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Know Your Onions

Here is Bibliomaniac's annotated list of links to onions that serve books.

Resist poor imitations! This site's URL is supposed to be mx7rwxcountermqh.onion.

Only the onion with rwxcounter in the name is real. Also check that the links start
with the same characters as the text in square brackets below them.

Onions tested every six hours ("+" is up, obviously, and "-" means down). Newest
test results first.


[3cvpkfx4gdnkcduj] The site is in Chinese, but has lots of books in English. The
text in the top banner translates as "Much obliged! Pippi hard! All have been
released ED2K Download! Most Thunder offline can spike! After emit more ways to
download! Bread will be, there will be a download, upload will be there, please
give us a little time! Data: Bibliographic number 12993, the number of 12,919
books, book size 159.457 GiB." Searchable.


[3cpleimu2getp5q7] "Strategic Intelligence Network" -- Mirror hosted by Ctulhu.

Books organized in folders. No Search.


[4iahqcjrtmxwofr6] "Strategic Intelligence Network" -- Very armageddon, much

domesday. Documents are in a directory structure, and found in
http://4iahqcjrtmxwofr6.onion/library.php (Which is actually
pppppptkftqqnfsq.onion, if I read that right). No search.


[4u77dqvsas4wcl7p] Some documents and tools related to Cisco firewalls, organized

in a directory structure.


[52wdeibt3ivmcapq] "Liberated Books and Papers" -- Very small selection of "papers

and books which are not easy to get" - some English, some German. No search, but
list is short.


[7etxnv26hro7mmuu] "Comics" -- It says "An archive of comics, to share freely

between friends. Search and view/download what you want, or upload your

[7sfwrqmjhne57tgn] "books_and_documents" -- Small collection of mainly hacking and
computer related materials. No search. Direct link.


[agxr7olxktjre7hn] "Buecher" -- Alphabetical directory-style listing of a

collection of German-language books. Seems to be mainly fiction. Direct link:
http://agxr7olxktjre7hn.onion/buecher/AutoIndex/index.php?dir=eBook/. Searchable.


[akmb7t5w56jcfgwf] "Books" -- Computer-related books, mainly from MacMillan and

O'Reilly, mostly in English, quite dated, and rendered on-line in the browser. No
search, but it's all on one page. Warning! Straying from the path
http://akmb7t5w56jcfgwf.onion/books/sorted leads to rather less savory content.


[books432xsmc75eg] "Italian Free Book Store" -- Mostly Italian, some English books
(in "Extras"). Collection divided in sections: Books, Comics, Manuals, Extras.
Searchable. Registration required.


[booksubt62eeiyrb] "Paul Dreyer's eBook Library" -- Over 1000 books housed in

Calibre. English, mainly fiction. Searchable.


[c3jemx2ube5v5zpg] "Radical Militant Library" (formerly known as Jotunbane's

Reading Club) -- Lots of fiction, epubs, all in English. Read on-line, or download.


[c65mcoididjlt3zo] Very short list of crypto-related articles in here:

http://c65mcoididjlt3zo.onion/pdf/. (But there's something a little bit weird about
the server this is hosted on, imho.)


[chaosfwoaftk5thb] "Chaos" -- Random collection of documents, noreason, preppers,

scientology, cookbooks. In directories, no search.

clivl6rf3vft7ihw.onion ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

[clivl6rf3vft7ihw] "Welcome to My Library!" -- The site is in Russian, and all the

books are, too. Searchable.

clockwise3rldkgu.onion ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
[clockwise3rldkgu] "Library Clockwise" -- About 30,000 books housed in Calibre. Two
parts, Arts and Science, lots of academic books, almost all in English. Searchable.


[do2j6w3zf2esv4ko] "The Reading Room" -- Access here:

http://do2j6w3zf2esv4ko.onion/_catalog/ A collection of nearly 2500 books. Mostly
fiction (science fiction, even) in English.

fb2lib3argrtulnw.onion ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

[fb2lib3argrtulnw] "FB2 Lib" -- site is in Russian, and most books are in Russian.
It says "Total number of books: 275367. Languages: ru: 233,737 books, en: 25693
books, bg: 9317 books, uk: 689 books, unknown: 622 books ,RU: 529 books, eng: 523
books, sp: 490 books, fr: 465 books, pl: 437 books, es: 359 books, rus: 253 books,
de: 193 books, it: 180 books." Searchable.


