Module Guide 209

CNC Mill Directions

The second design will include five geometries: a hexagon, a polyline, an arc, a
rectangle, and an ellipse. The hexagon and the ellipse will be pockets. The polyline, arc,
and rectangle will be grooves. The geometries will have a depth of .125 inches except
the ellipse, which will have a depth of .250 inches.

8. Ensure that the Snap to grid button is pressed in.

9. Click the Hexagon geometry button .

10. At the location where X = 0.13 and Y = 0.37, click and drag the mouse down and to
the right where X = 0.38 and Y = 0.13.

11. Open the Geometry properties box.

a. Adjust any of the Dimensions parameters so they are defined as:
• Top ΔX = 0.2500
• Top ΔY = 0.2500
• Bottom ΔX = 0.2500
• Bottom ΔY = 0.2500
• ΔZ = 0.1250.
b. Adjust the Position parameters so they are defined as:
• X = 0.1250
• Y = 0.1250
• Z = 0.0000
c. Click the green checkmark. Your design should look as shown in Figure 9-R.

Figure 9-R

d. Click the Show/Hide tool path button to show the tool path, then click it again
to hide the tool path.

12. Select File, then Save As. Locate your C:\Program Files\Lab-
Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400 directory using the Save in: box.

13. In the File name box, type "XX KeyChainB" where XX are your initials. Then Save
the file.

14. Click the Polyline geometry button .

210 Module Guide

CNC Mill Directions

15. Create a polyline.

a. Click at the point where X = 0.63 and Y = 0.19.
b. Move the cursor to X = 0.75, Y = 0.31 and click.
c. Move the cursor to X = 0.88, Y = 0.19 and click.
d. Move the cursor to X = 1.00, Y = 0.31 and
double-click. The design should look like Figure

16. Open the Geometry properties box.

a. Adjust any of the Dimensions parameters so they Figure 9-S
are defined as:
• Top ΔX = 0.3750
• Top ΔY = 0.1250
• ΔZ = 0.1250.
b. Adjust the Position parameters so they are defined as:
• X = 0.6250
• Y = 0.1875
• Z = 0.0000.
c. Click the green checkmark.
d. Click the Show/Hide tool path button to show
the tool path, as in Figure 9-T. Then click it again
to hide the tool path.
NOTE: Drawing a polyline can be
tricky. If the tool path does not look
correct, select the geometry, delete it Figure 9-T
from the design, then try it again.

17. Save the file XX KeyChainB.fbs in your C:\Program Files\Lab-

Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400 directory.

18. Click the Arc geometry button .

19. At the location where X = 1.25 and Y = 0.31, click and drag the mouse down to the
right where X = 1.63 and Y = 0.19.

20. Open the Geometry properties box.

a. Adjust any of the Dimensions parameters so they are defined as:
• Top ΔX = 0.3750
• Top ΔY = 0.1250
• ΔZ = 0.1250.
b. Adjust the Position parameters so they are defined as:
• X = 1.2500
• Y = 0.1875
• Z = 0.0000.
c. Click the green checkmark. Your design should look like Figure 9-U.

Module Guide 211

CNC Mill Directions

Figure 9-U

d. Click the Show/Hide tool path button to show the tool path, then click it again
to hide the tool path.

21. Save the file XX KeyChainB.fbs in your C:\Program Files\Lab-

Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400 directory.

22. Click the Rectangle geometry button .

23. At the location where X = 1.88 and Y = 0.37, click and drag the mouse down and to
the right where X = 2.19 and Y = 0.13.

24. Open the Geometry properties box.

a. Set the Cut properties type to 'Groove'
b. Adjust any of the Dimensions parameters so they are defined as:
• Top ΔX = 0.3125
• Top ΔY = 0.2500
• Bottom ΔX = 0.3125
• Bottom ΔY = 0.2500
• ΔZ = 0. 1250.
c. Adjust the Position parameters so they are defined as:
• X = 1.8750
• Y = 0.1250
• Z = 0.0000.
d. Click the green check mark. Your design should look like Figure 9-V.

Figure 9-V

212 Module Guide

CNC Mill Directions

e. Click the Show/Hide tool path button to show the tool path in Figure 9-W.

