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DYNAMICS OF THE VISIBLE: The role of artistic images in the (non) control of
political bodies

It is possible to think that all intersubjective relations are mediated by images. in that
sense, modernists and postmodernists tried to understand how art was capable of
intervening in life by making politics: those most optimistic, created rules and analyzes
indicating how to make and interpret art; the pessimists made the critique of the media
society. This criticism is not new, but it goes back to the Platonic critique of mímesis.
Rancière offers a third way to understand the political (or police) role of images and goes
beyond, giving special relevance to two arts: literature and cinema. When the limits of art
become blurred, or rather do not even make sense as a philosophical concept, it becomes
necessary to investigate images in a new light.
Rancière inserts aesthetics, a political-aesthetics, in a perspective that is neither modernist
nor postmodernist. According to Rancière, both modernism and postmodernism are faces
of the same coin, that is, they deal with the same object, but in opposite ways. Rancière
launches, throughout his works, a series of counter-arguments indicating how modernists
and postmodernists think they are dealing with politics, when in fact they are thinking
according to the police logic of the representative regime.
Applied to images, and more specifically to the cinema, this discussion goes directly to
the theme of works dedicated to the cinema such as La Fable Cinématographique (2001),
where he focuses on demonstrating the power of emancipation of images through their
inherent mutism, capable of promoting equality as a starting point and not as a goal to be
achieved. It is precisely this change of perspective that is capable of generating the
necessary rupture to politics. Thinking about the problem of equality means therefore
thinking of ways of overcoming the ethical regime and above all of the representative
regime, which not only determine the ways in which we deal with the sensible, but also
define the spaces to be occupied.

Research Question
The central objective of this research is to verify whether art really has a political role,
and, if it proves that it has, to explain this mechanism in the light of the main
contemporary theories on the subject. The research, however, will not be limited to
philosophical theory only. For each case studied, I will analyze works of art inserted in
diverse political contexts, especially in places where art is explicitly repressed.
Literature Review
Starting from Rancière's proposal, who presents an alternative way to think the relation
between image and social organization of bodies, I will make a contraposition to
canonical theses such as those of Walter Benjamin, Guy Debord, Adorno and
Horkheimer, Plato, Clement Greenberg, Roland Barthes, André Bazin, Gilles Deleuze in
addition to relating to the notions offered by Jürgen Habermas, Georges Didi-Huberman,
Susan Sontag , Hubert Damisch and others.
It is not new that Rancière walks a different path from these authors, therefore it is
necessary to understand not only the concepts provided by Rancière especially in Le
Maître ignorant : Cinq leçons sur l'émancipation intellectuelle, Fayard (1987), La Parole
muette. Essai sur les contradictions de la littérature, Hachette (1998), La Fable
cinématographique (2001), Le Partage du sensible (2000), Malaise dans l'esthétique
(2004), Le Spectateur émancipé (2008) and Aisthesis, Scènes du régime esthétique de l'art
(2011), but also to confront and put these concepts to the test.

All research will be based on bibliographic research and analysis of works of art (inside
and outside their respective contexts). The first six months will be devoted to an
exhaustive bibliographical survey allied to frequent contact with artistic images
(museums, street art, cinema, theaters, performances, etc.). This process may extend until
the penultimate semester, giving more and more place to the writing process, which will
start in the second semester.

Chapters Overview
Introduction - The aesthetic regime and the place of Rancière's work in the contemporary
philosophical aesthetics
Chapter 1 – Dialogues between modernism, post-modernism and the aesthetic regime
Chapter 2 – Scenes of the the representative regime of art as a regime of bodies’ visibility
Chapter 3 – Literature and cinema: scenes of the the aesthetic regime of art
Conclusion – Neither utopian nor post-utopian: a third way offered by Rancièrian

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