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8 OFFICIAL. GAZETTE Vou. 110, No.1 ENERAL APPROPRIATIONS ACT FY 2015, ema. suman YARTHEAT OF SCLERCE a¥D TECHNOLOGY ‘Carront Operating Expenditeres: Aafatonance and Other Personsel ——_—Opgrating Capital —Services__ __fapenses____Outlays __Total_ CFFICE OF THE SECRETARY 375,345,000 P 2,618,396,000 F 41,478,000 F 3,035,219,000 ‘MOWANCED SCIENCE AMD TECHNOLOGY INSTITUTE 38,195,000 542,948,000 201,030,000 742,171,000 FOOD AND WUTRITION RESEARCH INSTITUTE 1,980,000 185,200,000 19,882,000 297,062,000 FOREST PRODUCTS RESEARCH AKD DEYELOPNENT TESTITUTE 106,266,000 21,669,000 2,598,000 140,535,000 TAOUSTREAL TECHNOLOGY DEMELOPRENT IASFETUTE 175,265,000 46,734,000 25,090,000 245,089,000, ZHFORNGTTON 690 CONMUNICRTIONS TECHBOLDGY OFFICE 385,190,000 2,120,860,000 677,861,000 3, 181,911,000 NETALS THDUSTRY RESEAICH AND DEVELOPRENT CEATER 112,461,000 $2,356,000 30,373,000 183,190,000 AWTTONAL acADENY OF SCLERCE AND TeeANOLOGY 8,102,000 52,864,000 240,000 61,282,000 ATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL GF THE PHILIPPLIES: 19,883,000 28,720,000 48,193,000 PAILEPPERE ATHOSPHEREC, GEOPHYSICAL AND ASTRONOMICAL, SERVICES ADMTATSTHATION - 401,708 SAS,874,000 2,483,900,000 3,437,572,000 PLLIPPINE COUNCIL FOR AGRICULTURE, AQUATIC AND RATURAL, RESOURCES RESEARCH AND DEVELOPHENT 125,206,000 835,277,000 16,291,000 976,714,000 PACLEPPTAE COUNCEL FOR SEALTH RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT 31,305,000 451,693,000 482,998,000 «PHILIPPINE COUNCIL FOR THDUSTRY, ERERGY AND ENERGING TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT 45,004,000 575,577,000 (616,581,000 - PALLUPPINE INSTITUTE OF YOLCAKOLOGY AND SETSHOLOGY 101,653,000 113,642,000 118,915,000 534,210,000 AILIPPINE NUCLEAR RESEAROA TASTLTUTE 121,903,000 65,194,000 63,000,000 249,997,000 < PHELEPPINE SOTEKCE wteH SewOOL 45,325,000 397,952,000 40,662,000 1,081,939,000 « PHELIPPINE TENTELE RESEARCH TRSTITUTE 41,305,000 19,695,000 $475,000 69,421,000 = SCIENCE eDUCATTOR THSTITUTE 1,456,000 2,205,872,000 2,236, 328,000 | « SCLENE AND TEEMIONGEY FORMATION LESTTUTE 27,705,000 21,05,000 m0) = TRCIOLORT APPLICATION ARD PROMOTION TASTITUTE 1,346,000 67,298,000 10,000,000 108 64,008 | TAL NEM APPROPRIATIONS, DEPARINENT OF SCLEACE awD TECHNOLOGY Decemaer 29, 2014 {XUK, DEPARTHENT OF SCIERCE OFFICIAL GAZETTE 929 DEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Treacy ‘AL OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY Far general adainistration and support, support to operations, aed operations, including locally-funded project(s), as inticatad berennder..s.seeeesvee tea Appropriations, by Pragran/Prajects » §,035,219,000 erseaucl ——_Operatiy Capital —Services__ __fapenses____Ouflays__Tetal oceans General Adsinistration and Support 68,262,000 P 52,592,000 F 1,920,000 > 122,574,000 Soppart to Operations 11,914,900 4,828,000 16,142,000 Operations 235,169,000 2,561,176,000 15,058,000 2,867, 403,000 (No 1: SCIENCE AND TECMEOLOGY POLICY ADVISORY Hae eee CeEPEEPaPaEEeeCeHEES Services, 7,291,000 6,500,000 13,791,000 TO 2: SCLERCE AND TECRIOLOGT RUDING SENVICES . 1,558,347,000 1,538,47,008 MFO 3: REGIONAL SCLEKCE AKD TECAHOLOGY SERVICES 785,878,000 1,016,329,000 13,058,000 1,315,265,000 Total, Prograes TTS,a15002,618,2%6,000" 14,370,000 3,006,719,080 paarecr(s) BEES ees eee een eee Locally-Funded Project(s) Total, Project(s) TOTAL KEW APPROPRIATIONS. 