Figure 9-W

25. Save the file XX KeyChainB.fbs in your C:\Program Files\Lab-

Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400 directory.

26. Click the Elliptical geometry button .

27. At the location where X = 2.63 and Y = 0.37, click and drag the mouse down and to
the right where X = 2.88 and Y = 0.13.

28. Open the Geometry properties box.

a. Adjust any of the Dimensions parameters so they are defined as:
• Top ΔX = 0.2500
• Top ΔY = 0.2500
• Bottom ΔX = 0.2500
• Bottom ΔY = 0.2500
• ΔZ = 0.2500.
b. Adjust the Position parameters so they are defined as:
• X = 2.6250
• Y = 0.1250
• Z = 0.0000.
c. Click the green check mark. Your design should look like Figure 9-X.

Figure 9-X

d. Click the Show/Hide tool path button and the Toggle views button to see
all views in Figure 9-Y.

Module Guide 213

CNC Mill Directions

Figure 9-Y

29. If your design does not look correct, double-check the geometry properties values
for each of the geometries. Make any appropriate changes.

30. Save the file XX KeyChainB.fbs in your C:\Program Files\Lab-

Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400 directory.

31. Select File, then Export to GM File. Using the Save in box, locate your C:\Program
Files\Lab-Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400 directory.

32. In the File name box, enter "XX KeyChainB" where XX are your initials. The file type
should be m5. Save the file.

214 Module Guide

CNC Mill Directions

Compile and Emulate KeyChainB

The CNC Mill software may already be open, if it is not click on the Application Launch
button and select CNC Mill software.

1. On the main menu, select File, then Open.

2. Using the Look in: box, locate the directory C:\Program Files\Lab-
Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400 on your computer.

3. Select the file "XX KeyChainB.m5" (where XX are your initials) and click the Open
button. The file should be displayed in the Line Editor window.

4. On the main menu, select Mill, then Emulate. The CNC Mill software will perform the
compile step. The Compiling dialog box should return the "Successful Compile"

5. Click on OK to close the Compiling dialog box. The Mill 3D Emulator window should
open automatically as shown in Figure 9-Z.

Figure 9-Z

6. In the View palette, click on the Oblique view button to show a 3-dimensional display
of the emulation.

7. To start the emulation of the program, click on the Start simulation button (green
arrow icon) in the upper left-hand area of the Control palette. The Line Editor window
will scroll through the program code as the emulation processes.

8. The emulation will run to completion. The Code box at the top of the window will
indicate a value of "M30" when the emulation is complete. It should appear as shown
in Figure 9-AA.

Module Guide 215

CNC Mill Directions

Figure 9-AA

9. Compare the completed emulation to the Fabricus design you used to generate the
source program. If there are inconsistencies between the two, contact your instructor
for help.

10. Close the CNC Mill software:

• Click the X in the upper right-hand corner of the emulation window
• Click the X in the upper right-hand corner of the Line editor window
• Click the X in the upper right-hand corner of the Lab-Volt CNC Mill window

11. Close Fabricus by clicking the X in the Title bar of the Fabricus window.

When you are finished, go to the next section in the multimedia presentation.

216 Module Guide

CNC Mill Directions

Lesson 10, The Final Part

In this activity, you will complete the manufacturing steps required to complete the key
chain which you designed, compiled, and emulated in the previous lesson.

Compile and Emulate KeyChainA

The CNC Mill software should be open. If it is not, click on the Application Launch
button and select CNC Mill Software.

1. On the main menu, select File, then Open.

2. Using the Look in: box, locate the directory C:\Program Files\Lab-
Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400 on your computer.

3. Select the file "XX KeyChainA.m5" (where XX are your initials) and click the Open
button. The file should be displayed in the Line Editor window.

4. On the main menu, select Mill, then Emulate. The CNC Mill software will perform the
compile step. The Compiling dialog box should return the "Successful Compile"

5. Click on OK to close the Compiling dialog box. The Mill 3D Emulator window should
open automatically as shown in Figure 10-A.

Figure 10-A

6. In the View palette, click on the Oblique view button to show a 3-dimensional
display of the emulation.

7. To start the emulation of the program, click on the Start simulation button in the
upper left-hand area of the Control palette. The Line Editor window will scroll through
the program code as the emulation processes.

