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(Pogostemon cablin Benth.)


Patchouli,an aromaticherbis
distributed in thc Indo- \
regions.The shadedry leaf
thePatchoulioil ofcommerce,
which is used in perfumery,
cosmetics,processed foodand
is irnportedinto India cvery .,af

yearin largcquantitics. t:.

essentialoil is one oflhe
best fixatives fbr heavy
perfumes, which irnparts ' f -
strength,strong character,
alluring notes and lasting
qualities.Natural fragrances
like sandalwood, rose,jasmine,vetiver,agarwoodandpatchouliarecomplexmixturesof
organicmolecules,which cannotbe rcproducedin the laboratory.Thus,patchoulienjoys
an additionalimportanceas aromaticoil. ln faot, it is a perfumeby itself and is highly
valued in perfumes,soaps,cosmeticsand flavour industries.patchoulialcohol(C,rHro)
will havelong-lastingf'ragrantaromawhen blendedwith otheraromachemicals.
Patchouliis nativeto The Philippinesand grows wild and also cultivatedin Malaysia,
Indonesia, Singapore, ChinaandIndia.Leavesconstitute theeconomicpaft,whichcontain
the oil glands.The plant,an erect,well-branched,pubescent, smallaromaticbushyherb
attainsa heightof about0.5 - 1.2 m. that yields fragrantleavescontainingvery sweet

Commcrcial Importancc
Patchoulioil is anessential andusedasa 'base,materialin perfumeryindustry.
Thereis no syntheticsubstitutefbr patchoulioil, which increasesits valueand demandin the
perfumerymarket.consumptionofPatchoulioil in theworld is about2000tonnesperannum.
In Indiadueto increasein chewingtobaccoand panmasalaindustries,consumptionhasgone
up to about 300 tons pcr annumwhile the productionis below 50 MT. Hence,the country
mostlydependson importmainly from Indonesiaand on reconstituted oil.
ll ffi nsr;r
Economiccrop cycle
Patchouliis a perennialspeciesand asa crop can be maintainedfor more,thanone yearbut
yield declinesafter about3-4 cuttings.Therelbre,it is advisableto take patchoulias an
annualcropfor averageconditionparticularlyfor plains.However,thecropcanbernaintained
lor l8 to 24 monthsperiodeconornically in well-draincdsoilwith propeicarc.The first3 to
4 cuttingsgivebetterleafmaterial;thequalitydeclineswith subsequent cuttings.Therefbrc,
for qualityproductsit is bctterto considcrpatchouliasan annualcrop.

variety selection: Indonesiantypc. A promisingselectionand well adaptedin Assam


Soil and Climate

The landsclectedlbr patchoulishouldbe wcll-drained,loamyfertilesoils,rich in organic
matter.The land shouldnot be subjectcdto water stagnationeven for a sho,te.peiiod.
Heavy clay and sandy soils with poor water holding capacityarc not suitabrefor its
commercial cultivation.AcidicsoilrvithpI I
valuefrom 5.5- 6.2 is repoftedto bc the
ideal. It is advisableto avoid nematode
Patchouli prefers warm and humid
climate. The crop can be grown
successfully on a fairly heavyandevenly
distributedrainf'allrangingfrom 1500
3000 mm per annum.A tempcratureof
24 - 28oCandan averageRH of75 o%are
taken to be ideal. It grows successfully
uptoan altitudeof 500 m abovethemean

Patchouliis propagated throughsterncuttings.Terminalstem
cuttingsare takenfrom healthymotherplantsgrowing either
in openareaor underlight shade(lessthan30 oh).In cuttings
obtainedfrom crops growing in shadedareathe internodes
becomelongerwith softstemofwhich the survivalpcrcentage
is low. Cuttingswith shorterintemodesarepreferable.