[femlibhxoplb4opf] "Femlib" -- Directory-based list of (socio-politico) books, some

English, some German. No search, but list fits on one page.

flibustahezeous3.onion +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-++++++++++-+++++

[flibustahezeous3] "Book Brotherhood" -- Russian books in forum layout. Searchable.

Onion version of

hackerw6dcplg3ej.onion ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

[hackerw6dcplg3ej] A collection of over 4000 (clearweb with

interstitial) links to English-language books on a variety of subjects. A search
function is supplied.

hiotuxliwisbp6mi.onion ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

[hiotuxliwisbp6mi] "Index of /" -- It looks like somebody's torrent download

folder, and there's not a lot after 2012, but there are some books/collections
here: http://hiotuxliwisbp6mi.onion/video/torrents.complete/ and books on web
design here. No search.


[hx3cewrgfwpm7y2a] "La Extinta Biblioteca" -- another copy of

iww2iqhwxmnbh4qs.onion ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

[iww2iqhwxmnbh4qs] "Marx/Engels Collected Works" -- In zips and tars. Also other

documents from are mirrored here, for which a search function is

[k2r5psouiawfu6jy] "Index of /" -- Small list of (Russian, Polish, some English)

books in directory here: http://k2r5psouiawfu6jy.onion/books/. No search.


[kpynyvym6xqi7wz2] "Parazite" http://kpynyvym6xqi7wz2.onion/files.html#cats Some

books in difficult-to-read lists. Very warezy and extremist. Also at


[libgen743fn64lhs] "10,462,613 documents (5.991 TiB) indexed" -- Search by DOI.

Perhaps this means it only has articles, not the entire Library Genesis? There is a
(non-onion) DOI lookup tool here, which might help.

libraryqtlpitkix.onion ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

[libraryqtlpitkix] "library" -- books in categorized folders. Heavy on science,

some fiction.

mx7rwxcountermqh.onion ++++++++++++++++++++--------++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

[mx7rwxcountermqh] This site. This entry is for config checking only.


[naziorgukitfhvms] "Adolf Hitler and Third Reich Media" -- Apart from loadsa nazi
shit, also books on a variety of related subjects, such as history and mythology.
In English as well as German. No search.


[nope7beergoa64ih] "BB Compendium" -- Miscellaneous documents on the usual dark net

subjects, such as drugs and weapons. No search.


[nsakeysjzqismynb] "The Hidden Library" -- Displays message "At the moment this
server only mirrors PoC||GTFO."


[nzwolake3hokkjwq] "Cultura: PAPYREFB2 BACKUP - LIBROS - BIBLIOTECA" -- Lots of

books, seemingly all in Spanish.

papyrefb2tdk6czd.onion -++++++++++++++++++++++++-+++++++++++----+++++++++++++++++++
[papyrefb2tdk6czd] "La Extinta Biblioteca de Papyrefb2" -- 27,000 libros, fiction,
mostly in Spanish, but a few in English. No search, apart from CTRL+F. Seems to be
a continuation of ibi5rw4yitbhdw6k.onion.


[qia2vpjf3bubn5he] "Sections: Magazines about aviation and space, magazines about

business and politics of the interior, Journals of fiction, magazines about sewing
and needlework, magazines about mobile technology" etc. -- Site is in Russian,
books and magazines in English. Searchable. Gives links to clearnet fileshare
sites. A word of warning, however: not only is there a massively unsavory banner at
the top, the search history at the bottom of the page is pretty obnoxious too.


[rhodiumio4b7b4rm] "Rhodium" -- A collection of drugs-related miscellania:

articles, books and links on chemistry and pharmacology. Archived 2004/5, so none
of it recent.

savkhz37olwuub37.onion +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---++++++++++++++++++

[savkhz37olwuub37] "The Bookshelf" -- Mostly fiction, Russian and English language.

Search, or browse by genre, author, rating. Extra functionality for registered

sblib3fk2gryb46d.onion ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

[sblib3fk2gryb46d] "Literary Hero" [I think? My Russian is not great] -- Traum

Library Mirror. A search engine for the "Traum" collection. Mostly in Russian, a
few books in English.

torvps7kzis5ujfz.onion ++-+++++++++++--++-------------+---+--+++++++-++++++++++++++

[torvps7kzis5ujfz] "/~horse/library/" -- Directory-based listing of some books in

four categories: legally dubious, mathematics, politics, and religion. Hosted by
TORVPS. http://torvps7kzis5ujfz.onion/~horse/library/ No search.

vxxca6ydhe3acv6h.onion +++++++++++++++++++++-++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

[vxxca6ydhe3acv6h] "Welcome friends to MYLIB" -- After this heading, the rest of

the site is written in Cyrillic (Bulgarian, apparently), and so are the books.
There is a search facility, as well as browsing by category, of which there are
many: fiction as well as non-fiction. There is an emphasis on Bulgarian works.


