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In teaching and learning 409 we had an assignment where we had to form a lesson plan

for students along with a rubric and reflection of the lesson. I took this course three semesters

before I entered the education program at Washington State University. Since then I have learned

many things that will help me become a better ELL teacher. I have learned how to make

effective lesson plans and have learned accommodations to use in my teaching that will help all

my students succeed in school.

This assignment aligns with competency 4.E due to the planning done in this lesson as

well as the use of materials. However now that I have learned more about ELL instruction I have

learned that this lesson could be changed by providing more multiple language proficiency

levels. I believe this lesson could be challenging for some students. This lesson was intended for

first grade students and I believe the story in the lesson that is to be read by students may be too

challenging for some students. In this lesson I believe that students should do the assignment

with a partner or as a group. I think this would allow students that are either ELLs or lower

students to ask questions from their peer about what the story is about and how to complete the

assignment. I believe that some of the vocabulary in this story might be hard for ELLs to


I think that this assignment may be too difficult for first grade students, I believe that this

lesson should be broken down into two lessons. I think by doing this it will ease ELL students to

become familiar with the story they created and gain confidence to share the story with the class.

As I am reflecting on this lesson as a student in the education program, I am aware of the

changes I will have to make so that my lesson aligns better to help ELL students.

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