Nursery raising
Cuttingsarerootedin nurseryequippcdwith provisionofshade

andwatersupply beloreplantingin mainfield.Rootingis doneeithcrin poly bagsor directlyin
bedsundershade.Besttimefor rootingis duringApril-September. But with ppecautionscuttings
may berootedany time o{'theyear.cuttings arebestrootedin poly bags,which givcshighcit
survivalpercentage whentransplanted in themainfielcl.when rooteddirectlyin raisedbeds
cuttingsareplantedat a spacingof l0 x I 0 cm. cuttingsbecomereadylbr transiantingin about
30 45 daysduringApril-Septand4560daysduringOctobcrto March.
cuttings arepreparedin themorningor afternoonperiod.Apical andbranchtwig of l0- I 5 cm
long with 4-5 nodcsis cut awayfro' healthymothcrplants.At leasttwo pairsfully developed
lowerleavesofthe cuttingsarestrippedoffbefbreplanlingin rootingmedium.norearlyrooiing
cut endsaredippedin IBA hormonesolutionof r 000-ppmstrengih( r g per litre waier give!
1000-ppm.This is preparcdby dissolvingthehormonepowderin liltle alcoholandthenmaie up
to volumeby coldwater)for 5-7seconds andsprcadr 0 minutesin shadefor drying.Hormone
powderin readyto uselorm like Rootcxor Scradexetc availablein the marketin 3 sradesof
whichthe 'No.2' or'B' grademaybe useddirectly.llormonetreatrnent seemsto b-ehelolirl
whenscedlingsarepreparedduringwintcrashormoncenhances root initiation.
Bcstmediumis riverbedsandor silt.An idcalrootingmediumcanbeprepared
by mixing50 pa,t
sand+ 50 partsoil.Quickestrootingis obtaincdin riverbedsand.

Hardeningof,theseedlingsis necessary
bcforeplanting.This is achievedby gradualreductionin
watersupplyandremovingshadefrom about7-l0 daysaheadofplanting.Beforeplantingthe
poly bagsareto bewateredadequately.This helpsrainfedcropin earlyestablishment. only the
of30-45daysold shouldbeplanted.

Time of planting
March May followedby September- octoberconsidered ideal.Avoid plantingduringwinter
@ec-Jan)andhigh rainfallperiod(.Iuly-August).plantingin wet soilduringJuly-Aug1f,566*,
poorgroMh dueto temporaryanacrobicconditiondevclopedwithin therootzone.Flantingof
motherplantslor propagationshouldpreferablybe doneduring Sept._Nov.
In Assamexcessmoisturein therootzoneduring/r&ary'leads to severerootrot duringJulv-
Augustparlicularlyinplains.Asaresultit becomes
dif'ficultto maintainoptimumplantpopJation.
Underthissituationplantingin sept- octoberandharvestingthriceandtenninatingthlcropin
the laterpartoiJuly or duringAugustgivesgoodharvest.

45 x 45 cm in raisedbcdsin plainsand 60 x 45 cm in sloppylands.

Polybagseedlingscanbetransplanted throughouttheday.But ifthe cuttingsarerooteddirectly
in seedbedandplantcdin themainfieldthenplantingshouldbc restrictedin aftemoononly.
llowever,ifthe dayis cloudyit canbedoneanytimeol'theday.

Method of planting
( I ) Doublerow plantingaI 45 x 45 cm spacingin raisedbe<1s
keepinga gap of 60 cm in
betweentwo beds.This shouldbe on ridge (containingtwo rows)and furrow styrewhen
thesoil is clay loamro claycyin texlure.

(2) 4 rowsat 45 x 45 cm spacingon raisedbeds.The heightofthe bedsshourdbe

or soil texture.In caseof light textureit is low heightand in caseof heavysorttreigti
shouldbe more so that the root systemdoesnot remainin saturatedzonedurins rainv
days.A gapof65-70 crnmay bc keptto serveasdrainageandto faciritatecLrrturarpru'.ti..i,

Detopping/ Tipping
Tips shouldbe removedafter20-30daysof planti'g to cncourageearlybranching.
This can also be doneat the limc of pranting.when the ageotseedringsexceededby 41
daysin the nursery,thenthe top is removedin the nurseryitself. cutting backthe main
stemleaving3-4 nodesabovegroundsurrhceat 45-60daysofplanting ii doneenabring
branchingfrom lower sidcsofthe crown.This wifl give a bushyarchitectofthe plant.

After 2'dhandweedingandtop dressingapprymurchin adequate quantityat 45- 60 days
of plantingwhen planting is done during Sept-October.Mulching *ith organicwasie
(like patchoulispentafter distillation)or any .ther organicmattergives bestresults.
cascof March-Juneplanting,post monsoon(october)mulchingis bencficialfor rainf'ed
crop.In termiteinf'cstedfield anti-termitcdrenchingis necessary.

