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25-Year-Old CEO: How I Make My Age Work to

My Advantage

I was just 23 when I decided to start a virtual-assistant

company. I had an MBA and two years in the workforce. I didn’t have a ton of experience, but it
had been my long-time goal to be a business owner, and soon after I graduated from business
school, I was ready start one.

After I opened shop, I immediately ran into a problem I had not foreseen: my age. I had a really
hard time convincing my employees to have faith in my leadership, and my business partners to
take me seriously. My relative youth and limited experience made them doubt my ability to make
this company work. I realized I was going to have to fight to earn the trust of my employees and
the respect of my clients.

Startup capital: $400

When I got laid off from my first job at an IT company in 2007, I thought it was perfect timing to
start a virtual-assistant company. The economy was starting to tank. I figured that companies
with increasingly smaller staffs would need more help with back-office tasks and self-employed
professionals would need to outsource things like marketing, PR, and Web design work. Virtual
Assist USA could fill that niche.

I guess you could say that I didn’t do things the way an older, more experienced CEO would — I
couldn’t afford to. I had school loans to pay and next to no startup capital. When it came to
networking, conferences seemed like a good idea but I couldn’t pay the fees to attend. Instead, I
volunteered to help to set them up or take them down in exchange for free attendance. I
couldn’t afford business cards either, so I wrote my contact info on the back of napkins. (That
definitely raised some eyebrows.) To build the company Web site, I went to the library, checked
out a bunch of books, and learned how to do it myself. I used my savings of $400 to buy a cheap

After I set up my business, I knew that I had to make money, and fast. Fortunately, when Virtual
Assist USA arrived on the scene, there was already a big demand for virtual assistants. I focused
on getting good search engine optimization for my website so when companies searched for
“virtual assistants”, we popped up right away. I also did intense in-person networking at
conferences I attended. Once I landed my first few clients, and did a good job with them, I got
more work through referrals. It wasn’t long before I could afford to start hiring staff.

Trying to be the boss

I not only am young — I look young. When I started the business, my youngest employee was
12 years older than me, and most staffers had more experience in the workforce than I did. They
were skeptical of my ability to run a company. Many of them weren’t willing to develop a working
relationship with me — they kept at a distance, which I knew would hinder teamwork and hurt
business in the long run.

I was getting clients, but quite often being taken advantage of because of my age. In the
beginning, clients would try to nickel-and-dime me on my prices, thinking I wasn’t savvy enough
to know the difference. None of this got me down. I am a competitive person, and used it as an
opportunity to work harder and to prove myself to the doubters.

How I earned some respect

I knew if I wanted to prove myself, I would have to constantly learn on the job and improve my
skills as a business leader. One thing I do is simply to emulate other successful CEOs. For
example, Kelly Cutrone of People’s Revolution, a fashion PR firm in New York, is notoriously
tough — a “take-no-prisoners” kind of girl. I try to bring that toughness to my business dealings.
Now, when it comes to interviews, it’s not just the client interviewing us, it’s me interviewing the
potential client. I tell them we are looking for clients who delegate and communicate, and are
willing to try out new ideas.
At this point, I am able to be selective about who I work with and cherry pick the best clients. I
am less afraid to turn away business owners who aren’t suited for a virtual assistant. And I am
never afraid to ask questions of business leaders I admire: I ask about how they arrive at their
pricing strategy, retain clients, and manage difficult employees.

With my staff, I make sure my comments and critiques of their work are always specific and
demonstrate my knowledge of the material. I don’t like to see that an employee has made the
same mistake twice, and if someone isn’t working out I let him or her go. I also delegate a lot,
which helps give employees more autonomy and fulfillment in their roles.

What has most helped me earn the trust and respect of my employees is that our business has
continued to grow, even through the economic downturn. We analyze our marketing activities,
identify which strategies worked best and focus on developing those. Thanks to this kind of
diligence and focus, we were able to weather the storm. And by delivering what I call “Positively
Outrageous Service” to my clients, I continue to get great feedback and referrals. The people
who work for me, unlike a lot of their peers, still have jobs. Recently, one of my employees — a
40-year-old woman with a family — told me how impressed she has been with the way I work,
and how much she has learned from me. That was a turning point.