[wuxdb4woamcmyqlk] "Interrogazione database BookVertigo" -- A search interface to

Book Vertigo, which says it has nearly 25,000 Italian-language books.

xfmro77i3lixucja.onion ++++++++++++++++++++++++--++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
[xfmro77i3lixucja] "Imperial Library" -- Over 10,000 books in English, the rest
(75,000) is in German, Spanish and Italian and such. Mostly fiction. Searchable.
Lately this site is displaying a "502 Bad Gateway" error message.


[yoaqaryln7ncuvmz] "Every English Book from Project Gutenberg" -- Should you fancy
a 12 gig .iso download over Tor (!), look no further.
http://yoaqaryln7ncuvmz.onion/files/books/. Maybe it will be browsable one day. It
is browsable now.

zupyv3e5spdok6nw.onion ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

[zupyv3e5spdok6nw] "Datenhangar" -- German site with directory-based listings of

English-language documents related to computers and security. No search.

scihub22266oqcxt.onion ---+-------+--------+---------------------------+-----

[scihub22266oqcxt] "Sci-Hub - Eliminating barriers to the dissemination of

knowledge." -- An interesting search interface to the great Russian libraries,
through Google Scholar. Written in Russian, but easy enough to figure out. Search
by title, author, DOI.

ibgk7stvp6bov6x6.onion ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

[ibgk7stvp6bov6x6] "Anonymous Library" -- Very small collection of fairly random

religious and political texts in txt format.

nnm5gu6g2bs7nnmm.onion ------------------------------------------------++++++-+++++

[nnm5gu6g2bs7nnmm] "Biblioteca di Casa Noferini" -- Fiction, mainly (translated to)

Italian, in Calibre's directory structure but without Calibre's front end. No
search, but there appears to be a catalog in epub format.


[booksurubeyy6ctp] 'books' -- 'You can download books and other useful information
from the links on our website.' This pastel-colored site has (clearnet filelocker)
links to both English but mostly Russian language books, and a fast search to get
to them.


[castorz2lijmrc5f] "Biblioteca Castor" -- Nicely laid out library of Spanish

language books. Browse by category, or search. Registration required.

5h5ps743nnqsjq4l.onion ---------------+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

[5h5ps743nnqsjq4l] "Calibre Bibliothek" -- Small collection of German language

fiction books housed in Calibre. Searchable.

[n3q7l52nfpm77vnf] "Marxists Internet Archive" -- Collection of materials relating

to Marxism. Mirror of


[bookssutzsay4so3] "Mobi library" -- "10.206 books in English. All in MOBI format."

English language fiction. Browse by tag, author, or use the search function.


[dearjumpgoxdeges] "Warhammer 40K Library" -- Black Library/Warhammer related

fiction. English language. Browse by author or series. No search.


[3egtreq3y43juz4p] "Hidden Libre" -- Directory-based collection of English language

books and other materials, loosely (read: badly) organized in folders. Both fiction
and non-fiction present. "Works best with JavaScript enabled," it says, but whilst
enabling it makes directory traversal somewhat easier, it doesn't bring you any
search functionality.


[a7ucvawr6xkb2qpt] "Various e-books in Turkish" -- Tiny collection of Turkish

language books in djvu format. No search, but there are only three pages. "More
books will be added in time," states the page, so we will have to wait for that.


[v5tl7yv64jzaw73l] "Calibre Library" -- Small collection of computing books

presented in Calibre, which requires JavaScript. Searchable.


[xorgateka6obqneh] "Trinity -- Your one stop ebook shop!" -- Collection of about

1000 English-language books. There is a choice of browsing folders (no search), or
using Calibre (JavaScript).


[r7umpv6r5djthykt] "Dominos ePUB-Freesite" -- Tiny collection of German language

Science Fiction and Fantasy. Perhaps it will grow? But "Zuletzt aktualisiert am 19.
März 2013" doesn't bode well in that respect.

hackcanl2o4lvmnv.onion ++++++++++++++++++++-+++++++++++++++++++++++-+++++++++++++++

[hackcanl2o4lvmnv] "Black Crawling Systems Archive" -- Antiquated collection of

text files related to technology, prepping and the such. Many files are zipped so
they won't tie up your phone line for too long.