I 5-20ton FYM or compostor well decomposcd
preparation.Iforganic manureis not availablein
bulk greenmanuringcrop shoulclbe raisedand
incorporatedin soil.During monsoonpriod green-
manuringcropslike Seshaniarc.strataor Sesbania
aculeutaor pulseslike Cowpeamay be grown in
betweenrows and at 50-60daysof growth may

be uprootedandcut into piecesandappliedasmulch.
when cultivatedundcrsomeplantation crops,organicmatler@ 15-20vhaatthetimeof land
preparationanda rnixtureof DAP andpotash@ I 0-l2 g/plantin holcsj ustbeforcplanting
followedby urcatopdressing in 4 equalsplitsmayalsobepracticcd.

A fertilizerdoseof 100 kg N, 50 kg P,o. and 60 kg K,o per hectareis recommended.
Basalapplicationof330 kg Singresupir phosphate
1sSpl and 50 kg Muriateof potash
(MoP) is doneat least2 daysaheadofpranting.Totarquantityof 220
yearin 4 equalsplitsshouldbe applied.An extradoscof30 kg Kro astop
with 46 urea application may be done. It is better to avoid appricationtf ur"n u, bu.u-i
initially.Becauseit will encourage
wecdgrowthandpartof it wiI go wasteas the newly
plantedscedlingsremainunableto absorbthe availableN. The annualdoseofNpK
subsequent yearsshouldbe appliedduring March when there is irrigationanclin Mav/
Junewithout irrigation.

Top dressing
out oftotal ureaof220 kg/hectare/ycar
shourdbe appliedin 4 equalspritsasgivenb..row.
Additional30 kg Muriateofpotashshourdbe appriedafier 90 daysgrowthto increase the
ivity againsradrersity.

N application schedule(Topdressing)/ha
Assuming theplantingdate-l 5tr'February,l 00 kg N in theform of ureain four equarsprits

No. of Daysafter Timeof N (ke) Urea(kg) K,O (kg) No. of

application planting application
Ist 4) Marcli 30 l) 55
2"d 90-100 May l5 25 )l 30 I st harvest
3.,j I 3 5 - l 4 5 JuneJ0 25 f) 2"dharvest
1 7 0- r 8 0 July 30 25 55 3'dharvest
4'h harvcst
Herecrop is terminatedafter4tr,harvest.
NB: Dependingon crop durationanotherone or two top dressshouldbe applied.During
applicationureashouldbe mixcd with 2-3 volumeof sand/ drv cowduns.

Foliar feeding
Applicationof 0.5 - 1.0%ureaas foliar sprayat 20 daysand l0 daysbeforeharvesting
foundto increaseherband oil yield. This is in additionto the abovefertilizerschedule.

Cultural practices
compactionofsurfacesoiIparticularlyaroundrootzoneis avoided.This is achievedby racking
with dry landweedertwicc orthricefollowedby onehandweeding.Forkingandrakingbesides
weedingis foundto bebencficialin developinga strongrootsystcm.Incorporationofureawith
soilis doneby rackingandhandweeding.

Sprinklerirrigationis advocated.Immediatelyafterplantinglight wateringdaily upto 3-4
daysandthereafterirrigationat l0- l5 daysintervalshouldbe applied.Saturationofpoly
bagsbeforeplantingin field eliminateswateringfor 2-3 days.Surfacedrainageis morc
importantthanirigation in high rainfallplains.

Age of harvcsting
New shootsfrom lowerbranchesstartdevelopingonly whenthe branches areprunedback
aboveactivebudsat earlystagesofgrowth. with agethe lower budsbecomedormantand
asthe branchgrowstall creatingshade,the lower leavesaredefoliated.
Plantgrowth is continuous;all partsofthe plantcannotattainharvestable
ageat the same
stage.Thcrclbre,thosebranchesattainthe ageof 70-90daysshouldbe selectedand cut
backleaving2-3 activebudsor new shootslor rcgcneration. Delayedcultingbeyond100
days, defoliation from lower part started.A typical patchouliodour emanatcswhile
harvestingthe plant.

Patchoulishouldbe harvested followingselectionmethod.In this methoda partialharvest
is takenat 60-65daysafler planting.At 90-100daysafterplantingthefirst regularharuesting
is doneby cuttingselectedmaturedbranchesonly. Branchesso selectedshouldbe about
70 - 90 daysold and showingsignsof maturityas 1-2 lower leavesturningyellowish.
Thesebranchesbcar6-7 pairsof leaves.ln I 'r harvestthe main branchshouldbe cut back
above3-4 nodeslrom bascdependingchancesof regrowth.Growing budsin the lower
sidegetsuppressed anddegenerated in absence
of light andapicalclominance ifharvesting
is delayed.If top portionis cut backjustabovethebuds,thegrowingbudsdevelopquickly
intonew branches. llarvestingof maturebranches is otherwiseencouraging thenew shoots
from lower sidesofeach branch.ln selectedharvesting(pruning)the plant is not getting
enoughstressand normalmetabolicfunctionscontinuethroughou1the growingperiod.
Harvestingand other interculturaloperationsshouldbe done from the side drainsonly
withoutdisturbingor compactingthe root zones.This is necessary ibr quick regeneration
by maintainingsoil aeration.The sclectionofthe branchfor harvestingcanbe so planned
that a few branchesattainthis stageat an intervalof35-45 days.