4 ou Appropriations, by Central EstON 2 CENTRAL OFFICE Regional Allocation ‘tational Capital Ragion (0K) fegion I ~ Thocos P 573,345,000 P 2,618,396,000 P 41,478,000 F 3,033,219,000 current. situ Maintenance and Gtber Personeel Operating Capitat Services __fapenses__Outlays_ Jota > 67,467,000 F 1,602,067,000 # 25,920,000 P 1,713,45¢,000 795,878,000 1,016,329,000 17,588,000 1,319,165,000 2,129,000 59,991,000 1,743,000 69,863,000 14,961,000 56,675,000 300,000 72,134,000 830, 7 OFFIC{AL GAZETTE Vou. 110,No. 1 (GENERAL APPROPRIATIONS ACT FY 2015 Nogion TI ~ Cagayan valley 15,216,000 Cordillera Adiistrative 20,764,000 Nesion [11 ~ Contral tazan Region ¥ ‘Sagion ¥I ~ Nesters Visayas Hegion ¥IE ~ Central Visayas ‘egion VILE - Eastern Visayas Region 1X - Zamboanga Peninsula Begion X ~ northern Mindanao Region x1 - Davaa Bagion XIT ~ sacesisansen Region ILI - cannca TOTAL we¥ aPPnoPRCATIONS Special Provision(s} 1. Harwonkzed Priortty tesearch Agenda: The DOST, in consultation with: the goverment research institetions and other ageacian, marred, shall prepare a haraonizod priority research agenda for the govereet covering abl aajor racarch and dovelopent programa dnd projects ar those casting One Hundred Millisn Pesos (160,000,000) aed above. 4 Tie Rarwonized priority research agenda shall bo directly related to the priorities ander the Philippine Develoyuest Flan) {zort-2016) and consider, anong others, the ational Research and Develapeett Extension Agenda and Programs, for égriceltere Tistaries (2011-2016) fornelated avd approved by tho OA. The said baraanized priarity research agenda shall. be sulmitied 0, ‘vproved by, the Director Coneral of EDA, copy furnished the Science and Techtolegy Committees of the Senate and” Borse ‘epresestatives. 11 avecopriations axde? the Dost and its attacked agencies intended for now research and developaent shall be released ealy inctaded in the approved Harmonized Priority Research Ada, dbon determination by the DOST. in case there are new research prograns oF projects which need to ba ‘esearch agenda, the DOST aust’ first secure the approval of the Eoonomic person, before the inplegsntatioe of said seu research progress or projects, The DOST shall subait an anneal report to the DB, the House Committee an Appropriatians aed the Senate Comaitter op Fisasce. ‘toert shall include the expected outcone, inpact or contribution, aed the auaber of expected beneficiaries of the research, the List ‘seipient public and private entities, states of research being undertakon, the aaaant released and atilized for” cath project, aad somercialization activities and technology transfer wade. The Secretary of Science and Technology and the Agency's wab adeinistrator or his/ber equivalent. shall be respotsible for stat the anual cepors is posted an the fficial website of the agency concerted ubich shall be considered compliance alt the ‘portorial requitemont. 2. ‘Appropriations for prograes and Specific Activities. The aaounts appropriated hereie for the progei sed specifically for the following activities in the indicated anounts and conditions: teu Aprapriations, by Prograns/ictivities/Projects ntenance ther Fersoneel Operating capital ——-Serwices_____Exvenses_____utlays_ General Adainistration and Support Soveral Nanagennnt and Supervision National Capital Region (WR) Central office

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