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EDUC 347 Calvin College Lesson Plan Format

Universal Design/Access

Teacher: Kyla Swanson Date: Nov. 6 Subject/Topic/Theme: Reading Comprehension

I. Objectives
What is the point of this lesson? What is the Big Idea?
For students to be able to order a story into beginning, middle, and end. This lesson fits into the IEP goals of both students as
they are working towards being able to sequence stories and understand events in a chronological order.

How does this lesson fit into a unit or long term plan?
Fits into the long term IEP goals for reading comprehension for both students. Each student has comprehension reading goals
related to story sequencing.

The Learner will (your objectives):

➢ Be able to verbally tell a story will a clear beginning, middle, and end. They will be assessed when teacher asks
them to tell about their morning.
➢ Be able to organize images in sequential order. Teacher will assess by choosing images to represent a story and
asking students to place images in chronological order.
➢ Be able to tell the order of a story by placing corresponding images in the correct order. Teacher will ask students to
place images that represent a story in the correct order.
➢ Be able to put a story in order of First, Next, Last. Teacher will give students sentences of a story that are out of
order and the students will work on organizing the story.
Connection to Standards (Common Core, GLCES, Extended GLCES)
Describe characters, settings, and major events in a story, using key details.
Ask and answer questions about key details in a text.

II. Before You Start

Identify Prerequisite Skills (modified Task Analysis)
Parts of a story, how to tell a story and what makes up a story. Number order (1,2,3)

Assessment Method (How will you know what student knows)

Pre-Assessment: I will ask student to order what happened in my morning using pictures. Then students will have a chance to
tell their own stories and their peers will tell us what happened first, second, third.
Formative Assessment: Students are making motions for each step, and then using those motions, retelling the story in the
same order.
Summative Assessment: I will provide students with sentences of a story that are out of order and they must work together to
put it back in order.
Universal Design for Learning Networks/Domains (see UDL Guidelines)
Multiple Means of Representation Multiple Means of Expression (Action) Multiple Means of Engagement
Options for Perception Options for action/interaction Options for recruiting interest
Students are using motions to retell the Students have the opportunity to tell a
story. They are getting up to get drinks story about their morning and how it
of water periodically during the lesson. went.

Options for Language/Symbols Options for Expression Options for Sustaining Effort &
Pictures used to represent different Students are able to express what they Persistence
actions. Motions are used to represent learned through motions, pictures, and Several water breaks as well as check
different steps. answering questions. They will also be ins with the students to see how they
working on an activity with each other. think their behavior is doing.

EDUC 347 Calvin College Lesson Plan Format
Universal Design/Access

Options for Comprehension Options for Executive Function Options for Self Regulation
Students are receiving information Students are making goals for
through pictures, stories, and verbal themselves and checking in to make
instruction. sure they are achieving those goals.

Materials Needed and Arranged

Images, Story book, Sentences, Whiteboard, Writing utensils.

Instructional Space Arrangement

Students will be working at Kidney Desk in Special Education room. White board is provided behind us.

III. The Plan

Time Parts Teacher Activity Student Activity
Motivation/ On whiteboard, teacher writes down
Engagement/ schedule for the lesson.
Opening “Today we are going to tell some stories Students are listening to teacher telling
and read some stories. First I am going to today’s schedule.
tell you guys a story, then if we have been
working hard, you can have a water break.
After that, we are going to read a story, and
if needed you can have another water
break. Then we will do one final activity.”
Continues to write on whiteboard.
“What do we want our behavior to look “We want to listen to the teacher and work
like today?” hard.”
“Good, what are some ways you can show “I can be quiet when you are talking”
me you are listening to the teacher?” “I can keep my eyes on you”

“Now to start, I am going to tell you a Students show they are listening by turning
story of my morning.” their voices off and keeping their eyes on
“This morning I woke up, then I got teacher.
dressed and brushed my teeth. After that I
got in my car and drove to Ridge Park
Charter Academy.”
Teacher asks students to repeat what they “You woke up, brushed your teeth, and
heard in the story. then drove to our school!”
Teacher places pictures on table that
represents the actions in the story. Explain
each picture.
“These pictures can help you remember
what I did in the story.”
“Someone point to the picture that shows Students point to picture of girl waking up
you what I did first in my story.”
“Point to the picture that shows what I did Students point to picture of girl brushing
next in my story.” teeth
“What did I do last in my story?” Students point to picture of girl driving
“Now put the pictures in order from first to car.
If students are struggling, retell the story
and have them point to images as you are
telling the story.

“Good job. Now H, can you tell me what H tells us what she did during her
you did this morning before school?” morning.
“A can you tell me what H did first during A tells us what H did first in her story.

EDUC 347 Calvin College Lesson Plan Format
Universal Design/Access

her morning?” A tells us about her morning.

“A can you tell us what you did this
morning before school?”
“H what did A do last during her H tells us the last thing A did in her
morning?” morning.

“Good work, how do you think your Students explain their thinking--if no, as
behavior was? Are we still working why and if we can change it.
towards our goals?”

“You may get a drink of water” Students are allowed to get water in the
Development Present story “Making Pizza”

“Do you like pizza? What kind of pizza?” “I love pizza! Cheese pizza!”
“If you were to make pizza, what would “I would probably make sure there is
you do first?” plenty of cheese on top of the bread”
“I would make the bread into a large
“Very good, now we are going to read a
story that will teach us how to make pizza.
But I am going to need your help reading “We can help you!”
it. Do you think you can be my helpers

Teacher and students echo read the story. Students repeat teacher’s reading.

If needed students can have another water


“Now to help us remember the steps to

make pizza, let’s make some motions.”
“H, what was the first step?” “Measuring?”
Turn back to the first page for support.

Continue to make motions for each step in Students are coming up with motions to
the story. remember the steps
Have each student go through the motions
on their own--or together if they still need

“Good Work!
Closure “Now, for the last activity--look at our
schedule and see where we are at--I am
going to give you a story and I want you
guys to put it in order”
“I am going to lay out the sentences on the
table, but they will be out of order.”
“How can you guys put the story back in
“Are there are any words that will help
you?” Students are working together to put the
Teacher will read sentences to students. story back in order.

“Well done, can you circle the words that

helped you figure out the order?”
“I did great!/I could work on a few things
“That’s all for today. Before you go, I want for next time.”

EDUC 347 Calvin College Lesson Plan Format
Universal Design/Access

you to reflect on your behavior and think

about our goals. How did you do?”

IV. Reflection
Reflection on the lesson and student learning. Did you follow the plan? Was the plan effective? What evidence do you
have that the plan did or did not accomplish your Objectives? What will you change for the next lesson – Access options,
Materials, the Plan, the Assessment?

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