Harvesting time
Harvestingin the morningcool hour givesdesiredresult.Harvestingcan be done in the

PLANTSI-- n;D-;i
aftemoonhouralsobutin no caseduringmiddayscorchingsunnyhourandrainy
time.rfthe day
is cloudyandnot rainingharvestingcanbedonethroughouttheiay.

Alter harvcstingandtirrthehcrbis broughtto thedryingshedthefrcshherbs

spreading in thinlayerandnot in lreaps
to avoidrossofoiiby heatgeneration dueto continuing
respiration.Theyshouldbekcptspreading till thcyarephysiologicallyactive.

Drying of leaves
After harvesting,thc freshherbsshouldbc spreadover on bamboomals
or on tan)aulin
for dryingundershadefor 7- l 0 days.The
thickness ofthe herbshouldnotbemorethan
2 inches.Turningatleastoncein a day is
necessaryto avoid fermentationand for
unifbrmdrying.A dryingslructureof 30 x
l5 ft wirh4 tiersracksis sufficienl to cope
up one-hectare area.The dryinghousemay
be constructedby bamboowith thatched
roof or tarpaulinroof or may bc a semi
permanent structurewith tiers.Thefrcshand
dry ratio ofherb is 5.5: I at around12 o/o

Storing ofdried lcaves

Thedry leavesshouldbe packedtightryin gunny bagsandstoredat reastfor
3 monthswithout

steamdistillationfor obtainingthe oil o{'
patchouli.'I'hedistillationunit consistsofa
Thedistillationstill is madeup ofpreferably
foodgradestainless steel(304or 316). The
vesselhasa perloratedmetalshcetor netabove
thebottomto supporttheherb,wh ich is loaded
intothestill for distillation.Steamis injectcd
throughperforatedcoils that uniformly pass
throughthe material.This steamwhile passes
throughtakcsouttheoils by rupturingtheoil

glandsthatmovesto condenser
alongwith watervapour.
Thecondenser, whichcoolsthehotvapoursrcceivedr.romthestill,consistsofmainlvtubes
madeupofstainless steelandmountcdinsideajacket.Thecondenser id providcdwithinletand
outletfor thecirculationofcoolingwater.Thehotvapoursconsisting ot:steam andesscntiaroil
vapoursarecooledin thecondenser tubesandthecondensate thenIlowsout intotherecciver.
Theoil beinglighterthanwaterandinsolubleflows on thetop in thereceiverandonly thewater
getsdrainedout.The oil is drawnoffseparatelyat theendofdistillation.
Theprocessofdistillationconsistsofloadingthedriedleavesintothestill,closingthelid securely,
lettingin stcamgenerated in theboilerfromthebottomofthe still, condensingthevapoursin tlie
condenser andcollectingtheoiI in thereceiver
It hasbeennotedthat interchange oflight andlow pressures,
i.e.,r .4 to 3.5-kg/sqcm produces
bctteryield asmorecell wallsrupturcin thisprocess.Thedurationofdistillationvariesfrom I 2-
l6 hours.Prolongeddistillationgiveshigheryieldandbelterquality ofoil.
Oil recoveryand oil yield
on anavcragea recoveryof3.0 to 3.5o%is obtainccrwhich variesrargeryon dryingprocedure,
leave: stemratioandcuring.An yieldof 135to I g0 kg lrom 45 to 60 q <Jryleavesis obtaincd.
Drying and storageof oil
Immediatelyafterthedistillation,all freewateris remove<l compleielyandtheremainingtraces
canbe removedtreatingwith anhydroussodiumsulphate
@20-30'gper litre andstirringthe
contentsvigorously.Left lor 4-5 hoursafterwhichthewateifreetransparent oil is obtainei by
filtering.Theoil is now fit for storing.Thepurificdoil is storedin cleanaluminumcontainers.

