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Date : 3rd November 2016

Time / Duration : 1 hour

Class : Form 4

Language Proficiency : Intermediate

Topic : Quadratic Equation

Prior Knowledge : Students have already learned on determining roots by factorization and completing the square.

Learning Outcomes : 1.2 Understand the concept of quadratic equations

Learning Objectives : At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

1.2.1 Determine the roots of a quadratic equation by

c) Using the formula.

Educational Emphasis : Multiple Intelligence (Logical/Mathematical), Thinking Skills, Knowledge Acquisition, ICT Skills and Values
& Citizenship

Values : Cooperation among students when doing pair and group work.

Teaching Aids : LCD projector, notebook, Slideshow presentation, worksheet


box 1. Students are asked to be 1. Are you all ready, students? Teaching Aids
ready. 2. Now we are going to play a game
SET  Video
2. Students are asked about as a revision on lesson we learnt
the lesson they learnt before.
before. 3. I hope you all can enjoy the game Value
3. Students pass a box that we are going to play.
 Rationality
within them when the 4. Please listen to the rules and
music starts. regulations for this game.
4. When the music stops  You will be given a box. T&L Strategy
the students who have  When the music starts you
 Student centered
the box must pick up a must pass the box to your
question from the box. friend.
5. The questions are taken  As the music stops, the CCTS
from the lesson they student who is holding the
 Enhancing
learnt before about the box must pick up a question
roots. and should answer the
6. Student answers the question.
questions and each  Each correct answer will be  Creativity And
correct answer will be given a star. Innovation
given a star.  Student who gets the most
7. The student who gets the stars will be the winner
most stars will be today.
considered as the 5. Now, can you guess what our topic
winner. is today?
8. Teacher asked about the We have already done determining
topic. roots by factorization and completing
9. Students answer the the square. Today we are going to
questions asked, which learn about finding the roots by
is the ways of getting the formulae.
roots of a quadratic
10. Students identify the
lesson that they are
going to learn today.

Song on formula of 1. Students are introduced 1. Do you remember the way of

determining roots with the concept of getting roots of a quadratic equation
determining roots by through factorization and  Power point slide
formula. completing square?  song
2. Students are emphasized 2. Now we are going to find the roots
about the aspects in the by formula.
formula which is :- 3. Let us see one of the examples.
4. Look at the way of finding the roots  Loyal
−𝑏 ± √𝑏 2 − 4𝑎𝑐 by formula through the slides.
Online questions 2𝑎 5. As we find the roots we must justify
T&L Strategy
3. As students knew every the roots.
aspects of the formula, 6. A volunteer please come forward  Student centered
students substitute the a, and solve the quadratic equation and
b and c correctly determine the roots of the quadratic CCTS
4. Students are explained equation.
 Conceptual learning
about the formula and 7. Is your friend’s answer is correct?
way of getting the roots 8. Can you understand the way of
through a power point solving the quadratic equation by  ICT
slides. formula?
5. Teacher explains about 9. Now we are going to sing a song to
the discriminant and remember the formula.
way of justifying the 10. Can you remember the formula
roots. now?
6. Students understand on
determining the roots of 1/solve-a-quadratic-equation-using-
a quadratic equation and the-quadratic-formula
try some questions. (questions)
7. Students were
emphasized about the
formula again through a
8. Students remember the
formula through the
1. 2. Teacher divides the 1. Now, teacher will give you all a Teaching aids:
students into 3 groups. number.
3. Each group consists of 2. Students must sit in groups
 Fortune wheel
minimum 5 students. according to the number.
 Dart
4. Students play a game 3. Now we are going to play a game
 Dice
which is Let’s Step On. which is Let’s Step On.
 Quadratic equation
5. There are 5 rounds for 4. Only one person from each group can
each game. play the game for each round.
6. Only 1 person from 5. Group members cannot help while
each group can play your group mate is answering the
each round. question.  Cooperation
7. Each person will come 6. Points will be given for each level  Courage
from each group tod which is 1 point for easy level and 2
pick up the questions. points for moderate level. For T&L Strategy
8. They can pick up any harder level you will get 3 points for
 Student centered
questions from given each question.
three levels. 7. Students will be disqualified if got
9. Students can either roll wrong answer.
the dice, spin the 8. The whole group will be disqualified  Study skills
fortune wheel or play if they fail to connect each other. To CCS
the dart to pick up the connect each other in a group they
 Creativity And
questions. can use their body parts or things
10. Then, they must answer around them.
the question. 9. One minute will be given for each
11. As they find the answer group to connect yourselves on the
they must step on the step on mat.
answers on the given 10. At the end of the game, marks will
mat. be counted and group with highest
12. First round will finish marks and able to connect
when all 3 members yourselves will be crowned as
from respective groups winner.
step on the mat.
13. Group that states the
other groups work is
wrong must proceed
with their explanations.
14. Group which did the
working correctly will
be the winner.

EVALUATION 1. 2. As enrichment activity, 1. First, we are going to play a Teaching aids:

students play an online game together.
game with their teacher. 2. If you know the answer please  computer raise up your hand. Value
y/BoardGame-free- 3. Now we are going to play the
 Courage
games/test-your- ‘Quizizz’ quiz.
mathematical-skill- 4. Each student must register your
T&L Strategy
quadratic-equation.html name.
(online game) 5. Answer all the questions given.  Student centered
3. Students who get correct
answer will get a star. CCTS
4. Teacher opens the
 Study skills
‘Quizizz’ using LCD.
 Evaluating
5. Students register their
name to play the quiz.
6. The students start Creativity And
answers the questions Innovation
7. Students must answer
the questions in given
8. At the end of the quiz,
the marks will be shown.
9. Questions that can’t be
able to do will be
discussed in the class.

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