Turning youth into a competitive advantage

I never hide my age. Even though people sometimes see it as a drawback, it’s also what
separates me from the competition. Recently I met with executives from a company looking to
outsource its marketing campaign. I showed up in a conference room filled with older men in
suits. I was dressed relatively casually, with my hair down. My youthful style helped me make
the case that my company was the fresh and innovative choice, and in particular, would use
social media — Facebook, MySpace, Twitter — more effectively than the competition. Virtual
Assist USA got the job not in spite of my youth, but in part because of it.

Running a company at such a young age is tough, but the rewards are many. We’re profitable.
We serve clients in almost every industry, from consumer goods to energy to health care. Since
2007, we have grown from four employees to 22. And I’m still only 25– I look forward to
watching my company grow long into the future.

Virtual Assist USA serves business customers in the United States, Australia, England, Israel and
Management Lesson: Don't Let the Tail Wag the
When animals misbehave, most owners blame the animal. Well, I’ll let you in on a little secret.
Animal training is really about training the owners, not the animals. Seriously. Ever see a really
good trainer meet with an unruly dog for the first time? She can take command and get the dog
to do whatever she wants almost instantly.

Sure, breeding is a factor, but aside from that, a well-trained owner can get a dog to do its
bidding, just as a dog can manipulate and have its way with an untrained owner who doesn’t
“get it.” 

Well, get this: management is no different. Employee problems are almost always management
problems. In fact, most organizational, business, product, even technology problems are actually
management problems. That means that, not only is it up to management to solve them, but in
most cases, management caused them to begin with. 

Here’s a great example about a company that had what it thought was a unique problem.

It had developed a proprietary technology that had great performance, but was expensive and
difficult to implement. As a result, customers largely opted for an alternative technology that was
cheaper, easier to use, and offered by a number of competitors.

Well, the division that offered this proprietary technology developed a “bunker” mentality,
meaning the pervasive view of its management and employees was that the alternative
technology, as well as the customers that chose it, were “the enemy.” Morale in this division was

Surprisingly, the company had the ability to offer the alternative technology, but because it was
viewed as “the enemy,” that was out of the question.

Instead, the company chose to develop new proprietary technology that was cheaper and easier
to use. But, in order to keep the bad morale of the “bunker” division and the negative customer
perception of its technology out of the picture, the company used a separate division to develop
and market the new technology.
To the company’s leadership, this made sense at the time. But in reality, the configuration was
dysfunctional and perpetuated bad morale and negative customer perception. In a sense, the
company’s leadership allowed the bunker mentality to dictate how it organized and went to

The solution was to merge everything into one business division that offered three alternative
solutions to customers: the “bunker” technology, the “alternative” technology, and the “new”
technology. The company marketed this as a one-stop-shop where customers could choose what
they wanted. In time, the bunker mentality, bad morale, and negative customer perception

Anyone who owns or trains dogs will immediately see the parallel. The bunker division was like a
dog acting out because it felt threatened when its owners introduced a new dog and perhaps
gave it more attention and food. But the same dogs can live happily in exactly the same
environment if they’re not pitted against each other and don’t view their owner’s affections and
food, for that matter, as a zero-sum game.

The same parallels exist in parenting, as well.

The point is that most problems within companies are actually management problems. But, like
poorly trained dog owners, managers blame the dog. Unfortunately, the dog can’t solve the
problem and, ironically, didn’t even cause the problem to begin with.

The message for managers at every level is simple: take responsibility for problems and get
trained to solve them. Otherwise, you’re likely to end up with the tail wagging the dog.
3,856 miles overseas, there's a
retirement secret that could
make anyone who lives in
America $1,667 each month
What I discovered after traveling through Europe could
make you 5 figures a year in extra income.
Dear Reader,
15 years ago, I was living in my parents' spare bedroom...
Until one day I saw a classified ad that said: "Get paid to see the world," placed by an
unusual but brilliant millionaire.

My assignment: To travel the globe... searching for unique opportunities that would
enable Americans to fund their retirement.

It was a dream job that took me to 24 countries... and would eventually result in a
discovery that could make you hundreds and even thousands of dollars a month if you
are retired (or close to retiring) and live in the United States.

You see, during my travels, I met dozens of people... all of whom had found a way to pay
for a very nice retirement...

Like a man living in Russia, who opened a small language school... a couple who ran a
tourism business in Honduras... and even a woman who opened an artists' studio in

But here's the thing...

Personally, I've always felt the "perfect" retirement should be able to pay for itself...

