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EDUC 2220- Educational Technology Lesson Plan Template

Conception, Pregnancy, and Birth

Arielle Bauer

Grades 9-12/ Family and Consumer Science, Life Skills Class

Common Core Standards:


2.4. Prenatal Care Analyze prenatal healthcare needs and the effects on family planning.


2.4.1. Identify alternate methods of becoming a parent (e.g., adoption, artificial insemination, surrogacy).

2.4.2. Identify signs, symptoms and stages of pregnancy.

2.4.3. Explain physical and psychological characteristics of pre-pregnancy mothers and fathers that

contribute to a healthy birth.

2.4.4. Discuss the father’s role in prenatal care.

2.4.5. Summarize the stages of fetal development.

2.4.6. Determine how to meet the nutritional requirements for a healthy mother and baby based on prenatal


2.4.7. Identify the medical procedures conducted during prenatal care.

2.4.8. Describe the effects of adverse medical and environmental prenatal conditions on a healthy delivery.


2.5. Birth and Postpartum Care Examine birth and postpartum care.

Lesson Summary:

The purpose of this lesson is to teach high school aged students conception, the signs of early pregnancy,

symptoms of pregnancy, and the different stages of pregnancy as well as birth itself. The purpose is to

educate the students on pregnancy and to go along with the Prenatal Care Unit in a Life Skills labeled

elective course.

Estimated Duration:

This lesson will take a week with five, sixty-minute class periods. I plan on covering conception and signs

and symptoms of pregnancy in the first class. We will have hands on activities on day two. Day three will go

over stages of pregnancy. We will have hands on activities on day four. Day five will go over birth. Students

will watch a video of a live birth.


I will approach the lesson head on. These high school students are almost adults and they need to know what

lies ahead in their possibly near future. I want the students to feel comfortable to come to me with any

questions and curiosities they might have, and to also leave the lesson with a greater understanding of

pregnancy as a whole. The only challenge I can say that I may come across is the immaturity of the age of

students and this being a topic that might induce a lot of laughter, or embarrassment among the class. I think

preparing assignments and lots of hands on activities will be a good way to keep the students engaged,

excited, and “hooked” within this lesson.

Instructional Procedures:

Day 1:

The first 10 minutes of class will be spent talking about conception. I will ask the students what they already

know about how a pregnancy occurs. We will write the students’ answers on a collective class board that we

will come back to once we know more as a group.

For the next 20 minutes, we will refer to our classroom textbook to read about what conception is and how a

woman can find out she is pregnant. I will have the class read the chapter together by choosing different

students to read from the book. While the students are reading, I will be setting up visual references on

conception, and pregnancy symptoms, as well as the different ways that a woman can test to confirm


The next 15-20 minutes of class I will tell the students to get into groups and they will be required to

complete a worksheet “Two Truths and a Lie.” This worksheet will have several questions where two

responses will be true and one is false. The students will need to find which answer is false. The last ten

minutes of class we will go over the answers to the worksheet together and use it to correct our collective

board from the beginning of class if needed.

Students will not have homework for this.

Day 2:

For day two, students will have a hands-on activity for what was learned on day one. We will start class by

watching a short video on the class smart board. We will be watching a two-minute video on YouTube

called “Conception Explained.” After the video recap, students will separate into groups of five. (video link)

Once the groups are formed. The students will use the classroom tables to film a recreation of the conception

video that we just watched as a class. The students will be instructed that they can get as creative as they

want! They can use handmade props from craft supplies that will be provided, or they can just get creative

and use whatever visuals they can think up. Once they finish filming their quick few minute videos. I will

instruct them to post them on Instagram with the hashtag #mrsbauersconceptionvideos.

The students will be instructed that as homework, they will need to watch the videos everyone made, and to

vote or “heart” their favorites. The group with the most “likes” the next day will win a prize.

Day 3:

Day three, the first 10 minutes we will start class by watching a video on the stages of pregnancy on the

smartboard. (video link)

After we watch the video, the students will break into groups and will each be assigned a month of

pregnancy. The group must then, using the video we watch and their textbooks, make a quick poster about

what happens with the growth of the fetus during their specified month.

