Get Ccopt Clock Tree Source Groups

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This command returns a list of clock tree source group objects matching the supplied pattern.
Note : This command is a part of the CCOpt native integration mode.

- Outputs a brief description that includes type and default information for
each get_ccopt_clock_tree_source_groupsparameter. For a detailed
description of the command and all of its parameters, use the man command: man
get_ccopt_clock_tree_source_groups .

pattern Specifies the patterns for clock tree source groups to return.
- Specifies whether or not to use regular expression matching.


 The following command returns the list of all clock tree source groups:
get_ccopt_clock_tree_source_groups *
top_clk_group test_sig_group

 The following command returns the list of all clock tree source groups that contain the word clk , which is a Tcl pattern
match :
get_ccopt_clock_tree_source_groups clk -regexp

 The following command returns the list of all clock tree source groups that start with "t", which is a wildcard match :
get_ccopt_clock_tree_source_groups t*
top_clk_group test_sig_group

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