And starting a school... a tourism business... or an art studio would take far too much
work and start–up money for my taste...

In short, what I've always wanted to find was something I could simply put a small
amount of money into... and then comfortably support myself on the profits, month
after month.

Well... after more than a decade of travel that's taken me from Russia to Argentina... to
nearly all of Europe and Canada... that's exactly what I've found.
And the fact is, the few people I've shared this secret with are already using it to make a
small fortune here in America.

For example...

 Charles Coswell in Miami says, "I'm 68 and retired. This is wonderful... I'm
earning an extra $500 to $800 a month."

 Henry J. in Ohio says, "This month I will collect over $7,000."

 "I've been harvesting between $1,500 and $3,000 per month," says Sam Decker
in Texas, "which is pretty good. So good in fact that I'll be quitting my current job
and I'll enjoy a full retirement at age 43."

The point is, if you've been looking for an unusual way to retire early... that could
generate all the income you need to pay for your expenses... I think you're going to love
what I found.

The truth is, this idea first originated in a tiny European country, but the easiest place to
take advantage of it is actually right here in the United States.

In fact, one fellow in California who's using this secret, David Benson, sent me an email
about it...

"This is the most profitable thing I've ever done. It's amazing. Because of this I bought a
vacation ski home in Tahoe. It's a dream come true..."

In this letter — I'll detail exactly what I found... how it works... and why it could make
anyone in America tens of thousands of dollars a month, beginning right away.

It all started a few years back when my former boss sent me to Paris...

My Unusual Millionaire Boss

First, I should probably tell you a little something about my old boss, the unusual and
brilliant millionaire who first hired me to travel the globe...

His name is William.

He's a tall, lanky, and soft–spoken man who — at a glance — looks no different than any
other fellow his age... If you passed him on the street, you'd have no idea he's built a
multi–million–dollar fortune and owns homes and businesses all over the globe... in
South America, Central America, Europe and India.

You see, the reality is, William is an "international man" who's probably spent more
time overseas than in America in his career.
It all started in 1979, when he created a business with the sole purpose of showing
Americans how they could live better and make a lot of money overseas.

I'm talking about beachfront homes in Ecuador for less than $100,000... $12 gourmet
dinners for two in Argentina... and how to explore all of Spain for just $21.

The point is, my old boss William is an amazing guy whom I really admire. He's made
his fortune by looking for new opportunities all around the globe.

In fact, today, William owns businesses in 8 countries on 6 different continents. He's

also co–authored three New York Times best–selling books.

You see, throughout his career, William has shown thousands of ordinary Americans
how to make money from exotic locations overseas.

As the San Francisco Chronicle has said of William's business: "It's the idea that
anywhere and any way, you can make a lot of money..."

Little did I realize when I first met him that he would send me on a series of overseas
assignments that would put – right under my nose – the extraordinary secret I'll share
with you today... a way you could generate all the cash you need for retirement, without
EVER even leaving your house.

Lucky for me – This secret was based in one of the country's I visited while working for

Since I left that job, I've made a small fortune personally... and more recently, through
my current job–I've shared this incredible secret with dozens of people across America:

 For example, one American who knows about this secret, Jason Paulsen in
Detroit, says, "I've made about $6,000 so far."

 John London of Portland, ME says he's made "$10,000 more or less." And
Julie Loukota of Salem, VA has already made $9,000.

Like I said, this retirement secret originated in Europe. But today you can use it from
just about anywhere. In fact, it's more common in the United States than anywhere else
on the planet.

Let me show you what I mean...

Europe's biggest retirement secret

Over the years, I've said to myself many times: "I can't believe I'm getting paid to do

For example, on one of my European trips, I traveled the entire Mediterranean Coast of
Spain... from France down to Portugal.

During the journey, I visited Americans who'd left the States to start businesses... and I
found incredible little towns that offered an idyllic life, for a fraction of what you'd have
to pay in the United States.

It all made for terrific retirement stories, which I shared with William and his clients
around the globe.

Along the way I even spent an entire year in Ireland, where I met with dozens of retirees
who found a great retirement: Including folks who ran a publishing business... bed and
breakfast... and even a guy who raised sheep for a living.

The problem was, none of these opportunities were things I wanted to do myself. I love
to travel... but I've never wanted to permanently live overseas.

What I wanted was a way to essentially generate a side income of at least several
$1,000s per month... without having to put in any physical labor... invest too much of
my own time and money... or live or work overseas.