The last 20 minutes, the groups will present their posters to the rest of the class, “teaching them” what

happens during those weeks. This will be a fun, hands on way of the students learning without having to just

sit and read from the textbook.

Homework will be a pregnancy vocab. term crossword puzzle.

Students will be given a QR code that will send them to where

they can click on the spiral babies to learn more about the baby at that stage at home.

Day 4:

Day four we will talk about the birth of baby and the different ways a baby can come into this world.

We will spend the first 30 minutes of class reading the birth chapter from the class textbook.

After we read. We will watch an animated video on a cesarean section birth. (video link)

For the last 20 minutes of class, I will hand out a study guide for the unit test. I will also hand out a

permission slip for students to have their parents sign, allowing them to watch a live birth in class the next

day. Students will spend the rest of class pairing with a friend to find the answers to the study guide.

Before class ends, I will tell students to finish the study guide for homework to better prepare for the test the

next day.

Day 5

For the last day of this unit, I will pass out the unit test. 20 multiple choice questions over the unit. Students

will be given 25 minutes to finish the test. Once all tests are handed in. We will play the 20 minute long

video of the live birth to the class.


The pre-assessment of this unit is me conducting the test of the general knowledge of the class at the start of

the unit.

Scoring Guidelines:

There is no real “scoring” of this assessment. Students will put collective answers on the board and we will

discuss at the end of the lesson which answers were right and which were wrong as a class.


My post-assessment will be the 20 question unit test that I will assign the students on the last day of the


Scoring Guidelines:

The scoring for this unit test will be 100 points. Each question will be multiple choice and will be

worth five points a question.

Differentiated Instructional Support

Describe how instruction can be differentiated (changed or altered) to meet the needs of gifted or accelerated

students: To meet the needs of gifted or accelerated students. I would have the students use the Prezi site to
create and interactive view of pregnancy from conception to birth as their final assessment instead of the unit

test. They will be graded on creativity, correct information on the slides, interactive concepts in the

presentation, and length of presentation. Worth 100 points, same as the assessment.

Discuss additional activities you could do to meet the needs of students who might be struggling with the

material: To better help the struggling students. I could post videos of myself reading the different textbook

chapters out loud, on my teacher blog that the students would have access too. I would also post pictures of

my visual aids and anything used in class as a reference to students who are struggling. On my blog post

they would also have access to a PDF file of premade flashcards to print out and use as an extra study aid.


The textbook I would be using for the class is Managing Life Skills by McGraw Hill Education. This

textbook comes with a subscription to and online learning program where students can use generated quizzes

over different chapters as extra help studying for the test. These can also be assigned as a homework

assignment that students can log into and can complete at home and submits their graded assignment directly

to my account.

Homework Options and Home Connections

Students will have a worksheet “Two Truths and a Lie”. They will need to determine which facts are true

and which facts are false.

Another day, they will need to log onto Instagram to post the videos they made together in class and vote on

their favorite one to win a prize.

Students will be asked to complete a pregnancy terms crossword puzzle.

Students will be given a sheet with a QR code that directs them to an interactive site on stages of pregnancy

that they will be asked to explore at home on their smartphones.

Students will be given a study guide to finish as homework in preparation for the unit test.

Students will be given a unit test.

Interdisciplinary Connections

Other topics I can bring into this lesson is the lesson before this unit that is about sexual intercourse and

safety. We will be using the facts learned from that lesson to continue into what can result from sexual

intercourse. After the completion of this lesson, the students will then dive into a lesson on infants and

caring for newborns. This lesson students will be learning how to properly care for an infant and what

infants need to survive.

Materials and Resources:

For teachers The following link is to the textbook I would like to use for the students for this Life

Skills class.


Arts and crafts supplies and posterboard.

Visual Aids of Conception, pregnancy, and birth.

Visual aids of size of baby during different months of pregnancy.

For students Students will need tablets, smartboards, smart phones, and Instagram accounts.

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