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Lesson plan Class 11th

Topic: From the beginning of Time

Sub topic: Evolution
Specific Objectives:
 To develop interest for learning history.
 To develop historical attitude in the students.
 Familiarize the students with ways of reconstructing human evolution.
Teaching learning material:
 Presentation
Exploring learners’ knowledge base:
 What do you mean by evolution?
 Why do we need evolution?
 What was Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution?
 What does human evolution bring to mind?
Introduction to sub- topic:
Today we are going to learn about how man evolved from the early man, the
major features that differentiate the species from one another.
Teaching learning process:
In biology, evolution is the change in the characteristics of a species over
several generations and relies on the process of natural selection. The theory
of evolution is based on the idea that all species are related and gradually
change over time.
Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution states that evolution happens by natural
Individuals with characteristics best suited to their environment are more likely
to survive, finding food, avoiding predators and resisting disease. These
individuals are more likely to reproduce and pass their genes on to their
Individuals that are poorly adapted to their environment are less likely to
survive and reproduce. Therefore their genes are less likely to be passed on to
the next generation.
As a consequence those individuals most suited to their environment survive
and, given enough time, the species will gradually evolve.
Due to adaptation, mutation, recombination.
The evidence for evolution has primarily come from fossil discovery. So, what
are fossils? They can be dated.
All of us, every living being has evolved from the same gene pool.
But what is that evolution classification?
What are the benefits of bipedalism?
What is causing this evolution? There is a positive feedback mechanism at
work. What do you think bipedalism helps in?

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