And that's when I learned a secret that could change your life, as it has for many
Americans I've worked with in recent years.

In short, it turns out that one of my favorite cities in Europe is the original home to an
incredible opportunity for investors to safely collect several hundred dollars a month,
with very little risk.

And when you apply this secret here in America (which I'll detail for you below)... it has
the potential to generate an absolute fortune... very easily. Consider:

 Jennifer Saunders in Omaha says, "I've earned about $1,000 so far... for ONE
month... I'm quite ok with that!"

 "My wife and I have made roughly $22,000 in extra income in 3 months..." says
Ron Campbell in Lancaster, PA.

 And get this: a fellow in Cleveland, Chuck Lauderdale, says he made "close to
$100K last year" with this secret.

And what's incredible is, this has nothing to do with buying and selling bonds, mutual
funds, hedge funds, CD's, real estate, gold or silver.

I've tried all of those things... and while they can certainly make you money, many take a
long time to generate returns and come with too many risks for my taste.

This is so much better...

The "City of Diamonds"
You see, it turns out that the greatest money–making secret for Americans originated in
a city that sits approximately 3,856 miles from my home in the States.

When I first visited this city, I walked past the Van Gogh Museum... toured the Anne
Frank House... and spent a couple relaxing hours strolling through the open–air market,
where vendors sold everything from hand–made clothes to Gouda cheese.

To be honest, at the time, I thought it was just another tourist spot...

But little did I realize then — this small city in Europe was the source of an unusual
strategy you could use to help pay for your retirement in America, with just a small
amount of start–up cash.
Looking back, I'm surprised I missed it at first...

You see, this region has a long history of offering unique opportunities to make money...

For example...

 It once offered an investment in a special type of insurance company that

returned 971%.

 It's home to a place called the "City of Diamonds" because it's a major center of
the world's diamond trade (and has been since 1586). (Diamonds, by the way,
have averaged a return of about 16% a year since 1960, making them one of the
greatest investments of the 20th century.)

But don't worry... what I'm writing to tell you about has nothing to do with insurance or

I personally believe it's far more powerful, especially right now...

Just Outside San Francisco

It was only when I got back to the United States that I would fully realize what was going
on in Europe.

You see, one day I was sent by my current boss to California to meet a man named Jeff,
a retiree who lives near San Francisco.

I'd been told just 3 things about him:

1. By age 42, he'd made so many millions of dollars he'd retired, shutting down his
private business.
2. Along the way, he had become friends with about 100 of the richest executives in
Silicon Valley... and made them literally tens of millions of dollars.

3. He accomplished much of this success thanks to the incredible secret I had

overlooked while traveling in Europe years earlier.

When I knocked on Jeff's door, he showed me into a modest sitting room. A nice–
looking guy in a Polo shirt, he seemed like many other retirees I'd met while traveling
for my job...

Then he said: "I helped a friend of mine make almost half a million dollars. I've helped
others make anywhere from $20,000 to $180,000 a year."

"Can anyone do this?" I asked.

"All you need is a brokerage account," he said. "It's open to literally anyone in America.
You don't have to live overseas."

"How long does it take to get started?"

"10 minutes."

But this is only the beginning of Jeff's remarkable story...

You see, it turns out that after he retired, Jeff began sharing his secret with hundreds of
folks across the country... with results that are absolutely extraordinary...

Here's just a sample of how much these folks have made:

 Greg Lebarra of Temecula, CA: $20,000

 Kris Reynolds of Sloan, IA: $15,000
 Jeffrey Pontonio of Yucca Valley, CA: $100,000
 William Gibson of Abingdon, IL: $40,515
 Marion Cook of Manassas, VA: $18,000
 Mark Alphonso of Burbank, CA: $40,000
 Rick Yaeger of Shoreline, WA: $20,000
 Matt Farnam of Hiram, GA: $16,000
 Chuck Lauderdale of Cleveland, OH: $100,000
 Jack Kern of Dade City, FL: $58,000

I was excited...

After 10 years of traveling... and meeting with successful retires... I'd found exactly what
I was looking for.

But the biggest surprise of all?

As I said, the whole thing can be traced back to a single city in Europe, the same city I'd
passed through years before...

$2,500 By 10 a.m. Tomorrow


You see, when I'd been there as a younger man, I'd passed a brick building with a clock
tower. Address: Damrak 213.

