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Pipe Software

-------------------- Guidelines for using this software

P.O.Box 35
Boron, CA 93596 I assume No Responsibility for any loss(es) due to use or misuse of this program. First,
use a couple of patterns on small, non-rush jobs. You will love the results. You will
soon have confidence in the accuracy of these patterns.
Copyright 1998
EZ Pipe Software is protected by copyright. Any reproduction either in whole or in part is
strictly prohibited.
You can print out patterns in one or more sections, OR print out coordinates with a
Software as well as many other types of works are protected by international copyright
thumbnail drawing. (see “view coordinates”)
laws. Unauthorized copying of those works in any manner may violate the rights of the
Tractor-feed printers can print long sections in banner style. Wide Carriage is best.
owner of the copyright in those works and may expose you to civil and criminal
Any printer works fine. Plotters are good for large patterns.

(You may cut out and trace the pattern, or just wrap around and make punch marks along
The name "EZ Pipe Software" is protected by trademark laws.
the curve. The following paragraph is for a cut-out pattern.)
The patterns can give you a very good fit. But you must carefully follow the lines. Use
scissors to cut along the curve. (good lighting helps) Carefully wrap the pattern around
Use of this Software constitutes your acceptance of these terms and conditions and your
the pipe, after brushing off any dirt or rust.
agreement to abide by them.
Your pattern covers the GOOD SIDE of your cut.
This software is the property of EZ Pipe Software. You, the original purchaser, are granted
Trace along the curve, and place quarter marks at the top, bottom and sides. (hint: After
a non-transferable, non-exclusive license to use the software on ONE COMPUTER at a
removing the pattern, fit a piece of angle iron onto the pipe to guide a scribe, and
time. You may neither transfer the software or otherwise make it available to anyone
scratch lines where you put the quarter marks. These scratches will help you align the
else, nor may you copy, modify, disassemble, decompile, reverse engineer, revise or
pipes in the right position.)
enhance the software, electronically transfer, or lease the Software.
When you cut the pipe, make the side of your cut follow the sharp side of your line where
SALE OF PATTERNS created with this software is PROHIBITED.
the paper touched it.
You may terminate this agreement at any time by destroying the Software. This agreement
Cut up to (not into) the area that was covered by the pattern.
will also terminate if you fail to comply with the terms and conditions of this agreement.
The closer you follow the lines, the better the fit will be. If you are careful, there will be NO
You agree upon such termination to destroy the Software.
Limit of Liability
EZ Pipe Software's entire liability for damages to you or any other party for any cause
This program can make your job very easy.
whatsoever, whether in contract or in tort, including negligence, shall not exceed the price
You can choose patterns for with or without bevel.
you paid for the unit of the software that caused the damages or that are the subject matter
One of the best features is, You Don't Have To Bevel The Pipe !!!
of, or are directly related to, the cause of action. In no event will EZ Pipe Software be liable
For example, when making a branch from a pipe, I recommend:
for any damages caused by your failure to perform your obligations, or for any loss of data,
Mark and cut the branch. Cut straight down, like cutting plate. Do Not Bevel.
profits, savings, or any other consequential and incidental damages, even if EZ Pipe
Remove slag from inside edges. Smooth inside edges with grinder or sanding disk.
Software has been advised of the possibility of damages, or for any claims by you based on
*The branch will fit onto the header like a glove, before you even mark the header.
any third-party claim.
Fit the finished branch onto the header.
Hold it in place, and AIM it or LEVEL it as you desire.
Mark the header where the branch contacts it. Remove branch.
Your failure to comply with the terms in this Agreement shall terminate your license and this
Cut out header opening well inside this line.
Agreement. You must accept the terms of this agreement to use this software.
(Branch fits ONTO header, or INTO header.)
ONTO header is much easier, and more accurate.

-------------------- Glossary of terms used in the program

"angle" (degrees) end to cL

Please see “diagram” for the type of pattern You are using. cL
d to
"bevel after cutting"
Please try some patterns with NO BEVEL. I believe you will love it. If, for any reason, you
wish to bevel the pipe, select the option "bevel after cutting". Usually, this will affect the
shape of the pattern. Again, cut straight down. After this cut, check the fit, to see
where a bevel is needed. Bevel any areas that you wish - after the first cut.