5-6cuttings(14-16months)yicld 375-450q frcshherbs,whichon dryinggives67-ggq dry
herb/halyear.whon thecrop is grownasseasonal crop3 - + cuttingsyieta]2+l-zls q ti""h
hcrbor about45-50q dry hcrb,4ra
within a spanofg-9 monthsmaybc obtained.Underopiimum
management it cangeneratemorethanRs.60,000/hain onecut.

Plant protectionmeasurcs

Diseascs:During July-Augustin someareasleafandstemgall diseasecausedby a fungus

pog.tstemonis.l.'p.patchouri appearsin a consi-derable
with PCNB (Pentachloronitrebenzene)or Brassicol 5 kg/haor I o%Bordeauxmirurc ( 100
g coppersulphate
+ 100g lirnein l0 litrewater)shouldbe donel0-15 daysaheadofplaniing.
on appearanceof symptoms2-3 foliar spraysshourdbe givenat a 7-r 0 daysinteivarwiiir
copperoxychloridelike BIitox 0.25o%or Bordeauxmixture 0.5or Bavistin as
@ 1o.zs-0.:02".1
This shouldbe doneafterremovingofaffeciedbranches.As a precautionary

measureespeciallyduringmonsoononesprayofBavislin(r g/litreofwater)shouldbegiven

In hcavysoilsofplain landimpededdrainage causes rootrot andwirtingfo owedby deathor.

plants.In plainplantingin raisedbedsor in ridgesminimizesincidence. iroperdrainage
beensured. Trichodermo viridea beneficialsoil funguswhenusedassoildre.chinihelpsin
minimizingrootrot.Appricalbnof "Redomir"(a systemicfungicidc)with i'igation-water
drenchingthc rootzonefoundto becffbctive.

I eaf Roller (Pachyzaciastultalis):Larvaeofpatchouli leafrollercharacteristically

roll a few
leavesandfeedinsidecausingbrowninganddryingofinfeste<J parts.tnfbstationis highwhenthe
cropis raisedunderplantation havingmorethan30 o/oshadeandcausesconsiderabrJdamage io
the crop. Sometimesthe cntirc leavesare infestedparticurarlyduring october to
collectionanddestruction ofrolredleavcsfolowed by tp*y;ng.,tz-: .*ncrs ofmethyrparathion
@ I ml or fenvalerrate0.5 ml/lit waterwill controltL" p"rt.

Myriad bug (Ptrchipeltisspp):Thisbug makessmallliolcsall overtheIeafsurface.'Ihc

becontrolledby sprayingDimcthoate30 EC (Rogor,Tara909etc)or Monocrotophos (like
Nuvacron)at I ml/litreof wateror Malathion30 EC onceor twrce.

Mite: Ethion or Kelthane(Acaricide)may be sprayedonceor twice to contrormites

Nematode:On appearance of nematodesymptomsapply Furadangranule 2.5 g/plant

followingring method.Furadanshouldbc mixedin theso bcforefillingin poty u[s
6 it g pe.
100kg soil medium.Useof adequatedecoinpose<J cowdungand organicmatterkelps d-own
thepopulationofthe pest.Avoidnematodcinfestedareasfbrpatchoulicultivation.Marigord
beplantedin field andalsoin fierdboundariesastrapcropgieatryreducesthe infestation.

Crop rotation
ln heavyinfestedarea,croprotalionwith shortdurationregumesafterpatchouri will kcepdown
thenernatodcincidenceandothersoil bornefungaldiseascs to a greatextent.

Economicsof cultivation
(A) Seedlingcost
Plantingmaterialaloneaccountslor morethan50 o/oofthe totalcostofcultivation.
Therefore,a growershouldraisehis motherprants atrcast6 monthsaheadofplantingandgo for
multiplication.A poly bag raisedrooredcuttingcostsRs. 0.65- r.00. The cost
seedlingsrequired/ha is aboutRs.40,000.Therefore,oneshouldraisea motherstockin
l/20rhofthe targetareaandafter4 monthsto starttakingcuttings.Startingfrom 4
monthsto 6/
7 monthsthemultiplicationratewould be20-25tim". o..u"n -.,.".