At the time, I had no idea this plain–looking building holds the secret that's allowing
Jeff and other Americans to pocket thousands of dollars in cash... overnight.

In short: It's the birthplace of a little–known investment strategy that could enable you
to safely make a fortune on a group of about 3,500 companies.

And... it's the source of a unique way to collect $2,500 overnight — or more — using a
small amount of capital.

In other words, while most Americans simply buy stocks and wait for them to go up, this
little–known investment vehicle that first originated in Amsterdam several hundred
years ago, has created a way for investors to get paid today, upfront... in 24 hours or less.

It's not a dividend... an advance... or anything else you've likely heard of before.

For those who know, it presents an extraordinary new way to potentially turn a small
amount of cash into thousands of dollars... from an American brokerage account, thanks
to an investment secret born overseas.

As Jeff explained, what makes it all possible is...

The 17 to 21 digit ticker symbol

As I'm sure you know, most American stocks are identified by a ticker symbol, usually 1
to 3 letters long.

For example, Wal–Mart's ticker symbol is WMT.

But this investment that first originated in Amsterdam (but is now prevalent in
America) is identified by an unusual and much longer ticker, 17 to 21 digits long...

And according to Jeff, that's exactly what tens of thousands of ordinary Americans
across the country are using to make a fortune...
 $708 by tomorrow morning. Take Alcoa, for example... an aluminum
company in Pittsburgh. There are 2 ways you could invest:

You could simply buy the stock — by entering the American ticker AA into your
brokerage account... and hope the stock goes up.

OR... you can enter ticker AA100522C00010000 into your account — and receive
$708 thanks to this company by 10 a.m. tomorrow morning, due to this
remarkable secret birthed in Amsterdam.

 $1,680 by tomorrow morning. Or consider Harbin Electric... an auto

supplies maker. There are 2 ways you could invest:

You could simply buy the stock, and hope for the best...

OR... you can enter ticker HRBN100522C00015000 into your account — and
receive $1,680 by 10 a.m. tomorrow.

 $740 by tomorrow morning. Same thing with Kinross Gold... a big gold
miner you've probably heard of before.

Today, you can enter ticker KGC100619C00013000 into your account — and
receive $740 thanks to this company by 10 a.m. tomorrow.

But the best part of Jeff's story was still to come...

"We made almost half a million dollars"

As it turns out, Jeff has never even been to Amsterdam before. In fact, he's spent most of
his life in the quiet California town where he lives...

But after working for 2 decades as a broker — one day Jeff made a startling discovery
that would make his clients tens of millions of dollars in profit...

In short — one of his clients came to his office, asking for advice. He owned 2,000
shares of Oracle (ORCL)... but hadn't made a cent... and worried he'd see a loss. "Is there
anything you can do, Jeff?"

Initially... Jeff thought of buying options. After all — he's a trader... who spent 22 years
building his own private money management firm to over $60 million using options

(Many in the business still vividly remember his 2005 Strayer play... which made
1,285% in 48 hours.)

But when Jeff looked at the available options — he made a remarkable discovery...
"probably the biggest a–ha moment of my career," he later said.
Quite simply: He noticed one of the options for Oracle came with a multi–digit ticker...
which would enable him to generate several hundred dollars in less than 24 hours...
using an instrument originally created in Amsterdam.

Over the next two years... by using this overseas secret, Jeff made almost $500,000
from Oracle for his client.

"We did it one small chunk at a time."

When I contacted Jeff's client to confirm this story... not only did he validate it, but he
wrote a long email explaining what he did right afterward:
"It's amazing. Because of this I bought a vacation ski home in Tahoe! And I now get to
spend many weekends there with my family. It's a dream come true... and I NEVER
would have been able to do it without Jeff."

— D.B., San Francisco

Other clients did equally well...

For example, Jeff told me about a widow named Dotty Hooper, who made nearly a
million dollars after selling a big piece of real estate. She needed income... and Jeff was
able to give her $180,000 a year in cash with this secret.

Jeff told me about another client, Dennis Landry, a retiree in his 70s.

Dennis had recently shut down his repair shop, and needed money. Jeff was able to
make him $15,000 to $20,000 per year with this secret.

For Jeff — this was only the beginning...

Jeff's side project

In his early 40s, Jeff retired... a self–made multi–millionaire.

