Course Outline - Grade 9

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Grade 9 Course Outline

Mr. Gill -
Assignments -
Website -


Grade 9 students will analyze the relationship between Canada’s political and legislative processes

and their impact on issues pertaining to governance, rights, citizenship and identity. Students will also

explore issues of economics and their impact on quality of life, citizenship and identity in Canada and

the United States. Grade 9 students will broaden their understanding and appreciation of the

relationships among governance, economics, quality of life, citizenship and identity.

Canada: Opportunities and Challenges

● 9.1 Issues for Canadians: Governance and Rights

● 9.2 Issues for Canadians: Economic Systems in Canada and the United States

Grade 9 focuses on citizenship, identity and quality of life and how they are impacted by political and

legislative processes in Canada. The role of economic systems in Canada and the United States will

also be examined.

Regular attendance is an important element for success in this class as many concepts build on each
other and missed time in one area will significantly affect student achievement. Attendance is the
responsibility of the student as well as the parent/ guardian. An excuse is required to be shown in the
event of an absence and is the students responsibility to present the excuse to the teacher.
Students who are not ready when the bell rings are counted late. Those arriving late are asked to
come into class quietly, write their name on the board (so that I do not forget to change the absence
to a late) and sit in the first available desk so as not to interrupt class activities.
Hall Passes: Students must receive my permission to leave during class time.

Academic Achievement:
Grades are based on total points accumulated on quizzes, tests, homework, class assignments, and
projects for the semester.

Students will be submitting most of their assignments using Google Classroom. If they do not have
access to the Internet at home, please make me aware of this so that I can make other

It is essential for students to complete their assigned work within the time specified in order to
demonstrate an understanding of key concepts, which allows for feedback to be provided in a timely
manner. In the event that an assignment is not completed by the deadline, it is the student’s
responsibility to make arrangements with the teacher. In all cases, outstanding work needs to be
submitted before the start of the next unit.

When assignments are missing (therefore no marks given), I will not have enough data to assign a
grade to a student. In this case, there will not be credits given to the student at the end of the course.
Any questions or concerns regarding this policy need to be directed to the teacher.

For students who miss a test or a quiz an excuse is required and the test /quiz will be written on
the following day or on a day specified by the teacher.

-Paper (lined/unlined)

Formative Summative

-Class discussion -Quizzes

-Homework -Exams
-Graphic organizers -Essay
-Question and answer -Group projects
-Peer reflection -Individual projects
-Self-reflection -Rubrics
-Small group discussion
Component of Grade Percentage of Final Grade

Minor assignments 20%

Class work 15%

Projects 30%

Exams 25%

Final Exam 10%

Classroom Procedures:
-Students must be prepared for class both academically & physically (pen or pencil in hand).
-Students must be in their seat and ready to begin class when the bell rings.
-Students must raise their hand to speak or to leave their seat.
-Students must remain silent when others are talking.
-When absent, it is the student’s responsibility to obtain missed information.
-Before leaving class, students must clean their work area.
-During fire or other emergency drills, students will follow the instructions and procedures posted

1) Students are expected to take responsibility for learning.
2) Students are expected to respect the rights of others.
3) Students are expected to treat property with respect.
4) Students are expected to act in a safe and healthy way.
5) Students are expected to follow the rules in the Parent/Student Handbook in this classroom.
Consequences will be applied on an individual basis and according to the school district’s discipline
policies and procedures for those students who will not be respectful of the behavior expectations.

Extra Help:
Extra help will be provided upon request. You can see me to make an appointment or to know
my extra help hours. I will do my best to be accessible to students that need extra help.

Bullying, in any of its forms, will not be tolerated and could result in a call home, a detention, or
a referral to the office.

Electronic Devices:
Students must adhere to the electronic devices policy.Consequences for using electronic
devices without permission can include confiscation of the item, a call home,or a referral to the

Consequences for Not Complying with Classroom Rules and Procedures:

-Students will receive a clear warning.
-Students will be asked to wait for teacher outside of the classroom.
-Students will be referred to the office and/or a call home
For severe disruptions students will be sent immediately to the office.

Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Responsible

All of the items discussed are intended to create a safe learning environment that enhances learning
for all students. If you have any questions on the aforementioned items listed on this form, please feel
free to ask at any time.

Student Signature:____________________________________________________


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