Bulletin - December 12018

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CHURCH AT STUDY – 9:30-10:40 A.M We are delighted that you have chosen to worship with us today.

extend our sincere welcome to our church family and guests.
Song Service and Welcome……………………….….… ……………..……………….
Opening Hymn ……………………………………………………………………….………. ANNOUNCEMENTS:
Scripture Reading…………………………………………………. 1 Corinthians 13 The Olawoore family is happy to announce the safe arrival of their
Prayer………………………………………….………………………………………….………. baby boy on Sunday, November 25 at 5:05 A.M.
Superintendents Remarks………………………………….………….Lo Richards
Lesson Study……… “The Most Convincing Proof ” ……………….Classes We are saddened to announce the death of Brother Loury Forsey,
pioneer of the Woodstock Seventh-day Adventist Church. His wife
WORSHIP HOUR and children including Nina, Lynn and David Forsey and their families
*Introit…………………………”Great Are You Lord”……….…..Congregation will have a private internment. A memorial service will be announced
later. Your thoughts and prayers are much appreciated.
*Invocation…..……………………………….………………..…..Pr. Juan C. Atencio
*Hymn of Praise ……… “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross”… #154 Parents with Children: The Mother’s room is available for your
comfort. If you need assistance, please speak to the
Congregational Prayer. ………………….…………....….............Simone Biggs deacons/deaconess on duty.
Offering .. ……….....“Local Church Budget”..…………….Sheldon Bailey
Parents and guardians please be aware of your child’s/children’s
Praise and Worship whereabouts. Your child(ren) MUST always BE in your company.
Children’s Story………….…..………….…………….…………………….. Pat Carter
Today - The Friends of Jesus Adventurer Club meets from 4:00 P.M to
*Scripture Reading…………. “Philippians2: 5-8”……..Shereece Bailey 6:00 P.M.
Special Music…………………….……………….Pr. Juan and Michaela Atencio
Pathfinders Club Sunday from 10am – 12 pm.
Spoken Word………………………………….……………………Pr. Juan C. Atencio
Ordinance of Humility Inviting ALL to prayer, Bible Study and testimonies on Wednesday
night at 7:00 P.M. Come and be blessed!
*Hymn of Consecration………….… “Lord of All Nations”…………. # 588
*Benediction……………………………….…..…..…………….Pr. Juan C. Atencio Need your prayers - Ruth Stoddard, Yvonne Thuillard and the
Dowdell family.
Legend: *Congregation stands.
Offering next week: Local Church Budget
Elder on duty: Sheldon Bailey
Sunset today 4:51 P.M Next Friday: 4:50 P.M.
Community Services- Sponsor a Family. To help a needy family this
Christmas, speak to Teresa Ferreira or put your donation in an
envelope and mark “Sponsor A Family”.

Tomorrow, December 2: IPC will be at the North London church from

10a.m. to 3p.m. to take photos for the church directory. This will be
your last opportunity. Please see Larris Biggs to schedule a time. Welcome to
London Seventh-day Adventist Church
Tomorrow, December 2 - Bus trip to Niagara Falls to view the lights. 805 Shelborne Street
London, ON. N5Z 5C6
Saturday December 8 at 6:30 P.M. ACES will be presenting their
Christmas play “Christmas in Reverse”. Following the play, the school
will be having a Christmas Bazaar, and is currently selling tables to
interested vendors at $40.00 per table. Volunteers are needed to set
up and clean up. Please contact Paula Gaspar at (519)-280-0485

Birthday Wishes for December

Dec 1 Hellen Orisi Dec 14 Lisa Dawson Dec 26 Yeni Gultom
Dec 5 Jeanne Munro Dec 14 Loralee Dawson Dec 26 Margaret Yates
Dec 6 Bosljka Stupa Dec 16 Kristina Horwick Dec 27 Holly Dowdell
Dec 8 Josh Catarino Dec 17 Amanda McLeod Dec 28 Cliff Munro
Dec 8 Kibwe-Jahi Williams Dec 19 Teresa Alvites Dec 29 Nokuzola Zcube
Dec 8 Philip Starczewski Dec 21 Randy Heath Dec 29 Ray Thompson
Dec 9 Lynn Tait Dec 25 Dragon Maletic Dec 30 Denay Rial
Dec 9 Sharon Reeve Dec 25 Lynette Williams Dec 31 Shawna Thompson
Dec 11 Rwangi Hosea Dec 25 Jeremy Joseph Dec 31 Emily Reeve Pastor Juan Carlos Atencio
Dec 11 Mariana Sidabutar Dec 26 Leah Stajfer Dec 31 Elizabeth Haskell 519-535-8945

First Elder: Clara Baptiste

Please send bulletin related information by WEDNESDAY 9:00 P.M. cmbaptiste@hotmail.com
to larris.biggs@gmail.com. Late submission will be deferred to the
next week’s bulletin. www.adventistlondon.ca
(519) 680-1965
December 1, 2018

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