"As much as I loved the brokerage life, I wanted to spend more time with my wife and
two sons," he told me.

But in 2007, Jeff began an unusual project from his home office... focused not on the
wealthy executives he'd worked with in Silicon Valley — but on everyday folks across the
country looking to retire.

In short, he began following this Amsterdam–based secret in his spare time... and
searching for the most potentially profitable 17 to 21 digit tickers he could find. He built
up a following of readers eager to learn his techniques...

Then, he would e-mail them information on what he'd found...

 For example, when Jeff emailed Diana Brewster of Ashland, MO, she said she
made $1,956, all from her own house, using her brokerage account.

 Henry Thompson of Beaver Falls, PA is also on Jeff's email list. "I netted $5,000
in cash," he wrote Jeff. "Attached are the amazing results..."

 "I have a return of about $14,000," says John Harris of Woodhaven, MI, who
recently started receiving Jeff's emails.

In fact, recently Jeff emailed his readers ticker symbol IZU100619C00020000.

This ticker is for Silver Standard Resources (SSRI), a silver miner based in Vancouver,
Canada. Chances are, you've never heard of it before.

But if you'd been on Jeff's email list and taken advantage of this information, you could
have pocketed $1,500 in cash in less than 24 hours.

As one email recipient says: "I've made about $16k."

But by now you might be wondering...

Why is this still a secret?

Well... there are a few reasons most Americans haven't heard about this unique options
1. For one, this unique investment is only available on about 30% of U.S. stocks. Or
about 3,500 companies.

2. Jeff — who is one of America's top experts on using this "Amsterdam secret" — is an
extremely private man.

He HATES to promote himself... and would rather spend his retirement in peace,
coaching his son's Little League baseball team (they almost won the State Championship
in 2008) than attending investment conferences.

As Jeff puts it: "If folks want to learn about it, I'll tell them. But I'm retired now. I'm not
going to knock on any doors."

3. Many professional stockbrokers aren't even familiar with how to properly use this
secret to generate hundreds of dollars overnight. In fact, Joseph Hooper — a former
Merrill Lynch stockbroker — has publicly said: this is "without a doubt the most
misunderstood... financial tool in the world."
But that's good news for folks like you and me...

Simply put, it means you could quietly generate a great retirement income... without
ever worrying about others cutting ahead of you.
For example, if you have an American brokerage account, you could:
Use ticker ABX100717C00030000 to collect $1,195 right now
Use ticker ADVS100522C00030000 to collect $948 right now
Use ticker USP100522C00020000 to collect $665 right now
Use ticker VEH100522C00070000 to collect $2,370 right now
Use ticker KHP100522C00010000 to collect $480 right now
Use ticker H100522C00025000 to collect $1,600 right now
As you can see, by using these 6 ticker symbols alone... you could generate an extra
$7,258 in your account this month. The potential payouts available from these ticker
symbols and the symbols themselves change frequently, but you get the point. A lot of
money can be made using this strategy.

Again: once you have it, the money's yours. Use it to pay your bills... buy a new
refrigerator... go on vacation... whatever you need to do.

So how can you get started using this secret right now?

Well, that's where I come in...

Our deal with Jeff

My name is Mike Palmer. I've spent my entire career (17 years now) in search of unusual
but profitable ways to make money for retirement.

Along the way... I became a partner at S&A Investment Research — where I share my
discoveries. Over the years, I've investigated dozens of terrific opportunities... from
getting an extra $1,033 a month from Social Security... to buying "penny" real estate in

But one of the most profitable secrets I've found, by far, is the options technique I
learned from Jeff — which I've been telling you about here.

In fact, I'd say it's in the top 1% of opportunities I've ever seen, which is why we decided
to pay Jeff a small fortune to join our team...

... so he could share the "Amsterdam Secret" (these unusual 17 to 21 digit ticker
symbols), with our readers.

Today, Jeff is exclusively a S&A analyst.

And by joining us... Jeff has shown our subscribers how to make an absolute killing (for
example, one man has made $138,000 in one year... and another made $58,000 in
2008 alone.).

And best of all, he could do the same for you.

Let me explain...

Check your e-mail

In short: On the second Thursday of every month, Jeff sends out an e-mail detailing his
newest 17 to 21 digit ticker...

Depending on the opportunities available, Jeff will show you how to collect money
thanks to an oil giant... a gold miner... or a billion–dollar Blue Chip. The goal is to find
potential payouts of around $1,667 each month.