Module Guide 217

CNC Mill Directions

8. The emulation will run to completion. The Code box at the top of the window will
indicate a value of "M30" when the emulation is complete. It should appear as shown
in Figure 10-B.

Figure 10-B

9. If the emulation does not appear correct, contact your instructor for assistance.

10. You will need to obtain your instructor's approval to continue.

• Review all of the safety procedures in Appendix A of this Guide.
• Obtain a copy of the Activity Approval form from your instructor.
• Fill in the required information and sign the form.
• Have your instructor sign the approval form.

Now it is time to prepare the CNC Mill for the execution of the program.

• The Hardwood workpiece for this part has dimensions as follows:

X = 3.0 inches Y = 0.5 inches Z = 0.5 inches.

• The tool for this milling exercise is

Tool #1 – 1/8" End Mill.

11. With this information, follow the instructions for preparing the workpiece, tool, and
PRZ provided in Appendix B of this Guide.

12. Follow the instructions for the download and execution of your PART program
provided in Appendix C of this Guide.

NOTE: When you have finished the milling, check the time
left in the class session. If there is enough time remaining
and you need to continue, skip steps 7-12 of Executing a
PART Program until it is time to shut down for the end of the

218 Module Guide

CNC Mill Directions

13. You have completed milling one side of the key chain successfully. You will
complete the opposite side of the key chain using the same program. You will need
to place the workpiece face down such that the rectangular shape is on the left side.
Repeat the instructions in steps 1 and 2 to complete the second side of the key

You have finished the manufacturing of two opposite sides of the key chain. When you
are finished, continue with the instructions for the other two sides.

Compile and Emulate KeyChainB

The CNC Mill software may already be open. If it is not, click on the Application Launch
button and select CNC Mill Software.

1. On the main menu, select File, then Open.

2. Using the Look in: box, locate the directory C:\Program Files\Lab-
Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400 on your computer.

3. Select the file "XX KeyChainB.m5" (where XX are your initials) and click the Open
button. The file should be displayed in the Line Editor window.

4. On the main menu, select Mill, then Emulate. The CNC Mill software will perform the
compile step. The Compiling dialog box should return the "Successful Compile"

5. Click on OK to close the Compiling dialog box. The Mill 3D Emulator window should
open automatically as shown in Figure 10-C.

Figure 10-C

6. In the View palette, click on the Oblique view button to show a 3-dimensional
display of the emulation.

Module Guide 219

CNC Mill Directions

7. To start the emulation of the program, click on the Start simulation button in the
upper left-hand area of the Control palette. The Line Editor window will scroll through
the program code as the emulation processes.

8. The emulation will run to completion. The Code box at the top of the window will
indicate a value of "M30" when the emulation is complete. It should appear as in
Figure 10-D.

Figure 10-D

9. If the emulation does not appear correct, contact your instructor for help.

10. You will need to obtain your instructor's approval to continue.

• Review all of the safety procedures in Appendix A of this Guide.
• Obtain a copy of the Activity Approval form from your instructor.
• Fill in the required information and sign the form.
• Have your instructor sign the approval form.

Now it is time to prepare the CNC Mill for the execution of the program.

• The Hardwood workpiece for this part has dimensions as follows:

X = 3.0 inches Y = 0.5 inches Z = 0.5 inches.

• The tool for this milling exercise is

Tool #1 – 1/8" End Mill.

11. With this information, follow the instructions for preparing the workpiece, tool, and
PRZ provided in Appendix B of this Guide.

220 Module Guide

CNC Mill Directions

NOTE: You will use the workpiece which has been already
milled on two opposite sides. The workpiece should be
placed in the vise such that the milled sides face the vise
jaws and the rectangle geometry is to the left.

12. Follow the instructions for the download and execution of your PART program
provided in Appendix C of this Guide.

NOTE: When you have finished the milling, check the time
left in the class session. If there is enough time remaining
and you need to continue, skip steps 7-12 of Executing a
PART Program until it is time to shut down for the end of the

13. You have completed milling the third side of the key chain successfully. You will
complete the final side of the key chain using the same program. You will need to
place the workpiece in the vise such that the third side is faced down with the
hexagon geometry on the left side. Repeat the instructions in steps 1 and 2 to
complete the final side of the key chain.