"measure from pipe end"

If You are marking coordinates directly onto a pipe, this option should make Your
measurements easier.

"number" (of coordinates)

If You select “view Coordinates”, You have 2 options: “number” and “spacing”.
You can choose the “number” of coordinates (evenly spaced), or any convenient
“spacing” between coordinates.

"offset from centerline"

This option is available for "branch from pipe" and "branch from elbow".
It is available only when the branch diameter is smaller than the header diameter.
"branch from elbow" When you select this option, the default amount of offset is the maximum. Maximum
Can offset from centerline. (if branch O.D. is smaller than elbow O.D.) amount is shown in box.
Can move branch position along centerline. You may type in any offset between 0 and the maximum.
If your pipe and elbow are about the same diameter, an out of round pipe can cause a poor You may change offset to right or left side. (see diagram, on screen)
fit. This problem is more common for thin wall pipe, especially stainless steel. If you To cancel offset, just un-check the box.
can avoid warping your pipe, then you can get a very good fit. Other patterns are not
as sensitive as this one.
"one half only"
"branch from pipe" If your pattern is larger than one page, you may display and print "one half only" to make it
Can offset from centerline. (if branch O.D. is smaller than header O.D.) smaller.
Instead of this, you can select the option "print one page".
Each type of intersection has its own diagram.
This is a drawing which shows where all the measurements are taken. "paper thickness" (thousandths)
Please enter a whole number between 1 and 250.
"elbow radius" Default is 4 (mils), or 4 thousandths of an inch. (0.004")
Please see “diagram” for the type of pattern You are using. This is an average paper thickness.
You can pop up a table, Or enter any custom radius. Usually, you will use the paper printout as your pattern.
The table includes 3 common radius sizes for factory elbows. If you wish to transfer this pattern to a thicker material, please measure the thickness (with
short radius elbow____radius = Nominal Pipe Size. (not actual O.D.) a caliper), and enter this thickness in the box.
long radius elbow____ radius = 1.5 times the Nominal Pipe Size. **If You are laying out coordinates directly onto a pipe, please enter the thickness of Your
3D elbow___________radius = 3 times the Nominal Pipe Size. tape measure. (and use a flat tape measure)
The most common factory elbow is the long radius elbow.

"end to cL" (take-out) "pipe through plate"

This is like the “take-out” dimension for threaded fittings. This pattern is for use on the plate.
It is calculated automatically. shown on screen, and on prints. For the end of the pipe, you can use "angle cut", or place pipe through hole in plate, and
You can subtract this from center-to-center dimensions, to give Your branch the right trace from plate to pipe
length. This works with branches at any angle.

"print all pages" and "print one page" "to roll sheet metal"
(These options are only available when your pattern is larger than one page.) If you wish to use your pattern on FLAT sheet metal, and ROLL the sheet metal after
Selecting "print all pages" (default) before printing, causes all pages to print, in the correct cutting, select this option.
order. For continuous paper, You may need to select “right side” (landscape).
If you lose a page, or spill coffee on one of them, you don't have to reprint the whole set. "view Coordinates"
Just select "print one page". Instead of printing a full size pattern, You can view and print coordinates.
You will see a bright yellow box around the first page. (column 1, row 1) These coordinates can be used to. . .
Select column # and row # until the yellow box is around the page you wish to print. Then *lay out directly onto the pipe, OR
click "Print". *lay out onto pattern material, OR
*input to a CAD program.
"print info" If marking directly onto a pipe, please use a flat tape measure, and wrap around tight. Also
You will probably want this information to print with your pattern. enter the thickness of the tape measure in the “paper thickness” box.
You can turn off some of this information. (if you are using a slow printer, or for any other Note: When using coordinates (rather than full size printing), You can use inches,
reason.) centimeters, feet, or other dimensions.

