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Topic: Federal Government 3-D Project - Work Period

Grade: 9
Subject: Social Studies
Unit 2

Essential Questions/Critical thinking questions (objective):

To what extent does Canada’s Federal Political System meet the needs of all Canadians?

Materials/ Technology:
Google Slides
Student Booklet
Anything Students can use for 3-D Project
Project Outline

Active Plan:
Opening Expectations - Outline on Whiteboard (10)
1) Have Student Booklet and project supplies out on desk
2) Quiet reading
Attendance & Overview of Lesson (Outcomes)

Federal Government 3-D Project(40)

Create a 3D model outlining the institutions of the federal political system, their main role, and
whether they are elected or appointed.
-Help students with any questions and any supplies
-Provide past examples only when in real need of inspiration

You have received all of the information about the structure of the Canadian Government. You will
now demonstrate your mastery levels over this information by creating a 3D representation of the
Canadian Government structure.

The choice is yours in how you want to complete your individual/group mini-project (max of 3). You
will have two class periods to plan and create your projects! You may use your notes, the book, and
the internet to find all your information.

What is the relationship between the executive, legislative and judicial branches of Canada’s federal
political system?
What processes are used to determine Members of Parliament (MPs) and Senators?
To whom are Members of Parliament and Senators accountable?

Your Project Needs to Contain:

-The 3 branches of government and the people (people, gov. General, and Queen)
-What people are in the three branches
-What the role of each branch of government is
-Indicate whether people are elected or appointed to each branch of government

Conclusion - What is something that you made sure to include in your project?

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