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Teacher: Melissa Scherer

Grade: Kindergarten
Content Area: Science (Apple Chute)

1. Content and Standards: List standards that are aligned with the content, the text, and
materials. (These should be listed with your curriculum and standards documents.)

AL.1 K.A Explore and ask questions to seek meaningful information about a growing range of
topics, ideas, and tasks.

AL.2 K.C Accomplish challenging tasks by employing familiar and new strategies as needed.

1.5 K.A Participate in collaborative conversations with peers and adults in small and larger

1.5 K.B Ask and answer questions about key details in a text read aloud or information
presented orally or through other media.

1.5 K.C Ask and answer questions to seek help, get information, or clarify something that is not

3.3 K.A.6 Participate in simple investigations of matter to answer a question or to test a


Prerequisites: State what students should know prior to this lesson.

 Students should know basic shapes and textures

 Students should have basic fine motor skills

2. Essential Questions: List essential questions (Usually, this is in your curriculum


Essential Question: What is a chute and how can the change in position determine the speed
of an object?

Materials and Equipment: List all materials and equipment to be used by the teacher
and students. Tell how they will be used to meet the objective.

o Paper towels Cardboard (cute into different sizes

o Rubber apples

o Painters tape
o Pom poms (different sizes and textures)
o Apple Chute Blue Print

3. Instructional Objective: State what students will know and be able to do at the end of
this lesson. Fill in the blanks:

Students will know how to predict and compare the rate of speed objects move when placed
on chutes (ramps) of different slopes.

4. Instructional Procedures: List instructional strategies and learning experiences that are
in alignment with the objective(s). Include information about what teaching strategies
you will use to engage students. Include information about what type of technology,
manipulatives, etc. you will use to facilitate students meeting the objectives.

 Before: Anticipatory set, minilesson

a. Students will be seated on the floor in their special spots
b. Ask students what is a chute?
i. Discuss that a chute is like a slide
c. Model for students how to build a chute and what questions to think about while
building the chute
 During: Group work, independent practice
a. Group Work
i. Students will be broken out into 4 groups containing 5-6 students
ii. Students will work together as a team to build a chute using all four pieces of
iii. Students will determine how to make the apples go slowly or quickly down the
chute based on prediction and experimenting.
iv. Students will complete their Apple Chute Blueprint

 After: Closure, assessment

a. Ask the students “What is a chute and how can the change in position determine the
speed of an object?”
b. Ask students what else they could use in their chute and would the object slide or role.
c. Students will Think/Pair/Share on what other objects can be put in the chutes and if
those objects would slide or roll.
d. Have students explain their blueprint and why their chute works?

5. Assessment: Tell how you will know if all students have met the instructional objective.
What tool(s) will you use to measure if all students can meet the objective?
a. Walk around the classroom and listen to the students communicating with their peers on
the topic. This will help pinpoint the students who are explaining and understand the
topic vs. the students who listening and possibly copying answers
b. Observe and speak with students while performing their experiments to discover their
c. Students will speak about their Apple Chute and present the speed of the objects based
on the slope of the chute.

6. Differentiated Instruction: Tell how you will meet the needs of all learners during the
lesson. This has to be in alignment with the objective. Look back at the objective and
think about how you can support the learners in this lesson. Will you differentiate
content, process, and/or product? Will you make it more challenging or do you have
students that need support in meeting the objectives
 Teachers will help students fill out blue prints.

 Teachers can help assist students in the building of their Apple Chutes

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