Task 1

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Task 1: Diagnostic Assessment Interview

Diagnostic Assessment sheet

1- What diagnostic assessment has taken place this semester?

Children have been assessed using several mediums such as :

1. One on one observations during class activities (oral, written and practical)

2. Electronic forms of assessments : GL assessment (oral)

3. Read Write Inc. program : Daily assessments of phonic knowledge (oral and written)

2- When did this occur?

Depending on which form, daily/weekly/monthly.

3- What types of assessments were conducted? (written, oral, practical, etc.)

Refer to question 1

4- Who developed these assessments?

The lead teacher/ school management

5- Who conducted the assessments? (Classroom teacher, Arabic teacher, classroom assistant,

Teachers who conduct assessments : Classroom teacher, partner teacher, teaching assistants

6- Were the assessments completed by students individually?


7- What information did you hope to get from the assessments?

1. The childrens level of understanding

2. To determine which level the child is currently at

3. To monitor childrens progress

8- What decisions did you make based on the assessments?

1 What the next steps for each child are

2 To infrom my practice and planning documents

9- How did you group your students? (same/different academic levels, friendship groups,
similar interests, etc.)

Different academic levels as well as behavioural aspects

10- Do the groups change for different learning subjects/topics?

Arabic teachers and English teachers follow separate seating arrangements during their

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