If you're interested, I'll add you to his email list right now.

And I'll also give you Jeff's full special report on this opportunity — free of charge. It's
called $1,667 a Month (or More) with an Overseas Retirement Secret, and

How to start collecting income immediately

Which plays Jeff is recommending right now
How to generate the most income with the least risk

The only question is — is this income opportunity right for you?

Well... that's for you to decide. The "Amsterdam secret" involves using an options play to
generate an immediate income, or premium, on stocks you hold in your portfolio. And
of course, there are risks involved, and this strategy won't be right for everyone. But I
can tell you this: the folks who receive Jeff's emails are doing extremely well in this

"I'm 72, retired, and a newcomer to this. This month, I will collect over $7,000.
Thanks so much for sharing this!" (Henry Johndahl, Boise)
"I've made 12,100 so far. Thanks!" (Shelby W., Cambridge, MA)
"Today I netted $5,000 in cash. It's amazing. But I have been trying to explain
this to my very smart wife. She demands to know how it works. Can you please
come by and talk to Mary?" (Henry T., Dallas)

So how can you add yourself to Jeff's e-mail list, immediately?

Well... that's the exciting part. You see — Jeff won't just send you a simple email, and
leave it at that. He won't just send you the ticker symbol by itself.

You see — it's been 4 years now since he first told me about this opportunity. And since
then... he's begun writing his own S&A Investment Research advisory letter.

It's called Advanced Income — and focuses on the little–known income opportunity I've
been describing here... a way to pocket thousands of dollars every month, on more than
3,500 companies on the stock market. Plus several other extraordinary ways to get more
income, with very little risk.

As far as I know — you can't find anything like this advisory letter

Once a month, Jeff will e-mail you a new opportunity to pocket amazing lumps of cash...
unlike any of the old–fashioned ways of investing. As you can imagine — it's already
become one of our most popular advisory letters.

Simply put, this strategy has helped folks around the country make a small fortune...

"This is almost like stealing candy from a baby," writes Rick M., in Dallas. "It's
the only thing that has consistently made me money these past tumultuous
Bill H. in Ohio writes:"You won't have to worry about Social Security running
out. You won't have to worry about how your kids will attend college... or
about being laid off from your job... where the mortgage payment will come
from... or how you will fix up the house."
"I look forward to doing this for the rest of my life and really enjoy it. As a
matter of fact, it is the best strategy at Stansberry." (Bob R., Omaha)

Since joining S&A Research, Jeff has become our single most successful analyst...
showing readers bigger gains than anyone I know of...

For example, Jack G. in Little Rock estimates he's made $600,000 so far.

"I made $7,000 in a single afternoon," says Matt V. Andy K. says, "In only 2 weeks I've
booked over $10K in profits. Serious kudos to you."

For folks who've known Jeff since his early years, these results aren't a surprise. As I
said earlier — Jeff ran his own private money management firm in San Francisco for two
full decades, and built it to over $60 million in total client accounts, before his

One of his former clients writes: "No matter whether the stock market is moving up or
down, Jeff somehow manages to find a strategy that works. Overall, I could not be
happier with his performance."

Another former client, Gretchen Rodgers, writes: "We made quite a bit of money. Every
idea he had seemed to work out."
But I have bad news to share...

Quite simply: In spite of everything I've told you... and the money I expect you could
make by following Advanced Income... I may have wasted your time by sending you this

Let me explain...

An apology
In short, this isn't a $99 newsletter.

Advanced Income isn't meant for amateurs — folks who don't know how the stock
market works... or have never bought a stock before. Or folks who don't understand that
as with everything in the investment world, there is some risk involved in Jeff's strategy.

If that sounds like you... I'm sorry. Please set this aside.

You see — Advanced Income is only right for you if you've tried stocks, bonds and other
traditional means of investing... and want something new.

Again: What he'll be showing you how to do each month is simple... but it's definitely
not right for everyone... or even most people, because Jeff uses a unique options
investment strategy.

That's why we charge a high price for Advanced Income — as one reader put it, "to keep
out the riffraff." We don't want a bunch of novices doing this.

The price for one full year of Advanced Income is $1,000.