"print setup" "width of base section"

Click this button to use the “print setup” dialog box. Here, you can select a printer, paper This is the rectangular area above the top of the curve.
size, page orientation, etc. This area is for supporting the pattern. Default is One inch wide.
Landscape mode is usually best for patterns. For your convenience, you may change the width of this area.
*The changes you make become the default settings for all programs on your computer. This does NOT affect the shape of the curve.
Before you exit the program, you may wish to change back to Portrait mode, or a different
"right side" (landscape) Printer hints.
Most printers print on the left side for landscape mode. ANY printer that works on your computer will work fine for these patterns. Many printers
Some printers print on the right side for landscape mode. handle only small size paper (8-1/2 x 11 and 8-1/2 x 14). This program will tile pages
This option is most important for continuous paper, on tractor feed printers. that you can tape together for larger patterns.
When printing on continuous paper (banner style), you may need to select "right side" If you have access to a Plotter (expensive large printer), you can print large patterns on
(landscape), for the pages to print in the correct order. ONE page.
Some of the Best Printers (for large patterns) are the CHEAPEST !! Get an OLD tractor
"sample values" feed, WIDE CARRIAGE, 9 pin or 24 pin, Dot-Matrix Printer. You can find these on
These buttons will place random values in the text boxes. Just a variety of examples. eBay for $20 or less. (or try Yard Sales, or “Goodwill” stores) With one of these, you
can print 15" wide and any length on ONE sheet !! (You may need to contact the
"side of elbow" manufacturer to get Windows Driver software for this old printer.)
No offset from centerline. Can move branch position along centerline. Remember, YOUR existing printer will work fine. You may have to tape a couple of pages
"spacing" (of coordinates)
If You select “view Coordinates”, You have 2 options: “number” and “spacing”. If you get an old printer, and it doesn't work at first on your computer, you can make it work.
You can choose the “number” of coordinates (evenly spaced), or any convenient When you first turn on your computer, press the delete key a few times, until the ROM
“spacing” between coordinates. BIOS, CMOS SETUP utility appears on the screen. Go to peripherals. Write down the
Please select the distance You want between coordinate lines. Parallel Port Mode that you are now using. (so you could change back to it later) Then,
Smaller number here gives You more coordinate lines. change the parallel port mode to Standard (or SPP). Save the new setting. Exit CMOS
Larger number here gives You fewer coordinate lines. Setup. Your computer will finish starting up. Your OLD printer should work fine now.
But if you also use a newer printer, some of its features may be disabled.
"table" --------------------
These buttons will pop up a table of standard pipe sizes. Thank You... and enjoy your new easy work.
The table includes wall thicknesses, when needed.
For standard wall thickness, just select the “nominal pipe size” (top row).
Or, select other schedule number directly below the nominal pipe size.
Click on the size You want. (or click on “close table”)
Clicking on the table will enter that size into the text boxes.

general instructions for making a general instructions for making a

Multi-Piece Mitered Elbow Mitered Branch (branch and header Same size)

In the program, choose “angle cut”. set Branch wall thickness to ZERO.
Use the information below to find the angle needed.
Each pattern will include a Center Line. print or lay out the pattern for the Branch.
Using that center line, and the information below, This pattern can be used to mark BOTH the Branch AND the Header.
You can lay out multi-piece mitered elbows.

N = number of pieces in mitered elbow

angle = 45 / ( N – 1 )
X dimension = C-E dimension times (tangent of angle)

2 piece… angle = 45, tangent (45) = 1

3 piece… angle = 22.5, tangent (22.5) = 0.414
4 piece… angle = 15, tangent (15) = 0.268
5 piece… angle = 11.25, tangent (11.25) = 0.199
6 piece… angle = 9, tangent (9) = 0.158 When the actual wall thickness is used, a saddle shaped pattern is drawn.
7 piece… angle = 7.5, tangent (7.5) = 0.132 This is used ONLY for the Branch.
After cutting out the branch, You can Fit it ONTO the Header,
If You wish to use BOTH sides of each cut (as in the right side of the drawing), and Trace around it, for the opening. (If size and weight allows)
please set Wall Thickness to Zero. (do Not check “bevel after cutting”)
Always aim the torch toward the line on the opposite side.
Then bevel as needed.
It is helpful to punch or scribe the quarter marks on Both sides of the cut.

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