If you have done the milling correctly, the ellipse at the right-end of the workpiece
passes completely through the workpiece. You have finished the manufacturing of the
key chain.

If a beaded key chain link has been provided for your use, pass it through the ellipse.

Module Guide 221

CNC Mill Directions

Saving to a Floppy Disk

When all lesson activities have been completed, your PART programs should be saved
to a floppy disk and then removed from the Fabricus directory. Your PART programs
can be downloaded to the CNC Mill software at any time in the future if necessary.
Follow the steps below.

1. Get a blank floppy disk from your instructor and label it with the names you assigned
to the programs when they were initially created. Be sure to include your name.

2. Place the floppy disk in your computer floppy disk drive.

3. From the CNC Mill software File pull-down menu, select Open. Locate the
C:\Program Files\Lab-Volt\CNC\Mill\data\5400 directory. The window should display
all of the PART programs (files ending with .m5) stored in the directory.

4. Right-click on one of your program files. A pop-up

menu appears as in Figure 10-E. Select Send To
and then click 3½ Floppy (A). Your computer will
now download a copy of the program file to your
floppy disk.

5. After the PART program has successfully copied Figure 10-E

to your floppy disk, right-click again on the
program file. From the pop-up menu, click Delete. A Confirm File Delete dialog box
appears. Click Yes. Your PART program is now permanently deleted from the

6. Repeat these steps for each program file you have stored in the directory.

7. When you are done, remove the floppy disk.

8. Close the CNC Mill software:

• Click the X in the upper right-hand corner of the emulation window.
• Click the X in the upper right-hand corner of the Line editor window.
• Click the X in the upper right-hand corner of the Lab-Volt CNC Mill window.

9. Close Fabricus by clicking the X in the title bar of the Fabricus window.

When you are finished, go to the next section in the multimedia presentation.

222 Module Guide

CNC Mill Directions


The independent study project will involve a PART program you generated. Use the
CNC Mill software to save and edit a copy of the program:

1. Add informational comments at the start of the program

2. Provide details/change geometry names on existing comments

3. Convert G&M commands into conversational commands

4. Change the code for a single geometry into a subroutine

5. Change a block of code into a do loop

Emulate the part and ensure it matches the original program.

Module Guide 223

CNC Mill Directions

224 Module Guide

CNC Mill Appendices


Appendix A – CNC Mill Safety Precautions

Safety Precautions

1. If at any time something unwanted or unexpected happens, press and hold the
STALL LIGHT OVERRIDE BUTTON. This is a "soft stop" and will stop your PART

2. If the tool is going to crash, a part comes loose, or any other emergency arises,
press the red EMERGENCY STOP button immediately. This will cut off all power to
the mill and will remain unlocked until the key is used to release it. Your instructor
will provide the key.

3. Always wear safety glasses. Eye protection is crucial. A large amount of chips and
debris are thrown from the mill because of the way it cuts; be especially careful.

4. Always keep long hair, sleeves, neckties, and lose clothing tied back.

5. Always be alert to hazardous conditions.

6. Always verify that your setup is complete and correct before beginning a new

7. Never open the safety doors during operation.

8. Never leave the machine running unattended.

9. Work in a well-lighted area.

10. Never play around while using the milling machine.

11. Keep hands away from all moving parts of the mill. Never operate the controls while
someone's hands are near the machine.

12. Be careful when handling the end mill; the cutting edges are very sharp.

Module Guide 225

CNC Mill Appendices

Appendix B – Preparing the Workpiece, Tool, and Mill

Preparing the Workpiece

Make sure that you are wearing safety goggles before proceeding with the preparation
of the workpiece.

1. Use the power switch on the left side of the mill to turn it on.

2. Open the safety door.

3. Clamp the workpiece for this activity into the vise. Make sure that it
is secure and level. Half of the workpiece should be above the top
of the vise. The workpiece should be flush, or lie flat, against both
jaws of the vise. Use the machinist rule or a ruler to check the

Preparing the Tool and Mill

Make sure that your safety goggles are on before proceeding with the preparation of the
tool and the mill.