Seedlingcost required for one hcctareis as follows

Nurseryarearequiredfbr plantingI hectare 500Sq.m

Costofseedlings@ Rs.0.65/each Rs. 1300
Nurserylandpreparation, applicationofFyM andfertilizers Rs. 450
Plantingat 60 x 45 cm andcropmanagement Ibr 6 months Rs. 500
for raisingmotherplants Rs. 2250

Cost ofpreparation of40,000seedlingsrequired for I ha

Poly bag(4 x 3 inch size)I9 kg @ Rs.75lkg Rs. 1425
Polybagfilling@ Rs.50/1000 Nos. Rs. 2000
Polybagarrangerncnt undershadeL.S Rs.500
Constructionofnurseryshadeetc Rs. 1000
Cuttingpreparationandplantingin poly bag Rs. 2000
Maintenancefor 2 months approx.30 Manclays Rs. 195
Agro-chemicalsapprox. Rs. 200
Total cost for 40,000seedlings Rs. 11,325
Therelbre,per seedlingviouldcost Rs.0.2gsayRs. 0.30

B) Cultivation costper hcctnre

Heads ofexpcnditure Cost(Rs.)for 3 5-6cuttings

cuttings(9 months) (15months)
r. r_anopreparatlon
4500 4500
2. Manures& lbrtilizers
7500 8500
3. Pcsticides
t 000 2 1 50 0
4. Seedlingcost@ 0.30/each
for 40,000
12,000 12,000
5. Planting& gapfilling
3750 4750

6. Weeding andhoeing 3150 4750
7. Irrigation 2250 3500
8. I lar"vesting 7500 8500
9. Dryingshed 5000 5000
10. Drying,packingand storing r 500 2000
I l. Miscellaneous
cost 2s0 500
l'otal cost upto dry leaf production 51,000 56,500
Costofoil production@ Rs.2.25/kg 10,125 13,500
ofdry leaf
Total costupto oil production 61,12s 70,000
(A) I)istillation cost/kgoil or pcr kg dry leavcs

Items Cost(Rs.)
Averagecapacityper batch-2q dry lcaves
Distillationcost (Fuel+ labour+ electricit.y) 350
Filtrationand packingin container 100
Distillationcosl per kg oil 75
Costper kg dry leaves 2.25

Yield / ha

Itcms Whentakenfor 3-4 cuttings(cost) 5-6 cuttings

Freshherbage 247 q 3 3 0q
Dry herbage 45q 6oq
Sellingprice (@P's.22001q Rs.99,000 Rs.1,32,000
Yield of oil a13 o%recovery l3s kg 1 8 0k g
Sellingprice of oil at Rs. 1200/kg Rs. 1,62,000 R s .2 , 1 6 , 0 0 0

Net return / ha
Products Net returnfroln 3- 4 cuttings Net retufnfrom 5-6 cuttings
Dry leaves 99,000 s1.000: 48,000 r 32,000-58,000:74,000
oil | 62,000- 6t ,125-I ,00.875 2t 6,000-7

ll___ffi uF;r
Kcy factorsof higher yicld

l. Selectionof well-drainedIight soil with sloppylandscape.

2. Maintenanceof optimum soil moisturein top layer eitherby light and frequent
irrigationby sprinklcrand / or by applyingorganicmulch.
3. Ensurequick drainageand keeproot zoneacrableby growing in raiseclbedsand
periodicsoil stirringor lorking and also in ridges.
4. Plantingon raisedbedsto providebettersurvivalandyield.
5. Adequatemanuring( Cowdung,{FYM/Grcenmanuring)and fertilization.Apply N
(Urea)in splitsfrequently.
6. Replacement of failureswithin l5-20 daysof prantingto maintainplantpopulation.
7. Early detopping,cutting backthe main stemafter45 -60 daysgrowth afterplanting.
8. Selectiveharvestingat right stageandat correctheightwith sharpsecateaur (moit
9. Take carc increased soil temperatureduring summerby providingirrigationand/
or mulching.
10. Partialshadeprolongsthelife ofcropping.providesometall cropsenableto provide
30-40% shadeparticularlyduringsummerand rainy scasons.
lt. Maintainnurseryandraisethc seedlingsin largesizepoly bagspreferablyin black
polytheneto rcplacethe dead/ dryingplantsin ratooncropto keepoptimumplant
populationevenat laterstage.It shouldbe a continuousoperationtilltermination
of thecrop.
12. Controlof leafroller by sprayingpesticideslike decis,malathionetc.
13. Sprayingof fungicides(systcmic)like Bordeauxmixture,Blitox, Dithane-M45 or
Bavistinatiereachharvestingespeciallyduringrainyseason. Apply Trichotlerma
viride as soil drenchingat the time ofplanting.
t4. Avoid heat gcnerationfrom freshherb kcepingthern in heap immediatelyafter
cuttingand shadedry properly
15. Raiseshortdurationlegumesor othereconomiccropsto provide30 o%shade.



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