[z6ya7cqmnlni2pqh] "The Hidden Programming Library" -- Small number of books on

Bash, BSD, and C/C++. The remainder of the links aren't actually links, despite the
lofty ideals expressed.


[wis45idjhhbgemez] "Calibre Library" -- Just in excess of 1000 books on computer-

related subjects. Calibre wants Javascript, but it has search.


[qx7j2y2xctqmepjg] "Parazite" -- A parazite clone, dated 23 Feb 2016.


[wagzpur2lt6ynegk] "DarkNet Bücherei: Dein Lesestoff Dealer im Darknet" -- A number

of exclusively German-language libraries offered in a choice of interfaces. 18+ on
account of porn. Alternative onions: "Server I": ckjp7bxmho6no3gw.onion
jwrapemh6myvp76t.onion h3lrzhll56g7smk7.onion s35xfhimyrnllgzs.onion; "Server II":
unjbp67usmi27d3t.onion wagzpur2lt6ynegk.onion e7luprqb4nhcgyfk.onion.


[zvf5cxmrtlm7u2ll] "Calibre Web" -- "Incredibly unofficial project gutenberg

mirror." All the epubs from Project Gutenberg. Username:onion, password:onion

pepaieloghlblocc.onion ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

[pepaieloghlblocc] "Calibre" -- Nearly 8,000 Dutch-language books, both fiction and

non-fiction, in a Calibre library, which has search. Javascript is required for


[5rcsq4pvr6qwvg2h] "Calibre" -- Very small collection of books (there's 174 of

them; lots of Dahl and Wells). English language. Javascript.


[7sandjqne7uywp6s] "Doc" -- A few directories with books, articles, and other

materials in them, mostly in English but some in Polish. Choose from "health",
"hw", "it", "other", "polit", or "self-defence". No search.

kr5hou2zh4qtebqk.onion +-++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

[kr5hou2zh4qtebqk] "ezines" -- Large collection of nostalgic hacking-related (phone

hacking, at that) text files from the latter decades of the last century, organized
in folders. You can perceive the increasing nastiness aMoNg ThE hAxOrS over time.

cpbeftwgsfw7jsyt.onion ++--------++++-+++-+++-+++++++-++++-+++-++++++++++++-+++++++

[cpbeftwgsfw7jsyt] "Index of /" -- Chemistry, cannabis, pharmacology, the Rhodium

collection... In pdfs, djvus, and so forth. In directories, no search.


[omubolaipbpzwnfv] "Projecto Octopus" -- It promises to have livros, textos, and

cursos, but gives 404s. Maybe it's all still to come.


[v7cwgookb7vbgw53] "Welcome to the Hidden Papers!" -- There's a survival guide for

citizens in a revolution. Perhaps the rest of the papers are so well hidden that
your mere mortal Bibliomaniac cannot perceive them.

y5fmhyqdr6r7ddws.onion ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

[y5fmhyqdr6r7ddws] "" -- "Anarplex hosts a couple of files and projects

from the realm of darknets, crypto-tribes, cryptoanarchism and related subjects."
No search, but there's not very many texts.

inclibuql666c5c4.onion -----+++++-+++++-+++++-+++++-++++++-++++++++++++++++++++++++

[inclibuql666c5c4] "The Incorrect Library" -- A clone of the Radical Militant



[archivecrfip2lpi] "Internet Archive" -- This is the onion version of,

"a non-profit library of millions of free books, movies, software, music, websites,
and more." Viewing documents requires javascript to be enabled.

wisebodyasltpgf3.onion ----------------------------------------

[wisebodyasltpgf3] "Welcome! Browse away to your amusement" -- A few books present

in a Reading Library: http://wisebodyasltpgf3.onion/library. No search, but very
short list.

upz5kmarwgixba3v.onion -------------------------------------------------+++++++++++

[upz5kmarwgixba3v] "Pokedudes Archive of Interesting and Odd Files" -- Small list

of "weird or interesting files," some of which are books, and which is said to
undergo expansion over time. No search.

zlibraryexau2g3p.onion ++++++++++++++++++-+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
[zlibraryexau2g3p] "B-OK" -- 'The world's largest ebook library'. This is an onion
mirror of, part of the magnificent Library Genesis.

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