You must load the correct tool and position it at the PRZ (Program Reference Zero).
Using the X-Y-Z coordinate system, this is the location where all three axes meet, or

1. Load the required tool into the spindle. If another tool is in the spindle, loosen the
small screw in the side of the spindle with an Allen wrench. Remove the existing tool.
After inserting the required cutter, secure it by tightening the screw.

2. Close the safety door.

3. If locked, unlock the EMERGENCY STOP button and remove the key.

4. When you are ready to position the end mill on the front left edge of the workpiece
press MAIN MENU on the CNC Mill control panel. The choices displayed should be
Manual, Remote Serial, and Remote Ethernet.

5. Use the +Z and -Z keys of the control panel keypad to position the cursor next to
Manual, then press ENTER.

6. Using the +X, -X, +Z, -Z, +Y, and -Y keys of the control panel keypad, position the
center of the tool on the left front corner edge of the workpiece.

7. Open the safety door and cover the workpiece with a piece of notebook paper. Close
the safety door. Using the +Z and -Z keys, position the end of the cutter onto the top

226 Module Guide

CNC Mill Appendices

of the paper-covered workpiece, adjusting it so that the cutter is touching the paper,
but the paper can be pulled free without ripping. Remove the paper.

8. On the control panel keypad, press ZERO twice to set the PRZ for the current
position. Then press +Z to raise the tool. Press the ESC key on the control panel to
return to the Main Menu.

9. Continue the instructions for the current activity in this Guide.

Module Guide 227

CNC Mill Appendices

Appendix C – Downloading and Executing a PART Program

Downloading a PART Program

1. The Main Menu should be displayed on the mill's control panel. If it is not, press the
MAIN MENU key. The choices displayed should be Manual, Remote Serial, and
Remote Ethernet. Use the –Z key of the control panel keypad to position the cursor
at Remote Serial. Then press ENTER.

The mill's display should now read:

Ready to Download

<Esc> Abort

2. In order to download your program, the Mill 3D Emulator cannot be the active
window in the CNC Mill software. If it is still the active window in the CNC Mill
software, you can
a. Click inside the Line Editor window to make it the active window.
b. Close the Mill 3D Emulator by clicking the (X) in the upper right-hand corner of
the window. This will automatically make the Line Editor the active window.

NOTE: It is a good idea to leave the emulation open. You

may want to compare the tooled part to the emulation output.

3. In the CNC Mill software, select Mill, then Download Program via Serial port. This
should open the dialog box as below.

228 Module Guide

CNC Mill Appendices

4. Click on the Download button to start the download of your PART program to the
a. The "Progress" section of the dialog box is updated while the download takes
b. The CNC Mill's control panel displays a rotating cursor. This indicates that your
PART program is being downloaded.

NOTE: If you receive an error in the Last Error field in the

dialog box or on the CNC Mill's control panel during the
download processing, contact your instructor for help.

5. The download of your PART program is complete when

a. The Last Error field in the dialog box indicates "Successful download". In the
"Progress" section of the dialog box, the number of Current packets should equal
the number of Total packets.
b. The CNC Mill's control panel displays that the download is complete:

Program download
<Enter> Machine Part
<Esc> Main Menu

6. Click on the OK button to close the Download Program via Serial port dialog box.

Executing a PART Program

Make sure that your safety goggles are on before proceeding with the execution of your
PART program.

Once the download is complete, you are ready to manufacture your part. The display on
the CNC Mill control panel is as below:

Program download
<Enter> Machine Part
<Esc> Main Menu

1. Press the ENTER key on the control panel to start the mill. The tool will then be
raised to the home position and you will be prompted for a tool change. Make sure
that the correct tool is in the mill. Then press the ENTER key again to start the
program. As your PART program executes, the control panel display will change to
show the current information: the instruction, feed rate, spindle speed, and X-Y-Z

Module Guide 229

CNC Mill Appendices

2. Monitor the entire milling process closely. The workpiece must be secure in the vise
and protruding from the vise properly to prevent a tool crash. When the program has
finished, the mill will return to its home position and stop.