Still, as far as I'm concerned — we're practically giving it away at that price, especially
when you could make 5 TIMES that
amount within just a few weeks of
"I'm making more with this
following Jeff's recommendations.
than my regular salary each
As reader Karl Richards writes, "This week."
is my first time doing this. So far I've – Chris M.
made about $5,000." Connecticut

In fact — back when Jeff was running

his brokerage firm, he charged his clients a $5,000 MINIMUM, just to open an account.
And of course, he took a percentage of each of their profits, amounting to tens of
thousands of dollars a year...

And now you can take advantage of Jeff's expertise for a tiny fraction of the price you
would have paid back then.

That said... I have one piece of good news.

In short — due to the instability in the stock market, we want you to try this opportunity
right now.

As Jeff says, "This is a much safer strategy than buying stocks."

And that's why, for a short time only — we're offering you the first three (3) months of
Advanced Income essentially free of charge. That means you can receive one full year of
Jeff's research for just $750.

Believe me — this offer won't last long. Once it expires, the price will go right back to
$1,000... and could even increase in the coming months.

So if you're interested, get in now... and try Advanced Income for the next three months,
essentially free of charge.

Use ticker: DLX100522C00015000

As a new member of Advanced Income, you'll be among a small group of people with
access to Jeff's research... and potential overnight payouts like:

$670 –Deluxe Corp with Ticker: DLX100522C00015000

$1,060 –Under Armour with Ticker: UA100522C00025000
$1,210 –Rambus Inc. with Ticker: BNQ100522C00005000

Again — Advanced Income is only right for you if you've tried stocks, bonds and other
traditional means of investing... and want something new.

You'll receive an e-mail alert on the 2nd Thursday of each month — directly from Jeff.
He'll give you the full details on the newest opportunity: the company... ticker symbol...
and exactly how to get paid in less than 24 hours.

At that point, it's up to you to take action.

But you won't be on your own. Throughout the month, Jeff will send you updates as
necessary... letting you know of any further opportunities... when to get in and out of
each new opportunity... and how to collect even more money.

In the next 10 minutes, you'll also receive online access to Jeff's special report on this
opportunity... which explains exactly how it works, from start to finish.
Special Report: $1,667 a Month (or More) with an Overseas Retirement

In my opinion — for people who are sick of plain old stocks and bonds and want a new
way of getting paid, this Report details the only strategy you should follow right now.

You'll also receive access to Jeff's complete archive of e-mail alerts — where you'll learn
how to make money thanks to 11 current open recommendations.

In fact, get this: Jeff has just released a new 18 digit ticker... which you could use right
now to collect $700 by 10 a.m. tomorrow morning.

All thanks to a company you've probably never heard of before.

In fact, most investors don't even know this opportunity exists. But, if you take
advantage of this opportunity by 10 a.m. tomorrow morning — while most people are
still finishing their morning cup of coffee — you could have the money in your brokerage

All you have to do is use the 18–digit ticker symbol Jeff will e-mail you.

And remember, you can collect this money whether the stock market goes up... down...
or stays exactly the same. And it's yours to keep, forever.

There's just one thing to keep in mind...

First 450 People Only

As I mentioned, I've spent almost two decades in search of the world's most unusual and
profitable ways to pay for a great retirement. Frankly, I think Jeff's secret is among the
best I've ever found... the kind of opportunity we've come across only a handful of times
in S&A Research history.

That's why we've decided to accept no more than 450 people in the U.S. who respond to
this specific invitation.

As Jeff told me, "If too many people start doing this, the market could pick up on it...
and it'd be a lot harder for me to find these payouts."

So, in order to make sure that you are able to easily get into Jeff's recommendations, we
are going to limit the number of new subscribers signing up via this invitation.
After we make sure that there is enough liquidity for new subscribers to get into these
recommendations, we'll decide how many new subscribers we can accept in the future.

But for now, 450 is the limit for this specific invitation. No exceptions. So if you're
interested, I urge you to Subscribe Now


S&A Guarantee: Take the next 90 days to

look at Jeff's Advanced Income. If you're
Mike Palmer not satisfied or happy with it... just let us
Partner, S&A Investment Research know and you'll receive a prompt refund,
June 2010 minus only a 10% handling fee

P.S. Remember, we're accepting just 450 people only who respond to this offer.

P.P.S. Take out a pen and write this down: RVBD100619C00017500. By using this
overseas–based ticker — you could collect $1,070 by 10 a.m. tomorrow, no matter where
you live... through any American brokerage account.

Subscribe Now

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