3. The display on the CNC Mill control panel should read:

Ready to Download

<Enter> Run Program

<Esc> Abort

4. Open the safety doors and carefully remove the workpiece by loosening the vise.

5. If you have the Mill 3D Emulator window open, compare the emulation output to the
manufactured part. When you are finished, close the Mill 3D Emulator window by
clicking on the (X) in the upper right corner.

6. Close the Line Editor window by clicking on the (X) in the upper right hand corner.

7. Close the CNC Mill software window by clicking on the (X) in the upper right hand

8. Close the Fabricus software window by clicking on the (X) in the upper right hand

9. On the CNC Mill control pad, press ESC to return processing to the Main Menu.

10. Press the EMERGENCY STOP button. This is to prevent any unauthorized use of
the mill.

11. Turn off the power switch on the side of the mill.

12. Clean up the area:

c. Return everything to its proper place.
d. Use a shop vacuum to carefully clean out the inside of the mill and
surrounding areas.

13. Continue the instructions for the current activity in this Guide.

230 Module Guide

CNC Mill Appendices

Appendix D – CNC Mill Software G & M Codes

Code Description Conversational
G00 Move to specified coordinate at the maximum feed RAPID
rate (rapid)
G01 Move to specified coordinate at current (or default) MOVE
feed rate
G02 Clockwise arc ARC.CW
G03 Counter Clockwise arc ARC.CCW
G04 Pause execution for defined interval DWELL
G05 Arc is to be a full circle ARC
G17 Set X/Y as the cutting plane for Pocket/Cup/Arc PLANE.XY
G18 Set X/Z as the cutting plane for Pocket/Cup/Arc PLANE.XZ
G19 Set Y/Z as the cutting plane for Pocket/Cup/Arc PLANE. YZ
G20 All values are inch coordinates IN.
G21 All values are metric coordinates MM.
G25 Sets the current position as 0,0,0 to allow offset SET.ZERO
G26 Resets 0,0,0 to original PRZ position ABS.ZERO
G28 Move cutting tool back to home HOME
G50 Turn off scaling SCALE.OFF
G51 Scale all movement and coordinate values SCALE.ON
G80 Ends a canned cycle coordinate list FINISH
G83 Pocket canned cycle POCKET
G84 Cup canned cycle CUP
G86 Drill canned cycle DRILL
G87 Peck canned cycle PECK
G90 Coordinates are absolute values from PRZ ABS
G91 Coordinates are incremental values INCR
F Set the current feed rate FEED
M03 S Set the spindle speed SPEED.CW or
M05 Turn off the spindle SPEED.OFF
M06 Select a tool TOOL
M10 Open the pneumatic vise VISE.O
M11 Close the pneumatic vise VISE.C
M22 Set an output line high OUTPUT.H
M23 Set an output line low OUTPUT.L
M24 Wait for an input line to go high INPUT.H
M25 Wait for an input line to go low INPUT.L
M26 Set a solenoid line high SOL.H
M27 Set a solenoid line low SOL.L
M28 Define the start of a DO loop DO
M29 Defines the end of the DO loop END.DO
M30 End the program END

Module Guide 231

CNC Mill Appendices

Code Description Conversational

M47 Restart the program from the beginning RESTART
M97 Call a subroutine CALL
M98 Define a subroutine SUB
M99 Define end of subroutine END.SUB

232 Module Guide

CNC Mill Appendices

Appendix E - How to Make a Tool Change

In some cases, you may have to make a tool change. When you press the Enter key on
the control keypad after the program has been downloaded, the mill control panel will
prompt you for a tool change. It will specify the tool to be used in the program. Check
the tool installed in the mill. If it is not the correct one, use the procedure below to
successfully complete the tool change.

1. Open the safety doors.

2. Remove the holder with the current tool using the holder bars to loosen the holder
from the spindle, and install the holder with the replacement tool.

3. Insert one holder bar into the hole in the holder and the other collet bar into the hole
in the spindle above the holder.

4. Holding the spindle and still using the top holder bar, twist the bar in the collet
clockwise until the holder is loose.

5. Remove the holder with the current tool..

6. Install the holder with the replacement tool.

7. When the holder is completely on, use the holder bars to snug the holder onto the

8. Close the safety doors.

9. Press the ENTER key on the mill control panel to tell the mill that the tool has been

Module Guide 233

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